V Th0 undersigned has received in. qtmtMi, to purchase ahmcftrom B "', magnum Must bumper: 'rt' and. blood Mate of cultivation, 'rjgg)t,ig,l'l, iitti)',', 'tiiiiiiii5itj'tiiid 2'i h,'%'0'dlllThflT, V Insurance, Estate & General A( In EN T. BE AT, E STATE [AL j,jjii,liiii), Vin-h.- Via-pushed on iUke to you; cow/s. ugh iv.ciJa',,r2rliii; iior, ------ of milk and luwps the animal in good ecuditiou .LAND SALT. LAND PLASTER, â€'induar Burl-cl Salt. at A hr- in the Vicinity of Durham: CORN. , ACCOUNTANT eFCEeufceS"baElEl "tits OIL CAKE Caner Im raved Pu le Top Swede. BANGHOLM Fur 1e Top Swede. 'illlh"'r'l'rsell2'f,'d/ra'l', Purge Top Swede. KRVG " SWEDE, LONDON URPLE TOP SWEDE. ERDEEN Purple To . Aberdeen Green To . 1m raved GREY STONE. Alt p Luce“? RED GEOBE. 13’ TURNIP SWEDE. Tue to Name. CARTERfS" ELEPHANT 31311113 TORSWGdQ- the‘largest Field Seeds 7 A, LUCAS, 'g'gh'lel't DURHAM. Mtyittl INSURANCE HONEY TO LOAN at from q to q per eons. weanling to dad amount and security “and. FINANCIAL Fun". Hunc- nnd Canto Bought and Sub: on Coosrubitott. My hug exherxeuce n.- c. P, R. Land Agent place" we " a punition In oorrewoml mm humming Thui. yank m Ruck-nu]. Irelnnd, Stop gnud and tho- Eaten) Stain who have Munvy to invest in Farm; in unwri... Those who have Farms for Saitr Call on no. fused in G1). Mon Reliable Co's " Lowest. Rates. - Tire take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system Will merit a continuance of the same. Becks Posted up and Balance Shoals got out. qWUilhliwl) i SEEDS _,--crt.-Lr' asth Annual Import of Seeds per a7i7citti'iC,C,'th" "Large Sales & Small Profits." 1" l-‘(u'llh-tl In Immlr .'rPir"t"tVW"',"= "eBSmr"'eP7, :‘mw . .4 a IIE, 7AT,T,hTTrP, ' ~31". 3-53.51 TIT' T r'" u‘ , I' Co" .._ 1-H." t ,". x; I lt a “uh I'm†N., C. dk J. Mckechnie,, WANTED. Durham. -kug'. Oil). '95. limiiiiiia ita'ii"iaF22"iri2. ia173..ira'7ya12tit'.2 “in ' _fifaEii"iri'ifi DEN Faith-rand Ensilnge. ONE CAR Ann-rival) sweet Corn in ' bags, selected especially for Seed. ur. have testet this '= t and hand it tirst-clivss : every secd sprnutt'd. MAMMOTH SOUTH, BERN SWEET. Ensilmz? Corn. Mammoth RED COB, Ensilngec rn. LEAMING'S Improved YELLOW FLINT foe Silo or Fodder. igiut best Turnip grown numb (With proper cult Red, the, largest Mangel grown. - 17ARBOT,--large Red Altrmgham. Long Orange, James' Intéh.nediete, . gent r's White Vosges, (grows to an Immense Size,) Yellow Belgian. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN SEEDS. Hut RAPE. Carter's Dwarf Essex Broad Leaved Sowing Rape, c. M' v' M v'Y' ne .4'v-g 1.; ".rto v1.1 "d "d' "_,." .r t? V11,“ ‘11. IT-, 't"", (N'2attegTai,'.2 h n%e2.'sCaf1.CiC,i,'g 'itrc,r'eit.C:C1e.,Ce:'f'dyd,uY', " v...†al) .quud We beg to inform our Custom- ers and. the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be THE CASH m " ', :. 'd “21.14,, wn. Carters is Cr, ulturr) when you w N., G. & J. McEE0B..NPsil. ADOPTED BY Ea: £343: 'i% lover and Timothsr Seed, Millet, Red top, n iahngspf lat, at. 81.10a bag. Druggist d; Seedsman, Durham British-grown m. swam-u yam; . _ afdaN0.-lM mnmam BOULDER a Co., mus-mm April 3rd, = _ ,g-‘gmrhm on Service. magma animal , . . F was un rted {mm the United States and 'ee a winmtraffoat Prizes at the Worid's Fair, Chieagrs, Also RUFUS, six mold. a get from Prince, and Prim JIM .535 a iioe Mirna]. . (' "l"' We do the trade_ln Raw Furs: Highest Prietrpaid. " trc., &c.. . ' ' Heavy 81 Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Thumnghhred Bhestar Melina: ___'washiitetoitp CALL t, SEE OUR ' I} Collars, Pads, We Handle everything in the 11ar line, at right prices. You W. 'ice Choice in vruisesneips, Horse Blankets, an, ac. ------ runs. Harness I ’! MANGEL WURTZEL, c. LEAVENS, Jr. nv (Kirk-L": Elu‘plmnt Shale. - - PANGHOLM â€59.19392 53299 cihr,ter's Mammoth Long iahle seed Bites, Whips, :Lg. It my» to feed as it incmasux the tlow Tares or Votcbes. Huugnrmu Grass. djsapiLiuo Minister of Agriotiiturm the Ham Dr. Montague. T _ Minister ofAaAway and Canals. the Hon. John G. Hagan. , . ore'?"?","'??,',) ttobit. Co). Tis. _ ell/tltr 9193999“ ",Pirts,qe9tir: l Minister of Public Works; the Hon. A. Desjardins. _ Minister of Trade and Commerce, thtWon. W, B, Ives. ' . _ PustautsteruGmcrat, the Hon. L O. Tainan. . , - . V =ira Ministerof Justice, the Hon. A. R Dickey. I Sir Chas. Topper became premier on Monday. on Friday he announced his cabinet as below. The "Mail and lint pi m " so ys it was slow work because there was such an alrundauee of good material to select from! t. The good men it will bu noticed are mostly out. side. Sir Donald Smith could not be held. Mr. Chaplain was coaxed but his hvalth would not permit! Chief l Justice Meredith wits bugged to step in but whwlv keeps' the seal: which he homo 8. Mr. O ler 'f aats o e l for a fuw days but could non be caught. Of those who stud by Sir Maekonzic, Bowen during the bolt only Custigan remains. Caron and Ouimet are out, but Sir Hibbcrt Tapper is in with a $5000 office. The Quebec contingent, headed by Angers are of the Ultra. memtane school. and strong prtrremed. ‘ ialists. The Omngvmen for once are l not rtpresvtted in the cabinet, and it is quite aprm'ent that Sir Charles is play ing for t we support of the plcrical party in Quebec to whom no doubt ample promises are green. The m,iaistry is as follows: Premier and Secretary of State, Sir Charles Tapper. _ . _ I President ot the Council, the Hon. A R. Angers. " ' iiiut all honor to the mun. who, at the eifduty, retires from the position he has honored lui' 23 yonx'sxuid makes ' the great personal sacuiliee he is mak, iingin embarking upon the troubled l sea of Federal polities. However his i loss will undoubtedly be the country‘s gain. From a mere party view his name will be a towcrof strength to the Liberal party among all classes ofthe people not only in Ontario but in all the other Provinces. In Sn. Oliver‘s lettcrto Mr. Laurier he recognizes as ‘Mr. Laurier has often declared, the necessity of legislation on. the tariff being gmdualmtd cautious, or tariff for revenue which will bring relief to the working chimes but which at the same time will be just to the mano. facturers. As tothe Manitoba School whom he says that questions ttii) . ieait have been settled satisfactorily to all panics, by the Ontario Legislw ture, and he docs not anticipate any diniculty in settling it. t [Federal politics. This step has not been taken in haste. fur, as he writes ( to Mr. Laurier. after much correspond- ence and deliberation it has been I made plain to him, that at the present juncture of affairs in the Dominion "the crisis is so grave that every; personal sacrifice his to be made and every incidental risk run if the country isto be rescued from-the misi,rovernmont the Dominion hassolung been suffer- ing from." The sacrifice made by Sir Olive' is truly great for any 1mm. bat especially so for a man of his years l But all honor to the man, who, at the 'ieall of duty, retires from the position he has honored for 23 years and makes l --Tbe South African trouble has de. I l volupcd in a way nitc unexpected by everybody, The 1U/'dll/, raid on th: Boers was supposed to be a dash gut tspby the hero himself and his friends for the purpose ot lestoring order to the Transvaal. Mr. Cecil Rhodes and the South African Joy. denied having anything to do with it. Bat truth will out. Telegrams have come into the possession ofPresideut Kruger which , are. said to Show that the whole thing had been carefully planned by the Company and its President Mr. Rhadcs The rumms are very damaging to mans' persons who up till now had been well thought o". And so damaging ' are they, tlmt Mr. Rhodes has been ire-called to London to stand his trial Federal pt bcen taken to Mr. Lam --0ur neighbors of North Grey art at work vigcroasly, Last Week a large meeting assembled at Owen Sound he Welcome Dalton McCathv. The afternoon and' evening meeting, was lavgelyuttentled. A special meet ing is to he held at Owen Sound on the 23rd inst. for the purpose of choosing a candidate IO the MeCartlsy interest. --sirolivee Mowac has announced his intention of entering the field 01 w in --Dr. Limdcrkin was in town Tues. day and met with sumo of his friends. He is takings survey of the riding, land so far has met. with (encoumge- i mum from some unexpected quarters, _ and enthusiasm among: his own friends. lliis clear and consistent course at I Ottawa enables him to meet all classes with a ctyntidenee which is being largely returned, and we drum not ' that before the campaign is half over it will be ahmulaut,ly apparent that Dr. Landurkin deserves and will get the support ofttll lovers o', honest nd. ministration if public affairs, in what. ever camp they may at present. be --The Hon. Cl. W. Ross, tultlressinga lur,qvmcctin,r.t last week pt Orange- villo on the Manitoba School Question said that he had no doubt. but Manicnba herself would ha ye scaled the question sutistaetovily had she Icon left alone. But, that. new the only way to dispose ofthe mum-r was that indicated by Mr. Laurier, the invcstigotionof the fucts by a competent teurmuission. Had this cour>c lumen taktm when tulvitcd 1w Mr. Lnuricr years ago. all the recent Lmublcs about remedial ll-gis- laclnn would, in Mr. RUSS opinion have been avoided. -'l'tt. Conservatives of N. Bruce are too fanny toy anything. They have justified McNeill in voting: againrzz the Remedial Bill, “my, land Sir Chas. 'l‘nppvr tn the skies, who read McNeil] nut of thv puny t'nnloing that same. They CCHMHT‘ Mr Lnnrier r. i' (1021);: just what. 1lcNcill did, yet MeNeill hnsthuireommeudurion !! and all this at UM meeting with 'dch'cill all this at mu.- thcrc!!! Next ttt g,lit) 6tttt '):ltt't'tttt. D a Hun», Thur. May, 7 '96 THE TUPPER SLATE. m of North Grey are usly, Last werk " assembled at Owen rn ':'fi"iegts (IN)" '* :21in of ttri ll'lll'rl'irl?r)tr'rl? , The latest sensation m a. Woodén Rail- way from C'olliutrwood to Mumford. and branching " at same point up the val.. try of the Beaver River to C'brtsttttytr.. One great argument . jn'hvor of this sebum: is its dampness. Iron rail: an pry expensive, bot in this (also. Maple ..-tttet material of which thofmils are to he 1sotnped-ritci 'srimdjspr'attsptt _ the gawk and an he goot,tirttpa.ttgu,ttji,tt#F. pngcogt. T We expect aiioo1tiaiiite'otttte high pretensinn “And “cm-mum tttoye- menu " are Appnu'cntly on their last legs wha.ttht.WFrow..4trtge will mum to remains to be " u. C I The Durham and .Angus Comptyny promised to do " wondem. " but it has iiuitrls-AtPpptti otutfpotiets. The Pt quietly-Aw ped out of notice. The t P.opr"s of tKe-G uelph. line, after " tgexr "We have "en hem-<1 of a knot of sailors sittihg down and trying who can tell the Ink-gash yum. This seems to l e the way In whim: our young Companies are seeking to interest, the public. If they meant merely to s in ymns. it must be allowed that they Lave: sumac?- ed adtyiraCly--t key have told some very imposing stories. But if they were. H ip in earnest about huildingn milwuy or railways, they must, we think, feel rather disappointed. . _ History repeats itself, and to show there wus “mud" menus wellas work we reproduce an amide from U.e Pr.ceville Courier of Mart-h 27th 1868. No 1)!!an is attached bo this stumustieaetiele which, as we well femomlwr, Watt “riuen by the Inte Rev. Donald Fraser, then u minister in Pviceville. The phue "Cor. nuhusa" "owl known as Ma:kdale. Here m the rutieler-- “magma: "LiGruCcaGisGrFiGl show that tr magma business, and no ob- uuwles ml] be laid in the waxy. Apropos of the prim-lit inform: in the proposed Electric Railway new“ the county. “may be of sum;- interest to rt" mil some ofthe earlier iuuwxm-nts in Railway extension In this county. it, is peel by lh ell known that the first propos- ed railway in Durham was to come from Angus on the Nut-them Rnilwm‘. and ir is mm] mixer-ally couceded lmd that road fell' through. it would h we helped urban) and district more than any sub- sequent railway has done, The o mi- tion that scheme met with I“ not lll‘llily to he reward now. when ' railway thmiifhlnearly the same discrici. is under oonsi nation. Let. acme companvlmi FROM WOODEN TO ELECTRIC RAIL WAYS. _ Judge Jorws will an, as chairman I whvn the couoi,s,siimevrs will be issued authorizing Judges Jones and Ctrisor to divide tlu. ctruntirsot Essex, Keur. Lamina". Huron, Bruce Elgin and No . fnlk: Bell and Hnmw to divide Oxfor I, W.v'erloo. Brant, Wentworth. Maldi- mam}. You]. Hnliun and Grey: Jones and “my! ' torliviO Wellington. Shut-m- " nd Iruttkrriu; Bell and Doyh- to divide Middlesex. Pm‘lh. Linmln and IV, lleud; Donn and Benson todwide Ym-k. Out- ario, Peuloro. Hastings. Lcuuox and Lanark: W'ilkiuwn and Sonklur todivide Norththumlreclruid :n'd Dun-hm". Prince Edward, Vicmin. hunk. Grenville. Ftontemstr, Prescott. and Russo“ l Uean and O'Brien: Ur divide- Carleton. Stors munt. Dundas, Glengnrry and Puudrew. l3: reduced to the “wrest. shadowo! its fcrmcr self, and 'docs not count for much on election day ; Iluwcvcw there can be no longer any (loubc that Sir Charles has stalwd his success on the 23rd ofJane on the united purport of the Roman Catholic Church. Those who stood by Sir MncKmmic Bowel! in the bolt omemnry last Caron, Ouimct and Dickey have been sent adritt, Col. Tisdalu. being the sole rep cscnmuvc lcftin the cabinet ot the Ornngemcn and the followcus of Sir MncKr-nzie Buwcll. On the other hand the Ultra Inumanc parts' of Quohcc is well rum-cs- unu-d in the new Cabinet by Angers. FTy m 3'it,T, THE NEW CABINET. tl T hyuacvmculd'. I was eonfined to tsul itr.:iiciWhs ,iv".,'li..'2'i'in"/ie, she decided a (walnut elght weeks, when I was and 1'l/l Dr. Ti Imms' Pink Pills a trial. m, ti up trgee more. Darin these “or mug glen" boxer of the pills ii'g.l.; I was under tadllfll5,' out were 1rtueade.cid.ey! Improvement in her hafnium ayeytp'itiitituiued_t4iitit his condition. and with the continued use medicine. hind not apperrto newer " the meduune lull smug!» health 'griatf-,ittdi, Maven-mud on the 14th udyity returned. and was all is now ' Fry.i"cyr'jttAtisiastrte'etd to can to my , foo-hug: well s; cm who did in her life tteitt'8M. that 39%; [com gteat Both .I’nd'ln: have: Wm gnu-sent mam ctPerm" V "teoeyat.i. . 'ehE1tt?t!etetittueCeer en; Among the residents of Truro there are none better kown or mote highly esteemed Chan Mr. and M rs. Jae. Turner _ Mr. Turner is an elder in the Plea-my- toriaa church. and a man whose word is as good table bond. In his family reside 'lr/at,",',,':,')',',',',",'; Miss Maud Christie. (ttrl opted daughter, and Miss Jessie _ Hall, Ib. sister 0 Mrs. Turner. Both 1 tff/E Mien are known to have had try' 1 ingi new. and were mid to have been restorded to health by a. popular medi- cine. the name of which is n. 1ususehold wqrd from the Atlantic to the Pacifk. Judglingtlmt. thcir story rgt'A', of no unrmlerest, are Her ca. " n the)!" and asked for 33:}. 'i%','rtl2dl',"lll they might choose to umkepublic. path Rum: Indies were averse to gtl't1t,r; . t when lawn- pointed out t at their experience mix!†be helpful to some Wanderer. gave . statement for pulp. lit/ttrt.. MimChrtsue, whom any is, tte.rh+ the 'ttttet rem». i- wean ik1kikuited she said ' "t min 313' 19 you: of and have never been very strong. the“ ofJulrtaatiwia iteo : OntbeattttofJut iastiwis Med with. pngumonia. {noggbbpq From tha Truro, N. S. News. One Was Threateneri With Consump- tion 2.l'fZigig,', Attack of Pneu- . monia~The ot or Was in an Advanc- edStami’ Anaemi-Dr. Williams' Pink Restore Health Atter Other Medicines Fall. A My well tilled is hotter than an Idle hundred. so says John, on the corner. and 11y all "ppetyrances he will have more on It, Jack is better at logic “and economy than our preoeut Govern» ment. Seeding is praerially a thing of the put for this year around Zion. Will Greenwood is hustling through seeding in punt style. No read. for Jack, but newt mind mind Johnny you shall/save a. d, .y's t1shing when you are Lhwugh. I: was Neil FMkinglmm that did the big wood caning and not, Wilhaus, “a reported. ' - Overhenrd ..--N MH’ hill. why did the choir look so blue and sing so poor theao last. two blimluyu? “my Tum and you not know that Mr. Am Wright. their Chum ion and has, had gone home and Lint! 516 girls were all breaking their hearts ova." him. Our district will sum: be rich. Fancy the equivalent of iitreeu hundred dollars in tes than two weeks. . TWO YOUNG LADIES BROUGHT BACKS]? HEALTH AND RENGTE. A DOUBLE RESCUE. virle. wet'e the Arlhnr last Sun an“ ('uxhnim was the gum: t Miss Lillie MvAuley, of Chicago. is at prpsunl visiting her pun-ms. Rev.3iv. lemn. Flush-rum. preach- vd in thy Methodist, (.‘lwrt'h here Sun morning: and Pow. Mr. Wells exchanged pul him with Rev. McLeod. Ah. John McLean and family. North Timm- lmving bean! iful spring Wont]: er and the fm-nwm are much furthm ahead with theie weeding than at. this Linwhml your. Much ituprovetuent is nu'imhlo in the way (If new feucto, hut PRICEVILLEA of Michigan unity this week w l family. North Duluth next missed an Mr. ancem of this man Im l r wu- have also accomplished umrvols.- She was attacked with dizziness, sen-re headache and fainting spells, fol1ow'ed later by swelling of the feet and limbs. 'at""'," mu: omen symptoms of unac- ttt After having been treated by: physipinn for some time without my Magpie _h_pp_mvegne_x§t plug decided to day Flour per 100it "'"P'"". bl Oumen) .....m... ... 1 ,Fill Wheat per bushel ... 0 Spring When tt ._. o Out, " ... o Pm. " ... 0 Bgrley, . " ... 0 Potatoog, per bag ... 0 Eu per hon ........... ...... 1: Beat. fora gunners, rer 1C0 3 Bod, hind .. Ft 3 Biden " ......... ........ 3 Sheepskins. cach........,... 0 Butte porn..,............... o Eggs. per do: ..,......,,,... 0 "In: and “I" JF 1741 m W. EDWARD l, ww, llntilp, New i Wanted, _ A MAN T, l mu PM?! tor Cmuunmpu‘on. Au Innis. "rancid“..uma an Llnmnl "Ltr Idle-I [In Imp†Lt uzrrrm " Will try L as lbloinvnlvmhln. T “one stcsir In: use p. which will rustlhom “mama. and an bleulnc. will plan. addreu. (a (£33m of M.iyt Hyll the P)nk {ms U. S. grown trees. lu-rry Mann. 1‘"?va l shrubs, hedgn-s. ovimttim,tost. 'tttum. and seed pumuws. tor the only nursery I having Lasting orvharuN in Canada. , We mn- yuu tun lx-m‘m. of uur ox wr- l ience, 1'ii,vl'l'/s1'ic72"i',,uli2/'l'JlQ.' It" you an. nut. earning: 5.30 per mom}! l, and oxpmson. write m: at unu- fur'. ptsrtictaus. Lihcrnl coututito.iotos paid l fun-t time ttteo. Funm-rs’ sum should i ook into this! It pays better than ', working on the (an... and "tters .1: chance of promotion. ~Apply now and ' get chglczzs’f 9'triuaryz--__-u l TGCONSUM? TEVEN. WATSON BROS ' _ "" cum hsblmnl con-tuna. Hood 8 Pills non. hlcomnr Lax Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominenuy in the public eye today. “My wife has been I Index-or from numb tor the part tour year: and the disease had gone so tar that her wish! was “hand no that for handy I yen lbs wag unable to read tor more than a“ minutes at a time. She "ttered men pains in tho head Ind " times wu almost distracted. About Christmu, the com- mnced taking Hood's "rtmparius, 3nd since that time has steamy improved. Bhe, bu taken nix bottles of Hood'l Ear 'mparilla Ind is on the road to 1 complete cure. I cumot spat-k too highly of Hood'. Bamutparillte, and I cheerfully recommend it." w. 11. chum, Newmarket, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Catarrh in the Head In a dangerous disease Immune it in liable to result in loss of hearing or smell, or develop into consumption. Read the tollowing: STONE & WELLINGTON. Toronto. Canada. NORTH FA; REMONT. BURMA M MARKET. w T AyartFi, my: V "irisjg'iiiiifi'iiitid , sell Canadian ban-y Mam-I. n r. .," _" 'l 8165to 186to 080m 080to t but. se, 10 nu. Hum m. t u- I I J,- "u-l. , r ‘.!Ir.l\. ' auxin!" 3 3. pun-c n [ g , w Cl .-. i I n and I “we“. , s. and l Ready-made making. Tl. Spring is here in all Nature's (ie',,'.',':,; 3 Beauty 'i, and 'rl Gloriops 'i: Array 082 82 ',iigt-t2<r4lMtr%ttt-.4yiir'it:t" First-I $331238; " Ke a iti g " l _ J § .1 ( Quality Farm Henge Cleaning time has come around again, and no doubt. you mil {ind a great many things JOtl went. and amsng them will be ' AGE CURTAINS " L A NEWEST & FINEST d ism LADIES SAILOR HATS Well (ic. can give you good vnlpc in them. We sell them 21. ytit.s. long 29 inches wide for 25c a pr. the next pnce IS 50c. and up lo, $2.50 iii) gig; iihiitittih!, - GRANT’S All, Garden willbe wanted..vot1 will iind the old ones worn into holes, and the _new are so cheaglnow it a'in: worth while mending tre old, we ave HEMP, UNIONS ard AXMINISTER. BUGS. MATS, ART SQUARES &‘. all at law prices. AND OF _ “Ml-Lib} iGiGi, - "( , i irvva; tti i.,'i"i TB ‘l' , 'eedititaakiriii' 'Ill . magma an . ,mmlmnuï¬mm.’_ _ _ u _ . Abram. " any my“ my r " . - “as. P0rBtm ls another line we are doing ,rell, and th is is I wasâ€): for them, tre Mort flaw at .eyc. and t/ are sellers. If you want a tony truism] and y 'orset, pr' re us tr or/l, tee will try .l/IHI‘ Int! dont stay "trrty for fa urged to buy me don't do that s new. the goods are Muir 0m: l Ch L, GRANT. I Dinner- Teak Toilet Sets _l .At Popular Prices. Hay is Scarce J. CAMERON Money is Plenty. A delicimm blend ttt up in , , lbs. JPackages JV. IS.--"" emxm- .1 gm Hides must be tveut) salted as Also' a. full assortment of 9,9,3†gunk it ityot. hot a a. 'ii"da of "reas KUMA TEA. Robe Sold for 30c. lb. Sold for 400- lh. Sold for 500 1b Satisfaction Guaranteed , it. and FP.' "My! beperfecuy EX O IRES C THE THOMAS SETH. Us? t an IC isniav am-ie and good Jittite Fl! try and pleas for Afar of Jein, the ming ! sad nd Soft- l "It. and ot he the Fm DEPAR'NE, s; UPPEE We want 4000:) lbs. of prepared a Store Room 1 tend to take in Wool, 13 low, Lard etc. Give us : atrhnve charge of the Wm: " You all know 11.1211.le i Barn Wire has 1 higher. Buyuowi E lizar- cvery farmer pup Ground. $2.00 ' Barga J. A. any natural 'Irlznure Durham TnE CLEVEE for th the sale The mild E pects of a good L We are buying h same. Men's (T trues. UU Surpnlse 'tic. 3 lbs. Soda, I?†Mere 's , yds, Marr/s Pt WC emsclves at ever) be St I $55.0 ff ll