Emma“ muncl to hth g tor -st nun “at that“) diva-O an“. Inn'- " M! nu. '10:th who (no. of that!“ . but): may will ttml Anna-I. 03'- ...d tta.q - will pry mung-"fl!- ()li'fl " THE re or Cash ll for your uni trusting I fair share ’RICE I!†Intuit 'l’il . _ l slain“. appoint the " continue tho Utr-ine, rant!)- am mm and 'iliiiiri" otbto - I. "B... ,PEBIAUY “it†Lilia-ow 'vivuoi’ and mu! prov. . IIIALI. 081m. Wort!“ 1 cm Von. to" unlock-0"“ pl “In" 10"!“ I iEYiihtV undo-JKJ. 0 TED ir- OL ADE. d new on- TIVES. 016to 0 " tst iralit) House. NS! " 'to it to to to a new! Sn TA. " IO 2 00 “a! 10 1'0 o o o trl 010 it Git © A 4 ' , "iiiiiiidJiiaL:iiiiLA iv We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system vnll merit. a continuance of the same. -N 'iilii)iffiiiCiii; SWES V01... XWII,---N0. 24. "Large Sales & Small Profits." NEXT THREE WEEKS Ow: Prices are to be mar. vellously low. Call and see. Jun read the following prions: " yd! long, tt in. ttide, 19?. l ' " M., " Ttre. " I 3.1 ., tra __ “w Get one of our new Carpet Stretcher; We have the best made for 90 cents PRINTS ot;."a."ttT',,thttt, Parse:- 2,,t,lt,t x: I' . . . y them mg So. our lk. and 6e. CHALLIm, RENE TOP SHIRTS from 25eta. up. We elveye keep full lines at lowest Bilg,T.fi d SH DES You should see our SPRING 't'd'fit1t no and lien e Low Shoes before boyfng. (Note thin fret) Beet Tam}. oil cloth. white and colored, a in. wide, 26e. a d. "Bat Wm or White Gentile Soap, Teta e bar, or 4 bars for 25 eattte yGlycerine Soap, 5e. , box of 8 eaue. Scrub brushes 5eta tl Heavy Galvanised " a. pail, am See our '1.00 low! Tiaware. 'lllllui'l"r',' We wttnt 5"" trade ])urlunu, Aug. 0th, . . 1/'i'icArtTEarEt,. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the. Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be THE CASH ADOPTED BY . dk J. McKechnie. Dalylish's Old Stand, Upper are to he our SPECIALTIES " YOU WILL NEED New Lace Curtains iii; the (tii/ttt ilii,tgittt). ., G. d; J. .trcarmWNintr So is House-cleaning time, and SPRING IS HERE " u 31 yds long, 42 in. " It 42 a; 0 54 Town, Durham. for the wide, Fil.? a JY'. tt " -The entry of Mr. McCallum into the campaign in this 30mm; has raised the tone of the discussion, while it has prieked some of the bubbles which have been Mated by the opposition candidates or their friends. Mr. Me. Callum is ot the Presbyterian faith, or, as he expresses it, "is an outside pillar of the Presbyterian Church." He. was six years Principal of Listowel High School. but is now a barrister in Paisley He is tull of Celtic tire, his knowledge ot public (ueslions is both wide and deep, and by his omnnstness and elo- quence, and having a good cause, cuttuxes his nndi nee every time. Hampden, June 3. --Dr. Jamieson's meeting here tonight was addressed by Mr. Kribs of Toronto and Mr. Pat. tcisott, of Uxbridge on his behalf. For Lamlerkin Messrs Calder and Miller appeartd. The best of order prevailed and half an hour each was given to the two liberal speakers. This is a stronghold of Dr, Landerkin, and but for the imporuttionts of Tories from "the four ends of the earth" as Mr. Miller said, there would have been no evidence of' Jatuieson's popul- arity. The patrons were represented in the audience but not on the platform. Dr. Jamieson arrived late and merely said a few words, reiterating his "no. plodge" statement. The usual cheers were given for the Queen and Candid. sites, and it is certain that Hampden will give n majority ior Landerkin the only eandidatc uith a straight rec rd. _4._,, - . ------- Ihtwr1vittr, Jun: 4.--Tre, meeting! called here ttrnight was well attended, . Watson’s llnil being cnlnplctcly tilled and sumac :tmding. Thee may have! been sonw duulm in the minds of s m ', , (though Dr. Lnndvrkin to his crodit,| did nut share it) whether Prieeville'. would give the sumo welcome as form. ( crly to their late member. Before tho. meeting was well assembled this doubt : was rammed, and before it was closed , the enthusiasm for the Liberal candid-l ate exceeded any previous drmonstra I tion. Mr. Dugald McCormick was appoint- ed chairman and tillcd the pushion most credirsably. Ou the lattorm with him Were some 8 01".) IMF-ICE, be sides the. speakers at the evening. Mr. Binnie opened on behalfof Dr. Lnndei'kin, and showed up the iniqui- ties of the Franchise Act, lls opportun- Mics for unfairness and the enormous elm-uses incurred in revising it. Mr. Binnie has a grasp of public questions which enables to be clear and forcible in their presentation. Mr. Davis dep.-reeve of Artetv.csio, ' was then given an opportunity to speak hr Mr. Allan. He announced himself as having been a conservative and be- lieved t' e Patrons "ot' Industry had a p hey that was'the hope oi the country Ur. Lundcrkin, he said, had not been their representative for the last 18 years, because he was not on the government side Lt the house but how the patrol. mm even be a representa-l tire i'r'their policy of never aiming toi form a government is carried out, he did not say. Mr. Patterson, of Uxbridge was pres-i on on behalf of Dr. Jamieson, and for lmll’nn hour received the best of at- tention while he presented the case of; the 'l'upper candidate. This is no easy i task, and though Mr. P. is a ready r meals-er, loaded with tigurcs, he tailed ’ tomakc an impression. He tries to make a point oi guilt against Dr Len-2 ilerkin because he gave a silent vote; while the fact is he spoke twice on the I question in the House at some length, and further at a meeting If his eenstit- I ‘uents held in Durham. declared his} l readiness to stand or fall by his action. , Mr. P. lad nothing to say of the Re i [medial Bill nor where Dr. Jamieson stood on it. l B'll P' Liullilll cn 'f" dilluIUB‘Ju, " Au; l II b l t d h tr d , hall an hour received the best of an, . Lstltctt y cre Ott t e ra c ques- tcntion while he presented the case ofi, tion, . showing how the candle was the 'l'upper candidate. 'jViiisGa/fiil,ere.ie,!r at both ends, the revenue task, and though Mr. P. isa n-miygcttmg less anti,, the cxrwnses more rucalier, loaded with tigut'cs, he failed '.Yf'Y. by Ply'. Theehatt.cl mortgages to make an impression. He tries to (fPl,1f,1o..ifu/ft increased P'"."' a mil- make a point oi guilt against Dr Lan. vl',r..1.l,ol'1t1?, last Phnt', a certain test of derkiu because he gave a silent vote , the nnpos enshment of the peogile. He while the fact is he spoke twice on the I totleht'd on tht tell â€known act that question in the House at some length, t ie BO called 10‘) al WW rr,','"'],.,].,',?,'; and further at a meeting It his cunstit- l posed up. évc'ggel l'h, on Urltisd uents held in Durham, declared his! .lptport? 0 394m: r,8ll y A on fame readiness to stand or fall by his action. (fi.tt.atty ““3"“ Government me to Mr. P. lad nothing to say of the Re lblmd the people by nostruins, such as medial Bill nor where Dr. Jamieson the tam“? butter trade. 1:30 the t"t stood on it. iiiii,iii' , tings. t: here . 8 I,'.,',',',?," J) Mr. A. B McCalluin, of Paisley! ttitr,t,ii'i).!rFt?i,i?,i1,e,s,ti'.se, sggidized. Not fem?“ friend ot tlt2tnti,1f'v221 _so with the manufacturers: the benefit ,3“; that li, 83911;; tote $866151“ "if. lo, them was so great that they could etgrmyis no e ll gger ati 'dt' F r','fi,'islll'f bi†,actuallv t.t1tt,e1ylghine1pil1,e'd'g tact and argument, and clocunnnt. he "/he1ft'iit1h,t. "Ill/l ',"Jlle'viri2"ly' it; fgg!Jt.helt,vg,y, ',etetieetd/2ttdiif.ii,i,i.i,r the Ays.t!yliay farmer. and in glided. men 'l1'lx',"v'ff, honest or ri ht I return the sabtsid.ize,d ships paid tor t.T that Dr Landerkin whose "Jil'/ttt., farmers, bringing home rabbits. career was a isCrii,iiLni' one ghould land frozen "let/ll', :10“:th than; if: - . , own meat p uc . . sax "; $39122?th 'tdegli/tt op- .memn math?“ G this 1eltl' GM the dots.tor wfhile ld', and his EV†_ hwmg, hilt? will; muggtels (my 1't.htgPgy,tQ 16 ngefztxijs worth 2 cent}: lb. the duty will "t the McKenzie administration in the 'tttid1dtht?tJ'l'flit axesme' matter of increase ot debt showing that . the obligations ien tor him mbecmi-I He they! reterred to wane acts of ed out by m. predecessors actually tyaltftni.niettitn, partlculary the exceeded the morease of the debt , Charted Jimmy. where the 350 during the five years he was in power. pore of worthlee Wy.!, needed tbr the He touched on alew‘ol the scandals roadwayeptstqyer 82500 " acre. of which have disgraced the past 18 course machofit eomiatt ttauto cor- years, and wound up by an earnest ap: ,rurlt the electorate. . palto vote for Landerkin and good: He condemned Mi. Alien tor throw- government- The applause which Iin; slurson Alex. MeKougle .whomall DURHAM, 0NT.. THURSDAY, JUNE ll, 1893, ELECTION NOTES. Firr, I Alter thanking than fur their rece - tion and remarking that the “dongs th'l'c breaking on the Western sky." .(rathc an unfortunate suggestionot'a fsctt.i"g Sun), re, entered on the tariff 'qaestion declared here as he has done ','flst.re.'heve, that much of the talk on !'tariffs on both sides was hmubug urged lhis hearers not to be curricn away with doctors and lawyers, dcciarcd the patrons would support the best yrinciples but would nut be a party. I ie appealed to the audience to give a good hearingto those following him, {as if afraid his followers might prove lobstreperous, actuation we ventureto ',m y not uccrssary. followed, the enthusiasm displayed,l was a guarantee that the vote for. Landerkin was al' right. _ I Cheers were givcn for the Queen and the Liberal Candidate, after which the meeting resolved itself into an in- formal reception committee, the heroes of the hour being Dr. Landerkin and his Jble helper;, Mr. McCallum. A short story in Gaelic from McCallum warmed the celtie bloud of his country men who had listened with delight to his oratorical cifbrt. Dnouom; J UNF, 5th.--The. meeting here tonight was called by Dr. Lander kin, and was addressed by him, and Messrs McCain-m, Calder and Murdoch on his behalf. Mr. Allan was allowed a generous time to present his chains and Mr. Rodgers, of Cedarville, cunc to his asshtance. D: Jalnieson was not represented. Mr. Patterson, who represented him in Pin'eeville, evident. ly thinking discretion the better part of valor skipped away, no doubt feel- ing that one night of Mr. MoCullum Watt more than enough. Dr. Landerkin on coming to the front was received with all the old time fervor. He appealed to them on his neord of nearly a quarter of a century, and in referring to the Mani- toba Schools case showed that his action was in the line of duty as he had on several occasions voted on religious? questions not from the stand point of Catholicism or Protestantism bat from that of provincial autonomy, and a desire tor even handed justice, the applause which followed showed the audience thought so too. Mr. Crawfuml, president of the town- ship Reform Associotion was appointed chairman, and “one could complain ot want o' fairness. Afton-Mr. Calder and Mr. Murdoch had spoken, M r. Allen was called up- on, and the wr‘rmth of his reception ghowul plainly the strength ot.tly? Patron sentiment here, me stronghold of the order in S. Grey. Mr. Allan referred to Mr. McCallum as a flowery speaker who would make them laugh. but in this Mr. A. was mistaken, but betore McCallum was through with his speech there can be no doubt he made them th'nk. Mr. McCallum shows with great force that atJn‘esent parliamentary government is ivided into two forces, Reform and Conservative, and to oust the conserv- ative force, which patrons and liberals agree should be done, it was necessary the Reform force should not be weak: ened. The Patrons make no claim to be a force, trey would bees fiios on the wheel, and it would be much more becoming in Mr. Allan, owing to his recent conversion, to carry a little lamp in the procession. rather than try to be the star himself, try to dis- ,place a man whose principles were nixed long before Mr. Allan was heard of. The Doctor himself then came. for- ward and was heat-Lily received. He. had stood up for the farmers in the lpnst. and was prepared Io do so still, and asked who judged by his record. l'l‘he. Superannuation alums which the tat,ptttts condetuntul, he coudmnned, he had voted againot it, and showed [that the increase of Superunuation in l McKenzie'." years was hum-Iv owing to the number placed on the list. by the 'conservative goyernmeqt as they were "going out. of oftice. Ott over' point 'raised the, Dr. steamed j'Jl'lifuel'G',ll, iand he was warmly applauded when he â€Jointed out the fact that McKenzie lad abolished the hat of the House of )(lomnmns. that he had voted to do 80. -yutd while he was doing so, Mr. Allan i wan voting against huu and stglporting ‘u government that introduce it. He isat. down amid lunch applmme. The l usual cheers for the Queen and the two l candidates present brought the meeting i, to a close. The undicnce which was at titat cold and stiff became most. completely thawed by the sun of Mr. MoCallums eloquence, and the iueontroveNible nature of his facts, before he was hall through his speech. In some of his passagxa he was heartily applauded, 9nd he sat down amid much cmhus mam. . in abundance, but the Dr. assured him, he never got one. He condemn- ed the expenditure of 8400 for the picture of the speaker. and seemed to condemn the geinialdue. who reminded him that the frame cost $90 more. S methlng was spent for soup or soup plates, and the duet; r gravely assured him, amid the roar of the audience, that his opponents would be in it when the emnpmgn was over. Much more ofthissétnidialogae took place, and the earmwden, Mr. Rogers, and the doctor seemed to agree so well that the Inter had some notion of en- gaging him for the rest of the cum- paign. A surprise was in store for the and- ience in the nextspeakcr Mr. Rogers, of Cedarville. This gentleman had just recently discovered the public tte. counts, and fl'Occchd to emyghten the audience. le bvgan by assuring Dr. Landorkin that he was goingto hold him responsible for the debt of the provinces. as well as the other fellows. He put the blame of all the borrowing too on Landcrkin's broad shoulders. He then dipped into the public accounts and shoncd that brushes and brooms cost high. That $6.00 of the public money went tor candy dishes; that there! were corkscrews am: pen knives men now agree gave a pure adminis- tram". A number from Peiceville and Durham found their way to Dmmore to hear McCallum. Me. and Mrs. Taylor are nothing if not hospitable. and the large number they entertained at the close of the meeting drew forth wulm expressions of appreciation. Sure Sptseiftes for Kidney. Rheumatic and Storage]: Dlseasas. These remedies are not a. cure-all for all the ills that flesh is heir to. The great South American remedies each have. it'2rt.,'g,tti,u/t purlmso. South American: idvey Cure, d/res not, cure rheumatism, noriait, a 'speyjflc for in- digestion, but no remedv. pills or pow- dere, will give relief in the most distres- sing cases of Kidney trouhle as will South American Kidney Cute.. Mr. I). J. Locke, of Sherhrook. Que., suffer. ed for three years from kidney trouble expending in that time $100 on doctors' medicines. He Not no relief until he used South American Kidney Guru, and four bottles he says. effected in perman- ent cum When a remedy is needed fur rheuma- ttimt, it, is very much needed-and quick- ly. \Villiam Pegg, of Nut-wood. Ont., was nearly doubled up wi lt rheuumtism and sulfered inumsely. This was in 1893. He took three bottles of Bouth Ameri- mm 1themnatist" Cure, yd now buys; “I Blvlvgvhud -nather Quin-s not. pains from Iheunmusm since th, t ime." Wuen disease affects the digestive or- gans and genelul debility Lakes hold of the system. these cannot be removed unless the medicine when may! at .the root of the trouble. Small; American: Nervine owes its success to the hun that it works directly on the nerve centres, and removing the trouble than it ride t_he systfyl of 1i.sease., Banker: iulm 8?â€. of Kincardine, who suffered from in igostion for years. was permanently cured by the use of South America: Ncrvine. He says ..-" I have no hesita- tion in proclaiming the virtues of this great. rémedy. " Sold by McFarlane & Co. Three Great Remedies. 01-». h, {LMMSB ACCOUNTANT, Insurance, Estate a Genenl AG EN T. ACCOUNTANT REAL ESTATE We Handle everything in the HM line, " right prices. CALL d; Mail 003 l Collars. Pm. A MEDICINE wrmour M an“. Statement of . W.“ M om - mm “on “ to“; AYERS " Ayer'l Snap-rub " without II can! " I blood-pm and Spring making“! cannons" New â€new its elects In chronic cues. what. other treatme_ttnttB-dttamtreere aatoetuttedatthttg-tta. Home blood modicum that I In" ever not,“ I k." trtedttmr_othorxmgttttstt-m, 1nd elect- " my M - u Ayers Bar-ttls"-". M. r. III-nu. Anni“. It. , ' m . ttie8lltt ttaaMllt Results Astoglch Heavy tl Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Workman-hip Um Fiat Choice in "il-, Grin. - 3mm.u..u ,reartutraairtrtHr_"". w PM Paid. o. LEAVSII, " Omen Qrmisz Harness !! INSURANCE Book. Pound " nod 3.1“. Shoo“ got out, Placed in tho Most Rolisblo Co's. " Low-u than. Ftrrmn, Hol‘l“ and Cattle Bought and Sold on Commiuiou. My long experience as C. P, R. Land Agent - me III I position to correspond with intending Bmi. gruntn In England. Ireland. Scot.- Iaud and the Eastern “no. who hum Honey to inns! in Furn- iu Ontario. Those who h." Farm. for Sula call on no. mm at the Von-uh lab. FFK‘E flTd1l TOWN ALL, Imam. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN It from 4lto 7 per cont. nccnrdiug to the uncut nu] secutity can“. CTE) WHOLE NO. tm. [31113132133 A. LUCAS, Bites, da., (be. 3253!