It pays to feed Women the Bow gvnd condition. can STONE. raEh, moth Long 1g Orange, nte Vpsgeg, Belglan. Name. the .larxest ing ! (Hides, Dog Mable for Nwert Com in :nn- [and this IO'I‘H SOUTH. 1?msiutr. C. r“. Fudder. res or Volt-Inn, mun Gnu. TO " ' EMT. f ' , Togchdo. IO SWEDL mung.» f waisted md get IUD}- Loats good job the and Soft- beat. "N'o disapfongc Swede. assoc-um- ' Durham. 00888, EA own anteed. SMITH LIED hook ning ! “WEDDING BELrs.--On Tuesday last Miss Irwin. sister to the Prop. of the Middaugh House, was married to Mr. Jas. Gun, chief clerk of the same house. The ceremony was performed. by Rev. Dr. MCRohhie. of tShelburne. The band in“: the young couple a serenade. The Evutw extends best wishes. 1rni--on Friday night last the omes of the Hanover Post was destroyed by fire. The new ofBce in courseof erec- tion is also we believe gone. We ex- tend our: mpathivI to Bro. Mitchell, and hope and Kellen e will Iise out of this disaster to make the PM brighter and fresher than even. Town COUNCIL. Ms, special meet- ing on Monday night came to on abrupt eonclmion. The Mayor was prepared to lay a bylaw, or p to. for a bylaw before the Couneil, but that body wont: time to consider. Quite right, and we hope the oomdderation any result in some well matured scheme to with†On wedv.esdny the 10th inst. Miss Kate J. McLean, daughter of John Mc- Lean Eur, nentinek, was united in marriage to Mr. Admu Weir, of Port Credit W Rev. J. MeQuarrV, of Strnth- ttyen. The happy couple- left "mauve!- on the noon cram for their future home in Pt. Credit. erton we use 'mel its I); madingsuoneuuion. NOTICE. The General Assenxldy, of the Pres- hyto-rian Church. meets in the Central Church, Tun-unto. this week. It will take up the quit-stint of the new Hynh natal-d the tillittg of the two vacant rhuirs of the Old Testament Literature and Apologetics, at Knox College. Most coughs may . be cured in a few hours or nt any rate in a few days. hy the use of Ayers Chem y Pectoral. With such a prompt and sure remedy as this at hand. there is no need of prolonging the agony for weeks and mouths. Keep this runway in your house. iiii'GG" Gria% is feasible. anon g, one used to byla Morsrs. Arthur Jucksou and Munro Sutlurlnul wm-eled to Mocrord on a plcieute trip but. Saturday tttcert-, and remrm-d um Sunday. We hare been no-t r d that the (lath recorded lust. week. as by diphtheria. wns not an catvevd We hope the dread- tll disease may ever be kept out of Dur. mm. At, Brantford Chcese Market.,Jlnle 5 " {nannies sold, May make from b'ii to (is. That (Jaw. speculation in chcese it. hanging like a nighunm'e our the trade. I hove think received on opplication for n tnnater (Ilium issued to John Bierworth for the Royal Hotel, Elm- woof, from one James McCurdy. A mcetznng of the Board of License Com- missioner. for South Grey will he held on Saturday. the mth J one at. 2 o'eiock p. m. _at Kuchner’a Hotel, Honour. to Clurcs, "hsolute permanent. cures have 'drcu Hmnu'u tseisaparilla the largest. mum in tin-walla and Ihe tirst place “mung medicines. In the aim-nu- of svryice in the Metho- thst t t.urcls last Sunday evening, Mr. R. Parker assisted his old friends m the P11 sh flea-inn choir. lbw. Mr. szsu. is attending the Crete ornl Assemhly cd the Prwbyu-rian church this week. Mr. Wm. Young will oi'cul'y his pulpit next, Snudny. If you want a. nuhhy stylish suit. see " umllnuo": new tweeda and Worsted. Tin-y are the but goods in tc wn. M.“ Mary Large. at present. at To- ronto Normal School, Will succeed Mr. Whelan in S. S. No. It, Ulrnelg. ant-r tste Imlidnys. éonsider we]: '%tttittLmtm, license tum. Durham, Jugs Ittb, m Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Chapman, of Mt. 1 west. were visiting at Mrs. Meredith's m m- mummy. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, we are much tleased to learn will be um: year more In hm charge nere. Mr. A. ll. Mct’anum. B. A ' of Paisley, wi", was: assisting Ur. Lanuerkin in his mmxmign was the gnu-st ot Mr. Jno. A. Muck. The largest stock of new and Million- shlv mill-many in town Just in this week u Woodlands. Limo Fruit Juice, Root. Beer extract, Eurio and Hungadi Mineral Wtstetns, " AiariGvlaue't, Drugstore. . Miss Annie B. McArthur, of Port Elgin inn. guest of Mrs. Calder at pre- sent. BPrtATvso.--gune 12. 10 a. m. Jackson's Orchard by the otncial and omcer. Next #- Tuesday Wir Day. Court Day. Nomination Day. Dentist Holt has a new card this week announcing his new oiBeea. M r. Don. Graham, Bunomn, offers his farm for sale in this imue. Miss Mollie Quin, of Mildnmy. is a. guest of Miss Maggie Crawford. Mrs. Hullett and Mrs. Ritz, of St. Catherines are visiting at Mr. Kunst,", Mrs. McNeil, late of the British Hotel in visiting friends in town this week. Liberal Committee Rooms have been opened in the Calder Block, upstairs. Strictly rum.- Paris Green and Bug Finish at 5 MFarlaue's Drugstore. Smart. Girl wanted at Durham Wool- len Mills. Apply at J. A. Hunter's. Miss Jane Cairns, of Flesherton. was the guest of Mrs. Benn for a few days. ght 1lbttt gwim. Durham, Thur. June ff, 'ptr LOCAL AND GENERAL 563m. "Walk- Lts byltyw, three in D. outfit Editor Rmnage of the REVIEW at tend- ed the moebing on the eveningof the tth inst. in our village. in behalf of Dr Linden kin. We noticed C. C. Manvden. Esq., ' f Edge. Hill taking a prominent sent at. the meeting. Potatoe planting is the order of the day, Logging? bees are commencing again Mr. M. e had one last week and is party in the evening. Mr. R. Armstrong had a log raising last week. We hear they gave them some may to eat at night. . Mr. W. CamJJhell had a quilting bee on the twenty fth and had a big dance at night. Mr. A. Mo(’umit: Intends to have tho pvice of Potatoes u." to IN per. hap: next year as he intends to put in a 9 acre hvld of sod. Archie is: (mp of t hose man who is Hover found behind in dnimr his s'mre " the work, We hope to hearnf him having n, yield of Ity) fuld when harvested. We are [ill-mod to see Mr. Areh. But- tors of the Commercial Hult'l, able to attend to business again. Mr. John Mather visited friends in Bentinck last week, John says the hills of.Bentiuck were suffering for want " mm. We congratulate the REVIEW nn the extension nude in enlarging the paper, which makes it. nnw equal in size, quan- tity and quality to any other paper of its kind in the Dominion. Agus, gu ma. fadda heo am foarr dens- airheadh air son coir ugus cheart a. chumal suns. WM; 8. Batchelor spent a few days at. home last week but has gone away again. - - -- __ . -1. ----_- 11-1 The sans of Tettrtpsranee, of this In 0 held a large picuit at Eugenia Fags on Sum-dun? last. They, we pxesmne en- .iosed themselvee, well. The usual pro- f/N',."'"' at "uch gatherings was adher- v( to. Mr. Angus Kennedy, fornwrly an Artetveim boy is spoudirtst Hump time at. the old humestoad, North of this village, Kennedy Bros. {has Aggie Matheison. of Swamp Col- lege wns the guest of Miss Phoebe and Vina Br) ce last week: . . Tii.hi." Wilson. of Luther, is visiting " Mr. A. Rodgers. Mr. John and Miss Mary Ellis took 1. trip to Holland but week to visit some of (hair friends. A SNAP! Tint eligible residential lot, at pres ent occupi try Rev. Chan. funnel-on in for sale, or will rent on reasonable Miss Flora McCannol, of Bul'fulu, is cpenditw hev holidays at hergmul twot h. ur's Mr. N. Mci‘nnnel, of the Swath line, Ghmelg. Mr. C. C. James is away as Juror week. D. K. McArthm'. Esq., of Ilupm'il'o. MtemleJ church here an Sunday. 1). K. always likes to come to see his many friends in and mound Pi0cville. We are pleased to hear that. Miss Susan McKinnon is gotting better. The many friends otthis estuunlde young lady will be happy to hear of her recuy The Sucmnwnt will be dispensed in the Presbyterian Church here next SI n- (luy in the English language and the Suhluuh following will be giyen in the Gaelic language. Prepnmmry services will be held an usual Friday and Ba UP day in both languages. Mr. Jan. Calm ton, who was operated on for Drupsy of the Lungs by Dr. Hut- ton is alnglntly improving and hope ly “and mu- hu may yet “mayâ€. Dr. Landetkin's mowing in \Vntson‘s Hall was well attended. The good old doctor It ill be strongly suppotted in this locality again. Mr. McCullmn. a true blue hwlnnd trruu,mtvdea stirring speech and an attvntpt at dofvndntg theTnppe-r (hwernnwnt “as made by Mr. Patterson a barrister, Mr. Allan. by his side of ll e story would he the right, man in the right, place. Mr. Davis, of lsluphratiitt, defetuivd him, he would prnlullaly make a better candidate than Allan. A fine rain Sunday night revived crops and human hopes, and doubts, as to the harvest "re vanishing as they should do. Not because we expect. a. change of Govetuursent, and that com- ing change is much nevded, hut because of the promise .. Seed time and harvest. shall nut fail while the wmld lasts." JUNE 1irespsoss.-opened Wednpsdar before Judge Creation there mains: 4 criminal msos and one civil case. The Grand Jurors from around here are F. Bowie, Nornmnhy; C C. James, Geo. Ludlow, Artemesia; Neil Calder, Egre- mont. Petit Jurors t--G'eo. Lawrence. Alfred Hincks, James Haley, Glenel tl Don. McLean, Jas. Milne, 'rldl't'i"ft'.,' Geo. Mariin. Jas. McMillan. Jos. Mc- Millan, Proton l Jchn Muir. Artemesin l Jas. Mathews, Sam. Patterson. Dan Coleridge, Egt. ; And. Schenk, Norman- hy: John Uhapnmn, F. Graham. Murk dale. We. hope our friends will remember that the weaning of party badges in St? between Nomination and Polling y. Mr. Jan. A. Tucker, of Owen Bound, the editor of Varsity who was expelled by the Toronto University. is home" from California having his B. A. degree from the Lelan Stanford University,' of Unit- e] States. . The East Gre Reform Association was held at Flesherton last Friday, all sections of the riding being well repre- sented. Mr. Graham, of Dundalk, Pres. ofthe Ass. occupied the chair. Mr. J. J. Bell, of Toronto. uddro ssed the meet- ing. lt was resolved not to bring out a Reform candidate. - Apply on the Pxsmit'st,orrt', h'i'ih'itt a PROTON CENTRE. PRICEVILLE. '.""'r.7igraroRD. i O't1oxson--rn Durham on 1tthLuhit, 5 8rh inst, to Mr. and Mrs. slie i U'Connor, " son. GUN-IRWIN-m, Durham on Tuesday iititji/.iilriuiis' Irwin to Mr. Jas. Gun, Thin fine tutirmsl will be kept on the premise. of JNO. CLARK, Jn., LOT 32, CON. 8. W. G. IL, BENTINCK, For Sonic. during Sono- of 18915AK. Registered in the "Canada Berkshire Evian Record " M No. 2956. Farrow“ Nov. Mst, 1893, and bred by John Mayor, (with, on. K BESS-In Durham on the 3rd inst. Catherine Davis, beloved wife of Geo. Kress, aged 42 years. The representatives of the. Patrons of Industry, of the fcresmd Township. met at Campbell‘s Corners on Saturday. Elfin. lodge responded to the Roll Cal and gnvea. very gratifying report in favor of Allan. This may seem strange tidings after so many reports from the opposition to the contrary. but we hope' to prove on the 23rd day of June that truth is stronger than fiction. Bro. Allan and McNichol were present. We had a. good meeting. no excitement but decisive in opinion that those who make the most noise were the ones least, to be trusted to rule the state of affairs in this country. and we are expecting that C wry stratugcni of an illeaitimati, nature will he used as heretofore to con- Ltse tth Well as deceive I he poor laboring nznn of this country. On the 20tu day of.) une the third Saturday of the month we, wdl hold an open meeting at Louise at 1 o'clock p. m. We hope nmny will avail themselves of thi9mirortuniiy and join in with us to carry out the welfare of ill fellow citizens. , M R. WEBBER, Secy. Thoroughbred Berkshire Bar. The undersigned has rented the vacant, not. in e Aljoe block and In pre red by close attention to business 'li1'l'tf/1' cuss work to give utiuhction to all comers. A trml solicited. June 6th 1806. Will ire ii, Prieeviue the tirgt Wednetr any in each month. OiBee at the Cotu- Ixim'ciul Hotel. ... " iN AN TED. . TERMS , 01.00. To be paid for " the ot lathe. Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1896. The undersigned has received in. structions to purchase a farm (f Iron: 100 to 200 acres. Must have 50 acres cleared, in good state of ettltivation, and either river frontage or good spring. Quality of buildings no par- tiealarohjeet butmust have orchard and shade trees. ()FFIL‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF _ the Durham Pharmacy Caldt-r's Block. Itesidenoe. first door west of the Posy pmm, Durham. mmgba] both of Town. A farm in the vicinity of Durham. A. LUCAS, Real Estate Agent O.fiee, oiwsite Tow 11 Hall, Durham pr, T q. HOLT b. D. s. DENTISTRY. TOWNSHIP or BENTINCK. ' FERDINAND.’ NEW BARBER SHOP. MARRIED. BIRTHS. DEATHS. D, Ft, mm! LO IVER T0 WH, Flour per loom -.....1 03mm! ........ Full What. pot bush“ Hay per ton ............ " Spring Who“ " 17-3 at Wanted 0th. Baby. Other Insecticides. Bhuplkinl. nah. Butter par mr..... E331. pot dos ..., Wool p01 It "r" Overalls. Overall: with Ribs. Smacks in great variety, One thing we emphasize about our aothing. “They are good ytttere". HOW ABOUT YOUR NEW DRESS.? [f you havent bought it yet. Come tn MB get our price. We have them at any Arttre from 16t up to $1.25. Then we hare lining to match them all and by the quality of our linings we have already built up a good trade in them alone. In Black Dress Goods amongst the many my be band _ f HENRIETTA! WHIPCORDS LU!!! RES Pu'" I fancy†CASHMERES SOLEIL CORDS CREPON SERGEg CREVENET'I‘ES BARITZ CLOTH . .---reugitB. FANCY FIGURED CLOTH. 'itll----- We take this gtT,g,t,Q,ts,' of inviting our many friends to come mud I00 our now quarters whet ler you want to buy anything or not. BUCKWHEAT. RAPE. Hungarian and Millet Grass Seed. The best of Light for you to judge for yourself. Nothimr'Jike gcod light in [store if the goods are all right they show " to advantage. _ Last week we drew your attention to our clothing but didnt take time to quote any price. It you are in need ot anything in this line take a look at this line. A MAN To sell Canadian and U. S. grown trees. berry plants, roses. shrubs, hedges, ornamental trees, and seed potatoes, for the only nursery having testing orchards in Canada. We give you t e benefit of our expert ience, so irourtsucctsais uamnteed. If you are not earning &per month ind expenses. write us at once for particulars. Liberal commissions paid rut time men. Farmers' sons should ook into this! It pays better than working on the farm. and offers a. chance of promotion. Apply now and get choice of territory. STONE & WELLINGTON, Mt m Toronto, Conant. =rareg1Wc: ANY AMOUNT OF ROOM. Better Chance to DISPLAY OUR GOODS. 4lllltaras, Strickly Pure’ Paris Green. Church’s Bug Finish. Slugshot and In a, new store at last and not before it was time. New goods were crowding in on us in the old stand and we were at our wit's end to know where to put them. Now everything is different we have MacFARLANE 8100. IO WER TOWN, Good Cheek Serge Suit Sneque Coat. Men's All Wool Pants Strige or Plain. Boy's 3 Piece Serge Suits izes 28 to 32. Boy'ts 3 Piece Suits Sizes 25 to 29 to clear at. Pine Navy Serge Suit all wool and well trimmed. Fine Blk. Worsted Coat and Vest Tail Coat or Sacque. Bound and trimmed. " " " " " $6 Saoque Coat trimmed and with best of linings. DURHAM MARKET. . ntnuunnooool ...... -.. " Ono-an AT It. ouooauoo on... q.............. " ... ... ... ... wanna-nonco- (iliiiiti,ifl("if"ii" FEDR [ilrW)liEiiiti)ti) b.. $165t00210 185to 200 080to 088 900901000 08010 " 022m 028 060ttt ttgtt 085“ 086 096to 085 'li0to 450 9li0to 075 0 Ste 010 01030013 DURHAM. RAMSAY dk MORLOGK 075 01 010 The Implement Season is nearly over but we have . few 13min at Democrats in Stock which we will sell " Coot in order to eleer on: our Benet my person in need of a. BUGGY, CART OR DEMOCRAT. '"""iir7 Ego"; Girl; aTiraGio"rgidva,' emu and echo:- hmud ml... Goods on the way and malt lave 100m. We have the famous Raymond Sewing Machine; We hue in mock Bell. Karn and Doherty Organs " prices which will wit the times. Money is going to be scarce this winter, we heve errenged to hen my emount ot it on good farm security " 5) and 6 per cent. etreight loene. All kinds of Ploughs, Cultivators. Strew Cutters, Turnip (Batten. e. in stock at our Show Rooms in Lower Town. Marriage Licenses issued and Fire & Life Ineurenee promptly attended . Jul Arrived WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. Cone " once and ye wil1Aurprire Y?..u, with 1.5" prices. ---milAL1ilR IN- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehlcloo, Organs a, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Chas. McKinnon Bargains at Wholesale! - . """"-iiii TGiE big-Lowest Possible Prices. Call and inspect and be Convinced. will b. kept. for Sonic. for Season o 185-6 " ht T, Con. I, Normwby. 121:1sz and GLOBE. 31.15. REVIEWaud HAIL ' um. One Car Brockville Buggies, alto Gallanoque, and Campbell, Lon- don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Cbatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the lamous Ramsay Carta-at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood's Slug. Apron Bin- ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. One EVERYTHING, B0WH1'lll 11911 CASH “SPRUCE LODGE 3230," N0. 402 Tamworth Boar if; The Fall is, a goodly“ tttey a " Cu Havana's Light Binders-tShearer than ever. CALDER t LIVINGSTON, Agents, 'iiiiiir""liiiiyridhii'us, Organ or Piano. THOROUGHBRED CLUBBING. M. W. LEM}! Prop CHAS. McKINNON GALDER’S BLOCK- New on Hand Thunder-w to: node. thate not-mad. by And? Ilene!†in MI ffautrt,'it 2t it'd. m in be. . F qtymtqd. 'tnt: ?i,tiEitvi,ir'iiit WM... tttttlu' ingwtboownu. - ..- _ - W Lot o,oN.Drti." hf2ta'lh."d Jami.“ a tiird.tirt 1'ht moi-mu I My 'lll'flllh' Maxwell's Seoul Baku. on. Coultlmrd & Scott's 800d Dr!!! - Hat rows. Wilkinson Plough Ind acumen. Organs & Pinion at the ttet trtiq, A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing " chines. Full Stock of Repair! shay: on hind. 1t,ealtr,tgrg1,lyatt'tlttrttlt tir6TE LOST. LOWEJ TOWN ' DUIBI "In. Aux-nu. Ma00 ' '.00 310 (I) F, , f. 't “a 3";