West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 Jul 1896, p. 8

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DEPARTMENTAL tiig1pipr, UPPER TOWN, Scythes from 49 cts each, up. . 38 a allon. Snaths trom 50 cts. each up. Best Machine Oil, at! g Castor Oil at 10 cts. a 1b. Best Bug Killer " lbs for 25 eta. Garden Hoes from 43 eta. up. Best Sticky Fly Paper 2 for 5 cts. Ladies' 345 cents 15 cents bays 1 lb Japan Tea. 12k cents buys 1 lb Fruit Biscuits. 15 cents buys 1 doa. beat Lemons. 5 cents buys 3 cakes good soap. 48 cents buys a pair of Women's Leather Shoes 109 cents " " Dongola Oxfon 79 cents l t l I . ' 77 cents " Child's (kid lined) Tant 59 cents " " Tan Buttoned Bo 115 cents " Men's Bait Boots, Londox 335 cents " " f2nnd unnr Wuhan! 8 t Buys I BOX...‘ 0 fl, FINEST RED HERRINGS. _-'"et1riet"is"irrs'?Airesast;isstitg9--" "Forest City" BAKING POWDER. Take THE PRICES BELOW WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS- Bargain DAY EXTRAORDINARY BUY CYCLES --Bat buy the best for the least money. OUR GREtiM9ENTtg at our Bargain Day price of """"saft9 $55.00 ---ss is positively the best Wheel in the Market. They are guaranteed for one year. Jirttdein1ilnglami. In 1 1b Tin Cans- l9cts a lb. LA. filiUNTER'S 20 cents bays a yard of our best Nun's Veiling 10 cents tt Crnmms Beat English P 38 cents " Finest Opera Flannel 8 cents " Best Sateen, Dhie PM D 23 cents buys a pair of good Corsets 4 cents buys a mu length of pretty frilling 32 cents buys a yard of finest Blouse silks 25 cents " good black Velveteen 23 cents " best Table Oilcloth 15 cents " Ladies' Skirt Flannel 22 cents " Fancy New Dress goods "r"""'------; advantage of this Mammoth Summer Sale at High-Grade Merchandise, lower than ever before. Come Tuesdays, our Bargain ppp-ti, yiatil1tiwars find a crowd. Everything gtSdii-rriJlii; thé Paper and Envelopes, and that's Stationery. #hlBlllgllglfill SALES. PATENT LEATHER, Evening Dress Shoes, 31,50 1 Button, Very Stylish. always sold " 31.75 tt Tan Buttoned Boots Men's Buff' Boots, London Toe " Goodyear Welted, Razor Toes, Rus. sian Tan Boots " Goodyear Welted, Razor Toes. pa. tent Leather Boots Child's (kid lined) Tan Oxfords our best N an's Ireiline Worth ah, Crumms Best English Prints Regular 12ke Finest Opera Flannel " 50c Best Sateen, Dhle Pld Dre's Linings, Reg. 12M: Dongola Oxfords, Patent Tip AND 6 cents buys 1 lb Raisins. 49e buys 7 plugs good Smok’g Tobacco 7 cents bays 1 lb Ginger Snaps. o cents buys 1 can good Salmon. Regular 25c. Regular " Worth 600 " 81.50 " 81.25 " 81.00 " 75e " " 350 " I clam-A,', Mighton, Andy Hopkins. Pt. 11 tyet-Hott-ttny Crozler. James glngoung, Lizzie Foster, Mamie Red. o . Sr. f eiaaty--Dan McDou I, Mag ie McKechnie. Robert Might»?! R Jr, II ciee--itetnjfcurieton. Willie 2t'1tgMrvue1iiiirtoE Rachel McKin- non, Lizzie uhn. ' IV. eiaar-TVilliss Currie. Hattie Byers Hugh McCallum. III class-Addie Currie, Allan Me. lDougall. AngusMcKinnon. Mary McCal um. Br. II elaatr--.Alex. McDonald, Vida Barns, Lizzie McDougall. J line: Mr. J. Bachelor, who has been in ll- linois for some time has returned home looking hearty. Mr. A. Halliday was the guest of Mr. A. Rodgers last week, We expect all the cloc s and sewing machines will he running in first class order after his in. spection. i Mr. C. Jack while working at the lime kiln hurt his foot very bad y and is not l able to get around much. l Mrs. J. Jackson was waiting at the parental home Mr. Spears last week. i ___ - - Mama. TORONTO Jr. A. Married July lst, in the Latter Day &aint's Church) Mr. Luther Vert to Miss Mary Ellis. They had sup 'er at the bride’ uncle's, Mr. l, Ellis, alter which thev spent the evening. We wish Luther and his worthy choice a prosper- nus voyage through life. Mr. 0. Hannah, of Shelhurne. paid Mr. A. Bryce a brief visit on his way home from Holstein. Miss Flora McTaggart left for rau, last week where she intends staying for some time. A veri sad accident occurred one day last wee while Mr. J. Smith was doing statute labor on the road. His little boy who was on the waggon fell off, the wheel running over his head killing him almost instantly. No doubt, it was at teirilile shook. The family has the s inpathy of the community in this their great bereavement and before this little boy had been laid in his resting lace the and news reached us of another Fatal accident which occurred nem- Swinton Park. Mr. Hugh Wilson‘s horses running away killing the baby and injuring Mrs. ilson seriously. I Logging bees are the order of the day. Mr. S McLean and Mr. A. Rodger had one last week and both got a. ttno piece logged. Report of , S. No. 6 Bentinck for Mr. J. Henry and Miss J. Wiggins visnted the show at Mt. Forest on the Ist. From their hum)! faces on their return the trip was evn ently enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Lamas. who have been on avisit to Mr, A. McLean's, Sr. re- turned to their home in Cleveland on Tuesday last. Miss Kate Campbell is at present on a yisit at her fathers, Mr. John Campbell. Miss Gertie McLeod and Miss J. Car- son, of I’riceville. visited Mr. Alex. Ctus son last Saturday. Mrs. J. Hem accompanied by Mr. Joe McDonald, L,') son-in-law, Went. to Guelph on Monday. Mrs. Henry is suf- fering from btouchitis, but at time of writing she is slightly better. Mr. Fred M eArthue has got back from his bicycle tour to Dundalk. His suc- cess in the race there was phenomenal. but the end was disastrous. Why will they allow stray docs on the tracks. Broken heads and limbs are not cured hv excuses. War in a harry patch in this vicinity created a mild form of excitement last week, All the comlmm Its returned home in safety. The cld lady was hard- ly a match for two. Mr. Thomas Morrow had some tent es destroyed by fire last. week. By the timely assistance of neighlxn-s the fire was got under control before serious damages had been done. Mr. Duncan Sinclair is putting a stone foundation under his house. T 1e whale has the contract. Whats the matter with our young friend from Fleshcrton Station? Mar is not seen in this vicinity now. The Lime kiln on the o. D. Road might un- folda tale in.explauatiom ' Hugh McFayden vs badl put out by the ravages of the J,11u',1"d.'l', but McPherson says the change ml govern- ment will do away with all troubles, grasspoppers included. The Henry Bros. are.keeping bachelor's Hall at present. They seem to claioy it, but getting up to the eyes in ough, hunting stray chickens, omitting to feed the ducks, the troubles of washing day, eta, makes them long for the leturn of the old system, Why don't they follow the exaniple of some of their neighbors? There are lots of housekeepers wanting to be asked to assume the dignity of running a house of their own. One of the young men will have to take “c? the lessons In driving. Misses M. an C. are evidently POSth as they gave him quite a chance list Saturday. Some of our 1aoum and beauty enjoy- ed a dance at r. Mclntyre's in Scotch Town on Monday night. __ Mr. John McDougill is at present suf- fering with intiammuion in the eyes. Hope he will soon be about agaio. A Mr. J. Henry and Archie from the Hills assisted at a. paper han ing bee at, K-- Bros. the other night. fin) says he did all the work, What were the other fellows doing ? Mr. John Campbell has thrown away his crutches and steps around once more on his original pins. He enjoys the change very much. Misses Kate Sullivan and Tenn. Me- Rae, of Irish Lake, were the guests of Miss M. McQuarrie last week. Miss inhie Sinclair Aeturned from Toronto on July let to the old home- swgd. Her many friends are glad to The weather has been dry and between drouth and grpsshoppers we are in dang er of a repetition of last year’s qh9rtage. see her. ttttr-Kate Nuhn, John Clark. Aoan, H, CLARK, Teacher. HONOR ROLL. PROTON CENTRE. !. C. McDolifnll. Millie , McDouga , Tommy MAPLE GROVE. Poxsox TRE f?rhatarrsnrrma.-.-A fnrm. er In Brant mind Paris green with bran and spread it on Nurture field, with the result that the eld next day was covered With dead grasshoppers. isonous mixture recommended: Bran, R' pounds; Patis green, 3 (rounds; old molasses, 2 quarts; mix, an add a little water if necessar to make the mam stick together. grasshoppers seem to be fond of this mixture. and it may he ‘used successfully where there is no let" of domestic animals being pois- on . When grasshoppers become numerous every precaution should be taken to limit" as far as possible, their breedin grounds and resort to methods for the; as: uction before they reach the adult 3 e. along the roadside. 4. The use of poisons is followed in some cases, especially when the pest is confined to limited "tetts. A mixture re- commended I One part by weightof ur- senic, one of sugar, and five of brain, to I which was added wtttertiuf11cieut, to thor- oughly wet the mixture. The arsenic an bran are first mixed together then the "lllil!l' is dissolved in water and ul- dad. T in is scattered upon the ground, ah.out u. teaspoonful in n. place. Another l, Srntter old hay or straw over and around the field in heupsand wind-rows. Into these the grusshoppera can be driven and burned. 2. Many can be destroyed by havin a roller rates over the ground upon 'IT/lt they " it in great numbers, especiaLlly it the surface is smooth and hard. This best time to do this is in the mornings and evenings. :3. A pan is made out of ordinary sheet Iron, eightieetlous,r, one foot, wide at the bottom. and turned up one inch in frontanda foot behind (some, use. for the back a piece. of canvas). A runner ‘nt each end, extending some distance behind (some. do without runners). and l a small Pope extending to each front corner. to he used in pulling it. The in- side of the mu is smeared with tar. or some coal oil may be put on the bottom. It is pulled over the ground. and as it moves along great numbers of the Ihoppers" jump into it and are Kilt ed. In some cases this might be very effective ulon the sides of fields and along the ringside. J. Ham Paamm. O. A. College. Guelph. July, t, 1m H F "e____ ...‘ ‘55s: unrux" posited, oxen-ls a great intiuenée in px. )osing them to eumnies and the weather. Ll regard to destroying the young forms sew-ml plans are resorted to t Remedies. The time (071 is when they are either in young stage. Shallow plowing and harrowing dur- ing the full fields, where the eggs are de n....:on.l ws-t__-_A,, - . __ ),'te',.'sy,ilt'i',tg.d in such numbers as to rreate. alarm. l hurt-with send Sou a few lines with ref. ence tn the m t o is followed in places where thev net-unu- injurious from tunr lo tine. Tht-grus. - hop rem which trauma us are not the 1'1'l") Mountain Iovusts. Our fnrms are singlemroode:i. pass the egg stage in winter, hatching in midsummer. reach- ing theadult,coriiiition aboutAug'ust and luyinlg their eggs in September. The fein.tWrdepotsiti, m eggs in the earth. makings. small cylindrical hole for the purpose. She usually selects ham dry ground, roadsides and pastures being.r favored localities. Hence meadows and pastures are great breeding grounds. The following letter to the Gu--lph Mercury by Pro. Panto“ of the O. A. C. will be read with interest. Dear Bir.--Much complaint is being made throughout the country regarding injury sustained from gvastihr.ppevs. Even in uurnyv!) district. they seem In Mr. Thom son, a theolngical studs-m, conduct) 8w consecration meeting, a feature dear to endeavoters, mud the meeting was closed by singing the Hymn " Take my Life and let it he. " Time and place of next meeting will be decided by the executive committee. At, the close of Mr. Miller’s address, Mr. Jansen called attention to the lack of discussion on papers. and though this should be t'ectified, m future. U. E. Work in the Home life."and it was very pertmently pointed out that while much attention wan given to the church side of the endeavdrev'ts duties, his light must also shine in the home, which was or should be the [nurse of all virtues. This is the first time Mr Miller has favored the Society and it should certainly not be the last." He was followed 'a Rev. Mr. Millor 9f yolilzelq _on_ .. Illu, Influence of In the evening Mr. D. Buchanan, Horevilleg gave a vigorous practical ad- address on "Moving ForwUrd," filled with many good points. He spoke strongly against extravagance in church and person while the heathen were": darkness. " Gods best choice me for those who will accept. " and asked all to see to it that their lifediul pointed to Christ. Y. P. S. C. E. in HOLSTEIN. Continued from page f. part coming in for special Commenda- tion for its excellence. Bentinck Council met in special session on the 29th June ttm, to take into con- sideration a requisition from the Enron and Ontario Railway Co.. for right .of I way on the Highways of the Township. All the the membens present. The reeve in the chair. Copies of Agreements from the Co., were laid before the Coun- cil and the. several clauses thereof duly considered. After discussion and son 0 amendments made to the Agremncm', it, was moved b Mr. Ries, seconded Ivy Mr. Brown, tl’i'at the t'.'i',r,',"/i,1,t1'? for Right of Way asked for ny the Hu on an Ontario Railway Co., be granted upon the Road known as the Durham Road in this township and that a hy-law be passed confirtttifig the agreement now entered into hetweeen the said Co., and the said Municipal“ .--thtrried. By-law was introduced, read a first and second time and numbered 4 for 1896, in accordance with foregoing Resolution. Moved by Mr. Dickson. seconded hy Mr. Putherhough, that By-law No. 4, for 1896. he now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed on By-lmv Book.- Carried. By-Law No. 4, for 1896, was mad accordingly and Council adjourned. D. CAMPBDLL, Clerk. 'The following Better with: thr/ .H11wy" followed by Rev. Mr. Millor BENTINCK COUNCIL. GRASSHOPPES. The time to, ir,)." this pus? ¢->o- -- the egg; or L0 WER 10 WH, Other Insecticides. RAPE. Itiif -- _ . and Millet Eng?" Seed. AT 1yht11pirtuiwr. Strictly Pure Paris Green. Church's Bug Finish. Slugshot and June oth, 1890, tit-Mars "Pia/td (Hacks and Watches! The undersigned offers for safe his farm of MO acres being Composed of lot ar on the 2nd and lots 22ar/d 'Pit on the 3rd Colt. N. D. ll., Gllrnels,r, 125 u-n-s "learod, balance good hnnlwuml hush. Well fenced and watered by two wells and two springs. Good hearing orchard. Buildings all good, Farm is situated " mile from school, " mile from Post (Mica. " mile front Township Hall, while a chmch is located upon lot. Witt he sold on "lu'.h' terms. For further Pat" tioulnm mm!“ 1.. Will be it} iipii.iarii, the tttst Wednes. day in each month. (mm at the Com- merciul Hotel. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Phurnmvy Cttider'y Block. Resultant-9 f1est door west. of the Petr:..?)?, purham. llitdljillulig t Go. nmwmmmm. mm " Wayne. L Mood &00., Lowell, um. HoodU Pins 3,": Hood’s In one eye and about Iny tanplaa, - pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. ttook many nuedlea, but found help only in Hood'a Banaparllla which cured me at rheumathmt, neuralgia and headache. Bood’a Bamparllla baa proved ltaelt a true friend. I also take Hood’a Plu- to keep my howela regular. and like the pull very much." mac Luna, Sauna. Ohlo. Il: T g. HOLT L. D. s. President IsmLewls ot Ssbins, Ohio, is highly respoctsd sll through that section. Ho bu lived in Clinton Co. " years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 yesrs. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood’s Suss- parills, and what he ssys is worthy attention. All brain workers and Hood's Snrsaparills peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, sud from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. " sm glad to any that Hood's Gunpo- rills is s very good mum. uneasily as s blood ptritter. tt has dons In. good many times. For scum yours I and - with psinl ot DENTISTRY. ALIVE. nun cums um cums MODERN. Neuralgia FARM FOR SALE. Bank 8arsaparilla ALIVE! Are not Ancient but Are not dead but DONALD GRAHAM. Bulimia": P. O. Ill - _-__ -- --- -'" _ DURHAM. ' 'tW8'h'l'attrdtL,'tt2tPi'8','" W”??? m riiirTiorgg.t, my” on“ W In or any n “I doit, a. ii"a"eraciGaiiurht 9...!!! " m Me. and stamp}!!! The “W haeto boon restored to - a “with not... "tor Jam... for unruly-ll setittrttyiaiciiatGrGiirtiiiitiRiriikiie f,'rt,'tnttteiiiiiiiiiii to unlu- lno‘n " [allow III tho we! can. To than I” doth“. In I!!! chart-my and Um of can." tn'. of “I. ""?or'lt,t'd mod. I'th “I? II“: GIN em or In... 0-.Aot no. “out. was...“ .51».sz in; W Ids no a? a: use." will try uLrittthr, HIM-[I'd IO. Thou mun. ttto “can” m VIII 'toqt them nothing. "a In, pro" . “I. 'm PM aids-cu, '2,t",griegt to take building M Maud umish all kinds of Muted-l " living prices. PLANIMI AND MATCHING/ WATSON BROS mmn AND SATISFACTMS GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND AT RIGHT PitICftti, Dromore. June Och. m. " TOOOUIUIPTIVEI "7.0 'mit hurt-Inn "fur-r in low... Undumkinc and Embalmiu on up»: " up!“ at Mount“. run I. Furniture of the Best I'tl't Furniture and Ulttdortattirve Run-inw- .q'tth. ”shod try Iain father In Durham in I.“ od wit! endiurvor to xiv. all old had new eel-lu- or» the sum “are nun-(mum. Would intimate that he wtt.t Furniture and Ulttdesrtottine N ”shod hyhin (what In Durham win endeavor to xiv. I" am A... IMPROVED MACHINERY. . bett to announce to the public that we have the null rebuilt and mstitted with tUIIHURE AND “PERTH!“ Ur-er-do-not-it-tttatt-rites, ' ."ILH‘VTII‘OO. a "tdtgFeoettStmetEart, Toronto. Opposite the McA trurtey Huture, Thanking You one and all for you, patronage in past years and truth. you will favor me with a fair than ofthe saline this year. "Mm" Tani: put up by thr Indian N Grill- sample of the beot qualul. 1-H“ RTI.' Therefore they no. the (nah-.1 are in IE te.tir?fthiGd.iteAaGa.pai(iTr/rui'; put it" Ibo-ochr- and u.” it only huh: m Rtruh'htthr.gitttrggt a etc TCru-aw,'",'..'".",',')'"',','.",")".'.'.',:',','.",'.', We hare a full line of T weeds, lv'lammls, Yarns, Blankets, an, ( Tanner’s make) now on [mud and are pre- pared to give in er. clumge I'L' - .--htyragat, Egg: taken in etc/mum or Cat m f] I'm“? Tu d In THE Noun - c; CASH OR TRADE. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR STAND, opposnem 'i1"t": McALLISTER Hm -lIllh Member the "and -oppmdta the Market. Durham. WOOL NORTH EG REMONT. ALWAYS ON HAND. "mm "All“ A SPECIALTY c. ll, (mlfllliim IN tTB NATIVE Pumy' 3 J. SHE-WELL FROM THE TEA PLANT to THE "I up fl. E. STEVENSON. ALL GOOD one!” KEEP tr. ' PERFECT TEA ic; -'ULL LXI! or-- WOOL E. J. ”1:11;“. .‘..I -7- WANTEn comm»:- lb We take Uri thanking c, 1' past patron: convinced (tii, W111 merin a "Large Sal r-H-rm "me."' tlMlqeyci.!.ishriE-r:crji] ". ..' " Tds, at. our Ge. and sic. ('I '. Al.l PRINTS "C' " Bmt 'Nble oil Cloth. white " White Camila Swap. 'i - 50. . IN); of 3 tmkes. at. pail, tIN Btl,tger,,fidr,'eiiyi; “SPIUCE LODGE RE um ho kept for Sr“ l mm. In! 7. ('un.1 mmhhrad Chester Get one of our new ( I . I Washing Ir",', Service. This '" who imported fun new and WA: on winnw " the Wodd's Fair. Chit Aha RUFUS. six mum (to. Prince 9nd Prim-c $8 Durhn "I. A . Sci-mind. NULDEN & L“ Mild. '05. Just read the folk-w Se. 3 In); of Tamworth " THE mu long, Tuonouanm 'as. See our 91.00 We beg ers and that we System its equ TERMS 8' n. w. 1.1 2ft in. w 82 4| I.~N0. TH a. t1

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