West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Aug 1896, p. 1

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in carly years tha use for anxiety,% s, when not bq~ dic.ne, Hood‘s Sarsq, store the quality ang : blood and thus give ad the following let tep: Psl to write about my aged 19. She was come , declining, had that t ireq ds said she would nog Fonthu. She had a bad S AYD CHARMS ned to do her any good, d about Hood‘s h.._ give it a trial. From the he began to get m w bottles she was comâ€" her health has been the " Mrs. Appts P‘ , Amsterdam, N. Â¥, iat my mother has not in as strong words as I re. Hood‘s &n.“ ae and 1 am now well," sterdam, N. Y. Alood‘s, because are purely vonhblo.; $ liable asd benefclal 23¢, +reen. 2DON. TV H. nish. ot and cticides. ood‘s rd Watchs Purifier. Anmu Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, ugh OR SALE. oLTt L. D. y. Pharmacy Calder‘s first door west of the ISTRY, IVE, ! parilla nelent but ERN. de herg eclining health ot o many are cut ofg oo auwhe aul_ o E & 00. ~ DOOR EAST offers for safe his ng compeos<ed of log s 2 and 23 on the ilenely, 125 icres d hardwood busi, tered h}' two wells @1 bhearimne orchard, "arm is sitnuated 1 1} mile from Puast (OÂ¥ik DURHAM. id but tirst Wednes e at the Comâ€" further parâ€" mrmmemy % 1A Â¥,. an P. O mip â€" Hall, lot. WiB OF /# UBea L Durham, Aug SPRUCE LODGE HERO," NO. 402 will be kept for Service for Seaso! 139056 at Lot 7, Con. 1, Normanby. $ hm MORECE" PPXE Get one of our new Carpet Stretchers. We have the best made for 90 cents |‘ wheat tees ® Our New Prints are just in. We have the very best value at ". :R ‘NT to. JYe. 10c. and l2ge. ayd. Seethem ‘before buying. ‘;rfx ag’(" re our 5¢. and 6¢. CHALLIES. MEX‘S TOP SHIRTS from 25cts. up. %\ie:_g;i 300"' S We always keep full lines at lowest rSn-icet;. per ac & SH OES You should see our SPRING LINKS of Ladies‘ and Men‘s Low Shoes before buy‘ng. (Note this fact.) est Table oil cloth, white and colored, 45 in. wide, 25c. a yd. Best Oatmea.‘ or White Castile Soap, Tets a bar, Of ‘4 bars for 25 cents. _ Glycerine Soap, The 5e. a box of 3 cakes. Serub brushes Sets ur. Heavy (jalvanized 14 what ;. pail, 25¢. See our $1.00 lot of Tinware. Call any way, We want your vrade prese ie y e '_'he { % t take this opportunity of anking our customers for Thoroughbred Chester White Bos 1 ‘*‘Washington,‘ R Service. i 7 s mc sel the. United Btates and was a winner of fout Priz e at the World‘s Fair, Chicago. Also RUFUS, six months‘ old, & get from Prince and Princess Lyons, and auu;ub h. h cAcdncd DP EeC st patronage, and we are nvinced that the new system 11 meris a continuance of the same. ydse. xVIII._â€"NO. 33. Just read the following prices : a fine animal. arge Sales & Small Profits." BOULDEN & 2%o., Harness Makers, April 3rd, ‘05, Durham Tamworth Boar THE BIG long, We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the: Public generally that we have adopted the Cash system, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be THOROUGHBRED THEE CASH ADOPTED BY . & J. McKechnie. 28 in. Wides W.LEESOH Prop Che EBren Beview. ‘YOU WILL NEED New Lace Curtains .. G. & J. MeKECHNIE. ,"* NO. 402 for Season 0 . 9th, * So is SPRING IS HERE Houseâ€"cleaning time, and 34 yds. long, 42 in. W 15 ° _ * "‘4. f i. wide, 25¢. a yd. _ Best Oatmea. s for 25 cents. _ Glycerine Soap, ts ur. Heavy Galvanized 14 Call any way, We want your trade bnptmeaa" ~* 1. ~ 1 almgemain wewpaLL‘$ $PAVIM GURE: ~_ Box 54, Carman, Henderson Co., 111., Feb. 8. ‘4â€" msddelast waus avam w treralmriorit i bapiken on is oo uols j eschbsteliense n . Yours o Cuis. Powit. KENDALL‘S SPAVIN CURE. Cawrox, Mo., Apr.3, 2. woST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY nmw.nur-.u.w- PDr. B. J. KLEND. LL COMPANXTY, ecnossuran FaLLs, VT. M sl aeant Mave ased sovpre1 bottics of l[.“n'. Sparin M"m‘.“ -= enCAD SE SPL+ Tiniment 1 over used. AHt a6 FoR MAN OR BEAST. 42 in. wide, $1.00 a pr. Carrox, Mo., Apr. E. Kar, P. 0. BozMS. â€"Dr. Bonnar, of Chesley, the deâ€" feated candidate in N. Bruce, we see has been offered a chair as Professor of Anatomy in the Rush Medical College of Chicago, at a salary of $4000. ‘ â€"How they do it in the States. | Bryan was nominated for President a month ago, he was only formally notiâ€" lfied of it last week. He announced then that at a future day he would | formally accept. Again thg Prt‘a‘side‘t‘\t â€"â€"On August 11ith 85 deaths from heat effects were reported in Chicago, while it was estimated that 1000 dead animals were lying on the streets of the city. New York was even worse the death roll in one day running up to 150, and doctors, nurses and ambulâ€"| ances ail as busy as could be. | EDITORIAL NOTE AND COMMENT. POYIaeerid (CuuCF > MdB oofi will be elected in November but he will have no official knowledge of it till next March. Such are specimens of modern political fictions. â€"The strugzle between Spain and the Cubans still goes on with indicaâ€" tions that Cuba will ultimately be free. If the spirit shown by Gen. Maceo at his death is shared by his compatriots, they will not be t_easily_quelledfi. H: uns M Eee AEny s No o on e es bady won the battle, when a Spanish sharpshooter sent a bullet through his neck. _ He cried "I have won the fight! I am glad to die! Cuba! Cuba! â€"The speech of Bryan at New Yorkâ€" 1 at the formal notification of his nomin, ation as Democratic choice for Presidâ€" ent was, if anything more magnetic than his Chicago speech. In New York, the home, it may be supposed of the detested "Gold Bugs," in the east where he can expect little support this man by hbis oratory and magnetic presence has held captive large audâ€" iences whose applause has been freely given in the usual trantic way. MBe- L . q 0000000 th Sie: mes enanont a F2 Aulhcdlorcl6 @istedndtn it nds m duet ied " e C fore the yore however it is expected a calmer view will prevail, and that view will not likely be in the inierest of the free silver fallacy. hmuaty? 13 h Th h ts d cdandlin ols en suced the August Report on the Crops in Ontario, and shows that fall wheat has a large increase of acreage, but the yield only 16.6 bushels to the acre. Spring Wheat shows a decreasing yieid per acre over a slight increase in acreage, Fiving about the same total lyield as 1895. _ Barley has a smaller C e cemefate ectaUnT . /<â€" P Nee y LABNEIEI EOe Ne seetcetscavee o ND OUUOO O ctmrmas y nc ESE EOO 2NE 09 eE o acreage and a larger yield. Oats an increased acreage with smaller yield. Rye_ increased acreage, with same yield per acre as last year. â€" Peas has an increase of 30,000 acres, and a crop ef 3,000,000 bushels over that of last year, showing that this is becoming‘ our staple crop in Ontario. _ Beans are not up to 1895. Hay and clover promâ€" ise 40,000 tons over 1895 but still 1,000, \000 tons below the average. Buck wheat shows an increase in area, })ot- | atces a decrease and field roots a drop ‘nf about 3, 000 acres. _ Corn is large!ly \in excess of last year‘s acreage and THah 17 0d ; POPCT DURHAM, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1896. BB ©l PE NIEARRES TW AMOD CC l es C CT the yield promises well. The Rainy River Country has the heaviest yield per acre in Ontario. EUOUID o 1488 .32 460 Ctan Iwin. Some of the Conservatives were |fair enough to desire an election by ’acclamation as all the other members of Mr. Laurier‘s govyernment have "been o elected. Besides the riding had just chosen & Liberal Candidate, ‘and out of respect for a cause whose |champion had inst teen removed by death it would have been the graceful “thing to allow the cause the victory ‘once earned. However thoy are | quite within their r‘i)ght, and we cannot ‘believe but that John Clarke‘s supâ€" . porters aided b{emsny Canservatiyes, | will return a Li ral in John Clark‘s place, especially when that Liberal is ‘such a true and tried exponent of Liberal principles as the Hon. William | Patterson. The Owen Sound Advertiser has what ma{ be called a “Snaq': in the present election. The O. S. Times at 4 T L C Aolitan raent nnnnIme prEuuIPb NCOEA T Ciren : Iyalnt the general election kept pounding away on the duty resting on all electâ€" ors of supporting a candidate who was a supgorter of the government, and now the Advertiser takes great pleasâ€" ure in reproducing. its articles. Both candidates and their friends are now into the fight with extrex‘t‘\eabit‘tgme:s, t lc Lc c nalda tha candidaters and their friends are now into the fight with extreme bitterness, and next Tuesday will decide the result. Mr. Patterson will, we hope, A BARGAIN! That e:igihle residential lot, at pres ent occupied by Rev. Chas. Cameron is for sale, or will rent on reasonahble terms.. 1e . hok M The Bureau of Indpstriethay‘e isâ€" Â¥ 1H10e Apply on the premises or to wonme& @ #â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"= eume_._weâ€"â€"4 4 @4 NURTH GREY. . P. TELFORD Moppaees (hscs cit w ttoees, 2. Mr. John A, McLellan and bis sister, Mrs. E. Eyans, spent Sunday in and around Boothyille. y Mrs. Archibald Beaton is holidaying with her +ister, Mrs, Brown and other friends in Bentinck. Mr. Alex. Martin, of the 6th, was presâ€" ent with his many friends bere on Sunday aud attended service at the Centre. Mr.Jobhn A. Grabam leaves our midst toâ€"day (Monday) to attend his duty at the Ritchie School where be is already bired for ‘97. We will all mi«s Jack as when in his company a few bours is but a fen winutes. Messrs Frank and Thomas Sullivan in company with their sisterr, Misses Nellhe am:id Kate, from Irish Lake, spent a fow merry bours with triends in our Town. Messsrs Geo, Black, J.JF.and Ed. Bulâ€" livan in comrnny with jMisses H. and A. Sulliyan all from Pomona, were welcome guests with friends here on Wednesday evening last. Mrs. Michael Honrick and children from ‘Toronto, are at present spending a few weeks at her brother‘s. Arch, McMillan, Her many friends in this Burgh are pleasâ€" ed to see her familiar face among them as of y ore. Miu_;nnio Morrison has returned to Queen City last woek. J. K. will give the candy sticks to some other one now. Mise Sadie Black left for Brantiord on Thursday last to remain for & time, No doubt Sadie will be quite at bhome in that yicinity as there are four of her ; brothers in that neighborhood. Measrs Archie and Alex. McÂ¥Milian &T home for the harvest, They hbaye been making timber down the countcy, _ Some good yarns cun be had from Aiox. now free of charge, Mr. Hector MeKinuon, of Pomone, is employed «1 the Cen‘ral L cie!, Dorham, and to our surprise we saw him eport a bike up ind down the big hil! in sonr town o Saturdsy, Cougratuinrions lieok, We wore ~orry to learo of the deth of Mr. Joun MÂ¥oePhee, of 10th cou.. Gierelg, who dioa on Satarday the 15th inst. We \wand onr ayinpathy to the bere. ved family. M;;Ju Mary Moluois, frow Flesherton Biatinn:. »p» nt a fow days at she prare: tal home last woek. Harve:ting is now in fall swing. Some of our neighnors are through enttingtand are assisting some others that are not so far forward. The last rains bave fiattened much of the standing crops ard made hard work for the binders. _ All kinds of grain are generally a fair average crop if prices would orly look up now there would be no cause for complaint. I bloasing, will please addreas, _ _ / g lm. TOWARD A. WiLSON, Brockiya, Hew orf Mr. Robert MeLanchlan bas arrived at the Grove from TIllinois looking well. His many friends are pleased to :ee him back. He reports hard times in the U. 8. and very little employment. Miss Maggio McQueen and Miss Meluâ€". nis attended service at St. John‘s R. C, Church, Glenelg, last Sunday. _ Arehitect Carson, of Tvrone, visited Mr. D. Sinclair last Thussday. _ The sndden storm blew over his intended snperstruc. ture and he took his lenve yery anddenly. We tru«t he returned home in safety. Visitors to this section must be prepared l'or atorms as they are very common in ‘ this section this season. _ In fact Dakota may have to take a back seat if they do | not let up soon. Mias Mary Stewart visited her brother Archie one evening last week. Miss Mary A. Conkey was a euest of Miss Flora Campbell this past week. D. Sinclair and Allan McLean purchased a Maxwell binder last week from M. Chas MecKinvon, of Durbam. The agent set it up but it failed to work,. After many atâ€" tempts on the part of the purchrsers to get started Miss Hazard _ happened along, took her seat on‘tha machine and without a miss it has worked ever eince. It might pay Mr, McKinnon to hire tt is lady as she is evidently an expert. . Try it Chartie if you do not think the experiment too Hazâ€" erdon«. Me««rs Donald Black, D. C. MeArthur and Fred McArthur are espected to haye a bicycle run on the Priceville Race Conrse about Sept. lat it the harvest is over by that time. A good tnrnont of spectators is anticipated as this will be one of the events of the season in wheelmen‘s circles We truat that the committee having the race in charge will have a clear track as this is all that is vpecessary to make it a 20 months old. _ Terms 12 months. H. PARKER, Durham. The undersigned hsvln%bun restored to health by simple means, after su .d? for several years v{sh asererelang affection, an that droad disecase m---:uu.h anzious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure, Tothose wheo desireit, ho will cheerfully send (free of ehuiuo) & ar py of the pnut"l?ion used, which they will find JOUUPC! _ sCuaanmntion. Asthma, Caâ€" a sure CuF® PM ETTE L PE en Te tarrh, Bronchitis, avnd all throat andlung Malâ€" | adies. He t‘.::ra all sufferers will try this remedy , u‘::lgln‘v‘fm‘l'o‘.”'l‘hou&oidflnnhoyronrlpuon I which w m nothing, and mae blessing, will please l-tlcl.\'ul.‘l T o I Six chaicefiyoug?liull_s‘_ for sale, 12 to TOCONsUIMPTIV ES. sCOTCH TOWN. THOROBRED SHORTHORNS. MAPLE GROVE. and Alex. McMillan are TORONTO \ Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS AYER‘S «1 contracted a severe cold, which settled on m‘lungn, and I did what is often done {n such cases, neglected it, thinkin it would Bis"Shit it came; but 1 found, after & ttls while, that the slightest exertion pained me. I then who found, on examining my |Ilm that the |R\per part of the left one was badly affected. ie gave me some medicine which I took as e geTD P TTR TN C0L ta An anv ennd. o gevo mQ sOMV TUCUTIU 42 As anv enad._ directed, but it did not seem to do any good. Fortunately, I haprened to read in Ayer‘s Almanac, of the effect that Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral had on others, and 1 determined to ’lvc it a trial, After uking: few doses my rouble was relieved, and before I had finâ€" ished the bottle I was cured.‘"â€"A. LEFLAR, watchmaker, Orangevilie, Ont. Ayer‘cs Pllle Cure Indkigestion. COMBS | COMBS | COMBS ! Which Doctors Failed to Help, CURED BY TAKING ‘ 1 contracted a severe cold, which settled ::é&t“.%%::'g:.fi.tgz‘;.:?;:.:?';fiw%% David JACK80N, JP.» cierk piv. Cours §§021f3§:. lzp}fz:‘ifie hannst eacrtice | AItDUP H JACKSOD) notery Pobiic. c tors, i Docto Land Valua Co 5“'“.". 4,_.___ .‘-.l.... i _ Insurance Agents, Fine Combs Dressing Combs Pocket Combs &c., &¢ The Goods are Right. The Prices are Right. Call and sxamine them. AT THEâ€" > Highest Awards at World‘s Fair. DUREAM PHARMACY * Music at The Lowest Rates." oi i o e e i e aeece ‘ of JNO. CLARK, I8., J. A. Hunter has just received another | LOT 4 . G. bran new * Clevellnd" (swell apecial) 32, CON. 8. W. G. R., BENTINCK, i To sighth wheol Tc in ooes ninnt es o ho nekonts m ie t e wheel 0: 3 I & Thako which be has sold this summer, Heuy . as No: 29 o Bs shved Hevs Ts Any one wanting the hest wheel in the ; ud.l:ndol'» ”“-J.- arrowed Nor. Slet, . world, sh ould see this wheel. 1 189 y John Megor, Keesuth, Ont, 2l "oh, > call D MS . For RENT OBR SA PX UV "0 CA nolsy NC w. G. R., township of Bentinck. Apply . g 1.00. To be paid for at time of Service. o CC oure~ SW ~AGBk to For RENT OR SALE. A. H- JAcmn' WHOLE NO. 942. ‘Robe Tanning ! Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for By the New Process, which for Finish and Softâ€" 16. B.â€"To ensure a goou j0® imt Hides must be well salted as soon as laâ€" ken off. Money to lend. idney invested for C e V@Pry PV 0; Satisfaciion Guaranteed. A general fim:cfil business transacted Office next door to Standard Bank, Durham We Handle everything in the Harnesés line, at right p{iges. Heayy & Light Harness Workmanship Unsurpassed. Fire Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &e. arties. Farms bought and sold. CONVEYANCERS. ..â€"â€"â€" FURS. â€"â€"~ We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Robe Tanning ! T ea of T eas KURMA TEA Harness ! A delicimiul bls)%end f‘r"t.:.-'fi in 4 108, aABa Sold for 30c¢. 1bâ€" Sold for 40c. 1bâ€" Sold for bOc. 1bâ€" Try it, and .y:)tu will be perfecély Also a full assortment of Crockery & Glassware, Dinner. Tea & Toilet Seta J. CAMERON Thoroughbrsd Borkshire Bora Robes & Coats ‘This fine animal will be kept on the promises ness can‘t be beat. At Popular Prices. JACKSONS. Thos. Smith. . LEAVENS, Jr. & SEE OUR Collars, Pads. \ Bite8) Whip" &c., &c. TO SUIT YOU. THE~ *Â¥ ‘FERDINAND: ‘ood job th. t up in 4 !bs. and ; C%

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