West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Aug 1896, p. 1

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Lewis ot Sabina, ected all thmn% has been president ik 20 years, He ot merit of Hood‘s u hat he says is 1 brain workers z rrills peculiarly adapted from this comes nerve, and dig“tiv. M say that Bood'.h HOLT L. D. 3. nish. ot and cticides. about my temples aa» bysical an 4 mental la bog, edies, but found N’fl parillia which cured me ef puraigien and headache, ‘lla has proved itselt a trus ake Hood‘s Pills to keep ular, and lHke the pilis aac LEwis, Sabina, Ohie C seay in uhech ath [(IVE ! not dead but FOR SALE. sT _ DOOR EAST OF n Pharmacy Calder‘s ce first door west of the rham. eville the first “’vdu fre »HD t locats erms, md Watch he. Ts has dote megoug enppar«s*«dnk # ralgia _ hbeing composed of lot d lots 22 :_md Z3 on the )ERN. RDON. 8 Pur‘Rer. All druggists. 01 L. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, aparillia ed offers for safe Ancient but «. CGlemnelg, 125 acres good haudwood bush, watered by two wells Goed lu-:\rmg_ orchard, D Treen. ods be OUR ISTRY, . Office at the lâ€".'; E & C. nkk: AFIH} Is o mile B lownsh‘p Hall, 1 upon lot. Wil For further parâ€" »U CGrAtaAM. »essan PJ d oas fime ) 18 w rkers a Un ndapid sit Il’l'l:(_' li 'l_? p [‘l_‘"' his s voL. XVIII.â€"NO. "Large Sales & Small Profits." We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system vill meris a continuance of mileaigalrali3] a9990088c0®2 k *% yds. See our DUU‘D MJA d | 1W e i w # Ladies‘ and Men‘s Low Shues before buy‘ng. { Nove LHIE Best Table oil cloth, white and colored, 45 in. wide, 25¢. a yd. or White Castile Soap, Tets a bar, or 4 bars for 25 cents. _ G se. a box of 3 cakes. Serub brushes 5¢ts uF. Heavyy G: et. pail, 25¢. See our $1.00 lot of Tinware. Call any way, We eity im ‘ BOOTS & SHOES aâ€"â€" 7.7â€" t a A Durham, Aug. 9th,*° «+ SPRUCE LODGE HERO will be kept for Service 1805â€"6 at Lot 7, Con. 1, N *4 42 64 4 VJG, C CS% (Get one of our new Carpet Stretchers. We have the best ma +1 Our New Prints are just in. We have the ver nINIT â€"~‘ m e and Lae. * yd. See them FRINT *‘ "Phoroughbred Borkshite Bost ‘FERDINAND. This fue aniraal will be kept on the ’n-nleli of JNO. CLARK, Jz., ‘ LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G. B., BENTINCEK, For Service during Season of 1895â€"96. F-giohnd in the "Canadsa Berkshire Bwine stecord" as No, 2956. Farrowed Nor. 21s¢, 1993, and bred by John Meyor, Kessuth, Ont. Just read the following prices : d« long. 28 in. wide, flc. a‘pr. $1.00° Tobepaid for at time of Service. Aberdcen, Oct. 15th, 1895. Tamworth Boar THE BIG long, We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, ard that our Motto will be THOROUGHBRED THE CASH ADOPTED BY . & J. McKechnie. H. W. LEESON Prop the same. The â€" Oren YOU WILL NEED _ New Lace Cur ains ERO," NO. 402 ice for Season 0 1, Normanby. So is Houseâ€"cleaning time, and G. & J. McKECHNIE. SPRING IS HERE [3 e just in. We have the ver{,ebest value at and 12%¢. a y4. See them before buying. MEN‘S TOP SHIRTS from 25cts. up. We always keep full lines at lowest rs)rlces. You should see our SERI‘_NG \LI ES o 1 iur.â€"il ihis funt Ve always keep full lines at lowest prices. You should see_ our SPRING LIIEES of fore buy‘ng. (Note this fact.) cd, 45 in. wide, 25¢. a yd. Best Oatmea. or 4 bars for 25 cents. Glycerine Soap, ushes Scts uF. Heayy Galvanized 14 asoes CCA 7E seway, We want your trade 3% yds. }?“gv 3§ i We have the best made for 90 cents KENDALL‘S SPAVIN CURE, * Box 84. Carman, Henderson Co., 11L., Feb. 34. ‘M KENDALL‘S SPAVIN CURE. MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY a6 For Sale by all Druggists, of a402008 "3. 3. KENDALL COMPANY, emnoseuran FALLS, VT. FOoR MAN OR BEAST. in in its effects and never blisters. in its effects and "Z" Read proofs below : 42 in. wide, $1.00 a pr. 42 &6 ‘1‘.:-)\‘5‘ 64 0. of Horse ol 1t C08 e Sood of your THE 66 Carron, Mo., Apr. , P. 0. BosHS. Premier Laurier hbas consented to open the Toronto Exhibition. Managâ€" er Hill is trying to ggt the great Li Hung to attend, and Lord Chiet Justice Russell, of England now in the States, is going to visit Toronto and the civic alllthorities are trying for his presence also. the new Parliament without olipoeition Sir Chas. made the French Liberals laugh as he entered a mild protest aâ€" gainst the selection of an English speakâ€" ing speaker twice in succession. Mr. Edgar drew applause from both sides by repeating his speech in French. â€"The much talked of caucus of Conâ€" servatiye members at the opening of the Session was very slimly attended, so the question of leadership and opâ€" E)sition %olifi' are left in abeyance. u§{h John McDonald was present, R. F. McLennan was Chairman, and the }motion to adjourn was moved by Sir Charles Tupper. EDITORIALNOTE AND COMMENT. â€"The death of Provincial Secretary Balfour in the Parliament Buildings is remarkable as being the second that has occurred of a minister dying in the: midet of his duties The other case was Mr. C. F. Fraser. Both men were great opponents of legislation that would injure private interests, and as the "Guelph Mercury" savs, * Mr. Balfour‘s combination of radicalism and wisdom is a type we can ill afford to lose from the counsels of the Proyince." â€"Took on this picture and then on that. When the Liberals went out of power in 1878, did they adhere to the policy, which, they admitted defeated them? They did, All through; their 18 years in the cold wilderness, they held to their policy, and are now Treâ€" warded by the nation with an opporâ€" tunity to put it into force. When the Conservatives went out of power in 1896, did they adhere to the golicy their leader was going,to die for Not a bit of it. â€" Itis Mready thrown overâ€" board, and in North Grey they are trying to throw the odium of it en to their opponents. â€"Mr. Edgar was elected speaker of â€"The Toronto‘‘Star " (Conservauye says on the opening of the house : "The remains of the arrogant party who had occupied the Government benches was seated at the left of the Speaker, and the strongest and most distinguished looking government since Confederaâ€" tion vecupied the benches to the right." Again "Sir Charles Tnpper, Bart, was very meek in attitude and concilâ€" iatory in tone, and, indeed, he and his following have evidently lain down and are using all their energies in tryâ€" ing to look pleasant. It is a difficult task, and sulphuric acid would be sweet in comparison with the feelings of some of the " remnant Weak and small," who have succeeded in getting back to Parliament." DURHAM, THURSDAY, AUGUST26, 1896. oS nEA VCAE EOE CR No Clen cp _ 2o s sarbarg appears in the Toronto Telegram, which is owned lg Mr. John Ross Robertson, M. P. for East Toronto: ‘ « It will not take longer than the date of the first Conservative caucus for the exâ€"Premier to find that even if he be permitted to hold the post of leader of the Opposition his tenure of the place will surely be tempora‘.:{. The party‘s best friends acknowledge that a new leader is needed. TbeK know more than that, They know that if an effectâ€" ive fight is to be made the Counseryatives inust take counsel together. Sir Chas. aspires to a dictatorship. If he be sucâ€" cessful in attaining his desire the Tories are doomed to ineffectiveness and futilâ€" ity. Young men are needed to fight the young men who are to sitein the seatg of the Ministers. Sir Charles beâ€" lieves be can lead the Opposition ; A n;?'nrity of his fellowâ€" fimitionista differ from him. They wi be doing their duty to the Conservative party by letting him know as soon as may be that he now governs neither the country nor S1oxIricantâ€"The fp}lq'\'vgng pa.ragr:pe the party," I Wce ue e uc . ~C e able to relieve you from the f further attendance at this sesâ€" Parliament." To all of which position will have something to if they can agree upon it. "Star " (Conse rvative Jud;i]es Bell of Kent, and Horne, of Essex have eom[;‘)leted their task and reported to the Lieutenant Govenor in (éouncil as to the division of the Co. of rey. It will be see that our plan has been followed pretty closely except in the south west corner. As we outlined, 8 divisions have been made, and the oula' differences are that Normanby and Egremont, and Bentinck and Glenelg are paired instead of Normanâ€" by and Bentinck, Glenelg and Egreâ€" mont also Markdale is thrown in with No. 5, we had it with No. 8. The divisions will be distinguished by numbers, and are as follows : 1. Owen Sound, Sarawak. 2. Keppel, Derby, Sullivan. 3. Bentinck, Glenelg, Durham. i4. Normanby, Egremont. 5. Proton, Artemesia, â€" Dundalk, ‘ Markdale. |6. Osprey, Colling wood, Thornbury. 7. Euphrasia, St. Vincent, Meaford. 8. Holland, Sydenham. The procedure now is as foilows : The Warden on or betore Nov. 15 apâ€" points & Nominatinf Officer in each division, and he will fix the place of Nomination. â€" This is to be held two weeks before municipal polling day between the hours of one and two o‘clock. The language arpointing |this day is a beautiful example of l%gal vyerboseness. ‘Such nomination aK |shall be that Monday in the wee |\ which precedes the week before pollâ€" ing day." THE COUNTY COUNCIL DIVISION. A voter may give his votes to one candidate where two are to be elected, and these double plumpers we believe will keep up sectionalism, however as two members are to be elected no harm will result except where one municipality puts many candidates up. â€" _ C yoy in E10M ies RERCERCCCCE CCC C t The election for County Councillors shall be held in alternate yeats and at the same time as the annual municâ€" ipal elections. 0 Briefly then, his statements are that the Liberal government intend to sigâ€" nalize its administration by a renewal of friendly relations with the United States; by settling the North Atlantic fishery troubles in a way becoming enlightened people by the simple proâ€" cess of give and take : by coâ€"operation in making and maintaining deex) water T CC se 1548 ‘thia tlantic The Premier h;lgtqlxbeen makin, Coung OE S ELOMLCAILE e c op c alutnh P in making and maintaining deeX water wa%zafrom the West to the Atlantic seaboard, Canadian‘s sovercignty he frankly says not to be compromised ; by bringing these questions, vhe trade BJ e 20 Euttam. af hnndinz Dri- dy VIUR Ub """"" 30 °8 hand question, the question of bonding pri-{ vileges, of the Alien labor law, and others all to ‘"one anvil," and there hammered into a harmony A8 pleasing as it would be profitable. With such a desire all right thinkâ€" ing peofple should agree, and the counâ€" try is fortunate in baving a premier and a government anxicus to promote the good of the whole people, while }jealously conservin;ionmonal interests and stimulating national aspirations. FREE TRADE WiTH THE STATES. spn oi ciont â€"The Orangeville "Sun" says Hon, Clarke Wallace will fall into the ranks behind Sir Charles Tupper s leader *« for a dead certainty. For that tickling sensation in your throat try a 10c box of "Mist" Cough Lozengers. They will allay the irritaâ€" tion at once. For sale tgoall dnÂ¥gb€l and the Key Medicine CUo. 305 Yonge Street Toronto. J. A. Hunter has just receryed anobutâ€"i bran new "Cleveland " (swell apecial) biacle. He offers it at a bargain. This is the eighth wheel of this celebrated make which he has sold this summer. Any one wantiug the best wheel in the world, should see this wheel, 1 21 TORONTO es «s w e received another AgVIEW. For Stomach Ayer‘s Pills Are the be Migheat Awards at word‘s Fair. e MEA TT ONOOIO L0 4 See en o o Tmpeamcemeion n 4yer‘s . COMBS ! COMBS ! COMBS ! Fine Combs Dressing Combs Pocket Combs &c., &c "I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayor‘s Pills, and to say thal I have itken irem for many years, ond sheays derived Lat best results from Sueir Use. The Goods are Right. The Prices are Right. Call and <xamine them. AT THEâ€" > and liver troubles, and for the enre of headache caused by ihese Cerangements, Ayer‘s Pills cannot be equaled, When my friends ask | me what is the best rcimedy for disurders of the stomach, ;AYER‘S PILLS my invari«Ue answer is, Ayer‘s Puis. W ikeu n sesson they will Lreak u; . cold, prevent ls prippe, cheok fever, &: : regulate tho divestive Orguaus,. Alicy u«$ tasy to take, sud DUREAM PHARMACY « Music at The Lowest Rates. iA G biid vCOL WV as V ai d Ed em t Cl M 00 r&lWâ€"round frnmily modicine T have evetr a : Ehown.â€"lirs. Ki\ Jonssus, 308 R!lor A generalfinancial business transacted AY6., New CurkCay. _ 0| _ _ _ Office next door to Standard Bank, For Rext or Sare.â€"Lot 20, con. 3 W. G. R., township of Bentinck. Appy to A. H. Jacksox, Durham. _ Â¥You need Hood‘s Sarsaparilla to en rich and purif petite l.DS“ mvz stt S‘\%fi:‘!{,\;«\‘ :fi’\ {1‘2: ',':"\ {i Fn;, ,/ \) "} \ 4) a d thraintbict â€" Ahiadn td dn wenns v"m'»wfi'l"t vrumcencemcan at Jar ou gnuriciu u3 i/s¢ bivvd« Â¥re, Way Juhneon, give sweet, refreshing sleep. $s Aie ts \m.y to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. arilla to enâ€" create an apâ€" WHOLE NO. 943. \Robe Tanning ! Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for By the New Process, which for Finish and Softâ€" ken off. N. B.â€"To ensure & good job the Hides must be well salted as soom as ta~ Satisfaction Guaranteea. J Durham We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right priges. CALL & SEE OUR i\ Collars, CONVEYANCERS. Heayy & Light Harness Robe Tanning ! To SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Fire Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &e. We do the trade in Raw Furs. T ea of T eas KURMA TEA Harness ! A delicimisl bl:end fl[l)t‘::lfi in 4 ibs, and 3 Sold for 300. 1b i Sold for 40c 1bâ€" f s Sold for 50c. 1bâ€" . j Try it, and .y::. :eglbepodeetly ? Also a full assortment of ! Crockery & Glassware Dinner. Tea & Toilet Sets } J. CAMERON Robes & Coats FOR SALE OR TO RENT The under signed offers for SBale or to Rent, the house and grounds adjoining McKenzie‘s Tailor shop, Upper Town. The house contains 7 100Ms®, Kitchen and Woodshed, Good cellar, and is conâ€" veniently situated on the front street, l'l'ltlemare.few good Fruit Trees on the ot. ness can‘t be beat. Durham, 10th, 1896. â€" JACKSONS. At Popular Prices. Thos. Smith. . LEAVENS, Jr. THE FURS. Bites, &cc’ &c' in 4 lbs. and PM

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