West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Aug 1896, p. 3

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HARNES$ sale cheap. connection. stâ€"class lot of lical â€" treatment u8"* nearty all medicines, i# mply to treat the or=23 ased. South Americ®® y the organs, and ns es its curative powe" ntres. from which th@ »dy recelve their supplÂ¥ The nerve @enti@® necessity the 0°C22 n the outward evidenc#* ment is healed. Indt senes s, lmpov'fi‘”‘ mplaint all owe theif ingement of the nerve sands bear “"m;: been cured of t rhen they have b®0PN4 . to bafie the skill nt physiciane, becaus® i Nervine has gont to d cured there. ie world have not been he in quiry into the $40" metican Nervin® """ il ; true, at its wend s, but they know hee on that it does eveNle ned foe it _ It staniift e great certain mmfl‘ neteernth century. uffer distress and site smgemmepi® ver id( :.“-M ade Waggons c0 urbam M Vifl'd"‘ # 4 tw jh 9 JR HARNESg ER TOWK. Principles. thar ble. d out a firstâ€"clags nu®t® {all kinds prowptly AILED if OBR hoeing Shop, stand. Al shoes. Also [ MoFARLANE, DWORK McFA o rAta i Discovery q9 .‘A‘ m l'i' M RS, ORKE Y 3T ‘3 BOSL ayg pANC pU> 1in® e suUnily TheÂ¥ s1OWS aN EXTRAORDINARY PROGRLOSS | . the supply, however, being largely takâ€"| m up by the home demand. The exâ€" port of cotton cloth probably does not yet exceed $5,009,000, but last year the value of the silk and cotton cloth proâ€" duced in Japan, including kimono stuif und obi fabric, was $71,350,747. _ Cotâ€" ton spianing in 1889 gave employment to only 5,391 women and 2,539 men, but in 1895 to over 30,000 women and 10,000 men. China and Japan ate both striv= ing for the cotton trade of Asia, mille going up rapidly both in Osaka and shanghai. W le Osaka is the centre of the cote. tonâ€"yarn industry, Nagoya is that of cotton cloth manufacture. A m?hty ciiy is growing up at the head of the Iniand Seas, and within the space of 10) miles north and south. Osaka and the port of Kobe have a population of over 16,000,000 to draw upon for a supâ€" CE ET nancstur tabor. ‘TLG l’OfldAb_’A ;EROUS RIVAL TO TSE INâ€" * or THE WORLD ply of inexpensive 120 water is short thence is only a few days to Y the Siberian railroad, can take her various don. Should Japan take ture of woollen and of cotton, Australia 1 with cheap wool. ‘Hex pan 8 and paper ) LC CYOR â€" EOB CCCE en ces : employing from 500 to 1,000 hands, gh usually the {acteries range 10 to 120 hands, with the products woasanie of houses with single looms ) draw from. In the chiet exportâ€" istrict most of the weaving is done ho homes, while finishing houses â€" the finish uniform.; In ons disâ€" he thin silk fabric for sommer, â€"1 habutai in Japan, & name nOwW . well known here, was first made 388, and last year that district proâ€" s $6,076,220 worth. he manufacture of cotton is not inâ€" led in the foregoing table, yet it Â¥ a k JAPAN‘S ENTERPRISE is further shown by hber investments of capital since the War with Ching, cither in new enterprises or in the on« largement of old ones. The number of EmE i i e e ce e on dass including es 20 cantiieaneiertiiar GAROK POTPOK sither in new enterprises or In the on« largement of old ones. The number of in_(‘!lxslrial m‘est:lbhsx.xment; ut uol:g?. mills, mining, electric, 48 thus newly ed.ablish‘i:i or ol.nfom.d in capital, is .&n by Mr. Porter at 187, with $86,506,00 ospitakl_. roekmd in sile wilda $60,000,000 CaPEONN EUDETTT _ L enia ver dollirs; the number of commercial companies, including insurance, @Â¥â€" Pn CE _ s uk C change, .Mgbuild'm. and others, at 120, w;zhogga,u 100; the banks at h" with $107995,000; the railroad companies at 80, "having permission of Government to build," with 12% more projected, and LY ctory he col in Osak @4 riormous increase in the exports »s is due to the fact that "Japan n of weavers. Women weave i is women sew with us. It is zeration to say that in nearly ise in rural Japan the spinning nd loom are kept going from : till night." In some gilk disâ€" ir. Porter found modern mache ind â€" even rqgularl‘!l\‘sgl‘l‘lppaed the 1our n gold . Textiles, Matches, Mat rashes, and Â¥mbrelias for . â€"A Millton Weavers. nion of Mr. Robert P.‘ I in the North Ameri« it when Japan is fully ‘he latest machinery she most potent industrial rkets of the world." And, â€" is already making enâ€" 12 C TR D 11 KINGUS..â€"+ @UD0CC1 PITIZ aas «2 M MT3,800 30,9:8, 410 rovisions.. 4,514,843 12,723,771 o/ vausassces Te RpnONE 6,538, 220 k ws ue w 1,030,513 3,075,307 ADOP . ... .++ 100,032 483,308 o ovieu. . vwwe MeoR Ne 8,>79, 242 aeurune uen 60, 363 4,672,8601 ; _ _..\no record of any) 1,387,618 venavunes 9386 3,161, 309 Curopemn). . 1,705 7180,207 rigs, &c..... %190,000 11,624,701 total exports and imports, inâ€" illion reached $295,000,000 in coned in silver, whereas just earlier thy bag veen only . that amount thus beil:, adrupled. _ The increas® 1394 was about $30,000,000. LF en years togeth table of the m creases in the 1 kinds in her industries, and . whose products find e marts of other lands. ind new ones work side ient spinning wheel and 20 ompetition touches only | notably textile hbriu.‘ hempen and jute rugs, hes, brushes, porcelain re, â€" straw plaits and i. But it is the suddenâ€" \lenge thrown down in t is startling and sugâ€" en where the exported Aparatively unimportant TRADE OF JAPAN rugs including sulphur and . the last item in the table llaneous articles. ‘The valâ€" wd in silver dollars. U staple. white cotton rugs, the ' . crapes and the somâ€" f Japan are woell known | io are ths cheap tooth ng which Mr. Porter saka firm offered him it of its factories for gross, Five doliars in hase a gross of hair »â€" obtained in â€" Japan :1 brushes and shaving es â€" equally low. The cheap goods is poor, but gross Mr. Porter found grade of tooth brushes. pan Cxp orted, mostly to $5,000,000 worth of matâ€" sifety matches can . be rtcen silver dollars, Or, »id, for 7,200 boxes. Can e at this pricet" Takâ€" years together, Mr. Porâ€" ia of the more striking 2,112,997 o« cevene TOORAE K. seacrer 100,032 6,854,120 (no record of m.l-fl t Mrive goil,\ 11,17 :, 896 l.uS. oi io d ic t in nearly | Fruit should be sealed NOt. WB ie spinning It should be sealed as tightly as posâ€" girl oing from | sible so & to exclude all air. to « e silk dis| It should be kept in a cool, dark | sho lern mach | place. tom y equipped| It should be watched frequently for 1,000 hands, | the first two months or s0, to see that ies â€" range | it does nuot work. A he products If it is inclined to work turn it out | 4 ingle looms | at onte into the kettle and give it a |; hiet exportâ€" | good boiling, and seal 2GgAUM, 0!1‘1 ving is done | T hreeâ€"quarters of .a pound of sugar a{: ring houses| to the pound of f{ruit is, t0o my mind, | $4 in ons disâ€"| the best %roport,ion, as it does not then wa or summer, | destroy the truit flavor. art _ name now | _A pound of sugaf to a pound of fruit ‘;9] first made | may be used, but it is 100 much for the i: district proâ€"| ordinary berries,. and should only D8 | gal 3 s used whoere a fruit is parncularly tart» | an m is not inâ€"| Fruit should be boiled not, less than | m; ble, yet it| half an hourâ€"good hard boiling, c090â€" | A4 stantly stirring. P f PROGRESY, In making jams, O putting up fruit largely tak in any, way, do not attempt to econoâ€" k gn{e Tz | mize time but give it your cntire atâ€" Lly does not tention. bl ast year the _a____.-â€"â€"â€"-â€"'_â€"__â€"-u_,, unneemmenpanenencenmemmeenete ie« ~ + de n cloth proâ€" kimono stuif T 0,747. _ Cotâ€" @rv . _ Corâ€"| BRY § 1 $22,177 34 electric and horse car companies, or 289 in all, the combined capitals being put at 0354,208,0@. This makes an enâ€" ormous Wgflllf& of capital n:gphad within so short a time, even, although the word "projected" is applied to some schemes. Very striking is the combination of old and modern im%l:amentl in Japan. Mr. Porter saw in ka the metBodn. of a thousand years ago side by side with the latest and most ingenious lab orâ€"saving devices. The quotations from the Rice Exchange were communicated l(;{ flag signals within a stone‘s throw the click of the telezra?h and the "hello" of the telephone girl. The treâ€" mendous contrasts between the crudest and finest of implements used in turnâ€" ing out similar work greatly impressed this observer. It suggested to him that Japan is entering the industrial race with whatever appliances she has,and constantly adding to her stock of the SPAIN‘S QUEEN REGENT. ‘ This woman, about whom compara@â€" tively little has been written, is one of the most remarkable characters of our time. When her husband, Alphonso XIL., died, leaving her the regency of the kingJom, no one in Europe dreamed that she would remain three months in Spain The state of affairs was terribly bad; the treasury was bankâ€" rupt, and a revolution seemed imminâ€" ent. Thon, the poor young Queen was a foreignerâ€"an Austrianâ€"and we all know how carnestly the Spaniards ob ject to being governed by a foreigner. The Queen bad already two daughâ€" ters, but no son, and the Royalists, anxious to prevent the establishment of another republic, Gecided to support Don Carlos de Bourbon, and to seat him on the turone. _A few days after ihs death of Alphonso XIL., however, it was suddenly given out that the Queen expected a Tthird child shortly. A Spaniard is a gentleman, even in politics, and for this reason both Carlâ€" ists and Republicans decided to await the Queen‘s recovery before trying to upset â€" her Government. . The third child was a boy. s o EdE 0 L. 0k2% the Crviame The Queen took the Gove hind, and seldom before W ably and so wisely ruled. did she manaf to steer t safely throug difficultie forced the entire populatior and admire ber. The tim to the affairs of State she her children, and her court model of honesty and mors Mowveyie SCV "I shall fight Queen no mor all a republic A‘wgy. use poroellln P the fruit. Always use granulate quality. Fruit should be fresh Fruit should be firs! p CF, OME EUIEEE 4 c coacnean hall fight the Government of the en no more, for it has given Spain a republic could have given it. People wonder why their nerves aroe 80 weak; why they get tired so easily ; why they do not sleep naturally ; why they have frequent headâ€" aches, indigestion and Nervous Dyspepsia. The explanation is simple. It is lound in that impur® blood feedâ€" Ing the nerves 0n refuse instead of the eleâ€" ments of strength and vigor. Opiate and nerve compounds -lmpl{ deaden asd do not cure. Hood‘s Sarsaparilla feeds the neryes Fm' rich blood Hrlhvos najural sleep, perfect ‘1es- tinn is the true reme ytonlllervoustroub es. _ mm RNervouSs Pd :5 n . 2 Is the One True Blood Purifier. All drug$"""". 92« * eurs Liver I!s; easy to HOOd’S Pills taxe, casy to operate. 214. P WRRTL * M aomncmsmerees some CaANNING FRUIT. use porcelain pans Sarsaparilla granulated sugar, 8 for boiling . All druggists. $1. Ryckman‘s Kootenay Carg Positive Cure for Rhenmatism and Paralysisa. best “18 MOIpU * *L * os -un Ottawnprieufiavm °§Iur13 by Kootâ€" a. C. Armatrt':'ng, Esq.. 184 Bessuer St., Ottawa: Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure cured me of Sciatica. Thomas Moffat, Esq., 178 Murray St., Ottawa: Rhceumatism entirely cured by Kootenay Cure. Mrs. Thomas Hewlett, 93 LaBreton It., Ottawa: One bottle and a half of Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure was & comâ€" i)1|_ete remedy for Rheumatism and Hives. Patrick Brennen, E;q.. Russell House, Ottawa: Rheumatism cured by Ryckâ€" man‘s Kootsnay. A. H. Taylor, Esq. G.T.R. Ticket Agent, Oftawa: Was cured of Rheuâ€" matism by Kootenay n("/‘u.re; ar . e BAREE TAAAE . M e s o. a w k Bertha â€" Carrigan, 196 Albert â€" St. Ottawa : Indiges%ion entirely cured by Kootenay Cure. Mrs. John Masson, 276 Albert_ St., Ottawa: Cured of Hives by the Kooteâ€" nay Cure. Alma Dery, 227 Church St., Ottawa: Entirely cured of Inflamatory Rheuâ€" matisro. Everywhere I called toâ€"day, said Mrs. Matchey to her daughter, 1 heard that Miss Winsome was engaged. That‘s nice. I started the report myâ€" self. She has been monopolizing the attention of our young men long enâ€" ough. FAILURE IMPOSSIBLE \ When Nervilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"is apâ€" plied. It matters not how long standing its penetru.ting and pain subduing powâ€" er is such that relief is almost instanâ€" tancous. Nerviline is a nerve pain cure. This statement _ expresses all. Try it and be convinced. _France is making elaborate preparaâ€" tions for the coming visit of the Czar.l The Art Garland Stoves and Ranges have the most artistic finish of any that we have ever seen. They are everywhere acknowledged to be the best made, while they cost no more than is often asked for inferior goods. They l are as noted for durability, convenience and economy of fuel, as for style and beauty. "Make hay while the sun shines â€" ‘ Is advice often needed. | "Make love while the moon shines" Is oftener heeded. Cold in the Head.â€"Nasal Balm gives instant relief, speedily cures. Nover fails. Waiter (at club restaurant)â€"‘*"Ready with your order, sah t" CitÂ¥ Sportsâ€" man (back from a week‘s fishing)â€" "Give me some fish ; I‘m tired to death | of other things." Does you ble heart? No; but & der. Hay Fever and Catarrh Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutes.â€"One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supâ€" plied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use. It reâ€" lieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, ‘Tonsilitis and Deafness. I could not give my g;rl, alack, A yacht to cross t ocean ; But then I‘ve given her many a smaok To prove my love‘s devotion. i#IEADING HER OFF. eartt but she often turns the cold shoulâ€" your girl ever give T E JjUST AS BAD. shines" you the marâ€" | 11â€" $ Actcbad v-rsvvf-â€"i SNTCD PP * d EP EVC LDDP Diseased blood, constipation, . &N a::ulmd, Aus i , liver and bowel troubles are ; t them to r A GO0D S.â€".A_-M ARITAN :‘lxdr:.dybr Karl‘s Clover Root Tesa. "mfo‘dfl.' dflloye!' megngâ€" * | an ves Having Found Health He Points the NOT AFRAID OF IT. 1 | mpl.mm Way to Others. Housewifeâ€"Are you afraid Of WOTK1 | _z ay * d carine Sauâ€"No, marm, not in | * <.s on rara n His Advice Was Acted UpON MJ "" 0 ° Pettit, of Wellington, Who, as A Rc Now Rejoices in Renewed Health Strength. From the Picton Times. Mr. Miles Pettit, of Wellington, a recent caller at the Times office B . i ~ _ L. the nAMAE is an old subscriber has for years been 0 spected business men is also possessed, of | Mr. Miles FeU® U* . " 0 affice a recent caller at the Times office. He is an old subscriber to the paper, and has for years been one of the most reâ€" _spected business men of Wellington. He is also possessed_ of considerable invenâ€" tive genius, and is the holder of several patents for his own inventions. The Times was aware of Mr. Pettit‘s serious and long continued illness, and was deâ€" lighted to see that he had been restorâ€" ed to health.. In answer to enquiries as to how that had been brought about, Mr. Pettit promlwtly and.emphatically replied _*"Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills did replied "Prâ€" /" M UO interrogated as to as to how that DAC P°""~ /°~ _ ®matically Mr. Pettit promrtly and emphatically} replied "Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills did it." â€" Being further interrogated as to whether he was willing that the facts should be made public, he cheerfully consented to give & statement for that nurpose, which in substance is as folâ€" lows:â€"He_ was first attacked in the fall of 1892, after assisting in digging & cellar. The first symggom was. lameness in the right hip, which continued for o _v‘ . is the best knowmn preventive Of Codâ€"Liver Oil, % ww hne tfgm i i f supplies just i WIth flypophosphltes needed fa1t, prevznts usele:s waste of tissue, makes rich blood, and fortifies the body against attack. You §hc1'ul<i’ tak: it :.t once if you feel weak, nearly two years. It then gradualâ€" ly . extended to the â€" other leg and to both feet. The sensations were a â€"numbness and pricking, which continued â€" to get worse and worse, until he practically lost control of his feet. He could walk but a short dis tance before his limbs would give out, and he would be obliged, to_ rest. He felt that if he could walk forty rods Bne CCC _ _/ O aanmniishing J 3;7/ h 1 Ees # (%f%;‘{\fi@%f%l 4 i | » (BX f?‘g .-. RPC MECRCY BRDUY Soby tagped him on the shOVMIU®® "" .1‘ said, ‘""Friend you look a sick man." | / Mr. Pettit described his case, and Mr.| ; SObi reYlied. "Take . Dr. Williams‘ | & Pink Pills, I know from â€" experience what virtue there is in them and I am satisfied they will cure you." Mr. Petâ€" tit had tried so many things and failed | , to get relief that he Was somewhat skeptical, but the advice was so disinterâ€" ested, and given so earnestly that he concluded to give Pink Pills a trial. The | : rest is shortly summed up. He bought | ; the Pink Pills, used them according to | the directions which accompany each box, and WAs cured. His cure he beâ€"| lieves to be permanent for it is nowW fully a year since he discontinued the use of the pills. Mr. Pettit says he beâ€" lieves he would have become utterly helpless bhad it not been for this wonâ€" der Rxl health restoring medicine. The experience of years wWas proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a vitiated condition of the blood or shattered nerves, that Dr. Williams‘ |Pink Pills will not ufu'omptly cure, and those who are S fering from such | troubles would avoid much misery and |save money by promptly resorting . to . | this treatment. Get the genuing Pink . | Pills every time and do not be persuadâ€" ; |ed to take an imitation or some other , | remedy from a dealer, which, for the sake of extra profit to himself, he may say is ‘_‘jiust as good." Dr. Williams‘ sYÂ¥ i8 .34"" "l."rich red blood, and C Wms n o se n ntets M 1 o s 2 on dn o0 l have no appetite, or are losing flesh lt UMNY\yz, e " 1/ in //[/4/@/ fi K 1 > ht : | td P w Wt /I’fi \N i<E/" 4 tion of w Af Polie ts is\ JÂ¥ | | almost imt .:‘ WAt ‘ ‘ | l relief and OW C '|" «| Ay fi, NUC it i | The Mo | oy 6 \lwa 1 ‘H 1 prospering sEA 8 \ l getic bus MN\ 7\ Us â€"â€"~ |wes «) . Nu. NAMEN CE w# One o? ue \,'7/ \X & that bhad zo t BY =â€"â€" factory 1 garty §z \s 3 e i e & car, and . _. |‘an route, m;vi;â€"‘_;,’lust as §000 _ 2 tian Pink Pills make rich, red blo cure when other medicines fail. The new Russian loan of $200,000,000 floated by the Rothschilds in Paris was subscribed about 25 times over. Oonsum%tipn can be cured by the use of_ Bhiloh‘s Cure. This _ great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. ‘ w.Pp.C 829 Acted Upon by Mr. Miles es o it far noure. ~ > . â€" ilington, Who, as a Result, | side uy it fer hours. ; in Renewed Health and Deafness Cannot be Cured gy local applications, as they cannot reach the _ iseased portion of the ear,. Tkere is only one on Tinm;-v Â¥ xuy :lo euro.gratners;. :fmd that is by.::n‘:nitu- i ington, waSs onal remedies. Deafness is cau an ’t:ét'fl?: T'u;e! oilioé. He | inflamed condition of the mucous lining o{ the ‘ iber to the paper and | eustachian tube. Whon this tube gets inflamed Crl f th ost Te i:‘ have a rumbling sound or u::xarlecfi heas been one O e m g, and vhos it is entirely closed Deafness is s men of Wellington. He | the result, and unless the inflammation can be d of considerable invenâ€" taken out and this tube restored to its normal d is the holder of several | condition, hearing will be dutr.olgd forever ; 5 Pea nountione o. fhs | ShGirtething pib e indemed eonditon of i 4 oh is n u med condition 0 we of Mr. Pettit‘s 88r10U8 | tno mucous anrfaces. O SE UU"" Ar._.aâ€"aA Nioliars for any TORONTO 1 We will give One Hundred JDOFAT® TD 12 2 case of Dodlugmund by catarrh) that can« not be cured by ‘s Catarrh Cure. Sendfor circulars, n;o . J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. sarBold by Druggists, 75¢. NJUL APMAAZ M T.sCC Housewifeâ€"Are yolu afraid of work! Slumbering Samâ€"No, marm, not in » least. I have slept soundly by de | _ Piles Cured in J to 06 JUE&MI®AUITUY | Agnew‘s Ointment will cure all cases | of liching Piles in from 38 to 6 nights. ‘ One application brings comfort. _ For Blind and Bleedingal ilese it is [Ecerleau. Also cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, fsczemd, Barber‘s Itch, and all eruptions of the skin. 385 cte. Heart Lisease Kelieved in 80 _ Minâ€" utes.â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Orâ€" ganic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of In iD 490‘ C~ ‘(me dose convinces. a week. ue l Gene cce eactaad 4 ;4 an * ‘ NHwRen in en 22 ;?‘- i !‘[“4,1%‘_:?-" See h safets | it se % Juk Cb l iekprid 1 sutelame . PRES. AUSTL Bick * 50C Cor. Gerrard and Yonge Sts., TORONTO. Ont. Largest and Most Successful Comn ercial Sehool in the Dominion. BHundreds of students placed directly into good paying positions. aced 410000 ‘0>" O monct Claca. Catalogue and $1.c0 at all gtugguta , in L. CR M . o l l Erll' is a solid handsome cake of scouting soap which has no equal forall cleaning purposes except in the laundryâ€"To use it is to value it mbichiy t cuicinenntnnintznict rangagin a? What will SAPOLIO do? Why it will clean paint, make oilâ€"cloths H;hfld;«fiommdmsmwu. It will take the grease the dishes and off the pots and pans. You can scour the knives ndbhvkhk.udmhflufin“dinobdghfly. ‘The washâ€"basin, the h&h-nb.mthgu:slmchfl'mbou clean as a new pin if you use BAPOLIO. One cake will prove all wasay. Be a clever housekeepor and try its BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THERE is BUT ONE SAPOLIQ ENOCH MORCAN‘s soONS CO.. NEW YORK Are maldade... = s i unlusum eP S®® 0C PEES. AUSTIN, A. M., St. Thomas, 024 Hundred Dollars for any y, in all your travels did en to see the ghost dance? ways perfectly satisfied if ghost walk regularly once 3 to 6 Nights.â€"Dr. t will cure all cases n from 8 to 6 nights. wines eamfort. For ALMA T for Youxo WoM EN. Build ings and Equipm ent, Facuk ty, School & Heal th Record, and Methods of i nstruction unsurpassed. 60â€"p mfifl_l’s oo BoLLRGR A toothpick tact.orhsourhhes in Har» bor Springs, Mich. output is 7,500,â€" 000 toothpicks every day. Thousands of cases of Consumption. Asthima, Coufil‘n Colds and Croup are cured every day by Shiloh‘s Cure. Wild horses are so numerous im q?‘:?nsltnd. Australia, that the fioplo L _n+ tham ta reduce their number, "SALADA PEERLESS Ask for itâ€"Take no imitationâ€"â€" Best soid ‘,,.;.,;:..‘wm o apind e TirHES c4e ~troad ine lu ntâ€"Saves machinery. Samuo! Rogers & Co..; Queon City Oi worka. Torontt A large, finelyâ€"equipped. oldâ€"established ins#t tution â€"NONE Serren in CANADA. Boat Business Education abt Lowest Possible Cosk T TV O Aellacts Wwike . fab Graduates alwa Demill Demlllomo Sept. 15th, in the CiTY oFf 81. CATHARINES. Soholnrlhlfls. includ'mg all English brancees, Sciences, nn.us%ea. ine Arlhxuslo. Eloous tion, Commercial Course, well furnished room and laundry, for $165 for the year if flu'chmol at once. Address, REV. A. B. DEMILL, 106 Â¥orkville Ave., Toronto, Ont. #* Nooffer equal in America, A Pipe Organ for practice in the College. * Nevep Turn a Wheelâ€"Without Using" ‘The 37th year will begin on Sept. 8th, 1898, o posniiott io boifoing, Por ooo L s 0 Insue ::-mnm mm%L _address British American 1 Owned Boratford, Ontario Co., (Lt4d), “lfofltl’_gtl" Life Building. or other causes ; Optic Nerve, or a dise constructing the eye. Montreal Exposition Co _DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND amiis.. SEPTEMBER Mo;txr:;r Exhibition ENTEIES CLOSE S1st AUVGUST. Crand Agricultural and Industrial Fair. Spliendid Show of Live Stock. Magnificent Horticuitural Display, In.nnrwt.nru. Machinery in Motio® Fine Poultry Show Military and Other Bands. NEW SPECIAL ATTRAOTIONO- Reduced Rates on all Railways. For all information apply to a. C. STEVENSON, M‘gr & Seoy, CEYLON TEA. AMILTON LADIES COLLEGE _ and Conservatory of Music MACHKHINE Te ET C o LARGEST SALE N CANADA. TWENTYSIX YEAkS. LOOCL m i im Chronic Grapulte Ld tion of the Glands, Film or Weakness A of Sight, from ao« ute or chronic ::- V fammation whethâ€" S er induced by serofulous origie ses; Woakness of Vision or of the , Or & diseased state of the tissued ; the eye. Sold by ali druggiste. . C. BEIGLE 4 sO¥®, 2. _â€"â€"â€" Mamilteon, OBL a successful. Write for . J. ELLIOTT, Principal ter ©L6., _ Ad | a BURNS, D.D., LLD. LADIES‘ COLLECE. in Leap Phikits Tea purifies t Sovereign Remedy For Weak »nd It flamed Bye®, Chronic (j,rqlnl_b + £4* C

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