West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Aug 1896, p. 5

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h in all line re world go to n, Durham, vill handle all trouble.. For u prices and rire for all kinds of y our machines aud ns" Waggon. In orâ€" e a liberal reduction U R, own Durham. yies and some Carts is that will surpris® at your own teorms. STOVES d very chcap,. A SPECIALTY SON, rvest ig al Bar. i0 LOTHINC LE MONEY? geats, HZE MONEY HAND. Marriage Liceonses® will* continu® the 1* cont _ sc CORSETS THING e rates. . SHEWELL FRY I OES sell Best Make Cail on as and in sewve € now customâ€" Eoront 29004 in 1858 and CCÂ¥ * _ _a m,wfdinary announcem furnish tb puily GloP gession 4 parliament for one lnuflb' it Abst oo that 1096« i meyradn o _ uc therefore "Those * Revi®® on the C that hy ab i new* to Qur 4* excellence equal as & wide of p“l will largely 1 The REVIE the com" will haye fl)fl“k qut port of t supply t news al a .ppl’Pf P“"ri ral es. was € bury by U (Cabinet have we will fu lobe to th* LCC Have yoUn pesWl® SATC Wheat in 8Sth page? wgeor OPENING.â€" the Public Sehool departments for t Mode] School is suj Fy»sday but no resUu of writin«. the BRX DURKSCY*~" To l Hitzsimi last week the barn of Wiw. Fitzsimmore sth con,. Glenelg, Was destroyed, with 4 loads of Peas. & W:liflflflll, new harness, and other articles. Aghtning supposed to be the cause. No Insurance. A HouDAY.â€" VÂ¥ pinu-rs' holiday b ation next week. pat reach you, YO! are moving into OU we will be glad to subsc:iptioise A new feature of the trial Exhitition this ye reading room establish wdian Advertising Ag isw will be on file in t for the Lenefit of any J parts who may wish t ins. Candulates who intend writing on the Public School Leaving examination in J Ay 1807, would do well to clip out t e following literature selections for that examination and paste it in their High School Reader, Lesson_V, To Daifodils ; XX, The Bard ; XXXI ‘Fo a Mighland Girl ; XXXIV, The Wife of St. Keyne; XXXVL Go where glory Waits Thee ; XXXVII, Dear H:nrlp of My Country ; XL, The Cloud ; XLVL ie (ridge of Sighs ; LI, Horatius ; LXVII, The Hanging of the Urane; 1XXIX, The Lord of Burleigh ; LXXXâ€" M who have wirt w may have y . Globe if desive Subscribers nee ence of the C we % 'Wk‘y ne CAL 1. The Heyenge. ReavEr |â€"Many a former resident of Durham and the surrounding lownshir now resides elsewhere and elHoys the weekly visit of the RevIEW. ave yon not a friend at a distance who would appreciate it?2 Do you send your own copy sometimes ? l{ynu do it will cost you 52 cents a year while if you wil give us the address and 48 cents mor it will leave our office pmmrtly an( regulscly for 12 months. _Or for $1.2 we w:ll mail both Weekly Globe an us 1 ow Sotentebebat s GeSsâ€"4 qur frie f the p y them at a ve" ptntiedt | gEVIEW AND GLOBE. lected Kuvic x for one year. + ofter elsewhere. Daury Scuoor. â€"We the prospectus of the 1 connection with the A lege, Guelph. Session school wil. reopen J# Daury Scuoor.â€"We have received the prospectus of the Dairy School in connection with the Agricultural Colâ€" lege, Guelph,. Session of 1897.. The school wil. reopen January 15th 1897 and remain in Session to the 26th of March, 10 weeks, The course includes two branches of the Dairying industry : Factory Durying and Home Dairying, aud in connection with the latter will be a course of lectures on the manageâ€"~ went of Poultry _ ‘The course is free to residents of Ontario,. & fee of $1.00 only being required which will be returned at the cluse if there mre No breakages. The session will be a practical one and of great value to thue: who can spare the time«. WO PREGEPTERCCCLOCCOCC I Factory Duirying and. Ho aud in connection with t be a course of lectu::l on once Tuxr GARDEN PAgkY.â€"L3¢ att "" |n were charmed Tuesday night at thelB resijence and fine grounds of Dr. Gun, when a very large concourse met under | j, electric hghts. that pale(}aflne moon, | j and spent a few hours listening to the | 3, fine music of the band and the equally | ; fine harmony produced by g"am’ and | , violin inside. Miss Girtie Sutherland is becoming &D expert accompanyist, and Messis Jones and Sutherland are 1 «killed players. Tents and natty little | € tables attended to by bright madens | ] dotted the lawn, while flowers in bouâ€" | quets and nosegays lent color to everyâ€"| : thing. _ Mr. Parsons, of the Crawford | Co., is an artist in the effective arrangeâ€" ment he makes of the electric lights and to him and Bandmaster Peel much of the success is due. Miss Fraser, the photographer, had the weight of the work on her inind, and was gratified to find the handsome sum of $37 realized She had some willing helpers. A "MopeL" Sonxoor.â€"We were much pleased the other day to have a peeP into the School house of No. 1, Glenelg taught by Mc. Wm. Dixon,. one of our most successful teachers. The tiustees evidently are & progressiye sett and hclicwe in attractive surroundings for the youth of the section. They have h«d the school walls and wainscotti hindsomely painted,and a neral &h‘% neatness pervgde. the ém‘ With tl;‘e»e improvements, fi r. Dixon ":3 c‘hage, progress men morally m'hetical'liemmt be m’li.o. Mr. Alex® Furth was the contractor and the work does him great credit, School trustees would do well to pay No. 1 a visit. able Ct DA“‘Y GLOBE. Je this week to x ,mnouncement' uk a. lair, Minister of Railways d Tussday in Queen‘s Sun: 00 majority. . Mr. Lauriet‘s ave now all been to~elccr.ed. BurxeEp.â€"On Monday night of . the barn of Win. Fitzsimmore . Glenelg. was destroyed, with * Poas. a waggon, new harness, P . Like e matasuch i re inaAv.â€"We intend to take a holiday by suspending public= t week. If the REviEw does ; you, yon will know that we ng into our new premises where * jad to receive friends and LKD GENERAL. xixa.â€"On Monday noxt hool will be open in all for the fail term. The | is supposed to open on no results are out at time Pew EERCTATOCIICS sit of the ReviEw, Have yOU nd at a distance who would‘ cit? Do you send your OWn etimes ? lzyml do it will cost ents a year while if you will he address and 48 cents more ave our office pmmytly and : for 12 months. Or for $1.25 mail both Weekly Globe and for one year, . Sse our clubbing ture of the Toronto Indusâ€" ion ‘his year will be a free m established by the Canâ€" tising Agency. The REvâ€" on file in the reading room fit of any person from thcs‘e LC Shice "1icle e P CS Eo aten t * ay wish to peruse its ; week to make an incement. We can Globe during this it for 50 cts, and for session does not last be a fighting session refore get the fullest ne the article on Winter rse 18 ECC U | ayit of $1.00 only Binuie. B be returned | while in t 0 hlrenkages(i Mrs. Binnt tical one an : j Dr. Jami ho can SPATE | posing of | town for a Eye and e to examin \nig‘htD a.tgthe British Co s of Dr. Gun, & rse met under hehei usflll\fl t I a fine moon, c edel' istening to the g"‘““m. ‘ ad the equally | fay Ha by L.g)'umo sud [ k. :g ns ie Sutherland visit frien accompanyist, Miss BE sutherland are Mr. Geo. nd natty little | ent and | bright madens Her siste owers in bouâ€" Chicago, color to everyâ€" sympath: CC S avuftraut | euters tt Mavor‘s Court.â€"Messrs C. Lawrence and â€"â€". Langrill were before Mnxor Laidlaw on Monday charged with dis orderly conduct on the evening of last fairday. The evidence showed and many citizens could testify that there was a riotous time, However, the Mayor touk, it is genetrally considered a lenient view, uug imposed a fine of $1. and costs ! cua will G patent fen the right. his court with the c was taken. rail and w in uge here lish a case farmers, _ Messrs K Have you ever heard of a medicine with such a record of cures as Hood‘s Sarsapa.rilla? Don‘t you know that Hood‘s Sarsaparilia, the One True Blood Purifier, has proved, over and over again, that it has power wo cure, eyen Col* P ooo oo e s 2 ts T 1 F after all other remedies fail? If you haye impure blood you may take Hood‘s Sarsaparilla with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. Hood‘s Pills assist digestion. 25 cents. CoURT Dayâ€"Much interest was taken in the case of Page, the wire fence man, who had three Bentinck farmers chargâ€" ed with infringement of the Crabb patent fence for which Mr. Page has the right. Judge Morrison held that his court was not competent to deal with the case, but still some evidence was taken. It is certain that stake and rail and wire fastenings have long been in use here, and if Mr. Page can estabâ€" lish a case it will implicate hundreds of farmers, and swell his bank account, Mes§@@ K ingston _&_fifur.d for ]:age. Messrs McCaul and P ers. â€" No decision for SeE on Ce NCBR C /s Messrs McCaul and t for the farinâ€" | 1 ers. â€" No decision for above reason. | j LrortrE ox MrExico.â€"On Monda 1 evenmg last the Presbyterian Chmcz was crowded, seats and aisles, to listen | ( to Rev. Mr. Dodds, a returned Missionâ€" | j ary from Mexico. He preached in the | Methodist and Presbyterian churches | ( the day previous, and Ke evidently had | . aroused an intense interest in himself and his work. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy ocâ€" |â€" cupied the chair and for two hours or |. more the Lecturer poured out a finod of interesting information _ relating to "Mongezuma‘s Kingdom" Heis a fluent, clearfand voluble speaker, with anjeye to tHhe humorous, and never allows inâ€" terest to flag. _ He touched on Mexican history, Geography, Soil, Productions, the people and their works, their habits social customs, religion etc. etc. He had specimens of ancient idols with him. a horse bridle, with villainous looking knives, some fancy ladies‘ work, etc. He was dressed himself in a brown leather costume with silk fucingl and bindings and represented, wit tall sombrero, a well to do Mexican geutleâ€" man, _ But the most interesting speCiq men was his adopted child, a pleasant little girl of six years and pure native. His business instinect was gratified by _\ the best collection he ever received some $15.00. Miss Hollenger, Hanover, 18 vISIUIUB with Mrs. Milis. Miss M. (k»pgenger. Hanover, is & guest at Mr. Arch, McKenzie‘s. Genial John A. Black is nursing &A fellon on his band this week. Mr, Geo. Calder, Holstein was in town on Court day. s ps on Court day. % w Mr. J. Rodgerson of Walkerton ;\1\'381 the guest of Mr. F. Grant last Sunday. Miss Alla Patterson, of Hanover was visiting frien ds here last Sunday. Miss May McFadden, London, is visitâ€" ing at Mr. Jas. Carson‘s. Mr. Sam Jackson, left for B. Columbia last week where his brothers are ranchâ€" ing. J n e o edea sn old x bd Mr. James Lloyd, the former hostler ‘ at the Klli\Yp House, has secured a posâ€" ition in a C utsworth Hotel. Mr. A. Dargavel is in Bruce this week buying lambs for Mr. N. Mclntyre. Price from $2.50 to $3.00. Mrs. Jno. Cameron, Uhrper Town, came home from Lucknow. onday.last, havy ing been on & visit to her sister, y 64 o nermioocts Rev. E. A. 1 don, Manitoba, in Harriston. week. Mr. Arch. MacFarlane, L&AuNID came home for & holiday. on Mo having returned with the Mac! party. Miss Ida McEwan who bhas been ing Miss Louie Davidson and friends in Town, returned to her in Mt. Forest, last week. FEF RRECY OW CCC Rev. Mr. Dodds, the Mexican Missionâ€" ary was a college mate of the Rev. Jas. Binuie. â€" He was & (f'.uest, of Dr. 3un‘s while in town, aD spent a day with Mrs. Binnie Sr., in Glenelg. 1 3 °0 Ahomrth : Altte Rev MEFE. EXEETIINC NDAE CC C D Dr. Jamieson we hear is ab_ont disâ€" posing of his practice, and will leave town for a time at least. Ho, intends to examine the mining possibilities of British Colum bia. o aed ce i gg e se Rrwan "huh ESE ECEEYEE NEXEENCEN O CC : Miss. M, Stanley. of Chesley, who has been the guest of Miss. M. Elvidge returned last week to her home in Chesâ€" ley. Miss Marion accom%anied her as tay as Hanover where she intends to far ns EL&ARUVCE . T CCmeccy o visit friends. ® Miss Eliza Whitmore. Mr. Geo. W hitmore, is ye! ent and her recoyery I$ Her sister and her brothe Chicago, are home. _ W ‘aympathy to the family y * ENC ces h ht mssinfl t] ent and B TY**"" "/nor Artbul Her sistet and her brother Arthur, from Chicago, are home. We extend our sympathy to the family in the deep waters they are passing through. L0 caogs 2 . o o nideeamnn Oe en CE CmC 0 t PexTaAt â€"Mr. Jabez Banks was trouâ€" | bled with defective teeth and two weeks ago had 14 extracted. He is now the proud possessor of two new setts insertâ€" ed last Saturday with which he ate his breakfast the following morning. Just so, Dentist Holt knows_his business. Ix Far AWAY Urax.â€"We wert pleased to have & letter from Mr. Rudâ€" olph Konold of Springville, Utab. He is recovering from the terrible accident he met with lat May, while running aD engine on the Rio Grand WesterD. east of Ogden. While runnin& at _the rate of 20 miles an hour, the hboilers burst, killing the conductor and brakes: man and severely injuring himself and fh-eumn!..k He has v"c?t been ublio” to'fig any work since. e sympath Mr. and Mrs. Konold in theirmflod:f Mr. Konold sends best wishes to d Mr. Konold S®NC.ve can‘t get 109E Think It Over. PERSONAL MENTION. friends and adds, "W8 67 without the old Review." kummmunsrmmmense «e t zmm E. A. Henry Ienry and wife of P.ms; have been visiting frien They left for home last is yery low at presâ€" vÂ¥ is not 9xpe¢_:ted. Snd‘ o I the Mackinaw is visiting Cauningtor on Mon,d:w: been visitâ€" and other her home daughter of The Annual competition of this Batâ€" talion was completed July 31st last. We append the results. Regimental match ranges £00, 409, 50) yards. 200 yards standing, 400 and 500 any position with head to target Snider Rifles a handicap of 4 points on all rifies other than Government issue seven shots at each range. $ priZEs. COMPANY AND PoINTS 5 00, Pt. McCallum................. .8 88 4 00, Sergt. C. Vanwyck........... .2 77 3 00, Corpl J. W. Vanwyck...... .3 71 3(I).PL.H.Vanwyck...............868 3 00, Pt. S. Vanwyck................3 3 00, Pt. Snail........ irar vaey . ol 0K 3(I).Serg(.Spence..................3 3(l).Pt.Cuton......................8GB 2 (00, Sergt. W. 8. Wilson......... ..3 82 2 00. Segt. G. Matthews.............4 61 200,Pt.\Vntson......""..........l00 2 00, PL. Johnstone.... .....}}>> .+ & O0 2 00, Sergt. G. Hit...:....;....... . .200 2 00, Capt. H. Cleland.............. .2 50 2(l),Pl.McNul)h....................458 2 00, Pt.Young.....................45§ 2 00, Corpl. Peuny....... ...>>>>> 1 T9 ‘ l(D.PL.A.Howe...................l56 1 C0, Pt. Thos. Phipps i+ xi««sitrr «. â€"4 OO \| 1 00, Lieut. McKenzie............. .5 50 | 1 00, Lieu. Ij.m_l_mge.................453 1 00, Adjt. F. Hunter........ 1 00, Capt. Rorke...... > 1 00, Pt. Andrews........} . 1 00, Pt. Brown......... e % es 1 00, Pt. Jas. Riddall................ 6 99 1 00, Capt. McGier.:.............. A 48 l 1 00, Pt. Goudwi.l...................l 48 | 1 00, Sergt. ‘Todd.......:........i...8 47 1 Durham Extra Series Match No. 4 Congmny range 200 yards position kneel ing Snider Rifles seven shots a handicap of one point on all Rifles other than Government issue. VALUKE OF PRIZE COMPANY PoINT Satchel, $2 00, Lieu, Ramnge. i+ +sk OO Cash 1 75, Sergt. Matthews ... .4 28 * 1 50, Lieut, McKenzie... .5 28 ge 1 00, Capt. McGirr. ......4 24 ** 1 00, W. Andrews....... .4 24 bt 70, Pt. D. McNabb......4 2 6# 75, Pt. D. Weir........ .4 B * 75, Adjt. Hunter...... .4 210 x* 75, Pt. R. Sunall.... ....4 21 ** 50, W. Young s reris. . .K AD * 50, W. Matthews.......4 17 e 50, D. Brown.......... .4 16 ** 40, Corp. A. Firth......4 14 The 31st Battalion will go into camp on the 15th of September, â€"We have seldom read anything finer vhan Mr. Laurier‘s repld to Sir Chas. Tupper in the House on onday. We regret space will not g:armit a diâ€" gest of a remarkable speetn, in which The arguments of his opponent ate torn to Zgéds yet with a wonderful abâ€" sence of anything irritating. Mr. S. Morlock and Misses Hattie and ‘ Jean Cochrane drove to Mt. Forest, Sunâ€" day last. Dr. Thos. Kelly, of On Kelly, Toronto. came .‘ visit last Friday and mother and brother J looking well, and, W well. Mre, J. McComb and family, of Fergus, are spending a month at her fa br‘s, M‘ E. Reilly. i W aile :: epnmennt co0 c tm y,, AVCRLY * Laura, daughter of Mr. William Fee. has been yery ill with inflammation. She is recoyering very slowly, William Mitchell, ot Holstein, Sundayed at bome last week with his mother. Mrs.. F. Dicklieman. Miss Martha Feo, of Durham, was speudiug a fow days at home last week,. Miss H. Cain, of Durhaw, Was yisiting at Mr. T. Gadad‘s last Sunday. Mrs. G, Moore bas not been very weli of late, but we are glad to hear she is betâ€" of late, ter. Sist BATT. MATCHES. Ler. Mias Webber, of Bentinok, was visiting at her brother‘s, Mr. J. Weuber, this week, Mr T. Gadd, Sr.. bas been under the Joctor‘s care of late. Mir. Donald Melivrile, who has been quile ill, with vilious fever, is, we are glad o see able to be about again. SrRAxo®, IF TRUE, â€"Candidates in an | Orange Lodge in Massachusetts have. brought an action at law against the lodge for personal abuse while underâ€" going the initiation ceremony. Blindâ€" olded, he was made to pa«s over 10cke, lashed with whips, tossed in a blanket, had to carry a load of stones, and finally was branded on the breast by & hot iron. l Six officers of the Lmlre were fined $3 each. All bhave app® ed. Merit Rewarded and Patronags Appreciated. Commenssintrittl The Directors of the Western Fair, London, are th*® proudest set of men in this country, and feel that their efforts have been né)precinwd by the peog_l: of Ontario an be.djOinlt"eg !ti‘t;utes. mlel_'e appears to greater thin still in st(?r? for them. The newW Eve Stock Buildings they claim to be the best on the continent for exhibition purposes, ‘ heing built from plans csrofull{ Prepsr- ed after visiting the principal nire of America,. â€" They are 80 ursngd that visitors can start at the Main Building and go the entire rounds, we MmAY say, under cover, and it will make little or no difference whether it rains or not afâ€" ter you once get there. This expendiâ€" ture of money will no doubt be a big tare 05 Ul"d. ‘and increase both the exâ€" [ 110B C 11. Auindinctontindie 200 ter you once get there. 388 V big ture of money will no doubt be a big‘ drawing card, and increase both the exâ€" hibits and patrons this year. Notwithstanding this great outlay the Prize List has been increased some with the understanding that next t{ear will find considerable advance in this direct find cOD8}¢" e Bill‘s Wild West tt:g NORTH EAST NORMANBY. â€"___ CLUBBING. Jt peciler m celly, of Omaha, and Albert to. came home on as brief iday and were guests of brother John, . The Dr. is . and, we believe, doing FIL As eC â€"â€" LIveLy FRGHT WITH A SHARK. Mr. _ «I felt a jork, and in an 1DSt&AN® *) line was under the boat‘s rudder. I askâ€" ed the boatman to revers© the sail in or 8 > 15 4n > ibmpsuadt * qu o SPsaIs 20 004 e der that the linoe could be cleared. 1 was oblivious to all expopt the big fish, and as the boom sw ung around it caught 1 reirtibernce ie PP PC\ T O . 3 Do me Loo PSRAAA SEe on me on the back between the shoulders. 1 was tumbled overboard head foremost in the water, some 40 to 50 foet deep. As J struck the water the fish that I bad caught, a man eating shark, laid hold of the calf of my right log. ‘The pain was foarful, and I felt myself? jerked rapidly down toward the bottom of the SCA. "In my fall I did not relax my hold on the line, and as soon aS I realized my position I knew that my life depended on my ability to hold on to the cord. The struggle I know was not long, but to me it scemed like an ag$. The cord was fastened to a beam in the boat, and juch by inch I gained on my antagonist, and as soon as I appeared on the surface the boatman came to my assistance. The shark retained its grip on mY leg until my body was entiroly out of the water, and even tken it did not let go until the boatman knocked it off with an oar. When I was safely on the inside, howâ€" ever, we pulled for the shore, and as my hook was securely fastened in the mouth of the shark no trouble was OXâ€" g:rleuced in landing t}:e fish It was tween 5 and 6 fect ong, *‘â€"Chicago JOHN BULL‘S HUMOR, cenpreneane 1t Is of the Fat Witted Kindâ€"Wh ioans Think of It. *"*saving stupidity.‘*‘ Howelis HM"* * **", duced to us someé typical specimens of Â¥inglish respectability and rank baffied in their chase after American humor, but on the scent and arriving at the point of appreciation after considerable silent thought, sometimes lasting into the next day, and here is the testimony of Lowell from his recently published tTatters." In a letter written in 1889 P en Jn 40 i= ahassrin 1tshmen in n"‘me’ W&;En g.- heavy se dear UBS*** "*"**" 0_ _nly embedded in the mlfl‘.flm“ ke apitghâ€" mau@ebfl 6 fork to us ‘*â€"OuBlegk _____ RMLidsummer ale. RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO s v ue es s and Misses vests in wool and union. all sizes childrems an T o o N l s n ts m alludes to theIr #% Haweus hu intro; RAMSAY « MORLOCK CALDER‘S BLOCKâ€" 'u “hOflV_y vion gavee j iety: ey to this the poodle e averago ) back here it â€" Henry Bl 25 in. Flannelette To Th sc oo oo SW 32 * heavy twill flan. | * 12; * 10 Grey flannels plain or twilled 124 3B in. stripe flannelette skirting worth 15¢. selling price 12}. ‘ Light summer corsets perforated worth 50c. selling price 44. Fine cotton hosiery, reg. 18c. pair, 2 pair for 25. Heavy cashmere hosi‘ry worth 35 s. p. 25 Children‘s cotton hose small sizes, reg. be. pair, now 2 for 5. 25 Ibs. light brown sugar for 20 lbs. granulated *# 6 lbs. pearl tapioca for Royal yeast cake4c. a box. 4 cans sarpines for 2 cans mixed chicken, ham Potto Bug Killer $1.00 for 100 lbs. SLUG SHOT for Cabbage Grubs. Moth Camphor Balls. Fly Paper) Pads. Moth Camphor Paper. Sticky Fly Paper. Chloride Lime. Machine Oils. Land Paster. BARREL SALT. FEED CORN. M S. CORN. Millet. â€" Hungarian Grass. Tumip Seed. ABERDEEN PURPLE TOP. | IMPROVED GREY sSTONE. |LINCOLN RED GLOBE. Chas. McHKinnon â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Mac WAREHOUSE, Upper GROCERIES. Buckwheat & Rape. 8. PAREEDRB . PARIS CREEN , ham and tongue c. 8‘1e P. 5‘ m a% lo 15 6+ lzg § s4 7 s6 4 12; * 10 1 124 ting worth cHAS. McBINBNION: $1.00 Also nice assortment of Tam O‘Shantera Druggist & Seedsman, Balance ot f Trimmed and Un:â€" trimmed Hats at half Price. Machinery, Vehloligs, Sewing Machines, Etc. i. _AAA cftvediteeiieats madlitut V Quart Sealers, Reg. $1.25 per doz. Sale price 85¢. L-esfiin Black Cottonade, heg. 20c, Sale Price 12ic. LOWER TOW N. Sale Price 90c. d story. We make That‘s all that need Town, 4) &«

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