West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Sep 1896, p. 3

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nection. class lot of tand. All hand, hoes. Also ii this taxman. aw. this ham arm “Knit" t manna It TOW]. out a first-ohm a cheap. in be. pt . one a!!!" been!!! Mme 'ttse-it a "wine build. up " which come the" te nuns _of _ipdil" mm. are mu m on. A otimuhn' It! vill not cure “I": has run-.1 no" ' NtGO' Nth oeing Shop, C1lllll "v" I773 MOA manual”, bulimia. the T HEALTH HcFARLANB B - Waggon. AT--. ’INUMEJM WORK if” up N iirdiiaseo of kinds mumptly NESS om "rori, roar the stron (iohility. T; han b‘rome it ole sync!!! - " of it " . me restore! the hat have led " "ed-oy. mi!!!" can “he l tet TG tiiattts a- rm! no" r a“. I... 8” And it 60" at it on?” b mrel are de no victim! " rebuild: " 19!. nad he?! gnuh Amer oi trule in. (his or: n r'ii"e'ih"df.t that 2t I are an ier and I ran have hem , . Iona “hem. er Lhaucea It! u Hung l but health thtt his try Mrs to his - dktrr a: 'lei" with w: I was; "ra' ii a " birds'.ne.ts‘ 3%“ S.h.ts.Ciiiiii tttti it ' a t)iGi but?“ I," 'iTlidlttiitiiiFl VII . . '“a nuns. r a: - he? 51“”“W: and 'khflil',l'o of no rm“ QI. His Excellency “it" to dd to we Western viandii, and the charm I? Wholly inseam]. to alt ici/dt' ot Veave Clwquot or good a!" Qua y'lll'd'Ayy ot VIE he.” an an. tltit "Pups but l ad life m th should 'hut. MU NOON As linden; th “I V ery Nipple! to patio: W at'a fo, ell-k 'tttre am: t has ”NJ/W" osli"r oil tor WW td b. I ”the“, liml mick oil and while' having t] characteristic smell and ta be mum tree from " " In”! substance; ' Lit LI yi ”I! Ch: Uamlr all any St DIETS muss“. ‘1 app-"110,, good terriUFad r',Ts' ori, " bin is conquciVO I mi aim flesh is helr'to. mm 'r [lowing the imperiou- f,uh. nu. defer the hour of : rll mural loam no "NI' Ln be reaarreotod P, “is, lay a train at all! 'rt",,' “ht-h sooner or later pique nl' their. liven. It ll if.” that the noon din- Lat he has enjoyed dur g Phineas through En HEALTH; .ys produces. “.1 is useful, and in exten- uch in almost all kinds ttf use attended by wasting. "om scrotum in ita Yum tub,.ivulot,ir, rhronio bron- rail: rheumatism or gene"! r an; to In/irq; overwork “Hing, are an ikely to be i" a t',,r1/,',vTdt. NY"" of than in com matter: with 0wa e.xerts a pogitively )fnn'm'e In c,0v'ltTetta"n"l,' 3.. vuvuition with e an” of un-Higvnt nursing. rs "here the administra- vnr oil seems desirable, the t' mt determined ia the at- lu pull-r12. toward it. Can n'. 11 impunity, ary!, if no, “HA-l American physician um v-Lwomted a method w x large class of persons View“?! from no apparent 'l--, have fallen into I o u is more or less alarm- 'ly all such instances caro- veals the fact that owing we strsin the vital forces leauated, leaving the body a various oftima. f mc'hud of treatment. the , it may be called. it in .n tla. patient be kept in 'ttrf m an: weeks, according w: " the. case. The mom ts:g'rur and ajry, and up] u um cleaning. Adjoin- k summer room for the at- crap-1 "ho with the doqtor mum-.23 sole compamon. muml‘syi his'own family a: wiumLed, sumo visitpra 1'cessnptes the physical eu'urL of conversation. "ads ttw, patient must be Wo account should be al- up. All reading should "', Hung. and if the attic!“ mo hair should he eased mg attribute: the oxal- “a are mwassary to take lit: ordinary daily, exer- mi t’lrrlru‘ity. Manage ycd from half an hour my morning and after.. A' facts and scalp should ed. Once a day every ood.,' should be gently b the electric current. a: uwnsurcs calls for 'r of an ounce of the pi- Tree, and at the name sl nutrition is increased. r of the test can con- ul. y prepared and syste- F b-wlmg, combined with aim hygienic measurea. u z»: oierived from this Hummus are to be found 3‘ MM lhy nimpligity pt News DINING HOUR. kwp close watch on r,',' the opinion that the "m: moat critical period Iy drugs are needed to [rmrmrnt by the rest mugs of the patient 'r a competent physi- l.’ find "are there no "tq diarrhoea, hemorr- wr. any one of which m use? .st be used in forcing ,itive, or deranged qto- ngwn‘ous manipulation [HI-Haida even in and) has is no other ob. "e. Sunwtimes a piece " llro mouth just be.. "YI limit just after it, A dormant; tid.itrfr- arranged and tstrictly " iilrt the human frame changes. The ato- ...1 the morning meal patios out in search yrs and brain Ire on ,r,. is a sort. of nil- .: rim anatomy that rl-',', and puts I n.?w . It js nature's din- :ryzhmg about the Him“) is attuned to vnjuyment. of what aqmnre meal." Thane 1m prompting of III- uour have their ro- t0 rim' containing aroma- , mm. or equal parts 1 drop or two of " w experimented with. ruiesqary to begin 1 dose daily, gradual- 'itrr.ount as the per- u'Itod lo it. ("isms of marked ema- mws, in which it :y to give the oil h, it may be rubbed and chest. for medicinal porno-u “my limpid yellow no having the peculiar, mall and taste. should as from rumidity. ‘ubsmnoes. cod-liver oil [0 cause formation of and so to improve tho rod. But it is 3 very ms. and the iodine. and other substances , may account in part " "ffects which its use: ficul '/,2pf'i'g and long its than - - 7( No. s/tttiii Many ' f' , _ Women . /' " our! IILIIVI " D. In - was . I li, Z '2 mun-”3:3": Ir'ssp., q " ' I, " no you new ours-“31.1: The larvae of the mosquito are the ywimrleri'yutd 1'ttunhieri' so familiar u the one True Blood iurmer. All drugzim. u. Hood's Pills , unau- auu tigers my be majestb ' when they have unwavering earth or , rock against their paws. but s seasick eat of these tribes is as forlorn as any man ever was. and doesn't look a bit more kingly than a wet rabbit. Even its roars and growls have a weeping sound in them,' quite in keeping wit the general appearance of the beast. {monkey is as pitiful an object when it is seasick as any other beast so .stricken. and its forlorn facial expres- jsion is so human-mid and the wag it clasps its paws across its stomac is so natural that the man who. is not seasick necessarily sees something to laugh at in the miser ot the creature. Not so with the seasick man. It he sees a seasick monkey he is sure toswesr furiously. thinking the poor thing is mockino him in" Rainant water. pour. 'farGieAG; will be strong. your sleep sound. sweet and refreshing. Hood's Sarawa- rilla makes pure blood. Ttet is why It cures so many 'iiiriLCG.' That is why thousands take It to cure disease, retain good health. Remember Blood menns sound health. With pure.rreh, healthy blood. the stomach and digestive organs will be vigorous, and there will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and neuralgia will bo unknown. Scrofnla and salt rhoum will disap- 'i. I - , Hoods LIFE’S A BURDEN ll? THE STOMACH IS NOT RIGHT. II There Nausea? Is There Constipa- tion? la the Tongue Coated' Are You Littltt-Readedt Do you Have Sick Headaches? Any and all of them denote Stomach and Liver Disorder. Dr. Agnew'n Liver Pills act quickly {and will cure most stubborn and chron- ye cases. No uptplts.ayantmy.vy, No grip. mg. These little pills are little wonder workers and are far-famed. 40 in anal far 10 cents. There are so many, many things, His moneg cannot buy; And when " ill, he's just as ill " either you or I. No remedy in the world equals Nerv- iline-nerve pain cured Neuralgia and rheumatism are relieved almost in.. stantly, and the minor aches and pains are cured by a single application. Ner- vilirMr-msrvis pain 1evre--is sure to cure. One bed at night alone can rest, That form we envy so. And just one journey at n time In all that he can ttot His clothes and hats and shoes may be Suprb beyond compare', But just one set of each at once Ia all that he can wear. Cards are intimately connected with calls. whether visiting cards or the other kind. There are a great many people who will never go to heaven' unless they can go at excursion rates. A New Jersey woman has invented a new preventive of hydrophobia. She turned a washtub over the dog and sat on it until a man brought a gun. If some religious people whom it is our misfortune to know would prey less on their neighbors and more on titlfir knees the world would be better o . Youth writes its hopes upon the sand, and age advances like the sea and washes them all out. CHEER UP. Cheer up, ye toilers of the earth. And fray, peruse my rhyme; The mi lionaire can only eat One dinner at a time! A man's titytrilityss.are what make him successful in business very fre- quently. Some men who never had any advan- tages while young are the quickest to take one now. . _V_ --%ee MID. luau. " He sees a sgasick monkeiy he is sure to swear furiogsly. think as the poor thing is mocking him. It takes a tr to be woeful at sea. l.t has a way doubling all us. with its tail between its legs and has hang- ing down, that shows a t"gr,-gthij,i,1, pain. To free himself the. as goes through all sorts of eoritortionir. It will stretch out on the deck, groan and squeal, sometimes rising on its haunches, and lifting its head, howl long and miserably. as some dogs do at the sound nf mn-in lion loco-o lull-slits and lb] Ape III-any. Human beings are not the only who suffer from seasicknus. by - year. or carried with; and yon in wave-tossed boats. Hoe, and tiger: my be mantle means. One hearty; the P1088 that have Inches, and ii.rt.'inir-iU"iauirhoiti g and miserably. _as some dogs do the sound of muato. IN PENETRATING POWER. Sarsaparilla. a. une hear: a good deal about nag: that have filled men . and in with woe, but little is said of managerleo brought to America BBASTS srcx AT SEA. FEW POINTERS. ure) cure Liver Ills; easy to take, easy to operate. Me, no You - nun-0m” - “... at... name" ---. Monkey- belief that tetatt,',", and tablet- are almmt .wort , tn the treatment at kidney dreams. Bright's disease, di- ebetes. gravel, and almost all disorders of the kidney. ere caused by the pres- ence of oxalete of lime and uric acid, both of which are solids. In order to di-olve these solids so that they may be eliminated from the system a liqu- id medicine must be. used. South Am- erican Kidney Cure " the most perfect solvent known. and for the m it generally relieves In " But and um bib to out mFGiirdiis blown into every place or glue m the house. ; Why Kidney Disease Cannot be Cured by Powders, Tablets or Pills. One of America's moat eminent upen- hlists, who has for years studied pro- foundly the construction " well as the disuse of the_1ridneyiy trivea,it 3.1.“. ted STINGING CORNS, Next. toa stinging eonscienee makes life a misery. The stinging pain of a corn may be speedily and painlessly remov- ed by the use of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Twenty-tour hours after Putnam's is applied the corn may The Art Garland Stoves and Ranges are too well-known to need any indorse- ment from us. and we only require to call the attention of our readers to their reputation and advise them to examine into their merits. Any Stove or Range bearing the name "Garland" 3533““an to be the best that can be In a. _ They must have had a. cyclone over " Newrichel last week. What makes you think Bot Mia. Newyiches gaiLd they hag] y?, Mrs. Grumpeys--Why do nearly all the_people or}; at weddings? " .. __ -drriiarisrU-iseiiysermoiit of them have been married themselves. Three Years of Intense Agony From Rheumatism Ended in Three Days by South American Rheumatic Cure -LCost $1.12. Mr. F. Nugent, of Niagara Falls. Ont., writes: "For three years I have suffer- yi intense” from rheumatism. The gain in {hiya limbs was especially severe. Mr. Sam , our local druggist. advised me to take South American Rheumatic Cure, which I did. As a result, am perfectly free from rheumatism. One and a half bottles cured me in three days." Sold by druggists at " cents. Laughter proves nothing. Wise men laugh and idiots grin all the time. as, scrofula, chronic erysipetatt, etc. Pink Pills give a. healthy glow to pale end sallow cmnplexluns and are a speci- tio for troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from metnal worry, cverwork, or ex- oesaes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be ..ha..d of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y., at 500. a box, or six for $2.50. See that the company's -registered trade mark Is on the wrapper of every box offered ypu. and positively refuse all imita- tions or substitutes alleged to be “just as good." Remember no other remedy has been discovered that can success- ty.lly do the work of Dr. Williams' Pink hands, and thus change my position in bed or rise to a sitting cation. 1 suf- fered as only those ranged with rheu..l nintic pains could suffer, and owing to my advanced age. my neighbors did not think it possible for me lo recowr. i [had read much concerning Dr. Wily liams' Pink Pills, and at last, determin- ed to give them a trial. I commenced taking the pills about the lat of Feb.. I 1895, taking at the outset one Jirtir'l, each meal. Within a courle of weeks [could notice an improvement, and; bf the first of April 1 was able to.toe a tout as usual, free from the painS.! and with but very little of the stiff-1 new left. I continued the treatment, a short time longer and found myself, fully restored. it is now nearly an {for since 1 discontinued taking the: ink Pills, and I have not had. any return of the trouble in that time. Ii have no hesitation in saying‘ thqt I}; owe my recovery to Dr. Villiama Pink Pills." . These pills are a. perfect blood .build- er and nerve rer.torer,ca1ruyr.tsueh fist. Bases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus i Dance, nervous headache, all nervousi troubles, palpitation of the .heart, the, after effects of In. grippe, diseases de-! pending.. on humors. of the blood, suchi w .....-v. w. IUU‘I‘U mt. august was laid up with an uty1qually severe attack of rheumatism. being confined to the house and to " bed. or about three mouths. To a reporter of the Economist, Mr. August said: "I was in tutu regular cripple. Suspended from the ceiling over my bed.wa.s a rope which I would seize with my “w-.. w ewelve years was a member of tlge township council. for some years holding the position of deputlv1 reeva. He had also been a justice of t e peace Since the formation of the county. It will thus be seen that Mr.. August. stands high in the ssatimation of his uejghbors. Twelve people sat down at an Etna, . H., dinner table recently whose uni- d ages were 950 years. year. came to Ciimufa forty ears ago, tpi.. Years ias been a 1'6le thon. During some thu time he has beans post eleven or twelve years of the township council. holding the position 01 He had also been a. Just since the formation of The tbaureree Terrtbtr will: II - " Ilse lulu-teal Turn ll Bea-mae-s, " Not Recover. From the Economist. tiheiburne, Ont. Almmt. ovexgbody in the townshi of Melancthon. ufferin Co.. knows if: Wm. tT/t J.P., postmaster of Au.. gustan. r. August. now in his 77th year. came to Can-d3 from England forty Keats ago, and for thirty-exght Fears as hum " ---=-‘--* . m- . removed. A REGULAR GRIPPIE MERE ASSUMPTION STORMY I he'seeu that -ih..liii'iuii' :gh in the estimation of his ',s,v,i,nte,.ss,ot. 1894-5 My: August "n u!- -- _------, jill "4’! _iiiii'iiiiifii'iit! MW?“ , y of an Old Settler in Dumsrin County. W JV??? ,r',ii'i'jis,:-';ia.-i,: tl i,,riri',Ts:-siiji-i,: ..F-er ..vu an All: rtun to Ciimufa from England ago, and for thirty-eight sen a resident of Melano- . some thirty years of that liens postmaster, and for leclnanleal Appliances to Friends “amt he Could El?) i;"vii'rCirieois" ,0: Wllh lie-manna, , TIME. hed, a cyclone over ii/ik Maia); s":') of Cod-liver mfg“ mmfftingid by 159mm but] I o su Ont i Oil, with remedi: to the weakene?> 3:21:11? _ o. . prevcn consum tic b 33:: H9pophes, curigg colds andpsunl Ir we? 177m t phites ventive power by WKch i: syst i211]: ' "re-s-res. can Withstand disease. we. hull drum -urGs Hot? She will be the senior partner by at least ten years. Pm afraid than when Yappy and that Miss Prettyold are married she will run the whole estatplishment, _ - _ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mrs. Wm. Grieve, 56 Wilson St., Ham- ilton: Cumd of Inflammatory Rheuma- tiam by Kootenay. J. B. Samson, Esq" 211 Church. St... Ottawa: Indigestion cured by Ryek- man'tg Kootenay. The worker wasps, like the worker beef, are smaller than the queens or ma es. Hamilton: thm" iiktie, -ahd "a: Half of Ryckman's Kootenay Cum, complete- ly cumd me of Sciatica. Ask your physician. Four druggiat and your friends about Shiloh's Cure for Consumption. They will rtseoInPenr1_it. Constipation causes more than halt the ills of women. Kari's Cloyer Tea " a pleasant cure for Constipation. Mrs. G. W. Brooks, 47 Ferguson Ave. s., Hamilton: Cured of Rheumatism and other complaints by taking Ryckman's Kootenay Cum. Do not know its equal. D. C. Smith, Esq., lenford P. o., Ont.: Cured of Rheumatiam by Koote- Anna Day, 227 Church Bt., Ottawa: Entxyely cured of Inflammatory Rheu- matum. Maggie O'Brien. East. Temgéeton. Que; Cured of Rheumatism by oote John C. Kenna, Esq.. Richmond Road, Ottawa: Ryckman's Kootenay cured me of Rheumatism. Hugh H. O'Connor. Esq., 257 Nepeine St. Ottawa: Have taken two bottles of Ryekman's Kootenay Cure. and am now a new man 4 -itl,?,tys,Lti?,,,ttr ' 4 ' d . I L For the last fifty gears of her lite, Betty Webster, of V enslerdote, Eng- land, was a constant smoker. She has Just died, at the age of 107. We willgive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deanne“ ((1111de by outrun-h) that can- not, be cured by Hall's Calnrrh Cure. Semi tor circulars, tree. -_---- _ - _ E}. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, o. Ryukman’s Kuutenay [lure Positive Cttre tor Rheumatism and Paralvsls. Martin Watson, Esp. Ottawa: Rheu- matism cured by Eyckman's Kootenay. Arthar-"Are, you sure she loves you?" Jack-"Yett. When I told her I had no money to marry on she asked me if I couldn't borrow some." It is a. common experience among mountain climber: to find butterflies lying frozen on the snow, and so brit- tle that they break unleea they are very carefully handled. Such frozen butterflies on being taken to a warmer climate recover themselves and fly away. Six species of butterflies have been found within a few hundred miles of the North Pole. tr, local applications. as they cannot reach tho moaned portion of Lhe our. The" in only one {my Lo cure Deafness, and that is by constitu- tional remollcs. Deafness in caused by an Inflamed condition ot the mucous lining of Mn ouslochlon tube. When nus tuba sou irtihutvsd {on have a. rumb?!ng sound or imnorfecr hour- ng. and when it in entirely aloud Donnie». la the result; and unto-s tho iuf1atnmation nun be taken out and this tube renal-ed to in normal condition. hearing wlll be destroyed forever; nine 0850‘) out ot ten are con-ed by catarrh, which u nothing but on tnturned condition ot the mucous Futtrors., - - _7 A . Cold in the Head.--Nasat Balm given instant relief. speedily cures. Never tails. WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO NEW YORK. One of the handsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out of the factory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via the pop- ular West shore route. It is . bnttet car, and refreshments can be obtained en route, if desired. This car leaves Union Station. Toronto. every (is! except Sunday. st 4.55 p. m., resohmg New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. pp Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- llto_n only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call " any Grand Trunk office in Toronto tor Information or aw in sleeping cu. Reservsttons can made in advance if desired. "Sold bi Druggh-‘ls. 75c. Wm. Reid, Esq, ali Bartpn sr., _E_al.st2 SHE'LL RULE BY RIGHT q ' es Immediate aid by smthmg a of Cod-llver Jim cough and su lying tonic Oil, with remedies to the iiiiir?i!,', system. 2 prevents consumption y promp y Hypophosiv curing colds and su I in the pre- phites ventive power by WEE; 'de' system "eii%rtier. can Withstand disease. we, 'r,all druggists Deafness Cannot be Cured A HARDY INSECT. SOAP Books [or Wrappers. for every " “Sunliglm I'npperl um " Lever Bron, MIL. Toronto, a lath! 8 Jun“ book vim. not or I cloth-keynd " so W.P.C MI Gurney -Tilden 00., m. Hamilton. Gurney-Massey 00., MontreaL Gurney Stove d Range 00.,me THIS cured by Shiloh-T bu}; Some varieties of mosquito work only by day. others an nocturnal. but I." an equally ferocious Consum tion, iaqrippe, (ueamonia, Ind .‘IL'IPEBRK 9111 Lung disuse. no A Mtge, ttnl-equipped, oM-estnhlfrtted insti- tation-Hoo IITTIR IN CANADA. Beet Business Education " Lowest. Perth]. Cont. Graduates an"? Humanism]. Write toe nulogue. l ’. J. ELLIOTT. Principu Give: the latest and best munu ot tninh. in its Commerclnl. Shortlist“! and Pan manor-In Departments. 23 tatttdtntsawt,ut. ed to pmkiom in six weeks. Get Ill panic-uln- by writing for New Flo-‘pecnm Mention thin paper. Address, W. H. SHAW, Principal. Karl's Clover Root Tea 13 I. sure cure for Headache and nervous discus. No. thllttt {aliens so quickly. Tired Tutzrmr--"Yea, Air, Wm. It pp, tor be honest." Weary atrtrlei- a know now yhy yg'r so darn poor." A powerful nervine effervescent salt. A moat prompt and uteetive remedy for sick or nervous headache,airk atom- mh, mental strain. exhausted ne.rv.Y, 's1eepleaemeas, depression of apirlts. worry and anxiety. and all conditions Irishman alcoholic or other excess- es. . .--From one to two teaspoon- fula In half a glam of water, resented in twenty minutes if not relieve . For sale everywhere by druggieu in 10 and 25 cent bottles. The Toronto Phar- Pttel, Co., Ltd.. Toronto, Wholmle Agents. tt tlift THECDOK’S BEST FRIEND IIAKNG POWDER .trntford, Outing-1° TqMtq._rrtsrd and Yonzo 8t... I0htgttgAI'tit CELERY SEIDLITZ. Is that the PM”. vim-"MUTE. um In. your M - and - I summer, dry and M In winter. Per-ointm- datum um AdeiLiiirsi.' W; ioiGG i1',?iiPit.'t,.Ti,ig,ii,iiii, b . . . Irma! ytiiiiihystyierL 'lh “7:1 ',.Attietlr EM. 93999 W 'iiil=i5itihltsw Ideal COST NO MORE THAN OTHER BOOTS. Going Sept. M--iuttmt until Oct. 3M Going Sept. 15tlr--4leturn until Nov. i6tit Prom all Station-1n Ontario. - Sudbury and nut. For Pamphlet, rantaining mm and full inte- nation, ngl)‘ lo any Canadian Ptscitlet "ilway Agent, or " I. IcPul-IRMDN. I III. It. IL. Ton-u MANITOBA and CANADIAN NORTH-WEST IIT, 'gy, 1nd I- am - Chronic mall]... m L" tion ot m. Stttt Kilut or Wonk A, A, of Eight. lrum n.0- uLo ur chrnnlv I. e Nt, tirurnn.tionwt"tb s or induccd " sorotuloul origin or m her any»; u wknesn of Vision or of the Optic Nerve, or a dzmuacd auto ot lb. than. mkuouna the eye. Bold by In drugghu. a. G Blue“ a so“, “I“. - - III-mun. Oll- & 0. mm. ka.Lu." aiiiiLGUiriri.. 1.1.3 1 oqunlled adv-mam to an dun-on d acquiring n thorough and auction haul-ca of cutting owl-men'- d‘ll‘mcltl. Wm. one. tor special otttr. A Gnu. 11: Tre, ty Toronto. Alto uncut-for IcDowoll'I d Gun-moat Dumas ”whine. Th.- '"ghffge'tt2 If?“ M 9.. on. gamma-m?“ 'ttht',','" “at! In Bur-[oo- and Oculiu from No. York, will be " Prof. (‘hammrluin‘l In Hoatsitar, Ct [lug St. E., Toronto, Sept. " to 13th, to perform operation on tho an. at [lo-on mama. ow. mu BRITISH AMERICAN t...: “‘“ I not BUSINESS COLLEGE .3. $3.. o 0 ttt Toronto, Ltd. :23": Allw with [nun-u of Ohm Amounts-I Director. ad Bharetiolderv-traw. Trout, . R. O that». Ind Wrid, an mo. Gunmen Wu. I. 0.50. B. P. McKinnon. Irs". Thomson. 0,6. Wrfte H ”was!“ annular. And pomphlou. flow. mum. Pruidut. D. nosxun. on T0 INVENTORS. u"dfe,t 0025331": "termstiortal Futon: unrest. " loll-d. ix. hazy-.3995!» gimme-9°. Lows." m- “1666qu Fig? iiroT FRY-313?." {in} R. A. (about). Ina-tad laminar. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL ofUre In- _oqunlled udvnum to an douroll " ”one! In“!!! $8to0t AMWI - -- Ali you dealer tor icy-hi. no autumn C Bat t,tki,r,tett, oil mud-~44apm to [M Lt'fotl' in. ubriunkSnu mummy. “Molina-h “almanac-mun.- PEERLESS “SAMBA" was. mm a liftiinimum. new»: Ac.. Aboxdoeu ”ht-ban. 35 Aunt Imt-&ut._'roronto. long, to Loan. " mm fun . 'moot-wi" In." Iron Pouch? "I. The Most e“ E9"- majri- 51mm 1E sold. lt you will Ego “1973;? to "hilt,“ yillvyuy " 'Ei'.; 1sirkt everywhen. Made llMll FURNAEE ml» Beat! The Cheque-t " J88hxm BATTIRLBC. tho Celeb!“ MACHINE CHI-0N TEA. "a" YOU 1mm- {Lu unua'ud Miami-p; or to none. 3.. on: display " Toronto Exhibition-. than. wand. CltllO'l. free. Minute Holman- co.. Ian. PATENT MONUMENTS. (Ind. II a In... "yum Improved and qret 8gt You. th, Town: 'saa"trasmmmt ll ti. T. ”NOR". Sovereign Remedy ESE a mi 'YA R: w A I) ta ff“ til m

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