West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Sep 1896, p. 5

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rlsul'. . M m w ORDON. hine .on Gasman“. )THY ) aw Seal ol Grass. 1tIIrfiiiii" to sell RESHERS. I' RIMS 81 (h DE RN. ot Ancient but an’t be but --OUR- iPICES and CNEGARS FALL sow 1N6 and Watches ' PRICES TO IN 90383” Cow Bidet, D1 ned suitable for own-Illa 1"an nous! w Proceu’ inish and Soft. not dead but ll AND cams os. Smith. Tanning I IVE)! & Goats Oiis. nous! BURMA. , {mule Page"!!! S c'. .. A . enn'e it! e It “£131.13: 4 layd ,Da.tteve1 l Elsie Smith Lizzie Smith The token! were, a beautiful like? Interpucher and drinking cup. d L..." Ltcrar.-h move Ill made Mon. a; In'ght last to secure cheap pub“. WWI-I tor the town. In Februaw 1896, 1Tium wan ennui in the Canned to f" the preset)! lessees the contract for8 :1 can M 030 . quarter. No contract I" “:0er mp- 9.?lair planed, bane. it u 9mm l I no lulnlm nuts to continua dear “when However the Council “link th Mm glhonor compels them to any out tgit of the lumen. Condo” it I M. on In public lighting cone- ding to tgittitii, obtuiuod in ';'lll)"ln1'lL"l thet uncured. 1eyooGrttiiioGTi'a he mum of tho 50 pet can or men ". uonuubouu. w. mun“. tta, on tlm point olhonot which w 'i'l1t"ll2'riiiiii,, but we but I vhH “Mm... null. on“). doll" 3‘ tl'..ttemsas.....m,. .......- ".-.-. Eiii, Neg: " tif tiii7) ttrort bod found in 1etiiri2 proved to be en 'pl,iii' l.sttii from him emi; In! "933:3“ ho" '*." m it to be that of A!!!“ "chm? pgoved to be entirely mu. “but Letters from him have boon moved by the firm from whom " .51“ his" milling apparutlll gr to mm?“ 'dkh of August. and f and! Itt , "sale where Mr. McKt'IViemught" rims the alarmin reports .ndjud " 'hunxiety of Lie parents wrote to trauma McKenuo ttlla that. t “jun ako been "at! M “but iluiiuiiiii' villi-WW" my an. n. my... period at m- ,,,..... u, tho- whmland in this have gained the raw UNI We wnuld thereG slight when. trustinl new», it as a meme wish” and kind re? pupilu. Remaking: l min Four work an wily. )lr. Mormon had unned Mr. Ind Mm. lulu: in mun-an. and he an" . nym- pathetic review of the life and minnow: o the tee-sum]. Business,: and Profouwnll nun. farmers. md even the young of ph mm! by their presume their new. of lawless. J Par-rsrtos.-'rhe par“: of Miss Pu'lmbuugll. of Lamina s. moi, motive- ro-mly and presented this popular. yuan“ lady with the fullnwing flattering at. Mitiuus : Durnm'h. Aug. 28th. 1gtltk To Miss Pluherlmugh. "ear Teacher. .We ynur luring pupils of [Alana Puts. lie Svhnol. kin-Wing yuur intention of Preripr Your rulut'iun m n.- nu Incl-Inn- . we your loving pupils of [Alana Puts. lieshia, knowing Four intention of Prerimt vour relation to us as teacher III unit-r to further equip yourself an Mom-r in your chmen profession, take .,t)is,"ppvtuiir' of showing our ttrat- ',.tpl.",yei..ntii'u to you for the kind Pi ”PP: m... L - - - Clm. 1feEiunon has a. fem Olutlmn F-uniug Mu]: on baud winch he will all clung. l t'otrs'TTCot'NCaLt.oRtr.--A la . num- bornf ratepayers in r'i.o"ii'iaii1'i',liie':ll'a',l'n," are mutating Mr. C. cArtImr to Bllow his name to he put in for nomin- ntmn for one of the new positions. Mr. MeArthur has interests in both munic- ipalitie. and is capable of tillinq the position with credit, "iitiudersignrd wishes to new"; two corner lots fenced and cultintod the lower town hero for two so: drivers, not more than 8 yea-a old. Apr 1y to Mn. J. P. Tuna». or, Thomas I). Thomas Ba 306 Owen Sound. Two Home: Wanted: Sccnssrn. DPERATtoN.--on Tue.- dar last Mr. Hugh McDonald South LineAileneltt. hnda cancer on the " removal successfully. Dr. Park lag the cm in charms and called in Dr. Gun to assist in the opention. 'i'rtfiiTGu, -ii'm. Me rrruGCur". thur Jackson and others. Miss Blanch. Hunter left this morning also, W. C. T.U.-This bodv met on To an night_nnd had an intemtin may: ing. Two interesting paper- on 8:!“th 9Mrvauce are to be read at next meet,- mg. Rev. Mr. Pear yritu in . 11091)an hrmon needing plough: Wilkin udothermuku: c." tC. . . Itt "Id be suited. . who”? . tau Dun" wu- w urn: P333351. Oct. 6tA and 7th. Mr. B: ud‘ormm is President and Mr. Jan. watoon secretary. . Wm. Moran, Gael h pesed td;i,r.t,1 town Monday with?) head of “Human up north of the town. gnnwndo to stall feed them. A g ial Cabinet huto " 82.00 n at S',ff,"t;l Town Studio. J. L. feat'; Photo Artist. 4. ' Toronto is enjoying splendid weather this Week. and Is meivi? tribute from all parts of Ontario. rom Durham there has gong M/ers N. W. C‘mpbell, Rev. Mr. Pear writes in I Hespldrp. or in on interesting way on ourtoo 1l'llt known scenery. The Minnie H! a. Full. are better known on Hoywud’n Falls. His lettex in in mother column. um y i men _ - J'"'. nur- IIIU - ' you have put forth for our moral “ma! writ-ma during the past two hut years. My your actions in upland in tho cmumunity you “lined the respect "t all classes “mum there-fun: other you this 31km. trusting that you will W w" l in ','t,'lGririiihinnmi's 1 mm” -.csbintt Photos good u the tT'ot.ii' per dozen at the Uipor mt . . To'" GW_’. .nmnl fhr mm":- .ee-'r-'cr,, of ”will. Cold '33, at c. Mo] luml n- "rrls of us; you; speaking gar you future" ttue- r work and deserved prol- ',, loam-’5 appeal for NONI :en abundantly acquaint. No muted- See advertisement ia Fall Show will be h lee,',', Oct. 6th and Ttlt. _llt,?.1, t! 'iirafreeleee meméntg) of "the wiii u lug. Mttett of OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Durham Pharmacy Calder's Block, Residence Brat door we“. of the Pet once, Durham. Will he in Will. the an: Wedne- atliiiiii,iitLir"1r 'oTti.krrtthr5h"n" A BARGAIN! A Unswu..- _ That 02841119 residential lot. u pm ant oeeupi by Rev. Chan. Cameron is for sale. or will rent on revenue Drill pratice on Monday afternoon a; 4 o'clock. in the drill shed. No mar recruits needed. iriFG therefor. VOLUNTEERS ' ' (‘Bll Hull. ween. III; w ...n... - his annual visits to his father in Price- ville. We were leased to meet the handsome Jg'il'4'/i'l,'t". He is Presid- ent ofa large Scottish Society in the land of his adoption. As a wheelsman he has made his “century run" i. e. has ridden 100 miles on a straightaway course in thours, and wears the medal Dr. Landerkin came home on Satur- day last, and left the beginning of the week for his duties which begin uesday after the Labor ett; recess. The Dr. was much pained at I r. Taylor‘s death, as he was more than a consistent sup- porter, he was a petsonul friend. The name of Miss Millie Leeson, of Varney, was inadvertently omitted from our list of anceessfnl students last week. She took her Junior Leaving t',ertitteate in Owen Sound after only 6 mos. study. and part of that time was engaged at the sick bed of her sister. Dr. Hugh McNeill, Chicago gave us a call last week. He Je tyet on age of Dr. Arthur Gun came hnme from Inna-k}; last. Friday for a. few days' stay. eis looking up after a recent illness. Dr. Park, of Woodstock is unending to his practice in his absence. Mms.(Rev.)W. H. Boyle visited he: brother-in-law. Mr. Chas. Boyle and family, Townsend's Lake for the last. two weeks. She left Monday for her home in Colorado. Mrs. Goldie and her daughter Mrs. Moodie of Artemesin were the guests of Mr. Robert Ector of the Avenue last week. Mina Muggie Vessie, Millie Ector and Mary E. Curobuli of Glam-lg Tint last Saturday and Sunday with 133 Bessie Clark at. Aberdeen. , Miss Collier, Miss Allie Grant, Mrs. s'tonohouse and Mr. Henry Cameron attended Toronto Show last. week. The name of Maggie Clark in tho list of Prim»?! candidates last week should he Mary " Clark. a Mrs. Walter Nichol, was at Oneida Inst week attending her brother Mr. Wm. Urunston's funeral. ' ' Wm- thor-Pt,?,,',,',", Mrs. Ewing and her daughter Miss Nichol of Toronto are the guest: of Mr. Walter Nichol. Miss Allan. of Mt. Forest is a guest of Min May McUrucken this week. Mr. Dan Greenwood took in the Tor. onto Exhibition last week. Mrs. John Collier. of Glenelg went on a. visit to friends in Toronto. last Thurday. Mr. Thus Allan, went to Toronto Frid~ day last, and came home the beginning of the wsek. r A Palm IN Iarct-an.. Ainsley ’ Men-aw. propietor of the Wiarton Cad. udmu 'dlTgl'Wi' the or six your. ego, invented near y all the money he had in mining prolperty in British Columbia. When the so d boom struck the country Megruw was ri ht In it, and the other day was anal-es 336,000 for his claim” Before accepting the otter he decided to) pata_per'sonalv"usit to the gold Fda, and he is there by this time. He Is sure of '86.00o in any event and may get twice or three times that sum. This II the Int genuine case on record of a printer striking a smspc--Ex. DENTISTRY. - -- - use Wu og I rile Lake to Mr. R. Grieve. crannie- iton. at the fair price of 82000. Mr. Grieve intends, we hear. gutting a steamer on the Lake and uildin a mmumnt of a. size to 'it4'll'2'd'fit', all comers. Boon this is to be, if Mr. Grieve'a hopes are realized. the leading summer resort in western Ontario". m, wish the new proprietor eyery ""e'm--gVp. The Hmiaton Review referring to the tata of Mr. Laidlaw's store last wee any: in ard to the capture of the burglars The. "The prisonen‘ ave their names In Donovan and Bart- W' claimin Connecticut and Philadel- Bhin to be 'llfJd res tive homes." In urham they gave llt,flJu' and Belle- tyu, During their mnnnnnv " “-- would Iii; Tiiiiri' be opened juct now, like it. Mr. Wm. Reyna re Lake_ to Mr. It y WILL BEAPOPULAR Ar'mArszwmr.., ‘We understand Mr. Jae. Murdock. of Egremont. has been appointed to the: ltion of Inspector o \Veighte and‘ tttta',',',"; for the district. Should Mr , Murdoch accept there will he no two', o inions that he will be a most capable Glee and worthy of all the honor' and, emoluments there are in it. I 1JopTrsueD.--Th. firat meeting of the; Select Committee on Standing Order; in the House at Ottawa was eld last! week and Dr. Landerkin was the unan- , imous choice for Chairman. The Dr. is altogether too useful to be relented tn _ elm. SI-a, _ the I. T. a. HOLT L. D. s. PERSONAL 'mmoE e, Iherehi, bu dim _-- yuan-"lull. Ina ur. i. D useful to be relegated to l many of his Tory friends, This constituency will not f Ian-I- --““‘ -The that meeting of the: ttee on Standing Orden, at Ottawa was eld hurt! Lnnderkin was the unan- , 'or fily,uryny/ The Dr. in ATTENTION. "riCriiiaromr. --. .. ... u... ' much an some would ', Mchx. Aqu- M1896, Came to the g','?',',',',?,"',', of the under- eigned about J y, one yearling steer and one yearling heifer. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay expenses uni take tLe animals away. JAS. Bum Log tit,thm. H, We, A communication re throwing the lighting of the town open to public zom- peticiott was ordered to be laid on tho table for eonaiderstiom Legs! proceedings no to in ' soon against panic. who have lulled to take out Dog-tags. The following manta were pulsed; W. B. Valletta " Asses-or 010.00 Clark 1 month salary 17.60 B. Burnot. 2 any. work 2.00 C. Knapp bed * menu foe lumps 1.00 No. lilon. Lumbar "ot, 82.01 J. Km. Como & 81101110: late Jno, Baldwin 8,00 On motion of Moore-Elvin" Mo. mu gr'auted A petition of Wm. Calder, Jno. H. Brown, T. a. Holt and sixteen other- nskiug fur a sidewalk from Inspector Campbell's to dwelling owned by Ga. Canon Was rotated to Board of Work. Mr. Calder addlesaed the Council on behalf of the band asking for a grant for new instruments. Member: present on 7th inst. Mayor, Reeve, Councillura Elyidge. IL Parker, Brown, Kiuneo, Moore, _ PRESENTATION.--On Wednesday night Miss Orchard was map the re- eipient ot an elegant Teacher's Bible bv her class and friends in the Method- ist Church prior to her leaving for To. ronto. Miss Orchard is an invaluable church worker and will be much missed in Sunday School, Church and Epworth League circles. Mywaaa'rrs.-rPrineipa1 Allan has a smaller number in char e this year than usual, as have most of the schools. The limited su 'ply should help tenchel’s salaries. 'l‘he followmg upils are in attendance; Misses N. lrellul'if', J. Johnson, 8. Scott. 8. Small, C. Fletcher, and Messrs W. Buchan, N. McIntosh, G. McIntyre. P. McDougal, R. Scott, W. Pauli, A. Wahn. Smnwxna Dmtrute,-.on Monday last out Cricketer: went to Hanover and played the local team. The result was 40 runs for Durham with one innings and 18 runs tor Hanover With two innings, On Taes. day Hanover Lacrosse team came here, and Durham was again t: o xiotor by ft goals to one. Our buy: no "in n." THE BAND.-Messrs Peel and Knapp leave for Toronto this morning to purch- ase a set new instruments for the Band. The res onse of the town to the appeal made tells week was a enemns one. ITiglllt. The Battalion Bang should have t te. lost. T Mrs. June: Mchmli and family Fergus are visiting " her mother-in-lair, Mm. McComb Durham Read. Remember the do! e of South Grey Pall Show, and get your entries placed. Sep. 29th and 30th. Secy. McKenzie expecls a. big success. Hanover Fall Show will be held on Sees. 17th and 18m. Friday is the big day, a" tnellve siock exhibits. speeding in the rm? and bicycles races will form taking cultures. This is a, well conduc- ted Show, and always delights visitor '. Admission to grounds 15cta and Note. 1 You need Hoods Snrsaparilla toen- rich and purify your blood. create an appetite and give sweet refreshing sleep. QUICKENED vrrmerarroii7raTP. Tarn Firth brought to our omce the other day a compound leaf of a. plant of the sunmch fuuily showin a growth of Sh feet. Mr. S. 1%'11T//a has ,alt,e, tree radient in a spring dress of lossome. Spring at both ends of the year. i - h on. on and about my “lupin, - l Peeiattr It night what: I had been but. I . Mid day of pin-lea! and mental latter. I Ibo mnynmodiu, but found help only In Hood'l “will. which and no at I rheumatism, Munich and ham». Bud'- B-tit. has proud itmit a ho Hm.“ I ---- L. A -- Into-chub“ in». um " talian-l7 br c. t. load a Oe., Low-n. In .""-.--a-uL.c=r= Hood’s Pills 35225;? billoodiii" - "Th-"'""-. “C. I Ch. M. mod]. Pills " in, - bowet. "nut. and up. the .13. m I“... M m a“... CI“. , Month-um of 3am, Ohio. In My Met' MI through that "eetton. m lived in Clinton Co. "' you-9, and ha been president at ; (in "trfha Bank 20 yam. m gladly ', toque. to the merit of Hood’s ana- _ puriiin, Ind what he an is worthy , gating... All brain workers And I "apariltts poculiarly adapted . to their needs. It makes pure, rich, 2 rod blood, and trom this some: nerve, l Mental, bodily and digestive strung-Lb. l "I am glad tony that Hood’s Stacy- , lili- il a very good medicine, especially a I blood mm». It bu done no good may times. For aver-i Jan I III-I'd [may with pun ot Nlnutes of TOWN COUNCIL. CAME ESTRAY. Neuralgia LOCAL AND GENERAL. Saroaparllla . "t.'.. Total 070.51 "tt "r(i't"7iTtrt5 MtoNAaa.t--In Glenelg on the and mu the (“not Mr, Robert mainly of a will be kept for Service for Season o IM60 " Lot T, Con. l, Normanby. 01.00' To!» pdd tor n time of Service. “when. Oct. 15th, Itm. Thin In. "imal will be kept on the premium of JNO. CLARK, J... LOT " CON. 8. W. G. It., " THICK. In Service during Boa-on of 1895-96. y-ci-essod Ie.w-_::9n:d- new» 81in.- Mord " no No. 2956. Wrrowed Nov. an, 1803, and bred by John Mayer. Round}. tha. Thoroughbred Berkshire Bar We are prepared to take building con tracts arid urm‘sh all kinds of Material " living prices. J. CAMERON We beg to announce to the public that we have the mill rebuilt and retittod with Also a full assortment of Crockery an Glassware. Dinner. Tea. dt Toilet Sets At Popular Prices. PLANIMI AND MATCHINGI' A delicious blend (fut up in “In. and libs. Lea Packages . Sold for 300- lh. Sold for Mo. lh. Sold for 600- lb WATSON BROS Tea of 'Teas KURMA TEA AT RIGHT PRICES. Dromore, J uno 6th. m. " DONE AND su‘xsxmcrmnr GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND "SPRUCE LODGE mo." I0. 402 IMPROVED MACHINERY. a . H. W.LEE80N Prop THOROUGHBRED Tamworth Boar Try it. and you willbeperfectly tiatisfled. NORTH EGREMONT. We are handling W. R. Johnston's goods again this season and the name alone is a sure guarantee of honest goods, while the price can't be beaten. KEEP YOUR EYE on this corner. Watch our advertisements, read them carefully and we will save you money.' N. B. 10 Different varieties of fresh sweet Biscuits opened out this week. Men's Heavy Union Unferweer . Toe. 3 Suit. Udiea' Vests, open front, Fancy stitched and In Men’s Pine " . 90 " 25e. each. Men’s all wool 16 oz. " . 88 ' Ladies' Hygenic Vesta, all wool, in all since Tlie 01 Meth Pine Scotch Wool " - 81.25 " Children', Vests. Union, from 12k to 20e. cocoa Extra Value in Men's Top Shim " 45, so. 65, Tlkg. & tt . to "m Bors' Underwear in I." ' Children's VOOtI, ttll wool, 20to 25c. According tot Ladiee' Vests. Long Sleeves, 20e. etch or ttie. pair. Intente' Vesta, Natural Wool, all “a” 85tt. H In Hosiery we only take time this week to tell you that we have that "Old Rel: heavy wool hose at Me. The proof of its weer has mule it a. great seller and already customer: who had it last year are coming in and asking for it again. Our New Store (Big and all as it is) will be hustled for room by the Goods are in. This cool weather gives us a gentle reminder of what , on, and already Heavy Dress Goods and Winter Goods of all kinds are quite greely. We have every oonfidenee in a Good Fall Trade, conseqi scrimped ourselves in buying and, of course, the larger quantity of an t cheaper you get it. There are Attractions for you here every day. help but make them So. Among the things we might mention this w for Men, Women and Children, At the following mines it in Innvin CemeTn together and this year yen find us better than ever prepared to cater to your requirements. New Goods are piling in rapidly and we have only to say of them that the September “all 1ftiijiiiiil- ‘rznnmumh THE Qualities are Reljabje, 5T5WA'§CHIVES TORONTO CASH AND ONE PRICE. " mum (mg and an as it M) mu be hustled for room by the time all the Fell [ in. This cool weather gives us a. gentle reminder of what we can expect later ready Heevy Dress Goods and Winter Goods of all kinds are beginning' to move ly. We have every oonfidenee in a. Good Fail Trade, consequently we have not ourselves in buying and, of course, the larger quantity of an article you buy the m get it. There are Attractions for you here every day. The prices can't cake them 50. Among the things we might mention this week is Underwear Women and Children. At the following prices it is moving out quickly _ OVERCOATS and CLOTHING. RAMSAY & MORLOGK GALDER’S BLOCK- SALT Alabastine. Paris White, Whiting, Whiting, Alums. Clue, W. W. Brushes. Paints mixed and dry. Paint Brushes, Artists Colors and Brushes. Oils Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass Lucerne Clover. - -tuiBia'Tind9erhtb7 STE-£8 betorxrir0itik." -(tGiis GiFrirdi. )__._.. '- Best Table oil cloth. white and colored, 45 in. wide, Me. a yd. Best Oatmea. or White Castile Soap, 7ete a. bar, or 4 bans for 25 cents. Glycerine Soap, tie. 3 box of 3 cakes. Scrub brushes 5eta up Heavy Galvanized 14 ct. pail, 25e. See our $1.00 1otoi Tinware. Cal anyway, We want your trade allltialtetaiaatx &. Go. BtlgT,,gAjiligg,i, A large supply of School Books. See our Pmtioe Books 400 pages 50. Pens, Pencils, Rubbers, Compasses, etc. Note Paper and Envelopes by the quire, box or resm. 7 lbs. Tapioca for Mo. Mixed whole Sigma- 170. lb. Pure Wound Ttlt Vinegars: English alt, Cane- dim Malt and bite Wine. Vinegars from 300. gallon. TEAS from lata alb. SUGAR-Light Brown, 26 lbs. for one dollar. No. 1 Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs for $1. Styleé the 'iy'surettt, Get FALL SEEDS. FOR FALL SOWING In Barrels and Bags ROCK SALT. .',.' Fall Rye. A Machine Oils, Coal Oil, Best Canadian and American. Superior SEWING OIL, 4-07.. Bottle lOcts. Udiea' Vests, open from, Fancy stitched and laced. 25e. each. Ladies' Hygenlc Vesta, all wool, in all all“ Tlie each. Children', Venus. Union, than 12k to 20e. wounding to use. Children's Vesta, all wool, 20 to 2tie. aeeording tom. Infanta' Vesta, Natural Wool, all all“ 85tt. a pair. And Pr’ices the Lowest. YOU WILL NEED New Lace Curains Dwain & Badman. Durban. So is House-cleaning time, and SPRING IS HERE We always keep full lines " lowest prices. AYou should see our SPRING mm of IO WER TOWN. E E3 H

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