West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Sep 1896, p. 8

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go if 1 "A i"' ,,ttl v DEPARTMENTAL STORE UPPER TOWN. Carcass AND Dmurs WAwnim.--We will b . Pucks from now on it they are DRY ,?,r,iifjil.fra,fi111tre1tg) tl, same day as lulled. WE WONT BUY SCALDED FOWL 2"gyiet be brought in BEFORE THURSDAY of air, s"l2',e, Alt (e,,,T,ttl",5?,,yo hot to keep them over Sunday. Brink all pm La- {1031; New Rustic Inttrlining lOand 15c. " Perforated futile Buckskin. (ha-cling Pine'fl'ar, Re ular 15 . 10 l PintBottle. tt oe m “undone Striped Shir-ting 36 inches wide. Reg Ilk. Tuesday 120. yard. Silver Starch (hulk) 7 cents a 1h. Mt tine Qlueens Baking Powder Ar, can ritish co umhia Salmon 10 cents a can. Cleaned Cunrants 5 lbs. for Pak. Extra Raisins 4 lbs. for 25 cents. French Sardines 5 cents a can. Silver Hutch (hulk) 7 cents a l OURCES , to the lb. £11 GMHigh class Fall Tweed Dress Goods in Cardinal, Grey, Golden horn, Green and other grounds, figured, very stylish worth 50e. Tuesday put the price will be 25 cents yard for these. 3 New new and high class colored serge in Navy Blue, Cardinal and Brown 44 inches wide, regular 500 goods. Rather than get familiar with them we put friendship Tuesday next like this-Ill ets a yard. ' We make our own songs and sing them, but we need your patronage to make the Harmony, so just get in to the Band Waggon and we'll all take a ride down Easy Street. The early bird catches the worm. Read below what we have to say already about FOWL. Some seem anxious to sell to save feed. Well we'll. have to give them aahelping hand, that's l P1etNt Black English Hopsack (cotton intermixed) Dress Goods 26 inches 'ride-our old price was 25 cents now we say go at 14 cents a yard. J. A. fillUINTEp'S 1t9oltiiriiiircr"rik,7 P3353195 EEK. 91! " Departmental Store Prices. e-A DRESS GOODS AND LINING BARGAIN DAY; SBARGAIN DAY PRICES,-- P,'.y?kgurlptriryt, Beoks... Copy Tuesday Sept, 15th A few Dark Prints left-oar price 5e a yard. Best Selicia Linings 80. yard, Reg. 10 and 12 abs. a yard. Bee our Se. Factory Cotton it makes A 1 Lining. See our 50 " There's positively nothing like it in town. 'iTUEsnAY 'BARGAIng‘g " Admantine " " 2 Best mixed Eng. needles Tue. 2 Finest Hair Pins, Tuesday at 2 cents a package mam»- Q. - Buy a 10 cent Coven-ml Tin Butter Pail and bring it in filled next Tuesday. Butter and Eggs are now on a par- ity with gold at this Store. SINGLE YARN 31 cts. a lb, 15 You know the yarns. there's only one quality. that's th0mst--there'i; only une price Tuesday' and that to every one-Dont miss this sale, it may not, be repeatedâ€"W0 always received 400 lb for these Yarns. Next. Tuesday we will sell our own make ---evlebpatvd all wool, scoured and twistvd-- YAR‘NSV‘ x34 Cents a lb. _ -tr.?i?c/'irr7li.'Fec; A YARN SALE. BARGAIN DAY. " ",ij"i"i'j", to the " tfire. w.» I... .4 ”5 --M--a But the last resort of our experience at this time Mr. ditor, is the beautiful trout that I caught and ate from this river. They were moat sweet and of excellent fuvor, coming as they did oat of the cold spring water that, 1iows from the rocky banks on either side. There are Yner caves also that are of much interes' one in particular which in ur ft. long and 20 ft. wide and about, 6 ft. high. When and how this was formed In beyond man's power to aamrrtain, attfrtise it to say that it is worth while for any person to visit this place who enjoy; seeing such things. Thanking you for the Bruce thin tare in your paper and i K have thing worth sendinÂ¥ as I journey [ farther north, I Wil send It next w Here. too no doubt the red man of the forest who became acquainted with the secret entrance of this wonderful place, sdughta hiding place in the times of trouble and here the old hunter and tra per made his home long years was the sound of the woodmiin'ti axe was heard in this north land. ed. And then too, there is " great, curiosity to be seen in the form of a Wonderful cave which seems to have been formed by the action of the water in the ages long ago. The first room is round and about 15 ft. in diameter and its walls areubout 40 ft. in height with an opening at the top of about 8 ft. Many names have been en raven on the walls of rock, names of men and women who have no doubt long since passed into the Great Unknown. The third day at noon we again struck our camp at, this plum and 1 can assure you that, is no mean [let to spend a few days wrruiting. new is a falls of which the peoph- of this suction should he proud. Hid the people of Hespvler such a full of water they' would at once cast Lake. Pusliuch or evrn Idiwiid into the shade as a picnic and camping ground. The water fails about 2i, feet into a narrow gorge with rocks ranch- ingup 40 feet on either hand, and ir does seem the Wamrs do clap their hands and giveono loud Peal of laughter RR they leap from (Tag to crap; until tiwy ranch the bottom in one vast sheet of sparkling foam. Truly it. is a beaut- iful tsi rht and once seen must be admir- ed. and then too, there is a great ("Irvin-it“ F.., I... --- .7 , _. - V rectum-u Ittl' an llotw ot' two. On the serum! (lav we took (bums more quietly and made 1mly 22 mih-s run. one of theoldfa,,i,io uln)’. juurm-y but our time was wcll vmpluyvd fur we caught sunwlim- mun out, of the Ilia Samoan a tew milvs from Durham. Jly the way this ftshing wound isa preaerw and owned by p,vntltuuvu in Landon and it is a, great plcuwre to have the pyivilegetoish fur a ham or two as Lhorem'e plenty of beautiful trout to catch. Our iivsrtry out was most pleasant; when we felt like resting or lunching we retired to the t)icuully sin-her of some hmutiful maples, mud thrve We I'ecuiu-d fur an hour or two. MR. "ir"rort.--l)tiu)iiug that the renders of your valuahle paper would like. to hear how the “Mmue Ha Ha Camp" had fared since leaving nes- pclerun mum iust., tova tour in the north country. I thought it Well Lt ru- pm-L prugu-ss, and also to relate some of our exporiemn-s as We journeyed along from place tn place. Mrs. Burnet, is waiting on her daugh- ter Mrs C. E. Nnhle of Dundulk at pres- ent, who has given birth to a son, and of course. Mr. A. H. Burnet, will be quite proud of his first grand son. Mr. Jim. Allan, Glenelg was visiting his sons hem. MI. David Allan. is fixing the upper Ttll of his Work-shop for the services to gin on Sept. lst, by Mr. McLeush. Our hotel man is getting in a grand sideboard and stands, for his drinks, they should be much better drinks now. Mr. D, Greenwood is away in Toronto attending the Industrial Fair this week. Mr. Geo. Williams returned to Buffalo last week after a lengthy visit to his parents here. Me. H. McFaydvn has been tmomflv,od to his room fur the last three We eks hav.. ing had an attack from his old enemy eczema, He is now able to go about. At the thrashings last, full the furnwrs considered the valuable mlviro given by the proprit-tm's at. the Moth-l Farm. Guelph. implant murevurn. The advice- wns nctvd upon. and the results have been excellent. The topic to be taken ttrt this ymris "Shall UT' build silos." Verily corn is king. The trial of the pound, keeper and the old man who removed his colt from pound in the absence of the pound keep- er came off at Dundalk, Saturday 22nd. inst. It was largvly attended. The de- fendant and his sou swore they bad off- ered the plain!iff's father compensation but he refused it, as they were well known settlers, and it could he got again when his son returned and the dating:- was known. It was alleged the plain- titf took law not. waiting on defendant, taking him to Dundalk. and a umgistrate within one and a half miles of him.“ The magistrate reserved his decision nuLi122ud inst}. Mr. James Dougall is rejoicing over the birth of a son. We are sorrr to hear that Master Fred Staples is aid up with pleutisy. Mrs. Jun. Collier is spending a few weeks in Toronto visiting her sisters there. Mrs. Goldie and Mrs. Mobr, of Arm-lin- esia, were visiting their sister, Mrs. Rohr. Ector. (For Mat week's abbreviated form we eondem" d this budget a little. Ed.) - Mr. Wm. Weir is away to Proton on 1 husinvss trip this week. Mr. Joe Williams, who has had infhun mation of the lung is slowly recovering. Note 2.- The foregoing note was m- tended 'r last week. We could not make room for the budget however. INTERESTING LETTER FROM It WM. PEER. MINNIE HA HA FALLS, ROCKY SAUGEEN. Mn. 1ja,DTom--T.h inking th EDGE HILL ECHOES. HOPEVILLE. till tremfUGGi"t' waiir, Yours tt uly, REV. Wht PEER. I‘vo PM; WM PEER. , this will tuo.ir REV. an. uonme urahm. was lhtling his trap out South Saturday and Sunday. We congntulate you M rdilditoe on your new oftiee and residence and long may you live to enjoy their 1mtesttta, Waterloo 'Krch. and the mink had quite a contract in getting through a neighboring gate on Sunday evening lately. which was flrrnlr and tecprely tied and fastened With a. few halls of hinder twine. We think that Pomona. Billy wilt have to try his hand at Bar- berinlg and penciling again without he hasa read? done so, or the boys of his Burg are ikely to get reckless by per. forming such tricks on week visitors. We lesrn‘tbu Captain Magnum, hes purchseed s good threshing outfit and is doing some excellent work success Capt. Miss Minnie McIntyre, hes returned home from Durham. Mrs. A. C. Patterson. from Durhsm spent a. few Weeks with her parents here. Alex. Murcluson. Warden,' was on bus- iness in our town last week. Mr, J emu Who, is assisting Mr. J. G. Benton in his - day labor. Mr. Donnie Grehm. wss setting his tap out South Saturdsy and Sundsv. ( WILD her parents Mr and Mrs. Hugh Me.. Millan, left this week for her home in Rochester, New York. Mr. N. A. McQueen. and his sister M: s D. McFarlane from Boothville spent, Sunday at McLellnn's. _ Mr. and Mrs. M. McMillan, from Duh ham aApent last week With friends in this, Burg like on) do a day's work yet in the harvest. field among loose outs to per- festytt by japan, Muster w. Benton. has been vevv sick of lure but is now improving, DE, Jamiesnn was in attvneditice. Me. J. A. McLellan has rqturned to Cleveland, Ohio. Miss M. A. McCormick. is at present, a. guest with the. Mnrrison family we predict that Jennie means business. Mrs E. Evans‘aml her little girl Marcie who have spent, the last two months with her parents Mr and Mrs. Hugh Me. Millan. left this week for her home in 1h'frtt") Nlilw York. r. . A. c ueen.nnd his sister D. McFarlane ttt Bnnlhvilln .31“? Misses Effie and Katie Mrntmieon, have gum- to the (31mm) Uiiy to 11-11mm fur a time what wall P. J. do 1tow-gotc. the lleuhilion we pl't-sunu'. Mr. it. 1icPhlusou, witrussed nfum‘y "ousicul pu'dic so a. we at Uatchlovs rur- nm's on Sunday vn-uang rtuvpri.v the oct'uPunts wen! supposed to he fmm Durham and Pt'iceville, full particulars cap _Iw had from Mr. McI’lIt-rsnn. We ape pimwvd Ln erm-l. that Mrs. Neil of the 4th. is inst im waving through injuries that, happenetl accid- entally to he: by being pitched from a mud cart. a sprained _f'tugeeovcuved to him Ihuugh a small triplet nvchlmit,nm- ot' taot'othcrs cotnplunmd of a awn-o cold neatly gut- ting the lu-tter of them. Alumna the man . visitors in our town last " ooh. wen- Ili.,)', 'rl. Quinnil::u. M, link-y, n. Martin, F. Mclhmahl. mu] L. Andcrsiou, from 6th Miss E. and A, Neil from Pouiova Mr. J. Irvin frmn Midd- auxin House [huh-mt. Jar-"mini: Juhn- sum. frum Brut-v 5iir,e E. and M, MC Pottgull, Nata-2h livintyt-u, Mm. P. Hui. livan. and Mr. Mt'l,)~.u:;;etll ituriu Maia-mi Van-"y. Mastor W:vh'sw IV!. and his “it-10“ Miss Iiessiio Wt't't' guern,uof.1le.J,vi. Heat. on, on Sunday. Mr. Jus, and itissistur Miss Jesse haw returticd to Durham to rt-sunw duty again. A numhm of the yum]: of this Burg attended a dance at Irish Lulu- one own» ing recently given by the M isscs Mt-liu‘e's they all l't‘pl rt having a grand lime al. though (my yullng mam came home with Harvesting is lt thing of the past in this vicinity for $6 thrashing has mm- mom-od, uhnudmzcv of straw with the nmgnril v "ffarnuts tlw yield of grain is away hr-hind last years in this Burg. Messrs Angus Morrisnn. and Dl,nald Black are engaged with MI'.Anguu MC Donald in the thrashing line. The Misses Kmmedy of Toronto. who havebeeu on u twu nmnths‘ visit wMisl R. K. Hetulersou, and other numerous friends. left, on Mouday last. and are deeply pifgh'/iil, lay the rising youth of the u. igh "whood. . Mrs. " eidnmn after a lingering illness patiently home has passed away. her funeral which was lnrgly attended. took place 911 t,he Sir,t Ix We extend out sympathy to the two wreaved fanuliea. Mr. Wus. Moran, Guelph passed thmugh town Monday with ido lame] ot cattle, mum, and ymu¢jcnulv lmughl up north of the town. lie intends to stall feed them. w"""-. --e a Mr. RUM. Rnssvll from Hepwortb. a bmtl.ernf Mrs. Taylor’s. returned that same evening 9n pressing business at hmne. . _ Mr. Russo}, t rum Proton, aim an uncle of the deceased from Mwh. “rent, present staying with Mrs. Taylor. Boyce, the eldest son of MP. Sterne. is weave sorry to hear, imprm ing but slow ly if any. . " -- __ ,, Mrs. Geo. Amos is also very poorly we hope to beat. of their ultimate recov- ery. Mr. Crane our efflcivttt, Shoemaker has gone to the Hospital at, Toronto to receive skilled treatment there, for a distressing malady. Miss Lizzie Garson is up from the big city for a few weeks visiting her parents and many friends. Rev. Mr. Paar writes in a 1iesplvr pay» Pt' in an interesting way on (nu-too little known scenery. The Minnie Ha Ha Fails are better known as Huywm'ds Fallu, His letter is in atiotltercolumu. Your columns have already contained lengthy refenences tothe loss sustained by this village in the death of its chief maiden”. Among the. many who attended the funeral, were Mr. and Mrs, Jam Boyce from \Vhithy, formerly of this place, they left, for lumm on Friday. A fracas on the south line, over the pounding Mn horse, in which forcible if not eleyratsrt nmpliuwuts were exchang ed, ended at. court held at Ayton, by W. H. Ryun, in favor of the plaintiff. Mr. mid Mrs. Racks. visited at, our gy'."'""'""'" 1fvAhtvid Leith's last Sun- any. Will Ncaves. we hear has again chang- ed Iricycles, this time getting a Pneu- matic Lire o".th" latest pattern.. Now ladies be on the lookout, It may be built, for two. . Miss J "annie Henderson. accompanied by her her. 3.5m Mrs John Merchant frum Wiariots, arwiced home one day lztBL wow". Atrumur; those who aw nhnndy doing the exhibit mm M l’nlmxlu. ul'l' 311's. Rum. itvrswick, and J. L. Brown. " House Dmlmm. .lvrunin. , from Brut-u Mina E. um gall, Sarah Hohnrn-v, MM. w. and Mr. McDanguH from '"S. 1321'? W.ul,'vp IV!. and h l Bussin won» guettsof Mr. J: m) Sunday. Mr. .144, and I: o Arch. and the mink had :mtract in getting through a lit gate on Sunday evening ich was firmly and securely fastened With a few halls of ins. We thix‘nlg t_hat._Pomonu SCOTCH TOWN. DROMORE. on; EC; k5 I" the. - Inc-cluulune‘ll Undmklnund Imbalance. latest om clp " anon-bio mbtent. 'Ate, naturist?) te ll 1"I crating ttit," urn lire MI n orb us no“ on; linked by M. bulletin i5,'l'.L',',l in” And will endeavor to give All old and new canon on the an. and» Incubation. hinilm of the Best Make ottletss :--UpserYs, CALDER BLOCK. Lo Nev Town, Durham. 8av $35,C()0 to loan at lowest rates of hut-rest. _ FURNITURE LTI) L'i'i)S"g'niMg Bummer is past and the Harvestjs here. Therefore our; Special Bar. gains will be found this week in Which will be sold a shade over cost. are always up to the STANDARD and are sold very chm Don't trifle with this precious gift by not heeding the dictates of nature. There is such a. thing as wearing Spectacles when you thouldn't and not wearing them when you should. When you first notice your eyes tailing, or it seems a. strain on them to read or do near work, consult an eye qseeialiat--one that is permanently located and rushes-a spechlty of the eye. This way you will have comfort, and save what money can't buy. PROF. 1llihllliiyilllAtit EYE SPECIALIST ttt " at. Eat, mom. on. Our GROGERIES are/Clean and Fresh in tlllit: and of the best quality. THE SPECIALTIES OF THE SEASON Our BOOTS dk SHOES . Dalglish’s 01d Stand. the, balanveht the $93.9an we fiiifl give you priiii ii terms to gait the har times BINDER TWL'). SEWING MACHINES. UHGAXS, STOYES And all other comb: in our [we kept in STUCK If itttt WM) to have your buildugu insured In a gmd reliable Co. Gallon Ind get lowest rut-inn _ . - IF YOU WANT to get the best Binder in the world tot CALDER Sc LWINtMy1'0N, Lower Town, Durham. and buy the Massey Harris Binder. It will handledY kinds pf crops syccassfully and gixe )jcu no trouble. ht y-, TD We hue the largest stock of repairs for all kinda! REL AI RB. umchinm sold by an. Cut”? and buy our Anselm-d you we sum of grtllllg "epuirts. 1riirAMirsiT, h Largr Stork of tra, Cele! mun] Adums' Waggon. In. " ti. du- in clear out, m t?tovl; uf bt ih make a ham! "than l in Prism tor the balance " the prawn. I . We have in Huck bmr or fire im . Hep and no t a " " , I LL tlttt Buggles d; carts Thu-w Man mil be sold at prices that Iiilwml yitu. Come and get A Bargain " your (“mum 000’s Greatest Gift to Man IS HIS VISION. .. Any amount. of money to awed. BARRISTERS- SOUCQTOPS- GONVEVANGEftS, 3 flhRllli)i)il1(l MAQWNERY STRAW HATS Of all kinds, OVERALLS and READY-MADE CLOTHING no bee a an- a. the m." 1uTLdB'thrl,'l,?"'* ALWAYS ON HAND. "mm "All“ A ”RIM." Elliott a Eliictt, CALDER 61 Llf,i"iiCif,'i' ", _ il)/ip,A.R'ililEl7ini, Q J. SHEWELL a!!! --r0u, LII. or-- b?sy"ieat JP' 24$ E . J. SIEI’ELL l . mm on. good Farm or Town proper” r'"""' \u “w u.“ , LOT t, CON. 2, Nnrnmllhi- 3 miles from Durham. one mile. 1 Vareter, and convenient to "ctiiy.et School. Pminn for plough“ (In work grinned at mice. full P“ tion AW! lot 1197. Apply on ther Ines to r. Geo. Young, or to In There yearn, or The undersignewdv 011'de fur," ii run that desirahlt- park lot. yo, 3“ the wllnge of Pririwille. 0'1"" _ are wind house. frame harn, ktl wall arc-bud. The lot it all mtitieatioet. For terms of rent or sale apply " JOHN MclNNIS. - .4 Program fur Tuesday " ramming duvs l'::n Ira' mu .L'rmuuk. siemuevsrcy tic Entries cloue Sommubvr i h 25cts must accompany l Cheap mum " Boat and It of your [mail Kym“. For fu umtiun we Bills. Posters, Li‘ em. Prize Lists, ot apply to H. B. Harrison. J. D. fl President. w. A. Grier, A, G, Treasurer. , o------..-----,.---.- ___ - T N 01m (trey F511 21thin TI'IZSX).\ Y 15th l (rift JNo. FARM TO BE)”- Bl'ltt.1ttij, "“PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. will In rented far as may be mnvenit "iii'sir'routu/oi' to W. E. ttcAU* Lot 2 Cut. Insular-IE. Prop" Alton P. o. ottts Upper Town 13mm, Lila U1 ' to (hound: ur Uranus hand: lull“ Emmy. - H ILDY.EY'b' DAY. 1m: TABLE, Mart 'J. D. a m LI'lirr, A, ll, use“ tea-RWY: lst Mat abi ti' h Uter . 9' and! . _ Rail I H t' [millet i , my». , oveuing "uttesi (Ill arriW Lui H l Rum Aux.“ new“. tit, . t” Mn im I?! g A E One Car Brackvillo. Gaulnoque, and 0 dun We: & Btu One Car Chadian: Pal ulna Mow Ball Wag New Sunk of the ta lhgt.---at fabulous I hm & Wood's Sing (.1313 Hockey Mom oe Cu Maxwell“ 1rtmues--ettea, er t ail and Ins I kinds of rgans a Pi l, take ii anking t 'AREHOU .st pacro uvinced t ,VERYTH] And So] t Arrived A urge S urhn n1. has. JACKSG men t, ers a that TI Syste: its etl Web “1:081

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