West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Sep 1896, p. 1

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HINERY | ed Adnms‘ Waggon. In or. Fill muke a libers! reduction e season. five Enggres and some Carty at prices that will »orprie Bargzain at your own terts. Good cellar, and 18 ed on the front stf zood Fruit Trees 0B cts per 1b, ts per doz liable Co. _ Call on ns and e rented for a term of iÂ¥ be convenient, ‘ON, 2, Normanby. Durham, one wmile from mvenient to Churech and of Repairs for all kinds of aud buy our machines and and grounds or shop, Up w Process, Finish and Soft: an‘t be beat. n Guarantesd. [ANT â€" Dâ€"FEEALE®, IEN AND WOMEX. Wepar #§ er week for ~usy bome werk No Seheme, Books or #red wa fhie. Bend stump for work onee. . THE SEYAOU®K SUP Lot 2 Con, : KHor®®, Prop., ltona P. 0. Ont, ed offers for Sale or to sion for ploughing and ed at once, full posses N. . Apply on the preaâ€" . Young, or to W. E. MeALLISTER ‘in the world go to Town, Durham, It will handle all u no trouble. PFor e you prices and , Cow Hides, D med suitable for ell salted as soon as t8° anning ! pertv. Marriage Licenes OR TO RENT B litrl Lss: AXS, STOYEs Cuas. McA RTHUES Proprietor Jous® McF ARLASE Store re & goodj“"r TO REXT. Tanning| & Coats Agents, d . Smith. We take this opportunity of thunking our customers for past patronage, and we are convincesd that the new system vill meris a continuarce of thes same. "Large Sales & Small Profits Chasz. McAKinnon dist Arrive â€"TEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pisgnos, Sewing Machines, Etc. WEREZEOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. Call and inspect and be Convinced. David Jackson, Ir.. Land Valuators, Insurance Agonts, L__â€"â€" Commissioners. '?" to land A â€" TT B amEAY OZ HSRLV ES 6 :;;nlfix:ancial business transacted p, _ Néxt door to "tandard Bank, EVERYTHIN GBOUGHT FOR CASH One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananoque, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"â€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes., Durham, Aug. Yih.,.°9G. CoNvEyaxcERS. me Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€" cheaprer than ever. JACKSONS. ond. Money invested for Farms bought and sold. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be And Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. THE CASH . & J. McKecnnie. 30H») xotary Public. CHAS. McKINNON. Clerk Div. Court ADOPTED BY U., G. & J. MeKECHNIE. 38. The _ Grep Kow on Hand n Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Seott‘s Seed Drifts and Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scufflers. Organs & Pig10s of the best makes. A fow S toves at joeb prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. 150 Acres N es n en e oas FOR SALE. Jj â€"The Armenians will have to waitâ€" or die. _ It the Sultan is crazy there is method in his madness for he effectualâ€" ly plays off one country against anâ€" other. _ Britain is again checkmated in her desire to suppress the assissin. When a Russian engincer is invited by the Turks to examine the fortresses on the Dardanelles it is a plain hint to Britsin that Russia will resent a single t anded interfcrence theugh prompted by humane considerations. _ Britain looks towards the States for help, but at present neither party there dase show sympathy for Great Britain and a Presidential election pending. _A section of one party denouncing British gold, the other denouncing British e mmerce. _ The whole European press except in Italy, have broken out against England lecause she moved to stop muraer. _ The Armenians wili have to wait. â€"â€"Tynan, of Phoenix Park fame, is likely to escape. _ France in not willâ€" ing to assist in his extradition and may see him off to America. _ The disclosâ€" ures have led the British authorities to double the guards at the chief public buildings, and the powder magazine at Woolwich is also vigilarntly guarded. In Dublin the view prevails that Tynâ€" an is a British spy, while some French apers think the whole seare is got up E_\' Britain to prevent the Czar from going to France. â€"The "Globe " informs its readers that the country will not have long to wait for convincing evidence that the school question will be settled soon ‘‘There will be no coercion under Lawmier." The REvIEw will be better than ever the coming year, and as a local paper will have no superior. We have to thauk our friends for the generous supâ€" port of the past and hope our efforts to supply them with local and general news at a very low clubbing rate will be appreciated in "hard times." _ Other papers desivred can also be secured atlow rates, Queen Victoria passed her Jubilec as | Soverign, nearly 10 years ago, her thrce score and tâ€"n as a member of, humanity, 7 years ago, and on Wedn(_-s-': day of this week she has passed an | other record, viz: the longest reign in British history. Geo. III, her royal, ; stubborn grandfather,freigned (nom{iâ€"; nally at least) for 59 years and 97 days and he died. Since the fargone day. of the 18th of June 1837 to the 23rd of September 1896 is 59 yrs. and 97 Cays, so that now a new record is establishâ€" ed, not likely ever to be repeated in the roll of British sovereigns, for the signs of the times all point in the diâ€" rection that the next generation will not sing God save the King with the same fervor that they have used fort! e Royal Lady who has become end. aned to the nation who rejoiced in her jpure wedded life, who sorrowcd with her in her widowhood, and who are lookâ€" ing with pleasure on her lengthencd for 30 cts. We will furnish both papers to the Ist of January 1898 for $1.50. Those who have already paid for the RevieEw may have the same advantages on the Globe if desived. Our Subscribers need not betold of th, excellence of the Globe which has no equal as a weekly newspaper even outâ€" side of politics, Moreover new features are to ne added in a month or so, that will largely increase its yalue. WEEKLY GLOBE. We will furnish you with the Weekly Globe to the 1st of J anuary 1897 for 15¢ or Globe and REVIEW for the same time DAILY GLOBE, We are able this week to make an extraordinary avnouncement. We can furnish the Daily Globe during this session of Parliament for 50 cts, and for one month, if the session does not last thatlong. This will be a fighting session by appearances, therefore get the fullest news, at once. rlgn uninterrupted as Geo. III by regencies. Some of our Conservatiye contem porâ€" aries are quoting a remark said to have been made by Dr. Lar.derkin in caucus, that "a short session would be damned ; bad for the ntember‘s pockets." We venture to say that this story is false | and of a piece with other stories we have heard circulated about the doctor. | It is a fact that the mass of the Liberâ€" als were in favor of a two week‘s sesâ€" sion, to pass the estimates merely, and certainly they hbad a right to expcct, the help of the cpposition for the estiâ€"l maites were virtually the same which j EDITORIAL NOTE AND COMMENT. DURHAM THURsSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1896, REVIEW AND GLOBE. -' _ ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO + 0+ 4 $ @ gns, for the _ He reckons that div. No. 3 would re 3 nt in the diâ€" quire 83 trains a day, No. 6 four trains neration will agll_t.ll(iuthcrs 2 trains to begin with. ing with the| _ He gets at the total possible earnings e used fort‘‘s of the road in this way : «*The total ‘8 carnings of all the steam railways in me endcaned C:nada during the last year was $46, in her qpure 785,487,00, being an average per head rcd with her %fz th: p);l)ula;ion ot;_ $9,C8 of whiclg’ _| §2.90 per head was for passengers, 2 ho are look ‘cent.s per head for mails, 30c per head r lengthencd for express and £6.22 per head for was that of general freight. _ These figures afford a beiter lasis of comparison, as the ' roads run tlu-nulghfnll parts of the coun , try, more then{half their mileage being ec?ntenlpor- through"districts where the pfi-ulation said to have / is yery thin. ‘The H and O R ilway in in cancus, | might reasonalby expect to equal their d be damned , carnings for passe »gers, mail a d exâ€" tkets."" We‘ pres: They could not of course enter _â€""C;the list with them for freight. l _ Me says: ‘‘All existing lines ol l railway in the territory through which it passes run north and south, centering for she most part in the city of Toronto. "I‘his causes great inconvenience : to the public along the proposed Electric line }l'cquirmg theim in most cases to trayel long distances to junction points in order to make short j urneys from icust. to west, or vice versa, frequently requiring over one hundred miles of ‘railway wavel togo twenty miles trom { point to point. _ It is mainly this tact | that gave rise to the neccssity of the ! line across the country, and which toâ€" gether with the resources of the district | truversed, promises a profitable trafiic ‘for the projected Huron and Ontario ‘Railway. The l‘ne averages from 30 ! to 60 miles north of Toronto." i He divides the line into 4 diyisions : 1. Port Perry to Beeton, 53 miles. 2. Beeton to Flesherton 63 miles. 3. Fleshâ€" ton to Walkerton 37 miles. 4. Walker ton to Kincardine 23 miles. 5. Flesh erton to Meaford 23 miles. 6. Walkerton ‘Goderich 55 miles. | Who made the lawd&anyway that ! payment of members should be £$10 a | day up to 30 days and over that period |$1000? Is it such a castâ€"iron, brickâ€" sheathed law that it cannot be altered? iDoes any body think of altering it? How jold is it? Surely a modification can be secured that will remove the anomaly gtroln the statute book and the temptâ€" ation from Member‘s paths. A few j short speeches, unnecessarily given or : spun out may mean, indeed has meant, I$150,000 to the commoners alone, and lwhen the extra expense in the running iOf the house is considered, thousands | more may be added to it. The applicâ€" ation of the elcture about 2 weeks ago ’ would have been a pgying process. ‘ | they had brought down. What do we 'find?â€"'[‘he pages of hansard loaded with questions if members of the !government had said so and so in speeches delivered years ago, the quotaâ€" tions being read and time taker up | hat led nowhere except to the $100C0 ‘mile stone. Mr. M. McNamara, President of the Prov. Board of Directors of the above Railway has a three column letter in B:uce Herald last week ; showing the possibilities of the road, its prospects of tinancial success, ete. Mr. McNumara has evidently given the matter close and careful attention, and his summing up should encourage the promoters to go on with this much needed road. After giving the townships, towns, etc., crossed by the main line which is 191 milos long, and the branches which are 93 miles long, he shows the total tax valuation of real estate per head to be $415.00 which he assumes is equal to $630 per head of real value, a good indication of the prosperity of the dist rict. Helays due importance on the tact that the line is uct parallelled by any other line. He reckons that a population of 140, 000 would be feeders of the road, our own district No. 3, being placed at 25,000. He sums up the business interests at most of the places, giving Port Perry 55 establishments and 208 hands. Bradford 25 and 73, Uxbridge 49 and 230, Beeton 30 and 102, Shelburne 838 and 108, Durham 50 and 10O, Walkerâ€" ton 99 and £97, Kincardine 5U and 300, Tiverton 28 and 72, Wingham 43 and 413, Lucknow 49 and 176, Goderich 65 and 303, Teeswater 46 and 148. Hanâ€" over is not given in number of hands but has 2 ca binet and furniture factories sash and dcor factory, tannerics, founâ€" dery, grist mill and saw mill. Assuming this basis we have as pr.â€" bable earnings for 219,00) people :â€" From passengers $406,000 From mails 36, 400 From express 42,000 From freight (say) 120,000 From rent of power for ______ HURON AND ONTARIO ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Electric Light, ete. (say) 809,000 w2 4 miin n .68 14,000 Beview. The under signed offers for Sale or to Rent, the house and grounds adjoining MeKenzie‘s Tailor shop, Upper Town. The house contains 7 r100ms, Kitchen and Woodshed, Good cellar, and is conâ€" veniently situated on the front street, There ave a few good Fruit Trees on the lot. | AUCTION SALE. Durbham. Ten per cent at the time of Sale, and meantime may be ascertained on applicâ€" ation to the undersigned. A. H. JACKSON, J. E. CARWARDINE, Durtham. Vendor, § Durham. There are on said lands a Frame Cotâ€" tage a frame barn and stable, an orchard of large bearing trees, and about 90 acres cleared. _ All well watered. TERMS of SALE. Dated at Durham August 26th ‘06. will be kept for Service for Season o 1895â€"6 at Lot 7, Con,. 1, Normanby. Lots number 44 and 45 in the first Concession South of the Durham road in the said mwnshig of Bentinck, and Icontainig one hundred acres more or CSH. at one o‘clock in the afternoon, the following viz : FOR SALE OR TO RENT in thlf:;('n:;'l: of Durham, in the County WEDNESDAY the 30th of Sept ‘86 / power of Sale contaiued in a Mortâ€" gage, which will be s)mduced at the time of Sale, there will be offered for Sale by JAMES CARSCN, Avcrioxn®ErR, By public Auction, at the ‘‘Monsoon" Teais put up by the Indian Tea wers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian F:}-. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original Thc FINCST TeA In Th« WorLe FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA GUP ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HAYTER &4 CO. * 3 and 13 Front Street East, Torgnto. Would intimate that he will continue the Furniture and Underuklni Business estab lished by his father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satisfaction. Mr. McNamara evidently has unâ€" bounded faith in the road and closes thus : " All other Electric Railroads in Canada are paying yvery large profits, whilst the two country lines$ which afford the only proximate comparison with thisâ€"the I-Kuuilwn and Grimsby, and the Galt and Hesplerâ€"though parâ€" allellied by the Grand Trunk, are a veritable gold mine in the hands of their cwners. ; Of Farm Land in the TOWNSHIP of BENTINCK in the County of Grey. U NDER AND BY YIRTUE OF A nower of Sale eantainad in a Mant > 3‘4 54 yon t# *"A E * we LB Lt l a p C Oe ' Tat . ' i B yss ‘:.. # § 9. MJ Ts Re P N UR W Et & W t LB C a Thc FINCST TeA IN THE WorLs Furaiture of the Best Nake ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY {CURMTURE AND UMDERTAKING Underuklnfi and Embalming on latest yrin ciples at reasonable r«tes. ~_______ Market, Durham., _ _ 43 Theo nly Arstâ€"classiearae in town,."C$ ackages, thereby socuring its purity and excellence. ut up in 36 lb., 1 Ib. and 5 Ib. packages, and never *SPRUCE LODGE HERO," NO. 402 THOROUGHBRED T amworth Boar Remember the standâ€"opposite the IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. E J. SHEWELL CEN TRAL HOTEL, A PERFECT TEA Apply to â€"__â€"_â€"â€" OnRas. McArtHuUR, or to the Proprietor Joux McFaRLAXE, 10th, 1896. TERMS $1. H. W. LEESON Prop â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" E. J, sSS WE LL WHOLE NO. 917. J. CAMERON Also a full assortment of Crockery & Glassware This fine animal will be kept on the premises of JNO, CLARK, Jr., LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G. R., BXE NTINCK, Thoroughbred Berkshite Bear We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. 71 ca of T sas RURMA TEA For Service during Season of 1895â€"96, Registered in the "*Canada Berkshire Swine Record" as No, 2956. Farrowed Nov. 21st, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont. $1,00 Tobe paid for at time of Service, Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1895. TO SUIT YOuUu. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Fize Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. Heavy & Light Harness WESTERN ASSURANCE CGOMPANY. CAPITAL and ASSETSâ€"over $1,600.000 ~ANNUAL INCOME over $1,500,000. ° CALL & SEE OUR We Handle everything in the Harness ___ line, at right prices. A delicious blend put up in 4 lbs, and 1 lbs, Lead Packages Insurance effected on all kinds of proâ€" [)erty at lowest carrent rates, Dwelâ€" ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. Losses promptly an1 Liberally settled Call or communicate with I hereby giye notice, that I warn all or any persons or person whomsoever, against advancing ani;o moneys by ivan or otherwise on Lot number 26 in the znd Concession Fast Garafraxa Road, in the Township of Glenelg in County of Grey, without imy written order or consént, as I claim a lite Estate in the said lands. Durham, Aug.27th, 1896. Dinner Tea & Toilet Sets At Popular Prices. Dated July 16th 1896. REVIE W and GLOBE, $1.2%. REVIEW and SUN, #1.25 REVIEW and Daity World _ $2.50 REVIEW and Witness, #1, 60 Other Papers elso at reduced rates, #: Try it, and you will be perfectly satisfied. â€"â€"â€"â€" _ FURS. Sold for 3Cc. Ib. Bold for 40c 1b Sold for 50c¢ 1b Harness !! FIRE AND MARINE. C. LEAVENS, Jr. ‘FTFERDINAND.‘ T AZE Aucxaxpcx McDoxarn, "~A~VC~ * Raocky P. O. CLUBBING. TERMS : Bites, Whipflp &z., &c. NOTICE. Collars, Pads, C. RAMAGE, Sub, th4 va; 0 â€"P No! \

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