West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Sep 1896, p. 4

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2 P § O i1 t + 4 T Have you ever heard of a medicine with such a record of cures as Hood‘s Smparilla? Don‘t you know that Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, the One Tiue Blood Purifier, has proved, over and over :?ain. that it bas power to cure, even afwer all other remedies fail? If fion have impure blood Eon may take vod‘s Sarsaparilla with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. Quite a numker of pesple are complainâ€" ing with colds, as the weather has been so chaugcable of late. We are pleased to hear that Mra, Rev, M. Humphry is getting better, after her big ape:i of sickuness, Tha mi smiontain gun de sgriobh mt gu leor a nis, sâ€"gn, bheil an tam agam egur, slan leat a dhuinne choir agus gu ma fadda "beo thu agus chro as cl> thigh I, sin‘e do charrard Ballee Na Pries, Rev. D. McLeod finished his discourses on Corinthirn last Sunday, he has been preaching on that epistle for the last two years taking the book as it comes it is easy to preach a sermon from a text here and there, but the good pastor of St. Colum ba church dont believe in that way of preachâ€" ing he explains every verse as he goes aâ€" loug Sabbath after Sabbath, he preaches on Revelation in the evening for the last year and is about through now. much hbappiness in their futare life, George Lothian Esq, of Dromors visit. ed friends here a day or two agzo. Hector McLean, mason, is getting brick bouse near completion, Hector will be gotting some one to keep it warm for him. Mr. Wiw. Stewart of Proton accomp;:ni ed by his young bride, attended service here also on Sunday last, _ Mr Stewart is of the ordinary sized young man, but his bilocming young bride has to look down on him quite a hbit, we wish the young couple much beappipess in their futare life, Hood‘s Pills assist digestion. 25 cents, Miss Flora McCannell left for Toronto last woeek where she intends to remain for some time, Dartach is a faithfal laborer and a Lo:;«l spenker and a mun who is capable of comâ€" manding audierces in any congregution. Rev. Mr Darrach who has been laboring for the Babtist Congregation wiil preach his farewell sermon next Sabbath, Mr. The Misses Ector, of Edse Hill visited at their Aunt Mrs Gowland of Artemesia on Saturday and Sunday last, Mr. George Ryan of tho Rob Roy was arouad the begimnuing of the week ordering out sheep and lamba that he had bought some time ago. Georga knows m good wheep from a bad one and cannot be cheatâ€" ed in the price either, for he is possessed of an extraordinary good memory which he relies upou until his return home in the evening, C 20 l hesyg | â€" ASUN this week it is our sad dnt_\: to ured aud was 18 feet &4 iucbes long, "cs? | say death has been in our midst. | This figures are the exact, Who can beat it ? | time taking for its yvictim a very éxeimpâ€" Mr. Neil Cameron of Grand Rapids| lary young lady in the person of Miss Michigan, who has been at h1s sistors h: re{ Anme E. Hiscock, w:hn dred very sudâ€" C his father‘s death, returned last| denly at her father‘s residence., _ All since He is head filer in a luge| thought she was getting better, when :“‘:;d;-" o e e | uot an hour before her death they saw “ ' * BÂ¥ 228 1 1 1 Win. Watson Senior of our Town beats e i AMers to= css John Melinae‘s record in tall corn, the other HKOLSTEIN, day we saw a stalk of Nir. Watsons measâ€" 7 % e ured aud was 18 feet &4 incbes long, thesa | s‘,“e%"‘}:’ l']h,;;*’ts“;:‘(f'(*i]lil«. r our + s s /. t C + 1 A + : figures are the exact, . Who can bent it ? | time taking for its yictim a Threshing wili be about wourd np tlus week McLean Bros. of Artemeâ€"in wit. their powerful Steamer are cleaning out Proton this week while Jim McDougal anud Bob Fisher will fimsh the South Line in a few days. ‘The latter threshed at Hoagh McDonaids (South) 280 burbhels of igu in two hours being the contents of Sight acres of sod yielding 385 bushels to the acre we consider this goud work for borses, The weather for the week has hbeen cool and indicates that fall is fast aporoachâ€" ing, the busy season is over and another busy one at hand, the farmer i never out of trouible for no sooner is he out of the pot then he has to jump into tus tryâ€" ing pan he bas "tlus "that and the octher thing to attend to all at once and it he was uut a level headed perron he would be apt to go astray from his duties at time MuxicrrAr Pourtics are attracting attention much earliee than usual on account of the new system of electing County Councillors. _ It was thought that towunship positions would almost go abexging since they do not lead to anything higher, except by way of exâ€" rerieuce, but that is going to be far rom the case. _ Bentinck has already three aspirants for Reeve, at least their names are so used, Messrs Ries, Jacklyn and H. Willis. In Glenelg Dep. Staples is out and â€"â€"â€" Hunt is also in the run ning, with more or less of a desire for Thos, MeFaiden, who we believe has decided not to run. Staples will no doubt be the winner, as his cinch on the ‘ Dep. I:eeveship seems to have been a sound one. _ Egremont and Normanby are getting into shapeâ€"and to all apâ€" ')eaiinces”there is going to be the liveâ€" iest Township elections all over that have been seen for years. â€"Toâ€"day Gladstone is to speak at a meeting in Liverpool called in s%"m- Eflhy with the Armenians. he umane instincts of the British people every where are outraged, but with a plain declaration from Russia, Ger many and France that the first step Britain takes will be a declaration ot war, the British Government must hesitate before rushing into the jaws of «a hostile continent. Gladstone today is out of office, and yet is the leader of the British people. â€"Sir Chas. Tupper returned on Monday last to his charges against the Governor General for alleged partizan language in his official communications to the late government. Sir Charles, the Premier says, wauts to be «kicked dhe 6y Acinv. Durkam, Thur. Sept. 24, ‘96 THINK IT OVER. PRICEVILLE. + + of a medicine res as Hood‘s m know that ie One True x ’ The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is away high up among the ’great newspaper successes of the presgâ€" ent century. For farmers and farmers‘ ’families the Family Herald and Weekly Star seems simply indispensable, and juéging from the enormous number of farmers who take it we should think most wide awake farmers are alive to the extraordinary value of the paper. But the Family Herald‘s pages will bear close scrutiny, and will be found to be chuck full of amazing interest for everybody. Amongst things Canadian that are 1eâ€" marked by shrewd foreigners the Family Heraid and Weekly Star certainly con.es in for a large share of notice, Children Cry for Pitcher‘s Castoria, x es PA Nt James Wilson, of Fergus, has taken a situation in Wm. Wallace‘s â€" store, James will be welcomed by the fair sex. A little‘ boy came to Mi Wm. Wallace on the 14th ar pearances he intends to stay Mrs. Stephen Smither, of Biampton, has been spending a con )e of weeks at this place and South B‘end. renewing old acquaintances, We were pleased to have a shake of her hind once again. Mrs. Colter and children, of Wingham, are visiting at her sister‘s, Mrs, Elijah Garton,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. turned bome after a ty the Lakes. They say and had a good time. Miss Emily Grote, of Mount Forest, is spending a few days at home here with her parents. Miss Maggie Horsburgh, of Minto, is at present yisiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Jno. Horsburgh, Sr, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Wim., Mitchell, yisited at Mr. VW m. Main‘s on Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rice. formerly of this place, now of Arthur, attended the memorial service held in the Methodist Church on Sabbath, on the death of Miss Annie Hiscock. @( thought she was getting bet not an hour before her death the great change. She wili missed by the Methodist chut place, as she was a faithful always in her place if possi James McMurdo had his house broken into last week and $5 stolen. A number of our village drove to the n’pening of the Mennonite Church at the Gohcen settlement last Sunday,. George Riddel is home. He has bought a bicycle. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Nati Vaughan Township,are visiting sister, Mrs. J. A. Scearlett. John A. Scott got his foot thrashing machine and he is around nicely, Miss 8. Scarlett is home from her visit to Bruce. Another horse pounding here. The man that had to pay for 4'fu-ad of cattle when told there was only two pounded, drove to pound a colt belonging to the man who did the pounding before, The p(!n[;le here are well pleased at the result. _ o0 4 s s 2 5 3 |CRSPRBLCHy WIDCRHE WAS @f Y and bright. _A party with their guns they came to shiveree that groom. When threats were made outside the gate I‘ll shoot you pretty soon. â€" While the mould boards were aâ€"ringing, while the Valley crowd were there, marching up the road together as the muskets pea‘ed an air. The wedding bells were ringing on a September dreary night: The little house was decorated, within was gry Lase week a nice little crowd gathered at Archie {[Ferguson‘s and spent the night Flo-ns.-mlly dancing and singing while Hector McDonald furvished first class music for the occasion. Mr. Alex. Ferguson, of Harriston, is visiting friends in Balsam Valley and paid a flying yvisit to Swinton Park one morning lately, Mi. Edward Broome inflicted an ugly wound on his great toe, while cutting wood. A number 13 rubber was necesâ€" sary to cover that big toe. Mr. Gray, of the Marchmont Home, Believille, Ount., paid Balsam Valley a short visit last week. Miss Christy McPhail left for Toronto last w ek in compaay with Miss Mcâ€" Dermid, of that place. Miss Annie McKechnie left for Ottawa where she has a situation as Teacher at a salary of $240 a year. She also boards with her aunt, Mrs. McLauchlan formerly of Bunessan, Ont. _ Thrashing and ploughing are the order of the day. The Lfi-Lea.n Bros, with their Waterloo Steamer are doing good work in this settlement and also warm the boys up a little. McDougall and Fisher are not far behind with the Watâ€" erloo horse power, for they can warm the boys up just about as well as the steamer, Another gocd Reformer married in the person of Williaim Stewart to Miss Kate Knox, both of Riyerside. OCnlyv one was on the north side of the river and the other on the south. The Rev. D. McLeod tied the knot perfectly at the manse, Priceville, _ We wish the couple health, wealth and happiness through life. A Notable Success. . Wm. Brown have re BALSAM VALLEY. Mrs. Joseph Natress, of HOPEVILLE. a two week‘s tour up 14th and toali‘ap- to Mr. and Mrs. they feel bet te; visiting with his they saw Toa. in the getting TUESDMY and WEDNESDAT â€" eprngrereremraemmmm=cmmezom SEPTEMDER 20th and 30th y 2 on ons Cl JPE WOUET GW{) Agricultural Society will be held on the Show Grounds, Durham on FALL EXHIBITION. Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER, UManover P. O, . The Hanover **Telephone." Conveyancer Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and ther writings neatly and quickly prepared at reasonable cost. Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"no cl if no ccllection, Cheap Farms for o C eqe c o0 209 Co 220COY TY Itek FH; MiLLER, the Hanover Conveyancer, is lending lots of it at 54 per cent and on extra good loans at Ressâ€"(hmts lowâ€" Terms as any reasonal le person may desire. May be MiLLER Hay is Scarce â€"â€"BUTâ€"â€" Morey is Plenty. The Annual Exhibition of the South Tha u’ndersignod offered for sale or rent that desirable park lot, No. 3 in the village of Priceville. On the lot are a good house, frame barn, good well and orchard. The lot is all under cultivatiou. BARRISTERS.SOLICITORS. * CONVEYANCERS. &0. Offices :â€"Opposite TOWN HALL, Lower Town, Durham. 78" $5,000 to luan at lowest rates of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss left last Friday for their home in Cleyeland, Ohio, after a pleasant vist.with Mr. Allan MeLean, Sr. Miss Kate M(-I)'nug:nll. of _ Palsam Valley. is visiting frmiends in the Grove at present,. â€"â€"All Business Confidential Mr. John McDougall has left to take & position as guard in the Toronto Asylum. He will be much ®"missed as he was one of the boys. T wl P eoon®s. ceme Mr. Thos, Morrow is about to sell out and retire into private life in Plesherton We mre sorry to lose our old friend as Irishmen are scarce in the Groye. _ We wish him a pleasant time and long life where ever ;xe may go. For terms of rent or The farmer. mail carrior and timberâ€" man kad their long talked of bicycle rua last week. â€" Your cor ros[nmdx'nl did not receive an invitation, but the reâ€" sults were not affected by his absence. Whether much money changed hands we cannot say, but training showed up well. The result was BI:;iF(’urricr 1st, Farmer 2nd and Timberman 3rd, â€" This was very unexpected, as the two first named had only.a short time to practice. r any information co bition see Prize Lists Mr. J, Henry, Jr, has a contract paint ing at Dromore at present, _ A ny comâ€" mumcations addressed there will be sure of attention. _ Hope he will soon get through with this contract as freâ€" quent driving in that direction may result in a much longer engagement, However in any event we wish him all the good luck possible, * Would your Scotchtown correspondâ€" ent kindly inform his friends in the Grove how the tobacco cure worked ? We hope it had the desived effect if the price was not too high,. Doubiless it gave satisfaction. â€"» H. H. MILLER .. Messrs McMicken and McDonald thrashed three days for Mr. John Mcâ€" Lauchlan last week. He had a good turnout of grain. â€" Visitors from Ohio and lliinois took part in the work and every one put in a good time, On the last evening Fiddfer Jim was to the front and has not lost any of his old time skill. Mr. Donald Kennedy leaves forGuel ph this week for the purpose of importing some new stock into the Grove, We expect on his return that Galloway catâ€" tle will be a frequent subject of converâ€" sation as we umerst:md that one of the imports will be a Galloway of the male persuasion. A meeting of the company controlling the thrasher and corn cutter was held a short time ago at which there was a lively time. It seems that a committee was appoiunted to make a set of rates for the regulations of the corn ceutter, but not having a full meeting of the share holders, their attempt to go ahead for the benefit of a few was practically sat on. â€" Mr. Angus McLeod fought {mrd for equal rigfhts and after a hard batule came out ahead. This ought to be a lesson to some partners that want to inst‘tute a minority rule. It wont do majority or uothing rules in the Groye, Mr. M. Henry has disposed of his driver to Mr. Jos. McDonald, of Priceâ€" ville, Heis a beauty and we may exâ€" pect to hear of some fast trotting in the near future. Our neighbor, Mrs J. Henry, Sr. had a funny experience with a calf a few day ago. The animal was evidentll\:lof an enquiring frame of mind as Mrs. H. disâ€" covered it in an attempt to ascend the stairs leading to the ugper story of her house. _ How it came down may be anâ€" swered in the old adage, viz. Thereby hangs a tale. Eliiott & Elliott, PARK LOT â€"â€" For Sale or to Rent. hg you think it is not, but H. H " _ _ _\ 4C 4ISts, or apply to ARCH. McKENZIE, Sec. SOUTH GREY of rent or sale apply to JOHN MeINNIS, MAPLE GROVE. concerning this â€"no charge Priceville. Sale ; Flour per 1001b ............ Oatmerl per sack ...... ... Fall Whoeat per bushel ... Hay pOF BOH +1+::s sesiseresas, Oate, * Peas, te Barley, * Potatoes, per bag ... Anples ** Sneepsking, each............ Midby;: s1:ssÂ¥teecrtissrsises‘s . Butter per !b.................. Eggs, per doz *‘ Â¥H¥¥eh4E4ce LOWER TOWM, aiave you trisd the AMSRICAM?P M ast do so and we feel conâ€" fident you wili be parâ€" fectly satisfied. AMERICAN Goods Lamp:Goods, ?;%.,,.‘amp We are prepared to take building con tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices, Banquet, nmanging We beg to announce to the public that we have the null rebuilt and relitted with tious, &e., before Oct. 17ih, 1800. _ Tnos. BÂ¥yrRES, WartEer Grppr®Es, Lrnwie Brcsso. Hampden, Sep. 16th, 189. PLANIMNG AND MATCHING<«&â€"»â€"~~ Axp Firtinas or ann K:i% YWanted for 8. 8. No. 8, Normanby, a 2nd class teacher, experienced, _ Apply to the usdersigned, statine qualificaâ€" Canadian COAT, OIL. AT ¢IGHT PRICES, Dromore, June Gth, ‘086. O GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HaAXNXND WATSON BROS MacFARLANE® & Co Isthe One True Blood Purifer. All druggists. g1. ?repnred only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowel!, Mass. IMPROVED MACHINERY. 1 11s, Hood‘s PilS take, exsy tw o;c take Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. Boon appetite came back; the soros commenced to heal. My limbs straightened out and I threw Avway my crutches. I am now stout and bearty and am urminF, wherers four years ago I was a cripple. I qludlv reoâ€" ommend Hond‘s Sarsaparilla." URBAN Haxxoxn, Table Grove, Illinois. 50M 2A J & m P3 4?3!? us ;V‘ ’.2 i PA â€" T .A i. _42 s Eyc Running sores broke out on my thighs. Pieces of bone came out and an operation was contemplated. I had rhenmatism in my legs, drawn up out of shape. I lost apâ€" petite, could not sleep. I waes a perfect wreck. I continued to grow worse and fnally gave up the doctor‘s treatment to «"Nearly four years ago I became afâ€" flicted with scrofula and rheumatism. The jrom grasp of scrofula has no mercy upon its victims. This demon of the blood is often not satisfied with causing dreadful sores, but racks the body with the pains of rheumatism until Hood‘s Sarsaparilla cures. Cripple TEACHER WANTED. NORTII EGREMCGXT. Mlade DURHAM MARGKET STAND LAMP3 2\ 5 i G £ P* B ““, SpXA #. ‘w !. ; OJ x fizectk 0 U CÂ¥ ‘;& Unz B P3 +4 d e DONE AND SATISFACTION Sarsapariila at lowest prices. Lamp Goods. » 000 bes see 40e @0 & AND and enre liver I!!s, easy to $1 ©0 to $2 00 1 60 to 1 60 0 60 to 0 65 9 00 to 10 00 0 16 to 0 16 0 88 to O 06 0 25 to O 30 0 25 to O 40 0 25 to 0 30 0 25 to 0 50 8 50 to 0 00 0 10 to 12‘ 0 10 to 0 12 DURH A M INDS Durham, S <pt., G. T. R., 1 mile from Sch»ol and Cbhurch. Well watered by two apring creeks. Good frawe barn with stone siabling, and frame house, _ Will be rented on reasonable rerms, _ Iimmediate possesrion can be giyen. Apply to Lots 19 & 20 Con. 8. Tp. of Egremont. a furm consistmy otf 150 acres, 130 workâ€" ,_blg laud, 8 miles from Hoilstein on the TKE THE [ 4 0 * P CERARAEEARELATEHKY EGBLORLAIGAIES Sii6s deECAARALAEIAECEDCTET :: :: d P ® i__ CRANT‘S ADp m ~ 5d ds U 8 : a E,EJ‘L"' 1. PME MCSILL mmer« (uk..‘t Em es yrane e ce i3 .t THE Clocks ard ‘x‘{atches’? (J. R9.rayt s qugiitien, 11. Z0 WER PRICES is 4 9 McArthur‘s Stor ALIVEHE, OUR CHAINS AND CZA2MS Are not Ancient but MODERN. COMPETITION FARM TO RENT. GORDON. | We throw out no Baits to Blind, and no Bombast to deceive and z Victimize the Unwary, But throw OUR GOODS OPEN To PUBLIC INSPECTION. We mean Business and are Determined to do it, ON THE FAIREST TERMS WITH OUR CUSTOMEKS. a We pay ide highest price for Prodace; â€" Butter 125. Egys 12cts per doz. Which prires are lable to change Nowhere else can you find Better Coods Who is Welcomed home by a kost of Friends and Acquaintances. Ceomi.e Oone Come .ALTL And Prove that THIS is NO HUaMAIG We mean to Challenge Competition in bargaing ; * We fill our different Departments with the most Fashionable Stylos and Up to Date Goods, which are carefully selected and Bought to assure our Customers of Satisfaction in Choce and fu‘l Value for their Money. OUR PRICES ARE EVERYDAY ALIKE. | ANXND &A CRH ALIVE ! Latest + Cheapest Newest | All Customers are Welcome whither YOUNGq or CLD, LADY or GENTLEMEN, an4 will be waited on b( one of the most POPULAR CLERKS that cver stood behird a Counter in THIS TOWN. Are not deoad but c A& CREAT VARIETY C7F Tam OSHANTERS JUST ARRIVED. NOEE MR. A. DAVIDSON. UPFER TOWN, DURHAK _ on nnouul.lol 8 $1%. REVIEW and GLOBE, # ssession can be ppPIFRW and SUN, y REVIEW and Daily World _ $ o C. McKIxx®ox, _ RRVIEW and Witness, P ids 3. _ _ Other Papers also at reduced S ecLAnts JSE Ns Es t sraks s *Wt t ® tairmpan aipeprAarnr@nnies. elo t ; Ormcn FIRST DOOR E.Ag'rug{ the Durham Pharmacy [ wi3 plock. Residence first door west »ost Office, Durham. 7 l.‘\Vill be in Priceville the first “t'g:: day in each month,. Office at the 1 * mercial Hotel, Bargain P1\ will please take notice that a CinGirrcGneut wust be n wse 1 efore the J8 _ ober, ‘On that date I intend ds ing any iu other hmr«ds for celjection and »so more ’fl(‘uwy se tUemsept:«@an be woce â€"ith t persopaully 1 would mdvise all those hevyil , ccunts to call on me beftor» that oate. As I am leaving Durham, all [N'"': indebted to me are requested to call M sertle accounts before Ist 0('!«1'0?"'.: after that date they will be put in ofP hands for collection. â€" No further »0U® will be given,. E. KILMER. Durkem, Aug. 25th, 1896 All persois dwvirgtnuy clsims AgKA Pb ue will ulso douaiy band in exnect to go uway about the begin: Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D.5 DENTISTRY LL PARTIES INDEBTED TONM In Ladivrs CLUBBING. HOTICE. IN BRESS GO°ODs. NOTICHE. 8 & <& In Ladios Colf Jerseys I N L4 6. L 1.2.8. SX oify $% tss * ht alle #$ JA MLESON ing .of 08 h: l 8 ‘.g'd.â€"fau;' g$1.®0) per aC Town Gallery. An intellect wal en held in EKnox Chur night, Thursday. Tuesday and Weds is South Grey Fall 8 entries und make it : Mre. Turnbull of T present qvendingin f. niece Mrs. Dan Muir Corespondents wi ing brief communi next two weeks as t of Show malter, ‘"l;',[y $001. ’ old wenther ©0°"" ‘ on h(’“d at C. M A fl""i“‘ COabinet J stthe LOWeL Town 5: r‘r.“. nefi““' tm CR k .. $3%.83, Mr. P Aash~@eÂ¥ avud «ther wakes and be »uited. Seed Rye for 8 Messrs Jno. and D burg, Pa., have beel visit to friends round last Monday for the ing city. The formi bhuton, but thinks A Mr. U. is one of tae n ers who has his Rey year abead. FaTrar Snot aT IWh Batalian were p gets on Thursday las No, 8 company, 31st marker, Jue of ““1 ground in front of 1 struck Hatton on t through the brain. Owen Sound, aud hi been notified. â€" Therd !:tohuhly, tC ascerilai ms had been takea «f the marker, and i due to his own neg!if Praxr«exrartox. â€" 4A the friends and neig! McCormick, Buness: dnnn-.m. Monday mif good bye, as he is le the Siate of Wiscons address from Glew Kchool accompanie Bible was presented who was a teacher is evening passed in “Imntly. Then th ecCormmek good 1 would soon come ba Glenelg, It was COumyx®Ese.â€" ers if they have not ef Dromore, have he well known that th Jap bMood in his veir thing however whic lar little doctor nev rather proud than « Li Hung Chang w Allandale Mrs. Rird was invited into the car riding with him. presented Mrs, Bird ative silyer medal x ame side and the x brance of the visit . 18®8" on the reve Herald. CBrap.â€"Dr. Bon penses in North Bru ished) were only 814 n oc _ Pufa7 field, N ‘Ot‘i(‘e A Reeve D them ail, Beld in a seems to friends ce other cay district \ n"ithu '_‘}IIII\. P Couxtry Corxe: for the positions wre dn‘n. Exâ€"dep. Swa will be one of the | division, another 1 Dep. Reeve Alian, Reld, Normanby | Morice and Schen Reeve Dickson bel| them all, No. 3 has Beld in c‘.ddilio:; to seems to our he friends certain of h other candidate. district Messenger n"‘hun talked of, tioning Putherbou didate. â€" The cont tensely interesting. giting as a parliam Pike Lake, M'..m.j resort, has cha agsod now. _ Mr, R. Grie $2000 has bought ti as Bob ;:dl'fl“ln-ll etpect he will have work doring t@e win by means 4 which ti Sbe #‘vres and on t atemers. We hop %o have a smail »te; will no doubt attra email boatea horetof M to ”Oryloc ’“‘M the en § in pandalkâ€" A Oalvert, pur pose®â€" will be an _Ca binet on the AIN 1 »d or will t, photo out in | olls & , duri Sale a AND 807 d

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