West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 1 Oct 1896, p. 1

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usly damars T00 7 ng seasons of drougbt More will be said 00 anotbher letter llll“’ rming." €4 NOT, COME ty TALK WITH yp NTER. ner County .00 per acre, l mile from le‘ ion Guaranteed. in the world go to Towr, Durham, 1t will handleall u ro trouble PFoa a your prices and and in need of manure can be raised, nOt are nd the other numerei!® vrich the eastern farmet" with in such lli-n »usly damage the ’_: "anning ! it h Manitoba aD e advantages are, I and wood, secut nge by frost or ha less severe winter. s & Csafs I T9 SENT. cw Process§s: Firish and Soft an‘t bo beat. hos. Smitl« ensure x gooid j“.}: OTAg FINESp CHSTI? T NO 0w ta* well salted as soon &8 hate made Apply to iR RN AILWAY Yours truly, t. 10t‘ 06. 11¢ ‘NERY | AFARJIF ow Hides, V c‘ :,llifal)]e f()r CcOonvein.t s. Smith. m, Oone ent to € or ple: \Wazgon. Inor 1 iiberail reductien 0. Ou 2"t3, ir im chimes and Iv Mc for a term of for all kinds « a«nd some Carts at wisl «urprie »LF OWB tenus. DFi to :ing! a'hnu; & £..]1 posses ND 46 husel e l hn in n 4& 4 "»â€"~lChas. McXKinnon inbv. 1 on as and OH. & C â€" M urity ‘ nnd‘! License®s Call ang inspect and be CO“Vi"CP_d_' A dist Awived WAREEOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. y YACKSONS. mhfihfln, Ih+ ciak si. Court Attbup L. Jackson, Notary Public. land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Norey to S"mmissioners. s .. BC â€"Manay Inwaskadt n Ne take this opportunity of hanking our customers for ast patronage, and we are cuvinced that the new system nll meris a continuarce of the same. (ne Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bmden~chcaper than ever. ___""S Vgnt and sold A,gg_l‘ynun CERS. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ‘Large Sales & Small Profits." EVSRYTHIN GBOUGHT FOR CASH One ACW l‘r:;tm & Wood Buckey Rakes, C3 Durham, Aug. Yth,‘0G T cratlinay,.s., . _ _._ _ " * ~Aemk "lep nancial business transacted y , 125t door to Standard Bank, also $ vanauojue Â¥ PR iC wÂ¥ Stock of artsâ€"at fa} 134 g svill.â€"NO. "Rd. Money invested for Farms boght and sold. And Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. , & J. McKecnnie. TEE CGASH CHAS. McKINNON. § ADOPTED BY N., &. & J. McKECHNIE. 39. ‘Now on Hand Good Farm Lands Tots 2 and 33, Con. 12, Bentinck. New Concrete Pwelling, now Frame Stables, situated within one mile of Post Office, Store and Saw Mill. Terms easy. FOrP rticulars apply to. H. H. MILLE®, ht _ $re9 Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, etc. ¢ Coulthard & Seott‘s Seed Drifts and Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scufflers. Organs & Piz:os of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" 150 Acres chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. FOR SALEâ€" OF of ;o;;il{t:r;:éndy reform, and the abolitâ€" ion of the corn laws; in every colony she has seen instituted free and responsible The Queen‘s reign is coincident with the most surprising progress, both at home and abroad. â€" It has been the age of railways, transâ€"ocennic steaming the telegraph, the cable, and the telephone; Her Majesty has outlived all her early friends and faithful servants. All who officated at her coronation have passed into the land of shadows; and of the distinguised statesmen then living, onâ€" ly one, Mr. Gladstone, remains. She has been called upon to mourn the loss o° many a warm personal friend; and if she has tasted much of the happiness of human life she has tasted likewise much of its bitterness, for death has ever been busy laying his finger here and there u; â€" on her beloved friends, relatives and asâ€" sociates. The word was spoken in Liverpool last Thursday, and was wired all cver the world, eyen the ‘‘Great Assassin" himself having had it telegraphed to him. The utterance was vigorous withâ€" out being hysterical, and his utterances either in manner or in matter show no traces of senility, _ A despach says: ‘"Apart from the marvellous oratorieal beauty of the speech, its most prominent feature was the statesmanlike quality of the plan of action proposed." His chief suggestion was that our ambasâ€" sador should be withdrawa and the Turkish Ambassador in London giyen his papers, and though the audience was largely composed of bitter politicâ€" al opponents, no whisper of dissent was heard. Ex pressions like the folowing will live and be pondered over. _ ‘"‘The weakness of the diplomacy is about to be strengthened by the echaes of a nation‘s voice." _ To the guilt of masâ€" sacre is a ided the impudence of deniâ€" al." and the werds he puts into the Sultan‘s mouth should be stimulating to halting governments "I have tried your patience in distant places, now I will try it under your own eyes, I have desolated my provinces and will now desolate my capital." _ Lord Roseâ€" bery is at present a dim personality, and even Lord Salisbury is eclipsed by the virile old man of 87. worihy event of the Queen‘s reign being now the longest in the long roll of Britâ€" ish History, We reproduce from a Torâ€" onto paper the subjoined sympathetic notice. _ If there be one man who at present represerts the Anglo Saxon race, the world over, in humanly of feeling, or in a desire to giye to all peoples the beneftits of advanced Christian civilizaâ€" tion, that man is Gladstone. Shocked by the horrible frequency of massacres which would have been regarded cruel 400 years ago, civilization has stood helpless, in the presence of internationâ€" al jealousy, and all eyes turned to the old man eloquent to speak a word that wo :ld voice the national sympathy, if it inight not rouse dipilomacy to more y ‘gorous action. __â€"Orillia was at the highest pitsh of enthusiasm last week over the return of Gaudaur the champion oarsman of the world to his home. Toronto honâ€" ored him in no common way and the Mayor of Orillia, surrounded by the most prominent citizens and in presâ€" ence of acclaiming thousands, gave the Champion a warm address and a purse of $500. I WEEKLY GLOBE. We will furnish you with the Weekly Globe to the 1st of January 1897 for 15c or Globe and KEvIEW for the same time for 30 cts. We will furnish both papers to the Ist of January 1808 for $1.50. Those who have already paid for the REVIEW may have the same advantages on the Globe if desived. Our Subscribers need not betold of th, excellence of the Globe which has no equal as a weekly newspaper even outâ€" side of politics. Moreover new features are to ne added in a month or so, that will largely increase its yalue, The REVIEW will be better than ever the coming year, and as a local paper will have no superior. We have to thank our friends for the generous supâ€" port of the past and hope our efforts to supply them with local and general news at a very low clubbing rate will be appreciated in "hard times." Other papers desired can also be secured at low rates, We are able this week to make an extraordinary announcement. We can furnish the Daily Globe during this session of Parliament for 50 cts, and for one mornth, if the session does not last that long. This wiil be a fighting sessio.. by appearances, therefore get the fullest news, at once, We commented last week on the noteâ€" GLADSTONEâ€"ARMENIA REVIEW ; Ens A K. Ancamatenmiied 1 UE!.HAM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 18 986. THE QUEEN. There has been no stagâ€" DAILY GLOBKE, ++ > » _KD CLCBS "ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO = > ArpExaxperx McDoxaun, Mky Po 0. Dated July 16th 1896, Road, in the Township of Glenelg in| ~rrror FIRST DOOR EAST OF County of Grey, without my written O the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘s order or consent, as L claim a life Estate | plock, Residence first door west of th in the said lands. Mr. M. K. Beeton and his mother are back from Toronto to remain a while. Their many old friends are much pleasâ€" ed to meet them. I hereby give notice, that I warn all or any persons or person whomsoever, against advancing an{mmoneys by loan or otherwise on number 26 in the 2nd Concession East Garafraxa We congratulate Mr. John McDougall in securing a position as guard in the Torvouto Asylum. _ John will be much missed by old and young particularly the fair sex. In reply to your writer from Maple Grove regarding the tobacco cure we are sorry we cannot inform our friends of his burg how it works as we are not subject to using tobacco and did not have the pleasure of giving it a trial We simply made the purchase for some friends who may be in need. _ We also have some corn cure that we‘ll recomâ€" mend if you are in need of any of those cures, â€" Mike, just come down, it wont cost you a cent. _ No doubt it will give you satisfaction. Miss Mary F. McMillan has been sufâ€" fevring frem dropsy for some time. â€" Drs Jameson and Cowan performed an opâ€" eration on her last week and she is much relieyed since being tapped. We hope she may soon recover, The event of the season took place at Archie McMillan‘s thrashing night in the line of a ljnlliflca,tinn which ‘iusted all night. John Morrison and D. Black acted their part well. _ Alex, McMillan was manager. Mr. Donald Black and Mrs. Donald Mcinnis were on a tour visiting friends in the vicinity of Collingwood last week and report a fine country and business booming in all lines of trade. Miss M. F. McLellan has returned home from a week‘s visit with frien is in Chesley. Messrs Jno. and Dan Campbell, of Pittsburg, Pa., who has been visiting at the old home in Pomona, paid friends in our town a brief visit before _ returning. Miss Kate McLellan, from Toronto, acâ€" companied them. Hood‘s Pills act harmonioasly with Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, â€" Cure all liver ills. 25 cents, Mr. R. J. McMillan, from Oak Park farm, Paris, arrived on Saturday eyenâ€" ing to attend the Scotch Town picnic and spend a few days at the old homeâ€" stead. _ Mr. Mack looks well and is still one of the boys,. The REevIirw is a weekly visitor of his and is much pleasâ€" ed to see home news so frequently in its columns, which is the same as a letter to him from his beloved Scotch Town. wor nmigorler. Tt createsagood appetit anu giyes health strength and happiness. Thrashing is about wound up in this vicinity, Pease being the only crop that are yielding satisfactory, A Million Gold Dollars Would not bring happiness to the perâ€" son suffering with dyspepsia, but Hood‘~ Sarsaparilla has cured many thousands of cases of this disease. It tones the stomach, regulates the bowels and puts all the machinery of thesystem in good The moxt closely united, powerful and wealthy trade in America is the United States Brewers‘ Association. Within the control of the membership of this association there is at least three hundâ€" red million dollars, which is practically united in one immense capital for the growth, advancement and protection of the brewing interests of the country. W,. M. Bush farmed a piece of land this season at Walkerton. He sowed it in oats and when threshed ha had by bin measurement 5C0 bushels, On putting them through the fanning mill, however the onts all evaporated except 15 bushels. In other words to 15 bushels of oats he had 485 bushels of chaff, and he has conâ€" cluded that farming don‘t pay. day, whether at the festive board, or at public Celebrations, at home or abroad, on land or on sea. Britons will raise the loyal and affectionate cry of "God Save the Queen," with greater force:and ferâ€" vor than ever before. uation, not even a brief period, in the lnr!.s and sciencas. While some peoples have risen and others have fallen during the last fifty years, the English race has continued to spread and multiply and to show evidences of its vitality in all quartâ€" ers of the world, With much of this progress, and the love of the nation to constitutional liberty, the name of the Queen is inextricably _ associated. Through her influence justice has become more accessible; education more universâ€" al; virtue more honored; religion more beloved and more widespread among the dark places of the woild. It is for reasâ€" ons like these that Queen Victoria is so beloved by millions of subjects; and to SCOTCH TOWN. NOTICE. +s @+ + @ + post Office, Durham. _ _ _ > _ __ Will be in Priceville the first Wedn day in each month. Office at the Co mercial Hotel, On the 2nd Con. Normanby, containâ€" ing 174 acres. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in grand state of cultivation free from noxâ€" ious weeds,. Spring Creek. Stone House & Kitchen,. Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 50x70, Stone Basement Stables, Drive & Implement House 30x60, Stone Stables underneath. Root House 10x30, Hard and Soft Water, Churches and ?chuol convenient,. 4$ miles from Durâ€" 1am Buildings cost over half the Money asked, oneâ€"third down. This is a Rare Bargain. _ Stock or Grain. Business meaut. If not sold will lease for a term of years,. Apâ€" ply to Â¥* _ to $10 per week for easy home work Child can do it. No Mebeme, Books or Prd diing This is bona fide. Send stamp for work and particulars at once, _ THE SEYM(’)UR BUP PLYCsonicTemple, Caw den N.J. Durham, Sept., 10th, 1896. RBV. SDWARD A. WILSON, Brocklyn, New Yor Lots 19 & 20 Con. 8. Tp. of Egremont. a farm consisting of 150 acres, 130 workâ€" nble land, 8 miles from Holstein on the G. T. R., 1 mile from Sch»ol and Church. Well watered by two spring creeks. Good frame barn with stone stabling, and frame bouse, Will be rented on reasonahl} terms, _ Immediate possession can be The undorsigned baving been restored to health »y simple menanas, after suffering for several years vith ase yere| ung affection, uud that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his tellow sufferers the meuns of cure. To those who desireit, he will cheortully send (free of charge) a 3c py of the prouurirton used, which they will tind i sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Caâ€" tarrh, Broncbitia, and all throatandlurg "aiâ€" ndies. He hopes all sufferers will try thisreinedy, is itisinvaluable, Those desiring the presâ€"rintion which will ‘ost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will nlease addr« s6, TARMYA FOR SALE. AEVIC so excellent a paper as the Family Herâ€" ald and\ Weekly Star of Montreal is for one dollar a year. It must be the enorâ€" mous circulation of the Family Herald and Weekly Star that enables its publish ers to issue it at t.hz})rice. Each issue of phe Family Herald and Weekly Star contains one hundred and twentyâ€"eight full columns and by actual count what each subscriber to it gets in one year is equal to the contents of fifty bound volâ€" umes, each volume having two hundred and fifty pages, and such yaluble matter, too. Every line that goes into the Famiâ€" ty Herald and Weekly Star must cost money, for its publishers seem to act as if they would have none but the best. We would be afraid to estimate what the publishers of the Family Herald must expend each year to sustain the high reputation of their paper, Its great circulation tells the story, \ AMERICAN EYES. It is not strange that some of the lead ing American newspapers are wondering how it 1s possible to publish so large and After a night‘s amusement part of the guests accompanied the happy pair to Markdale station whence they went to the Queen city and other places on their honeymoon,. Theg will eventually setâ€" tle in Niagara, The Review sen(fs best wishes. m@/Be? 1IOCK, & Parior lamps, dozen Silver Table Spoons, Crystal l’:emonade set, 2 China Toilet setts, 2 China Fruit stands, Gold Brooch, China Teapot, Cut Glass Butter Dish, Crystal Fruit Stand, Set Smoothing Irons, 6 Table Cloths, 2 dozen Table gq'apkins, 2 doz. Towels, The following presents testity to the esteem in which the bride is held ; 2 plush Parlor Chairs, Black Oak Rocking chair, Ouk Centre table, 2 Bedroom chairs, Silve Cruct stand, Handsome Marble Clock, 2 Parlor lamps, dozen WOBK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Wepay #6 to $10 per week for easy bome work On the 23rd _ September the home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald McRae, Irish Lake was the scene of a loyely gathering of youth and beauty, The occasion was the marriage of their daughter Maggie to Mr. Wim, Noble, of Toronto, the ceremony being performed by the Rey. D. McLeod at tie Church, the company then driving home to dinner, amsmml eveuning‘s eni’uyment. The bride was attired in silver gra?' trimmed with white silk and pearl to match. The bridesmaid, her sister Lizzie, appeared to great advantage in a dress of fawn trimmed with blue silk and cut stee! inâ€" termixed with a sprinklinfi of diamonds; and flowers to match. The groomsman was Mr. Norman Campbell of Pomona. _ TOCOKSUMP TIV ES . Dr. T. G. KHKOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. A SNADP ! HELP WANTâ€" Dâ€"FEMALE. . Apply to FARM TO RENT. ROBERT WATSON, Jr., Isherwood P. 0., Ont WEDDING BELLS C. McKixxox, Nurserymen and Fruit Grow. ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation 10 1â€"3 m We are the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expenses from the start. Liberal commission to ‘parttime men. Large list of specialties, all having been tested at our trial orchâ€" a!ds'." !If you want a sure thing for the Winter, write us. This fine animal will be kept on the premises of JNXO, CLARK, Jr., LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G. R., BE NTINCK, CAPITAL and ASSETSâ€"over $1,600.000 ANNUAL INCOMEâ€"over $1,500,000. Men to Engage with us as Salesmen. New season just opening ; new s?le of plate book ; more attractâ€" .ye and yet lighter than ever. All Supplies Furnished Free. $1,00° Tobe paid for at time of Service, Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1895. Insarance effected on all kinds of proâ€" rty at lowest current rates. Dwelâ€" fl:gs and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. J. CAMERON Durham, Aug.27th, 1896. WANTED For Service during Season of 1895â€"96, Registered in the "*Canada Berkshire Swine Record" as No, 2956. Farrowed Nov. 21st, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont. WESTERN ASSURANCE CGOMPANY. Also a full assortment of Crockery & Glassware Dinner Tea & Toilet Sets At Popuilar Prices. Thoroughbred Berkshire Bear A delicioss biend put up in 4 lbs. and 1 ibs, L(':u.{) Packages T ea of Teas KURMA TEA We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YouU. Workmanshinp Unsurpassed. Fine Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. Losses promptly and Liberally settled Call or communicate with CALL & SEE OUR Collars, Pads, %fi% “ Bites, Whips, &c., &c. We Handle everything in the Harness _ line, at right prices. WHOLE NO Try it, and you will be perfectly satisfied. Sold for 300. Ibâ€" Sold for 40c ib Sold for 50c 1bâ€" FIRE AND MARINE. Harness ! C. LEAVENS, Jr. STONE & WELLINGTON ‘*FERDINAN D.‘ TXE TERMS : FURS. C,. RAMAGE, ___ _ Sub, Agent, M W;fl

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