West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 1 Oct 1896, p. 5

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(all huns, Glue. '. Paint ll Wear. tte Ianadian EWING Brown, 26 lbs for " Jces 1 7e. H) at, C Nite kt. gallon. rtice Boob mass, ato- to ss and DS. M. Winnie ladies' work , ytxii'i', umtufcorn in wool ttii.; “an might get surpri: gitt,t,i'i and Parke 'YN Ityrieds' (t _ - " "er tine breeds-"(f haggard! tM haii, respectively and earned “ number of Prizes, 3””??? pens were well filled in tttf with some fine 1i.r.eipe.nts “News of Mr. A, Muir’s hams , 00km of, Jets and P. Muir, it will be h t"jjii: hakers in sheep ." 'te, 0 again gentlemen. ltr,', occur Page, :3. "l,'1.1,.e.rrmysrcs".' ii'iilt.ytji,iii, J.loms manna gin Mu; Jae 11min, hts We Still has a fatherlv eye "mu and is pleased with the result Ila the adverse cond ink WA " Thoma sketches; of Mr. c, Firth 'ttiii “Special mention. " Wo. ”"udmg tk the Vanquished " is I 'ti9e Chap with various human I In" 1it!el"y brought oat in the Wind wee, The Caldwell Broa, of Orchar twill who: from 'in [I‘mnworl N 'In'uu other lines", ttty, McKenzie is most oblig 1tjitic.ri'i even-Vane else, t yiiiGil'l"g renders him I “Imam. home’s collection of Photos, with- out (hub: surpnwd anvthing ever to» in Durham. The a: rangement of tloltibitshowedartistie taste, and kept enmds always before it. The work itis sell, whether single or in mp0 seemed beyond criticism, as math and old age are alike Ptrtrayed lnanmuividness of life. The m- tltetietasteismtitied by the exhibit which adorns the south end of the hall. Mr. Browne took first pr%t where ever Meshibited in 1895. He is successful Ai'yettragturt, and will be hard to beat anywhere. It. Torry showed 2 frames of photrs mplu having some excellent work, In: rural scenes with local character! mhmgthe eye. the finish pose and Min being very good. The Hilliseund willisos again hon. . tle show with tine exhibits and and the prize list I ed. "w- -_. h33hund ml W the pou “My itttreascii at 1tt (admirer W i fauch M. we _elN.eot8 must he gratified, and “dummy, Mr. McKenzie especial. l!.l:he excessof entries over past ttue., ewrv line we well filled out N the general excellence was freely Marked Thom dthe ring events caused a Ml regret. the track however mu “we to nor upon owing to mad. Ttte dimtom mun N gym, w, McK The ibrrers are a continual delight, and -itltstamlirut late frosts a very Mutilation has been entered and they bad mam admin-ms. Mr. Cowling amd ur the gollc1tion, "H: mm In“. h; w, 'itai "Grey Show. PRIZE LIE; ugnuna mrro spice 'are re- for the poultry, which has a intreascd attention and drew of admirers. Lemons and 'kcai i'aucicrs were in their “Mil. 07 6ttt, imam spLENDID INSIDE EXHIBIT. RAIN AND MOD. Mt . . Wm. '. Brown. Thur. of' Orchardville, [I‘amworth pies is " Hetefords ely and carried Vnrk were two wool, which a surprised on. Parker showed ', obliging to else, and his Oct. f, 'Ott. Brown, Yala, Spring Titoal--3as Alum. Two year old aeidlutr--lr H O' Wm Smith. _ Org your old mtlr--g Archibdd, Brood Mare with foal " her side-W D Mills. C' Blyth, C,aidwell 3mg Spring Ttoar-t Blvth. Caldwell Bros. Two year old mrtdintr---B Ritchie, One year old oeldintrr-C. Ritchie. Two year old mur--Arm. Lawson. los Sharp. Ono you "H m11r--Nos humane. Brood Mare with foal by her tride-T O' Neill, G. Lawrence. Wm Smith. Spring Foal-A Forteney. T O' Neill : Two year old oeIdintp--A Forteney. One year old Gelding-Jos Sharpe. Two year old Filly-dl Willis Geo, Bowling. One year old lor-H Willis, Joseph Sharp, Class tn-BOAT/MW. Bert Boar, any aes-outset' Bros. lat turl 2nd, Best Dueling sow-Caldwell Bros ist ant 2nd. Bout Spring Pism--thsidwsll Bros lat and gud Class tw,-.,..-)"' PUR- don Pair Sari-:2 Pigs any sex. dropped i 19g6--N Hun-y. Ben Williams. Clues 26. ~ PIGS. Berkshire or othe Blank Breed. Boar any see-Wm Mountain. Jotrpb Sham. Breeding srw--R, Edge, Wm Smith. Pair Spring Pign, my sex. dropped in 1896-A a P Man. Wat, Smith. Fat She -p any lsim1-ho Arrowsmith, D m E "tr, Fair and lihrer-A, ttud P Muir. Tho. Tyremnn. Pair Shearling Ewe,--T B, tyNeilt, A. M'wwood. : Pair of Ewe LrurN--./rhos. Tyroman, Wm. Herd. In: ttst-COMM AND CARRIAGE Brood Mare with foal by her siilo--hus, Shearing Ram-Wm, Hard. h, and P. Muir. Ram Lamb-l. & P. Muir, Thou. Tyre man. Class 25.---LON0 WOOL bHEEP.' lbw 2 shears and over---'? ll O'Neill A 3ras ood, (Jinan 27,--btFF0LE OR OTHER Ram 2 blunt“ and ov"---". Willis, H. Brigham. . Shearliny Pom-H. Willis, J. Cook. Rum Lamb-- H. Willis, H. Brigham la Thur aged Eirms---H. Willis, M. Brig- mu. Pair Shading Ewea- J. Cuok, II. wig havu. - Best Pair3 year old steers, Win. Searf, wm. Scan. Best 2 year old steers, Dan Edge. Fat Ox, Steer. Cow, or Heifer, any age or breed, And. Magwwd, David Jackson. WHITE BREED. Boar my ",t--0 H .t T H Reid, A & Class 22.---irERSE Y8. Bull any age-P. Dickson. Cow-P. Dickson. Class '23.---GRADE CATTLE, Beat Cow A. W. Hunter, It. Edge. Bus: 2 year on heifer T. G. Lauder Dan Edge. Best one year old Heifer A. W. Hunter, wm Herd. Best Grade Heifer calf, ealved in green: your Thos. Orchard, wm. h' inf. --, Best Yoke working Oxen Than Cas, 21.---8mrttT WOOL SHEEP Class 20.--P0uat ANGU Bull any age-H. Brigham, H. ham. Cow-m. Brigham. Pair Ewe Lumbs~B. Willis, B. Willis. Bull any age..D. Jilriii,' D T. H. Reid. Cow. .1). Jackson. D. Jacmon. Class 1o.--irlsHieEs. Bull any age. Caldwell Bros., well Bros. Cow-Caldwell Bros., Caldwell Class 20.--POLr,Rn “can dim t28---TA.1iiir0MH PIGS. Best Heifer Calf, Parker. Best 2 year old Heifer. .F. H. Parker, Best 1 one year old heifer.. er. Best Bull 2 years old and upwards” T. Reiner, A. Forteney, H. Parker. Best Bull 1 year old and upward.. Jos. Sharp, Wm. Monrtain. Bull Calf..T Orchard, H. Parker. Best Cow..F. Reiner, F. Reiner, B. Parker. "eerii: g Sow-S Patterson Jr,W T Pin ur Best Saddle Home tot ing and trotting style Ct McFarlane, T. G. Lander. av Class 17 .-HEREromy --"____ "t'""ru. I. Monrtain. Orchard, H. Parker. Reiner, F. Reiner, ll, ng Oxen Thomas .T H O' Neill, ' Caldwell Bros. to show in walk t 0°“3id6red. it ier, Jaa. Watson. Reiner, H, .P. Rainer. I, Wen L, ll. Brig- . . II. Park. k. D. II. & in Cale. Kerr and Wm. Allan. The latter gave areport of the standing of the School which seems to be thriving. The choir with some new blood in it, equalled if it did not surpass any former groups. School Singing and rAitat'rons by a large' number of the children made a very pleasant evening. A feature of the evening was the presentment of a num- ber of stereogiicon views which MT,' dun... 'r e nmcoods amoun to Kxnx (BURCH NoRsssBv.---The Sun day School activities of this church headed by Mrs. Jam Watson, had a very 1easantirnterta'muymt in the Church, 'flr,'l'll; evening last week. Rev. Mr. McVicar was in the chair, and short ad- dresses wag deliggred I}; Wettt Jno. affirm? will be taken in aid of the funds o the congregation. Rev. Mr. Bevan, of It. Forest. will preach also in this same. School house. A harvest sup- per on Tuesday evening at half past six' A ood programme is in preparation. Atfmlssion 15 cents. 'owing Machines, Organs heat makes and low prices at u. MdWnnon's, Harvest Thanksgiving service will be held in Egremnnt School_House on Sun- day next, thy-uh of pctolfer. A sPecEnl MissroxArtt--Rer. Jas. F. Smith. Dornoch, will leave for India in a. short time to assume new duties for which his Chinese experience has eminently fitted him. Dornoch and Marge number of friends will wish Mr. Smith improved ttl? and mach success in his new e . A few Buggies on hand at C. McK'nn- on's will be said at cos‘. f al' and get a bargain. H ARVEIT THANKSGIVING SERVICE In Trinity Church twilight. ’l'hnrsday, Oct. led. Utfertory in and of the funds of the conga» tation. Rev. Mr. Arden, o. Sound, 'lrli' preach and others of the local clergy will be present. Messem O'Neill and Hsfferman, Arth- ur, were buying horses in town Monday and secured 5 or 6. Prices from $50 up for good horses. PHoTos,---Calrinet Photos good as the hest'iortl.NJ per dozen at the Upper Town Gallery. 4. Thos. Coleridge, Late of Messrs. Polk & Co.. Toronto, has Joined the firm of Ttannuut&pl cDo'nougb.---LondotWree Press Latest, imp: nvod cutting boxes. Bell, of St. George. manutuctuter,and other iitest class umkers,.ut C. McKinnon’s. Miss Minnie McAul. of Mt. Forest, was spending a few days this week with her friend Miss 'l‘urnhull at Rocky Snugeen. Miss Ada Middleton, of Rocky &uureen left this wwk for Albany. New York. her many friends here wish her every Duvet-5s in her new sphere of lalror. Mr. Chas. Snvdor, of Mt. Forest, was visiting his uncle. Mr. Henry Snyder, at Rocky Saugrwn, this week. , TV A Large 8100ka Stdves will he sold At a have iulvauceon cost at C. McKin- lion's. You need Ho ml 's Snrsnpnrilla to enrich and purify your blood. create an appet- ite and give sweet. refreshing sleep. A special Cabinet photo at $2.00 a doz. acme Lower Town Studio, J. L. Browne, P hum Artist. l Prtouo'rtrm,-In the Grand Trunk changes the hast mm: are suppusod to he coming u; the itop, They nveall right at Stuart SI. Shanon, Hamilton, any- way, where Mr Rum Grey has been promoted to the position ofty'tation Mas- ter. a rmpuusihle position, with a good Mary. Uougcatulation s huh, Miss Mary Watson came from Rocher. her on Monday tor her sister's marriage, and arm» her brief stay will proceed to Rainy River on a visit. liatuhtoLii; ti/iii/rot, Ins c, ding, and will stay a. while, Wilkhwcn Ploughs always on hand at away down prices at U. McKinnon’s. M P, Jas Park leaves Lo-dny on a. West- er” trip to friends in Dew-mt, and may possibly visit his son Archy in S. IV um. Mr. Chas Grey Jr, arrived from u“ :t, -. .. A . her . Miss S. McKiumm returned Tuesday evening from a month’s trip to Mt. Fur- ost and other [mints South. Het cousin MISS Brown of, Hun-ism", ucunnpmzies ' Luxrm “mm: Mrs. wm. Scarf, Yeoman»; Mrs. w. r', McAllistcr, Le Riche, Mrs Wttt Edge. MISCELLANEOUS Adam Rober w It Hewson. GRAIN Adam Robertson, W Hewson. SHEEP Jas Swanston, Henry Ad, DAIRY PR)DUCTS. Gilbert liek nie, C L Grant, Geo Spux'ling. 'q----.-, Fun ARTS N. w. ( Brown. Roors& GARDEN V H Davidson] Thos. Br Fmrn‘ ik PLANTS C, Yeomnne. wm. Lewis. Luzzrsawnnx Mrs. Xeqmuus. Mrs. w. " 1 LIST OF JUDGES. POULTRY C. Firth. John 1 SWINE R. Brunt, T. Milli lioRsm Rarnstedtier, A. Wm. McLuhan. Guru; Jos. Tuck, Juo. T Brown. - u v [null], L} Spuninh~Chas Lvm. any other Lind-01); der 1'yrksmr..,u t Bronze Tmkii,s-..ij. Gume~JIm here, 9n. --Chtu, Lang land 2 -Clurs. LeaveLs f --Cluus Laue, Guam Pduttt Pair Neill l and 2 Lenora. 8 Patt, N “may. C Le --thudwa Bro, my kind-N m N 11.}va -- Puir Ph =rr-"ehq." Class 29--P00rg'UY, hir Silver Laced Wytusdotter-ty Lang, Harvey Pnir Pls month Rocks-T G Bolt, Clara Ptt m... run-mm _ ' ., - ._, LOCAL AND GENERAL umu Bro- l and 2 md-N Harvey. (than l lifO'Neill. Chan " V - - null, LIIFB Pais Leghotuu. white, T ll 0 and 2 Pr Brown Leghornl. C ' 8 Patterson J r Pr llnmburge ay. C Leayeus Pair Duzkinn 1:“ Tlen, I ..-a " _ wnnx M's. wm. Scam Mrs. Ira. w. I". MeAllistep, Miss Mrs wm Edge. v mun, pun. henna Blk 'Jus Lame, N Iim’vay Fowl kitul--ci/ii, Lawns. W T I’m- rlxoys-A Sec-ts, J Sharp tkiytr-.U. Blyzh. Thou Smut]: o Arle. on. Wm Willa Ducks ng I and 2 Spring CLiekeus aveLs Colic-cum: of Poultry as. Caldell Bros U'Neill, Chan Lemmy has vac. N Harvny ind-01)” Lawns. , 'lreytr--a Scott, J 81:: kiys-.U. Blyxh. TLm _ A _, -- segpgat in pm C. Firth. John Firth. i. Brunt, T. Milligan. lynstedtier, A. C. Wolfe, MU). fos. Tuck, Juo. Ward, Jno. L " A, a 'T " cr Trad - "i tttttgit/ii/iii-tiaith-till. iq---....,..... W. Campbell, Thee. N meaanm J, l. Bro mt. Adam Robertson, c, Firth” L. ll, l arrived from l cousiu's wed.. x, Henry Adam 8 mart; Mcchh. Game F8; I Une Bralv I , Jno. T110 - That eligible residential lot, at pres- ent occupied by Rev. “has. Umneron is for sale, or will rent on reasonable terms. Apply on the pretuisJet, 011m A BARGAIN! McmgNZIE--In Durham, on Monday. 28th inst. Roderick McKenzne aged 7t years. ctamr,--At Aberdeen on Tuesday. 29th inst,, Mrs. Dougald Clark, aged 72 yrs GRANT-WATSON --At the residence of Mr. Jas. Watson, Normzmhy. on Tues- day, the 29th inst,, by the Rev, n, Mc. Vicar, of Dromore, Mr, Wm. Grant to Miss Rubella. Watson, second daughter of Mr. Rube. Watson, Jr,, both of N ormanby. Mum--rn Artenwsin. on the 24th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Dan M uir it sun. s'm.---Having noticed my name ap- pear twice in your colmuus, as one of the aspirants to the high honor of County Commissioner. 1 feel it myjduty. after due consideration. to state t.hat I am not it candidate. I came to this conclusion, knowing that. there are many in the district both eligible nnd'qnalitivd to till and do honor to the position. Promin- ent among these,and none in my opinion would make u better-and a more opultw t'ept'eseutative, is Mr. Dan s1Tl,"o'Q/"/' of Bentlnck. J therefore ho to that, his host of friends will see to it lilmt he be a candidate. None can he snwx of suc- c‘css then he both in Bentiuck and Glen- ew. - Mr. Editor. Pickle dish and silver dustoe Miss Cook, Parinr Lamp, Miss Gudd,Silver Fl nit, dcsh, Mr Duusmm-o. 6 Sauce dish- es, cabbage spoon & fmk, (' Gray, Jr. Parlor Rocker. Mrs Hutton, Guelph. Preserving Pot, ll Hutton, Guelph. Flower pot holder Miss Hutton, Picture Flora Hutton, Purlurlxtmp, MrsJ Wn:, son. 2 Towels, Mrs w Matthews, Pair Lace Curtains, Miss Bin-genes, l’nir Sheet " Mrs Jas. Marshall, Fruit dish. Miss Mack, Preserve dish, Mrs Chas Gray Cake dish, Mrs T. Reid. Silver Cheese dish. G. Grant. Egg dish, Mrs A. McIlv- ride. Quilt Mrs Mi hum, Hed Sprmd, Mrs Grunt, Pair 'df/ke-s', Mrs T. Gadd, ClavuilhsTahle Cover, Mrs, C. Runnige, Toilet SM. Miss Mary Watson. silver, Sugar Spam) and Milton-Knife. Mr, Hut. I mu, Toilet, Imus. Nollie Easele's, Two picture frmucs, Flovence Coaxaud II t- tie MoAsturherH (invlph. A. GORDON. Clocks and _Watches% On Tuesday evening, by the Rev, Mr. MrVicker Dvommv. one of N ,tunanlyy's most t:sitesstnedwouty Indies Miss Rob- _ ena Watson, was united in marriage to Mr Wan. Giant, one of the stalwat t sons of the same township. The cermony took place at. the residence of Mr James Watsion uncle of the bride, the. brides- maid being Miss Lizzie Gudd, the groom heir)? supported by his brother George. The wide looked handsome in a dress of cream delaine trimmed with white silk lace and ribbon. A pleusent evening Was spent with tuusie, games and soci- al converse. the com mny breaking up near morning. The inn-id: is 2nd daugh- ter of Mr It Watson Jr. now of Fort l Frances. The followiur,rppesents testify _ to the regard held for the bride. The Review sends hem-liest coni,watulations, . ALIVE. . illlll CHAINS AND CHARMS Are not Ancient but DAsrmbLY ovrRAta:,-0n Monday moming last the town learned with deep regret and indignation that the house of Mrs, J Hinds had been enter: ed during the night by some villain, with robbery and personal abuse in _ View. He had called on Sunday after: noon, and got something to eat and re: tumed in the darkness. In the strtqttrlethat ensued he has left the marks of hrs nails on her throat and even threatened her life, The child: ren {cryng aroused two students who were in another part of the house, but 1 on their approach the villain dccamp ed taking with him a small/sum of monev. The mayor has offered $50.00 reward and constable Whelan is follow ing upa slight clue. MODERN. Mr. Malone. adeputy lg','.'); offlee In- 'pet'tor, reinstated Miss rown in the Priceville Post OfNe yesterday. This disagreeable business, though the re- sult, of political nmmwuvermg. will please the majority of those using the post office. experience in municipal iitiit%riie" whi po 1 a large vote,, STILL ANOTHER Goon MAN.-air U McKinnon is in the field for the County Council, in response to requests fl om a large number of ratepayers in town and country. With his wide acquain- tance in the district. and his nine years experience in municinal matters ho mm QEIE¥TY ic0mdiSTI0NEMHIP. ALIVE)! WEDDING 'FESTIVITIFS. Are not dead but MARRIED. DEATHS. BIRTHS. Yours, el e., C. MCARTHUR. J. P. TELFORD. lhttnllulifl " Have you tried the AMERICAN P If not do so and we feel con- Ment you will be per- fectly "titdied. at lowest prices. AMERICAN 'Goods Lamp Goods, Lamp THE THE THE ,'itrcriyrricieMtgiii'.a" -V - _ 'ti-_ - --- V w. '-'"-----'"-"'e-'e--"r"'"-"""r""--er--q :' 'APitlkauTfi'l Pe' 4:31 LAld 'iiJa"v'4;ysi't V." up: , av , "d '-. 513,-}va “Ii-""224: :“E: “15:11:! 'r'iayiA'p-:eig :'il'i'(i'i _ , V at” r: " Banquet, tutrutirur We throw oat no Baits to Blind, aiui no Bombast to deceive and . Victimize the Unwary. But throw OUR GOODS OPEN TO PUBLIC INSPECTION. We mean BIISinss and are Determined to do it, ON TIIE FAIREST TERMS WITH OUR CUSTOMERS. We pay tde highest price for Produre; Butter 12013. liar M. Eggs 12m per doe. Wlih prices are liable to change. AND FITTINGS or ALL KINDS Canadian COAL OIL. min. Mchrthur's Store toyiiijiiiiriii' tlie Shrewd Customer Ji" Q Who i? Welcomed home? by a host of li'riends and Aeguaintuces _ Come One Come ALI... And Pruee that THlSis N0 HUMBUG. We mean to Challenge Competition inTiii7ii"itTiG t We fill oat'different Departments with the most Fashionable Styles and Up to Date Goods, which are carefully selected and Bought to assure our Customers of Satisfaction in Choice and fa'l Value for their Money. STAND LAMPS AND A GREAT VARIETY " TAM O'SHAN'rltRs Latest fn Cheapgst Newest , Lamp Goods. All Customers are Welcome whither YOUNG or OLD, LADY or GENTLEMEN, and will be waited on lit one of the most POPULAR CLERK that ever stnpd behind 3. Counter in THIS TOWN. OUR PRICES ARE EVERYDAY AUKE, ahd MR. A. DAVIDSON. 1l11i's,li,,ll1.IpyiirN, DURHAM G. L. ORA NT. Hampden. Sep, Ittth, iii}. Wanted for tr. B. No. 8. Hm a 2nd class my". txetritetced. A331; to the undersigned. than and: cw tiona, Ac., before Oct. 17th. Gl _ T300. Benarr, WALT“ Gnome. n .m- yaw” mm. The undersigned offered for ale or rent that desirable park lot. No. 8 in the Village of Priceville. On the lot are a. good house, frame barn, good wellnn orchard. The lot is all under cultivation. For berm: of rent or sale apply to JOHN MclNNIS, settlement {nun be 7: ads rctom the lath! Ort. ,ober. 0n (humane I intend pin-lug my book. tn other hum]: for collection and u u mow was: ‘leory settlement; can be made Mill: myselt panonally I would advise all than having BO- Vstttry.ta to call on. mg before that due. Bargains. As I no leaving Durham, all parties indebted to me are requested to call and settle accounts before lst October as after that date they will he put in other hands for collection. No further notice will be given. E. KMMER. Durham, Aug. Mth, um - /2Uisiiir,ii 12:5 A'r,iiii'r, "3121.533: account. mains no will Illa “mi hand in at once u I ozpect to go may shout 0 beginning tof Oct TEACHER WANTED. . LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO ME . will pleas; take notice that a full PARK LOT . For Sale or to Rent. In Ladies Jackets. 6 Q a JUST ARRIVED. NOTICE. IN DRESS GOODS NOTICE. In Ladies Golf Jerseys. IN gngnmuu It' an?! ty' 'i%.'t%'i,vi,y.F if: 'i'iri?ii' “814% tMtstfa.itttt D. JAIIESLN. Ptieevttie. [cu- ' " i»:

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