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Grey Review, 1 Oct 1896, p. 6

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ser? EB go ll. t 'sued , Jill MINA alll It is reported It London tint the Duke ti, 1:01le main-11w of t5: 2trd, '3 militia . wi we Vnndorbut- or tire-ale of Mar Lodgu, Brumar. While then "pears to he "mane. that: d unite um wu- intended nan: 'e11it'il,?iti, (and: 1:111:14; .tho Pg, was F tti nun, . 'saline in! 'n Elf-glam! QM Mme. Pi, ",,1'rtt,t,nt.lt.t Itttt I mart-bu the iv rpm] on: 0. arm iyiir'i',fl'tl'? at o In. noting in .ho. In is an and than. 9tat, f 94:06. , 'l'lrltt h- m-ihb in! Eh hue Pitman than originntor of a system of dam-thud known by his name. in seriously ill in Paris. It 'tn W in London that Lady p.et.rim nth}. go pt tht not beau- him to an part iii “I wounding. Tom Mann's who. for III mayor-d dockers' strike looks very formula“. P? paper, but the masters of tho Brit- lah Shipping Federuzin profess not to be alarmed in th, sl‘ghicsz. mu Li ttritriaiCu7iGiGTr" Lord mud. The Queen bu egreeably "tabbed the poet Bum' enthusiasts by revealing her-ell es e collector of Bume' relics. Marie Comili, the English authoreu, vigorougli denounces female bicycle rid- ing. who she regards “the height (1 {queue vulganty. no he1- Majesty. thrttueen, through hla Excel my Lord Aberdeen. to have the provisions of the present pensioners' warrant extended to the ten-year men. GREAT BRITAIN. The tomdatlons ot the new Roman was: cathedrel at Weatminatar hare emulated. The new med battleship Illne- Erica: has been launched Item the hatham “but. There no at meant 4,475 patient. in the London hmisitals of whom 3.649 m muttering tron scarlet fever. Lord Roach" deciares that Russia In not 'h"llli,eJl her_pooition in regard to Turkey, ttMt In" tint. Ida': Dun wu w 1“ fun In an netiem by Et-nd. m Interestinf test. were made " the Ninrsrt.militar, "op'taguEtui?,Utt otra power e- n he mo bunch It was decided, in view of Private Hanson's death. to provide additional protection for the markers. occnpicd by a Fenian saloon during with] regime. which is believed to be that of Thoma: Scott. who was mur- dmd in Fat Garry in 1870. Steps am being tahn to obtain c complete iden- tituitiom At a media; bld in Toronto of vet- erans who h carved in the British my foe ten you: and received hon- mreble discharges. it was decided to petitioqghc itritiqh Gyernment and " A human skeleton was unearthed last Thursday M, Whaiyog undo; the exact The Dominion Government published in Canada's Guano . p.ro.cumat.ityt main? Canadian. not to Luke partin my n ibuatering expedition to aid the Cuban. and reciting the penalties imposed on the Foreign Enlistment Act. The Mr Moravia sailed from Montreal in Brazil, carrying about '99. iayrt.itrtynU. Ttte staryiptpipf,the blficiala Gftuenasd margin]? who; won jay-gded to smug]; they left the Tho Canada, which recently won the victory over Vonnedor. thy Chicago boat. m Iold bl auction In Toronto. " was purchase far $3.250, it is be- lieved for Senator Ban 0rd, of Hamil- vessel before chew-£11061. .tnotlr. can would be about the same ta last you. but they an t"e',idg, a unall- er number of men in t woods. found - the)" had Uivesrai' Luv-hive}, which they used to out the bam. 'rite Mouton ar refine ha. been burned. g','itfl'v'ufl"'l Ions 'll%llttar. The Supreme Court will open ita re - In fill sitting tho second week in tr. tatme. . Mr. Btu} Schadel of Hamilton tell m afit m broke Nanak. dying m- In interviéwa the tt"ii,ilu Ottawa lumbermen acid that t ir cut this sea- Five prisoners In the Kingston Penn itentiary hed fn oUbartste plot ort_toot "ma VERY LATES'r PROM ALL THE WORLD oven. -tttmtt-Abmgtthrroqm6mmtry (In... Britain. tho um“ I“. II “mutual-u. Will MICE-”Ia“. At a representative meeting of har- risters at Montreal it was decided to form a Canadian hr Association, and . committee was appointed to carry out the pawn... The magnum return: Pt complet- ed do": the population o London to ho 8.794. The next convention of the American Public Health Association will be held in Toronto. Receipts of the Hamilton ArtaSchool for the pot ear amount to 33.624 and “pendants 33,450. Albort Wilson. tb murderer. reputed tobe We. escaped from tho Toronto Asylum on Sum-day. this} -%oeaa, - a ooettmetar, in Charged In Regina with defrauding the Dunmion Government. It in unnamed that the Sanford Manu- hoturing Company intend: removal: from Hamilton to Toronto. Mr. George E.Milla ot Hamilton baa received the contract for building the Grand Trunk our shops " Lon on. Mr. TimothkAlmond. well known in mmilton. w re his mother resides. WIS killed at Coney Island. N. Y. The wool-grower? of the Northwegt are still holding tppt portipn of this year’s. clip in hope obtaining high- " prices. Mr. A. T. Fuller, on in]: worker in the Ontario, Rolling Mme, J1aeilte?g lex-Treasurer Harvey of Guelph was committed for trial on the charge of mbuzl'mg city funds. - -- Tho Rev. Father Point, s. J., the old- est priest in the Dominion, died on Sat- urday ot the Junk. College in Men- trad. aged 95. Askelctom was unearthedat Winni- g which is believed to be that_ of Roma: Scott, who was shot during tho Red River rebellion. Mina M. Phillips, of the Kingston General Hospital. has been Ttfat'. wprsrjptepdept of nursesol hoGen- no! Hospital at Lowell. Man. A deputation from Montreal waited on tho Government at Ottawa to at s guarantee of $500,000 bonds in aid at the International Exhibition. the Ontario Rollin Mills, namuton. is said to in" (alien heir to £90,000 ii, Belfast. CANADA. bywavictstobm hummus. The tower: will ,Not Coaqerate with are” 'trttatn-ite [olden Tinsel Aer vises Caution. An editorial in the London Times, other remarking that "tor the present the indignation against the Turks in confined to England and the United States. which abstain: from all inter- vention in European affairs." all! It- tention to the remarkable letter of Lord Hugh Cecil. the Email of an? bury'l son, an on indioUlan at the views of Lard Salisbury And ti! on)??? LordH hCeoil 1dintttiahsttar tb it iiii'ii,1?)ii1i'i1iii gamma the ttJld"e"'t"d'd 'fd h1i'ff could on. than. The Times also call: “tendon to "the notorious not tilt Ire,, 'rlhrf 'gli iii'iil, Pd, 't"lfr)'lihrf',' to 'tun/Ms.' f well {it it wiilrun in an mutton for ”this on the part of Engritnd. The Times concludes by .eriatr-t.'mys Government may be relied upon to do all that prudence .md an means at their command wi.1.l..tulor, but it is moles 'ggrg a mum; horse, bad it who}: totethhoiytanpiiderto - him st an siartii,,b.u, fence.” Donatello: Iran lin, Vienna. and Bt. War: to the'Timu ups-adam- ant-tam article: Lh"'tld out " that: on“ showing poms-l at; 1:9:de to mint in my coercion dt Tin-k3,)" - V --e_v - W mum: from Can-hath t I tt,itittitrtii'ir1 'tthilt/its,' ;iiF",'?ti bi , d £‘m.m.“ in In: -qtttl a can: in: EW,? The management of the London Timm in St Hamburg calls attention to the bitter anti, ngliah feeling in the Russian prays. A similar tone movaih in the leading Austrian refli','d,' which accuse England of Machine lian designs on Turkey. It u announced in Vienna that . scientific part? from the warahi AG Intros was at aclasd an Angst 'a, by natives of Guadalcanar, lemon li. lands. The gfologist of the 'ettfhtit Foulton. a P.idyhipsppn, and we sea- men were killed. Many native. were Ill) killed. ing to an end, The earth is certainly cooling in France and Belgium, and great tlt? changes are likely in the near utuu. The Ambasadors of the Js'",',',," held I. meeting1 in Gmrtantinople on Mon- day, at w ieh I plan was agreed upon to land sailors from the guardshi.pd to protect foreigners m the event of re- nowed disturhuusea. A French scientist says the 'world. 95 fat as Emppeja moaned, is com- The American. Legatlon at Constan- tinople has moaned news that a. fresh massacre. in which a large number of Christians were killed, has taken place " Ehin, in the Valley of Kharput. Chancelfor van Hobenlone has $8 to Aimee for some shooting, w ich would seem to Indicate that them is to be no immediate action of the pow- "!ln'fmkeh ‘__ _. --- Over 120 t,miy,r,.tt? left St. John's, Nnd., far the nited States and Can- ada owing to the failure of the Labra- dor tisNsr3. Several hundred more are uriangipg to. follqw. been} abound. They had tnnnolled thu- wey into an empty cell, and four of up bus (I: the window had been unwed through. As a result a! disclosure: aid to hem been made by the finding of documeets upon the person of Edward Bell, aha: Edward J. Ivory, of New York, errested in Glaqow on th chars of being con- nected with the (inland 1sopsp.itt.uttl1t gird: on the Government buildi.ngs in don and the powder magnum It Woolwioh have been doubled. The latest advim trom Madagascar describe the inland within the French proteetorpte no in a horrible condition The St. Junea' Gazette, In an editori- IJ on tho Iilaatern aituation, Pint a new triple alliance, composed RT, land, Italy ad the United States. T formation' of the now dreibqnd might GENERAL. Resident Kruger is thinking of vis- iting Europe next sprinlgeon private bus- peep, and will vary li 1y tro to Eng- land.- checked by to1it'al, turmoil and finan- oral dietrue . No change is antieipat- td until late in November, and then it will, ot course, be contingent on how the Presidential contest ices. There has been some speculative uy- mg in tt iron, hides, cotton, and wool. Severe cotton mills in the Fall River dmtrict have resumed work, and pricee of some cotton goods have advanced. A better demand for dress goods has been experienced duringr the week. The boot and shoe induotry, on the other hand. has decreased in activity, and Iron and steel manufacture is very The Buffalo Democratic Convention representing New York State unreser- vedly endorsed the Chicago platform, Ind pledged active suppor to Wm. J. Bryan and Arthur Sewall. The pres bureau at the National Do. mocratie Mammals in Chicago cal- cqlates that . Bryan in November. will carry 86 out of the 45 States, and 824 electoral votes. The record of the Court of Common Pleas in New York shows that P. J. P. Tynan, the dynamite suspect under ar- rest at Baulogne. has been a. citizen of the United Stats since August, 1888. The receiver of the Chicago, Indiana & Eutern Railroad has indefinite? suspended the operation of the r09. ' and will ask the court for an order. to tll2ts rolling stock and pay pressmg c . . Dr. Charles F. Ives. G .ged dentist ut West. Mth street, New York, suicid- td with chloroform and can on Thurs- 'fi,, Crane, the tumm- baseball pitcher and holder of the world'o re- coyd for long distance throwing. com- muted auic' e by drinking 01:10:31 in Rochester. -- - -- .. Mrs. Delia Parnell, moth" of the late Charles Stewart Parnell, who is in a t.ir'ti'lee', condition at Bray, near Dub. m says she has no recollection of who manual her in the United States in April of last year. The New York Sun's London corres- pondent states that the recent release of the dynamiters in England was part of a. bargain by which the Government Iecured some needed information re- garding the plot tor which Tynan and in minus have been arrested. .According to the commercial agen- cles of New York, there is no actual im- Broyement in business throughout the Lmted‘ Itrtta., . L Trude tyi.,irulyist!.7, are Jennie Plovencher was found starv- ing t the police in Rives-dds Park, New ark on Wednesday. _ . £5th arm; lit ah #381100“ {0} m on nu mrt of Em: and; m THE DEFIANT TURK. UNITED STATES. P3: is way which the Speaker 'eupposed would meet the diftereht views held an this question by different members of the House. I 'Ili'? agree with the hon. gentleman th. t the sale of liquor over the counter to the House of Como mane la altogether Improper. I am not ready to sag that the sale of liquor as it wool have been carried on under the order of the Speaker, as it is ynys. inaclub. is of that charac- ter, that In to say. it is not properly sale of liquor, for the order which was given by the 2ttt', is to the effect that a man 00 d have liquor with him meals, ants dominall clubs. Batif the seas of the House into be the contrary effect. as it seems to be, indeed. that there should be no lit}uor at all sold within the Et'it,'rt o the House, no matter in w t form or way. neither over the counter nor with .metut, tho Government havono obJe.ot.ion at all to__the__motion Jung txtrrissf, . . Sir Charles Tuppei-I will not " tempt to prolong the discussion. but I was very strong y impressed with the Imporlance at some such step as is .n.ow propmod, because the fact that liquar could be obtained within tho precincts of the Houselast sesslon en- abled parties to. would: very strong ed very unjustiha censure withre- arence to the character and conduct of the members at the Hpuse of Corn- mons. In order to avoid the poun- bilit of such censures in future I this; it is almost necessary to tttkts thy measure grapes“! by my ham friend, and 1 m1 cartsmly 5%“ the mo. tion. I .up.d.arstand. that t same con- dition of things tsyiats.i lander: the late iiaiiiia r" :21de exist under" on; oiiUr. I undemtpnd that Mr. Wlg, when he, med the grtition of speaker in this House_ gave the name instruction that no liquor: should be sold over the bar, and ttt that manot sufficient, d10Win{.al it .did the pur. cm and use of Ignor In connection with meal. 9r with rmtreahmenta, which Arming lt an_pxtnemely gifticult t . to enforce. The regulation that $34 promote the ',tiitcPgriteit which both the lute Speaker An your- self have aimed It gunning seems to have accomplished t ' efted , at all events. so tar as proteptlng the House from very severe mime. version. on the pert of the press and parties on public pletfoum. and elsewhere. in re- gard to tin conduct of members. In my own judgment. I do not believe it would be poesrble to collect in tsit,', inquire}- “Jemima in up; legion ive I so Henri Joly, in answer to nu. [Charlton gave the total amount of ex- eias duties collected upon ales. beer, and spirituous liquors. including the malt from which the beer is produoed, for the fiscal year ended June 80th. 1896, as 84.795.581.86. F COMMERCE WITH AUSTRALIA. Mr, Paterson. in answer to P.. Comp, gave the following figums relating to the trade between Canada and the P": tralian colonies for the various fiscal years mentioned-Imports into Can- ada for the year ended J une. 1890, 8205,- 396; 1891, $169,065; 1892, $264,783; 1898, $217,817; 1891, $143,317; 1895, $113,242; 1896, $197,918. Exports from Canada, 1890, $171,018; 1891, $582,377; 1892, $436- 153; 1898, $281,926; 1894, $320,952, 1895, $114,924; 1896, $513,875. The amount of subsidies pam'by the Dominion Gov- crnment towards steamship lines run- ning between Canada and the Austra- lian colonies had been at tl.p.rate of $121,666.67 since Ib93-9i. Prior to that year no suleidiea had been paid. THE BAR. Mr. Craig moved that the Speaker be requested to issue an order pro- hibiting thesale of intoxicating liquors within the precincts ot this House. He had been asked, he said, why he did not move this resolution inthe last Parliament, since his friends were then in power. His reply was that inthat Parliament he was a compar- etively young member, and he thought such a duty should rather have been undertaken by some older member. Now the circumstances were altered, and now there were a great many new _me1nbers in the House. The im- ipreeston had gone forth that the is- suance of the Speaker, order closing the bar. rmrgugt,i."t,t. the sale ot liquor Ln the owe. Every member knew such was not the (use, because alt.hcatth thebar had been closed it was quite possible to obtain liquor at meals or by ordering refreshments. Mi. Wilson seconded the motion. Mr. Lauriar--1 do not know that I agree altogether with every word that has been and upon this subject by my hon. friend, but neither personally norl as the head‘of the Government have} I any objections at all G-tSis-ima-this yei?irfarile.d., ljho myer .was given u; body -in" tiiiiCoFTitr" irii'GC'aiiiii'iii' where temlpennoe In more uniformly the rule. do not believe it would be possible to find e Parliament enywheu where greater treit-mstraint in exercised in; pert of almost every member of t wee. Tumotionmthn tendurrled .vithout e dieting "Sale. SALE or LIQUOR STOPPED. Mr. mode ths toll u- td,',iigtttttyt it]: to menth to AN INTEREST BILL. Mr. Quinn introduced a bill to amend the Act wetting interest. Ita inten- tion in to amend the existing law by providing that no one shall collect by suit interest st . higher rate than six per cent. per ennum. no matter what may have been the agreement " to interest. The bill waived its first reading. EXCISE DUTIES COLLECTED. The bill moths tho Georgian Bl! Ship Canal tuid Power Aqueduct Com- pany was read a second time. Mr. Molennan'a bill to amend the Dairy Products Act, 1898, was pulsed through Committee of the Whale. To confirm In agreement between the Grand Trunk many Gonna-n! and the Canadian Ptutifio Bailw Caster-" Mr. Gib-on. - . To moeivo and mend tho Acts to- qteestintt the St. Clair tutd Luke Erin Ship .thuttsl th-nr-Mr. Thule. To incorporate the Hudson’s Bar and Pacific Railway aavraatr--Mr. Oliver. All three bills were reported without taiGuraru," 1nd by" Bonny at Notes of Proceedings In the Can:- dun House of Common!- BILLB ADVANCED. The Hausa want into Committee of ttti,,'...?""" and advsnced the touowillll DOMINION nw1liffillflll, A in I gt d the etc to- 'q.".? and Like Brio mug -Mr. Tisdllo. not . udson’a Bar and farm, my-Mx. Oliver. by Pt.' _ Fa., “A may ..M Sir Charles 'lfupper uttered no objec- tion, the Opposition, were very anxious to reach the end of the session, but he hoped they would be allowed consid- erable latitude, with regard to matters which really required to be brought be.. tom the House. DAMAGE BY FLOODING. Mr. Monk (Jacques Cartier) drew the Minister's attention to the damage by flooding on the Ottawa over the rais- ing of the canal level, and Mr. Torte promised to take the matter into con- eidoratlon. . Mr. Choquettg presented the report of tho Debath Committee recommend- ing the dismissal .ot three translators for taking an active part in politics. PROGRESS OF BUSINESS. Mr. Lauder moved a resolution tak- ing the whole ot the remainder of the session for Government business, pre- cedence being given to private bills on Mgpdays ttnd "Wednesdgys. _ hGrdlakhirur pf any"p'robB;-11_Eo Tic lease Valentine Shortns, and allow him to return to Ireland. _Mr. Laurier-'itse Government con- mder it thon- duty to have at an early date the aavigability of the Hudson's Bay and straits exhaustively inves- tlgated. EIGHT-HOURS SYSTEM. Mr. Quinn's motion tor copies of all petitions and other documents ad- dressed to the Government, asking that the eight-hour system be adopted in tho‘pulglic service, was adopted without Mr. Mulock replied that this was one of several important questions that the Government had not yet been able to deal with. WILL EXAMINE HUDSON’S MAY. Mr. Richardson taaiusd:-Hatg the Government reached any conclusion with regard to the sending of an ex- pedition to Hudson’s May and straits to investigate the nuvigability thereof, with a. view to settling beyond per- tuiveature the question of the practic- ability of the Hudson Bay railway as a congnergial enterprise i, BIG LOAVES OF BREAD. The largest loaves of bread baked in the world are those of France and lb. oly. The " pipe " bread of Italy in bak- ed in loaves 2 and 8 feet long, while in Emmet!» loaves are made in the [up of very long rolls. 4 or 5 feet in laugh. and in many_ tangent: 6 het:drht 1Ettf_,of,1?aiia In distribut- feet. The bread pt Paris is distribut- ed almost exc_luswely by women, who so" to the varwus bake houses at 6.80 s.m.. and spay! about an hour brush- ing and pollslnng the loaves. After the loaves are thoroughly cleaned of dust and rrhtctrt woman pggoeeds on the leaning against the door. Restaurat- eurs and those having street entrances to their premises find their supply of the staff of life propped up against the front door. The wages earne by these [read carriers 2ff ren ah, to 68 1-20 M our money. an their day's work is completed. by 10 or 11 o'clock in tin morning. LOOKING FOR. IT. An Irishman once worked all do: on tho promise of getting n clan of grog. At ni ht the em loyor bought out the Q1?» him, 111% the human touted grand mid: WMoh did you rt in tint at“ g,t' ' 1Uthlftt dl'cgg,! 0161'. W o m- tun. i'lu'Pll5 Irishman: wad. myho I'll can. to I ttr and by. m FALL SUIT. or attention to the subject of how or- dinary land could be treated no as. to yield a profit to the Person handling it. He 5 ke in comp unentuy term of Prof. Il'ff,isr't'loff,' who had perform- ed great.wark for the dairy intereelé. and who, he said, was eminently quali- fied for the duties he performed. AID TO BUTTER-MAKING. On the item of 825,000 for advance: for making cheese and butter within the provinces, some diecussron arose. which elicited from Mr. Fisher the In- formation that no loss to the country had resulted from the advances made last season, chiefly in Prince Edward's island. tar this purpose, the money having all been repaid out of the pro- ceeds of the sales, in addition to the extra profit secured by the producers. The system adopted had not cost the country a dollar, even the interest on the advances having been repaid. COLD STORAGE FACILITIES. The item of 820,000 for the purpose of misting in placing fresh made but- oer and cheese on we pr.iuslPysark.eus in regular shipments, without deLenor- ation in quality waa passed. A TWO-CENT POSTAGE RATE. Mr. Richardson aalced--iraa the Gov- 9rnmenL, in accordance with a memor- ial from the Winnipeg Board of Trade, yonaidered the question of establish- mg a two-cent letter rate of postage for the Dominion, and it so, what is its degimon in rrgard. thereto. - roam! o.fSiuitGiGriiiiirii7wiit, lic', an 'y.e5Pyy1.try 11ata,find tllair loaves LILUUUC LO LIN” Wu‘ Full - u“"""' to their duties, and the f?.or.nirttet work they tsit/gt,',','; Mr. Fusher an- nounced tha he intend“ to PIO. 'rrei- ip,"." of practical farmers in the coun- ty. He was pleased to be able to Itil a. word on behalf of the ofrufuN, wit .who.m, an a farmer, he had long been in. close personal touch. He could ty.sar tribupe Jo melt eourceyr.t.heir devoflop more an "In 1't't'lgl' w""'" Giriiriad b can mo u ton unanimous y I Home with reference to the abolition at the supply of liquor in the product! of tho Home of Comment. I have 31v- on the moat stringent and absolute di- rection: that that suggestion or order mu he can-lad out." (Some apphuu.) THE EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. m u... “A... of £75m far the Ex. In unswer to Mr. Bergeron,_ Mr. Fitz., atrisyr, '?licitorfenenil, said - he had Op the item of 075,000 for the Ex- prsrimstpta1 farms. Mr. Domvillo urged tint there should he a reduction in tho amount of the vote. He cocaiainod that the . gm- ployee at. the ml farm worthvmg m a mum. "I think." hptaald. "i tn. Equine that: klhouyou Mathew THE TRANSLATORS' FATE $5.32?! tttel m tor can bo- THE SHORTIS CASE. in accordance with tho maul]! waned br tn t un- "'" -__ to Mt- can! wept 15189 dock-house ' t'f. boat runnil coun- was bodily to gag It tranq I. wit nun]! nf th, at El Edit. and loaded .with . wag ot sum. The mauve. rear. tn m an: ad loaded with. . mat quantity of gain. The nume- umonnood tint the enemy had deput- tt!sytt tag-t Wu! Whim the)”; The 'tetreatttrttt from»: (“c " By the "trtors--1'errgtrte EXH‘IIIOI of the Maxim Gnu. A despatch from Cairo. Egypt, says: --The city of Dongola. has been cap- tured by the British and Egyptian ex- pedition ' and the nominal objective point of the British-Egyptian expedi- tion has been reached. The river forces of the British-Egyptian expedi- tion, pushing up the Nile from El Hafir, landed a force at Dongole, and occupied that place. before the der- viah forces retreating from El Ham reached that point. El Hafir and Don- trola are therefore both in the hands of the expedition. while the dervish force. are eomewhere between, seek- ing a refuge. Saturday etternoon the long range firing continued by the der.. viahes on the west. bank of the Nile. and the expeditionary force on this side. ragga iii'ariiardiii; THE STRONGHOLD FALLS WITHOUT A BLOW. The maxim guns. with their aweeping hail of fire did good execution in the derviah ranks. while the field and bone ottt.teytytrisriiFwFi. the may .10 A" uariGiia, Emilia m3; REE in nu tent, mung}; wound: r,, his ttmaatiiiit"ttrLiriEg formal-being . sum hon. Afar tho “about. od It unmixed on Wednesday that en- ough of the explosive known as oordite to blow up n house wee discovered on Manley hidden in the hollow of s pil- lar on Steward street. which is inhab- ited by Runisna Hebrews, who are sus- pected of Nihili-n. The police are now actively searching. the premises in that neighbourhood. A despatoh to the Glut, from Shang- hai published says it is believed there that the much of s Russian squad- ron to Shanghai wild be the first re- sult ot an agreement reached between Lb-Hung-Chang and Rush, which is viewed with great anxiety and suspicion in Japan. China, it is added, is pre- paring the docks and workshops of Port Arthur and is storing there vast quan- tities of cosh. It is thought. these move- gnents indicate a startling development in ‘Russian policy. free' country. He also eulngized Pre- sident Cleveland's Cmnnrrtl integrity and good faith. His rhief reason, he said, for coming flu-night. was his warm appnecintion of the noble words spok- en by Baron Russell of Killowen. the Lard Cttief Justice of England, now in the? United States. in favour of inter- national arbitration, which Mr. Ray- ard maid, he honed would sink into the consciences of both peoples. THE CAPTURE 0F DUNGDLA An express and an excursion train mllidnd on Wednesday at thr March. Cambridgeshire, statinn of the Great Eastern railway. Both trains were yrs-chad. and seventeen perm": were Injured. many of them sustaining trer- ions injuries. iaated all night Imsa, playing Invoc with thotneuin thsLmdonparkB, and causing . stat mat of damage mung tin coasting and fishing ‘cnft. The loss of lifts, however. in reported to In slight. The Red Star line steam- ship Rhynlmd. Captain Beynon, from Philadelphia for Liverpool, arrived at Queen-town Wednesday morning, and reported him pound through the full force of the gale yelterday. Heavy can - over her and flooded her dock-homo and nuts-room The mail boat running between Calais and Dover In: badly (imaged by the storm. A rich gold discovery is reported to have been made near Grahamstown. Cm Colony. Tho American Chamber of Commerce in Liverpool gave a banquet in connec- tion with the annual meeting of the British Aarroriatitm, for the Advanetw tttent of Scienm. which has been in mm than there. Mr. Bayard. the Unitnd States Amhaasador, was the chief gut-ct of the evening. In realmnding to the tmst to the President of the United States. Mr. Bayard referred to the Queen's prolonged reign no a triumph of good Ind 'rttled. government in a. faced a. quiet time. The rain kept the mperinl and Royal PerStMia4P* at Bal- moral indoom all Wednesday momma. bat they braved the elements in the afternoon for a deer drive. the Czar killing a mlendid stag. It is unde_r- Stood that the Czar and Czarina will possibly extend their stay in Great Bri- taip a fortnight. _ _ _ A despatéh from Ballater "rv-- The Czar and Czarina are recuperatmg 11Pt _the e.xtite.ment Itt. mstertiarrpd A GREAT STO" SWEEPS OVER THE BRITISH ISLES. SOME LATE GABLE mn mm of Explullvel-M all all. ”he an and Carl-- " the ligh- ua---' cellulo- In England. .4. WWW Irit, ir.mtitih.rdHCt)TrfUR. "orl I I I Grit-ia, 1 and " tttttt 11 & um U"riei.r7iy: . - at (310va “"1”” 'jitlll a... In ,Ulded . profit of Tb tttie " "mend" was until than: century “mm to , - bedd- clerzrmen. ' a?! u; 2t'rg tt,,rutet'S"i2tg'rS'ri'i'i'is but! b the alert!- In“ by the "Bun‘uu Venn!" (1" 04m LIB tact that during the lad oititht ygara from ielri 10 mt), the UP Ppef In the steam Chlluhrlt‘ial a”! g Fraatoe wad' 142.340 Mun, against " mm for Germwy of orr,,r0. tong and " England and Lot “LOU”: 3.31.734 tom. Moreover, during " the total 1110?an in the r'rvrul p01" W 19,00?,0.00. was. momma of wind were earned by French taxis and lee M.m_ by toeeign sh.ps. fhc Utat autumn- of Suez Canal mama, tho“ of It“. tell u aimilsu' Mar). hm 11M? and and fifty vessels. with a mm! tap n.afre ot 5.023.477 toms won- rig 1.50:, “III”. with I tonnage of mm mm- were German. 84 'ships “in. .1 199W of 187.044. were Dutch, and only a, - all. at . total tonnage of 122.08? th' French. In ttS4 the mum “we I- "I; Fume]: colonies. Aigcria ugd 1fill being excepted. amounted lo 406100., ttanis In that tom], foreign mum!” t1extmd tor 2tig,o00.000 francs, #an Fuse. 218,000,000 francs or 40,000. trunn- le- than half. In that year. to: hand: colonies bought 219000,“ tune. wttrttt of goods, of ll yrch We '00,000 (my! pane from {on-LgIn Cg}: -- -rWW'» ' M“ an I: Frenchmen will not be gm! some figures Just pubtishrd IO 1 in Chamber of Couuuctw. ll nation atatistias from ms to " “It the mercantile navy of . made an incmue of 7.7:m,tmu to many an increaac of 7,3u9.000 t United Stile. 567L000 Ions, an 5.510.!!!) was. while France gm 2li0,000 tun. Moreover, thipHElL the At 8.30 o'clock in we ,. not was made on the hum it was repulsed. The strike began early In: para!) zed musineas, u and suffering in hundr, h Ind has cut down 1110 mi on the ca.an more than on of the strikers huh) tts9'l' would "clean out the 5:2: the Government. lmum if l rather than nee oumde l" Us mp. Dealt- -te6-- Illl'li . LiTl ' 1trf Ill-c It A Watch from Lsadville, Colo..." --2'hs bloody pm ot the great mimeg strike. which started Lm-cu maul!“ M4 has om. Three men are known to in dead and two others dying. The Con undo shaft, hauls and muimmy are i when. and four innocent househmden are homeless u the result of an atta& by parties as yet unknwn upon tht Coronado and Emmet: mines, in mm houm of the any mommy. We titat attack was made upon me (mm which is in the city, only hid Ado» on block: from the post-mime, and m» rounded by residences. Bayoud manna on \vm-kingmenu. caning from the mine, nu utlwr and Violence had been atleuupted agiad this mins until 1 o'clwk Silurdaymn ins, when . few bmlexs muck the Ings rieado. and the men on guard pm ed tor nation. After Lm-my-Iive " la- a firing a sheet of hm but! out, followed by a. wrrAblc demands; All attention was devoted to as the how in the vicitsivy, but ia, of every effort tour dtsellirsg., on Eighth street were dammed. J O'heefe. foreman of lum- No. il, tarmac on the water “Lu-u a bl entered his aide. He is murmhy wo ed and dying in a hmmul. An unknown man “a when to " Eat Eighth street. BLOWN AU PIECES. by dynamite. Auolbvr unknown we. mortally wounded by (25'an John Mahoney, a minor ul 1hr Big? who W85 near the liulmrl, “a she the stomach. He died in the am tuu,comitauionn. . t E Done "gum Whirl I‘m-mum" "he to Read. HELD THE FIREMEN AT BAY. Meanwhile the [mines grew titnet, The men in the shaft house was iinallt driven from their fort, hut foughnl the lut.'1‘be tircaueu nib-d; hundM ot citizens, armed uitls mm, apparel and guarded the fue depal'lment tad volunteers. One a the men in that ho had his Clovis off. but was not set A few minuuea later and the tir- ‘ino was heard coming up the m Armed men A line “rod and 'hrs-ed-. WITH DYNAMITE AND GUNS THE STRIKING MINERS " VILLE RUN Rlor. “will" " " " atrpposed that i'iil mm is now. nmrcmng 1.1%“ led and LU,'d In a much hampendm ditimt. by" the reason of. thr number d their wounded, and their retreat 9ii tho river Inn]: threatened by thi steamers. which can destroy at any u meat the food supplies at _1tttssru'urii they cannot hold that Mum against th retreating forces of .dtrvirhes until uu face: of the expduwn have Mum] to cooperate with them. u theyde pro re w Trtrtlfl,l', PIA-ed with 5 qtone urnun 'de, thrown into the Ich.. Saturday afternoon the m. hem that..' the small“? and y the oxpedluon had read» 1 it had landed a. force “Inch " occupied the . trra.syry and store, the panama} strungm town. This news “at; nu- 4‘_I2_LL '4 . delight._ LCiCG "a (h audition Ind forced t . ttith", tau-u at El mm, a.lyt, w. continua-d toward Mucky" dervUtte. apparently I"ari'mivvd Wald. Hath- wu no longer 'lst. plam I TI»..- 1:04 1th, prepiirvd to LAe um rm " Rrivnmzxn." Ur.haf UNWELCOME STATISTICS. no“! IN FEW!“ slory. Two umr with a total It wen' Crriiirl? , of 401,?‘77 “‘ a with a to”, . and only 55 - te of 132.5” M general trade d Jgeria and TU“ “pd to 't2sir9,8 up; ('ULUu-u-r __ 'er, dark!!! ti,',',,' the From pf? 000.0000! itist be gratified . twd by the PIP me. The " " to 1&2 M " of Eneuad mono mm. W Th 0( forum: It” net mine. bit A, such " I; but It; mica! und nga on but yed. Jerry known tttM dynamiu. he Big fang. “a shot I he am- d ill In, u Wagon. it “Suns: tht 9 until I... Rt an.“ l June. lt wed hum ral om: half. Nil! i dunno! " “new ougttthet, ur can!" o, 2, V. l a bulk Ily womb and Ititt, mined snlt gums. W LL“ " d, the uf w: "flu 'ualmg.‘ yyrol..oiii "lfgibtiii l. old or: ived MQ that tht when)". rtat I the Jpg snip: tl 511m nth mm! 'ui report liked tho. moi? l tatt M! a! we No. [scum m tranait due- will he Ema tredo will be at cm W- an.“ ”autumnal! of a. Chinese ( nth!“ by Lord . -iimin"r " [on - he "td m mm new the be" the ' " in .130 intim um Mum L se", the hatter. ‘. (I ra Ue mam-er; various dosed?" {can and. mullet ddtai1ed to "my. " was 131 trust thin (and: to it in believe! mm in Germany. ifiiis) m a. bargain- ed. A A. . J m, New Mud Br, “to introd‘uq-e power or Shir - greatly - te loam-nu el it to In” ESE“- Saver-d The preliminary is looked - u #wmtlyl crab. [tum - In "W' ”at not): “M”: whic ' ll. tsaoir to P" View a un use. by tum emu. pendl still upon Cm when he the natun of t furnish (or the Finally. it is - GovernmenL od to an em my a wonder w b: at}: r war, r ' at up ' . be tl'dalred'.l para“ of Chum; ably (ti-posed t the unread urvi free trade in the meat of All trot may! mm ot of LI Bung Chad: of ”when“ ft pvt}. In G of t witrld mad, for male Pow Rob on. Hand Winn; “Ulla orm an' ' h1naiia ct I'm an arto '%grraesttoeud onthetongueha mum. to. hand-on (In Amt-elm 5'ifie,E, “TE?“ lead we . g I on the mmigzi 'Pmters #6 $iiaCit in n dam in tb mornin' a h“! tu- the In both tun st th who u. git y( I?" ther% dom word‘s-eat. H m. she picked I dog with I ltri mung. At an M with her 'Ill? mud thi" t 6 man til mammal: Yul-in... aid " “had back in ht tb - fol Pen . md-hot, ow for-nu- every ti: Weil. repiiw right m to by miiiiiGit jiG". jut, boon lined tad dirty, _ led at“: u t not on hum’: war - 515.? unam- I‘m-(1 “no habit in t at linking the] ly and my. u it grit» blurred Ltelifu (and & "i.ijjj 31.? " ION Per, Pkg can w m em N that. “if; An eltieylr. xv HE DESIRE nut-23:: DONT WET ht tut! in. at yer mt no!!!” , in min' MING has: uncle: It - will: an: to all In an " MORE 81.650 ' thin cow

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