West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 1 Oct 1896, p. 8

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532 go it 'r . i,',' 't, Ha ”.43., J. A. lilUNTEp'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE UPP, It TOWN. may -dlaeiGiiis"ir" . _ Loaded Cartridges (shot) 25c doz. 90. Carry Combs, WOOD FOR SALE. Delivered to any part of the, Tdim. m,i,1,.r2JfNir1r,tpprtrmr" WANTED AT ONCE. before Men’s Pants Ready Made, driia, a pair Wterproof Coats, Tweed EFT; Overcoats and long’Ulsters from Banford's Ready Made Clothing, wearers. Call in and contract with us for 20 or 30 2tt $1.75 cord. We have no market for a woo . BARGAINS in CLOTHING Full Stock of Rubbers, ail kinds, 30 Pairs Men’s Fine Laced Boots, going at 99 cen“ts_a pair. 24 pairs Men's Laced Boots, New Stock. Tuesdaf): price $1.77. 12 pr. Men's double sole, whole stock Laced Boots made by Whitham, $3 pair, worth @975. 24 pr. Tiiromen's whole stock laced Boot, just the boot for wet weath- er, $L22, worth_§1.50. _ 12 Boy's grain leather Laced Boots, Double Soles, worth $2, Tuesday price $1.69. 24 pr. Women's fine tie shoes 99 cts. pair, worth $1.25. 20 pair Women’s Fine Buttoned Boots, 99 cents pair, worth $1.50. 87 - A snap. "--s'RtrttMrair1tqhar----. Depends Entirely upon the Management, Buying and. Sel- ling of Goods, and upon the manner in which the custom- ers are treated when buying. Never mention the word " trou ble " whetfin this Store. It is ourpleasure to show you goods Call and see us. We buy all kinds of farm produce, except grain. WE WANT 5000 CORDS OF FOUR FOOT WOOD. 7.: CTT?.., 'ae m' "pm' 'q." tr, TI Ar. Va: Is' . d LI L'rtgirA'Tr12i'ATe'. Success in Business ""-'"s"_---ss2.s-'-s- - - , Long Cape at $555, worth $5.00 up, sure fitters and tho best 3 harness snaps for ge. Whip sockets llc. ea. 1', worth $1.00. D cords for a. start. any other length of to the " INCHES FE Mr. Jae. Brodie is also a note worthy exhibitor and got titst in Russian wheat 6 rowed harle‘y)’. small pense, white. outs. large peas, lack oats, collection of grains in straw, collection of poultry iindtt prizes on other fowl. Two new exhibitors in the district Bromise to make things lively for older ands, Messrs John Watson and And. new Mcllvritte. The former took fitata for hull calf and heifer calf, Durham, and 2nd for pair of ducks, while the latl ter took lat. for grade heifer. 2nd for grade Holstein cow, 2nd pair 2-year-old steers, and In for a pair of Ret Be. _ Mrs. Jas. Ferris. always a large. exhih- itor, took a number of prizes for garden I stun. ete., among them being ttat for I an enormous squash weighing 160"); white field carrots. mangolds, turnips beets. Aberdeen and Grey Stone turnips and 5 or 6 pl izes m poult ry. 2nd for on- sila e and Wd for crock butter. All this ','l'i'llf a record of a, fhststuu5 five seconds at Mavkdate is pretty good showing. Alex. Muir, as usual was one of the chief exhihnurs. getting 2nd foe Ayr- shire cow, and Ist's foe zit-avoid bull. yearling hull, 2-year-old eifer, heifer calf, age-d Leicester Ewes, and 2nd foe Slamming mm. In grains he took first in, re .stitettt, 2nd in Itutyiian, lst in Johnston and Coltt.tttt from nom- Murkdale were exhibitors of Durham cattle, mu! Mr. Paton. South Line, had a 1-year old Durham Bull of rare excell- ence. He is bring clotiely Hill by Peter Muir. a wishing vnung Artenwsia farmer, wl o in the Chester White class captured bt tux-aged hour, ngrd sow. spring boar. spring sow respectively and took 2nd for Berkshire boar. He has secured a splvmiid Bvlkshire sow, lured by Stu-ll. and will not be satisfied with less than the best. At Mnrkdule. twodays before he was also a prominent prize winner. Sheprrdsnn, of Walter's Fall: was well to the tront as a prize winn ~r. tak- ing miles“ for Jersey will», Lnlsu’uid sheijr, and 4 first prizes and 2 secumds in the swine classos. On tho grounds weve.? collections of farm and voad vehicles Mr. Ir. Mch'isix gutting tivst in all classes fur articles which in tiuish and gencwal got up could scarcely ln- cxccllcd. The sheepand pig classes showed up well with splt'ytiittsprciuietis. Mr. J tttr. Nichol was judge, and his well practiced eye picked out, the prize winners in " way that, could not he miiusaiil. _ In Cattle classes tin-re was little im- provmnunl. from " r MT yin-(rs. Mr. H. Tucker was again judge in this cltes and his derision g. v , gent-ml suittac- Lion. C What was tshown m the way of homo flesh, though in the opiiiion orsoiue not. up to form 1' years. was very crmlituhlr, and theprt:frtruiances were govtl coxxsiw ering the clticts of the min. Bro“ tilet', of Osprey, slnnyed a tuai'e and colt. which Were'nn'lch minmcd. They t/oCit,r prize In 'l‘umntu. The. Association has nown fine new track, which. when htuxloned properly. will he a first class conrso. On Friday, however. its newness made it muduy and prevented some mung from being dour. This fine Riding Exlnhitiou was held lust, Thursday and Fruhiy, the inner and chief Jay having a large Mlumhuwr. though the hours of chief outside inter- estwvre spoilt by min. Chem-s were then five!) for Capt. Mc. Girr and Lieut. H. I tuner and the our- ing of 1836 was over'. Capt. McGirr roplim’ in a few well chosen words, _igi'pis"slue, his pleasure at commanding Sllt' t a company. and re- grt-Lting that his connection with them was likely to terminate before another mmping time. It, is with unfeignml pleasure that we, the members of No. 4 Company, of the 31st; Battalion, present. you with this care, as a slight token ot appreciation, respect and good will, we, have towards you, and in acknowledgement of the very able. courteous and Renthutumly way in which you have discharged the duties, devolyiitg uron you tcstUptnin of this Company and wishing you every success in life and that you may be lung spared to lead this Company wherever duty may demand, is the earnest. and sincere wish pf the humble members of No. 4. Below is the score of those members of No t Company at Niagara who took 40 or over of the 60 possible marks t No. of yards = 100 200 400 total Pte. w. Andrews 17 13 15 45 Corp. D. Weir IO 16 ll 43 Serg. o. Matthews IO ll 15 42 Capt. McGivr. 15 13 13 41 Fit. Sen w. Haulage 15 15 -11 41 Pte. D. McNab ‘15 9 13 37 " Havens 12 13 9 3t " Mckeehnie 15 9 8 32 " Young 17 9 6 32 " Whitmore 15 10 6 31 " Sharp 11 12 7 30 t6 Saunders 15 12 3 30 " Thomas 16 6 7 29 " A. McLean 13 7 8 28 Sewn. Andrews 14 6 6 26 Pte. F. Lezwens 12 8 6 26 .. IV. Matthews 13 8 3 24 The Band boys under the. same con- ditions stood as follows: "and Master Peel 13 12 17 42 Joe Brown 17 15 ll 41 H. Rorke 15 ll 9 35 B. Young 12 9 9 30 B. Calkins IO 7 . 7 30 E. McClocklin 12 14 4 so L. Elliott 15 g 6 29 J. Collett 16 4 8 2.8 T. Curso 12 10 6 28 H. Moffat 17 5 2 " The Carnp broke up Saturday the 31st Batt. leaving in the morning by boat to Toronto and thence home by Cr. T. It. A large number met them at the Ma. tion and esemted them to Middaugh House corner. The dim-tot the 10 day's training on themen showed itself in the solidity of the march and improved soldierly appearance. self. Mr. G. Matthews mmiEx the duve- entation and Mr. w. Rummy. re" the address. Capt. McGn'rlined them up and Ite. brveilisuiissal the popular captain was made the reciriu-nl of a gold headed cane apd in} "I row which speaks for it- DEAR CAPTAIN. SHOOTING AT NIAGARA. EAST GREY SHOW. The Homecoming. 400 total 15 45 l I 43 15 42 13 41 11 41 13 37 The people ox Nanak-cat were very 3t: mum to the Wants of thogublio. Ind the village brass band was on t a ground: and in th. l.all and rendered value Mining and beam tul music which In much bppre- clued. The trotting and "go as you plan. " race was reserved for the home Journey, and the lovely mvouhglu. proved {won-awe. A tew young geu lumen from the Bad And 8nl and a lad Volunteer from Mt. Fore“. as they waded their Way homewu-d de. termined to try the pace of their suede, and John Gnlpm like they could be been on the 12th fhuong mud In all directions and we believe Royal Prince and W. cums out ahead every time, cusmuns, Silk quilts, oil painting, das. Qaite an aurucnluu wan Mr. Chauumn‘s hapluy of 9110th among whom we nouecd Messrs. A. Mar-nu. J. 00011. 'l', E-lid. Squire Robert~ou and hmiu. Mr Philip Scale's attractive note by thuh light etc. Cattle, pigs and sheep were there In large numbers. capeciull; the later in Oxford 1h was. ShrupshiH-s, L icestera ete., but the homes were not no numeral": as tonu. erly nnhmgh sumo splendid Inlmnll Wore minutiae-d in the “mus classes. The display inside the hall was simply immense. mammoth pumpkins mug-mug nearly 1w lbs, and almost 7 in. in run, [mums-cs ‘J m lung, Man. gold W artaal 30 in. and "built in pro- portion," turnips Libs and cubbrlgc 315 in. in cir., cumce "pplcs of Several Vul'icbics, splendid grapes and Hume, ludivs linc Work in il ma meat. it), e.1.- broidery in silk and Wuui, buauti cushions, silk quilts, oil painting, de. Schl'al scientilie and painstaking ladies man determined to “capture a 1mm" of some sort, and one succeeded so well that Mr. LeNiehol's SpcOZal tor batter “awarded her, the explana- tion of which caused our modest' bach- elor M. P. P. to Wearhis blandest smile, and to express Ins high upercewtmn or the enema of the Normauoy ladies. Vehicles of dilfcrcnt kiydslbev.rins eholec, vurieucs ot fruit and v'ep,ctables and stacks ot'lndu-s tine w Irk, we pro- duet: of theduiry, &c., werewuring in from early mum the, tirtst Jay till near noun, a.d a: 2 p. m. the tittd and oldigmg sccvutary and his worthy assistant rad rucurdul 2150 entries ! The great fall exhibition and annual gala days of our tywnship Were, held m the village of Nuustadc on the 24m and 25th inst ; and considering the large number in attendance and the inuuenise disrla.respcciaily in the in. side of we capacmus Axvieulwml hall, we came Lu the conclusion that both rusucs and calm-HS beamed to We With each whey In order that the, reputation of Annual“): fora tirst chtss exhum- mu m '96 might to wan bum-r estab- lished u prtituble than lormcrly. Our Mail man is gising up farming and v'otitlug Auto the Vintage lo Ine. We are expecting a big tune at Scarlett Hotel on Mummy uxghh, a. party " on. mud, 1iuu ha., gut a and ol an junta- nun. We are getting a tuoouaakiiu tie Ile. Leod wand, one W. h. Mubuualu from Dundalk, We hear of a convention being: cullvd at um; plwe to chuase men for me new Count) Column. 1 lmye not heard whet, It 18. TWO of our young men got into a Inttle row a law nights ago coming trout the Mohawk meuuuu aint a. light, was rtarteu me other parties that w’crc pre -el.t (lulu'L tre to lunke peace and alter u. listte gmlmu and um.-e one old nun) who was sitting In his house and heard the noise went out; and stunned for home and all ended we”. M Id,. Will nire N man met iltt you" old one 1-K i‘nuluu‘s tint gunman-i was pre- I ‘1“. Mr. Delunyis gone to 1'ltorubury. Mr. Buchanan is going to leave this week. _ The Muimnch meetings are still going. Mr. MerrlI has been assisted by Mr. D. Buchanan the student, a Mr. Much- eal Dela; U." n oo'rwut from tlw It. (7. Uhluch Wm) cattle I'rmn near Walkertou and two 0: our vnmge man “no Iauiho tio. mg pool wuvk. There was a specim “new”; In Mm daylime InstFrithy tor the 1113))“.ng who unsui i not "than! at night, M .uw. Will Are N man met 'do years old (we a momma tint aettrieo was pre- TV. w. llull is laid up with a sore eye he put " piece of steel into it while. work- in his shup, he is gating sumo. Atiotherp,uvupn of vegetahles destroyed by ttttwtf Iu'vnkiug in, this tnan did not pound Lin-m. ilgl Dan 1leEachnie went to Durham last week and traded of his team. Secy. Spronh: "'; s mmt. obliging and courteous, and we hope the vecyipte were not unduly lowered by the ram. Stalwart Alex. McCain] m still ofBci- ates as p; we keeper, tttttl unothm South (ire-y bop, Mr. Wtu. Moore is doiugu thriving business. Fun“ Durham went Mr. E. Limin, who was a gnu-st of Mr. Henry Tucker, the niKitt,pcctvious. Mr. Tho-s. Swallow was also present. NORRIANBY CAN DO IT. HOPEVILLE. --t0 - .q.“_. ----- Ton. will he kept for Service 18:56 at Lot 7, Gun. I, I 2lit'hihlP'"ricFauarirra"G'r' AU.ttttttet 1Ntttttlm an tr. 'rr-r-a-tstu-it-ao,,,.,,, "Mm" Teak put up by the Indian Tet P..." n mph of the hdut quuiu. of Indian In... Therefore they ate the crate-t an in the tttttg, of the Ten and its hula?! tctr., tho-:1 ....."" 2.t. tettttttftii.tririiiiFiTi 0am !.,lll,1,f,irih,iii).t,trijrtiaaf:t figmwfi . 'r?, J,',','.., 'ii"liifl Undertaking and tha'm’n: on int/we cipice at. muomtbvo MW. "SPRUCE LODGE HERO." N0. 402 Would Intimate that he win cmmnue the Furniture and Ulniurtnkilw Iatritteros ttmatt “Hhud hyhii him-J m hurlznm In 185! and wiil end-m, or no cin- u-X old :wd new tau-ton: crs the. mum can- _, .1. s',u'i an. BINDER TWINE. SEWING MACHINES', CrliGhNri, S And a" other away in our lute kept m STOCK. If you w'uh to have your lmildmun tuecred In 1 good “liable Co. get lowest rum. FUZESI'I'UEE MI) [HERMES B di d; 0 ts We have in stock four on tire Pusan-s nu? woman. ugu es ar Tltetsc Rigs will he Mild at [Wire's [lull kid-n11}. you. Came and get a Pinup!“ " Y' (ll 'i1llt.u'lttt, tf ., Au;- uuxouut of money to loan on good Farm or Tom: propertv. Mummy Lima. sane: . CALDER & LIVINGSTON, Agents, IF YOU WANT-@3911: 213113.351 _Binder_in the yorld got» CALDER d; LIVINGSTON. Lower Town, Durban}, -V and buy the Massey Hams Binder. It will handled] kinds of crops successfully and give you no trouble hr the balanceot the season we will give you prices and terms to suit the her times REPAIRS. 2‘. WAGi10sN S. {if r! o"..., “a. "r. ' v '. ”In: . .q .(L ' t thunk“! (h uh; {AOL dine ALWAYS " H IND. HAVE YOU ? ll? IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. Fancy; Tali: VERY FINEST Tamworth Boar HARVESINQ ?lli),i(',i1il/,)il, Remember the itand-ogposiic Market. lmrhmn. "no a!) tttst-e".--, " (nun?) "RdtL. HAW-n a co. . and n PM “not last 7mm... Oli? ACRES OF LAND OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY W FOR SALE "garr"""" Pltmwi. m In unw: rum". FROM THE TEA PLANT YO THE TEA CUP ""----Gac--Cu'.l2T__'fi", E a. SHEW’ELL Of Land in the Banner county of South Dakota, at $5.00 per acre 3 miles from Town, 1 mile iriii' School. - MILLION f] m in North Dakota. Eeasy Term. A pp)” to A nother grand year. THOROUGHBRED gamma TEP, TERMS 81. --rPtrt I. I, i. . "tht?' I 'ii'Mi'ih'td " FOR THE DAKOTAS I 1tttt VIEWaud GLOBE. sf; " " mm: W and SUN. £3, . £35553; ttf Daily world ti'fl' w. 'e"'" PM Other pager.“ ',,'e,"g'u-ol'a Ih J. aa iWihh C' f, SPECIALTY as far Season o q Normanhy. OF-- We have the ln'unst stock of Beg-sits for all kin“ machine» amid by us. Game and buy our IU .eham sad ' " are sure of getting repairs. A Law! Stock of the. Celebrated Adams' Waggon. In. der to one” out the Hawk we will make u “an. ”duck in Price: " the balance "f “he Renew). 1;; m the 11m runners hare made auottrt. , YOU HAVE NOT, COME IN AND HAVE A TALK WITH lit H. A. HUNTER. ri Durham, 10th, 1896. The under signed nth-rs for gale fl: " Rent, the house and gmundu WWW“ Mekettiteu Tailor shop, Upper roar.. The house contains 7 Hum». Kite!” and Woodtehed, Good cellar. and itstmtP venieully situated on the foot m!" a?” are a few good Fruit Trwes 0' ttte N. i-To ensum A good job tbe Hides must be well salted as s00. " ken on. I he Farmer’s hare made FOR SALE OR TO RENT , ' Robes d C(ry,'g Ily the New Process. vihich for Firish and Sofy ness can’t be beat. Horse Hilts, Cow Hides, D [ Skins.. Tanned suitable for Robe Tanning! There will lm rented tot a (mu d years. or as luav he convenient. LOT 4. CON. 2, Norman“; 3 miles frum Durham. um- unlo‘ In)! Vunu-y. and cousvnient m (‘hmvh uni {Bellini Pogse,osion fur pluughmg and In!" wovy. Krilllh'!‘ at (mun fn'r In.“ sum April In. HE. Apply c-n Hula-m- mes to Mr. Geo. Yummy, or to Satisfaction Guaranteed. Thos Smith. or to Hebe Tanning! FARM TO paw. No. Mum or to the Prom ietor J any Mcll Apply to CLUBBING. hum. MCABTIW' s. tyl k w A 81.331- 31.9 tt.3f I Mutual m Gull ON! in") ttee, tttpP, é q Ill! td , dm ?ll'it1c"t. Baa one" Chm Fan “Sim Bull wag I" 8taett of the ta GmLrii libulous I M & Woody Binge t'r2arc; Howe att at III-.Il-'. WAREHOUE EVERYTH] And So vhf6rraii'if 'Large ill kinds of ‘rgans a Pi m, take hawking ast patr Louvinced Burl-n In. has. “I‘Weng’g when” th men t, ers that Mrstr its E Je, 3.0-0:

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