West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 8 Oct 1896, p. 1

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R".' Ill Pius. “(BAIT-v.0 'is. to the leplic-tor tri' J aux Meta.” i ner county 00 per acre. 3.111118 from .g'bl'aii World ', ”Whom. hers also at kg-d NTER. k can't be beat. jsign“! oirers " Siva“ “so- and grounds LiieMt' Tuilm- shop, UM - rnumins 7 "numb. KW wd. Hood cellar. III, - - - A ' ply to nut GLOBE. {OTAS m1. “and n-Imr. Ul-u w - rum-d nu the front ai,',."gt has stood Fruit mo. :n'r, COME IN YALK WITH Mg i'iI TO RENT. ha re made out SUN, FINE ST _,'_:c-ii"s,ii,(i,:'siiillifllll. sf"":,:,')',",!',,,:'")"',,",, . 'in the world gob Town, Durham, It will handled! Al no trouble " 'e you prices Ind IRN a!) T .. arming! , PIISIH'O LUBBING. tion Guaranteed. lAiLWAY um uo u A pply to " , [Awaits for I" Umdot Mn! any out 1114-1:an Jil OR To RENT Finish and hos. Smith. Adauru' Wasrgon. II. I and“: . hmui "dunk 'nkuro n good in. tho "rll salted Lsooo" . if:' 003.33 w Process, “Ci 'nggws Ind Mince“ rr vs “no: sul "'1in u. " w ur mu: #1.. Cow Hides, Dt I d suitable for rred to, a (or. wunvenio-nf. nu. ulw mild! hqtttt in“! tottirot" It. fur y-luugh'mg amt cv"(I-. fun I!“ \pply MI Ihr pail- ti'l t £638 ning! Maud: o. 0 urumn by. McAt.t.r"TE." M one" Ion no“. Sofi- We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system vnll merit; a continuance of the Fame. kt Arrived Gall and inspect and be Convinced- ' - -¢VJ~LUUL‘ hh Mud Jackson, Jr,, Clerk on. can mm ll. Jackson, x..." ma. Iand Valuators, Insurance Agents, Ite, Commissioners. l C'dtt lousy invested to, Pal-ms bought an IONI- ttf3tiiif/iG'Gi'iiiG'.' ttpta tmaine-tmat-red ---NIALE11 IN--- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles Organs dt, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham Chas. 1Miélliirirrmo:n .9422 We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our: Motto will be 1 "Large Sales & Small Profits.') We Car Brackville Buggies “” (immnulue, and Campbell, Iam- dun Carriages h Buggies- oe, Car Chatham Famous Wturmttt, tte Car Binder! New Stuck of the famous Carts-ai fabulous prices. "on & Wood's Singe Ap den, Buckcy Mowers an Rakes. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH One ])urh:nu. Aug. 9th, . als, Snow VOL. JACKSONS (“Moor to 8W But, " -ill'5i"iifrT-N0. 40. Maxwells’s Light -ehearer than ever. And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Ball “3.ng CHAS. McKINN ON. ADOPTED BY . dk J. McKechnie. THE CASH famous Ramsay \pron Btn- and Tiger Wagons, " G. 86 J. McKECHNIE. Good Farm Land- Lots 223m! 33. Con. 12, Bontmck. New Concrete Dwelling. new Prune Stables. shunted within one mile of Post on”. Store and Barr 11 ill. Terms my. For p‘grticulnrs apply to, M. M. 11111.33, New on Hand - m @1193 Maxwell's Steel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Scott's Seed Drift: and Hat rows. Wilkinson Ploughs and acumen. Organs & Pianos of the best makes. A few S tows at job pit-es. New Williams Sewing Ma.. I50 Acres chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. Eff; FOR SALE. OF Hanoi". - l ---The last number of the Canada. Presbyterian has the following note on ( iii, Armenian situation. Since it was [written at View a. correspondent of a: London paper saysa settlement, honor- ( , able to all partie, has been reached, I . (while another London paper has it that) IGrt-at Britain has notified the powers, that failing immediate action by them: Gi, will act alone: i Sultan, to furnish the occasion tor yet well but 'teta as was reported in but another hatchery of Armenians, with geek- budget. t or; whaling: mama"; . . tm no I'll? nu “I“ on o all m accompanying Turkish {snotty , the oiT,"r't"ulll'lry , ' l $4 H e people and government ofGrcat . lBritnin are at the present moment in a l WHMIQH Bell si nation, as to Turkey and its awful s',l2:,'/hu'i'si,fl'é ttt outrages against Armenians, so pecu- l'jegl4 t"ddl/ld Iliar as was probably never before [ Wm. Noble If", ,KDOWl). The people, wild with rageltiteuadaoGei land righteousindlgnation, smitten with B. A. Miss Te {11011013 are calling upon the Govern. g bride, and Mr. I gillcllt for active intervention to put a. ed the groom th istog to a stateof things which is a blot, i 21r. Roht. Mo an shame, and disgrace to humanity {lye lbw, W“: l atlarge toallow. The Government,! " y "fwt.e . innxious, of its own natural inclination I 85 “I? t,t'ee, to put down smntnaril y and by force 3:: 353,113 the: the bloodthirsty assassin who rules in wife of his iciiD Constantinople, hesitates, having to, Miss Lizzie W like if it 'tttl, strike. tgelcomlbined guest of Mrs. N, ' o) ition of ‘urope, wit the t ireat, . ,)",'v'rlsr1l' told, that the firgt shot tired s,e,it'tf,tg,i's. iagain st Turkey would be the signal. Miss Bella M ~for an European war in which Britain days in Flasher! would have to fight alone against such Mr. J. McLec tremendous odds. Both people and friends here in Government are paralyzed; doomed to week. enforced inaction. The position is like; Miss Beeets Ni that of an animal eonf1ned, pacing rest- aio for . couple ilessly, helplessly in its den, 'sh..t.yt1tgpl Mrs. Wrl ht: {raging and vet to no purpose. While her 'JaglJi'l,'., ithe natural feeling of everyone would Lean. this week, he to put down " all hazards the! mm Mina ty aGa who revels in cruelty and blood, burn, returned t et who can wonder that Lord Sallie-i Mr. John God li', should hesitate, when again him D. Brown's stori lies the tremendous respond ility ot, wee,,',, 'gs.', 'striking the blow which may set. pram atttttn . tl " ticslly. the whole of Europe against ',',','ir,,t.,T, lit-(hf): Wind in what would be one of the “and, 'l'h be p, deadliest wars otall him"? In tti Mr. John BR. meantime the crowned ssssssln. with a “at of Mr. Alt maddening deliberation. is carrying was Annie ll on " workof carnage with s. depth tg the guest of Mia: deceit no: unworthy of the father of‘few days Meaty. lies. For it is now said that the attack] Rev. Mr. Mas! upon and seizure of the Ottonnn Bank . ed in the, Method really a plot laid by the minions of the i Ree. A Darrah Sultan, to furnish the occasion " yet well_ lags gentle; --The Senate is indescribably fanny. Since the bar in the House of Commons was closed drouthy membeis of that body have been in the habit of going to the Senate bar to have their thirst i'qaenehcd. The old gentlemen have been shocked at this, and on motion of l Mackenzie Bowell have carried a re-l solution limiting the sale of liquors ii/ Senators only. Who now will dare say I the Senate is no use? If they will keep our commoners straight business) will be rushed and speeches will be lessened! Speaking seriously however. it is rather gratifying to fitAl thata‘ vote, on a motion by Senator Perley I that the sale oi liquors be prohibited) altogether in the Senate should havei been donated. by only 7, the votel {standing lb' to 23, The two knights I L'owcll and Mowat both voted to abol- l Eish it, and then Bowell’s amendment, mentioned above was carried by 20 to’ 16. Since the commoners have stopped the business in their own chamber, [their months are shut, but it it is good .to abolish from the popular house, it should be good for the Senate also, and (f good for these, it will also be good for the homes of the whole coun try. The day is coming we hopeI when the evils of the drinking habit! ,will be merely a memory. The 'iiiii,i,) poigntor the plebiscite wih soon be Leg 'nre to an added in a month or so, that ’ will largely increase its value. [ The REVIEW will Ire better than ever the coming year, and us a local paper Mill have no superior. We have to thank our friends for the generous sup- port of the past and hope our eitorts to supply them with local and general news a t a any low clubhjng rate will be l appreciated In " hard tituea. " Other) Papers desired can also he secured at low 1 rates. Our Subscribers need not betold of the excellence of the Globe which has no equal tttra Weekly newspaper even out- aide of politics. Moreover new features Editorial NOTE and COMMENT, I WEEKLY GLOBE. _ We will furnish you with the Weekly _ Globe to the lst of January 1897 for 16e ot' Globe and REVIEW for the same time for 30 eta. We will furnish both papers to the lst of January 1898 fcr $1.50. Those who have already paid for the REVIEW may have the same advantages on the Globe if desired. that long. This will he a fhrhting 5988b; by appearances, therefore get the fullest news, at once. DAILY GLOBE. Ate are able this week to make up extraordinary announcement. We can furnish the Daily Globe during this session of Pm-limnent for 50 eta, and for one month, if the session does notlast that long. This will he a flirhtitur session Tttlt ttstrrrii"=iiiiriir7i"iE BURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1898, -.a..L--, ‘oN-fA‘fiMoMificfiWss- __. 'd TORONTO . “N” I We. MP glad to hear that the lust lg"? night. at the cheese factory passed 'U abo - l quietly as the way some of the. pen le nent, .lmve been doing lately was getting ills. 20 u? , graceful. Rev. Mr. Magwoodnf Arthur. preach- ed in the Methodist church laattiimdar, Rev. A Dumb did not preach his fire. well but te,ttt as was reported in but weeks budget. t one who_hu_ve notlhnrd Miss Annie Newton of Luther, wan the guest of Miss Carrie Mutter, for a. few days lately. Mr. John Ball of ,'fti?ihg,igd the guest of Mr. Allan Mclnnis at week. Dont forget the grand concert in Watson's Hall.. 810w night Oct. Tttt Professor Baker of Toronto the Johns- ton funin of Durham and other profes- uionuln Will be present. i Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Firth h. of the Aven. ue luck a trip out. last week visiting point-s I in Proton and Artemasits, and while pleas- ( ed with what “my tg'tw have no denim to ( immigrate out there. Misses Mina Stothart and Agnes Cock. burn, returned to Rochester but Week. Mr. John Cockburu. is engaged in J, D. Brown's store. Miss Becca. Nichol in home from Butt alo for a couple of Week vacation. M u. ',2h1', of 2'pftg'yt,'g visited her parents r. and rs. Archie Me. Lean. this week. Mr. J. McLeod. of Smynor, visited ttg? here in the beginning of the wee . Miss Bella McKinnon spent a. few days in Fleshertaon last. week. B the time this paper reaches its rangers another of our stalwart, bachel- ors will ken the comfort 'tis to have a wife of his "in." Miss Lizzie Weir. of Durham. was the guest of Mrs. Neil McKinnon last week. , lrrieAtt J. Scott is visiting friends Mr. Roht. Morehead, formerly a. Price ville boy, was married to a Cleveland lady last week. EAT-M}; iiGir"iiiiCi"ia%rttrTh"/, bride, and Mr. Nommu Campbell assist- ed the groom through the tt yiug ordeal. Wedding Bells we: e. ringing last Wed- nesday night at the Presbyterian church when Miss Maggie Mamie. daughter of Donald MeRad. of Irish Lake, and Mr. Wm. Noble of Toronto, were united in tsyryout.te.of 1tedloctltRev. D,Mcrepd, Mr. " Banks popularly known as "Jim" took in the sigma of the Count-y Wr't Mr. Jnn. and Miss Martha Firth visited Ctnuhs in Proton and other pluses list Mr. C. McFayden visited Rev. Dr, Smith of D oruoeh last Saturday, Tho cc m harvest over. um L. Ector is Imme from Toronto. Mr. and Mm. Goo. Firth of Proton are visiting friends here thus week. Rev. Mr. Graynf Lowe]. in spending a. few weeks outh " daughter Mrs R. Banks. I see the chthville nmn wants to know who the C,otttrorvntive was who wrote for the keeping of the Post omee MDrmnm-e. Never mind Mr. Booth. ville he did not get it even with the bribe thrown in. Young men should he rum-fol who they ask to have a ride in the morning as Home of those old fellows who have to L'" 'o thrashings these cold mornings without their breakfast are vetw crusty. Sir Oliver wears a smile since the ar- rivnlnfu youg daughter at his home some time ago. Rumor says there will be It wedding atthe Corners this {all when Dan gets through thru-hlmt. We hope an and “1-hour: say the; . will not he a charivari e1 Bt. We are glad to see that Dugald Me. tht" is able to get around again. Bros., of Artemesia, come to thrash for the old war horse. John Cmnphell. on the North Line. Mr. Hugh McMillan is keeping his eye on them all and says they will have to take a back seat. next year when he gets his new steamer. MLGeorge Sachem. the Mail driver has got a. new top for his cart which makes it, yer convenient these cold and I Wet days. lie is also getting the upper girl of his house phvieted. Mr. James cLean. of Proton, has the contract. Thnuhing is the order of the. dny around here now. The oats are bulky but light. McLean Bros., of Proton, With n. steamer thrashed 900 bushels for Neil lllanyden in 5 hours and Joe Ferris with a horse, ower thrashed for Mr, A. McDougnll ran in ll hours and Mr. Albert Haw cleaned out,- the barn on the Model Farm in less than adny includin the buckwheat. hut we expect a 1','J1'4 h_reuker_next week when the McLean and cruelty to the number of 6,000 or. Ins some say 10,000. Whether, as is hoped, anything will come out of the "visit' of the Czar to our good Queen, land the influence by which for a few (lays he will be surrounded, we say it with all reverence, God only knows. In any case, as the Manitoba Free Press sat-s, ”Events are so shaping themselves in despite of the Czar and all the Powers that great changes are inevitable in the near future.” At such a time and in such circumstances while not inactive, but watchful, the Christain can only find refuge in the assurance that "The Lord God omni potent reigncth. " " The Judge ot all the earth will do right. " BROWNSVILLE NEWS. EDGE HILL ECHOES. PRICEVILLE. .‘-> .. Q.- 9‘-.. The undersigned offeted for sale or rent that desirable park lot. No. 8 in the Village of Priceville. On the lot are a good house. frame burr, good well an orchard. The lot in all under cultivation. - Will be iri Prieeviite the ftrst Wedne- day in each month. once at the Com. menial Hotel. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Caldera Block. Residence bat door west of th mpmqe. Ptarhw- - A. --- Durham. tr-pt., 10th. Lots 19 h 20 Con. 8. Tp. of Egremont. a farm consisting of 160 ucreu. 130 work. lblellnd.8 miles from Holstein on the o. T. R., 1 mile from School and Church. Well watered by two spring creeks. Good frame barn With stone Building. and frame house. Will be muted on reasonable mrml. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to - WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay " to $10 per week for QM home work Child can do it. No Helen-r. 'tCh',".",','.. Pod ill-l Thin" Donn. tide. Sand scams for wark and pnrtieahua at once. THE SEYM UR SUP PLYNonitsTempte, 0cm don NJ. On the 2nd Gun. Nprtnapbs, (-ontuin- Eng 174 acres. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in grand state of cultivation free it om nox- ious weeds. Spring Creek. StoneHmm & Kitchen. Wand Shedattaehed. Bank Barn 50x70. Shine Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House S0x00, Stone Stables umlvrnvnth. Root. House [0:50. Hard and Suft 1Vatev. Churches and Suhnol convenient. 4.h miles from Dur- Gut hilility cast mr half the Money asked. one-thyd down. This is a Rare Bargain. Stock or Grain. Buniness meant. If not said will lease for a. term of years. Ap- ply to For termrof rent or sale apply to JOHN MelNNIS, The undersigned having boon restored to hula: by simple moan-miter ,atteriug tor uevernl yen" r ith noToreluufnflectionmudthutdreuldilute Com-p“... I nnxiou- to make Imuwu to " lullow 'sattcre" the means of euro, To thaw who desire“, he will cheerfully new! (tree of charge). at try of the prosoriytnn med, which they will tiud 1 mm cure for 'ro-ri, Ann-nun. 1'.- uIn-h. BunrhIII-.nul all throat and lung ' mlle- Ila hupra all winners will try this remedy, u: ttisittvnlnilrte. Thus.- (I: sirinathe prorrivvtiou wt ich will mu them naming, and may prove I blossluv, will please addn si, REV. EDWARD 1. WILSON, Brooklyn, New Yo: FARM FOR SALE. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. g. _iittjiit DENTISTRY TOCONSUMPTIVES . In the One True Blood Purttter. All Wm. OI. My: only by c.1. Hood 1 a... unit. Mus. Hood's Pills 'd'itl1'g'ti'e2tth'l't h now well end I have been greatly bene- Ated otherwise. I have 111ch in weight and an In better health. I cannot any enough in puke ot Hood's Setups- rilh." In. H. BMXI, Bo. Berwick, Me. Hlood's became worn; I could not put my boot on and I “nought I should have to give up at our, “Op. I could not get any relief at! had to Itop work. I and of I tstuqot I that!“ cue by Mood'. Strand". and ”not!“ to try n. Before I Ind taken all at two bottle the not. Ind healed and the News. land (on. down. My two inch. mo- formed and In walking to favor it I Ipninod my ankle. The non PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. A SNAP! Intel“ the blood of humanity. It uppem in varied forum, but is forced to yield to Hood’s t?stuaapariU, which tturittes and vimlizes the blood and cum all such diseases. Read this.. " Itttusturrstrsr, 1894, I unde- miutep nnd Madman; Vorymnumudn. Scrofulai HELP “'ANT- "-PIg.teagi. u.- a.-. a. '""oos, DO. DBIWICK, MO. Thin Ind “he: unnu- can. prove that A Sore FARM T0 RENT. ROBERT WATSON. J r., Isherwood P. 0.. Ont Sarsaparilla F'oot C. McKrtmos, 'pplr to Nurserymen and Fruit Grow . M, on. Toronto On. Priceville. Over 700 Acres undor 'hrtttntthtt 10 I-,", In " havintr bee?) wooed it -diiriiiiiGitr. 1rd; Ifyou want a sure thing for the Winter, write Ill. All Supplies Furnished Free. We are the only Canadian Nursery paying sultry and expenses than the Mart. Liberal commision wiper: time Ten, Luge lie: of “moieties. all new 3249 of plate GdirTWiii “can yet lighter than over. WANTEDy Durham, Aug.27th. 1m Insurance etreetod on all kinds of pro. rerty at toweet current rules. Divei. iugs and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. [noses promptly and Liberally settled Call or communicate with C. ANMAGR, CAPITAL and ASSETS-over ammo -iuttuutrrtTeircrirvei. 31,500,000. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. 81.00. Tobe paid for " time of Service. Atrerdoeu,thst. 15th, 1895. Thin ttue when] will be kept on the preluim of JNO. CLARK, Jn., LOT 82, CON. 8. W. G. It., BE "TINCK. For Service during Salon of 1895.96. Regiuterocl in the “Cloud. Berkshire Swine Record " as No. 2956. Farrowed Nov. 2tet, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Knuth, Ont. J. CAMERON Thoroughbred Berkshire Bar. T it, and you will be rfcctl r, truistted. pe y Also a. full assortment cf Crockery a; Glassware. A delicious Mend rhel', in ilbsa I lim. Lead Pac cages Sold for Me. lb. Sold for Mo. 'sh. Sold for Mc. Itt. Tea of Teas KURMA TEA --- PU RS. ----.. We do the trade In Raw Pun. Highest Price Paid. Dinner, Tea a; Toilet Sets At Popular Prices. Fine Choice in Workmunship Unsurpassed Heavy & iidijitrws TO SUIT YOU. CALL at "iuiairdiiii- Collars, Pads, tit U Bites, Whips, ---- &c., &c. We Handle everything in the Barnes line, " right prices. WHOLE N035 FIRE AND MARINE. Harness H STUNE & 1llillMlilMllI Ion to Engage with In IPthEttylitiion just owning: ‘PERDINAND.’ . LEAVENS, Jr. THE co in Vllisu. Grips. no". Mtuthets, ac.,u. Sub. “an. I lbs. and " Ed

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