West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 8 Oct 1896, p. 4

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a.“ :tt.e'tot't8 The corn crop in thin vicinity is now About. and shocked, 3 number of fields have been gratify damaged. by the rec- ent frosts. one o the heaviest crops that we have heard of in that of Mr. James Mather who and one. single stalk which weighed ten pounds. Mr. And Mrs. Thou. Idiom“ of Moores. Yrrr. spent a few days with their friend. on the South line last week. The Pith-n UNI. In" “sold their t.yyeg,i,Jaui at any. forth; nice Thieves are still at work. as Mr. Wm. Smith of the2nd con. entered his barn one morning but week he missed sever- al Inns of on... we would any farmers lock your ”nines. P. McDonald. work on roads E. Bttrnet, work on road J. Bark"- 3 days work on mode 8. ONth. mulling roads Wm. c. Wilson. Mdsi. The Finnnc Committee mommends payment, of the following ttecttrt-- John Mitchell. removing stone ' 5 on N. A rrowsmith. Ending 4 25 Cliff Elvidega. I: Fating I ditching 4 10 Clerk. one month's sat. 17 50 Wm. Wright. work on Sidewalk etc. 2 sr, H. Young. ttM. as caretaker 10 oo 'A‘. Y.e.r?oha.h! t 1 an Engineer 8 76 Nekechnie. H. Parker. that the action of the nm or in offering 850 reward for "rettt, t'llTA,"l/,'lt',,'i of the hnusvhrenk- on he rortttt.,re1 and that the reward he 1""er to 3100.011 Brown-H. Parker that the petition of Owen Gaynor and as others asking that. that the priviligo of lighting the streets he thrown open to pu he tender, can- not be entertained till the present, con- tract "rim. News Brown. H Park- er. Elvis Re, Kinnee. and Swirling voted on. and in the negative were R. Miter. I Kinnon, McKechnie. and Moore. That Mayor and Clerk be instructed to borrow $51). to fall due not later than Dee 5th.. Itm. The hoard of works recommend a crossing between tho properties of Messrs Barker and anelle. but no side- walk yet. in the mean time. That the petition of DrJJmnimn and 38 others 'ttttr an eleetrie light an Lamhtnn St. t he referred to Fire and Lightpommittee, they to report at next meeting. " 'seversl dsvs the company have been claiming the strike over the trouble is ttot lessening. At this writ- ing, indeed, It looks as if sympathetic strikes of trainsmen and engineers might occur, in which case a complete block of all traffie would ensue. Some 900 men from the Atlantic to the Poeitie are effected, and the freight traffic is badly demoralized. The men would get more sympathy had they refrained tram all reeriminatiryt acts. tampering with wires. etc. and tpeeially it they had passed on live freight instead of leaving tniinloads of cattle famishing " out of the way stations. To the North West farmer it will mean lower prices, " elevators are fall, and no em mowing. There is room for gov- ernment interference. the work shoal , be forced on, and the whole matter submitted to arbitration. That the claim of W. C. Wilson , doa. hydrant spanner: he paid. Mayor and Brown were appointed a committee to examine into the collect- or'u securities. The usual monthly meeting was held Monday. All prose-m except Councillor luckier. A brief synopsis of the busi- ness is given below. --Thgs Czar and Czarina have spent about two weeks in the occlusion of Balmoral, the guests of our gracious Queen, They have now gone to sunny France. where the poo lo. republicans though they be, are wi?d in their wel. Come to the most autocratic monarch in Europe. The most extraordinary precautions are taken by sea and land to prevent assassination. and outw‘t the Nihilists. Manv important bodies are preparing to banquet the Royal guests and do them honor. --The lst Session of the eighth Par. liament of the Dominion was prorogued on Monday wt"h the usual ceremonies, only about 40 members were on hand. The pausing of the supplies was the chief business, as was intended, and now while the members rest, the Gov. ernment wilt be busy preparing the new tariff ard other matters tor next session. which will be a. lengthy and most important one. -B.v far the most important. event during the past week has been the strikeof the wiser?!) agitators and geopuchel? In the_ . P. Though o--' tremendous storm was raging in the Southern States while fl. Gny Fair was in progress. In Florida and along the Atlantic Cottstttnmense dam age was done, and hundreds of lives are supposed lust. Inland the storm was "Go destructive, but Canada has again to rejoice that her coasts were spared --The golden wedding of Mr cu. and Lady Tapper takes place to-day, 3nd from both sides of lilies come warm congratulations. I1"fg would bathe partizan who would aefuse to the old statesman and his wile the fe- licimioua bucomirz to the occasion. The event is causing good fellowship at Ottawa as it should do. --The Conservative party intend haunting a provinciul convention on Oct. 61:: Ste, gwim. Durham, Thur. at. A TOWN COUNCIL VICKERS. oo-~.A-‘ -- 8, '96. 19 75 800 136% for wMi riiiiiri? """"rrou, Mn“! u “w“ Pagan, 1 te ar y. kBo a l Sr. Pt. II qiass-tgttdie Noble. Oliver Tare x P Hunter. Stella Jack, Annie McKay, Hanover . o. t We McAnulty. . " Telephone.” Br. II class-vas Kress. Rosina Nes- ter and Alister Gun neg. Hilda Parker, Bessie McKay, M. Lloy . Millie Havens] " II oitetr--Bertie McDonald and Uiarenee \Vilcuxson not!" Jun. Davidson Nora KMRP' Mable Cameron, Rena pnmn "r.. “- h.._|__ Jr. 111 ciaatr--0tto Knn ' Kelly, Kate Cameron. Jett E; Joseph McFarlane. , Jr. V class rHiumy Kress, Mary Stin- I --a, son, Ma McClocklin. Lilli ! . Maud 'l8df, I [a Leeann,‘ Money 1 Sr. IV Hussy-Phoebe Wolf, Thrs. Me- fl',',gt'id2f, leer'""', Alex. McKenzie M he me c. nu y, It you thin] ft,. v9.r,..yg,tirr,t,v,ty. Noetnr, Edward [MILIYERn the Yam 'stfiithkligt5t.hel Elvidge, Cora Mount, 3:30:33 I', It at I an er. ( Sr. lil cltvar--Dora Davidson Eva. I Tenn" as any; Mockler. Annie comm, mm“ 1):“... .demre. Sr. III clastr--Dora Davidson. Eva. Mockler, Annie Colville, Bessie Brown, Kathleen Grant. Honor Roll of Durham School for Sep- Iember. Br. V class-Ruth Johnston. Lexie Anderson. Alma Hughes, Mary Gordon, Maggie Caldwell. II class-M, Dixon, Alma Leith, B. Garson and E. Renton aeq. Pt. II Sr.-May Dixon, Janet Hag, Jas. McKenzie. Pt. II J r.-..-,r as. Renwick, Gordon Ged- des, Garden Lindsay. Pt. I-Nellie Dixon, N. Renwick Reuwick. Report of Dromore Sohuol No. 13, Egreiuout, for Month of September. IV class-M. Hargrave, R. Taylor, Jus. Renwick. Ill olass--A, Wells, A. Russel, A, Renwick. We understand Aumts 1lcCunnel has rented the Mer-hnie farm for a. num- ber of years. We wish you luck,Angus. gals sewed the nilt. up to perfection making no Inistntiw whatever, hut the young girls Were kt ently put about when the married women got the button, Miss Mary Lamont had a quilting bee has} week., A number of our fairest Mr. Angus McDonald of the firm of McDonald & McIntyre returned home from the lower settlement where he. has spent part of the summer. He an rs it was warm (Winn-m) there when he fhl'. Mr. Traynor of Dundalk was in last week surveying disputed lines with an! isfactory results. N iss Flora McIntyre of Mimico. Ont., was visiting friends in Balsam Valley last week. Sheh-ft, on Mundny to at- tend her duties at that place. We are very sorry indeed to chronicle thedeath of Mrs. Joscph Richardson, who died at her son's residence last, week aftera littgerinst illness of about six weeks with that dreaded disease, diopsy. She was buried an the Metho- dist ccmctcry last Monday and was fol. lowed miner lam resting Vince by n large concourse of friends. She was also a consistent Incinhcrof the Main-- dst church hr " great number of years. Miss Sarah E. Ferguson has returned home from S“ inton Pavk where she has spent. the sunnner. A short journcy for D.------ is the result. Miss Maggie Hanntun and Jack of Swinwn Pavk paid a short visit to D, McIntyi-c‘s last week. Jack says he will come again. Potato digging is the next order of the day. Potatoes can he found nvound here weighing from two to six pounds and also good quality. Next. Mlss E. Shields ot Pennsrlvanin left for her home after spending a couple of months with her aunt Nts, J. B Shields. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hit- 'le of Pike Lake sptpttByutday with the Islam's sister Mrs J. F. Kerr. Tlu'vshing is about done in this neigh- lmrhmul and everylmdy FCI ms well satisfied with the work done. Stanley O’Connell went to Hamilton last Thursday where he has got, em; loy- ment, Miss M. Mannell, of Moorefleld, who has been visitinf hersismr Mrs. w. Wal- lace, returned mute on Tuesday. Rev. George Lounds of Grand Valle?v a farmer Pastor of the Met hodist Uhurc t of this place pteached a. missionary sermon in the Methodist Church last Salnlmlh. Rev. J, K. Isaac is in Grand Valley this week on missionary work. J. Sills. of Gait spent Sabbath with his wife and young son. Mrs. Griesch of Harriston is the guest of Mrs, A. Dunne. this week. The convent in the evening, with Pres- ident Swanston in the chair was well patronized. Miss Jessie Dunsutore is quite " favorite with Holsteiners, and Miss Sir” captivatud the audience with her .. Inventor's wife" Rec. Mr. S. T. Orchard and his company .. bvocutht down the bousv." Mr. ()rrhnrd’s drum- at ie talent is of no INN“) order. G. Burrows of Conn, spent. Sabbath with his mother Mrs Wm. Burrows. But for the fact that the people of Hulstein had their thermometersset too low Weurtesday last, the dag would have been in all respects the best yet held. People will go to this fine Town- ship show. however, and Bevy. Petrie (Human-s the crowd about as large as formerly. There were 72 exhibitors, anduver 800 entries we were assured and the quality of the exhbiits, we might-almost, say, of course, was very high. Durham so: t Messrs Ilwin, of the Middnngh House, Dr. Jmniemn. Auc- tioneer McKay, A. McKinnon, T. Swal- low. E. Shewell. Win. McFm-hme. Wm. Leighton The Chronicle. and 1”:me and a few “them. and every part. of the township had ropresentntiyes. At present we must. stop. A Cold Day But Pine Attendance. ----__----.-.- THE WORLD'S FAIR. BALSAM VALLEY HONOR ROLL. HONOR ROLL. GEO. Camu ms, Teacher. HOLSTEIN. ’ - _ uni Chicken. , Alice l3. 5H” is tiidiiiiJis" .! --mrt-- ’jMoney is Plenty. t""r8"'f" - W I!!!“ we" writings neatly and quickly Prepared " reasonable cost. Collects Notes and Aeemuttar-m, ch if no cclleetion. Cheap Fauna for Deeds. Mortgages, has: and “Human." .-.8- -_-- ' . . . Excellent, Reading. . .. ' for every memhel of the family. We oiter good-magnum“ to agents. For terms. etc., address-- wvmmmm I... To January Int. 1898. Sixteen Page: Each. Week. --WITR- ALL THE mpfifi -ng, wanna Market Reports, Stories, Durham. Sept. 16th THIRTY-FIVE HEAD Including Cows, Heifers and Young Bulls. Terms of Sale v-Twelve months credit on approved Joint notes, or dis. count at the NILE of 6 percent. for cash. Catalogues will be "ready toi/ iiGil the lst of October. " , h A 7 A - H. PARKER. ONLY tMr-i- DOLLAR at DURHAM on TUESDAY, USTUBER m, 1898 CREDIT AUCTION SALE We are aTig,rgl, to take building con tracts and urnish all kinds of Material at living prices. Durham, Oct, 3rd 1806 We beg to annuunce to the public that we have the null rebuilt ind retitted with All parties indebted to Hewwn Bros. ofthe People's Mill. will please take Notice that all Aeeounts must, be paid before November 1st 1896. If not pukl then they will be placed in other hands for collection. I hereby give notice, that I warn all or any persons or person whomsoever, against advancing uni:0 moneys by loan or otherwise on t number26 in the 2nd Concession East Garafraxa Road, in the Township ot Glenelg in County of Grey, without my written order or consent, as Iclaim a lilo Estate in the said lands. Dated July 16th 1896. Two Horses Wanted. The undersigned wishes to exchange two corner lots tenred and cultivated In the lower town here for two good drivers. not more than 813mm old. Apply to MR. J. P. E13031) or, Thomas D. Thomas Box 800 Owen Sound. Jr. Pt. HtB)--Arttytr Knisley. Jo_hn Ramon. Earnest Young. Karl ciitr, Geo. Harbottle. First Class-Amy Kelly, Ed Kiln)". Maddie Warminqwn Flint. Hind Car- ny_m Aljoe. Allan haGisiG, Addie We sugply the anmw and Weekly Mail an Empire to Jun lat. 18M. for $1.40. The Saturday edition has 16 pages of illustrated stories, fashions. pictures and so on, and the price is $2 oo. By the liherality of the publishers we are able to offer this edition with the REVIEW for $2.20 or better still all three for the sum of $2.50., Can you do better? pLANIMi AND MATCHINGI' Jr. Pt. II (A,'ruretAa. Millimm. Lottie Harbottle, Willie Midlaw, Alister Mc- Donald. Grace Willis, __ _ _ - . WATSON BROS "It"! AUDI" nun." ;w-u-- Watson, Archie Davidson. DONE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND AT RIG'HT PRICES. Dromore, June 6th, 'M. " “w: H. n. SHORTHGRNS Western Advertisei FOR 1898-7. IMPROVED MACHINERY. "All Business thtrttidentiat, NORTH EGREMOXT. be you think it is not, but H. B. Bill. the'Hanover ConveyancGGi r "fun " --- Mt U TO THE PUBLIC. Balance of nik Free. at 1 o'clock, ALEXANDER MCDONALD, 7 - - Rocky P. O. reasoned le iGGrn NOTICE. -- --- _ v; - “a 'lil PM cent and on at ter-costs low-- OF n. B. MILLER, The Hanover Convey-nou- H mwsox Enos. I 'mMoM"g WW Loxnox. 0m. i, etc. may om '--4ht 'iit"pggottif,P" on: . T MLO'OI' Town, Durham. F 85.00) to loan " !tyr est Pte. o Batter per 13.. Rom, pot do: Barley. " Pontoon. per bag DURHAM MARKET. Flour per 100tts ............ " f0 BARRISTERS ' SOLICITORS. _l)/5.illr.lrfli.lr.l,.l./yioC0ils " Music at The l Lowest Rates"ls, t In Just IN Elliott a, Elliott, . spy: In fine, heavy Saxony knit hose we are showing every size from (51121 anyone who has 011.26 bought these nose will buy them again. VJhen a lady buys apair of hose, if thai economical, she first .eonsiders the qualitly8 Our stock of hosemg 18 very complete jug; now and A good article in Children's Bo siely at little money is very hard to get but this direct importing from Scotland we can suit you. You will find these places “5'1th compare them with any you have bought previously : 5 Cbildren's Ribbed Cashmere Hose, Double Knees size 5 inches 18 cents Children's " " u Gl u ik " b' Children's " It " 6 u 20 a Misses " " " 61 u 23 a Misses " " " 7 u 30 " Misses u " " 7i u 30 tt Misses u u u 8 " '35 u Misses " " " 81 td l", it is" tfi' $6 sf; tf THE QUALITY IS AWAY UP, THE PRICES AWAY DOWN. We are showing extra. value in Ladies' Heavy Woollen Hose, lain 2: Ladies’ 21 Ribbed Hose, very Je,'. 3t Ladies Fine Cashmere Hose 2l AT THE u......-...... "Millinery Department in Full Swing $96; G 3% RAlMllf,ttN,Y, s,,?k_i,lh,ritl.).fitjl,,,,oC)K N it? aEigt:eDgiiiiEllllltCllllEillaBllUSir. '1.r0totg0o 616to 016 088to 000 06t6te 080 026to 040 0258: 000 010:0 " 010to 018 sf CALDER’S BLOCK, GAE SALT In Barrels and Bags. ROCK SALT. l? S n- "l it; “a” a g -- Tim OR F whiff.q,p,e'".'.|‘~m~..;; . St Nt " ' I), , othy s ALL t 'j,ii?iii/iiiiiiiii, a: C” I, eed 0 SOV emu: 'i'ii'iii?ctiiif use ' rob ING 'ld "In!" Witt te wly, “19 C1 ar d G , 2,"li'i'.' 'itiid,'i:'itCf'),)t, 2 _ F Over t ass and ll toad“; "héT::!I:‘l [‘12: * " a "Kai" . I s 'r. of Alabastine P all R C1'lial 'i',,,,')".'.',,".:,;',,')'::'.,'::",:',),';',',,";":",] w ' aris r, . y Qt', In...“ as"; a; . W. 31118212; hite, Whiti e. 7:33;: 'lil' flag 3-1:}: . . “ 0, '. ' _ Hughes 'APjamt-S “3g. Whiting A 'lg:., ijii'i:iiii'if?iri ' Hist med ' 111mg Glue, ia: ilui :34 It v “D t A S 001 - and ' “In. no “PM . " 255" ms and B dry. Paint ,'.,iii,i:iiij,iii,i'ii'iiiii'i'it; Tur..."..; “rushes. “I: a; unis: it A “I".- n 1'dr 'd".",'.', J'",! __, A: 'tatt,-:.',??? the tt I “4-4 A fiaudlfldlifin “nu.- h. iiiilii";i"i)i't'iii,'itiiii “my? matt fl“I ta" “an: UPPER TOWN, DURHAM JUST ARRIVED - FULL LINES OF STERLEEJG BROTHERS CELEBRATED MAKE OF HAND MADE Boots and tthoes 332 AND ONE PRICE TEAS from 15m 8. lb SEGAR-Light Brow, lbs. for one dollar. No. 1 Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs for tl, 7 !le. Tapioca for Mo. Mixed whole Spices rit.ll P_ure Ground Spices. Vinegars: English' Malt, a" dlan Malt and White Wine. Vinegars from 306. gtsllt. A large supply of School Books. See our Practice B00” 400 page: 50. Pens, Pencils, Rubbers, Compasses! tts Notis 1 H8tr and Envelopes by the quite, box or ream. --'- For Men, Women and Boys for Pall Wear. Comejand see. Them Before Buying. "t Machine Oils, Coal Oil, Best Canadill and f merican. Superior SEWING OIL; box. Bottle 10ets. BIG. L0 WElt IO WN [j-rd) [l-2/5li.iii1'jit.Tl2lii/] Drawn d; Seedsgnan. D Fil dren’s to L". liesug 40 18 cents 18 " 20 u 23 " Mc. 300. 25c. "its an numemus. "Rotate?, which We qrn My It. 1.10. Mel h in of . tdaot the. r. R. S. Hm dle. Kir children visited for a India's! otd home. Mr. 1 HUN home Inst tl t on want tannins il tyy Lil! do well tat van t if Ttrt “find. The Muck of 01 not ”milled in town, "a d - Ihr, “durum a tht',' We Damsid cu " . ha:..§‘1rsnlhr an Rev. Mr. Little, of Dort Iiudnmmnimous call J "ioo of [bum-n, " n. My mm Ion-fun- the lav-1 My I. single chum. and Rely feet". an Inn work I we lit-M ll vow-y nrdmml is tetupm*tttettt..netet likd} MINI for his "tttutitutioti be pa that Burma-h am an: ':111'il)1,'/s! nun-t sq In: 'ie, Cur during the ng-therul nun-human but hid: will not he bmkd hem-ll. “ac-rear. Am Siren» A ring. mwwhut hurt mil "der [he nubpiu-s ot' the M udui Aid of the hurt: “u held Monday ( but,“ a whole. and in [1 In! music. The chain I“. gun I humonuu he nlt"tt" of the eve-um: and mun-act. the tei Td never-nu: this to 87 MI was is " [Sui lid. TI tt Sunday last. Mt. A “mam. (one of the old t riot paused nvm m the I. He mud attained 2 gamut. His mu Hugh mu the Weet alum lwn trmed his father in his I! an on", Archie. is in I rd a lumber Alex. lives tt the. chief mum-new. I od and Rev. Mr. Mckeu; mlm'u-tl the funeral - an mum-or twth' the du . meeting (‘ll mng “M. "eeises. my he spun-J to them: " divinely sustained Minn. k Pvzzrar.---'rake any a may lea manual. lune n the gunman. invert th tmet, the" invert the I L The sum every (inn lld. Thus who. B9 In {all tum.---'. Watt " In: managed m ton Tue-day. Oct. 21 -Ohuym [mm Mt. In no will be wot. pennant Council. mm P. and other an“: rs yleh over Isn't week, thank. 'rheiudulsorntp ii"iiT.Uud Mu. Aha. ot tbeir two chum“... sincerely hugg- tlt,e [hi My warm friund1 a iKDotttteul, one 1 g populu otr"Olr. II - him run for Cou" nsid he decide to “and ttttttt ttemrttr intemiin 1130‘. l _o.--Thecott" Ir. Geo. Winfield. " i. of the Arro, f." and Sunday In y. o. lcEM'ht-m. C in! Mrs I H “mum- man. “the in OL' . "£1“;th . ad “00-. to hut-3.91 in I - -"".s. "In," w“ (Mu-"a Pume 'tt ',lL'LfAis lyr N f tte given tGiisiir friend ghett ”we: lust run-Imp of vGtrCii tuft}; fourteen yew; e township 0 all! they hog-m lo l ”make a hume {m £623?“ Int..!!, {In r. l". 'utd Mrs. mid-28 , Low ee p "ser-u in“ __. m m, iaii m itt liririUi N 'tmttned to a?! "Mary. ll.‘ L 8'8 "'eu, who we" rsthe Fitch! of t t Thus In; I. "”7 Spirit, and 01:. leaving to .1 chdlu‘o co nach- ext-hm Med In the érush tGil, -. "i? G About. in toilet Pk died in l ’HIN and l Wed wife. " the I 6n yder. tut, Ar I thi. on?" 'm ' on l W nit Th

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