West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 15 Oct 1896, p. 1

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KOTAg be rented for a term of ay be convenient, CONX., 2, Normanbe. Durkban:, one mile from 1mnvenient to Chureb ani essiom for plougbing and ited at once, full pome I8 7. . Apply on the preia mnAaimns 2 PUOCMTTY 3. d, Good cellar, and is eon* sted on the front M" w good Fruit Trees OB Iivy to CHINER\ ed Adaomws‘ Waggeb. Inor will muke a Iiber=} redustion e season. five Enggwes and = meCars at prices that wil usprime Parzuin at yOur oOWh L iw®k s hate made es & GCoats .E OR TO RENT 8 ARUCE MQde MM NOT, COME y 'I‘A'\[AK WITH ‘l ERN RAILWAY ‘in the world go to Town, Durham, It will handle all u no trouble. Fa roperty. Marsriage Liceowss NTER. NKHO ner COunt,{ .00 per acre 1 mile from GaXsS, STIOYES l:able Co. _ Call on neat »f Cepairs for al} kinds « and buy our m chines ant ion Guaranteed. cw Procoess, Finish and Sofe can‘t be beat. the Proprietor . Jou® McF ARLA ensure & goou P*" ./ well salted as soon a* ta* hos. Smith. U FINEgp Apply to SUN, Daily World WHNCKGL _ _ . W w e c uon c ,, _ 0 eA4malt “‘:“‘”‘:’”‘“‘d vat® ‘ly ‘:':"‘l business transacted #p, * !0 Standard Bank, anning! TO REXT. you prices and Tanning! CHuas. McArTHU® Agerts, ow Hides, D9§ I suitable for < i .bm A good)" o 2. Me Ariast +4 Lix 2 Cor. 3, â€" Prop.. 0. 0 O 1b i tÂ¥ q 3 2 _ * SWVA N. n the hw Jt., Curkâ€"Den PM Ee BEMROD, mouey rouce 0%e [.“ ) Notary Public. XL I..Yuutony Call ang inspect and be Convinced. We take this opportunity of hunking our customers © for ast patronage, and we are cuvinced that the new system nll meric a continuance of the same. Durham,. Aug. 9th, °06. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH ist Avrived \ One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananogue, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Bal] Wagons. New Stock of the ftamous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apronâ€" Binâ€" ‘;:fk! Buckey Mowers and Tiger #8, One Car Maxwells‘s Light Stcel Bindersâ€"cheater than over. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ’ ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash system, which means Cash or _ its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Large Sales & Small Profits." II kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, rgans & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Jhas. McKinnon AREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. JACKSONS, xVllL. And Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. . & J. McKechnie. THE CASH CHAS. McKINNON. NO. 41. ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. â€"DEALER INâ€" |\ _ Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, cte. | _ Coulthard & Sceott‘s Seed Drifts and | Harrows. |\ _ Wilkinson Ploughs and Scufflers. | â€"Organs & Pignos of the best makes. | A fow Stoves at job price® _ New Williams Sewing Maâ€" $# § he _ Orep _ M FAPWM ABHSE U C L. Phewia 12, Bentinck. New Concrete Dwelling. new Frame Stables, situated within one mile of Post Office, Store and Saw Mill. Terms easy. For P irticulars apply to, S H. H. MircLE8, Now on Hand Good Farm Lands Lotsa ”‘.:dnfilg::: 150 Acres chines. _ Full Stock of Repair® always on hand. FOR SALE. OF J. A. HUuxTER, f The concert in quality and quantity was wortihy of a better audience. _ A comic singer, Thos. A. Baker, of Toâ€" ronto, was a good card, while the Johnston family, Priceville now knows, are a host in themselves. _ Miss Watt, [ M‘ss Saun lerson, Mr. W. Ramage, Mr. tPaton are all good entertainers. Mr. Baker appeared four or five times, and some of the items of the others we give : Mr. Wm. Ramage, "The Man Behind the Plough " and the "Grave ot Bonaâ€" parte." Misses Watt and Johnston, a duett "Just Tell Them That You Saw Me." _ Mr. Paton "*The Kilty Lads.‘ Miss Saunderson and Master Willie Johnston "Bring Back My Kitty to Me." Father and son Johnston gave an instrumental duett of great merit. t'l‘he whole family thrilled the Sceotch atdlience with ‘*Scots wha hae," and uther popular picces. Draught Horses. Spanâ€"J Paton, H Hooper _ Brood lfslurn, with Foalâ€"J Burnett, H Hooper, 2 yenr old Golding or Fillyâ€"J Paton 1 and 2nd. 1 year old Gelding or Fillyâ€"P Muir. â€" Spring Coltâ€"Wm Paton, J Burnetb General Purpose, Spanâ€"D Harrow, Win Fletcher. Biood Mare with Foal by hber sideâ€" â€"J CGowland, W J Blake ton. _2 year old Gelding or Filly â€"Alex McLeod J Hemstock, 1 year old Gelding or Fillyâ€"â€"J Hemwstock, D | Harrow. _ Spring Coltâ€"J Gowlind, W J | Blakestone,. Aged Ramâ€"J MePhail, Auogus McLeod Shearling Ramâ€"â€"W Meads, Ram Lamb avd aged Ewesâ€"W Meads, 1st and 2nd for both, â€" Shearling Ewesâ€"Wm Meads, Ewe Lambsâ€"W Meads, Leicester Aged Ram, J Nichol, Wim Meoads. Shearling Ram, A Muir. Ram Lamb, A _ No township show and few county ones can excel Artemesia in the numâ€" ber of fowl exhibits, and intense interâ€" est is taken in the various breceds of barn door fowl and associates We notice the name of 8. Patterson first and last on the list and several times between. In vegetablesand fowl Sum seems to be cqually successful. J. Geddes captures all the Brown Leg horns, ancr the Houdans prizes go equally to C Watson and A. Muir. The interest in fowt explains the exâ€" celience of the dozen of eggs in the hall tar which there was no prize. ‘They were beauties. ~With such an exsellent show it is a fl?' the dey was marred as we have n informed by some extibitions at night not on the programme. Grade Cattle. Cowâ€"A Muir, J Nichol, % year old Heiferâ€"H Oliver 1st and 20d, 1 year 0‘d Heiteerâ€"J Sullivan, J Mclunis, Heifer Calfâ€"J Nichot, Wm Paton. Yoke2 ye r P. Muir‘s hobby, and a yery useful one it is, is in Chestâ€"r White Pigs, and he sweeps the list, doing well in the Berkshire also. _ W. Reid has:two fine unproved Yorkshires. Spanâ€"J Gowland, A Muir. _ Brood Ware with Foalâ€"Jno McLean, G Gowland Single driverâ€"H Watson, Arch McLean. Lady Driyerâ€"Mrs Nazard, Mis W m Fletcher, _2 year ol| Gelding or Fillyâ€"A Bell, J Burnet, 1 year old Gelding or Fillyâ€"R Oliver, Angus McLeod, _ Spring C »>altâ€"R Oliver, J Gowland. _ Special by C C James for Single Driverâ€"Arech Me. CATTLE=â€"=Durham. _ Bull, any ageâ€"A Seélev. Bull, under 2 yearsâ€" W Paton, WV Meads. Milch Cow â€"J Graham, A Secley. " Devon. Bullâ€"R Oliver. _ Bull nnler 2 yearaâ€" A Seeley, Cowâ€"R Oliver 1s.z aud 2ud,. Ayrshire. Bull any ageâ€"A Muir, |Bull under 2 yearsâ€"A Muir. Cowâ€"A Muir, Alex Me ;l-d'.gt:o;â€"--i)flnn:);. J. Sullivan, Yok® 1 year old. Steeorsâ€"Jas Sullivan, sHEEP=Cotswold Lein. When it comes to sheep at Priceville the show is one of great excellence, and competition close in Leicester and Fine Wool any way. W. Mcads in the Cotswolds has the most of it to himself. Nichol, Oliver, Geddes, Seeley, Muir are all well known treeders and prize winners with reallv good stock. Lean, The competition in the horse classes was keen, and lovers of the useful and ornamental in the equine line were gratified. _ C. C. James‘ special for single driver was won by I{fch. Meâ€" Lean and the other prizes were we‘l distributed among 17 other competitors. leads easily, and R. Oliyer in the Devous. The cattle classes contrined some good anfmals, but good Judges secined to think the show in this line not up to flle‘mark. _ In the Ayrshires A. Muir PRICEVILLE. 2nd Day of The Show a Success. Wednesday was far from an ideal Show day, and the only comfort on lookers had as they tightened up their great coats was that cold was lbi)ett.er than rain. _ The attendance was very good and the entries in the various classes were numerous enough to make the results very interesting. _ We apâ€" pend the prize list for 2nd day. DURHAM. THURSDAY, CCTOBER 15, 1896. Roadsters. An Important Office. To properly fill its offices and funcâ€" tions, it is important that the blood be pure. When it is in such a condition, the body is almost cer tain to be healthy, A compluint at this time is catarrh in some of its various forms. _ A slight cold develops the disease in the head. l)mlxpmgs of corruption passing into the lungs brings on consumption, The only way to cure this disease is to purify the blood, The most obstinmate cases of catarrh yield to the medicinal powers of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla as if by magic, simply because it reaches the sent of the disease, and by purify ing and vitaliztng the blood, removes the cause. Not onl‘y does Hood‘s Sarsaparilla do this but @t gives renewed vigor to the whole .:{s- tem, making it possible for good health to reign surpreme, 8r. IIT Class.â€"Mary McCallum, Dan MceDonald, II Class.â€"Jennie Charleton, Lizzie Nahn, Rachel McKinnon, Johure Crozâ€" ier, LizzieForster, Johnie Livingstone. Jr. I Classâ€"Bessie Chacleton, Johnnie Ciark. REVIEW and GLOBE, $1.85 REVIEW and SUN, $1.85 REVIE W away World _ §$2.50 REVIEW a itness, $1.60 Other Papers alao at reduced rates. REPORT of 8. S. No 6 Btk. IV Class.â€"Willie â€" Curric, Hattie Byers. t . Pt. II Class.â€"Dan MceDonald, Maggie McKechnie, Katy Mcl)migall. St. I Class,.â€"C. C. McDougali, Lizzie McGallam Andy MeDougall, fiury Hall. After an absence of a year Miss Lizrzie McRae enjoyed a visiv of a week‘s durâ€" ation at the old homestead. Lizsioe is a pieasing and attractive young lady and her yisite are looked forward to with anâ€" ticipations of pleasure. § Miss Teca MeRae coutemplates going to the city of Toronto on Monday aud from there to Ningaraâ€"onâ€"the Lake, where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Noble, for a short time. Mr. Dennis Sweeney and his little con, Ma«ter Willis, of Worthington, Aigoume, while on a visit to his many friends in Glenelg, spent some days with his sister, Mra. Jas. yan. He returned on Saturâ€" day nccompanied by his niece, l'n'u Magâ€" gie Ryao. Jr. III Class,â€"Alex, McDonald, Vida Burns, Angus McKinnon. a . Mr, and .\l-ru. Thomas Moran of Glas cott Sundayed at the pareutal home of the latter, ° Lâ€"an, R Best. _ Turkeys, Angns Meâ€" Leod, s McLean. Geese, M Reily, G Ar:owsmith. Silver Spangled Hamburg Rooster, HA Watson, 8 Patterson. Silver Spangled Hamburg Heu, H Watson, S Patterson. Miss Alicia Kolly of the Revere staff. Murkdale, speut Bunday pleasantly with ber parents and acquuintauces. She re turned to town the same evening. Messrs, C. Ryan asnd D. McRae, came up from Proton Saturdsy vight and reâ€" maimed Sunday. ‘They report threshing prospects as being exceptionally good in that vownship. 8 Patterson, R Best. White Leghorn Hen, S Patterson, R Bost. Brown Legâ€" horn Rooster, J3 Geddes, lst and Snd. Brown LGephborn Hen, s Geddes. Howdan Rooster, C Watson, A Muir. Ho/::lsn Hen, A Muir, C Watson. Plymouth Rock Rooeter, 8 Patterson, A Muir. â€" Plymouth Rosk Hev, A Muir, 8 Pattersou,. Aundaâ€" lusian Rooster, A McLeod. Andalusian Hen, A McLeod, R Best. Black Minorcas Rooster, G Arrowsmith. Black Mimorcas Hen, H Wit«on, M BmB Kklyesbury Ducks, C Watson. Jther Ducks, 1 Mcâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Connolly of Travereâ€" ton were the guests of Mrs, D. ‘Hearu, Sunday last. Mr. Mike Henry of Maple Grove, more familiarly known by the sobriquet of the Mink, accompanied by his mother, spent Sunday afternooun with Mrs. D. O‘Hearn. He also paid a flying visit to Markdale. Mr. Joo. Ryau bas exchanged the dall, uneven@til:â€"routme of country life for the city. We trust the exchange may prove a pleasant and a profitable one. Fowl Game Rooster, 8 Patterson, s McRae. Game Hen, s McRae, 1st and 2nd. Black Hamburg Hen, H Watson, 1st and 2Qud. Black Spani'h Rooster, P Muir, A Meâ€" Leod. Black Spanish Hen, Augus Mcâ€" Leod. Brahma Rooster,P Muir. Brahina Hen, A Muir. White Leghborn Rooster, Improved Yorkshire Boar over one year, W Reid. Sow, W Reid. Spring Pigs, H Watsou. Boar oyer one year, W Meads. Sow, P Muir, W Meads. Svring Pigs, P Muir, Chester White Boar over oue year, P Muir, Sow, P Muir. Spring Pigs, P Muir. | Aged Ram, 1 Oliver, J Geddes, Shearâ€" ling Ram.&A Secley, W Reid. Ram Lamb, J Geddes, t Qiiver.= Aged Ewes, J Geddes, 1st »ud 2nd. â€" Shearling Ewe«, R Oliver, A Segiey, Bwo Lamus, J Geduce, 1st and 2u4. Mauir 1st ind %0d. Ased Ewes, A Muir, Wm Mâ€"ads, Sâ€"eariimng Ewes, W Moads, J N:wuo, Ewe Luimos, aA Muir, W Meads, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Nfi\g//s// yq p~ke... RJ ; ) Swineâ€"Berkshiroe CLUBBING. IRISH LAKE FT‘ine W ool sv & se & 0 o â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Acootl® CLARK. Teacher. ACViCW. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. Residence first door west of th post Office, Durham. | , Will be in Pricevilie the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" | mercial Hotel. On the 2nd Con. Normanby, containâ€" ing 174 acres. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in grand state of cultivation free f1om noxâ€" ious weeds, Spring Creek, Stone House & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Buarn 5§0x70, Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House 50x60, Stone Stables underneath,. Root House I0x50. Buildings cost over half the Money The ndersigned having boou restored to health by simple moaus, after auffering for several years with aso erelung affection, and that dread disea:e c’.‘..’l‘...?l anxious to make know»n to his (:o-m-;llo-,'f- anxious to make known to his tellow sufferers the means of cure, Tothose who desire it, he wi‘l cheertully send (free of charge) a o¢ py of the preuripmn used, which they will find 1 saure cure for Consumption, Asthma, COaâ€" tarrh, Bronchitia, aud nfi throatand lurg Maiâ€" adien He hll?}@l all sufferors will iry thisremedy, a8 it is invaluable. Those desiring the preseription which willoost them nothing, and may prove a Hard and Soft Water, Churches and 'Schnul convenient,. â€" 4§ miles from Durâ€" im the village of Priceville. On the lot are :nsood house, frame barn, good well orchard. The lot is all under cultivation. For terms of rent or sale apply to JOHN McINNI8, blossing, willplease REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brocklyn, Few Yor This is a Rare Bargain. _ Stock or Grain. |Business meant. If not sold will lease for a term of years. Apâ€" ply to YÂ¥ to #10 per week for eu..u‘y home work Child can do it, Ne Mcheme, Books or Ped dting This is bona fAde. Send nunng for work and particulars at once. THE SEYMOUR SUP PLYCsonicTemple, Cawden N.J. rent that desirable park lot, No. 3 in G. T. R., 1 wile from Schovkand Cburch. Well watered by two springcreeks. Good frame barn with stoune stabling, and frame house, â€" Will be reuted on reus,m;l»le verms, Immediate possession cian be giyen. Apply to o e ts Lots 19 & 20 Con. 8. Tp. of Egremont. a farm consisting of 150 acres, 480 workâ€" able land, 8 miles from Holstein on the FARM FOR SALE. Durham, Sâ€"pt., 10th, 1806. HELP WANT: Dâ€"FEMALE. WOBK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Wepay #6 in #lh nar waek for anuv haoma wark The undersigned offered for sale or TOCONSUMPTIV ES . Anxriously watch declining health of their daughters. Somany are cut off by consumption in carly years that there is real cause for anxiecty. In the “‘IZK stages, when not beyond the re of medicine, Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" parilla will restore the quality and quantity of the blood and thus give good health. Read the following letter:; "It is but just to write about my daughter Cora, agod 19. She was comâ€" pletely run down, declining, had that t ired feoling, and friends said she would nob live over three months. She had a bad and nothing ssomed to do her any good. I happoned to read about Hood‘s Sarsupaâ€" Tilla and had hoer give it a trial. From the very frst dose she began to get bettesn. After taking a few bottles she was comâ€" pletely cured and her health has been the best ever since." Mars. AppiE PzoR, 12 Reilroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y. "I will say that my mother has nok stated my case in as strong words as 1 would have dome. Hood‘s Sarsapariile has truly cured me and I am now well." loa the Oune True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Propared ouly by C. L. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Pr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Hood‘s PillS uavis and benescial 2e Mothers Hood‘s DENTISTRY. 49 A SNAP ! Be sure to get Hood‘s, because PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. Cough FARM TO RENT. Sarsaparilla ROBERT WATSON, Jr., Isherwood P. O., Ont asked, oneâ€"third down. are purely vegctable, re C. McK#xox, Priceville, Mn.zshe you think it is not, but H. H. lultli‘i Rk;t:hef Eh.no;ier ()onveyune:r. is endin of it at r cent and on extra ggootl loans at [:oâ€"Co-u lowâ€" Terms as any reasonatle person may Nurserymen and FFuit Growâ€" ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation 10 1â€"3 m > | Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"nc ch if no ccliection. Cheap Farme for We are the only Canadian Nurgery paying salary and expenses fromjthe start. â€" Liberal commission to 'p’nrdime men. Large list of specialties, alt baving been tested at our ;l"'xg'{ orchâ€" ards. If you want a sure thing for the Winter, write us. $ Hay is Scarce o T n our_" _ Money is Pienty. writings neatly and quickly prepared at Lock Box 2. _ H. H. MJLLER, Hanover P. O. â€" 'nf Hanov **Telephone." Conveyar This fine animal will be kept on the premixes of JNO. CLARK, Jr., LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G. R., BENTINCK, $1.00° Tobe paid for at time of Service. Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1895. J. CAMERON Men to Engage with us as Salesmen. New season just opeBing ; new style of plate bock ; more attractâ€" iveumf yet lighter than ever. F4 All Supplies Furnished Free. For Service during Season of 1895â€"96. Registered in the "Canada Berkshire Swine Record" as No, 2056. Farrowed Nov. 21st, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont. Thoroughbred Berkshire Bcar. WANTED Also a full assortiment of Crockery & Glassware T ea of T eas KURMA TEA A delicious blomlm.lmt up in 4 lbs. and 1 lbs. Le l’ac{nmm We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Fize Choice in Heavy & Light Harness CALL & SEE OUR || Collars, Pads, %;{é “ Bites, Whips, &eo., &c. We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right prices. Dinner. Tea & Toilet Sets At Popular Prices. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and ther WHOLE NO. 959. â€"â€"All Business Confidentialâ€"â€" Try it, and you will be perfectly satisfied. Sold for 30c 1bâ€" Sold for 40¢ 1b Sold for 50c 1bâ€" Harness !! â€"â€"» HK. H. MILLER aâ€"nâ€"â€" C. LEAVENS, Jr. STONE & WELHMXCTON ‘FERDINAND. T HE TO SUIT YoUu. ce in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &e., &c. FURS. veyancep w §¢ it 5L %

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