West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 15 Oct 1896, p. 5

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interests â€"p thestâ€"â€"â€"read rtise. ., worth 73e for 5 xtra heayy, 506 es wide, black au. ds worth 60c for cial value, at 35 and well lived, V.â€"t, with be: cial, $10.00 §$1.25 itehed, special. a est P ned, with at alr .98 a pair 90 a pair ountry, ODUCE & all prices, 1.25 and $1.50 avy, $1.25 and 25. for 90e . for §1 25 ), for 856 1+ yard 15*, for 12%e and buckle, $1 h or 35¢ pair be can or 2 t« : can or 2 for for NS from 206 up ING for 8c and stylish, . 25 and 300 , at 20¢ pair from 12}:stnp ecial ons n n my td d 0B ts sud to the effects hh'!' He was removed by hig brother, _ We sym myone who has got int 'L"..“'- any other seduct ite Moud, ‘;rprwia'i\'e audience here ;:; y 1CYV tveving last. He spoke ‘ ::"ll tito Imul‘i in his uslu‘}k"‘l’ucl ';S. :mgl left his hearers in on"'nd' * which he intends to extract them Rp“::'ulml lecture at an eargy dm t ecture will be given in R ::""!ondn)' next. A nice collection '“:\len ip which goes to .the M ‘apep Mission, 9 * poluie® New 4 mes"* oilect® Thank 1Â¥ , were> y _,,,],usu.'l- 6 lony y raishh" Ari hur‘s m‘" wedding. Saunders make~"~ i AND GENERAL. rman ygiving ! 4. h week later sSuga® kuo F801 and C u ‘ * rr‘,\ll‘fi ,ust Arr ".‘d »rson and her daughter siting last week at Mr. McRae, of Markdale, had tew days to attend his )W Day has been fixed for ater than usual, n is on hisgaunds, Taxâ€" wâ€" yividly what a Ligh ®Ios, fora $ at Mcâ€" ornoch, was before leaving for India. Friends began to arrive early in the afternoon ‘and at 4 p.m, an informal meeting took ;}){:ce. speaking being done_ outside. vs. Jansen, Durham ; McNab, Kilsyth; Anâ€" derson, Crawford ; Thompson, Chatsâ€" worth, and the Rev. Mr, Little, all made brief and affectionats addresses, Dr. Smith was deeply touched and replied $ i s" s m M...slae hy naan 3 _ _70+, 4t nas a record of cures unâ€" known to any other preparation. It is the best to buy because it is the One True Blood Purifier. Res.. 0 maf _ 2000 C+ 44e 24000I00N, Scotchtown, They were weighed in t:wn ;'he other Ly. Who can beat #buaes Hnod';w.ily scaihâ€" 5 lbs. 1 oz. was the weight of or Ctwo Cwith hm anaâ€"ms 1amny, T _ota~tanTnidia â€" Friends began grown by Mr. J. A. Potato digging is the order of the day. A better crop could not be wished for although not corresponding with the Balsam Vulle‘y potatoes in the line of six pounders, Why, that‘s no:hing., Clerk Jno,. 8. Black has a crop of poratoes of such a size that many of them would fill a pail, Weexpect that the majority of the diggers w.ll turn overa new leat as they have been on their knees for the past week. ______ e Yen Messrs John Black and Peter Mcâ€" Artbur have returned home from the the yicinity of Brantford where they put in u.food senson‘s thmshing. Mr. »lack did not bring back his Waterloo t‘irasher as he intends making a howlâ€" ing season next year in that district, _ Prese.nt. we expect full particulars will e for varded from other ; oints. seotch Town‘s annual picme on the 23th ins‘. as was prflliv!exra grand sueâ€" e~ss, â€" The day was beau iful, the crowd a merry one and all spoke in high terms of Anderson and Arrowsmwith and the committee was well sitisfied. Mr. Jas. White spent Saturdey in Durham. The youth of our town took in the w orld‘s fair at Priceville last week and report a good day‘s outing. ___ A merry scene was the surRrise party at the bome of Mr. Alex. Murchison, w.arden,. Priceville show night. There were representatives from Spring Dale, B messan, Maple Grove, Irish Lake, Pomoua and Scotch Town. Mr. Murchâ€" isor was highly plei.sed with the crowd and wont object to such an agreeable audience at any lime, especially during Leap Year. Several reporters being Alex. and Archie McMillan leave again this week for timber making. A COMEDY 0OF ERRORSâ€"On Saturday night a man broke into the residence of a woman in Durkam, robbed and asâ€" saulted ber. On Monday Mr. Robert Follis, Chesley‘s chief of police, received a telegram to ve on the lookout for the suspected party. In the afternoon a man arrived in town and put up at the Mcâ€" Donald House. â€" Follis spotted him and came to the conclusion he answered the Master Wille Beaton and his siste: Jenny, spent Sundsy with friends in Corinth and was accompanied hback by their cousin, Miss Maggie McGillivray. description of the party wanted at Da ham. Me kept his eye on the stranger and finally decided to arrest Ihnm. The partr went to the premises in the _ rear of the hotel and as he appeared Follis e-t.alpped up to him and said : "I hayve orders to arrest you." _ "What for ?" reâ€" urders to arrest you." _ "What for ?" \reâ€" plied the stranger. _ ‘"Never mind that â€"come along," said the chief, **Dou‘t be rish; had we better not talk over this matter ?" _ ~"On, it is not necessary, but if you wish to make any statement, I will hear you, as I am arresting you for burglary and outrage at Durham." "Oh, that‘s it, is it? Just look at that paper," Lakinrg a document from his pocket. Mr. Follis did so and found it to be the original warrant for the avrrest of the 'i_mrty he suspected his prisoner was! The man he had taken in charge was the Durham chief constable. It is not known whether Bob "set ‘em up" or left Tuesday by noen and goes thence to Supplement to " GREY REVIEW " SCOTCH TOW N. L;TrLEâ€"PETTIGREWâ€"At the residence of Mrs. P. Simons, 90 Vine St., Hamâ€" ilton, on \Vednesd.-g, Ith inst.. at 8 . 0.4 lg the Rev. Vauwhite, Mr. A. Eiu.le. arney. to Miss Maggie Pettiâ€" grew, Normanby. NEpzoarâ€" Bryorx â€" In Durham on Tuesday. 13th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Jansen, W im, Nedegar, to Agnes Bryâ€" en, both of Hanover, 9 McALPINEâ€"MCRArEâ€"In Durham, on Wednesday, Oct. 14th, at the residence of Mrs. Mcibw__ , by the_Rev. 'hgr.m{nn- sen, Â¥r. D. McAlrim', Druggis:, Thesâ€" salon, to Miss Bella McRae, of Chatsâ€" worth. s t McCro x inâ€"Beru1â€"In Darham on Wed. neâ€"day, by the Rey. A. G. Jansen, Mr. Jas. McClocklin to Mary A,, daughter Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontâ€" ario Chapter 110; Notice is bereby gjven that all person or persons baving Claims or Accounts of any kind against the said Alexanaer Taylor are to send by mail, postage prepaid, or delivered to, Robert Ormiston Kilgour of the Town of Mount Fovest in the County of Wellington, Solicitor for John Middleâ€" ten Findlay, Jane Taylor and John Russell the Execuiors and Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the 8th day of November A. D. 1896, their Christian names. surnames and addresâ€" ses, and descriptions and:> narticulars In the Estate of Alexander Taylor late of the Township of Egremont in tl}e County of G1ey, Merchant, deceasâ€" Notice To Creditors. The grain haryest and most of the thrashing is now over in this viemity and lifting the root crop is now the order of the lay. . Some of our neighâ€" bors clum full crops in roots and the mango‘ds a fair turuout. Some of the hboys from the Grove visited the Priceville show on Oct. 7th, Although they went with peaceful inâ€" tentions some visitors started the â€"ball rolling and the result was not at all creditabl> to those engaged in the tracas Some further news may hbe heard of this matter later. Mr. Arch. McMullin and Miss Jane Carson were gnests at the Murchison dance last week, _ Judging from the hlarity displayed going and coming they must have esjoyed it immensely. Miss N. Sullivan and Mr, M. Neil took in the Scotchtown picnic. _ Mr. Neil took great pleasure in showing his lad friends â€" round the old hmnesmuiy. Wonder if he is thinking of transplantâ€" in# some of then.. Mss G. McFee, of Gnrelph, s visiting Mrs, Henry, of the Grove, She expects to spend a few weeks among her friends and relatives here. Mr. Alex. Carson visited his sister at Vandeleur last Sunday. The picuie ground at Scatch town did not seem large enough for some of the visitors, They got the G ove girls to show them the walks round and nearly got lost. Our friend, Mr. F. McArthur, desert! ed the Grove to fit u;‘\ Mr. Jos. MeDone« ald‘s trotter for the show. Mr. Angus Kennedy hbas returned to the old homestead looking well. _ We hear he is likely to spend the winter here. ald‘s trotter for the show, ‘ will be kept for Service for Season o ‘Mr, J. Henry showed up in great 1895â€"6 at Lot 7, Con. 1, Normanby. style at the last of the Thrashings. _ He wâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" is quite an artice in the song and dance, mmT nro as Mr. McKillop is putting up a new bouse on the old Medlnnis farm. _ Phis will be quite an improvement to the corner. ’i‘hv old log house has stood on the corner for atout 40 years. _ Its days of usefulness are over, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bolger passed through the Grove last Sunday on their way from Dundalk to visit at Mrs, R‘s, father‘s. _ They were both lookin; hale father‘s. _ and hearty. We sngply Ine mEyvER W sIne TT HomCl Mail and Empire to Jan Ist. 1898, for $1.40. The Saturday edition has 16 pages of illustrated stories, fashions, pictures and so on, and the price is $200. By the liberality of the publishers we are al le to offer this edition with the REeviEw for $2.20 or better still all three for the sum of $2.50,, Can you do better? Two Horses \_Vant'ed.' F M hdB 7 takd d AthiI® Aadbetc tb uen The undersigned wishes to exchange two corner lots fenced and cultivated in the lower town here for two good dvivers, not mare than 8 years old. Apply to Mr. J. P. Teprorp, or, Thomas D. Thomas Box 208 Owen Sound. DURHAM, Oct 15th. 1896. ofek \pl.,v the REvIEW and Weekly Lf . C y 0 n de s0an a~> MAPLE GROVE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO fident you wili be perâ€" fectly satisfied. LOWER TOWM, DURHAM A Meeting of the South GrcÂ¥ Distriet the Patrons of Industry will be held Bpectacles when you shouldn‘t and ; not wearing them when you should. | When you first notice your eyes | failing, or it seems a strain on them _ to read or do near work, consult an l eye specialistâ€"one that is permanently | Don‘t trifle with this precious gilt by not heeding the dictates of nature. There is such a thing as wearine GOD‘S Greatest Cift to Man MacFARLANE & Co. IS HIS VISION. PATRON MEETING. All parties indehbted to Hewson Bros. ofthe People‘s Mill, will please take Notice that all Accounts must be paid before November Ist 1896. If not paid then they will be placed in other hands for collectior. at URHAM on TUBESDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1896, Including Cows, Heifers and Young Bu‘ls. Terms of Sale:â€"Tweive months credit on approved joint notes, or disâ€" count at the rate of 6 per cent. for cash. Durham, Oct. 3rd 1896 CREDIT AUCTION SALE Catalogues will be ready for about the 1st of October. H. PARKER. Durham, Sept. 16th. THC FINCST TtA R in Th« WorLlc FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP a C L THE FINCST TEA in Twy WorLs "eu._ Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original echlgn. thereby securing its purity and excellence. ut up in § lb., 1 Ib. and 5 Ib. packages, and never Put up in 6 aoi io pagks ALL QOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to 8STEEL, HAYTER & CO. â€" SHORT HORN S ** SPRUCE LODGE HERO," NO. 402 ‘"Monsoon" Teais put up by the Indian Tea rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indiar ‘eas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the THOROWUGHBRED T amworth Boar IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. TO THE PUBLIC. 4 and 13 Front Street East, Toronto. THIRTYâ€"FIVE HEAD neeialtw A PERFECT TEA at 1 o‘clock, p. m. TERMS $1. H. W. LEESOI! Prop OF HEwsoxn Bros. Bean & Co, T uP ~YeaF FULL LINES 0OF STERLING BROTHERS CELEBRATED MAKE OF HAND MADE NEW ARRIVAL OF GCOODS leadyâ€"made Clothing Sold Sheaper | Than ever befors in Durham Â¥6xXt Vz #63it _Overcoats &..Winter Suits &# For Men, Women and Boys for Fall Wear. Come and see Them Before Buying. > STARTLING REDYSTION IN P°ICES! and Shoes Mn in Ti otl P0 »»fifillfimw 2 ow o iage o ten bnt im oi 0 Meatt a 00e 2090 qendioa n ons sn ty 3 Q“‘.}?"‘; ’s. ns ‘at o. ooo n is h Is ons â€" 7 iA ied ie _â€"â€" s o n detipe s on t ce nds i agty )~ s o on io ps oo "ant (oun i zen o e ns itc ® Kahâ€"s ,- uk ""-"‘""’H‘”" ,»”(,‘--,f “v,{'&m’% "‘_' ncm Mnerat * y sy u. .. oo C aeeinmcarmine Sm S 9 o. C e ToZF ... C o eC 0. e . T3

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