West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 22 Oct 1896, p. 1

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ve made Money, T, COME IN LK WITH MBR rented for a teorm of Â¥ be convenien‘, ONX, 2, Normanby. hrham, one mils from nvenient to Chureb .‘_ TER. in for ploughing and ed at once, full pessee i. Apply on the prem Y oung, or to pply to ew Precess, }Finish and Sofs can‘t be beat. Adsoms® Wase: n. Ix or wuke a liberal reductiâ€"s AXS8S, SIOVLS t will handle all no trouble. For you prices and ITINEST Ropairs for all kinds of d buy our u. clines aud KHoU@E, Prop., ky~ P 0. Obrrt . ion Guaranteed. 'flk. HINERY wrtv. Marnmiage Licenses ble Co. â€" Calil on oas anl + BEngg:â€"eos and some Carte prices that will »urpriâ€"e Latu at your owih tâ€"FM® the world go to wn, Durham, s & Coats hos. Smith. :, Cow Hides, 1)6§ uned suitable for ensure a g00u J*"*** '; well salted as soon 48 anning | Tanning r county per acre, nile from To KLENT. 16th, TAS . Y, No. & Knitting. &R WANTEDâ€" W. E. Me ALIIST *# Lo: 2 Con. 3, red, mn-“â€"'z Oct. 17th. Tuos. BYRES, W arrEr GzpD®® Lupwic Brvs4®; Agerts, WAY a good job th* _ ba4% Call ang inspact and be Convinced. Ws take this opportunity of truuking our customers for pass paironage, and we are conviaced that the new system will meris a continuanrnce of tlhe same. 4 ) , YGAANVVRVDY, lng dackson, Jr., Cletk Div. Court miu’ H Jdckmn; Notary Public. larg Va.lua.tors, estrance Agents, ts . ‘Commissionerso â€"SEALER INRâ€" Al kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicies, vigans & FPianos, Sowins W achines, Etc. Cia HAM J sn utraAve t _ «__ WiZEECOUSE, Uppor Town, Durkam. ___"~ V gAhit and soli Couveranorrs e 4d 2 C Sn en wik: : "Pra francis] business transacted '1 c t donr to Standard Bank, kh. Uine Py "Large Saies & Small Profits." EVERYTHING BOUGZST FOR CASH 8t Arive se Durhim. Aug. %Yt(h. °906. Sin: «on ( CY Atock CHtsâ€"at N. C. & J. McKechnie., vdrOs JACKSONS, 1\ to Innd. _ TSA GARLGA AP¢ 5 ia NMoney invested for , _ aPms bo‘ ght and sold. yi)i. «CI‘y Sâ€"at fabal & Woed‘s AJ * TP P 1C Ke w Ball ood‘s Singe laxwells‘s Light Stcel cheaprer than ever. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we khave adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be 1 XVill,â€"WNO. 42. ird Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. I n Eamous Wagons, ‘v‘!'dr{( msS. he famous Ramsay Singe Apron Binâ€" Mowers and Tiger CHAS. McKINNON. »Is THE CASH cemge orpe <mqme mermicce oxe se prices. N., G. & 3. McXECHENIE. ADOPTED BY Good Farm Lands Lots 22 and 33, Con. 12, Bentinck. â€" New Concrete Dwelling, new Frame Stables, situated within one mile of Post Office, Store and Saw Mill. Terms easy. For p rticulars apply to, H. H. MILLER, New on Hand Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, ctc. Coulthard & Sceott‘s Seed Drifts and Harows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scufflers. Organs & Piz:ics of the best makes. A few S toves at job pricce. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" 150 Acres chines. Full Stock of Repaire always om hand. e Crenp â€" Rev FOR SALE OF Hanover. "He cor tinl:lee‘fi: We have fisb?ries' ie ces waee e ce s not & c in any part of the wor lu.ppm have forests nut surpassed MURDOCH. elsewhere, ard mines which have not oi in ')'ct g‘iivep tI:hc w‘l)lole of whaft ils exâ€" Yx_"“ -L) l?:ll";dfl‘:::g :e:-)l;r‘l:;dtr:?n 1\;::" cted of them, but we may fairly exâ€"| [ . °* A s i after ‘&t that they will, if not eclipse, rival ““1{;”"{“5‘ h';‘;l‘ )hd;:ys at his old home, California and Australis. But if I AM | ou/c) after spending "et“"‘k'd ‘PIT“!“ to speak my own mind the farmet i8 | numerous cce V e were â€"wilh his the chief of all, the man who tills old o & mother Earth, .always old but still | . ’l')"" g"l’k"h M. Sharp spent last week young, and who never fails to respond |‘" _/‘ J" Ch § to our appeals. â€" Unfortunately,the conâ€" | ; ]:E»r:er'e o nivenin “':“} f;"“‘y of fM:u-l:- dition ot the fa."mti)re for fl&e%n flr twen | urdoch Irrends Inot week, _ _ _ their ty years has not been as brilliant or o o thig ¢ prosperous ns we might have expected. l ing’:;;f.;,g‘;,:‘,’,’;"",‘; ,‘"e?;'i:t;’;‘“ Ay s4 After the Nagoleomc wars the fortunes | Hanna of Fergus and Miss Lochrin th t of the English farmer li.:)nfroved greatâ€" / of her nunt Mrs. Jas, Hanna of the ly, and after the introduction of free | same place. trade this much may be said of thel Rev. Mr. Miller of Holstein preached English that her fortunes rose in &‘ an excellentsermon to a large congregâ€" manner unexampled in the history of ation iu the school house, Sunday night. 1;:.,‘:, arid ritog.ther ras acted as a man who Las nothing to hide., Beâ€" |sides it is not si own thrt he spent the money corrupily. _ Te Premier‘s conâ€" fidence in Mr. Tarte w.ll yet be seen to be justified,. The premier made a notable speeci last week on board the magnificent new D minion line ship, Canada, in Montreal haibor. He and a number of other public men were entertained at a lunch, and Mr. Laurier, after touchi: g on the school question went into an able resume of the trade and commerce of Canada. In the course of his remarks he said they would endeavor to show once more ‘that the vprinciples and the piurt of reform were not those ot revoiution. They had other interests to serve and he n:w expressed his own feclings as well as those ot the commercial men of Montreal when he said they were above all things a nation of farmers and the r interests and welfare were the interests of all. Dr. Jno. Watson, ‘Tan Maclaren,‘ the famous author of ‘"The Bonnie Brier Bush" is on a lecturitg tour at present and has adressed large and sympathetic audiences in Montreal, Toronto and elsewLere. _ He is an only child, was born in 1850, and spent a part of his youth among such seenes and characters as le has faithâ€" fully pourtrayed. _ At college he was |*‘distingnuish(d more as a brilliant social and intellectual force than as a laborious studtent." â€" His two books bid \frir to Lecome elassic, and those who thave not read shem should put themâ€" selves in touch at once with perhaps ‘thc most striking literary stceess of I the end of the centurv. uch an cfficial at such a time. â€" But be it remeinbered it was a loan, and it was Mr. Tarte who forced this invest igation, in which he has shirked nothâ€" mg, ard sitogcther has acted as a man who Las nothing to hide., Beâ€" sides it is not si own thrt he spent the mosey corrupiiv. Te Premier‘s conâ€" â€"M‘ Tarte, Minister of Pablic Works is receiving a large measture of good advice at present. Mr. Tarte is haman, knows the use of money, and accepted $3000. as a lean from Shaugâ€" hne=sy, a C. P. R. oftficial just before the late clection. We are inclined to think that Mr. Tarte shoald have re t ained drom rcceiving money from â€"Dufferin County has just had an audit taken by a government com mm‘ssioner of its accounts since 1880. He finds that a treasurer, now deceas ed, had deficits amounting to over £11,000 Mis sureties have made this tpand made themselves right from h‘s cstate. The commissicner‘s findâ€" ing is a severe slap to the auditors of all these years and indirectly to the councils which appo‘inted them, for the discrepancies were such as should have been discovered. This we learn Â¥rom the Dufferin Post. â€"Readers of the Globe who follow Mr. Calcb Jenkins, would be glad to see how he straightened up with Sir Chas by sending a clear rec« ipt for those pre election services, on the occasion of his golden wedding. Now the good man has gotablack evyve, the result of following Li Hung Chang‘s illustrious example, asking a lady, ‘‘Mow old are you." peottain» ds vind . raiu td ids c ds 3 +1 4 5( "la_v Hlap?en to those who have not their wealth in gold. â€"The Supreme Court has dccided that the Provinces bhave jurisdiction over inland fisheries, and the Dominâ€" jon Government will probably appeal against this decision to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. In that event Sir Oliver Mowat, as Domâ€" inion Minister of Justice, will have to right about face on Provincial rights for once. ‘ LAURIET TO COMMERCIAL MEN _ â€"Shipments of gold to the United States continue to be large and it is «disappearing. â€" ‘The cause is supposed to be hoarding in fear of a viectory for Brvyan and the Silverites when a finâ€" ;mcial catastrophe. it is feared mav ! LEditorial Note ‘aâ€"z; â€"Hon. G. W, Ross gave an on "Clristian Citizedship." at Christian Endeavor (gouvel Otta wa. â€"Hon, D_URHAM. THURSDAY & 64 e an address " at the late nvention at Comment| OoNTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mrs. A. Chapman is this week enjoyâ€" ing the company of her sister Mrs, Wi, Hanna of Fergus and Miss Lochrin th t of her aunt Mrs. Jas, Hanna of the same place. Death has again visited our town calling for its victim Mrs,. Ross, who died Saturday morning. The deceased has been a resident of Priceville for a number of years and was highly respectâ€" ed by all who knew her. The bereayed husband and family have the deepest sympathy of the community, The Funeral took place Monday forenvon to the Durham Cemetery, Mr, Oscar Konold arrived home from Minnesota last Saturday, Oscar enjoys travelling. Rev. Mr. McKenzie ‘of Cape Breton left last Monday, after a couple of weeks yisit with Rev. D. McLeod,. Last Thursday twenty of those who were disturbing the peace on show day appeared before Magistrate Nichol and pard between $60. and $70. of a fine for being drunk and disorderly, Mrs. M, S. Mcintyre and Mrs, M. Cameron were the guests of Mrs, Mcâ€" Quarrie, of Maple Grove one day last week. Mr. Wim, Conkey of Guelph and Thos. of Dundalk are the guests of their broâ€" ther R. J. Conkey, Mr, and Mrs. McDonald visited M . Geo, Lamb on the 10th con of Glenelg last Sat urday, Mr. Archibald Mcinnis, of Victoria B, C. arrived Suturda7 for a couple of months visit to his tather Mr. Allar Mcinnis. He has been away over twelve years, and his many friends ave pleased to see him. J, Cameron‘s auction sale Monday a‘terroon went off very successfuly eyerything bringing a fair price. The fair was well attended by people and cattle, but money was scarce and consequentiy very few caitle changed hand:s. A little mow and frost the latter end of last wevk brought out the svercoats and micts, Mr. Laurier concluded amid a seene of immense enthusiasm, with a referâ€" ence to the desirability of erecting stâ€"tues to the late Sir Hugh Allan and the late Hon. John Young. "The deepening of the canals is anâ€" other object which I would impress cn you as being the wish of the governâ€" ment to achieve. It has been proved that by the deepening of the eanuls the trade of Canada and the west as well will come this way. The moment the: St, Lawrence canals have been deepâ€" ened, all the produvcts of the great western states beyond the Mississippi must come to the seashore ty way of the St. Lawrence. (Cheers.) We wil) endeavor, whether our administration be long or short, to show that these ideas are carried to a practical issue. We do not claim any patern‘ty for these ideas for they were the ideas of two fathers of Montreal. the Hon. John Young and Sir Hugh Allan." {Cheers. ) ant prolem of cheap tranâ€"portation, and said his government woere m rc anxious for an improved Atlantic freight service than a passenger one, though not opposed to this last. He claimed the St. Lawrence route should be the most popular, for ‘"ev ‘ry body who knows the geography of this counâ€" try knows that by natural laws the St Lawrence route was intended by the hand of God himself to be thegreat artery on the continent of North America, | 1 0 w Sn dn ho wolg i us on ant c aieh, i on eneen n the conditions have been changed. The iaru.cr on this side has no longer the manopely of the Pnglish market, but h»s to compete with Argentina, Russia, and even India as woll, and while ins competitors are on the seaâ€" shore, his fields are thousands of miles fram it." the world. (Cheers.) The COnuadian farmers were especially sittated to| take advamage of this. _ ‘The tinu:’ came wlen the produce of England | voas Insufticient to feed her people, ard| they bad to lock abrcad, so that for | fli‘ty years or 80 the Caiadian farmer | bad almast a meonopoly of the British i Kiarket, UGE IUP KhG JSE LEWOUIV \vauns ! i€ ti , COTORERR 22 i8gge6 PRICEVILLE. disenssed the most imp_ort- last twoenty vyears The Murdoch Patron Association gave an open meetiu‘gg on Tuesday Tuesday evening last and although disappointed in a couple of speakers not being presâ€" ent who were expected still a very enâ€" joyable evening was svnt. The chair was ably filled by Mr. W. Sirrs jr. Pres. of the Association, the programme conâ€" sisted of speeches, songs,. music etc., Those taking ’Farl; being as follows : Messrs. Leith, Thos. Milligan and Wm, Allan. Although Mr, Allan had to cut his sfieech off short on account of a sevâ€" ere hoarsness yet so far as he went it was one of the best speeches we have ever heard him give, _ Sougs were sung by _ Mr. S. T. Orchard, Mr, T. Milligan and Miss Hattie Wiaut, an iimnstrumental was given by Miss Large, a reading to the point h‘y Mr,. J. Adams, and charmâ€" ing music by the Richie string band. 8. 8. No 2 Sabbath School will hold their annual entertainment on Nov. 13th a good programme is being prepared. Mr. Wm Chapman moved his family to Ducham last Monday and will now take charge of Livery business himâ€" self. Mr. Wm, Chapman, N. Swvey has sold his farm to Mr. Alex. Aikens and is now at liherl.f to enter into any busiâ€" ness just to his liking. Durham, 8 pt., 10th, V dsarn 50x70, Stone Basement ht:hh: Drive & Implement House 30x60, Stone Stables underneath. Root House 10x50, Hard and Soft Water. Churches and school convenient. 4} miles from Durâ€" ham Buildings cast avar half the Movey asked, oneâ€"third down. This is a Rare Bargain. Stock or Grain. â€" Business meant. If not sold will lease for a term of years. Apâ€" ply to On the 2nd Con. Normanby, containâ€" ing 174 acres. 140 cleaved. "A 1 soil in grand state of cultivation free from noxâ€" ‘ous weeds. Spring Creek. Stone House & Kitchen. Wood Szed attached. Bank FARM FOR SALE. REV. EDWARD A. WHSCN, Brocklyr, The undersigned kaving boon restored to health by suupie moaus, after sullering for several years with a so cerelung affection, »nd that dread disease Comumaptien, is anxious‘ to make known to his tellow sufferers the means of cure, To those who desireit, he wi‘ll choerfully send (free of charge) a & py of the prescripton used, which they will find a sure cure for Conâ€"nwption, Asthman, COaâ€" tarerk. Rroncifti®, and all throut and lurg Matâ€" adiex He hopes all sufforers will try thisremedy, naitisinvaiuable, Those desiring the preseription which wiil cost theiu nothiug, and may prove a blessing, will ploase addrcss, TOCONSUMPTIVES, Hood‘s Pills ssy inshcet Is the One True Dlood Purifier. All druggists, $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, Hood‘s rheu A SNAP! Renew for the Reciew. President Isaac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, is highly respected all through that section. He g:: lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" parilla, and what he says is worthy n‘tention. _ All brain workers find Hood‘s Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "I am glad to say that Hood‘s Sarsapaâ€" rilla is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I suffered greatly with pains of FARM TO RENT. ROBERT WATSON, Jr., Isherwood P. 0., Ont Neuralgia an k Sarsaparilia are prompt, efficient and C. McKixxox, t , Kew Yor May be you think it is not, but H. H, MILLER, the Hanover Conveyancer, is lending lots of it at 54 per cent and on extra good loans at ':?snâ€"(‘.onts lowâ€" Terms as any reasounalle person may desire, Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"nc cha if no ccll«ctiogl. Cheap Farms for 8 Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER, Hanover P. 0. The Hanover **Telephone," Conveyanc Deeds, Mo es, Lenses and ther writings nm'.l quickly prepared at reasonable cost. Hay is Scarce â€"BUTâ€" Money is Pienty. STONE & WELLINGTON Nurserymen and Fruit Grow. ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acros under Cultivation 10 1â€"3 m All Supplies Furnished Free. We are the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expenses from the start. _ Liberal commission to part time men. Large list of spec‘~‘ties, all having been tested at ourâ€" trial orchâ€" ards. If you want a sure thing tor We ie V CcR ie c & the Winter, write us Menr to Engage with us as Salesmen. New season just opening ; new style of plate bock ; imore attractâ€" ive and yet lighter than ever, $1,00° Tobe paid for at time of Bervice, Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1895. WANTED For Service during Season of 1895â€"96, Registered in the "Canada Berkshire Swine Record" as No, 2055 Farrowed Nov, 21st, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont, This fine animal wiil TE('[)t of JNXO, CLARK, LOT $2, CON. 3. W. & J. CAMERON Thruglixd Balksbite Bear Crockery & Glassware. Dinner Toa & Toilet Scts â€"â€"All Business Confidential A delicious blend put ""’k Ho Ho MILLER *o- Tea of Teas KURMA TEA At Popular Pries. We do the trade in Raw Furs Price Paid. A1ry it, ard you will b satisfied, s Also a full assortment cf Workmanship Unsurpasrecd. Fizs Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse SBlankets, &c., &c. Heavy & Light Harness â€"â€"_TO SUIT YOu. Try it, CALL & sEER oUrR We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right prices, wencious biend put u{' in 1 lbs, Lead Package Sold isp $Cs. IL. WI{'JL?S NyJ. Q5;, Harnegs !! ‘*FERDINAND. « LEAVENS, gr. T HE and TERMS : FURS. sw 62 . 477 N U a £2 1GZ 40¢C. ip. old for 50e. Ib. you will be perfectly ilogate cue Collars, Pads, Bites, Whips, &c., &c. cept on the premises IK, Jr., Conveyancep BENTINCK , } lbs. and . Highest whi wst at

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