West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 22 Oct 1896, p. 5

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terests â€"buy where estâ€"â€"â€"read the li, with strap and buckie ell lined, #7 50 ons orth 75¢ for 566 l a heayy, 500 vide, black and m worth 60c for 499 | value, at 35¢ and 50e pair uckle, $1.060 each UCE cilal at 5i with best trimmming $10.00 or 2 lor 230 r 2 for 450 0 aud #$1.30 » $1.25 and $1.50 d stylisb, $1.25 double loe 120 d5¢ pair ntry, 20¢ pair . special, at 2Jo each anmd 30e 900 Prices HOES 12}s np OTHS up driy,, ""r, town here for two good drivere, not more than 8 years old. .nAvply }c)) %‘n. P 'l‘yluoln. or, % omas Box 308 Owen Sound. Plla!xu'nox.â€"on Wednesday tTening of last week a y number 8 patrons and their m"‘?..‘:.".' met and n:l“pcialtimo. in the “’:?. house miti . Mmi.elh‘nl ‘s section, recogâ€" Octo â€" _ _"J+ yee murdaocn news. lew op CR _FAR.â€"One is surprised in ':: f the thinning out of cattle last L‘,h fAnd still so many offering. 4 pu3 Showed a little improvement. a0u 0 copy,,., ; (RNCC4 wishes to exchar ::: t‘.zrner lots fenced and cultivated A MWm 40000 & 1 of go â€",, "*CUr still all three i('); 't.h-e'l:l;l * $2,50., Can you do better? Two Horses Wanteg Theundernigned wishes to exchance tw , _ (Crsigne ; _ VVZ the REVIEW and Weekly ”f"l am%'pfmpirp to Jan Ist. 1808. for §40. The Saturday edition has 16 pages of llustrateg stories, fashions, pictures ll‘l.nd so on, and the price is $2 00. By the vemality of the publishers we are able to offer this edition with the REviEwW for fl?r better stil} a1) 5y .. c _ o y k EAOE ever and ; @S§Y us Snow ; Wental 3+ Attive in ¢ See thery 2 home pric Ctal ie tiee s2, ;) "" [O0WYn. Do our merchants ever tee them ? If th. public would compare home prices with those given in the atiligues there would be much less sending out of town for goods to the positive loss of the purchaser and the Mjury of the home dealer as well. We supply the ReviEw and Weekly Mail “"'ypl'fmpirr to Jan Ist. 1808. for 3 “3 The Saturday Hliti'(‘m has 16 m Wustrateq stories, fashions, pic ‘ and s 0n, and the price is $2 00. By the {lb:lityL.-f the publishers we are able O Offur +1s us Ua&rat Vianrpâ€" the 'v\'vv'kl_\' Globe wldress op this con try 1808, for $1.35, uh â€"ovep 10 oth and get all the ne the locality. Tha . "ts. Hannsh Chard, of Nex Jersey, at the age i07, has given up the use of tohraceo, because she has become convinâ€" ted tha‘ it is shortening her life, It is beantiful to see one thus early in life Alve up an evil practice without waiting. ts so many do, until the habit is fastenâ€" ed upoo the:p, . Te y Mrs. Hannah ( at the age i07, has tohaceo, because s3 ted tha‘ it is sho besatiful to see oi give up an evil pra t So musemy do n ‘Teek. An insane J =nned from the PAFine@ ing wous Ki I9urid | suici¢te v CHEEKSzâ€"The cheese markets for 2 weeks back have been booming. The etble price jumped 4 sluillings in one day, sud has~ since risen to} 50 sh. Prices at boards in Ontario are running from 10c. to 10%¢c and the prospects are that hes* niices wilh bus unumenitentansa® plec Extzsxatrs Crepoit Sac®.â€"On Tuesâ€" dâ€"3, Oct. Zth, Auctioneer Stephens will offer for sale Siock, I:nplements, Fursituare, H iy. Corn, Turnips, Fowl, &c., &c., on Lot 2 Con. 2 N’::-nmnhy. Joseph Neal, Proprietor, Enkcertion _ PRotEsts. â€" Coming evenis c«st their shadows before , and we will hefore long have some of these uusavory alfuirs parided before us. The Judges met last week weo believe to meke arrangements, * of p -t-ro 2 e Of patronism, complimen lidature beipe », dry goods. The tinder will o[)hgve by returning to Mrs. Morrison or leaving at Reviewx Office. The Review prize at the Priceville show for the uearest guess to the weight ul a beast goes to Mr. Rich. Whitt:.ker Flesherton Station. The guesses were hear each othor, but the nearest was sahout i0 lus off, Fatraur: The 19 teachers in training in the Model School here under Prin. Allan will soon be taking actiye hold of teachâ€" ing in the rooms. Kincardine Model School has oaly 7 pupils, A change needed there. Lost.â€"On Thursday last between Durham, aud the residence of Mrs. 8. Morrison, North ef Town, a rl\rcvl of dry goods. The tinder will oblige by returning to :lre. Morrison or leaving Sans BiuLrs, Parties wishing Sale Bills wi l do well to call at the Review Office. We can nearly nlW:Ys let you haye them same day, you call. We give you a free notice in the paper too, Mr. James and Miss Susanna Snell of |romore were guests at Mr. Allan M Kinnon‘s last Sunday, and had th: ’)lwuureuf hearing Mr. Jansen‘s ev ing sermon. hk Miss Brown who was the gue cousin Mis« 8, McKinnon f(‘)!r a:tl?afm'::nr ‘ leâ€"ft y““r'\‘“lyhfnlr her home in ;\Iint,fi sccompanied by her Graard * R. McComb. «imother Mrs. A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Public Llhml'y- wl be held on Thursday even ng, (toâ€"night,) at 7 p. m. in the Readi :g Roâ€"in. Â¥Yacxat Stores.â€"The Toronto Star to offeet yankee lies about vacant su)reg: s«ys there are onlyâ€"onlyâ€"about 500 in Toronto, This is bad enough, ‘ir. Wim. Hastie, who h:u purchased a(ssm in Proton is now busy turnin m’e‘r the soil to be ready for :n’;e spring cca;. â€"Yeovil cor, of Rep. witi «1y nut tiy 108% changed hands, â€" T sold from $12 to $20, Otl «lV v. The Globe is bigger than he Review is avsolutely necâ€" a local paper. HEM _ UPr.â€"Toronto Departâ€" ore Catalogues continue to Mr. W ,A: ‘n"d for 18097 ‘,{;d;ll‘f- .A Gmfli'e T wound of bak h LKA . Allan‘s P# \LUCF.â€"The REvIEW and lGlobe will be sent to any his continent till Ist Januâ€" " $1.35. . Join the REvIEw 0 others have done soâ€" the news of the world and aF, râ€" have found health, vigor and â€" .a Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, and it ..« power to help you also, Why ’f" .-\")lll ited frien it? anite Tea Pot worth 30ct of baking Powder s and at Grant‘s. all for half Y references to his ; made. Mr. Allan reâ€" y. See Murdoch news. LOCAL AND GENERAL, an‘s services in the . a purse was presentâ€" inree _ liremen _ met i livre in Montreal last e man named Clemens : bridge in the Rosedale alled. This makes the, within a year at this imnd the prospects are will be marntaived. an McKinnon and Miss Brown nds in Hoiland last week, K. Reid, Gleneden, is reâ€"enâ€" 8097 at a substantial increase to exchsnfe cultivated in “'";:‘"“‘- Glenelg Tp Council for next year is , Fowl, being thought of. Deputy Staples to rmanby. | ap appearances will be the next reeve, while Mr. T. McFadden, if he aspires s for 2 ) for the deputyship will likelyget it withâ€" g. The |out opposition, This will ensure for in one |tke next Council two old heads, and I 50 sh. | Messrs Lamb and Arrowsmith will be running | still availatle. The vacant place is cts are| Ekely to call out several aspirants howâ€" ned. ever, and it is expected that Mr. Thos, Sullivan will be a candidate, and likely 1 | Met / a sueccessful one too, as his action last eal l“’t")‘em‘ in refusing to come out, though lemens | pressed to do so, in order to avoid &n osedale | clection, was much appreciated. Mr, ces the |Jno. Willhams‘ name is mentioned in at this | this connection alsg, and he will make a ’gm;d run. ’nny. The presence of C, McKinnon in the field maukes it interesting for both parties as he he will work into both townships, and take a lnre vote in town as well. In Div, No. 4, the conâ€" test seemms now to be clearly defined, Jas. Allan, Swanston, Morice and the elder Schenk, being the candidates, of the four Morice‘s chances seem to be best, with Allan in the 2nd place but L there‘s no telling. In the east Proton vote in his own township. Reeve Binnie‘s chances have as {ot received no check and there is not likely to be | on Monday evening last and entertained | their many friends, coâ€"workers and felâ€" ‘lowâ€"workers, with Rev. Mr. Pomeroy presiding. A goodly number was presâ€" ent. The meeting was o%ened with song and prayer followed E the proâ€" gram‘: Instrumental, Miss E. Liman; lessay on Longfellow, Mr. Jones ; song, Miss Cora Moffat : reading, Miss Cooke; | trio, Longfellow‘s Excelsior, Misses Wallace and Parker and Mr. Jones ; reading, Mr, Mt. Parker; song, Miss Jessie Laidlaw ; Miss Tot Parker and lMiss Phoehe Wolfe reading copies of the "Epworth Reâ€"Echo," a weekly paper which is gotten up by the momgou of the junior society, All the renderings were ec<cellent, %artiqmmly the essay by Mr. Jones, which was thoughtfully prepared. CouxTy CoUNCIL.â€"As the time draws near interest increases. Inourown No. 3, there seems to he but a fainthearted geposmon to Reeve Messenger in the est, and his candidature is likely to West, and his candidature is likely to be successful, as he will poll a very large + Lmvrzy Liqvor PROSECUTION3.â€"East Luther is a local option township, and the three Grand Valley hotelkeepers | were each fined $50 and costs for having liquor on their premises, An inspector lnud a High Constable made the raid and | stored a lot of the stuff in a frame outâ€" ' house in the rear of the store of one of the convicting magistrates, it was disâ€" covered, at dusk that 15 gallons of whisky, barrel and all had been stolen an extra watch had been put on but next morning while at breakfast ancothâ€" er keg was stolen, $35 worth in all, | The remainder, 64 lager kefs, were | aimnashed, and the creamy liquld lay in amashed, and the cremng'r li?uld lay in ools on the ground, The ale and lager rmue. were smashed on a convenient stone pile. The â€"senior _ and odjuniur Epworth Leagues of the Methodist church united Hixts To CORRESPONDENTS8.â€"Numb ers the page~ of your manuscript., Don‘t numler the items. Write"on one side of the paper only. Do not refer to people by their initials. _ Do not write nysterious paragraphs that only yourâ€" self and a few others will understand, Do not abbreviate words., Do not refer {wrsnnully to young people‘s courting. Jo not say "yesterday" and "toâ€"morâ€" row," as your items miy not go to press for several days. Give the day and date of everything. Try to do good; you nmfi never have as good a chance again. uild Pm’pie up; â€" don‘t pull thein down,â€"Exchange. NEw Post OrFICES:â€"The township of Bentinck is to receive two new Post Offices, One of these is to be placed at Corinth, lot 25 con, 6, but as t'he name Corinth is already in use as *# .P. U. it, has been given the honored name of Mulock, after the Post Master General. The other is at lot 5 on the Tth and is to be named after the new Post Master Chas. Havermehl. These will be supâ€" plred from Hanover, and at an expense considered very moderate, There has been some talk that a new P. O is reqâ€" . nired near Gadd‘s corner, Normanby, but no steps have been taken as far as we know of. & EintiBiaaci Bs ABh ioi d d d mlulnl'l'y season take time and extra space in the HREVIEW for a few weeks to show the fiuhlic what they can secure at their ne store store, while J. A. Hunter and our other advertisers have goods second to none in similar communities, and at prices to suit the hard times, I 2000 2000 CCE pmrece CCO AHE pose of their produce has few equals, if any, in this upper district. Our merchâ€" ants in their dealing are square and fair, and our advertising pages show what goods can be bought for hbefore you leave home, _ Messr3 Ramsay and Morlock In the errraly L L c1o o mmak, ®t Dr. Williamson, Forest district of t will give a lecture, eg agg °* 3 , TS We Jane Clark, Estate 86.3:")‘.- Alex, Taylor, Egremont, to Jno. Middleton Findlay, Jane 'l‘n.}lor and Jno. Russel, Estate $24.710. onathan Rolninsun. Nnrm:mhy. to Jas. Carson and Jno, Wright, Estate $9.506. are the following :olmu tate of Henry _lfixeter. David Heuter and Louis of estate $15,800. Jno. Keppel, to his wife Jane 3&%‘ Alex. Taylor, Eg: ?lidd!fton F'n‘ndlay. Jam _ , " _ kE AQUIET, ... Among the 27 estates of deceased persons in the County of Grey dealt with by the Surâ€" rogate court in August and Seftemher are the following probate of wills:" Ro. Inta o af u.. o " ; _ L. 3 ,______ "F, Vougnt for hefore {)l:: ive home,. _ Messrs Ravisa and * ‘k in the crush of their MilYinery Col take time and extra space in the | ant Ww for a few weeks to show the | is 0 what they can secure at their | wo re st:'ro. while J. A. Hunter and | cer, A Jno. Clark. M N®T8,.â€"Numbâ€" icript. Don‘t on one side not refer to )o not write t only yourâ€" understand, Do not refer ‘place' 7{0, disâ€" h by the Sup. ind S‘T"mher of wills;" Rs. Normanby, to Loos. amount oo o_ »Lower Town, Durham. 2»" $5,000 to loan at lowest rates of BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. CONVEYANCERS. &o. Offices :â€"Opposite TOWN HALL, _ :‘o'l’i:li‘tor Jfor 'l.!ohln f';lgdf'otgn , Jane Taylor ohn Bnâ€"al[ the tvxeeuton and Executrix of said Estate. Dated at Mount Forest this 8th day of October, A. D. 1806. the Assets of siid Estate among the persous entitled thereto haying regard onlf to such claims of which notice shall have been received and said Execâ€" utors and Executrix will not be responâ€" sible for the said Assets or any part thereof so distributed to ll{ person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribu And further take notice that after the l6th day of November A. D. 1896. the said Executors and Executrix of the said Estate will proceed to distribute Pursuaunt to Revised Statutes of Ontâ€" ario Uhapter 110, Notice is hereby given that all persou or persons bhaving Claims or Accounts of any kind against the said Alexander Taylor are to send by mail, postage prepaid, or deliyered to, Rohert QOrmiston Kilgour of the Town of Mount Forest in the County of Wellington, Solicitor for John Middleâ€" tcon Findlay, Jane Taylor and John Russell the Executors and Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the 9th day of November A. D. 1896, their Christian names, surnames and addresâ€" ees, and descriptions and particulars and proof of their claims, statements and accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held hy them. 3 In the Estate of Alexander Taylor late of the Township of Egremont in the County of Grey, Merchant, deceasâ€" Ross.â€"In Priceville, on Saturda Oct 17th., Mary the wife of Josep Ross, tailor, aged 59 years. are Jas. Hay, who paid $24. for a fine year old ; H. Willis got the only Avrâ€" shire cow, while 8. Lawrence got her calf for $10 ;@1I. Wilkison paid $45.50 for a cow and calf ; F. Petty, one yr. old heifer, for $28.25 ; U. Petty got a fine bull calf ; C. Melonis, Egremont, paid thejhighest price of the day, though not the dearest, for a handsome cow with heifer calf, for $590. He also got admittedly the best bull in the herd, Ccastguard," the highest priced bull of the day, and has the foundation for a fine fherd in a year or two. Matlt. Barber also made ‘purchases. Notice To Creditors. 2L No WnnA d adhirar DiA ces old ioi Li o fith 4. 14 > | ant, and we hear that Mr. P'ote.r Watson | is out for it. Mr. Watson it seems to us > | wouid a most acceptable mnni(-i(sml offiâ€" _| cer, as hie mechanical skill would be useâ€" \ ful_ in bridge contracts, etc. Councillor | Leith will no doubt be elected again. and Mr. W m MceFadden an old war horse, is again in the Held, for the other position and as he served the township well for many years, it would be the graceful thing to elect him. _ If Mr. McFadden should not run Mr. David McKelvie will be a candidate and would make a good one. Measrs Bye and Fraser are to contend for the 1st deptysbiy, and Mr. P. Dickson will be reeve or another year. PARKER‘s SALE or TRoRoUGHBREDS. â€"On Fairday afternoon Auctioneer MacKay had some as fine animals unâ€" der his hammer as he has had for many a day. The prices realized could scarceâ€" ly have been profitable to Mr. Parker, and the purchasers may be sure to have more than the worth of their money should our cattle markets improve. A number of wideâ€"awake breeders from a distance among whom we noticed _P., Muir, Artemesia, who takes home a 2 yr. old heifer ; A. Muir, a cow and calf B Johnston, Artemesia,f cow and calf ; | Parker, JArtemesia, 2) yr. old bull ; P, Quigg. a cow and calf,. Nenarer home Elliott & Elliott, rrar are not likely to goa begging, 2 Deputy Jas. Allan running â€" for (.'ount.y“pmition leaves his position v dn $ e e ie sc y te CP When your blood is pure, rich and nourâ€" ishing for nerves and muscles, _ The blood is the vital fluid, and when it is poor, thin and impure you must either suffer from some (‘iutr@ssing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes exposure, or overwork, Keep your blood pure with Hood‘s Sarsaparâ€" illa and be well. Hood‘s Pills are the best afterâ€"dinner ; gll; assist digestion, cure headache. cents, ‘ EaREmoXxtT Council positions nexi WA es ce ci dfi c 0s . 5000 Cords Four Foot Wood wanted sawn ends, Beech and Maple, Highest market price, J. A, Hunter. Upper Town Durham, Horsc For SALE.â€"6 year old Bay,. good driver or worker, weight about 1100 lbs., will sell cheap for cash or eaâ€" change for wood. J. A. HuoxtEn. HuxTERrs, ATTENTION! â€"Licenses for the privilege of Deer hunting must be obtained and can beâ€" secured from Mr. F. Walmsley, Wiarton. The charge is‘ $2.00,.â€" We shall giye further informaâ€" tion next week, | iratinndints®t c iA 11 Rev. Mr. Moffat of the Upper Canada Bible and Tract BSociety, wifl address a meeting in the Baptist church on Monâ€" day night. DEATHS. You Can Be Well Glenelg, Oct 1G6th 1806. the owner will picasse prove property, pay expenege and hkomnony. POST OFFICE INSPECTOR‘8 OFFICE, Stratford 1st October, 1806. ‘ Printed notices containing further inâ€" formation as to conditions of prorond contracts may be seen and blank forms of _Tender way be obtained at Post Offices at Pomona, Irish Lake and Priceville, and at this office. SnALunuxolns.addmsedtothePoot- master General, will be received at ttawa until _ noon, on Friday, 13th govemher. 1896, for conveyance of Her Majesty‘s Mails, on a proposed contract for four years 2 times per week each way. between Pomona and Priceville from the Ist January next. LOWER TOWXM, Have you tried the AMERICAN ? If not do so and we feel conâ€" fident you will be perâ€" fectly satisfied. Came to the mnhe. of the underâ€" gned in September one ewe and lamb MAIL CONTRACT. Axp Firtincs or ant Kixps at lowest prices. AMERICAN Canadian COAL OIL. Qoods Lamp Goods, TORONTO Lamp Renew for the Reciew. Banquet, ranging MacFARLANE®& Co. INg TT biiintatiiy taitninidadal . 1 2s caidabch i s umne he promise(f. (according to Stortâ€" reed) thâ€"y wer» sold to another party for $2.40. Case went against Sho: treed who is out $4.50 and costs. Moral : fix the date and in writing or don‘t sell. CAME ESTRAY. (: Our notice of the week ilick vâ€" Sharp ho mss h.‘ 4 /m s The Model School examiition begins on December 7th, two weeks earlier than usual. Sacramental services will be adminisâ€" tered in the Methodist church on Sabâ€" bath morning, Miss Brander, M. D. formerly of Priceâ€" ville, was married last week to Rev, Mr. Campt ell, of Harriston, Clocks and ALIVE. OOR CHAINS AXD CHARMS MODERN. STAND LAMPS Lamp Goods. â€" GORDON ALIVE | Are not Ancient but H. G. Horxainx. Post Office Inspector, Are not deoad but and D’, GIAIA'& Lot 2228 GonA. the asault case last DURH A M FULL LINES OF STERLING BROTHERS CELEBRATED MAKE OF HAND MADE __UPPER TOWN, DURHAM JUST ARRIVED®~~ Men‘s, Boys‘ and Youths‘ Long Boots We bought them to Sell and have marked them down so +" For Men, Women and Boys for Fall Wear. Come and see Them Before Buying. ~» £*4,. We Sell 28 lbs Brown Sugar for $100 your advantage to give us a call, Sold in barrel Lots At Refiner‘s Prices Than ever before in Durham Xtlt aVlze $#3 Overcoats & Winter Buits Were bought RIGHT and will be sold RIGHT. You can‘t make a mistake in giying us your first call. You are sure to get a smap that you cannot get elsewhere. Our BOOTS AND SHo S are set at the lowest notch. Our GROCERIES are all new and fresh. STARTLING REDUCTION IN PRICES! Readyâ€"made Clothing Sold heaper Daiglish‘s Old Stand & gL‘ P T PeRTATET refffiteetietetiartidh dis. d @vIg We bought them to Sell and have marked them down tney can‘t stick _ Are you interested in them ? If Come and see us. NEW ARRIVAL OF Goops Boots and Shoes And so on, and so (n We also secured some BR many friends. Are you one of tt not, we would like to hate you for one. We quote a few prices : Dress Goods worth 35¢ for 25¢ We‘ve an interesting Story to tell you this w our DRESS GOODS. And this is the interes When in the city we were offered Dress Goods 25 to 30 per cent cheaper than was asked earl, COAL OIL AMERICAN and CANADIAN ONE CAR We have some drives in BIG McARTHUR, red some Bargains in Tweeds We start them at 25 cts. 66 6¢ 5. PABRBEER Are you one ofthem ? 1/ . L. CRANT. Druggist & Seedsman, Durham . Ana ihas is the interesting part. were offered Dress Goods at from per than was asked earlier in the are able to give extra value to our 50¢ for 35¢ 75e for 50¢ n, to the end of the chapter 0| L ! Upper Town Durham this week about «_ It will be to If so, to Tok

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