West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 Oct 1896, p. 1

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" re made Money. OT, COME IN ALE SN 1TH MB SN D scvruw.urrtoR ARANTEED. ON HAND AT man! may; i8 Ta using! Fe rented {at n term " P, ire rmn’euient. VHS. 2. Normanhy. :Ihlrhnm. "tte mik M. bun-vain." to (‘hurvll tun-l bid-m for ploughing all [on] at ”mm. run p!" ""'T. '. mvly nu thrprru I ."evairs tor ttll hind-cl out buy our “new...“ w Hugg'ts and some Cub u mix-us that twill any“ aha” " Four own to]. L, Guaranteed. " Ft . h " 1,3133%; S,St I: eiitted with ill MAGHIIERY- rd to take build“ "sh all kinds " a living prices. RN LAILWAY EHIMRY fpply fo a the world go to bam, Durham, It will handle all no trouble. For you prices and no MATCHING! Adams" Wnreon. Inc- I make I about "hail ,6'tti0 " hos. Smith. vnsure 5 trooo r" '; “ell salted “goo-I. OTAS pe rt T :w Process, _rroish and Son- er county 41 per acre. mile from ON BROS Purui inspect and be Convinced. amazing! EG m TO RENT. INE ST , Coats agevts, REMONT- SI oy Em W Hides, " nuitabie for be beat. a. trood " t” an " v'\l.!.l.~‘r0£ "ri' f... . _-i',,,)."-"' [Db-ass. '.i'i'sl1i,:if,ifdiiliiri.nnon, lc. Il on In "' to Tee It th It. Car Brackville Buggies, also ; tpet: and Campbell, Lon- (h, adiaieri Buggies. uysatsam Famous Wagons, /tiuir' Bull Wagons. M an: of the famous Ramsay was fabulous prices. ht ' Irae, Singe Apron But- 'ttyall tlot/ers and Tiger hy Sick We take this opportunity of banking our customers for mat patronage, and we are :cwinced that the new system nil merit a continuance of the same. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH Durham. ‘\ "w. 9th, '96. We beg to inform our Custom- , ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash on . its equivalent, and that our! Motto will be I Large Sales ilk Small Profits') l kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, rgans & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. '3.REHOUSET_ Upper Town, Durham - - va' NJ. hm. h um Div. Cal " has”! Kat-try PINKS 'f.ttiiiii'ii', 1rtuten Agents, Pu 1!yetiii"iii'i7ii'il, trrrr, CHAS. McKINNON. (lytujiii"i".'""e1" l WftTt 'ltAr.lte. an": Arrived “maniac". tt trottey invested for J,2yntirii and sold. Gt,, Stamina Bank. _il'l'ai"i"r"i'riFit.?: 43. Iaxwells‘s Light Steel when." than over. And Sold at Lowéstv i;Giiiih -riiiG. ANCERS. ADOPTED BY "lik J. McKechnie.. THE CASH ~DEALER W--.- Conn ., G, 80 J. MCKECHNIE. Good Farm lands Int-”and 88. Gun. 12, Bentrnck. New Concrete Dwelling. new Frame Stables. situated within one mile of Post OMee, Store and Saw Mill. Terms easy. For particulars upply to, M. M. hymn. " on Hand Maxwell', Steel Rakes, etc. Coqlthard & Scott’s Seed Britta and Hat rows. Wilkinson Ploutths and Beumertk Organs & Piaucs of the best makes. A few Stove-s at job Iuicer. New Williams Sewing Ma- li so Acres chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. 1m . (!ii;ttt FOR SALE. Ol? Hanover. There. have been very few dismissals from the civil service under the Lauri" (internment from offensive partisanship or for any other reason. One removal which has been chmnicled with approv- al by an independent Farr, that of Mr. Rog. Rain-rho". the n opondent Con- ermtive member for Toronto, the Teh- --The Montreal “Witness" a fur daysm refers to a local event in B. Grey " “Iowa: - -- Such a matter would be a most appropriate one to be talked over and pushed bya board of trade, and we think it is high time Durham had such Cold storage and cheap tt1upporu ation are the two points in which the government may help the great farm. ing classes of this country. In the States man} of these have been built on a co oprrntive plan and have prov- ed eminently successful. As an instance of profit the dozen of Eggs that is worth 8 or 9 cents will take getty to store them 6 months, and can then easily be sold for 13 or 14cts or more ', the producer and the merch- ant would both be benefitted by the extra 3 or 4 cena n dozen. So in but- ter, cheese, and meat, and fruit as well. I Small fruits will keep one to two months. Pearsand peaches varying lengths of time according to varieties and some varieties of apples can be kept for two yer rs. o What does it cost ? ( Eggs cost one third of a cent per dozen per month. Apploa50 cents a barrel for the season, butter and evap- orated fruit one eight of a cent per lb per month. meat, unfrozen one eight of a cent, trozen one quarter cent. Reduced rates are given for longer we ms. t at Giielph tonca Northern districn. Such a warehouse is projected at Woodstock and at Hamilton, bat a strong pressure is to be used to have one at Guelph toneeommodate thalamus Etrgs have been kept a .vhw, and can be kept 6 to 8 months and come on; gcrtcctl y fresh. Cheese can not only be kept bat in:. provcs in tiavor. Butter can be kept from early sum- mer to the following winter with no depreeGton in the product and ot course a great appreciation in price. l g", - __..-.._, "'"'r'"""urq' Ill 18- " muted rooms m the same buildidg. I "The principle of cold storage was} the absorption of heat from the, l 'atmosphere by the circulation ofanhy. drous ammonia in pipes in a properly constructed building; this absorption p was effected by the change of the ammonia from a liquid to a gaseous state. The titst stepin the pro‘cetss was ) the converting of the gas into a liquid by means of heavy machinery, which produced the required pressure _and temperature. Then, in its liquid ‘ittlte, it‘was forced through pipes into the rooms which were to be cooled. In these rooms was a second series sf Ipipes free from pressure which per- mitted the ammonia to once more be- eomeugass if it could absorb heat. ‘ It absorbed the heat from the atmos- ', phere oi the room, thus cooling the ( room; tlteteuspertktue of which could i be kept uniform at any point by regul. , sting the alosorption of heat. As all gas, when its absorptive power was I I exhausted it was returned to the com- t presser and condensing tank and was! t ready for use again. '1'llepretieal,ly t the gas lost nothing in this circuit:' "yIrc1tieertlly they lost 3 per cent. 1 l While heating is done by the radiating I e mi heat, cooling is done by absorbing a ’lieat; Eggs requiie a temperature ot L 33 degrees, above zero, butter 18 de, g grees above, Cheese 35 degrees above, t ‘iish 20 degrees below Zero! 2 What will it do ? _ The farmer can kill his beef in the i, all and keepiit for spring yelet's with. d out the Costs of.teediig or running any n risks. Ll', , m a runner meeting of the Guelph IBoard of Trade held last week, We learn from the Mercury, Mr. G. ll. Jones, of the Dominion Cold Stance Co., gave an address on the subject brimful of Information, and we con. dense for the benefit of our readers some of the points made. i What irite It is the only means of preserving fruit and other perishable; products from the time they Were ready for the market until the market was ready for them. , lee storqge was not'successful. under all conditions, salt was too expensive, but by the use of machinery and she chemical process they could get s term perature of 35 degrees below' zero and l regulate itto any temneratnrut. in in. The subjcct of Cold Storage is to rc- eeive attention from the Dominion Gov. ernment, and the importance attached Jothis process can hardly it scemsto us be overestimated to all concorncd in the production and handling of butter, eggs, cheese andfruit. At a regular meeting of the Guelph Board of Trade held last week, We Learn from tle Mercury, Mr. G'. ll. go eeommodate the large DURHAM {BOLD STORAGE. , THURSDAY, OCTOBER M, 1896. Mr, C. Jun-k took I trip to New Buy; Int 199k o n luminous Mr. L Verb is building A house for his brother-in-law M, T. tardy of Bell's Cornet-I. Miss Jennie Campbell who is living the other Side of Hopeville. was visiting at him- srrandfa.tUr's Mr. A Bryco’s last, wee . ( Two of Mr. Elli“ children have had thy whooping cough. but are now recm - snug. - __ -- - __ Miss F. McTeggart is home front Tor- onto for a short. time. Miss Gertrude Wilson of Swinton Park was the guut of her cousin. Mrs. C. McLean, last. week. Mr. w. Bryce he: purchased a fine team of horses. Mr. J. Lee left on the 21st for the North Shore. where he intends remain- ing during the winter, months. Everybody is busy taking up the root crops, and report at great turn out of turnips and potatoes. MG. M. Egan accompanied her aisle-r Mrs, Wolfe to Hamilton last. week. the swallowing of it. and in extreme cases. in which he had been called lust in the nick of time. when the the lun- Fus WM too near closing to allow garg- ing., he blew the sulphur through a quill into the throat. and after the. fun. gus had shxuuk to allow it, then the Earring. He never lost a patient from iphtheriy Or if a. patient cannot gnrgle. take a live coal. put on a shovel and sprinklers spoonful or two of the hrinurtone at a tune upon it, and the fungus will die,--Lomhin Lancet. A few years ago, when diphtheria was raging in England, a gentlemen nerumpanied the cc-lohrutsd Dr. Field on his rounds to witness the so-called 'wonderful cures" which he performed. while the patients of others Were drop- pingnff on all sides. All he took with him was a powder of sulphur and u quill, and with these he cured every patUnt without exception-that is hr pul a. teaspoonfttl of fiotwof hrimstmue into a wineglsss of water. and stirred it with his fingtw Instead of a spoon. as sulphur doo nut numlgnumte with water, and on the sulphur hecumin ( well mixed, he gave it as u garglo. “all in ten minutes the patient was out of danger, as brimsbune kills out every 9 bet-ion of fungus in umu, beast and plant. in a few minutes. Instead of spittingf‘mt, .the gaggle he rerommended L P""" mm we f,fi',."'ra1neheJrt y the act- mg les/et,.',?,:'",': as acted Inn kind, mun y fashion. and the government in acting upon his advice has acted justly. "l' â€"--â€"â€"â€" .7--- wrrv-IIGIII-IV VI " partisan of the late government. A aithtul, eftleient, experienced civil servant was removed, to the injury of the public l a. person whole daily bread depended upon her own exertions. was presunmbly turned on the attest. and a partisan politician was given the place In a. reward for partisan service. Yet Sir Charles Tapper and his colleagues. who were guilty of this mean displace- ment, were not ashamed to stand up in _ parliatuent and virtumtslydonounct, the ‘ assumed intention of the others to out similarly. There is nothing like being placed In Opposition and seeing how their own sort. of sins look when com- mitted by others to render I set of pol- iticians virtuous in their notions. Dr. Landerkin. in securing the annulment of the appointment by the late govern- Tent and the reappointment of the act- Every bud feature of the spoils tfit (cm was taxwupoed in the case of t he. dismisaul of the woman from the post- mistg-esshie apd {he appoiutuusut of a " In Ontario only one postnmster has} bet-n displace-d, and that was not tori, political masons. The office is in the, ridinguf South Giey. For five yenm‘ the old postnmster had been bed: idden, l the duties beingF performed by hixl dulgliter. He died in Gumbel 1895 and! the daughter nmde application for the I Fashion. She received promises, hut an: eu days after the election u politian tiivud of the late government WM ap- pointed, This appointment was notion-I ed, and the daughter y'/'gtl,ed/, she, having given satisfawtlou or so umnyl years." ‘gram, will also, we venture to think. he' greeted with satisfaction by every Gun-l asrvativeas well as Liberal who has a] particle of umuliness m- fairtuituieduesa ' in him. The Telegram says: I PROTON CENTRE. - 00> 00-.. TORONTO RE VIE Br and GLOBE, 31,35 REVIEW and SUN, 31,35 RE VIE IV and Daily World 83.60 air VIE Br and Witness. 81.60 Other Paper- aloo at roducod rates, "Monsoon" Tunis put up by the India 'k. won as I ample of the but qualities of Indian ‘1'... Therefore they use the gnaw-t can in the solution of the ran And its blond. that in why they put it up (1:013:01ch and all it only in the (Mind ethical. thereby muting in purity and "unmet ttt up in Ella, I lb. And gtb. pm“, and non:- add in AU. GOOD ONGOING KEEP IT. "your” do- not has, it, 9.21?me to who " .TIIL, HAYTER A DO. _ Tut nun? Tea In To“: Homo [ROM THE TEA PLANT To THE "A cup a. T. R., 1 mile from School and Church. Well watered by two spring creeks. Good frame barn with stone slabling. and frame house. Will be rented on reasonable mum, Immediate possess-ion can be Juan Apply to Dururn,b-pt,, mm, was} Lots 19 t 20 Con. 8, Tp. of Egremont. ' farm consisting of 150 ncres, 1'30 work. \blelnnd._3 n?.ilttt fron? Holstein on the 3 _ I ". tat, _ T .4 . a?” . RI = . a rtt ll "ggalfAg , ‘ . r " K, ill , A . ' Te, _ It I I a; _ rut nun? Tea III nu: Womb This is a Rare Bargain. Stock nr Grain. Business meant. If not, sold will lease foe a term of years. Ai- ply to On the 2nd Con. Normanhy, contain- ing 174 non-s. Ito cleared. Al soil in grand state of cult ivation ireeh on. HP!- ions weeds. Spring Creek. StontvH:ntua, & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 50x70, Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Iu+luuettt, House 110x50, HUMP 3124‘th undrrxwulh. Rum. Hunsw 10x50. Hard and yloft, Water. ('hurvlwsnnd School cunveuicnt. 45 miles from Dur- haul hililiaiy cast aver half the Money asked. one-third down. FARM FOR SALE. REV. EDWARD 1. WILSON, Brocklyu, ll The undersigned h-viug hon!) rostnrpd tulwnlth in limplo "et",u_rersititeritu,rfot. several years with an "r?ttmgatreetion,tsud thhldi‘t'ml (linens e "e-rtn"r,'ii anxious to tttttke in" u u to his fallow “than: the moans of curr. To those who denireit. he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a crpyn! the prawn-imam used, which they will ttno . sure cure for Cnuuumpllon. A-llnmn. ro. Hindu. Ilronchlll-mnd all thrnntuml In”; "al- ldlel He have: all “Herero: will try thinrojuesty, " Itiniuvulvuhlo. Those doairirutth4 prescription which will Mu! them ttothittg,tunt may prove a blessing, will please address, Ind " Front an... Put Tnmnto Rem 1rocossTrarPauvzk m In my!“ runny. " the One True Blood Pttritler. All (hugging. " Prepu-od only byC. t. Hood & Oo., Lowell. Mun. act easily. tl l Hood's Pills 'lkrl't"d(t'1rll2, Fllood's A SNAP?, at, uni I am thankful to any I am well. Hood'- Piiis when taken with troodu in-upuilh help very much." If”. M. M. Manama“, Freehold, Penn. Thie and any other can. prove that mm an. with Boodm haunting, and thy In” done no much good. I TriiVenttetttsout “was. Ittave taken). Wot Hood'l Bnmaparittn, and through the m. at God, it has out“! no. t worked a hard as our the put sum- “I was to pulse Bood's Barsarmrttu. By health run down, and I Inc! the grip. Alter that, my but and nervous system was bsdly shew, so thatl could not do my own wr'k. Oar physician can as sons help. but did not cure. I decldsd to try Hood’s Bsrsspsrlm. Soon I could do sum: own housework. I has taken Poop}: Ind list the help they so much need, in Hood’s Seruparius. It tur- gaitrkes the dashed strength by puri- tring, v4taliaing and enriching the blood, and the build, up the nerves, tones the stomach and regulates the whole system. Read this: FARM T0 RENT. Cured lhlleici'iiiiiiii=iii ROBERT WATSON, Jr,, Isherwuod P. o., Ont A PERFECT TEA GLUBBING. Sarsaparilla Oct emu-y, promptly m , McKinley, Yew ht ---Ail Business ConMentitu--- Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER. Collects Notes and Accounts-nr, ch if no ccltection. Cheap Farms for Deeds, Mortgages, Lenses and ther writings neatly and quickly ptepared It reasonable cost. 'IN he you think it is not, but H. H. MIL ER, the Hanover (/om'eyancer, is lending lutsuf it at til r cent and on extra ttood loans at ll'i'ifl'lt,tit,ti, low-, Terms as any n-ensonalle person may desire. Nurrmrymen and Fruit Grow. era. Toronto Can. Over Po, Acres under Cultivation Money is Pienty. We are the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expenses from the start. Liberal commission to part time men. Large list of specialties, all having been tested at our trial orch. ards. It' you want a sure thing tor the Winter, write us. All Supplies Furnished Free Men to Engage with us as Salesmen. New sputum justupeuing; new stvle of plate hock I umre attract. iseand yet lighter than ever. Hanover P. o. " Telephone, " only Tube pnid for at time of Service Aberdeen, Oct. 16th, 1895. $1.00. Tube [mid for WANTED Reign”: Wt wink it itrnot, but H. H, 1.0132, CON. 3. W. G BENTIKCK. For Service during Season of l895-96. Registered in the “Canada Berkshire Swine Record " a! No, 2956. Farmwud Nov. 21%, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Koasuth, Out. This fine animal will I»? J. CAMERON Thoruughhred Berkshire Bat of JNo. CLARK, " LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G an Try it, and ynu ‘u ill [w pevft't'tly an: l fled. Also a full assortment " Crockery as Glassware, Diaaav,Tea &. Toilet Sets "a He no MILLER - A delicim‘. Tea, of Teas KURE‘M TEA 10 1-311) At Popular Fri; es. We do the trade in Raw furs. Highest Price Paid. \Vorkmunship IF Collars, Pat's. ' I Bites, Whips i &c., " Heavy & Light Mun TO SUIT YOU. CALL d; -sruiriiiiii Try it, We Handle everything in the Harms: line, at right prices. Sold for 20c. lb. Scld for Me. lb. Sold for 50c. Ib. WHOLE No. 952 Harness !! STUNB & WELLINGTUN Choirse in 'reatriiiUmw . LEAVE-INS, Jr. Iii] m Mend put. up in l Hm. Lead Packages THE TERMS t we in Vallses. Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. FURS. The Hanover Con veyanm kept on the pumice. L'nsurpusscd lluz. and iii:

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