West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 Oct 1896, p. 4

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c, :0 4- 90. ttf _ t, " 'ttit')' a A HIE pa All [I] _ _ - -.""""t"""Y""t'. Princi ml of the Holstein Academy. mmlnlly tilled tho chair and opened the regular procemlin - with a Ii'Jtt,t,tlt I'"i."1 or. tho .. 1'/?,i), work of t e Teach. er . HI. a mu: handled with cottsiderahie at." .mu pb.ced the Work of the teacher m-xl it, inqmrlance to that of the moth- tn. Good mothers were the best gift pf the nation And good union wore TLu morning sowmn, Thursday, was not Lawely attended and an infurnml dig-main: took place on the reprehc-nsi- lulu prunin- of ammo teachers in apply- ing tor situations before it was known whether tom-hers were leaving their schnulsol' not. A resolution opulent- muorv of such unprofessional work was passed unanimously. The af'ernoon opened with47 tau-hora present retrresemtintt all the townships m S. Urey exrept Bentim-k. which sent I'I‘m one rvpngsenmtiw. President Sham. Th" Si'llll annual meeting of the S. Frey Tearle "i' Immanu- was held last Thm-schy and Friday in the village of lhxmtnlk. ?fotwjthstUnmnk the threat: c-n'ug my ct of the weather on wednesi day vvenmg. Thttradtw morning broke fair. and the weather durin the two days continued ttood. it dig not. min muugh the umbrella was slightly in evidvuce. thl te HILLS. Parties Wishing Sn v.51 do well to call at the Review We. can m-zu'ly alum a let ym them smm- day you (2J1. We trr a bee notin- iu the paper too. u. we umnagogue to represent to the luaaa'cs that them: are their oppremrs. The present struggle. in this feature of IC, is Hui: new, bat We, believe it will bve6me more common In the century just at our tom‘s. Whether. it Will precipitate a social and a bloodless reVUlutiun, on the lines of Bellamy's C'Lookiust 1ytekwarus," or a. revolution in which bayonet, and bullets will count, We do not pretend to guess, but certainly there is score for the most P..rjiir?'utstatetmirui"p to steer the ship ot state through the breakers ahead. Neither side, for a wonder, is mil. ing at Britain, and the struggle seems to be. tluye)oping into one between the rich and the pm; fur both sides point their arguments against wealthy men, who are either "gold bugs" or “silver kings," and it is the art and the policy of the denmgoguc to represent to the tuicsscs that them: are their ounmxmm Before another issue, reaches our readem, the great battle will be fought, antl the chiet nmgistrate of 65,000,(X)U people will be virtually selected. Our neighbors in the United States luve thrown business aside, Armenian hae. barities fail to awaken attention, even the pending' Venezuelan settlement Beemsto rem-lire little, attention, and even“ man and mother‘s son, to use a eollouuialisnt, is 'm,Taged in a wordy istrngg'e. which has, or has had, no, equal in the history of the world. _ Bryan it is reckoned has made more tqreeehesthanatt his predecessors in presidential warfare combined. What the result may he of this torrent of words and wonderful display ol'energy land oratory Wlll be known next week. To the manager: of both parties the result is certain now of 30mm). and to Canadians who merely hearthe echoes oi the war and see the opposing cal culations, it is impossible to be sure. The laTulrlieatttis, it mast be said have made the more carclnl canvass, and their ti,'.rmis are more generally I trelieved in Canada. The strongth ot ho, measured hy its wet be batman at a dream article Would be a ve, Should this not he The prawn: tower, we lieve is Hut, satisfuetor.v place, but something shul llfg',1'ien1,t valuable propcrt rating. Passing the Fire Hall the other day, we were surprised to find the hose on the tturls sincn the last practice, a month or so before we believe. This hemmcnt can nut but. be injurious to them, and as the engineer assures us that an outlay of hundreds of dollars will be rmluired m-xt your or soon " ter for m-w hose. lt is time somebody was asli 4: bt “has are you going to do about it ?" SOUTH GREY TEACHERS MEET, .........uua muung concerns are in a dilemma. They bought wheat very Arrtely when it jumped up. andbr ghove the expln price. and now if they come down the. price ' f tiour will In", and the Manitoba farmer chuck- ea. 451“ “Mg gum. ---A Provincial Convention of Con.. Iervatlvus met in Toronto Tuesday. to discuss therrlitiml sitttntion, am! lay blunt for ntnre eniuests All the leaders are on hand except Cinrke “'lllace, who is mt West. We have heard no results at this writing. The wheat, market has boen in a decidedly nervous Mate during: the week, the [nice thehnmneter going up and down' in an alarming way, in- dicating n prawn-inns Mate of health. The rise of last week has not been ntaintaiued but as the conditions which ttttttsul the rise still exist there is every likn-lilnml that prices will in crease rather than g” down. It Is to be hoped for the good of our cmnmnnr ity that rungh grains. cattle. dairv products, ae., will also became of mun: yalue. --Manitoba Milling concerns a dilemma. They bought wht largely when it jumped nn 'ho/am, Thur. wpreselil Min. ItetiideiititihiirF, of the Holstein Academy. tilled l" dwirha'md openyt the THE C :EAf CONTEST, v-v. qt tower, we are led to be, satisfuetory as a drying mowing should be done. to able property from deter- ..-.. - NEW HOSE, l of lose, like a chain is ts weakest part and to tire owing to a detective 'ot be t; ‘0- {walling Sula Bills he Review oltice. ya [vi you have L We give you ,rxuu nus oven in as Mnte during the theriumnuter going alarming way, in- an serious matter. attended to ? 1mvention of Con- mum, Tuesday, to sinmtiun, and lay "Nuts All the M except Clarke West. We have '. Oct ,29 'otr r, - - -un lvuLut'I I cannot give you even a 'd,', of i:. I feel certain that your Ol The proceedings Friday PPTirytopen ed with a paper frmn Principal Jmhins on .. Na are Sinuy.” The paper Was so in“ I m d things for the teacher nun ed to perfection. Ive In hear the popular Principal his: intetietriintr twientitfc. I such would be a benefit to at large. um, 1Y"'""""* and Instructive, espec- ially that part showmf the uses of electvicic in producing ight, hentund the now Famous X Rays. Mr. Jenkins is a skilful manipulator; and all the ex- periments except. the electric hell work. ed to perfection. Ive hope again to hear the popular Principal [five one of his: intetiesiintr twientitfc. ta ks. More such would be a tenetit to the country at. large. 70....“ 1"""To""' “HUI"!!! ' ' ital address on E7it"/i'lir"s'.f'"it tell; lus'mu-d by Experiments (vith a plum it - hatter-y shown": furth the pmwrs A; mess of the "Modern Giant." as 'Ill lecture was termed. The lect 3 1e Lrulv immmnm. .....a t___. f me was . - "l m .. .uuu 1 'e gob an awful cold" adtniralily rendered by four. ladies was especially suitable at this .. cold " sensor]. The band was present and with its excellent music added not a little to the evening‘s enjoyment. Mr. Jenkins, Principal of the Owen Sound Cullegiate Institute, gave " ca] - ital address on Electricity. It was il- Ingram-d by experiments with a plunge battery shnwinsz fut-ti) the pmwrs “no ___ .,_. -0. ~u-v': 2t"e*rt' was a re iislem, of Dundmlk in charge of the junior tlepartment in the Public School it will not. be wondered that con- siderable interest was manifested by Lhe citizens to hear her. Thor were not disappointed for she excel ed herself. “or selections Were varied and choice and in all she showed great skill in the P"'ttuascure of every shade of feeling and expression. As Sin John McDonald used to my, Mr. Editor, Miss Richard- ti u "does us proud" The local per- formers also did hugely. if you will par- don the "oru. The visiting brethren and sistorn “any”! n....x\ ....-..- . -e_ee ”mun-5 nurture" and sistorn enjunad each number im- mensely. One selection 'frresrut, an awful cold" admirably rendered by four. India: was .,,...-‘.:_.n_4 . .. ”up”: m many SOMUUIS ware nun-king time -tluwe was no forwunl movement. The causes assigned for this mm. were low ideas, "mural indoleuce and divert.- ed interests, such as sport, pleasure. vac. Mr C. closed oneof his best zuhhosses with a word of wise counsel to the teachers todo some Faithful examina- tum of themselves and if thev were now mn"king lime in any way they should tvsolve to stop shurt and begin to march forward. This closed the work of the afteI-nnnn, . A ,_.- .v..~nu. """""ly ll pupils and other points were simi fen]: with and uen- but]: lonelier pupils in numy Srlmuls were mm- tinte-tlien, was no forwunl mow" .1.“ u,- Innuu'u um. ttlat many Wetw convinced they lacked in some Impacts, but through ituiirferrmceot other mums madv no rlrorts to ilupr'ww they "T're simply marking timv, ~nmtion without pm grass -the Methods of tho Teat/uw, lust-imbue in the whom], Movality of the lnnuik nvnl .,tl..s.. .3 _t__. . ' The application of this principle was made- to the work of the School Room with telling effect. '1 hp tun-huts were taken into the speaker‘s ctruiiuemce and same plain confidential talk was done. With regards to the teachers theticselves the following points were deal! with 'c--- Sclmlzu-ship, Culture, Temper, and fsoviauilit.v". In vach of these the ln- spertur pointed nut. that many wet'e convinced they lacked in some mum-Ls. k, _ ‘ A' . _ - A V 7 _ "- -..‘, “up“ were simply umrk'ng Luna Nut until the masses were sthied up. fused in white hunt. so to spank. was more rm] zulxunm-mont or plcgrcas inwards the desired gun]. '; Iuypecutratttpueu followed the dis. cussinn an Miss Smith's paper with an .uhlrassun "Marking Time.” An out- line of this valuable address "my be helpful to others and mil ln- inlm'miing In many outside the pt'ofessim. Mr. (‘umphoil Iwgan by tltstitsing frmn the military point, Of view what nun-king lune was and enumerating Mil-Hy its lines. From this he evolved ilwdocirine that " Maxim: was not. always an evid- ence of Progress." ile the" applied this ficst to life in general, iimtnncing the great nmvoments of history such M. the Almlilicu of Slavery. the Free Tnule Mnu-nwnt in England. Municipal Rom hum. (itwernnu-nl mvnorships of Reiil- 1 ways Pit". inteinperanve, run. we. and These papers were appreciated fora. roam-w was made that, the" he printed in the Edumliumll Jourum. Miss M. J. Smith then read a care- fully prupaxed and suggestive paper an vie-nm-nlury Language Lessons. She dealt very fully and ably with the (lif- ferent steps and stages Iwcesmry to unfun- the enlargement, of the chihl's viwnlnulm'ynnul the vhnorut expression yt' his thoughts in speaking and writ- mg. The discutseston which followed liming”. out other methods “hich would be found useful to some. Miss Maggie J. Swim, then took up "itaipidny and Ari-n-m-y In Addition” This was an exec-limit. paper. Mus bicott painted out the impm'tnnce of having pupils fullv "lush" of the ele. mentary rules of aridunuw and then p. oceeded m show how she succeeded in 'securing this desirable [ruining for her own pupils. The. lesson was practical lhmughuut. She emphasized two points strcnglyt---Ist,a thornugh drill on the [allies and endings as a.?solytely neces- sary to prevent, "counting " or "spell- ing " whirl: was always the death-blow torapidily um! sm'nmlly, a persistem, sticking to the subject. until it was mustered. Miss Gitmon fullnwml with n letrson on f,"c,'gt2' to a ill class. She took the il',',',' , with her in imagination from Jundalk to Toronto, thence via, Noi.th Buy. \Vumipeg. etc. to Vancouver. The route was sketched an the hlacklroavd and the autumn. junctions and chief stations of the road were chalked down and smile interesting facts .cunceruiug each recited. The nature of the coun- try through which the C. P. R. passed Was contemplate-d but time did not pet" mit. it to be taken up. Miss Gibson hiIUWCd a true umsLm-y of the subject and her melhud was highly commended. the next best gift. The teacher should continue the work oi the mother and the school that of the home. While it was praisewm-thy for Trustees to strive after good School houses, appliances, etc., the-y slmuld strive more earnestly than»: present for superior teachers, which were of greaten nnportant-v. The former will [mm-s away lull. the work of the true reaches in lltllldillK up character will never pass mmy. lt is as unending as eternity itself. tr. Miss Richard- The local per- n if you will par- vititfntr bpetlitvn f [Hither that were sfmilnrlv “opus I w. fort and ,,_V-.-..... "an; nu. LNO. ts In the Village of Price-ville. On the lat are a good house, frame barn, good well and orchard. The lot is all under cultivation. Thr undersigned offered f I rentth t d . or fart Pri the rvn,'t,td're?pt,tsre.t.ik,yotl Nts.. sjril GOOD COWS AND HORSES Five Cows in milk and two to com» in in the spring. Also three driving Horses, me heavy team and a General Purpose Horse; must be young and likely animals. Ap ly to , Jxo. Bchkrmm, Dornoch P. O. _ H ____ .... "mum on Iuo uuuuulk Hand made aw "pettlttutaddnsu ot role: In. to the visitors. Mr JI. E. Abbott ulna oxprausud hit '. agreuuble Jiiatillid'ul tut " on iindiuq tho teacher- bent on hvlsiueu (or ttttt benefit of their schools instead oliuorauiua that sultry. F Sunni ot the old autumn were missing, not- ublj'Mmars Rummage. of the HIV!!!“ sud W. K. Raid. ol N-n‘muuby, The tasty decoration of the: Duldalk Boat ot Luu-niug rctueta the nusthutic culturo of the worthy l‘rluuigul and his tstr tutut'tarsta, Miss" Muzrinounml ‘umpball " should not ho forgotten that RM' Mr. Log-l. of Maxwell and Rn. Mr. Fullin, of D .mdulk. was present and in shun-t and wintertime nddruaou expnousod their plouuro in joining with the number- in thoir “at work sworn) trunteen were mutant and Mr Nixon, at tho Duudulk R. an! nu. A .._ _..-_.L . _ . Messrs Dixon and Unshuic, of Drama"), and Mr Raid, ot Artetuoau,erswa, an moi: tiD "lea T's-mu- "tertbtt and “port whoulmn-n no not (mums-I by ungm t'itserotntorta such " bad weather and lamb. The new!» of Dundnlk received the vicimru with are!) and. Every public building and most o the private one, were :open and when." was written ovm'ywnom. Tue “sachets will ttot soon Emmet the right royal Welcome mm the genuine hospitality of tho citizen. For terms of rent or Miss Little, of No 5, Nmmnnby. snd Min Rubens. ot No. 12 were on hand no the m ly re- protwtttatirrm of Cum erstwhile :bnhuu' towmhlp. They, it was and. are bricks. Poor Bentinck Tuwnship. It was not represent ml by man uth .euhcr. Thin brought the tror,rtutHut, to tt clue. After arcsulullou at than!“ L-thu citizma ot Uummlk MIG espeztinlly to 111:, land and other, "ho us- :sistcd m the evuuius: cmtertaiuuwrnt, mus put-ed tlu, Cunvnmiou adloaruudti'd man you by an); tug than Natioual Anthuu . The dismissions which took plane during tho Coueouuou 'uel‘U ”um-Jud and " mum warm. but tuning friendly. Many goat! p'uiuu {are Durham Mndrl Soho.) was reprclrntvd by M. an; Allan & Mill '.. A Conventinn “iohulll some w; ret ennui": ttous yum- loo-l "Bl; lultitlltu" would “Mord be I cold one. ". a 'Jriturttt out um other: scrnuuly unphnsimxl Mo,,rs Glmuiinuiug, All m, Irwin, Campbell. hte. Whiuv lay-Jordan and Vacuum mm “m lending spirit. in the donut“. Mr Mysyhiuuas, the Pr heirs! of ttte Maxwell Sclmul [ollmwd by a mu artual and mum]! raver UL " Training pupils to this k. Thin was the grout and“! tettursitogtludttie reviewed trom his own "penance how and by what menu- _ho in. "rg-. ablmi:(- nmu'eithin from end. This paper WM My.) rerittaitad for pubhuntiun. "Iso the pupils ere led tn study the caurnptm's 0 great,- url-n and thus would inc led to love the good, the true, the beautiim and hate all that. was low, tlAuttt unvl false, .A than" was mus hero by Mira Riohnrdlon piritu,'t, .v:u~4i:.g_ Numb mu ”no” Appwchmd by rvau me most. t'ruurnl. " him in gummy tr in! ovor) time." ”The bert I ever Innutt.” 'A Carl- ml roud'na." And such expre “inns wen- [be 'ftp mark: .nt: Le, ad tttside, M r. A. A. Jordan the Principal of the Meafovcl Model Bchool :followetl with a clear. cut, and valuable :uldrras nu Biog- ruphies in History. It is seldom the tvaviwrs of S. Grey have the pleasure ot llt'lll'lllg Mr. Jordan and the twnlizit.t,ion of his vigorous and intevetcitrg address jiht Him! the .. great expectttrious " of his lmurers. The speaker inatnncml the _ Bllllt' as the gn-utest histru'y and it. was runstruvted entirely u'mn the liiugr-ipl " icul plan. Evvry child h m a pen-sonar i inn-rec in man because he has kindred feedings and uyin "tallies. This fact shouid he inun- uml mum: generally mm- s .lervd in leaching this important sulp- ject. It invests the dry bone." with in- tense-at interest, and ctNuiteriitrt euthuse imn m tlie'pulsjcct which, like Banqnu's gliust, by ill not. dmvn. Mr. Junlnn ulna pnintwl our the lilretualiziny; intluence of iiisznry sn taught, illItsltvating {rum the life of \Vrllinglnn. Clive, Sir Built Peel, 1",nms.it,rsrantl dim-re. by this method! Botany in Public Schools was next taken up by Mr. Blakeston, the popular pelhlgogue of I'ricevilie P. Pr. Ash " P.. l8 " practical botanist he made the sub- ject inte.osling. He advised lriwherI lo begin this subject now With. as many: clslssl-s as possible for the time 3 Was coming when it would be a. sultlect of study on the P. S. course. Writing was next introduced by Mr. R. J. a-huto, of Feversham, He advoc- nlell giving gl'mtor ulteutiun w the sulljectluld lidviwd more cat'e in pen holding, puuit.ion. etc. The vertical sysll-m was not much discussed hy the es "syist as he had not yet given it iuuclr tutention. A liyely and rather sharp discussion followed in which all tin.- leading spirits of the Inspectorate took purl. The Vast. improvettutttt in the writing of those Schools which adopted the veitieal sys em was Cctmvedetl all round. We wore in this vespect getting luck to the good old hr t sh systvln and the resu.t would doubtless be us satis- fnclorv as in the old loud if persisted in polil the pupils had mustered the sys- cm. Illl‘v .Pl.MV - v'\l\'\'llI‘-’ --v"-- “,7 "May he sum» coupe back" Was the generally expressed wish of those who heard him. knew the ditiicuitis of the 1tti2 qua how best to overcome thyse dit mulls-5. Mr. Puckhmn, Cmmuercial Muster. Owen Sound Uullegiate Institute, was then called upon to give his paper 1m drawing. This also wasa bright. use- ful and practical paper dealing with the stilije-ct. from the standpoint of the teacher. the examiner and the citizen. Uue of the most important aims of the suhiect. the speaker said, was to make good citizens. How this could he done was pointed out, clearly. The paper was specially helpful to the teacher as Mr. Put-khan) is " practn‘al teacher and knew the tlitriculties of the sullyt, quid I. It will assist the pupils in ouaini.nit ideas. 2 It assists in the interpret»?! Io." of Iitemtm'e. a. It, Will aid the pupil? Ill drawmg. 4. Number work in Arith- metic will he benefitted. s. Geography is made more Interesting and pmtlmhle. & It provides intellectual busy work for he pupils. T. It brightens and sharpens the whole life of the pupils. PARK LOT For Sale or to Bent. one will profit by it and will my.“ ro.P" portunities for closer study game will“ mm animals of the vicinity. Air-JG? kius summarized the herie4it' te .ttte :euuhers and pupils of thiygrtiuly M {01' own c--- of rent or sale apply to JOHN MclNNIS. WANTED Prteevitie. ll FAIR JMll/C.,,,,,ci1A1',,,., il Every" Day Attractions a FATi"Jsh% ,1ng ttre, Talc a. tttis are; Blood is Life tt 5 [ho Minn" who cm Annmn'ms Cunn+Ru Irwin. tt. tt. “tile-r. the H yum 5nd Clo. k t ‘ampml a an aunt of M'hi'rulum uicipd net in Aymn m; -s't 'eu' is. "idewrdk (‘uo- .n burn-hip and Nut prnuze Duct-med. DI areriiliiiiii,."U krill". ii m. Gummtuludmx. w. In: pty the RENE“ “all; Empire to Jan I... 'tuetsuhrliai. ediri, oetexued nun-59s. fad; l SommmL.-- Mr. For: " ltheexumi'mliun in alumni 'mirrt ftd.ed in Pltysic, ci'.., tin 'II I pet sttiuhsct of ( Wt he Ind dumépn-Hy ”WM. A mam-M in II! at loukginln the math-r “h pang-d 'utrisrtu. and Gun 'ur.trrr.-- Inner 1:4 I. Wemkty Globe W1” b,. “It. nu this cunluwul ti ' I“ for 't.aii. Join t arts-over 150 when have ad (at all the "can. of :he " beauty. The G'.ohe Is I re. and the Review is "let may as a hand papw. l --'. ""rot " Mn. Reyr te “In "mum y lt'.'ttii nut-ssh I "ee lent am: Wind tht 1tfrii'i Rood nu i Bun-m mun I. in. “not“. now and yr: " III rrathre. " has Imp: moat duly. tut! many " u l [WINK tt '0 8 Pup-5 lanky edition. For fi rupcpcnsfur 81.35. All m - "."'"N""ett the N. ‘Nuim, m- at least Lil. a“, - Bo You wuxt A In” to Tannin“! Morning “'u:l pruning! 3'09. Y'all l"' Pl ttijric', .0 on - ....- "Io-nun" whnmrr‘e o. m. "an" and film "tet and sin-"gm. " tl ' Vii 50d healthy you WI R'tt1ieeii: willmmzun's 'lIdi'?,i,iii has pow 1thiri' by modding _ A whammy signed I: MN) or to apptiyt Nos tic Holiday. Rather 7w!!!" or at least IN the tor, of tttree dozen " "haeait Nonnuuhy only 1 MM. Mgr-Hung 'id “F KIWI“, to Ire p "lt. Guru-Ives and m 'fetuu' and exlmm'i] tgpifiit, lhI‘murh a fri , (t"dagyiiit' emu 'iiiii' It: l"eetiug I “due. unto-u th, “It “bovine. [ Dr. B. B. Wells, " unison about a gear at lion Wednesday, 2lst . lanky. nun- of Owen - died Sumhv Wow: - He held 2h. pm pm. and in a ferr d.: " the nppIiCAlimm trou 'tsad bee" mownl by H (In vacant. position. a non-u Wmh-d. hamlet-signed with“ 1 Int-net lots fenced and I later lawn here for I... nut mum than tl , tN ml: Ln 5.”- J. P. TEL “I'M; D. Thnmus Box S08 Owen Humid h!" "um um out-nut Thur-4‘." evening. I , mu musical bortr and mm on kwrseutod. (l do. If. and "m. Tounplelou ska. of “at. err. and a. Normandy, paid the t. remaining over Sum If. Joo McArthur. Dot I” for an" gum! (-0“ kinds {Aduke tin-m to b t cash buyer and t In». Pun-rot, we 1. has been mrinu k or Ito. lh " hope nu pi my rally to healtl: l- ...." v ttttttt six weeks Al cock, looking well ' Tl"t TEACHERR 35mm the N. t. Ind the price in 6: test the. puhlislwm m-ediuun with tite “that can All three Can you do Mu. "as In- my to tak (“we indigestiun. hi 1 “m, Four Foot 'eiiiir0irec.?tps"f 'f: “than. tttta. Rocre t in 8 xi! {Hum an; r Arnfo unmet - Susie McKi tn mm for I te, " hearsay: u ”the “twirl, MINI othms l 'eiifii'.'riti',ilr' w" 1Ptieninkiu'ii I w“hle.~s of u M and luv. Ma Na and u Reool h VHF tam I Jaw": 1' of Saucer ' 'lt2rmad F"""' ”augment I; ll the nu‘ tell 'M'i'll." Pickett Tt x'r moCuerv-, this Society. In: the n- on We MI Gill", "WV nag If in the Oh as?” . m» tykstet alder "taio the F, In: IO Gr

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