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Grey Review, 29 Oct 1896, p. 6

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scd 421 oo r I I! q - g WM A Cl ‘V,_V_V_ "_""--.- v1 "F mm Luzon: Federation hna tilu' a. tStma,t oxpresdng protqund "not " d Ranch-ry- r%limation. . -"2"""%P' vw-~-~nlnu uuuu .3,- Mo Dominion Express '.earti'A"rlmtti. no had can (rqm Chicago to time the place of e irtrihing operator., GREAT BRITAIN. The 1t%f, Peterborough in mm. ed a. the l Igneous“ to the late Archbishop of terbury. 'er,Isott,.wtoirrhiuamdtr, hetr ill-luv. Earl Russell, with arguing] a. he; been committed for trial. The Executive Committee of 3hs Ne- .h-nl VIM-.1 t‘__I-,,As . real, who was sentient-ml to fourteen years in the penitentiary for robbing the Grand Trunk station. has been urdoncd. having mod about eight not: and a hal of his sentence. It is intimated that in consequence of the ‘udgment ot the Supreme Court in the ihheries case. which declares that the inland fisheries belong to the prov- inces. there will be a substantial claim mum the Diminion by the provinces fiir compensatim. 1 C. C. Condighthe night agent at the Mdinn Pacific railway at Oak Lure nation. Selkirk county. Manitoba, dis- appeared on Tuesday night, with an ex- as: pacing: containing more than 88,- 5 Dominica Emma- mun-m“ '---‘- real, WIN; Tar - in the I Ex-Ald. James Wilson. one of the beat known citizens of Elihu. N. 8., 'died mddenly. He was we of the last of the eighteen survivors of the steam- ship London. which foundered in .the k: of Biscay in 1866. when 250 lives were last. Mr. Robert Christie. Inspeetor of the. tario lame Asylum, tnd Mr. Rivas Tully. 'rel.tit.eqt and frlf/,'e',','s have paid . short visit to Bath o and inspected the internal fitting: of the Buffalo State hospital for the insane. J:>hn kl‘ahey. tatieteetivts, ot, Mont- The little daughter of Mr. John Ms Mirtin, of Latino settlement. near Ed- monton. was fatally burned while her gonna were absent fighting prairie Ires. A German woman named Mic- Ichmu was also fatally burned. Mr. E. o. Meredith, formerly Under. Secretary of State, and Mr. Noxon. pro- vincial prison inspector for Ontario. have been selected as commissioners by the Dominion Government tc entk’uire into the workings of the, Kingston en- itontiary. ,V_ ._v -uu-uu uuu "u- tempted to kill. Agent McNeil! is the murderer. the Victims being hr, mother Ind sister. covered by ex-Mamger Nelles of the Hamilton Grimsby and Beamsville Eleo- tric Railway in his suit against t.he company for damages for wrongful dis- tarsal. Capt. Dunn. of the Duninlon cruiser Ferrel, on Wednesday seized 150 Amer:- mu trjll.neta which had been set It: Luke Erie twelve miles west and south ot Cut Lights. The nets am valued at Police Officer lBroadbent, of Mont- real was fined " and dismissed from the force for shooting a man in the am He said .he wanted to frighten the man. knowmg him to has danger- ous character. 1 Two Indian wanen were killed near, Pt, Blood_ mgr-ye. Mod. The 31mm me mood reserve. McLeod. The" 5:131; Indian who killed the Indian and at- temp_tod to9till Agent BICNuill i. um On Saturday Mr. W. A. Grenier. of tho Libra Parole. Montreal, was com- mitted to stand his trial on the change of criminal libel against Mr. Tarte, Min- ister of Public, Works.. IN, contract has been let for the t?e.attgsi,t,ie.e of the Manitoulin .and orth Shore railway. to run from Little Current to a junction with the Can- sdian Pacific railway. The Canadian Government have 'f,Pit full assurance to their friends in n- don of their intention to make strenu- ous efforts to ple the vacant lands of the great dorm-West. Mrs. Richard Wilson, of Ottawa, at- tacked her husband with a beer bottl_e. inflicting such serious wounds that it theirs thei may prove tatak He: :1 secussd. er of theft. The Executive Committee of the Ot- tswa Art A-ociation su gusts the erec- tion of a building ',l/lleif would serve es a temple at science. at. literature Ind music at the capital. . The Montreal Board of Trade has' oall.ed s steam! meeting to protest against the ‘rand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railways 'det,i,ruh',i,r, winter tariff into operation on ovember 2. Judgment for-J700 and costs was re- trer.y.t ta. ox- auger Nellea of the There is an effort on foot among the lake ship owners to induce the anadlan Government to deeren Long Point Cut ft that light vesse s can pm through t. , ' The officers of the Fre, ton penitenti- ery have been praised y the Depart: ment of Justice for their bravery and the glose observance of the duties de- 'olving 'npon them. g” e132! Insw' . n of {3.23in 'Léhié; iit bnn as. canning factory, St.Catha- les, "l Wednesday. it,'nnexgfi,i.'i an? them can be seen in wihniiiid."" - A Pardon has been gmmed to.Mo- “than. who is in Kingston Pemten- tiary (I: a conviction of murder. . Bon..pr. Borden inspected 'Ae var- gout, unwary institutions of Kingston Ind will prepare tb report on them. Mr. Psalm, Provincial Government ngent, let.t Winnipeg for Iceland to minnow Immigration from that coun- Thapas Bridger waa.aenteneed to four ”as In Kingston It Berlin on Wed- nesday for embezzlement and forgery. Prairie fires are raging in many Hits of Mummy ty.? the light of The do Its in Government savings banks flrs1'l'l'td'h,e! were $271,000 and tttts_withdrawUi 8282.000. The Quebec Legislature is almond to Peet about the 1 th or 18th o Novem- Illl Illllif IN l Rlllill. CANADA. , There no 630 convicts in Kingston Penitentiary. The Cabinet has fixed Thursday, Nov. Nth " Thanksgiving Day. A y oiria,isysadttscturnt.teue, chainsaw Institute at Ottawa into I free library. Chayham has lien Gwesid in glass by the Fire Underwriters' Association. her: Dunning new About Our Own country THE VERY LATHE FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Jahn f,1rr,tn wag seriously agalded by Fifty um: Britain. the United sum. and All Parts of the Globe. “new and W In any Ito-u... thggaand dollars' worth of " fluid; tahe the The Czar in: manna Cttiliii2i. of ?af.eettrRCihii"t' the What“ In. The Sultan has sent Emperor William a letter of tltanlus for' the Kai-ex": photo. It is stated that .the Sultan has lift; ed an irade promiamg State reform. the whole of I‘ll-key. f The t2l4',,1ii,'rtrtlSjptgtate orma mu. an. an national (Joni-t ot Ih'lll','tdc 5:39.? ee, built " Queen Anna An earthquake £12.; tone on Friday morning, Herr Bryckner. the ce trim: mum composer, is General Sir B. H. Kitch atztff, has arrived at Cal I Advice from New York as to the business si,tua.ti.on for the past week are not of a decisive character, as far as current trade is concorned, but the out- look is in some ft,'?",',? brighter. The excess of exports o merrhandise over imports and th? steaglxijr increasing _liiiifvGiiiUi of Cram are Important fact- ors, making for better business for the near future. ot course the estimated shortage of gram In Russia and India )naturally radars expectation of an en- Iormous European demand. Present businesq shows n.o marked change; spec- ulation In m,tteriaj. has raised prices,and so checked Wumsdiate, Itroduefion.." The orders for boots and shoes are emu]. and loathen has gdvanced seven per cent. Jn prune; hides are stilll rising. Wool 15 stronger. The Cm A Washington special says President Cleveland, in his next annual message to Congress, will be able to state that a definite understanding has been reached with Great Britain for the ami.. cable settlement of the Venezuelan boundary dispute. Over '110,000. was contributed in jewellery. securities ?nd cash during last tiqnilay's service 1n Carnegie Hall, New York,' in connection with the 13th annual conyention of the Christian Mis- sionary Alliance. One man gave 850,000 in stock. The Republican Executive Committee in New York are confident that McKin- ley and Hobart will be elected. They will receive 370 electoral votes, while Bryan will only receive 100. The United Mates Government has decided to let Canadian stone compete (with American stone for the improve- Penta in Buffalo harbour. ; The New York Evening Post eug- goats that the United States Venezuel- an Commimion may report that no true boundary line ever did exist. Michael Freeman has been adjudged insane at Susquehanna. Pa. A medical commission reports he has been in. a stupor for years, and insensible to pain. Western Union Telegraph Co. re- ports at New York for the year end- mg June 30th. show a net revenue of $22,612,736. an increase of $397,712 over the year before. The Watertown, N. Y., city steam roller felt through the First Millstrpet budge on Wednesday morning, killing Engmeer Luther Smith. Mary Moore, worth $50,000 has been ponvicted at Columbia, Tenn., of steal- ing six turkeys and sentenced to a. year's imprisonment. .The .1oternaiiorin Fisheries Commis- awn mm meet in Wan ton shortly. fleeetytdrr Wakeham wig! represent ‘ pNsuuiii" will send a team of cricketers to England next season. Mr. Henry E. Abbey, the big thea- trical manager of New York, " dead. A receiver has been appointed for the property of Rose Coghlan, the actress, at New York. . W. J. Rambusch, a Junea, Wim,. [094k- er, has 1iitsappearid leaving liabilities asgimated at $200,000. It is learned that the conference on 83mm” between Lord Salisbury, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, and Sir Julgan Pauneefote on the Venezuelan questlon was very satisfactory, and it is hoped that an "reement will be reached with the Halted States before the end of the month.' J! ain. V‘ 'T"r"""V ”I ' ‘mnn.“n' be sold in London by Suction. . A letter written b Sir William Bar- court to B Personal grind declares that the Armenian question is finally set- bled. . This is supposed to mean that a. workmg agreement has been reaohgd btstweeii Russia, Franco and Great Brit- arm}. s -- V“ - lull "mu“ ‘7 LAJIGLLI thr. by means of a confidence trick. BIL“ rumoured in London that the hntxsh Government had no desire to ave Trnan extradited, as his liberty it? tin“; of the. price paid for reveallp e mum . ' . to be male um Letu."em,ie .1}:ng {min -- _.< “At-“own“, may“: vow-Iv VJ the death of Mr. Reed. . . It is stated that Mr. M.iehaol Davitt is negotiating for the unxon of iyl.ltht Irish sections under the leadership Of Mr. John Howard Parnell, an elder brother of the late Charles Stewart Parnell. Martin Nolan and William Moran Were each sentenced in Lpr1d.on, Eng. on Wednesday to six motnhs' {mprliwn‘ :nent for attempting to obycuL.t?.,500 The London Times t,xpress,.es,,hhe, y.y lied that the rival claims of. mt Wil- liam Harcourt and Mr. Asquxth for the Liberal leadership will compel the re- call of Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Chamberlain has abandoned the Idea. of an Imperial 'ollvereiq.for t_he present, as any bond approaching die- union to the colonies would be contrary to the object in view. Lord Charles Beresford has “noun?- ed his intention to contest the seat In the House of Commons for the eastern division pf Jhediord, made vacant by “yuuuwu "aaf""t""es",""Cr" of tttisGGeG"t" Tynan and other dyna- mite Plotters. Sir Matthew White Ridley, the 1.lo.mts Secretary, has expremed the optruott £935.91?“ wan; geolded miamapageytent in Loili" giifiGi7'iriorTxr"t'ijifii'it is rep?ruri as Speaking very. deoidedly 'le2lf Britaiit's clams agamst Vene- atte a. w.tu take up their 13330;“ Sam: nn‘ghagn the last week of this month an will entertain large house parties. The American Line steamer Paris has arrived at Southampton from New York, _having made most of the vog- age with only her port screw wot - mg. ._tryr E.dzarp. Clarke, Solicitor-General ir2fimiriri',, luc- U1 course the estimated of grain in Russia and India ' raises expectation of an en- European demand. Present Lhnwa nn nun-I»! ' Prince _ttyr1 Princes of Wales composer, is 68317 UNITED STATES GENERAL, Amei-iéix? Gmai-ivirii'iG Kitchener, with m. t Cairo flan Dan. scapegoat of'the whore was felt at Men.. Qelebrated llond. where according to the reports pt the Inspectors of Mines for the col- jony. the Murray Creek Colliery is worked by one man, T. Bolitho. I. China - man. who owns, manages and works this smau, but to him valuable. coal mine. There is another small colliery in the same province worked bi one man with the ttttu tht 0%.stin 'lha IP,. neg: one co " In " n . m . vill of Nelson, in Innuehire. It is 2lll'fdi our the Colliers Arms. and, affords employment for two mipem,l tether and son who combine in them.. selves the positions of proprietors. men- egers. miners and hunters at the on. datum. Thy have the Idstenee of e donkey. and ell his output of the mine. as gold. to at householders who 33:: ch Village or its nudist. vi- The smallest coal mine in the world is in the southern province of New Zea- - ~....u-vuuu ma um. parama- [ed tile .Gold Star mine don) Volncy D. 1virliamasorr, the original owner and present manager of the Crown Point mute. It was reported some time ago that the Gold Star had been purchased bylnn English syndicate for £18,000. This mine is situated four miles north.. west of Rossland. Develo manta will be under the directions of Mg. Williamson. BOUGHT THEC, Mr. J. Lorne Cami, a Toronto syndicate ed the Gold Star "I: ..\m..u¢ux 01 when) creek are all de- velopmg very nicely. A curious tea- ty.tt, id this section is the vein of free- mllimg quartz found on the o. K.. and I. X. .. Some of the finest specununs of gold quartz in the world have been taken from these claims. l'NJJEVELOPED CLAIMS. The South belt was practically an un- known quantity unub last summer when some large bodies of high-grade i.turLerou.s ore were tLscoveavft. As far as known at. presenL there is 9116 main vein in this section, on which are situated the Sovereign, Crown Point, Iron Queen, Oriental, Celtic queen, It. E. Lee, Maid of Erin, Go- lplwr, and Homesmke claims. As is the (use on the north side of the creek. there are a number of claims with "tuyuortous showings that have strong veins. but their continuity has not been traiced so far. The exact confines of this .grtat mineral belt are not known Inn in, is generaddy supposed to he ten mile, square, extending westward from the Columbia river. The claims on the Ive,st.birnk of Sheep creek are as?! de- yelopizng‘ygry nicely. A curious flan.- - _......a up "no cash, MU P""."."'" bade7 Copper Jack, Kopte,nay, f,hcymly',is, Iron Cert, Enterprise, Idaho, Centre but. Le Roi, and Biaek Bear claims. The North Star, Iron Horse, Virguna, Iron Mask, War Eagle, 1higri , Number One, and Gertrude lie on lik War Fagias ppp. The Jumbo, Nevada, Mountain new, St. I_s'pmo, Con. St. Elmo, Cliff, Eddie J., Monte Cristo, and Georgta, are 'tgn"; ed to be on the same iead--auppoae to be, because not enough conuuuous de.. ve.0pme.nt work has as yet been done to accurately determine the true course and trend of the vow. There is tstill, :auother large east and west vem far- ther north that runs through the On- .tario, bat the camp is yet too much In its infancy to speak aatroritative- ly. on thus vein. There are other veins, ttistiocg trom these, on which the June, Golden Queen, Grant, Ited Mountain,' City of Spokane Com, West Le Itoi, and Josie El Horatio, Commander, Great Western, Evening Star, Nickel Plate and Colonna. are extuated. as far as Rock creek, five miles. Not enough development has yet been done to accurately determine the exact ex- tent and value of this region. Remarks of the same character apply to men! claims situated an the range of moun- tains west of Sheep creek, upon which development has been going on steadi- ly at! winter. Development work, prin- cxpably in the cause of Jumbo, has prov- ed the existence of wonderful bodies of numerous sulphide ore. These chums do not realty belong to the Trail Creek district, but they are all directly tri)?: utary to . Roaselud, and a.“ ore will go wa this town to the smelter. EXTENT Ol,' THE CAMP. ' The camp proper, i.e., that pert ly- mg to the north ut Trail creek, Is tra- Versged many on ease and west lines by tour mun parallel veins. They are known as the Ontario Chit, War Eagle, and Le Moi vems. On the Le Roi veln Fututttt the east, are situated the Extent or the Mineral Begun-Where the Great Mines Are tMtteated--muiet'eugted Properties-Purchased by a Toronto tbgndieate. The Rosebud Record continues its sketch of the Rossland camp by the following general description of the main veimc-Geographically, the camp proper is divided into two parts, the claims situated on Bed, Monte Cristo, and Columbia mountains on the north ‘aide of Trail creek, and those situated on Lake Lookout and Deer Park moun- tain on the south of the creek, are termed the "South belt." A RICH REGION. Development work during the past winter and early spring has proved the existence of a very valuable area of mineral country which extends north A DESCRIPTION OF THE ROSSLAND COUNTRY. LAND OF GULD NUGGETS. The United States Minister u Con- stantinople has lodged a claim for 840.000 a inst the Turkish Govern- ment on an]: of the mother of Frank yent, le bicyclist who was murdered by the jiuiGi'. Mail advices from l'.flyiatt,t',rg any that rebellion is general t res,trlPY the island, and that some at thehench 'tht." have been killed Ln the open roa . An official despatch from .Manula. capital of the Philippine ls_Iands. an- nounces that the rebellion Ln the 15- land of Mindanao, the second largest of the group is ended. An tritGiGt-was made to wrgck a. railway trafn conveying the ngs of Spain and the Queen Regent from an Sebastian to Madrid. -'-__ - _v-...__.. ""TT --.r.' v is believed that she will recetve the mandate from ttys powers to occupy coytantinopF. _ . ., __ Dewatcbea received in Havana from Pinar del Rio an. that the Insurgents. under Antonio 'lUd'l, have suffered a severe defeat. . . Elam is) mobilizipg hts..r.tsrmt,puWt A d teh from Havana an a tte sick an: wounded among the $3th 221$ng on the Island a Cuba num- r I . SMALLESTCOAL MINE. A bucket of tar was poured over 8 statue of the Queen at Bombay and a. 1311‘ of old sandals tied about its neck. Campbell, representing (f'ful.has Just pygmy GOLD STAR." QUEER MEXICAN CUSTOM. Mexican lumen tollawnstnnge ou- tan. "rrmrtametotarteoiiiir"ii, 1ltr1emittydeotssrooior"iTti'i'; F The do not know w . tttitri,, up! it mun} be the .113th thinth do. be“ than ton-taller: did ion. The nowifr iiaiiiTriiiririrriG"tll'i in white Velvet. and meantime about four inches across: It ll uncommon. posibly because it is a. good bit ot tmutilo to make, but it I. well worth both ttttPt',',,?,,'"'.,,',,", labor. The 'it'; rush t own anon flower Jltf't'tt 'sfiiiiiiyitii?titit amp] or head a green tor ht', lanes and Item. 1) the rage just now, and under ibis class the lupin certainly deserves first men- tion. It makes quite a charming or- nament as it hang; on the knob of a screen in the drawmumrm or on the cheval lass in_the Pom. It is made oigsmall circular pieces of cream cloth, just tinged with color. the edges being shaped slightly to form the pet- ala. The blooms are attached to a long central stem. which should be padded-, and the flowers fastened loosely to this with thread. the tassel shag]: of the whole “$3M . fully follows . A drain- .ty little“ “it u {Jae egelweiae pineal:- PJNCUSUIUN IDEAS. . The demand for fancy pincushions ap- pears endless. Ingenuity is strained to the utmost to produce new shapes and novel decorations. To such a pass are inventors driven to create novelties that the shapes ot the cushions are often ut- terly unsuited for the purpose, but so long as the article is pretty its use is 'titts. th gletnid. moral pincushitms are Etrort to 'niprote iiLi' LTir"c,r.; Wttt be Pttt in (In Tallulah-s. A despatch from London, says:-lutce the Czar complimented the "very fine escort," whlch the Channel squadron af.. forded him in crossing from Portsmouth to Cherbourg increased interest has been taken in the condition ot the Bri- tish navy. Mr. Gosehen, First Lord of the Admiralty, has been devoting much thought during the recess to the whole question of. naval defence, and he is credited with the inteuiion, in next year-'9 naval‘ estimates of very consider- ahly moreasmg the sum at present pro-l Vided for subsidizing merchant Vasels‘ to act as armed cruisers in time of war. The present amount, set apart for this Purpose ls dh8,700, and rumor has it that the sun will be increased lo _at least. £130,000 in order to allow at mm more vessels participating in the sum annqally set aside. Among the new con.ditiuhs imposed will he not _merely an Increase in the.ruyyio.er of sh.ips, but greater effieiesyu.in their manning and cuntpmem. It Is reported that the price to be paid for the new full class cruisers is £146,000 each. The highugt tender was Messrs. Armstrong's, their price 1:431anI about £5Q0.000, evidently showing at they did not want the work.. .7 -_- ‘_-_._.-- wannulxguw Ill M153“!!! on Wednesday at Edinburg, expressed his sympathy with the desire of the oonferenae to have foreign and colonial meats, imported into Great Britain sold as such, and said that the Board of Agriculture were now considering the matter to the and of adopting the best means of putting that system in force. Sir William Wrnon Harcourt has written to the Liberal ent in Mon- mouthshire that despite the reports to the contrary recently circulated he has never for a moment entertained the idea of abandonin his seat. in Parli.a- ment for West o'lfon'1Au'httu/i'r'e, or I}! anyway adding to the present diffi- culties of the Liberals. The new British cruiser Dindem was successfully launched at Glasgow on \Vodnmday. She is a ship of 11,000 tons, 455 feet long, and the contracts for her construction require her to show a rate of speed of 201-4 knots an. hour. The armament of the Diadem Will enable her to fire 1,000 rounds of shot per minute. Rt. Hon. Walter Long, President of the Board of Agriculture, speaking at the R,ttlim1ltyral conference in session ompllmcntm by the fur A report was in circulation on the Stock Exchange on Wednesday, that the, Chartered British South American Company has placed 250,000 shares of its stock with a syndicate at £2 per share, the company having the option 9f Placing an equal amount of stock ind897_tpfr/y.', 15s per share. ' The Daily News hears that the Colo- nial Cable Conference had been inde- finitely postponed. _ A _ 'aan-in-law, Lord Russell, made applica- tion through the counsel: for postpone- meat of her trid in order to obtain time to consider what position the de. fence would take. The prosecution as- sented to the postponement. and the trial was put off one month. Lady Tina Scott, against whom the Old Bailey Grand Jury returned atrue bill' for having criminally libelled her Canada sent two wreaths to be de- posited at the foot of the Nelson cob. umn. One came from the Toronto Branch of the Navy League and the other from Victory Lodge of the Sons of England Benefit Society of Ontario, who state in a. Rotter which accom- panied the wreath ..-"We take a deep, loving interest in the past history and present doings of Old England." Trial of Indy In“ l'oummed-Dolonlll “we Conference-The South African C-anr-Crutser Blade-n 'a"o"aed- l‘ereln lent to be mun-gunned A despatch from London tsarc-The Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square was almost completely covered on Wedne+ day morning with floral' anchors wreaths, etc., which were more numer- ous than upon any previous annivers- ary of the battle of Trafalgar. Two of the floral offerings came from Toronto, and the others were the gifts of officers l and men attached to several British warships and the various branches of the Navy League, all of whom are de- scendants of those who took part in the battle of Trafalgar, Thousands of people surrounded the monument through the day and admired its de- cautions. THE TRAFALGAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATE!) IN LONDON. SOME LATE UABLE NEWS THE BRITISH NAVY. T 1", mww -u Determined ---_ ___- -- - -._1_." worn]. '30.- ooo, and the most e naive on. cost batman 045.000 'lu"ttll'llhl Thuongemtotthe 'rle.ias- gamed 311:3 the I?ete,nrarkn in 025; , _,-_ " uuvyyuucu uy third members will be obliged to ac- two member of the Drei und the cont it. The basis of . policy reg-ard- ing China and Japan. the dulltch says. has also been cult-lined by the three gown. tl (that intonation] mt- Brush. lawn and I‘m-Ire Joined to settle the farm-II Quentin. Try :1 Ma jot-In Vote. A despalch from London, 'says:---). Times prints a despatch from Con- stantinople. dated Ort. 19, 'rtatingthat the embassies have compiainml tn the Forte against the mndemnzuiun to death ot an innocent. Armenian, named 1Val'tun, whme release was promised by the Government. The Forte was warn- ed that if the prisoner was not releas-1 ed forthwith, serious measures would be taken Jointly by the powers. The Duly News prints s despatch from Paris, saying It is stated there that through the efforts of the Czar! as an intermediary an agmement has been reached between the Rus- sian. French and British Governments Riff” 1litrtl1'li"tigf2h,t tlr"ti't'dt , . so tiiJft"irl'l'fi upon be unopposed bv 7 -_.- "'-""_iri'._> tug IIrIIClIIS ue- rived. The physicians who brings' forward the idea. predicts that. 'lr.s swimming will grow to be a. regular treatment. prescribed by all Practitioners of ad.. yamasdtttedifa1 ideas. The adults who have tried it already speak 'lil/if/l,' of it. 'those are the motions in detail, but the execution of them try an experi- enced dry swimmer is so truly wonder- ful that they never would be recognized. The idea is to perform them rapidly, one series after another, breulhing up- pyopriutuly at the same time. The sight of an esperieueed dry swimmer is one calculated to provoke laughter un- less ,one understands the benefils de- ing it as high as possible. from the rug, and of _iweping it up as many seconds us possible "sthout feeling a strain. Another motion for the right arm is to extend it at a ti ht. angle to the body until it touches Lie opposite ghoul- der. This is repeated With the left This motions of the lava-r luubs con- aim in a senes of kicks of more or less complicated order. “lure. is also a mo- .tionuoi thy. head, which consists in lift.. . In the next series of motions the palms ui the hands are phuvd on either cheek, than the arms are shut suddenly upward, until the palms are brought together far above the head, to be parted again with another circular mo- tion which brings the arm beside the boat? similar to Ehufirsc position. taken. out. tue. same time. As the arm» are re- turned to their original pusiliun the breath is exhaled. in this um: action not only are the muscles, of the arm affected, but the lungs suwnglhened by the unusual motion. Ic is unusual, tor while it may Lave been practiced by many as they stand erect, (no effect upon the reclining body is vastly differ- brow Lhu time these motions are per- fectly mastered the rcal beueiitts to the ury swimmer begin, by a bucugtbenmg and a quickened mutual tluvelopuseuc of 8.th every muscle oi the bony and tantalum: toning oi the nervous sys- m. 'itus first. motions that are taught are those ot the arms. Allowing the arms to rest beside the body, they are fir= made to describe a circle, then brought above the head, with the palms of the hands close together; a dup Email; is taken by the swuumer at First In to the costume. It can be any sort of . sleeveless garment, aut- Iiciently loose to give freedom of mo- tion to body and limbs, flexible, light and short. The rug is required for the double purpose oi giving a resting place to the body and adding elasucily to the motions to be gone Lhruugh with. 'lhe dry swimmer lies “in; net bum on the rug on the floor, an a: clearly as .potstsi'ole produces the motion ot a. ewunmer m the water, varying them only when the changed condiiiuus make it newer-y. _ - Dry swimming ia all that the name implies. and needs no further or more special arrangements than a few pre- liminary instructions, a heavy rug.an easily arranged costume and the se- clusion of ontt'tt own apartment. That the idea is a practical one is shown from the fact that. the medical man has already a larger number of patients who have taken advantage of it, and with whom dry swimming has become an every day routine. Many who, from tack of time or cour- age. deny themselves the healthful ex- ercise ot swimming will hail " ith plea- sure the novel idea of awell-known physician who has hit upon a scheme in which all its benefits may be olrcain- ed without going into the water. 003m OR PULLMAN CARS, can eompleteli sterilize water in large unntitiee. T e fibres of the cotton are fflt'l) wdered and sifted, and then “spandex! in water and allowed to set- tle. This they do in a oomth mass forming a paste. which, allowed to dry slowly gives filter plates 1gl,t imper- vious to germs, due. The at results are game by piwng the plates be- tween two plates of sandstone or per- forated metal, lad it they are arranged in a battery, like the filter presses so commonly used in Europe for sewage, sludge, Ac., very large quantities of wa- ter can be rapidly sterilized. Periodio- al cleanings are necessary, as no mat- ter what care Is taken, t, e rule which holds good in all other filters serving the same end, that the microbes are able to get through the filtering materi- al eventually by a proton of growth, obtains. There Is, however, no great difficulty in this. as the cells of the ma- terinl are coolly purified by s fresh pulping m boiling water. ( Prof. Tyndal-l'o idea, expreeled my your: ego, that filtration through e plug of cotton wool was I moot effieG ent method of freeing " from microbe germs led to attempts being made to sterilize water in the same way. Lib- tle success has hitherto been attained, but quite recently M. Henri Potevin claims that he has evolved . method of so constructing ouch filters .thtt he " Will Believe A ROLE or THREE. A SIMPLE FILTER. SWIMMING. ', was promised by l Porto was warn- r was not releas- measures would the powers. Wain of I“ fifth It!“ at the bell the. luo P were thrown on. Curious" t:ll it w an “fining si0r that to, 2,rit',f t on it {wanna immo' comp years ago the prowl)!" tline pillar boom the ecceut "N The Church of Si. Nicaists, i l of Rheims, is surrounded “in: one of which sways percent! the ringing of one of [he has lower. When the be“ is rung i “be top of this pillar m sway lt, l tent of seven inches on t'al‘il though the base of the pilrsr is able. and the slums are an firm muted u "Att',',', like a bdrm. wry. hunch each o ll In": in the tower is about thy 5.: hues from the trembling pm. - .ot than bu any effect. on_ "ndtuM d the other: either “his? was: not eauaintr it to uw-n 2hlt% 1'2tt . tygl “an III Sula ring two g asut'h for.“ theshtsUw%trtutg, a fifth w ttd ti). hail the lluu t The trade situation :1! Tti patently without chattrw. advancing prices of grain in a better feisiinq. “ilit'h, huh it y, competition in trade l ancml ombitrrascimett; of a . en house. Thin failure {w (slowly upon thtt of a tarp hourso has n.1turu'ly " Ind like trade are suspicious. dimmers are attributed to selling of ooris and the' dit making 2!it,'fi',il'." Their i. am alco attributed to tiw in: mental More trade Mrrin-l City. Doing husinvm on I] Principle his many advan'y: these In low lirins‘a. and “but era and limited finanHal bi, not neateirurily 00111an rm 1 ii There is " moivrrite trade dryzoods, and hardware Nil dealers report a fair tradv. weaker. The high prit-os of l to stimulate the demand it but boot and slim tuaruifae averse to laying in stocks.. lon mom: to b: that thrre i reason for the firrunrss of i a decline in the latter i; nllt' t liabilities. Flour is high-r in with wheat, straight “til"! west for shipment in 83.45 The money market is unch mp commercial pups-r in diuv-mn't 0 bd per cent.. and call Ioutt stock collateral are obtain” per cent. Speculation on ttw grunge is quiet. The bulk of Inga is now in mining marks. of England discount, rate is I at 8 per oettt., whereas as adt Anticipated. mu cents a box. In tho slag is held firmly al. he and (urn-mine is up": sl Lair riled lranswlious ill" cements, with 111'ng rm- money market there hllb cent change. noss. In staple grr-Hh better geneml dislri'llli again a point weaker, u: dency to advance, CNS" and Janus. The Ation meet fruit swam-r. ha, a full cargo of curmm: raisins, in both of wni is a strong and rather c A tairiaaonalrle soru‘n being done with coun'. ‘doalers; ity? general run 9r» complarn of mm.- dull 55 no quegsuon a; lhe {m Is becoming more ccmr large 'iepearyurtua.i sh r trunent of the retailer " bre. Tht, tendency of ill haa.exmtinued upwards. r. plying .a can: Poe, for “magnum are also tiurlic! any: “shed an advunm; oi this week. and for spins In demanded. Wool rr gull. Metals an.d Itardu Ttr. more [reply m mo ier muons for Canada, puru- I There is rather a morv ll ins apparent in Mnmn-u circles. The movcmcni rr:" l, is somewhat freer, innugh i ty be called brisk, and (sauna port money Incoming in a li though improvement in thi. not tgeneral. Cheese shim week were heavy, over M and they are likely to mm; the remaining tour or fio open navigation; the mark line, as well as bum-r. sly A match ha. just been in an English genius which pr become a formidable rival t went; match in general use. of the invention is bust-d or: of rolling up paper and lcu flame already in existence. is immersed in wax, str-arine in: substances. and Dunn mi smokeless and odorless flu into match lengths it is d phosphorous wax, like th run match. The invention is l"; I timely one, as the “on! L--, making ot matches is Colts) " ine more scarce and cticiy. "nee in the discount run The October Guvernmen timata the yield of Mn United States at 11.9 bush, I. oompamd with L171 Fear. The total produc; ed at 412,000,000 buxholn. ican Agrieulturist plum , 1 470,600,000 bushels as agaiw bushels in 1895. tinue. It in eatin MAIN in on the w “Stalin heavy l Bank of England, Vance in the disc The docks of wheat and Fort William are in: until now they tl this time a year "o. Mt4gntt bushels tut a bushel- " year age. 'attt C48.782 The earnings of l]... Railway no more sad cm for the first w The world'a Visible hemmed over 6.80940 the past week. Ion. [um of Interest to m m FIELD ll? oiiiiiiiii' A TREMBLING Pl LI, l R In staple gr 'eptrta 0f gold from in estimated t t le eoruug t, h coun'xy l eral run oi some dulnrsi : the fact In re oeniraliro Ital sinrcs. :wiler of mm Icy of the hi wards, and l non for in no higher. Le lance of a t It swim tirn Wool remail " to New eat " In at ma I tirry remall re he predict m" the 'ieldat against 460,”. The f Icahn was in " Supply " eek th m fora it can“ invented h promise. tt to the I. u n mm: p!‘ n " Britain OI- .on '- he 'tt IN & York. 0.. bum“. iiet an " this N Or M In N Ita- h trt Ant. My M. H tltta . mania w. re to gar!“ it will! " Sham esoite " the The " the in tht , If" in WI smi- Mm I'll e “I wod mm u ot (f rut: In?! in or N a ara. in ul tel. Maia h 1ttdiq 41.; Ola-H. e, . Wail u gt will lead then ram 'lu Hi» hu- PM: rlm an we TM “a so“ I“ Int E! all tk - W "m. BUUP: " “B tterJured “in: "' mint up um Ptgi 8090 back [wk . P.ume one o I Stl/ii (Immu- w m “It mm L 7“": fl am s “ended _ Jam, "ll, Menu tit “In“. in tTdlllSS.f W3 Leanne UH “I activity. Br.', M who mama.“ 1 'd'tit,F Wilde nun-hm “Lg; 'LPMCM to 'rl'"""-"" 2.11% 1utu -. . teat ‘w (mum. “If!“ and"; in . Donu- Lak- th nt ',.ipi'iii'iiiii,'ii1i, l " mea- 99-h.- uad tsells W att the leadutg m nutmeg " .11. least Wm slsovs, '"hed on not only ht deubueG in ht.c, w, u to , bcsou, " u as m: 'fttit . hbinder kl 5tl't,tetl! cub am :22“;- qu a do u, w ' and sum tiii"i"i'i'feiiflei, out tinn lea. Bur “I m Yengeance “was.“ and " 532nm: both to C It"' ttiouirti 1tiGiGiuG it'Ti7, ”My becomes u Hindi: murder or p a when {bed tlt' I‘m”. m IN - mummy. other 1 a“! to the iuuocy ”by. in u certau “Links fur uni; - a! Merely .6021 55,.I'med" co I in trauma-31TH; fl Intern cities. In E Ch! Kline Tout; is hung tirioua mum I I su that: line “at “YET-m The" S'7L, ng. EMP‘J society in The panama]. Au “'dmknul' oi the C m with “mow; the. but“. where cm were the q can tic mound ot in perjury and in in ii“! to the re their when at“; the law u masterly. in the art ot an in an annulment which that! dad); I m struck. Mae 1 of these mum-s themselves at "bat may tugged“: Wk. but cull no pen with than in c humane. highly an. but. which tn ably In: ot iron, an “W with . tir crush In tin kitties SECRET stuns Equity Lngemotu mt signals, with the migrant mu” an Willy“ mini " " with that tantrum “than t can, any they trtet.a upon the u, teifre,et, 'Lhus t as King or Chu K bkuumby mum-1 will to their lips, wt 1 the gm " an m '2 Han:- --- WM“: Thu majority ot l aei--to 5w Erma who: Into bra. "eiertiaas. Tttc. oUgecu ed with the changed m d MEWWB L politically, Lin: (lbw hoe-no permanent d muon- ot debuu mum and was”; and. of worth-ma M d the Til Ping relrcl at um crow ot cu (in in dicta w 4 Chine-I dputshy, wed that lives “hen u - Chang. cuppa an autumn and ”can. ‘ HIGHBIXDEBS A Uh the Italian pronoun“ of ward CW New In gin-ill m palatal. out ”damnation: tttttsm .me Hummus m known as the. l - the uncut . - ' firm I “with“ in the U d1, known " " twiiarrtia, od no.“ uranium, l a. m otuneroM MW in that V" and .soeral "and" mm M they . ottcior" -on thut plenti‘ul W item. v’Ya M have s the out... notably in " in Chm tst. - ttuitar" Emmy“ a-ey, C irlirtu'i"t'on" 5 - ti iihrl1Pu1hnf, N on: since. 'yi/t L I. well a WOMAN Sl 300$ BAN " AIERICA .4; oust-fl was. - ' DIARIES “I: trim kit the b out-u“ women. I m m be b. young CONTINI mm: cht him! “so: are at an!

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