West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 Oct 1896, p. 8

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yc J q- 9 0o 4 * se ly(E a0 i 44 J. A. HUNTER‘S Best Canadian Coal Oi/,-;.’;:t; "KOLONA"*"*" TEA Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens, we pay the highest market price for them (whon dry picked), also for Butter a1d E:gs, Vool, Wood, Raw Furs, Kides, Sheepskins, In fat we buy almost everythingâ€"you know we sell almost everythin;. > Em es a s Aoy e aer e + hn a on ons aorh s A ioh on is ‘The Great Distributors for merchandise. â€" Your choice of our great stock of goods all at Dep&flm""_“l Store Prices. The price for wood will be the bighest. We don‘t want anything but 4 foot woud. No gocds will be advanced before the wood is delivered. We muke no exception to this rule. 5000 Cds Wood Wanted | Sorryâ€"â€" We couldn‘t wa‘s an the crowds who visited this stcre last Bargain Day. The old storyâ€"too many buyers, too few sellers, bad two extra clerks, but the people are begirnng 40 find out that it‘s to their advantage to deal hbere. Nearly five barrels of poultry (not qai‘te one of money ) was our record last Barâ€" gain Day. Before Fridlay of euch week bring along your Err ad aye se eaye en s bp e se nb es L/ **+Ar â€" 10 Hialtho: o. MiCQ â€"â€" HMc{ID P;c'ka'g': w va L2 8 us # Merchandise f/ TUBSDAY K 002 Originators of Low \ Bergein Dcy â€" Prices â€"â€" », We Soll Sverything / . a gallon. 5 Gallons 90 ctg UPPER TOWN or _ The Best in the mixed â€" l4¢c 1 !h" Da.~ Any quanuty of Beech or Maple, sawn ends, 4 foot wood, wanted in exchange Save Your Dollars Dealing at PDurham‘s Greatest â€"Storeâ€" World Miss Annie Sinclair and Miss Maggie McQuarrie wore the guests of Mrs, Alex, Carson on Thmsday evening of last week, e m tne Our local nimrods report groeat lan of game, such as partridge, duck, hlacfiT squirrel, rabbits. etc. Such may be the case but your correspondent has not yet seen a single feather which might conâ€" vince him of the fact. a Mr. James Henr{ and Miss Mnnc{le McQuarrie. were the guests of Miss Annie Sinclair one evening recently, Mr. Arthur McClocklin, 4th line was the guest of Miss Flora McLein on Sunday last. | Mr. Fred McArthur passed through | the Groye on his bike to attend a logâ€" ‘ ging bee at Mr. Fred Kennedy‘s, We notrce the Seotchtown reporter Fecommends his corn cure to the Grove boys but judging from the amount of sore heels at the Murchison dance, it conuld be used w th good effect nearer home, WibitiniP uit c uh d 3212 1 _ 0 y rge attendance at the funerâ€" al gave unmistakable proof q9f the esteeim in which the departed was held by her friends and neigh bore, Miss, Mary Conkey was the finest of Miselx‘ Wright, Fle-h~lr:.nr-, one day last week, i oK pilge2 2 1y 2 zC #Me Mrs., McDonald took pliice to the R. (;, Church in Glenâ€" elg last Monday, The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. Father Hauck, ~ The church choir rendered music suitable for the solemn occavion, The very large attendance at the funerâ€" al gave unmistakable proof q9f the esteeim in which the denartad wÂ¥ i 38 1 03 PW ib lt B hi lb d a s c ome alter a two weeks sojourn with friends here, We notice that Mr. D. Camphell has started to take his evening walks again,. Mr. and Mrs, A, C. McLean spent a few days with the lat ters parents in Chataworth, returning home laist Weuâ€" nesday, The funeral of the late Mrs, McDonald took pliice to the R. (;, Church in Glenâ€" elg last Monday, The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. Father H«'tl"'k. .'rhfi nhinnest‘ 40e c C 1 Miss McFoe of Guelth has home after a two weeks s0jo friends here, S on en s mt tiny 44085 Jao. MeArthir has his house beaunâ€" tified on the outside by whitewa h. Jack is a husiler, There is no happiness in having and etting but only in giving. So said the fiuly when she got the fish, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson visited with Mr, Join McQuarrie lost Suynday. Mrv. Fred Kennedy l;urf'h:lsv:l a dine driver from (G, Hawk, Flesherton Statâ€" i0n. 75 10â€" cments are going on on all sides, Mr. Alex. Carson is going in for poultry raising extensively and has erected a coop for thefaccommodation of hi feathiâ€" ered friends. Mr. McKillop also lins his house uearly finished and intends moving into it sho‘tly. _ The Henry Bros. have started the foundation of their silo which, when finished ‘will be canable of holding sixty tous, _ Mr, Jao. MeArthur has his house beaunâ€" tific;:l on Lhoi outside by whitewa h. iants L6 boao en ulc This burg is by no means improvements aro going on on hi) . ainil in 0 m & ' 1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in The Ontarie Game Protecâ€" tion Act, 1833, or any Acts aniending same, the Lieutenantâ€"Governor in Counâ€" cil may, by Order in Council in that beâ€" half, designate certain counties or porâ€" tions of counties in the Provyince in whuiech it shall be unlawful to hunt, take pursue, kill, wound or destroy any deer animi at any time of the yea‘, subject to such reservations in favor of the residenis or settlers in such couutâ€" ies as may be deemed reasonable, fault of immediate payment of such fine and costs shall be imprisoned in the county where such conviction shall take place for a period not excoeding three months, Any person offending against any of the provisions of the Act saall be linble for each offence to a fine not exceeding $50 and not less than $20, together with the costs of prosecution, and in deâ€" Every person engaged in the hunting or killing of deer on request by any person whomscever, at all reasonable times and as often as reasonably 1eâ€" quested, produce and show such license to the person making the request ; and if he shall fail or refuse to do so he shall forfeit any such license he may possess, and shall if found hunting, taking, purâ€" suing, killting, wounding or destroying any deer animal, and ou proof of such request and failure or re. s1 1 ~ed e aed to have violated the provisions of this section. No common carrier or other person shall transport or have in possesion for that purpose in this Province after the same has been killed any w 1 . g : 0 the raw skin thereof, or any venisou, save only from the first day of November to the twentyâ€"second day of November in each year, unless accompanied by an affidavit that the same was hunted and taken during the open sen.on, and unâ€" Jess there be attached thereto one of the shipping coupous belonging to the liâ€" cense authorizing the shipper to hunt or kill as provided fiy this Act. There shall be attached to each 1:â€" cense two shipping coupons, one of which shall be signed and detached by the person to whom the License is _ issued _ in â€" the â€" presence _ of the shipping agent at the point of shipâ€" ment and attached to each deer or part of deer about to be shipped, and such coupon shall be cancelled by the carrier on arrival at the point of destination by writing across the face " cancelled." Subâ€"section 5 of section 2 of Ontario Game Protection Act, 1893, is hereby repealed and the foilowing substivuted therefor + No person who is a resident of and domiciled in vhe Province of _ Ontario shall hunt, take, or kill, wound or desâ€" troy any deer w.thout first having obâ€" tained a licence in that behaf undor the provisions hereinafter set forth and &he fee for syeh licenses shall be two dollars ;md shall be in forc. for one season onâ€" y. No person shall at any time hunt,.purâ€" sue, kill, wound or capture any deér in the waters of any river or lake within the limits of the Province of Ontario, or immediately after leaving such waters, and any persons carrying a rifle, carbine or shot gun, and stationed in a canoe, skiff, punt or boat of any kind, at or near any place where hunted deer are likely to enter the water during the opâ€" en season, shall prima facie be deemed to he engaged in hunting or pursuing deer withln the meaning of this section. To Regulate Deer huntingâ€" The Law on the Subject. the Sceotchtown reporter his corn cure to the In{t. judging from the MAPLE GROVE, by no means dead, as + > o_ __ Â¥ f EA% s 2 e fi‘; 8 returned Aa Spend part of each day in muscular work, part in ntudg. and part in good g:edds o men and in the worship of Shun stimulants and drugs as you would pestilence. For tea and coffee drink hot water., and in illnces let the same magic fluid be your‘ physic. Thick bload causes colds and countâ€" less other diseases, Keep the lun active by deep bmthinf. the -kingy' baths and friction, the k dueys by free draughts of warm water, the bowels by correct eating, and the blood will be pure. Deformity is naot awkwardness qunly but danger. _A high chest will give freedom to breathing, and digestion and helps cure many diseases. to chew your f(»{:fl;e-lvz;fild'y;';"uu,rwt:-.l:&:: Adurn iuur table not only with viauds, but (v‘vil flowers and nnifi;s and kindly words. Few starve for food, but many for alir, Bresthe deeply a huimivred tm s daily, Wear no tight clothing., Above all ventilate your sleeping room, . Bewire of gluttony. If the a is dull, eat fruit oufy or eat xngt’[fitâ€"i;e Uhse no fiery cqlldltllgzllb;' but _ dive chefly on natural grains, vegetables Make cleavliness your raotto, and watch against filih in buth house and grounds. Life power lives upon air, water and food only ; all else is hurtful. Fix deeply in inind the grand truth that life power rules the body, and that it alone can cure disease, Professor F. M. Heath lays down the following practice rules : mt i 4 ETOCTTERTE l'lu'c; Lovely woman, etc. Who is it sweetens human life As mother, sister, lover, wife, And soothes the paings of death‘s last strife ? Lovely woman, etc. 1 In Holy Writ what proofs we find { Sufficient to confirm the mind | That gentle woman‘s ever kind. C ie aba s e onl ces on 0 lt RCAENE oi ' Lovely woman, etc. His bless‘d body to embalm With spicea sweet ‘twas women came Aud a ris‘n Savour did proclaim, Lovely woman, etc. Her love, nor time nor space can sever ; Nor does she fxithless prove, oh! never : When woman loves, she loves forever, Lovely woiasan, etc. When for our sins the cross he bore ; To Calv‘ry Mount he went before, Who followed Him lamenting sore ? + D ce W io l ie 1 Lovely woman, etc. Who was it gracious ointment poured, Upon His head whom she aqdored And was commended by her Lord 2 Loyvely womain, etc. When our Redeemer sat at meat In Simon‘s house he deigned to eat, With fli;ms tears who washed his feet 2 vely woman, etc. Lovely woman, etc. Who true and faithful as the dove, In sweetest bonds secures our love ; And doth our dearest treasure prove? P L ols C w 1 mibinduniit® Suatet dBP\hlactice hi teic Birtire ioib i\ d Lovely woman, etc. Whose heart with tenderness oerflows Whose gentle soul with pity glqws, And sympathises in qur woes? Who doth true constancy possess Who soluce yields, relieves distress, * Heayen‘s last gift," frail man to bless ? Lovely woman, toujours le meme. Who is it that refines the mind Enchants men‘s souls. his passions bind ? "Tis lovely woman, ever kind. We have pleasure this week in subâ€" mitting to our readers the following unpublished poem by the late Gordon Burgess. _A man of great intelligence, he wielded the pea with no ordmary skill, and his memory is yet green in the hearts of his friends. \6&: shall publish another next week : A party of roughs from the west end ot lLe Grove, one of then the proud F()Ssomsurm' in fizhting dog, came east ast Sunday morning, and met a parry of the east end rougas. They .engaged in a brutal dog fight which was neither creditable to themselves, to the locality,. nor to the sacred day, This is not the Arst time we believe, and it is time such doings were pult a siop to, Mr E. Sulliyan intends purchasing a goat from Mr. P. Haley of Trayerston, Mr. R. McLeod, of Hagersville and Miss J. Carson, Pricev.lle, visited Greove friends Sunday last. _ _ Mr. Duncan Sinclair home after spending the with Mr. James Wilson. Mr. Samuel Carson intends attending the C. school in Toronto this winter, Sam will make a good soldier, as he has got all the necessary qualifications, Mr, Mike Henry and cousin Miss Lizzie McGee of Guelph visited Miss Adaline O‘Neil last Sunday, and returnâ€" ed home early in the evening. There is such & thing as wearlng Spectacles when you shouldn‘t and not wearing them when you should. When you first notice your eyes failing, or it seems & strain on them to read or do near work, consult an eye specialistâ€"one that is permanently lqcated and makes a specialty of the eye. This way you will have comfort, and save what money can‘t buy. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN 37 King 91. Easy, TOHORTD, 607. GODS â€" _ RGreatest Cift to Man A Recipe For Don‘t trifle with this precious gift by not heeding the dictates of nature. By the Late Gordon Burgess. IS HIS VISIQON. LOVELY WOMAN â€"POEM.â€" o stte » e Long Life. has returued fail threshing Cl i ie will be kept for Service fer Seasc 1895â€"6 M.pLot 7, Con. 1, Normanby Durham, Aug.27th, 1806, CAPITAL and ASSETSâ€"over $1,600.000 ANNUAL INCOMEâ€"over $1,500,000. Insarance effected on all kinds of proâ€" rert.y at_lowest current rates. Dwelâ€" ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms, w WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. ** SPRUCE LODGE HERO," 4X The ounly fArstâ€"clasa Bearse in tewn. CA Losses promptly and Liberall y settled Call or communicate with C. RAMAGE, Sub, Agent. nmlewics.~ ic mvein S omm Undertnklnq and Emba‘ming on latest .rin cipiee at reasonuable ~=tex, Furniture of the Best Ha‘ke lished by his father in Durham is +858 und will endenvor to give all oid and new custom ers the same entire sstisfaction Would intimate that be wi‘ll continue th Furniture and Undertakiny Busine=s estnb lished by his father in Durham is +858 und FURMITUTRE AND CarsXR:YKINq Tamworth Boar FIRE AND MARINE Remember the stand â€"opposite the Market, Durham, PIH C BRA B "X THOROVGHBRED 4. SHEWELL SUBSCRIBE _, =â€"â€"FOR THE " REVIEW. «& W. LEESOIH Prop s E. J, sHEWELL y as 'Ql' semn 0 Tu Groceries we have an extra J apan Tea done np in Ib. paper bags, lined with lead, for $1.95, A tea wei worth 30¢c. Our Tea at 20¢ needs no advertising, y, have a nice Granite Teapot well worth 50¢ and sold (, that, _ We will throw in a Jb, of Baking Powder, and for half a dollar, Every hicusâ€"holdor needs Fat Iton Now, we will give you n fiat iron, handle and stand ay 1 Ib, of Buking Powder for 40c. A Black Melton Ovrercont with a velvet e a nice, dreasy garment, and extra value, . The readyâ€"to wear Clothing we sell bas +kood the t for years. and so has our prices. Our clothing mad by {V E. Sauford Huqulacturmg Coy., and w R.“. ston & Co., but the prices are made by Oursélyes, ay as our clothing can and does stand the strain Of rouy, usage, so does our prices stand the stram of hnd tope ‘The Actual Test Is the Best Proy We Quots Good Fricz Come and seo nse. We will do . L. GRANT. AL4. OUR PRICES EQUALLY cHEp Glenelg, Oct 16th 1896. Came to the 3 i & premises of the under :Lgened in September one ewe u‘nd Jamb w (;wner will please prove propert® y expenses and take them away. p, GragaÂ¥. * Lot 2x3 0Qm8 x. p. L M itiay. en on t 0 o l y "* POVR 5 T98 We are prepared to take building ¢8" ders, Bucke ‘ge tracts and furnish all kinds of Materia! .h. y Mowers at living prices. Oae An. .. PLANING AND MATCHING~ N. B.â€"To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as i# ken off. Ne beg to announce to the pW# that we have the amll rebauilt and refitted with Dromore, June 6th, ‘06. DOoNE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND WATSON EROS By the Noaw Process, which for Firish and Sof¢ nossg can‘t be beat. Horse Hiles, Cow Hides Skins, Tanned suitable Robe Tanniss! tMPROVED MACHINERY. Satisfaction Guaranteced. In two eolors and well lme; Renew for the Reviet NORTIHT EGREMONT. CAME ESTRAY. Robo Tanning! Thos. Smith, as & Goaf AT RIGHT PRICE®. 3 Overcoats st goy you good 00"", l’ "”‘ only $5 00. the Pll.u" 89 , g 1C1 o.&“c:r'ml?l;.dctmleca?, don Carringes & Bugg "Risthontfhar Fame h berk of the tam h«:.“m'ft‘?‘ ‘s Singe VAREKOUS EVERYTHL And Sold ust Arrived â€" Durh:am, Mss take hanking ast patr: ouvinced rill meric I kinds of ‘gans & Pi has. i4« nllwells': â€"cheaper tha XVIIL byst its C that ers ON

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