West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Nov 1896, p. 9

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s C J. A. HUNTER‘S 4 ;’; wool 1 n wide pe Eus 1 C P N ". Di kss 14, A de i R z. 58 | (hnâ€" 29. 15 ¢7*. eb 1i) a3.) 4C es %‘ yibl fi E 2 yid. en i_,rj , 5 r &4 e go ! Biack 7 col Sfl, Koilk, | 4 *: 5 f 6 Tu £ Tuae. 25¢, yd. s ~ slefliil â€" in & iffWM2 tE A Pn K + f 2s " ¢ i Highe * grads 8 B Lai 5... all wool t rtans BA €o% L P in dplaids * 1 t C w1 â€" Oocts, worth $1 omuned cAE "bei *4 > rot & O SHCiS. WÂ¥ cil -~ -..\‘; i/ & . z~ dUc. a yaPd. A ':\'-:""w P . Atpolie hn PE & 3 \ e e & £ d Di f All o»! car 30 a) ds £7 line { * chin u 400 4J f e «ts : in w ds, reg. hobe+ 9B & s $)3, Tiures. ws Lo say 3ic a yd. ol $ T & â€"Is t; 6 e ‘ t» & Drow : serge 8 (2g iL. yool £.f. & in $ | wide. rea 00c up. & Tae. ic, yd . 3 The Great Distri butors of Merchandise Originators of Low â€"Pricesâ€". It‘s the oft repeated story, a Wholesale Bot:& %lxsn}:)%% house want=d money badlyâ€"* Takg the booll'.ls aa sey vour own figure" he said." Now we‘ve got t emf i Tenvs the same to you, for Tuesday next will see bags fu Cia) To the store. If you want Long boois read our spe Tuasday it xit. [7", Pobgiiro®s +7 9900,00® an e egen BARGAIN DAY Nov. 10th. qy it erere~fst} es nelca .. "r"i‘ m 'L::r’“ K id m m ie L m W 6 & -fl\fi“ Sthmcs w se se d uadoneltse s ‘nctiodha l @PrNPAEFY ‘Tinidiedhonndh 2l wilh «etria lucalt #, 1 est sto them Srsclal £37 oA n i. L 0OTEZIOALTS # OVERCOATS 45 OVERCOATS m‘3 Ix‘s N) 1 l | P PTES‘ MANTLES it3 INH it d W s of ‘e n from $2.53 «ap. Positively the largeâ€" i and cheapest coats in South Grey. _ See a Gavy PallOlith Pants ill n s tss 2 6 5... ie an next UPPER TOWN. Men‘s, Women‘s and Children‘s ITweed, Sealatte and Cordnroy caps. â€" Doys‘ from 10c up, Men‘s from 24s. up, Hats, Caps, Gloves, etc. !8 All Woaoal and Union underâ€" 12 wenr vory cheap $1‘38 perpr Save Your Dollars by â€"% Dealing at PDurham‘s Greatest Fine Damask lnen at Tam o‘ Shant â€"rs slacks of em all new, stylish and «heap from 23¢ up. Tweed effect goods in dark colors, reg, 10¢ Tues. 7¢. vd. per effe designs 10¢c. yd French wrap t effects new signs, Tues. â€"Stopeâ€" LDJaw There afe two kinds of peo especially farmers ; one that r an 4 the other that wears out. say that Mr. W Greenwond is the latter class, some of bis laj ;e.fidy ploughed for the third ti ‘all, Our farmers are hustling through their fall work in double quick time, Pastor Pomeroy being ansent, his pulâ€" it was occupied on Sunda by mMr. A. fjull. of Rock 7 Saugeen. ée preached a very good sermon to a very large conâ€" gregation. . He took his text from the l5th chap. of St. Luke‘s Gospel ; the words being : " There is joy in the presâ€" ence of the Angels of God over one sinâ€" ner that repenteth, Hallowe‘en passed away very quietly in our vicinity. ; Tax collector Hunt is on the war path once mere. His weapons are the usual roll and not a small shillelagh, as the wnrl.hi Irishman would call it. Armed with this he would make a match with the would be robber in anyr of the dark bush or swamps he has to pass through and the impression left on the skull iy thie fsaid cudgel would be black for many a day c 0d eA t t o oo 7. o9 ie Some of our Im}ys would like to know what Sam thought of the Falls by moon light, and if he thought no one knew hiim. Also if he took a lantern to see the caves ?2 Mr. Neville Falkingbam is hired with Mr. Hall. of the 10th concession, Glenelg for a few weeks, The cold weather of the last two weeks has brought mitts and overcoats from their hiding places, but the general ery is we have a lot to plough yet, Several of out ploughmen attended the bee ai Dan McAuliffe‘s on the 22nd, when upwards of twenty acres of virgin soil saw the light. Dan is a pushing >oung man and says he does not believe in allowing the land to be a nest for the grasshoppers, Most of our farmers are drawing their grain to the Markdale elevators. â€" The prices at that place being from 7 to 10 cents beiter than at Durham., They say the roads are bad, but the price, ah! it tells. _ Our Durham buyers are very sleepy to allow,the grain from their very doers w _ be drawn a distance 10 to 15 miles. Better get a move on, Durham, or be left out. Thos. Timinins, one of Zion‘s brightâ€" est young men, has hired with A. Goodâ€" fellow, the Traverston miller, for a few mouths, Master Willie and Miss Susan Greenâ€" wood spent a few days of last week with orchardville friends Miss S. Colevridge agarin returned !0 her School on Saturday last, it having heen closed for 5 weeks on accounts of di;theria being in the section. We are glad to hear that Miss Mary Sextt and Mr. Geo. Jushnie are also duly appreciated. â€" The three teachers uamed having the compliment of an adâ€" vance in their salary given to them in these hard times. Prof. Peel‘s ability as a muic teacher is being duly a )rre(-intml heve with inâ€" creasing bi-wee{\' y interest, (From another Correspondent.) The Foresters intend holding their 4th anniversary supper on the evening of Tuesday the 17th inst _ Each membe: is expecied to bring his wife and second best girl, if he has them. â€" Efficient comâ€" mittees have been struck to make necesâ€" sary arrangements, Miss M, Isanc aleo visited her friend, Miss Dowzer at Clinton and is now away visiting friends in Markdale. Mr. Jas. Inkster, from visiting his sister, Mrs. J. latter end of last week. Colin MeMillan‘s sister was visiting here last week, Jas. Tucker paid a visit to friends in Osprey la ely. A Phrenologist lately bumped the heads uffinur people here, to the amuseâ€" ment and gratification of some and disâ€" appointment of others, Mrs, Hastie, Sr. returned one day last week from visiting friends in Galt, Three of our farmers are now seeking repose, and are endeavoring to rent their farims. They ought not to look long for a tenant. Mr, J. McBeth‘s house is now also finished and since the poles and scaffoldâ€" ing are down, looks really neat, substan tial and handsome,. Now ladies be on the watch, only 2 months more of leap year. â€" It wont occur again for 8 years. Mr. Jas. Geddes is also erecting a woodshed. The contractor is Mr, Robt, Smail, whose skill on this as well as fence building is well known,. _A fence put up by him on sideroad 15, con. 18 reâ€" guires to be seen to be appreciated. He nds the fascination of hbunting still strong and seldom fails to bag a fox, or a couple of rabbits, Mr., Mat Long has lately raised a new house to the east ward. Mr. H. Tucker is under the weather with an attack of typhoid fever. He is domg nicely unager Dr. Sneath‘s care. ° By the way we are glad to note the increasing popularity of our affable Dr, both among his patients as woll as among the fair sex. Our community it also growing in imâ€" portance as witness the following inâ€" provements : Now that we miss the smilirg dimples of Miss Minnvie McKenzie, since ber marmage to Mr. Geo. Haw, the Eopular musician of Swinton Park, others of our citizens are having notions and that before long we may expect to hear, we hope, the joyous bells that are supposed to ring on such occasions. â€" Meanwhile the poxulation of our suburbs is growâ€" ing. little boy having arrived at the home of Mr, A, {‘ucker and Mr. J. Bunâ€" ston. Mr. Geo. Acheson, of the town, is also rejoicing under similar circums(ances. Thos. Long having made a success at farming is having a sale and is, we hear, going to live retired. oys The boyvs who went to Manitoba. are daily expected home. Their coming is looked forward to with hecoming interâ€" est. They are Messre J. Wilson, Jas. Lothian and Thos. Henderson. events. With many apologies for delay in reâ€" porting our town and aftera big Afil?e at the corn and turnip crop successfully housed. â€" We pen a few of the local DROMORE. ie of his land is alâ€" the third time this ZION. ould call it. Armed make a match with in anyr of the dark !m‘s to pass through nds of people and one that rusts out ears out. . We can enwond is one of Osprey, was Garson, the We offer good inducements to agents, For terms, etc., addressâ€" ADVERTISER PRINTING 00,. Market Reports, ALL THE NEWS OF THE WORLP Sixteen FPages Each TW eelr, â€"WITHâ€"â€" QNLY ONE DOLLAR every year that I live that it ren‘s early years that good | are made, that they can be honor their father and moth holy the Sabbath day, and | go out into the world and be in all things, . \" 1| â€"AYS so that as they get dressed in their best clothes on the Lord‘s Day, the best of every thing should be on that day. Nevep allow them to visit or have visitors on the Subbath Day,. Teach them that the day is too sacred foâ€"> that. Dear Sisters, 1 feel more and more @QVOPV vaum thak Foae 0 2. 0 00C.. «200 Stamped o | my childish memory they come back to comfort or to warn in later years, I would even suggest, and at this you may smile, nice dishes to be served on the Sabbath different from other days, so that as they #AF Anacond DC Witntns. Aount t idns Mss dn Plisca 5.0 28 i. 9B 1181 9 do, that they Took forward to the Sai>â€" bath Day with dislike, long for it to be over, and wish it rever came. 1 think there ae certain things we sthould ailow children to do and certrin things they should not. Let them be happy always, teacht hem that because it is *God‘s Holy Day," it must be different from other _days,to go to Church because it is God‘s command, to give up as far as possible their boisterous play, but try to make baiem feel that the Sabbath is a day of rest and loving, bappy intercourse one with another. ‘Try to get your children to commit some text of scripture, they will never] forget them,. Well do T remember texts today that were tanught . me by my old grand fithe.~. a strict old Scotch Covenanter, such as ; "The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good." "Stronger ig he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city," I would argue then de 1 sisters, that it is at home in theu very chi‘dhood burt we should teach our children to remember the Subbath day to keep it Moly, to look upon its coming, not with dislike as many children do, because they will be made to go to Church made to s t still, their free spirits be cramped and nagged at by this one and that one, as to wmuLlhey should, and should not w HHA4 4 & 1 1 & ‘ Allow me to quote a few words from an article Ireid lately in one of our Church papers upon " Womeu‘s dutics at Home." it sud in God‘s work wehave a glorious picture from the master haud of God,an example for all time of lovely life of the woman at home, fall of the rich and varied activities connected with every day life, The true reaim, the pulpit from which a woman can reach her loudest sermon, the platform K‘om which she wields the widest iufl â€" ence, the throne upon which she sits suâ€" preme is spelt in these four magical linâ€" mg. capital lelters, "Mom®." Do not smile if you are one of the "New Womâ€" en" with advanced vwews, you may «conâ€" sider the sphore very limited, but, of a surcty, it is no mean thing to be the centre of hoime. Excellent Reading.. . for every member of t It is rather a difficult thing to conâ€" dense into the brief space of five or six minutes even the few thouglits 1 may have to offer, would tust 1 bud tue time and the power to speak upoun this importaut top‘c as I ought. Western Advertiser FOR 1896â€"7. When it was prop sed at our last meeting by our Pres, Mrs.Campbell, that we should try to make our nwelin;;s more interesting and helpfal to each other, that, in the bhour or more spent togather each â€" membec might learn something, or be able to make some happy suggestion which might be useâ€" ful and enable us to do some good, as the question is * W hat can we cfi»? How can we do good ? has perplexed our minds. The plan proposed by Mrs, Camp bell of taking up a toupic for each eyenâ€" ing, and having a discussion upon it seemed a very good one, it was agreed that the important subject of Sabbath observance be the topic for this evenâ€" ing, _ Mrs. Cameron and myself were asked to ; rep« e short papers |therefore the few thou_h.s I have put 4down, I might call * sabbath C bservance in our Home Life." The following paper was read by Mrs, Dr. Gun at a recent meeting of the Soâ€" ciety : Drar SisTtERS. *Then you first notice your eyes failing, or it seems & strain on them to read or do near work, consult an eye specialistâ€"one that is permanently located and makes a specialty of the eye. This way you will have comfort, and save what money can‘t buy. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN EÂ¥FE SPECIALIST 87 King St. East, TORONTO, ONT. There is such a thing as wearing fpectacles when you shouldn‘t and not wearing them when you should. Don‘t trifle with this presious gift by not heeding the dictates of nature. GoD‘S Createst Cift to Man Balance of 1896 Free To January 1st, 1898 ISs HIS VISION. ult Aiiubatiic! oolicc w ) iat they can be taught father and mother, to k t se 1 t Loxpox, OxT " Storiefl, ew. , and be fitted to of the family. that it is in childâ€" impressions temperate it 10 ISm}p will be kept for Service fer Season o 18905â€"6 at Lot 7, Con. 1, Normanby, Durham, Aug.27th, 1896. Insurance effected on all kinds of proâ€" rerty at_lowest current rates. Dwelâ€" ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms, CAPITAL and ASSETSâ€"over $1,600.000 ANNUAL INCOMEâ€"over $1,500,000. WESTERN ASSURANCZ GOMPANY. ** SPRUCE LODGE HERO," NO. 402 Undertoking and Embalming on latest prin ciples at reasonable ~=tes. Losses promptly and Liberally settled Call or communicate with Would intimate that he will continue th Furniture and Undertaking Purines» esiab lished by his fither in Durham in 1858 and will endenvor to give all oid and new custom ers the same entire satisfaction. Farriitare of the Rest Â¥ake FCRAiTURE AND UNDERTAKNY Tamworth Boar Remember the standâ€"â€"opposite the Murket, Durham. The only Orstâ€"class Mcarse in towa. TA ALWAYS oX HaxD». PIGTURE FRAMINC A SFPECIALTY FIRE AND MARINE. C BBRA 4V E J. SHEWELL <g THOROUGHBRED SUBSCRISBE _ =â€"FOR THE " REVIEW." â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" H, W. LEESON Prop I=me toron; @@@D _ Come and see use. We will jo E. J, sHEWELL C. RAMAGE, Sub, Agent. In Groceries we have an extra J apan Tea doy lb. paper bage, lined with lead, for $1.2%. ; worth 30c. Our Tea at 20¢ needs no gdv.m,," have a nice Gravite Teapot well worth 50¢ and , that, We will throw in a lb, of Baking Powde for halt a dollar. Every householder needs fy Now, we will give you & flat iron, handle an? Stau 1 Ib, of Buking Powder for 40¢. \ A Black Melton Overcort with a â€" a nice, dresey gariment, and extra seb o) Arsint e sth <Aantendatnto en o d ie ... 01 M by W. E. Sanford Mnnuhczuring ((:).n; °‘°‘h'-uu ston & Co., but the priees are made ;\nd W.R, as our clothing can and does stand lhz Nakng., usage, so does our prices stand the m.,‘,::("h'.‘d' museme="{2*......._. C The readyâ€"toâ€" wear Ciothing we sell | for years. and so has our prices, Oor by W. E. Sanford Mnnuhcturing Cey, ston & Co., but the priees are mad. j We Quote Good Frieze Overonts 4 The Actual TeSt Is the Best P . L. CRANTE ALL QUR PRICES EQUALLY ory; Gleneéelg, Oct 16th 1806. Came to the premises of the D agntd in Soptemphr:r one ewe snd / e owner will please pro‘® prof pay expenses and take them 8"*" ». GxnBi* We are pre‘,ured to take buildif® tracts and furnish all kinds of 4* at living prices. We beg to announce to the PZ that we have the mill rebuilt ant refitted with PLANING AND MATCHING N. B.â€"To ensure a good j® Hides must be well salted as s0084 ken off. Dromore, June 6th, ‘98. DONE AND SATISFACTIO® GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND AT RIGHT PRICO® WATSON BR Robes & Coals By the New Proc which for Finish and Horse Hiles, Cow Hides, Skins, Tanned suitable Robe Tanning! IMPROVED MACHINERY. s \ toâ€" wear Clothing we sel) 1 so has our prices. ()m-h...n:od ts Satisfaction Guaran In two colors and Renew for the Rov® NORTIHI EGREMOAT CAME ESTRAYâ€" Robe Tannin ness can‘t be best Thos. Smi well lineg velvet collay, & + value, only Ki you good Lot &2 building xD me Car Maxwells‘s Ti Bindersâ€"cheaper than . all and inspe I kinds of F; rgans & Pian he Car Brockville Bug LGananogue, and Camp don Carriages & Buggie he Car Chatham Famous also Snow Bai] W agons. Mst & Woond‘s Singe f.':'_\ Buckey Mowers AREHZOUSE anking ou st patrong uvinced th l1 meris a th VERYTHI e take thi AEHEON, I7.» cien ; . l mmn' Notar E Valuators, urham. A 1 JACKSON arge Sai has. Avrived tock of the famot â€"aAt fabulous price V1ILâ€"NO. end. Money in Farms bought We be that we System its equ ers an And Sold T H to Sta: ANC

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