West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Nov 1896, p. 4

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/ d. ct IT , The situation is this: if the tank at Kress' corner was emptied, it could not be tilied from the river with tho present hose, some lengths more are needed or the others patched up. Thisjpuu Upper Town in a precarious state should a second fire occur. "Get more hose," says one, "you pan't keep those 3011 have " says anoth- glycr, hit. Meikle suggcszs trading taff A qux‘stinn from Reeve Spnrliug wvmh-d the fact thas the appropriation granted to the Board of works was all c.xpr'uded hut some 817.00 consequently smut- gruu-llmgand other improvements will have to wait. Bladder and Brown presented a. very unpzn-mnt mminn which was carried. that in future ali aects. presented :to Kurd of Wovks shall he dated as to thue of pcrfurmuncv, nature of Walk, and where perfm-xued. A quvstinn from Reeve Spnrliug rm’mhul the fact thas the appropriation The toweriis at fault, twentyflre feet more must be added to its height to allow the hose to be strung up with. outfold. This means expense. It is fruitless now to ask how the mistake was made in the first place, The mistake was made in spite of profes- sionaiadvicc too we believe, and it remains only to make the best of a bad situation. Petitions from several parties asking fur n-w electric 'ights at various places wan- rufvrrud to tho Fire and Light vtuiuttittve to ropurt at next meeting.: A pc-htiun asking for the u reuing of the >1er in front of the 1Methodist. Mun-ch was also shunted on in themenn- 1mm. The multor referred to in the Review 3.1% wwk. the state of the hose, proved the mus; wrimxs work of the evening. Th:- angina» it seems is well cared for, hm tht. hose is fast getting of no use, owitut partly it must be said to defective nit-um of drying. Five and light committee are to ask for tenders for 10or more incandescent big lights of 10 candle power each, to ho plum-.1 in Town Hall as directed by said munuitteo, tenders to be opened utuext "itwtinrt. A petition from Insp. (Tunpheli asking fur a Homing from the P. onice to his mink-r. and giving good and wei hty reasons therefor, was granted whim" “him-lion. Bryan is snowed under. Oat of 447 electoral votes McKinley has 318, Bry- an m, :50; in doubt. The yiztory for sound nmney _is a notable one, and speaks well " the nation. There can In: no doubt the association of Bryan with the anarchic classes, has weaken- ed the strength whiehyatme from his pe'.smalitv. McKinley has even broken the solid South. 't'he nmnthly meetin nfthis body was held Mnmlny night. ')fl,'S/ll?, were all present except, D. Khmer. l dopvtnlinn consisting of Mrs. 'hupp- hull, Mrs Wolfe, Mrs. Allan and Mrs. (Hum-run. n- 'resenting the W. C. T. U. waited on the 1'outtcil asking for the lllll'HIlllL'tlll'J of the Curfew Hell. The suruncil appointed " committee to ascor- min tlu, success of the system in other 11.1mm. and report at next meeting. i‘unnuiltve to consist of the Mayor and Coutwillots lt. iUrker, McKinnon and Mootv. Meanwhile, the Republicans having prevented silver from being made valuable by law, will proceed very likely to make goods more valuable by law by imposing duties and shut- ting themselves in from 'the efl'ete Juouai'chies of Europe," and strip off ice and snow called Canada. on their northern boiler. like (23mg “gram. Amongst the many 'grcat things of this great election is the wonderful electrical arrangement whereby news is gathered over the continent and made available. The triumph of sound money is grat- iiing to Canadians on principle, but the noble flg,'ht made by Bryan amongst many mean detractors, has won him intense respect, amounting in many (33505 to sympathy. IIis cam paign, whether in the number and excellence of his speeches, the people addressed, the miles travelled, the en- thusiasm evoked, is without parallel, and the future is yetto hear of William Jennings Bryan. Best wishes Uncle, but at present Canada is happy. Gold in abundance in the West, Coal in the east near Sud bury, Csrrttndmn, whatever that is, and precious stones are being found, a Liberal Government, with economic administration, and rising prices to benefit the masses, are a tew of the blessings We intend to celebrate with our thanksgiving turkey. At this writing Bryan appears to be defeated, bat there can be no question that the condition which has brought this wonderful man to the front will not down, but will be a source of irrit. ation, that will before many years lead to a struggle beside which the great civil war ot 1860--64 will look pale, The interest m Canada has been remarkable, and may lead our cousins to imagine that we are anxious to be with them, while from one end of Can. ada to the other is an intense feeling - f _‘ , I .I - . - . - w- -.r-i'_.w9N.. "M..." of relief that we are free trom present entanglements and very probable fu- tare calamities. Numerous returns were received by telegraph Taesday evening. 'htrham, T/mr. Not, McKINLEY VICTORIOUS. THAT ENG DIE. TOWN COUNCIL. LATEST " or ’96. Rev. Mr, Harvey. of Clifford, will take charge of the tmnivoraarr unico- morn. ing and evening in Yancy Methodist Church, on Sunday 8th,, and M!) give . lecture in the Church Monday "'er Miss M. Urge, of Durham, spent in. enjoyable time last Wedueidny on“. ing an a guest of the Misses Sin. " Mrs. E. Ard, of mpworth,Nnd Mia It. Ball, of Bentinck. visited than mater Mrs. Geo. Pollock, of Murdoch P, O.laat week. Mrs. (Rev.) Snmuel Acheson is at pres- eut a guest ot her Ilitbf, Mrs. A, Black and other friends. Rev. S. Acheson will join his wife next Monday and they will both visit old acquaintances for . few days, and will "turn to their home on Friday, It is 17 years since Mr. and Mrs, Ache-on visited these parts. Rev. Mr. Acheson will hold services in the School House the evori 13. he ll will) us. I wonder who the boys are at Louis who have but. little courage when the) boar the shots. They would never do for battle. The service in the Presbyterian Church lure was conducted last Sabbath by Rev. J. Little, of Dornoch. We are than pleased to Inna the opportunity of listen- ing to an able speaker like Mr. Little. We hear they are thina I livelyulimo on the 8th with stoning been this fall. That's a good sign. There must be some thing in the wind. But: anvway we hope the weather and everything will he favor. able next spring so that. thoy will have good crops. We are norry to any that Jessie Hustle is seriously ill at present. but hope she may soon recover. We are glad to me John Green homo babe and hearty from Manitoba. Sumo were saying that the boys were all nfmid of the dark on IGllowe'en, but I think they were very thoughtful Is no tricks were played it being Snturdny night. Mr. Stiuaon u going to come back to his Crawlord farm. His son Torn " busy ploughing on it DOW. Mr. John Boyd imam-s going to Flesh- ort0n this week. J. will feel lonoly until numb-r oncort is secured. t Among the visitors at Church latti 7811)- bath wore John anm from Flenhorton, and Dave McIntyre from Pncoville. Alex. McDonald, Jr. has Rom to Wint- loo to work a: sqmre timber. As Ales, is an able worker he will have no trouble in getting along all riyht. We wish him every success. We are sorry to any that. Mrs. Brant was ueriouely hurt, Inst week by falling down Main. tihe was badly bruised. Ind tho result was that inflamation let in. We are many to any that Mrs. 130)]. in not improving any. She is attended to by her daughter, Min Cassi-Jrom Toronto. Mr. Dave McIntyre and his mother, from Priceville, waited " Imuald Me. i);nsld'a and other friends last. week, . I wonder how the two ltd: got through tho bush leading north Inst Sand-y ulter- noon 7 Boy's take advice and the straight road. and you will never be sorry. Mrs, Rains. from Toronto, is viiing " hor fuller'l. Aus. Coutta. this week. R Brunt and A. MeKiunou nhippod A unload of pigs from Elmwood last week. Mrs, II, McDonald and Mrs. Hobkirk visual friends in this Vicinity last wank. We are pleased to see Mus Maggie Ma. Kinuon home from Toronto. Mr. William Boxee is cultivating .11 his old pasture fichly this fall, I wonder who the two boys from the tta.9t were, who drove by the Sch " a short. out home from the sale t Malcolm McKcolmio, who mu at Toron. to on a buuiuens trip, is home agtin. Mr. Henry Pnttarson. from Glonolg, Sundnycd n Mr. John Meuillirrny's We were all glml to see Mr. Foster ro- tttttt home an" n trip to the old country. Ae hear he was much benefitted by his mp, physically and tinaneiallr. The Sale u Jama- McLarty'I was largo- ly attended from far and no". Every-, thing brought a. good price which mu very mtslnctory to Jim, The family intend to make their home in Owen Sound. They will be much missed by friends and neigh- bore. A number from this place attended the funern pf Mrs, Eula, of Lamlash. the helmets, another would sell the coal, and suggestions were even made, privately of course, to sell the engine. Rev. G, Btu-us, who was away for tho ptttrt two or three wwks winning friends in Laneton, returned home last week. Glad to are his face again. During " nbsonco services wore nbly conducted by his lath". In all seriousness we say, get the hose, use the resent tower, and let the Fire Engage see to it that one ot their number attends to the drying to prevent them becoming blue moulded, " the engineer asserts he has seen them. The caretaker of course must receive remuneration, either from the funds of the company or from the town. Yolk-t selecting Jurors G. McKay, making tank Clerk. 1 mos. salary Ed. Hurnet, If days work Jun. Mitchell, digging tank, &c. It, Imyy, ditching --- - The cunncil adjourned to meet the morning at the tire hall at 9.30. The following accts. were passed c. Eividge. Building Tank U. Elvidge, work John Mather, " da .rs work W. J. Mitchell, Printing Thos. Daniels, Dr. gravel Telephone Acct. A. Dargavel, qrs salavy as 2nd Enj. S. Orchard, gmvellmg (so. Wm. Caldwell, gravel and Ming Hewson Brus., Light, G. Whittuore, refund on dog tags B. F. Warner. 3 days work G, Russell. Mayor, and w. B. CRAWFORD. munoopn. CORINTH -0-» a-.. $80 w 15 75 27 75 " 70 r 7300 2 75 in RE VIE W and SUN. REVIEW and mains, 3m Pthar Pay." aleo ot roduad rat“. sz~l lave io inform you that. the persecution of Walden-inn Christ. iuns must cease in.. stanter. My army is ready. and only await. the order to march. OLvan Onon- WILL. There will be rented or sold on reg-om able terms that 100 are farm on Gravel road, Lot 2. Tp. of Egremont. Good buildings and Orchard. To my cousin Lotus. mccuug: “In vuuuuue to no hold in Britain to express indignation against. Turkey. The sentiment grows only day stronger. evcrv day according to the newspapers sonwthing is to he done, but nuthing effective is done. The contmiat between the “my in which this shameful Armenian business has been handled, and how Cromwell did in his day is thus pointed out by a contemporary. Oliver Cromwell heard the cry of the' Walden. Ias, and here are his answer to that and the pvmtenr:day action of Europe, con- veniently phuidside by side: If”. Morehmd has gone to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Grmhers, in Cleveland. lies. Mortimer, of Shallnurn, visited (Hand. in Prietsville um] vicinity last week. Mrs, N. McKinnon visited her sister, Mrs. Walker, of Toronto, last week. Mrs. Chant" Due, of Toronto, in her laments. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hus week. H. Manan is plastering J. McKochnio'a house ting week. _ Mrs. Robort McMeekin attended the muting!) of her daughter Mury in Toronto last week. Mr. McLenn. of Melina!” 1Gll, Toron. to, proaelsd in the Baptist Church last Sunday. He lad Mr. Thu-ml! will preach here Sunday About for the Winter. Mina Mary Cnmpio‘l. ot Chicano. accom panied by her father, Mr. Jno. Campbell, of Swinton lurk, visited friends in and around Pricevillo Monday. The Prayer Machine at Mrs. MaLanch Ian's Thursday night was well attended. The Sons of Temperance Division was having n mull ntleuaance through the harvest and thrashing seal-nu, but is now booming again. Five new members were Imtmlcd I week ago Thursday night and " many more expected this week. Come along boys and join us ”and bring your landed with you. Mn. Butters had the midortnne alluv- ing her clothes line stripped one night last week. A quiet wedding took place on Wednes. Mr, the 28th of Oet., at the tesidv-nce of Mr. Neil McLeod. when his daughter Charlotte was married to Mr Arthur Tay. lor, of Toronto. The ceremony wan por- formod by Rev. D. Meuod. The young couple left on the evening tram for their home in Toronto. Eur. John McLauchhn. Gravel Road. visited his daughters in Toronto and King hut week. Mr. John Mehrthnr, of Hopeville. in shying It his uncle Jno. McAnbur'n and attending Mr. Blakeatou'a 8chool, Thee. Nichol hit] a. big logging bee last Friday and got . ttue lot of land cleared up. The hoyl enjoyed it so much that they tale of going to Algoma or some other bush country where they could have n log. ging bee every day. An night cnme on [air been begun to gather around the home. where they skipped the light (an. tulle till the We smn' hours of the morn. lug. Mr. Chas. McLean. of Sholburne was around town lam week. Hunting Is the order oi tho day. The was! of the slit in our butg is down. rifles and men. 'id" men and dogs, men dogs and Miss. . 1i. o. Kilgour. of ML Forest, paid IIol stein a visit on Friday of last week on bun imam of a serious matter wo heap ---. Mrs. W, L. BroiTri,) Miss Jennie Me. Kenzie visited at Mr. Ferguson's, Proton, on Wednesday of last week. Mr, and Mm. John Smith no awny on n visiziug tour up through Cbesloy and TeeswUer visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron have gone to Bay City. Michigan. to visit their dang!» Ler. Mrs. Frank Ureanough. Mrs. Roi-t. Burrows is in Hamilton Tits hing her sister “ho is very ill. Mr, John Acheson. of N, S. wili be care- ful in future of accusing people wrongly of taking iwa does not belong to than). Mr. A. but owned up that the turkeys be took from Mr. bharp'l placu by warrant man not his but Mr. Sharp‘s 5nd bu ptid Mr. Sharp for- tnu.trout,lt. The mining Rev. A. K. Birks. of Teeswater. former- ly of Durham. called on a few friegda as hugs-sad through our village on his way to edarville on bunuess. Mrs. Wm. Purvis has gone to o----, Kent Co t to visit her daughter, Mrs. Rom. Hoffman. Rev. P. Shaikh. former pastor of the Preslrtetian Church here will occupy thu, pulpit here on Sabbath next. -.. an”, .-- ..-_ -""" turkey. more found in Bentmck. Apply to vegtiugs still continue to be In". THE OLD WAY Farm to Rent or Sell. HOW CROMWELL DID IT PRICEVILLE. HOLSTEIN. ' "We (the ambas- sadors) regret the recent events in bhi1capiGl. Timy (mph, to roam im, nwdiutaiy; other.. wise they will brin 'reiudice up- on 'RQ')) and our dynasty." {Signed by the var- mul European Em- Music: " Constan- tinople, Sop I, 180el "mu NEW WAY R. COCHRANK Durham V .. .. nlll') muting. Being t Im- A stun-h w: manhu- from tha t It.m his bad Hump. chat [hrnu r er having on _'ir?,i,t1e1 ulumblu I In" in nucr the “at has been a l ie WI. known to L Du'idum luv Imily. and by all fi'errtmnm, ”unwetmon in I up he defective fioor, HM trim-s Inf new haw. a oighti'oouittei. is u n 'weded and get In Meadow to put the. I have m good con iil ion I MI. Jm-.S.Uunmm.| ot the line Jas. (in: e hmue for u brief . bagel". there for tl (in. of (hunk. III year in the tie ttritren marlv a m . " "e"""""' - I he [ma-um wars "Hum rack for the puma» u 'ttu-over. Ilio other: md [at All the no“ i U locality. The (Hal nu Mud the Review I puny an a. loud pup: "tsa PM in W Written me: 'he Review "' MS. I Gnu? VALE: he Weokly Glot Mm“ nu this a " MM. fur 8.1.3 rum“, he was hurt- 'help McKinley all! Do Yocr \VANT A to Tut-unto Morninq whmiud you. will 'rg,',',',','.""'?, were In a chm. his is I lmnrguluwn hm mm him. all horn in the m [Tux WunLn our hem-w “mm has [dull all (cums in o riot hut in the fittal m In“. at Stratford. ("I At ll wimp man: t Pt 'llhY neremst Is 03mm: C,os'ctMtY.- IlJuvou good m br itsurwUr night pw hull there. Wo pungemcnt for icket. The .54wa and will do well WU can he hem It!" ' ' he. uoriee Frocrt.--J Peed Empty! “I Flour. IUAIIUU' of, m up. tray, Ir. Wm. Parrot, t Mr. 1110. Parrot. rife on Saturday. to pluivr. To the sun sstirut'. 0mm. Edwas mm (Yhivngw. Mid A Lshnroy from Tun Mr. goo. llawitsc mm: last Shun-day f 'here he ha. been mu“. Western f mu lumpy. reeeivi mum-l smnplcs of w tr their but hut r Mr. T. T. (Judd, N i'at withl " Editor I. upon! two you-a re, and would sou LON lhau n tttty AC [tron-I.“ haul 80 v I rultivstion, and i fungus growth" m ird your] courpe. Messrs 1.. L Larttuerty and sttert" fee pm Willem. w madas last. SAL: Ime'. wruu-n marl I Review will J "Rain for Ill 'tion. he was II The editorial and be Planet-(on Ad " . for repairs owing !¢‘ I‘m from lant rill be plepoed P hi -e9.* ul|[ "‘ in an. tpti,i' {Mal Mr. ‘m s-if/ef?", wd tnmil.v, J ttt, on MGud gr. y iVeAor-d on tlr. " .M'" j " I 'uC‘." It?" Fur '" Mill“ osettt ' LIN} 9... "Us hum-g cau I Humbled u- Murnin the Fitch LESS neat the i.ocsl. Al Niil M l mun-day. ciott wish rs L. L. and h, and Cree fee placing! an. were i In“ rte“ Silk. M t' Monday be votufort l . Roout, and t have had I , door. and M." 'ut". Ti,' "30 mun Yddiiri l Va to manv' having L In high]; can y day y been an I m bits d Mrlntyg Beside outer m '. includa Any (d e lit kno, lie {Imam um M ct fan er. Vi. mullh’h Para call a via“ q it I wttok it in" keen! It lie-x rrv but " If! " In

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