West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Nov 1896, p. 8

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ml:- It Quake. HMS?“ P1353.” Manor. comers. Till ll . . Ine at once wail " .'rs', 3370. to m. u ad men ttriieyttt Agents for Duru" were l ether. t.78 a Long _. 1:1 mus t fe :., m t ‘i m] r: .. I; V t _ v, .n , l .1 L_. 1' 1‘ l D Via r" l I a ' 'Cie', : . “’3? .'V’ sifn' Cl, \fi ml Bahia. bung.- ac oouoclou and. a SAVINGS mum l, 1nd When we "W" of hrrd, i"ariiTrCeie! ’ 1, hr 1k! down. CNerefe rm I i “he wise "Iowa _ be u mum-l ksn'syy& root " the irettt !‘11511 l H‘Om d . _ .ursday: um load Office. Tom ilAL, Authorized .’-M ran! a! RV E wm uncut SAL: an email Com. Wu " a ”you, a men an... darngk 016m ’AK'“°I* "li, GREY tttiii 18 mum n... 'CT E Ctlt) Mi 3531!:le nud ”will“ ‘” t. as was. lecmlnll “I? The trouble I that but June b at nod. In this c., nvnded 80th A. to tr; anythill f he t ought In] proprie9rr Aeaid br of this tit', l homo of t lid e work W“ done. arr-It“ 14"? b " .3! It... omen. m Paid n I on an? - Prompt I '.l.1tlltltttg, (omen mm. " QM H.93LL’ cuff-W In undo titt in - nun-t mowm‘ E do.) he " SIX Yam KELLY, .1 r, u. dam ed ther . it Bot * Noni-O - I ills 0 the. P. Mt _"ratit and r" Sm? {in}. Pi, mt, Wmnood I'm but. "w. it 'ttr dire III, N " the " corner or tl “an it» lttti's Pills $23: PM Mother-My dear, don't you Lnk of man-yin that Mr. Gpodaonl. " hard-Meg. lazy, selfish. and them one :er of humanity. ii'i'iru'r")2lT How did you (llllifiiiiiilhi! "he! not, It tn Why the day I went to visit yoga “It idly. he was in the same trap. a!!! widow stuck, and I asked him may it. Well, you mayn't behave but lt'l " actual; fact he didn't work “more {hen half an hour before he Ntrymg. and advised me to take Prr, not. and I had all my bundles “1 window and may it. Won. ,4 yt It's an actual) f; I and raised.' The tLrtiri"aG-idG tu. usual stem stitch, and the 'u u: mam greens but not stuff- Sarsaparllla rilr, You ‘ We {:1 mm m. u_..__vi b in not named. iidud _ "" him." w who pruprietqr stepped to l Hut kreeung Pat Iwthurd',tt: and III. ' new Tb; am And 10'" EI "I! we: I "Nb.“ Fire/s 11".“ in???“ m mod} Sawmills Its great Pop 'ir'ao:cr, “In an i wonderful 6ur0s. hi-lmurn‘ prwwmnn and process In a; ”de t"arvauo/la are unknown r ttoti ”my an: make it peeuliar to 'oimrr,re, ii}; a u! poeMfvely uponthe Ilduthv blur i :9 tehes every ggook me! ot the {imam cyimm. all the muscles, hm“ and [Issues com. un. betnteiat whence of _ l (t G s 3 PU - asid BRUTI'B OP MEN, "I a”, plied In the affirmative. ?Grida1..ey,P,e,t,' " than k tot my glvmg you a [Wig 'm on! your. account off t “a with!!! the ystio.e to the , my ma penal .diaaonail 1! "srotmt. "That tt5 I 8005 3% Put newt 91W do I F an: nut to [work is ta "an"! " " _ 1fWts.i-ltrtr"iir. ND “a: at"""" l 7A.“ GOIMII s iiiiiii I“. tll a In l'f: ‘. - -~ ". " " I! JD m It? ammo ttta o" ago mT'aumed the clerk. mtiefiod. You hadttat. enough." fashionable fad 'at IIJOY HUI " "" 00m. mount In!" untold uh“ ti"irtt'if?itsief,'l' " " tirul'gf I8- I) h... I.“ as to W“ Tf ii: the pocket. mm the alert-mt and Is INT."- 'aaax we never zivo an. count. off the book: said the merchant. e'Ll never be askin' I; of the clerk: can tr. who was waiting her 1219; my to (may to operate. an. p duh 1f ttia your bill do bowantol All druggilb. " evidently moo,- mch referred nbroidery and ling it along mir. Pat Flynn um and want. Irn to the ord.. n embroidery. mums and stitches used 1m laid aside . it is by the lime, proper- Wes can hat, Pat got f at out I" 1itfugltt the I it that settle. did you I'll be '0. I " for When adentist In China 'I will! stoothlots 'iiteie,21t,,f,,'attr"t) gamma. tom-own his esria. tl 'tr,r"t.'"'"i'GnGFi' 7imTTatFstor - tracta cons; it 'u tho but. mm... I' Death from suffocation is also. very painful. In this use the agony Is not the result of any injury, to the nerve centres. But the consciousness that Math ia approaching in spite of one'a labored ef orta to get air is most dis- treeeing. This brings on intense. nerv- ous agony. Of course, Ln spanking of the pain of dyin I refer pisrtieurarir to purely phynmi‘ uttering. " It is e mistake to believe. however. that the most violent deaths ere neces- eenly painful. Ae a rule, whenever pa- tienta are violent they are delmoue ind unconecioue of their pain. EASIEST FORMS OF DEATH. " The easiest death to din, oteoume. in in caeee where the patient " abso- lutely unconecioue. That lsto sewthei pane from sleep or a. condltlon who cloeely resembles it into death. The great majority of deaths occur 111 thus way. In most. diseases as the end ap- proaches there is a gradual falling y the faculties. no that the and IS quite 159L193: " " A. . , " AN ARABIAN PROVERB. , An Arabian proverb rum: "Who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a. fool-shun him. Who knows not and knows that he knows not. ia humNo-taadt' him. Who known bntknowonot thuhoknm. inn-loop -.way, him. Who know, and know- that be flown. is wise-fallow him." My! Yen, if a about it the WM 'NI Got Jrdlfl “was. Put- Ie.n'? lean Corn Extramu- - fails to euro. Apta in tEiiiVz9H,lttte "On the other hand, some diseases cause et the end the most intense 't any: The mast painful death a. man can die m from tetanue or lockjew. In than disease the nerve centre are eo affect- ed that the muscles are set or knotted together rigidly, so that the pom gs most acute, The disturbance m the case directly affects the epmal Isord, and this quickly spreads to the brain. It " impossible for any one who has never seen a death from ipetthw to epon- ciate the terrors of it. __ _ CUT AND BRUISED often beyond recognition. And no peo- ple naturally dread ouch . death and magma that it in the most painful 1death to (he. But for the victim of such an accident the actual pain is not Ls, any means up great as moot people no . l, '3iyoain,a,ssaid, bins sense su- twsrtic.iar, and the centre of nervous force remains undisturbed. no that such a. person can retain consciousness and keep measurably cool-headed. It should, besides, be considered that any severe shock. as in the cased shad accident, produces a dullinz or numb- ing effect upon the entire system. This 18 a moat merciful provision of nature. L',ty1ghtpedie,gioutitrtr u: likely to be unconneioue be era by reaches the ground. The Victims of railroad disae re as a rule, have their senses duUed in this way. and it “much the eame with a person who I. burned alive or who meete death In any other sudden and violent manner. "Most of the railroad and trolley- car widen“ injure people in just thin wall. Of course. death trom such cause- is , more distressing to relatives. It 18 znevoua to see a. body mangled or " Perhaps the most familiar example ia death from burning. Most people im- agine that to'be burned alive, or boil- ed alive is the most intense torture con- ccivable. As a matter of fact I would rather be burned to death than die from many of the so-calied 'natural' causes. This is also true of the pain produced by most cute and bruises. Unless such cuts go very deep or the bruises are very severe. a death caused in this, way. although very distressing, is not, how- ever. nearly as painful an that from many laminar diseases. ueatm which are to be most dreaded have as a rule little or no terror for most people. Now, to decide what i! actually the meet painful death any of us can die we must look somewhat into the nature of pain or agony. " In the first place, the greatest suf- fering is Produced not by the surface or superficial nerves of the body, but W a disturbance at some important nerve centre. Many ot the deaths which are supposed to be aeeompaniisd by the moat excruciating agony are 1n reality almoat minim, because only the outer nerves are affected. ple know how a ma, have only a mom or stitioua fear and 1 deaths which am tt have as a min lam. one. Dr. A. P experience- in an: -_ - IUIIIII ‘ Calm “amino-y I.“ a. rm ot _ 'beatth.-aat une Inert” of m. the ( End In Pit-Ion. The most painful tonne ot death are curiously enough. not than. that are the most shocking or the most commonly dreaded. The most Mating accidents. usually produce painleu deaths, while me familiar and little feared diseases result in intensely agonizing death. The machinery and the rush and hurry of city life cause more shocking forms at death than the torture. of the Inquisition. '; The question an to what are the mast mimul and easiest death: to die. must.‘ of mum. be deeply interesting to every- nm. Ft.. A n _ -»- AN 'rxPsutrmafsmumu, mus ms OPINION. THE MOST PAINFUL DEM "It is DEATHS BY ACCIDENT EASY. BOW IO CURE CORNE- PAINTUL LOCKJAW. a curious taut that few more or less blindly super- and horror of it. The Buy-wuiw -irGiariiii' Smith, I. omega: of wiaie one of our large citiu. 'e - by Leone-c Are man really dim. They in. Wad” IM'W‘E Tnm' au, and f on from that .oountry. uni no u 0 at medicine. I found| t. “3:. ittut! yt, w t'2lti my 2ici7iirua. .. G, .... . . was cons - " t,',ih'iiii won. and 1'tutlitit to , um, mums, Sprung ittAtgtt 1e more min: muff-trauma uJ,t tgtlttft t Ite hPrg oold, Btttsh " . ore on ' gamma: mmunm a tri,Pgtuirit,hattty's Brspoh' top, and if I walked a short distance I would almost choke from the effects of the heart pelpitatiou. My hands and feet were'most always cold. I was irregular in my periods. and alt ether was a.so.rry thy?; I took 2180a”. prescriptions. ef, iron and wine, and -while these helped me some I did not get strong, nor did my blood appear to improve. Then I decided to try Dr. Wi liama' Pink Pills. When I had taken nearly two boxes t felt somewhat bet- ter. ind.tran that out I began to re- cover .qeitts...ryytiyr. I continued taking the Pink Pills for a couple of months and. when I stopped using them I was again enjoying good he th. I gained new on strength, the heart trouble my taco; my change. became regular, le t me, I. healthy color returned to and I was able to walk long distances and run up and down etairs Without the least fatigue.» In fact my friends scarcely mtiiied.tl.tae I was the weak and miserable girl of . few months before. Now, if I feel myself out of sorta. u the agree-ion goes. I resort: to Pink Pill- on can soon page"! again. I know there are'nl'lny f,"', who eut- teruldid.end ituony in the hope that my experiences will help .them tint I nuke this statement publlc. m- agnum. Flood. dy.utrltttr of Petriok Wood he... who lives a few mile- trom iiikiiirmoihi," Ont., 88W- “Allttle manna. marl be- I!!! to klhl he , I g: eon- muf and. m iiest hi and iiirGhtiirtiee1. . gather as; o , ' StttNMg,% - 'id'i'a"iiiiiiil Min 8. A. Miu1ehetstxsr, of Huntley. Ont., Frites-r"Up to the age of 18 I was always healthy, but at that time my health began to give way. My ill- peas came on gradually and I was grow- mg weaker and weaker. My complexion, hitherto good. became pale and yellow, almost corpse like. My blood seemed to have turned to water; my heart would palpitate violently op the h1.ufitrt, ex- ertwn and I was easily tired. f I went to the pump for a pail of water I would tremble so badly.' that I could hardly reach the house with it. When 301:1; up stairs I had to mat when I reach the now feels neither pain nor ache; her color has returned,' she is strong and healthy, and does not now look like one who had ever seen a day's sickness. And this great change was brought about by the use of twelve boxes of Dr. Wil- l'tams' Piok Pills, after many months of medical: treatment had failed, and at s time when death was thought to be not far off. Have we not therefore reason to speak in the warmest terms of this great life sauna medioinet I Mr. William Stoughton is a well- known and much esteemed farmer liv- Lug in‘the Vicinity of ll:trryvaie,Rerr. Ire-w County, Ont. He is one of the many who have reason to bless the day that Dr..\hlliztms' Pink Pills were brought. into hm home, for they sail- ed the life of hisiduughter. Mr.Stough- ton pays: “In 1893, my daughter, then a picture of health and strength,went to Ardock, North Dakota. In April of that year she caught a severe cold, Whtch brought; her to the verge of the grave. .Th.e cold was followed by head- ache. dizziness and palpitation of the he.ait, and she became so pale and em- actated .that. her doctor there said she was 20mg into consumption, and ad- VIsed her return home. She had been under thedoctor's care for some months before this advice was given, and in February, 1894, she returned home. She was so weak as to be almost help. less, and We decided that the best tthut, be donenvas to send her to the gston hospital, where she could have better treatment than was pos- 'sible in our country home, She re- mained for two months in the hospit- al, gradually growing weaker instead of stronger, and as it seemed to us that there was no hope of recovery we brought her home,, At this time she was so weak as to be scarcely able to walk across a room, and was confined almost constantly to her bed. She was pale and terribly emaciated, had con- steal: rain in her back and limbs, had, literal y no epgetito, and was to all Bp- pearencos Bra uslly sinking. We had, given u.ir,lity..toi had not the best‘ dt. physicians tailed to help hart My Wife and I, like a. good many more, had read much of t 0 cures wrought by the use of Dr. Willisms' Pink Pi s, and perhaps also. like many more, were somewhat skeptical. All else had fail- ed, however and we decided that per- haps Pink bills were worth trying. Words cennot express how thankfutws now are that we came to this decismn. We got " boxes, and before they were all gone there was & decided un- provement. Sr, once more returned, and we procure another six boxes. She took them and the story is now sum- med up in twp_wordsr-wU cured. She “manna“. MI ovary walk in M, may be seen young 311316, pale, sallow and neryeless, the victims of troubles pe- cullqr to. their sex from which they sat- fernn alone, and with the mistaken notron that there is no help for them. Their lives are made miserable by headaches, dizziness. Palpitation of the heart] shortness of breath on the slightest exertion; an indispositioh for ext er work or pleasure, and frequ- ently a teem]? that life is butadreary burden scarce y worth presarving.._ To all such we say take hope; more If. a cure fur your trouble and it no with.. m your power to be bright ee'egl,.rosy checked and happy. Ur. V11_lmms' Pink Pills for Pale People will re- store your lost color, correct eregul- arities and brim back health and hap- Pimess. In proof of this assertion Teyi the following fsu_cfi,,,r,.,,, “A". AL - -. r-vv. v1. um: 1135611101] read the followmg testimony from those who have suffer-9d and found renewed health through this marvellous medicine. De seen you“ neCvalesi the culiar to their fer in silence, notion that th Their lives , head3°h°5u di: t.h.e heart) she slightest exert eit er work n ,rtnhaibiiiiiti: How Mothers are too Delicate About Advising Their Daughters Plain, Sensible Talk sWith Them Often Save , Years ot Suffering WEAK, lElllElftt AND SUFFERING MM. A Nineteenth tki-iii-ry Danger. Ierld ja full of Tho! Iltilt Have Bright ms, Rosy Monks and he Happy. - --- v- swung] lest5. In tvfuV walk in 'tee ry.hs, We, sax syfttsripg and those ks; W "tlr-a.. -tytit'ri"'i'Ft't""r0iitdti4NE* TORONTO _ A kw Uiidd bit-no 1.6.1 u. may! k,',ruu1tuhd ti. hu. Mrs. Celia Gillies. No. 9, Walnut Bt., Hamilton, writes that she can recom- ment the. Kootenay Cure above all oth. er medicines. She was a long. sufferer from rheumatism. sore back. and tool- intryutfdiassiyey.td wannabe-bl. to do a. day's work until she was cured by the use of half a. bottle of the remedy. Mrs. Gillies’ daughter, ' young lady of IT years. was not well since we we. 14. She has now completely recover- ed her health, as the result of the use of fgitng Cure. Mothers will be and to know q this medicine for yam girls of this no. ' Post we Cure for Rheumatism and Pal-alum MOTHER AND DAUGHTER GURED. Ryekman’s Kontenay Gum Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a. tonic medicine, enriching the blood and strengthening the nerves, thus reaching the root of disease and driving it from the system. They are beyond doubt the greatest medicine of the 19th century, ind have cured in hundreds of cases after all other medicines had failed. The rent Eopularity of Dr. Williams' Piak Kt' as caused unscrupulous dealers to imitate them extensively, and in- tending buyers are urged to see that every box 15 enclose in a wrapper. beaer the full registered trade mark "Dr. illiams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo.. lei', Pills colored pink, but sold in 0036 form by the dozen, hundred or ounce, or taken from glass jars. are fraudulent imitations and should al- ways he refused, no matter how plaus- ible may be_the story of the interested dealer offering them. ' There are very few people, egpecielly among the agrioultdrists 0 Kent iCounty, N. B., who do not know Mr. , H. ll. Warman, the popular agent for ' agricultural machinery. ot Molds River. S A.Riehibuoto, N.B., Review representa- l tive was in conversation with Mr. War-, iyyy.t,.reeeptly, when the subject of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was itieidentally, touched upon. Mr. Warman said _he waaaataunah believer in their curative properties, and tojustify his aie,1,te lys related the cure of his sister, It . sJesme Warman, aged 15, who he said had been "aimost wreated trom the rave by Dr. William’ Pink Pills." has: Warmer: [had been suffering for nearly a. year lwrth troubles incident to girlhood. She suffered from severe and almost con- stant headaches, dizziness, heart pal.- pitation, and. was pale and bloodless, and eventually became so weak and emaciated that her parents thought she was in consumption, and had all but given up hope 0 her recovery. Her father spared no expense to procure re- lief for the (£20! sufferer. The beat levaileble me . al advice was employed but no relief came, and althoth the parents were almost in despair-, they still strove to find the means of re- storing their loved one to health. Mr. Warman. like everybody else who reads the newspapers, had read of the many marvellous cures effected by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but like some others, looked upon these stories as "mere patent medicine y.isertityr- ments.’_' However, as everything else had failed he determined that Pink Pills should be given a trial, with a. result no less marvellous than that of other cases related through the press. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have complete- . ly cured the young lady, so that ini‘ a few months. from a tRt," and sup- posedly 'fig,', girl, she become 'ci ijitturiu?! ' . htulqt..a?uLyy.stivits. _ _ Miss Alma Millar, of Upper South- nmpton, N. H., says: "I scarcely know: when my illness began, as my math- er was unable to work and most of the duties of a large household devolved upon me, so that I felt that I must; keep up, but I kept getting worse and worse. My appetite failed, my oom- plexion became sallow, and my eyes sunken. I was troubled with dizziness, shortness of breath and palpitation of the. heart, until I would almost suffo- cate. I was also troubled with a ter- rible pain in the side. I could not go up t,tairy without resting, and was so a flicted with headache that my life be- came almost unbearable. At last I was forced to give up and keep my bed. My friends feared I was going into con- sumption, but recommemded one rem- edy after another, which, however, did not b"2..Tr. Finally I was induced to try . Williams' Pink Pills, and in less than three weeks I was able to leave my bed, and after using the pills a few weeks longer I feel that I am as well as ever I was. My appetite has returned as well, and my strength and general health is in every way restor- ed. I teal that in bringing thin sub- jechbefore the fpublic I am only fol',1s flushes to su ferinadhummity. an ope that all _afflic as [was Will Elm "Dr. Williams' Pink [Pills a fair r . ' . friend who returned with Ina, than? lr. urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pin" Pills. I decided to give them . trial and my father purchased a sugplyjl‘ho change' I noticed was that t e dizzi- pess was leaving me, then my appetite improved and my color began to return and soon I was enjoying as good bulth‘ as I had ever done. t is now about a year since I discontinued the use of the pills and I have not felt on. sym- Biom of the old trouble. Ibeliove that 7 ink Pills saved me from the grave and I strongly urge other girls who my be ill}: a condition similar to mine to try om. t ' tllWlliFTllljl1ll9l M. r. Ill, I lune! ttm and We h, .Ilnnlm I b1lurLii', 00., Movable stairs. _ehieh revolve on drums, are oonnng into use in some of the beat resulenoeg in Per-is. They work on the prineipU on an endless chain; the passenger steps on, and is gigoadually conveyed to the landing e m. k The 8iTut, reputation of Briggs lille octric Fr, 1.3 such that it has Induced tmprineipled persons to adopt other name. as agar as poacibdh. The proprie- tom of Buggy Elbotrie Oil have the name: and stile of the Electric Oil ro- gstored both In Canada and the United flaws. and no one can use it but them- se was. The tall silk hat first cum into com- mon use in Paris in 1797. Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in six ttbum by the "South American Kidney Cute." This new remedy is a. great. surprise and. delight on account of its exqeedmg promptness in reliev- ing pain in the tlthd.dir,.kidners, back and every part of thb urinary passages it!) malts ortbfemals. If, relieves {eta}; Lone wa rpm pun inpusngi almost. immediately. If you want quitalr relief and cure this in your re- A cane worth.81kop0, a gift from some friends, is earned by DE B. B. Hale, of Detroit. It is embed with gpld and jewels, and in the head is a tine Everybody knows that the Art tur- land Stoves and Ranges are the best. They combine elegant finish, durabili- ty and convenience with omnomil in fuel; and in spite of all competition old their station far in advance of all oth- era. We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readerato their merits. The memory of a. beloved mother will often warm this heart and sway the life of a wrong] man, " her pre sence never did w en, an s bor, she yearned over him. , ONE MINUTE CURE FOR TOOTH- ACHE. . ‘ Magical in potency and power, pene- trating at once to the diseased nerve. Nervilimv-nerve Pain our-urea tooth- ache in a momen . Nerviline, the moat marvellous pain 'tT/lr known to science, may be used for a nerve pane. Test at once its efficacy. In the igttit of Emperor William, in Berlin, homsemmida and 1,800 liver- ied tootmen find employment. was Pills. . . " Kidney Pills will cum. any kidney diasase. It in peed of kidney treatment don’t permit gimme“ . to buy anything short of t original and genuine. Why should you try ex- periments to ben9flt those who say they hav- mmethmg "just. as good t" hid to cure. We have letters from more than a thousand who wen cured when elven mg by Maiden: and friends." We ave published many scores of such letters and the writ- ers are still living in health and com;- fort. . Over one hundred thousand persons Ln Canada have been cured of kidney disease in its simpler forms-our/ [by from one to three boxes of Dndd'a Kid- may Pills. A - will coat you only a postal cud and is worth a hundred. If you Butter and neglect kidney di- sease. remember that nineteen out of eyery twenty dentin: result from this disease and that eves-x such death In peven.ttsd by using 12 " Kidney E.?ills: ay, thbso who gutter and despair of cure. we briefly say; We have nevgr yet heard of Dodd'gi Kidney Pill: taib. mg to cure. We have letters tron; Tht, danger: ot every sufferer are at a. thnse. old natura:-Not to know mt ails; to "att when he known 9nd to despair w” everyone says ha 131?an to we.“ . the I you are n posted m symp- ttsmiof9idp9rdi-swritxs_tothe, Doddn Medicine Comma? Toronto, Opt., for their Calendar for 1897. It; It is far main to prevent thap.to ours thrs carious toms and oomitlias. twna of kidney disease. We don't tT this because wo dqubt an efficacy Dodd’s Kidney Pi11as but itia better toavoid the wear and tear by spring at thin minor stage with .Relief in. Six ",Houyp.s.-. Distrggling Never. Neglect Your Trouble in it. , Minor Erorans-Ntsver Despair st any Stage-Dmitri' Kidney Pilln Inn to Recognize Kidney Diana. by ', its Symptoms. t AVOID GRAVE DANCERS. JUST LISTEN TO Mm Cum, A FREE FIGHT. Illlliflrlllf SENSE thit ON}?! Str. ,a/1illliif, .3...“ , M eggutw.4o. wannanupanL L03 MEETl-SIX 15AM YOU ARE ONE ed to “kiwi-1i trixGaViir. @3533!“ by June for New Pro=pootus. Mention w [upon Address. W. H. SHAW. Prinqlpgl. THEQQOKS BESIFRIENB . Its-Mord. Ont-.34.. A I. . one] at d. mamas“ 'lt,'l'fa'2'ld'i%Wtli I. “NADA. , Business Education at 2gttt Powbb OI Eliminates “up “may; tri. rm iiiijdiFG. E DUNllilf'tg BAKING POWDER Rheumatism Cured in n Dtt-f5puuy 'Agri,'i,i,'y,', P'iet,t2'd'Tc, J,th Rhino ma um an our an, r in l toldnys. Its action u’oué: system is reriurlrattlrs and magnum It 12qu at once the cause and t disease immediately (Huffman. M Cuat dose trendy bone M. 75 otmtq, Bow much trouble he avoid: who dog not look to so What his neighbor ea. or does or thinks; but only to what 9 does himself that it may be just an In.“ lieu. therei- t Mt lnthetor- motion of choraotor. t comes (to. mny ecu-es, Ind from some .w.htyh, on the and». we apparently trivial. But the result in the tNumb-r-tl sudden revo- iatton to oumlvaa of our secret. pub E2883. and a mnldon of our por- ft long shadowed but now mutan- tu eonviUtona. "V lama.“ “' T.U.tiiiiVEY & oo., M 0. tr Sold by Brunt-u. Na, no In; an ton-hue- "ol in“. . [1'13 tho ”that strength “BEAM... , cons tunic. sad cesium In an in ftt work. The prom-town have ”2‘03: l In cunt!" govern. that they 0 " o dud dollars for any can that it an. to Ion_d_t9r 1m otiltpttpia_lq, - A - - _ that science bureau eble to cure IR, than and the! ie Gnu-rt. Hell'e a Cami-thou] punitive are or. knew- the medics! fraternity. Gee-11:: 2tut, mammal discs». requiree . can a. treetlnem. aura Gnu-1h Om law homily. noting directly upon the I pee. P.1rhuyo ot 9!:- ump. tAeePbr Tho mam of all: will be leap a)“ any“! at 1m. (rm Sunlight Soup Picture- 1uArtiitAVanr' Chili: 8100 Reward. $100 Mon to Low A megt, 66E tp. "sihii'iiiiii,'. 12,1Gtl [when hall; “an. Tht It: to gh.".',' "our. new low my. ' applying to ', iiii'i'l)l 'iii:)),,.)':':',,')!::,'?,!., ","a'.r"'t.t 2. rat it mu- to W.I’.C 889 "*% ' Ai cn £42!

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