West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Nov 1896, p. 1

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t Clol.hing we sel} | 8 our prices, Our lanutacturing Cey, priges are made } ve an extra Japan Toa done 1 with lead, for $1.25. a s at 20¢ needs no advertisin Teapot well worth 50e and w in a lb, of Baking Powder very bouuhol_der needs f, 1, rich loam, 820 'u'm.- 4 miles from ancther town, ler for 400 AME ESTRAYâ€" d want to make money, call _ @~~ yonntthy Wihiinâ€". .. lanutacturing (l:).n; :l:‘dh'lil priees are made b'y "l& i and does stand the w;\ rices stand the ) Strain to amuusess 3 0J en mss strain of h‘h 10 & reoat with & velvet collag, t at, and extra value, only & o the isee of the Soptl;-mph':rn:)no ewe ‘d1 r will please veo proP ses and take t'::m awayâ€" o n oo 1e ntiont ders, Buckey repared to take building@ 4 ) Dickey I furnish all kinds of M# Rakes, at living prices. T Cne Car u. ery cheap of the Northerm NE AND SATISFACTION GUAaARANTEED. LES ON HAND z8 AT RIGHT PRIC Hiles, Cow Hides, ) is, Tanned suitable for ,â€"â€"1Io ensure a g§0008 J"" ust be well salted as soon 4 . A. HUNTER RTII EGREMONT. to announce to t)w pu° e have the mill rebuilt and retitted with TSON BRO ICES EQUALLY chEip faction Guaranteed. colors and New Proces for Finish and § ess can‘t be beat. ovVED MACHINERY. Frieze Oversoats at G AND MATCHING . , June 6th, ‘90, obe Tanning tbes & Goats tual Tegt > Best Prp We w REVIEW." RM 16th 18906. Thos. Smi RANT. for Tanning! ron we sell bas #too i | K â€" Om sls _~ o you good well lined » handle and starg 25. im adve tixt N Les Y /% Calland inspect and be Convinced. , * GAALNV VAAA No h"fl Jfichfm, JP ** Clerk Div. Court mfl L Jacksan. Notary Public. Gaag Va.lna.tors, l'nra.nce Agents, y,,. Commissioners. it Arived EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH Ore Car Brockville Buggies, also Lananoque, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. Ore Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Bal] Wagons. New Stock of the tamous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Pmost & Wood‘s Si Binâ€" d...&u..-?fi s Singe Apron 1 Durham. A ug. 9rh, ‘06. fVc take this opportunity of hunking our customers for ast patronage, and we are cuvinced that the new system 1ill meris a continuarce of the same. â€"DEALER INâ€" i kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, rgans & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Large Saies & Small Profits." iz Qat Maxwells‘s Light Bir.der:â€"eheaper than ever. ,, ____" VOVght and sol Mxveranorrs ARESOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. ADOPTED BY . a, & J. McKechnie., JACKSONS, â€"____ ""°*" V AER®wE S e "Nlfnancial business transacted :" door to Standard Bank, ',: ';"¢ Money invested for â€"__"arms bought and sold. xvIIL We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be as. McKinnon And Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. Mowers and Tiger THE CASH CHAS. McKINNON. NO. 44. N., G. & J. McKECHNIZ. Steel ht â€" Oren _ Review. Now on Hand Good Farm Lands Lots 22 and 33, Con 12, Bentinck. New Concrete Dwelling, new Frame Stables, situated within one mile of Post Office, Store and Saw Mill. Terms easy. ForP :rticulars apply to. H, H. MILLER, Hanover. Maxwell‘s Steel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Sceott‘s Seed Drifts and Harnrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scuffiers. Organs & Piz:10s of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" chines. d&‘ull Stock of Repaire always om hand. 150 Acres FOR SALEâ€" OF J. A. HUXNTER, Mr. Allan McKinnon of Durham, visited our locality last week, mixing business with pleasure. Mr. McKinuon holds a strong sttachment to the South [ East athough West, and is always welâ€" | comed when he comes. Mr. Alex. McNeil and his grandâ€" daug hter Miss Martin moved to Dunâ€" dalk last week to home of Mr. McNeil‘s daughter Mrs, Martin and will probably remain there till next spring. Miss M. McCannel, teacher, purchased a fArst class organ from Mr. Chas. Mcâ€" Kinnon of Durham,. Mr,. Alex. McLean of the South line Artemesia, also purâ€" chased one of the same firm. We bad much pleasure in reading Mrs. Dr. Gun‘s address to her Motherâ€" Sisters, in last week‘s issue, the paper was carefully prepared and contains grand supggestions that should be acted |\|Imn, by the thousands of carcless Mothers® concerning their duties in raising their children. A $2.000 cheque was handed over to the widow of the late James T. Wilson, who was a member of the A. O. U, W. Lodge 140 Priceville. Mr. Wilson left a widow and family of nine children, ranging from 15 to 2 vears old, In his wisdom he knew life was uncertain and took this means of future provision for his fimily. He was also a member of the Chaosen Friends and left $2000 more for the family in that society. Deputy District Grand Master Vanâ€" dusen of Tara will visit Priceyille Lodge 140 on Wednesday the 18th inst. All members should make it a business to attend, as he intoends to give a lecture, Hugh McLean is busy stitching harâ€" ness at C. C,» James‘ shop. Hugh is a general fayorite and a steady, indusâ€" trious young man, A. S. Hunter was around looking _for fat cattle, also W. Harrison and Dan McKinnon were on the lookout for some Report of S, S. No. 6 Btk., for October. IV â€" Class.â€"Willie Currie, â€" Hattie Byers, 1II Class Sr.â€"Mary McCallum, Dan. Hobkirk. III Class Jr.â€"Angus McKinnon, Yida Burns, Lizzie McDougall. II Classâ€"Jennie CUCharleton, Rachel McKinnon, John Crozier. Emina Mightâ€" on, Lizzie Nubn. PI. II Classâ€"KatyimcDougall, Maggie McKechnie, Dan VlltA:Dougull.g heÂ¥ Sr. I Class.â€"Lizzie_McCallum, McDongall, Andy McDougall. Jr. 1 Class.â€" McKechnie. Mr. Alfred Hinks bought a thorough bred Durham Bull, at Mr. HM. Parker‘s sale. Mr. Malcolm McDonald of the South line Artemesia, (Callum O0g,) had his house yeneered this fall by his son Dan who is a first class mason and brickâ€" layer. John 8. Cameron left for his home Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Friday the 6th inst. Mr. Cameron is a true type of the gentleman in every respect, he has partly pormised us to give us a sketch of life in Arizona, where he resided for the good of his health for 2 years. We will furnish it for the Review, when we receive it Neil McCannel and his mother are away at Stayner this week. Mr. Donald McDonald is engaged in Allan Park School for 1897. Some of our mischievous youths on Halloween made quite a hayoc on Joln Eckhardh‘s sod field, which was nearly plowed, by turning down the furrows herve and there over a five acte field, and pulling down some of his wire fence. This kind of work is really too bad, and goes beyond the bounds of innocent amusement, and it is getting time that such work should stur, and an example be made made of the miscreants, by bringing them to account for their fun. Our Stock of news is not superabundâ€" an tthis time, however we willl try and collect all the facts and scraps we can. We anre beginning to have mud and slushy roads, but we expect some fine weather yet, The woods are getting pretty well rid of their game. as we near the report of the hunter‘s rifle in all directions,. Messrs John MceArthur and Bob Conkey are among the best huntsmen of our town, and it is nothing for them to come home with a weil filled wallet of game. o i en ce in se is . e on o o EENCEaeNE to have made an alliance, Russia is is to get back for Denmark Sleswig province, taken by Germany, and maintain her integrity against all comers. In return Russia is to have control of the fortifications of Copenâ€" hagen, and have a free passage to the sea. Russia is also planning a new seaport on her own territory in North ern Finland, which owing to the Gulfâ€" Stream will be open all the year. ‘The Great Bear never sleeps. many, Austria and Italy for offensive and â€" defensive purposes, has been shaken badly by a revelation from Prince Bismarck, that when he retired from office, there was a secret underâ€" standing with Russia. Em%emr Wim. would very gladly_ attend ismarck‘s funeral. :â€"Russia and Denmark are reported mt ns s en wl c l 2 1e Ave a & â€"The Dreibund, the union of Ger 8 v,.â€"‘ DURHAM THURsSDAY, NOVEMBER, 12 1898 HONOR ROOL. Aggie H. Clark, Teacher., PRICEVILLE, McNeil and his grandâ€" Bessie Charleton, Mary tor the world almost the whole body of Christians are passing by on the other , side, How much work there is to do | and how little of it is being done. Truly | che parable of the ten yvirgins is an acâ€" ‘curate l)icture of Christ‘s Church. \*"*They all slumber and slept" until the | ery awoke them. Oh, Christian friends , would it not be well for us to a«wake now | and try in some way to persuade some ‘soul or souls to be in readiness for the ‘Bridegroom‘s coming, May God help ; us to consecrate ourselves more fully to | the work of the Master. WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Wepay $6 to 210 per week for en.-‘v. bome work Child can do it. Ne Scheme, oks or Ped dling This is bona fide. Send sumfi for work aund particulars at once, _THE SEYMOUR SUP PLY CoM gsonicTemple, Camden NJ This matier has troubled me for some time ard 1 must plead verily guil.y like the pricow aud Levite and unfortunately Lot No 27, Con 12 Bentinck, County of Grey ecntaining 100 acres, is offered for sale. Good title and reasonable terms. For further information apply to NE McDoucaLL, Lamlash P. 0. Moses JackLIXN, Hanover P. O. Hucx MacKay, Durham or to J. P. TErrForp, Barrister, OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. Residence first door west of th post Office, Durham. M e mm s mc t 1200000 . e 1c i acccre NRF .cA ce ieve * Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Com mercial Hotel, GOoOoD COWs AND HURSES Five Cows in milk and two te come in in the sprirg. Also three driving horses, cne heavy team and a General urpose Horse ; must be young and Bkely animals. Apgly to Jxo. McArTHUR, Dornoch P. O God instituted the sacredness of the Sabbath at the creation for we are told in the Bible that He rested on that day and blessed and sanctified it, thus inâ€" dicating that the day was to have a two fold aspect and a double blessing for Pr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S8. ESSAY ON SABBATH UBSERVANCE. DENTISTRY. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Durham. HELP WANT: Dâ€"FEMALE. LAND FOR SALE. WANTED Came to the Premises of the subscribâ€" er during the summer a yearling heifer, The owner is requested to prove propâ€" erty, pay expenses and take it away. Marconxy McCaxxEL lLot 25. Con, 18. Egremont. Dromore P. D. Oct. 31, 1896. REVIE W and GLOBE, $1.55 REVIEW and Daily World #2.10 G. T. R., 1 mile from School and Church. Well wiartered by two spring creeks. Good {rame barn with stone stabling, and frame nouse, _ Will be rented on reasonable verms, _ Immediate possession can be giyen. Apply to 4 Lots 19 & 20 Con. 8. Tp,. of Egremont, a farm consisting of 150 acres, 130 workâ€" ible luand, 8 miles from Holstein on the Durham, S â€"pt., 10th, 1896. Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1 Prepared only by C. L. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, Hood‘s PillS hess, Loadacue. Hoods down staiss without clasping my hand over my beart and resting. In fact, it would almost take my breath away. I sutâ€" fered so I did not care to live, yet I had much to live for. There is no pleasure in life if deprived of health, for life becomes a burden. Hood‘s Sarsaparilla does far more than advertised. After taking one bottle, it is sufficient to recommend itsel{." Mas. J. E. Suiru, Beloit, Iowa. Gloom Sunshing Clocks a_nd _Watchesl ALIV E. OVR CHAINS AND CHA2MS MODERN. A. GORDON FARM TO RENT. CAME ESTRAY. Sarsaparilia ALIVE ! Are not Ancient but CLUBBING. Are not dead but t mese en nitgmn w eu n 2e cure all liver ills, billousâ€" C. McKIxnox, We are the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expenses from the start. Liberal commission to part time men. Large list of specialties, all having been tested at our trial orchâ€" ards. If you want a sure thing tor the Winter, write us. Nurserymen and Fruit Growâ€" ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation 10 1â€"3 m May be you think it is not, but H. H. MILEER. the Hanover Conveyancer, is lending lots of it at 5% per cent and on extra good loans at r;sâ€"('(mts lowâ€" Terms as any reasonalle person may desire. Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"no churqe if no ecliection. Cheap Farms for Sale This fine animal will be kept on the pre mise $1.00° Tobe paid for at time of Service. Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1895. * Mer to Engage with us as Salesmen. New season just opening ; new stj’le of plate bock ; more attractâ€" iye and yet lighter than ever, All Supplies Furnished Free. J. CAMIERON For Service during Season of 1895â€"96, Registered in the "Canada Berkshire Swine Record" as No, 29056. Farrowed Nov. 21st, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and ther writings neatly and quickly prepared at reasonable cost. WANTED Money is Pienty. â€"â€"All Busiress Confidentialâ€"â€" Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER, Hanover P. O. The Hanover **Telephone." Conveyancerp Thorcughbred Berkshire Bc Try it, and you will be perfectly satisfied. Also a full assortment of Crockery & Glassware Dinnor, Tea & Toilet Sets We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. Tea of Teas KURMA TEA Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT You, Workmanship Unsurpassed Fire Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse 3lankets, &c., &c. A delicious lnlpndKFut llflil‘l i lbs. and l1bs. Lead Packages We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right prices. CALL & SEE OUR Collars, Pads, %:{% H Bites, Whips, &c., &c. of JNO,. CLARK, Jr., LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G BENTINCK At Popular Prices. May be you think it is not, but H. H Harnesg | Sold for 30e 1bâ€" ¢ Sold for 40c 1bâ€" Sold for 50c It. â€"~â€"»~H. H. MILLERâ€"=â€" WHOLE NO. 953. STONE & WBLLNGTOX ‘*FERDINAND. « LEAVENS, Jr. T HE TERMS : FURS. 54 C f @ .Â¥ 5 uc C28

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