West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Nov 1896, p. 4

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»p\| **/ m| _\ we $ ® â€"Wheat ~continues firm and has passed the prices pre vailig a few weeks â€"~ago which it was thought were due to ~speculation. hepitict. Abvntctiiihitssin it Arsists t ie ds 14 t 1204 1 th 2 2$25,000 a year to manage a law deâ€" «partment in a great departmental store. ‘The refusal will count in his favor should he again become a candiâ€" _date. â€"Mor.day last w:s the 755:11 <‘birth »day of the Prince of Wales. â€"â€"Frufessor Coleman, the mineral expert has made his report on the sup gt‘xlsed anthracite coal tound found near «Bsudbury. He declares it not coal, but »of some value as a mineral for local Eho CuHURH OPEXING aT Daxascus.â€"The Methodists under the directions of their energetic paster, Rev, J. W. Magwood, have erected a neat, comfor m&lfie and «#ommod ou s brick church with basement and end gallery, seated with the latest imprm'mrnea'e. and lighted by elegant cathedral glass windows. The builging is a credit to the community and the Methodist church, Sunday list was the dedication day. Rev. Dr. Williamson preached both morning and afternoon and Rev, J, C,. Pomeroy B, A. preached at the evening service. Thechuren was thronged at each service. At the close of the morning service Dr. Williamson conducted the benutiful dedication serâ€" vice. On Monday night the dedication ten meeting was held from 6 to 8 p, m. tbe long tables well sn;lvpv'i(-d with daintâ€" ies were surrounded by the anxious throng. The receipts showed that about A00 partook of tea, after tea the audience room was packed in every corner and at 8 o‘clock Mr J. MeMallen, M P, took the ehair and called upon the A1 thur Me hoâ€" ist choir to open the proceedings with music. After a brief and pointed acâ€" dress the chairman called upon Rev. Dr. "Williamson, who stated that the cost of the Church had been $2,400, and that by subscriptions and Sunday collections ‘8{.500 had been provided, leaving a balâ€" ance of $900 to make provision for all «ost of the church, 'llhe Dr, held the fort for two hours appealing to the peoâ€" ple to respond, when he was able to announce that $1,100 had been provided thus making up the $600 and leaving $200 for interest and unforseen demands As might be expected all were jubil ant oyer the h:lp&)_v results., _ First class speeches were delivered by Warden Honor Roll of 8. S. No. 10 Bentinck, for October. â€"The great Annual Show of Lora Mayor‘s Day in old London has taken place. This occasion is generally takâ€" en to make government announceâ€" ,ments, and the Guildhall speech is thus invested with great importance, The . gratifying news comes from Lord "§«Iisbur_v that the Venezuelan question ‘has been settled in such a manner that both parties can claim peace with honor. _ We think Britain on the whole \has yielded a little, but an immense step has been taken towards an inter national arrangement between the two countries which will forcver prevent bloody war. The office of the Family Herald and Weekly Star is doing a phenommenal busâ€" iness. The establisment is open day and night, and the work of getting out the paper and getting the names of new subscribers on the lists is taxing the enâ€" ormous establishment to the utmost. The publicare greatly interested in the acences of activity at the Family Herald office, The increase in new subscribers is evidently running farahead of all records. ed. The choir tendered good service all through â€"Mt. Forest Confed. Jr. classâ€"Neil McCormick, Archie Mcâ€" Lean, Dougald Ciark. Sr. I1 classâ€"Aggie Morton, Ida Brown Belia Ewen. Jr. II chuâ€"Huqh McDonald, Geo. Collinseon, Nessie Collinson. New machinery is being rushed in to meet the emergency, and altogetber it in very clear that the Family ‘},ferald is doing an enormous business. â€" The new picture, "The Orphan‘s Prayer," is takâ€" ing the people by storm. Hampden, Mr. John Craig, M. P. P. Rev. Mr. Thom, Rev. Mr. ]gnlnm-(vy and the tor, who thanked eyerybody M}d {(_:_’I‘:sunremely lFappy and contentâ€" Pt. TL classâ€"Jessio McDonald, Jno. Dalglish, Sarah McCormick, 8Sr. I classâ€"Lizzie Ewen, Hugh Mcâ€" Cormick, Mary Morton, Jr. I classâ€"Lizzie Grierson, May Mcâ€" Ponald, Jno, McNally, * ' * P. MCPHEE, Teacher. Miss M. Trengloss Stevenson san Bishop‘s "Should He Upbraid" and "g Mio Ffirnando." ber pure, rich and wellâ€" trained voice securing her a flattering reception. _ She sang as an encore "Jenny" very pretrily.â€"The "Globe," Toronto, Ont.â€"At the Band concert with €ax, Monday evening. bell. Sr. IV classâ€"Marion Morton, Ellen Putherbougb, Lorne Clark. Sr. III classâ€"Jessic Ewen, Bessie Smith, Tena McCormnick. Durham, Thur â€"â€"The Republicans are at work alâ€" readz planning for an increased tariff on Canadian agricualtural products, The sooner we know their intentions the better, but it is clear it would be folly to approach then: at present for any reciprocal trade arrangements. classâ€"Chas. Lunney, Dugald Campâ€" MoxTREAL. 10th November, »’!5: Bryan has refused the ofer of INSPIRING SCENES. Crep Rrrint. HONOR ROLL. + &n e ~"I2, ‘96. Elliott & Elliott, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, somenpncers ao :â€"0O te Cmces ppwl.owex- Town, Durham. »a $5,000 to Joan at lowest rates of interest. * C to #10 per week for oua.h Child can do it. Ne Sceheme, 1 ditmg This is bous fide. Send stam and particoular« at once. _ THE SEYA PLY Eo:-l *soni¢cTemple, Camden‘ N.J We are «orry to say that Mr, G. Pride is very ill, he gets delirious at times it takes four men to hold him. We hear they are getting the necessary papers sigued to send him to the Asylum. The Orango concert, hbeld on the 5h inst was fairly well attended considering the weather. The program was good. profeassor Parker and his troop played some very excellent music, Mr. James Mains gave some nice selections. The Rev. Mr. Ktching and Mr, Wm. Allau gave shork addresâ€"es, the procecds were §$15,00. Mr, T, Sanders is moving iuto Mr. J. Ed. n‘sjhouse this week. Mr. R. Watt returned home Saturday last after spending tle suwmer months down the country, we are glad to see Bob back again The Eden Bros. are bnilding an extenâ€" sive hog and sheep pen for Mr. C. Blythe. Mr. John Kerr is buildicg a new woodâ€" sbed, T. and G. Sanders contractors. Mr. Parker of your town hald a meoetâ€" ing in the Ornuge hail on ‘Fue=day night fâ€"r the purpose of organizing a singing school. The Rey. Mr. Harvey conducted the anuiversary services morning and evening Sunuday last and gave a very fiso lecture 0‘1 the foilcwing Monday. Mary Boyle has been sick but we are glad to hear she is recovering. Miss Hattio Eden speut {last Sundasy at howe. The correspondent of the " Chronicle " report« of another Deputy Post Master at the Varney Post Office, but we would beg lsayo to imform him that it is a dish wash. er. There are some parties who make a regular nuisance of firing guns at all bhours of the night on the front street. Our constable should look after such. Wa have bad very favorable weasher most of the poople ars through with thour fall ploughing. The peoplo wroual hore are changing their residence Mr, John Batchelor has rented his firm to Mr, Artostroung of Lnâ€" ther, also Mr J. Woolsely has ronted to Mr McKinnie of the same Towunship. Mr, Tom Kerby and Miss; Louis were visiting at R. Eden‘s a week ago Sunday, Miss May Gadd, of Normanby, is spend mg a few days at her uncle‘s Mr, C. Gadd. We hear borse flesh is geing up, last tall people »bhot them, they ottain $%.50¢ this year. We bear Mr, Luther Vort purchased a fine horse lastweek. Wm. MceFayden arrived home from Geurgetown Jooking as though the cliâ€" mate uf thai district agreed wi.h bim. Mr. and Mrs, Vort paid theoir brother a short yvisit last week. Mrs., Alice Scott, of Tormonto, is at preseint visitingy ber parents and other friends on the Avenue, Miss F. McTaggart who has been home for a time, has returoed to the Queâ€"n City. Mr. M. Lee left on the 8id to visit hi» brother in Stratford, Mr, Hugh Mckayden, who ‘has l een under Dr, Gun‘s care for some time is tinproveing. The distribution of prizes to the scholâ€" ars of Edge Hill U. 8. 8, took place lass Sunday. It is not necessary tojstate that there was a Tull itttendance; the parents and friends of the children also came in goodly nuimbers and expressed themselves as being delighted with the progress made. Miss McLern, who has beov visiting at hor brothers Mr, 8. McLeans for some time has returned to her bows in Bellvitle. The two Miss Bryce‘s took tho train last Friday for Hamilton. [ We are compelled jthis week to deny space Tfor a lengthby item commentidg in a tone of bitterness not suitable to our colu.uns, on recent and current events in connection with Mr. McLeach, the Evangelist, and meetings beld by him. We have never spoken to nor heard Mr. McLeach, but have henrd good le{)«.r(s of his work, and do not suppose he claims to possess all the virtues, neither do we suppose the Latter Day Saints claim to be pe fectionists, and if the two parties choose to meet on public platforms and discuss the issues letween them, the public can go there and judge without a danger of being biased by a newsâ€" paper report. Ed, REviEw.] Hallowe‘en passed off ve y quietly here. Adam fScarlett is rejoicing over the birth of his first son. â€" e thinks he will call bim Abel. The McLeash meetings have closed. ata meeting held last Saturday, a Ladâ€" ies‘ Aid Society was formed for the {mrâ€" pose of lwlising to build a chuscb. There was a good atiendance. Our local sports left on Monday the 2nd on a bunting espedition,. _A report was current on Wedneseay that they had shot a deer, at we have not seen it. On Dhursday, one of our citizens statod that he had got a govrernmrent situation, watching the bhunters #ho hbunted with out a license, and that the day before he made $160.00 by the list of numres ‘he had of people hunting without a license. Mi. Geo. Pride,a farmer near here, became mentally deranged lately and was taken to Ower Sound by constables Wood and Gillespic. ORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. W to #10 per week for enav ;.fl’."‘.’.!.‘ HELP WANTXDâ€"FEWALE PROTON CENTRE. EDGE HILL. HKOPEVILLE VARNEY, ek_for eua.bomo work icheme, ke or Ped . Send stamp for work C 'rn‘r-: gg:j@foua BUP with ase cerelung affection, and that dread discase Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the ineans of cure, To those who desireit, ho will choerfully send (free of charge) a oc py of the prescripton used, which they will find a sure cure for Comsuinption, A«sthma, Caâ€" inrrh, Rronchitis, and all throatandlung Madâ€" ndiecs. He hopes all anfferere wili try thisremedy, asitisinvaluable. Those desiringthe preseription which will scost them nothing, and imay prove a blos#ing, will please address, Mr, Sim Fax, humovrist, well desarves the name. His delineation of things athetic and comic, from "grave to gay ?rom li\'el{ to seyere," called forth the most enthusiastic plaudits,â€"Montreal ‘"Witness." With the Band, at Town Hall on Monday night. Uapital subscribed $2,000.000 papital paid up 1,000,00G Assets, over 2,320,000 Annual income, over 2,400,000 Losses paid since organization, over 22,0600,00 Insurance effected on all kinds of proâ€" Ferty at lowest current rates. Dwelâ€" ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. The undersigned having boen restored to hea‘th by simple mouas, after suffering for several years The undersigned offers for sale or rent that desirable park lot, in the village of Priceville, formerly owned by the late James Cameron. Lot conâ€" tains 13 acres all under cultivation. On the lot is a good house, and barn, also a good bearing Orchard For terms of sale or rent apply to JOHN MeINNIS, Durham, Ang. 27th, 1896 REV. FDWARD A. WiLSCN, Brockiyn Loases promptly and Liberally settled Call or communicate with \~~Â¥ 36 3 2 & ‘:A:I,%_?; ';:,,;" 1 t3 * 3 lol 5 M j i io 5 82 344 J i# THe FiNCST Tra In Thz Worrp _ Jr. IL Class.â€"Earle Mathews, Alice ITrvine, Joseph Nelson. Jr, Pt. II Class.â€"Bella P.iterson, Dowâ€" a d Heury, May Ferguson. To properly fill its office and functions it is important that the blood be pure. When it is in such a condition, the body is almost certain to be bealthy. A comâ€" plaint at this time is catarrh in some of its various forms, A slight cold deveâ€" lops the disease in the head. Dl'npl)iugs of corruption passing into the lungs bring on consumption. | The only way to cure this disease is to purify the. blood. The most obstinate cases of catarrh cases of catarrh yield to the medical powers of Hood‘s Sm-sapzu-illu as if by magic, simply because it reaches theiseat of the disease, and by purifying and vitalizing the blood, remeyes the cause. Not only does Hood‘s Sarsaparilla do this but it zives renewed yigor to the whole system inaking it possiblie for good health to reign supreme. WESTRRN ASSURENCE COMPANY. Sr. III Ciass.â€"Robt, Reid, Thos, Lawâ€" rence, Arthor Lowrencse. IJr{III Class,â€"AMswado Chapman, Chas Reid. Sr. II Class.â€"â€"Agvoes Nelson, Samuel Whitmore. Jr. Pt. I1 Class.â€"Gladys Lawrence, Sarh Brown Auaie Nelson, aeq. Honor Roll, of P for October 1896. Don‘t trifle with this presious gift ‘by mot ‘heeding ‘the dictates of nature. There is such & thing as wearing Spectacles when you shouldn‘t and â€"not wearing them when you should. When you first notice your ey5s failing, or it seems & strain on them to read or do near work, consult an ‘eye specialistâ€"one that is permanently ‘located and makes a specialty of the eye. This way you will have comfort, and save what money can‘t buy. GOoD‘S Createst Cift to Man 1sS HIS VISION, PROF. CHAMBERLAIN EYE SPECIALIST 87 King St. East, TORONTO, ONT. TOCONSUMPTIVES. FIRE AND MARINE. FROM THE TEA PLaNT To THE TEA cupr emmemmmmmemmemeememmenmemnn,......_o_ c 06 TE IN ITS NATIVE PuariTy mmmmmeeea 222 °0220 9T PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. A PERFECT TEA An Important Offce. " Teais put up by the Indian HONOR ROLL. a% <abc s Y, No. 12 Egremont C. RAMAGE, ____Sub, Agent. Priceville. § @ 1 v aaF #2 x % s had 3 ,". pe y Pss uk : ; k KR Tam! . F M #3 & Li b hy t & / 4 e hx d in i t £: f h: { f : c tm Pa * M Je c3 Ed i F" 8 o Es # a ie b b pot s 6 VH y o i it 6: i P n a o DLVUURK, LOWER TOWN. f j e DM SxOW,.â€"We have stepped £ ike weather to winter at n exchange last week rom jons were in as much J July, We have them to tely we saw a twig of a ish with four ripe bervries of the guaurden of that skillfy r, 8, Arrowsmith, We supply the Review a Mail ansplz’mpmz' to Jan 1s $1.40. The Saturday edition } of illuatrated stories, fashios and so on, and the price is £2 liberabty of the publishers 10 ofer this edition with the J $2.0 or better still all three 1 of $2.50., Can you do better inere is one thing clear €0 itest for the Presidency of muates before the bailots a; and lhey.ml:re not counte write, ut one thing President Cieveland, the out â€" has more brains than the si men who are candidates for idency and Vi(x‘-leidPll(‘)‘. m:'l‘- The President‘s add i nnceton celebration was A MocB NukrneEp Move. Jasen has intimated that a he officiates at funerals the h will mean that at which t leaves the house. _ If a servie will begin about balf an h« Bome such arrangement it needed to preveut the oftent wait in inclement weather. Truon, or poetic fan Monday evening at UL« *"The time is past when & his professional caprcity, req ul introduction to the people There are but few places of where he is not w«h known, heanrtily welcomed by the 1 fined humor as well as thos _‘“_Ifi(m is aroused by tales _ _3 / Halls. He has been as the saume individual who ‘h'llulery At James Brow! stealing ggq and clothing u’ were at church, Sa hlfle now under arros “‘dflunnon them whe; mflfln justice are lig round lmn.â€"x{'mo. â€" i $00 f-nill;‘..m.c chums are n Htolen clothes The ©olls of Pound bim,â€" h @Paves _ y 4 . ; "| " CArS, to settle uy altended 1,, by a number o -h and to these we retu tere thanks, Examine your PDare it with your last rece h“’t(mpflnd, it is on ""lduny put it right, | wyour labe] is bei.find p ~hA few to whom acets, 10 pi NmI:n.;responded. W It is altogether likely that who committed the outrage ::w Hceh ago will soon t e has been traced th :m‘:'"‘her_e: he got diun best delivered Qh- "MIB POR Yor ? -‘"'I'm‘"'fl. to se .-L__ 10 OÂ¥ a nun l. Kxs *T iÂ¥ . *# ‘,, Miss Bertha Wilson, A! fiss Sadie Boulden, â€" Elu ues ts at Mr. A« McKenzie‘s Ml..-â€")ust arrived at ‘eed FEmp! jum, ansother car in Flour. Besides this, 'u.n(ity of other makes froi ag UpP: bu:included.- G. 81 en ts . * ‘ara, is on an official round en nt pm.-m. and met wit pethren, Tuesday night. 1 neresting talk which thi much appreciated. She bas a pretty appearan ectly at howme on the stage, ith ease. grace, sweetness & hat charm the popular eye incardine "Review," Ont.â€" oncert, Monday nigbt. Grrat Vaick.â€"Ihbe Rr he Weekly Globe will hbe & ddress on this continent ti ry 1898. for $1.35. Join t jubâ€"over 150 others have ind get all the news of the he locl-lil,{. The Globe is | se and the Review is alm pleasant. apa®t? _ kvown a8 Miss W 1x BHIS: Parties w do well to call at th e Can nearly always yem same day you call free notice in the pap« fr. and Mrs: Andrew | L Miss Emily Wils . Miss Bertha Wilsor iss Sadie Boulden, reats at Mrâ€" A, McKe: Councillor Duncan Hunte ont, was in Durham Tues ut for the first depatyship ye,. _ HMis record is a gor e will be hard to beat, _ S« Ir. »posing Mr. Dicks linmn!l not foolhardy : A. 0. V. W in St. Mary‘s five hund Ts t themselves y shopping early en« business men to clo lock, A similar arrangel of advaniage here. -‘ CECY coule dl“d Ho ‘" Iy Aulads + ='|-‘"n¢ al brriitn bn, "ith I 1t 88 7 o Loang LOCAL Ir. Hutton, 5 ”‘-Q bheen the n this week he Review is a a local paper. ..d""n;; NHEL® 'I'i N every evening, 2till‘4 ECK.â€"The Pub ed M week the Pant amounting his amount will Of reading mat m'nliveliiln-u iter months ar who wishes 1 with rheamat j cure it at on od‘s Sarsapat Camp AND GEN all at the Re y always let you call. W the paper to« there D S4eppard. . + w at ber dan Lo wh, ‘fi"u-file lady Miss Wrig! of this s ary is op eveniogs _P. im. G. M roun meets PI PC wWi () ti AT

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