West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Nov 1896, p. 7

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£LP_CREAMERIEq 1Â¥ E. W NT PROPOSEs EM BY GRANT3 came r. Fisher‘s rbed stant markets ortion â€" af â€" + € U 1 rn Mc BLACKS nevy CREAMERIRES n ne Ti€ ea that thig in the Nam 104** n vill be 000 w Agriculturar - complet.d witDh the 7 ""~ o reme h 000 was Placed by session and voteq S D "® ngh-._. arrieq ..“‘ D 10us C iAmeries ALREADY d nC their _ valug transportation D ‘ to be r ins by y o obtain mill, â€" n ber, he company 1 in ‘ation, shall egistered. ent heese camer ne to e M C iD esile Northwegy * value of ‘l WOM KS1 pany with m 408 Prof proposed aAre not aidâ€"up mpany y the erected ans apâ€" A grieu}~ Ds ty of w ne T Increagse to raise to k~ enlarge vyears 3 are markâ€" he pa« ind of U LT 0 pPIQ wated d w inces ‘very which + the Yalug 2Y _ ful} They may and N&l ate m# he 1D n 1O nb TS 0 the by Sarsapariiia : J _ _ ~â€"B Rood‘s €â€" . & ‘;1 i *A floy» E : ‘ §« Any »r and coppe iess are found he Case 3W per ton ividends 81 »; 2004 [ < 4* C in he C C s goals jrot Dd af th E_ ay ex0h «5y aovINCF !oman’s Â¥ ork OU 0 ts pe pmen{s D pI y yine QWLCt3 XJ C.Al 1 * Woman ds 1s¢ 10. pa L. H " _ geport 5‘?{. gr wb 37 :20, (Can.) VEGâ€" ETABLE COMPOUND. But if she WANTS to be well, WANTS to be strong, W ANTS to walk and work with ense &BG comfort aha will TC" §o MilEs Etagi 18 wURCES ~Lartxf( ; (AS 0 year jrom R rde. of a [EALTH f the Yan .mâ€"-lmll and Other ap the B3 _same year. a car load, ie following eing $86.410 magnitude, : until Janâ€" r 6,000 tons _ smeiters. nearly douâ€" vresent outâ€" in average mine was Regaar tent thout t zes relief, ove disapâ€" ders many ire giving in _ were e Roi and caking of Mchinney, anipping 3; yielding 060 pounds 1 was i0¢â€" e ore of the wonâ€" is taken ring the e report 1 tons of in â€"diviâ€" aring and pure and enew the The only nen is in mic, blood saparilia. ‘hange of T around mineral najority re vens oF THE painâ€" or st3. 25¢. t levels » of the at mine surface. rail disâ€" ists. $1. I1, Mass. Â¥alue of tmmense nt comâ€" 3 LU No. 3 t of the , which uver, is interest largely of that h nave * * "The le cen §1,241,â€" 100,000 it er Vseâ€" Brbiisi 26,800 lding LE LC sent Up U ind 1U be | The enormous coal fields in the hs Crow‘s Nest Pass are attracting great attention in consequence of the large > / demand for coal for smelting purposes ve in the Kootenay district. The coal is ‘he stated to be am excellent one for cokâ€" mâ€"|ing, and to bear transportation withâ€" § out breaking. From assays madse . by Mr. Hoffman, the Dominion Governâ€" !>, ment Assayer, and other competent 1,. assayers, the coal seems to be peculiarâ€" w |ly suited . for metallurgical purposes. 00 \The building of the British Colunbin Southern Ratway would open up these is; coal fields and put them in communiâ€" ;p cation with the Kootenay smelters. GoLD YET IN CARIBOO. 00 & ,f It is believed by many of the oldest *® ‘and best informed miners that mineral S wealth equal to that of any part of the ds | rPovince liss niCariboo, the rivers of that district having yielded in past _ |years nearly fifty million dollars in "~ : gold. The auriferous deposits are very 00 |rich and extend over a large area. Works are now in progress for bydrauâ€" g lic mining on a large scale, but it will ""C \be â€" at least another year before the @5 mines are fairly opened up. | _ The impetus that would be given to 20. | developing the mineral wealth of Cariâ€" q boo by the construction of the projectâ€" 24 j aq British Pacilic RafPwar ean ha‘rAle 1O W n thouZ 78 Ol ALAEE mumyfi fiv:gl?i.“tulw: she is aunt to all of Europs t0 1 she is aot grandimother. | _The deposits of iron ore, both hemaâ€" tite and magnetic, are very extensive in this district and at other points on |Vancouver Island. Many of those deâ€" posits are on good harbors, which toâ€" gether with otfxer natural advantages, [ not the least important of which is the necessary and convenient fluxes for \ smelting, should enable iron to be proâ€" \ duced as cheaply as in any other part \of the world. The duty on pig iron entering Canada is $4 per ton, and \there is a Domioion bounty of $2 per [ton on all pig iron manufactured in \Canada from Canadian ore. The proâ€" tection afforded the home market, and proximity of such markets as China \and Japan, with competitive steamâ€" ship services, thereto, logether with \the inducements bere indicated, have | only to be better known to attract the capital necessary for the establishment of large blast furnaces in this Provâ€" | ince. rl&ext in importance is Texada Island, which also contains large bodies of magnetic iron ore, limestone, copper, gold and silver. Development !work is in progress. Reference is also made in this excelâ€" 5“'ays enjoyed_ gooG NeaiiLHt. 1 SUCHIIOU lent report to the development of the !ka and easi‘ly tired. Them my arms, fur seal fisheries, to the lumber and hands and |pgs became swollen and agricultural industries, to the progTess | p:ined me terribliy. My trouble seemed or rallway comstruction, to the general ‘ike dropsy. I tried several doctors and industrial â€" activities of the Province | took their medicine, but got no relief. and to the growing importance of the | In fact one of thom toxl me Icould not ocean trade, This note of warning !s be cured. Im this state I suffered for sounded presuuably for the benefit of ‘some time until I was advised by a intending investors in mining stock:â€" |friend, who, had herse‘f experienced _"Attention is directed to. the prinâ€"‘great benefit from the use of Dr. Wi‘â€" ciple upon which some mining coMâ€" jiams‘ Pink Pills, to try them. I did panies are formed. The system of ca~!so, and after taking a coup‘e of hoxes pitalizing slightly developed miner@l |cou‘ld motice no improvement and was claims for large sums of money and |qiscouraged. However, at the earnest selling the stock at a small percentage ‘«clicitation of my friend, I_ continued of the pat valus is, in case of the | their use and was on my sixth box when liquidation of. the company, fraught | the longed for improvement â€" came, with serious consequences to the holdâ€"|@rrom that out it was steady and ers, and in any event projudicial to !rapid. My limbs assumed their normal the proper develupment â€" of .m mide» ‘gize and shape, m{ agpetlt@ improved, The ‘;aws of BRritish Columbia are OP~ | and b the time ad taken e‘even posed to a company sebiing . its stock Iboxes{ was a well woman. I make at a discount, yet these have been evadâ€" ‘this statement to encourage those in ed in the case of some mining ventures» | doubt as I was about taking this Wiscontinuance of this practice and cOMâ€" | medicine. I believe it the best on earth, pliance with the Ptrg;:noml laws W‘"abr: and that under Providence it cured me. some arantee companies F Nes formeg“(or the o})urposa of working the COMPLETELY RUN DOWNâ€"CURED. mines instead unduly enriching the| CMr. Frank_ Dunham, Wellandport, promoters of the schemes." Ont., says:â€"I feel it a duty I owe to Cns‘ sa wall as to other sufferers to CAN RHEUMATISM BE CUREDI The application of Nervilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"which possesse3 such marâ€" vellous power over all nerve pain, §£068 greatly to prove that it can. Narvfime acts on the nerves, soothes them, drives pain out, and in this way gives relief. Tez it and be convinceds pain out, and in this way @IYCP *****"** Try it and be convinceds % ' commbmmmce MUCHâ€"RRELATED QUEEN. The Queen of: Denmark, who, Al 14 ce in caare of age, is Still pl‘,‘tt! But it is not in minerals alone that the Province is opulent. The fisheries of British Columbia are probably the richest in the world. â€" Although only $2,000,000 is invested in them, the exâ€" ports under this head during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895, amounted to $3,264,000. _ There was 47 canmeries in operation, and the total pack was 566,â€" 395 cases, wvalued at $2,831,875, which is 72.027 cases more than the pack of the previous year. The exports of fresh salmon, frozen and packed in ice, amounted to a million and a quarlter pounds. The new branch of the fishâ€" ing industry, it is complained, is at present retarded by high frei%ht. rates. Baoforamce is alszo made in this excelâ€" developing the mineral wealth of Cariâ€" boo by the construction of the projectâ€" ed British Pacilic Railway can hardly be overâ€"estimated. North of Cariboo in the American subâ€" division of _ Cassair there are creeks which have yielded gold in paying quantities under the primitive systems of working and there are indications that by the aid of modern appliances with moderate transport charges gold mining on a large scale should be very profitalle. The mainland coast and isâ€" lands contiguous are hi%hly mine salized and contains varieties of excellent buildâ€" ing stone and marble, soft black slate, graphite, lime, liquid, asphaltum, and the best coal found on the Pacific seaâ€" board. The Vancouver Isiand coal outâ€" put in 1895 was 939,634 tons. The Vanâ€" couver Islands, collieries placed 651,395 tons on the California market against about one million tons from all other sources. Extensive development work is being done on the mineral claims in the Alberni district, a large area â€" of which is threaded by veins carrying go‘d, copper and silver, The auriferous deposits of this section ars also reâ€" ceiving the attention they merit. In the Barclay district contiguous to Alberni immense bodies of ore have been found and development work is progressing. DEPOSITS OF IRON. nc â€"wWoniy mLues ini ength by two miles in breadth, and noiwithstanding the low price of silver it contains over thirty mimes that are shipping ore. The gross earnings of sixteen of these mines for the first six months of the nragant P NCO ARRERRIRDN Apiiiaizier ho TK : bmkiud‘ td per ton. A large number of free iniilâ€" ing gold cluims have recently been locâ€" ated mnear Nelson. The smelter at Pilâ€" ot Bay has stimulated silver mining in the Ainsworth subdivision since it comâ€" menced operating in March,.1895. The islocan subdivision is another mining centre, the discoveries in which were made in 1891. The mineralized area is THE WHITE METAL At the Half mines on Toad M it is estimated that there are of 120,000 tons of ore in sight. is concentrated into a matlte, of which contains the product en tons of ore. The average the matte is $240, as follows 270 OUNCES, COPDAr 4§ nar nan+ railway construction in the mining districts, the report slates that ordinâ€" ary labor is g!ud $2.50 a day and skilled labor from $3 to $3.50, but that t.hesup-‘ ply is already more than the demand. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHERIES vhich contains the product of elevâ€" ons of ore. The average value of matte is $240, as follows :â€"Silver ounces, copper 45 per cent., golid 83 I.lex‘e. are upwards in sight. ‘The ore a malte, one ton ‘ product of eleyâ€" Toad Mountain cegt;, gold ‘8 which COMPLETELY RUN poOWNâ€"CURED. Mr. Frank Dunham, Wellandport, Ont., says:â€"I feel it a duty I owe to you as well as to other sufferers to make known the ggod I derived from 4 ww mmnt 2 _ > Dislk Dills Mrs. Alex. Ross, Broad Cove, N. 8. gays:â€"*"Early in the summer of 1896 I was taken ill. Prior to that I had alâ€" ways enjoyed good health. I seemed weak and easilly tired. Thenm my arms, hainds and |>gs became swollen and pined me terribly. My trouble seemed ‘ike dropsy. I tried several doctors and ftook their medicine, but got no relief. In fact one of tham to‘sl me Icould not be cured. In this state I suffered for some time until I was advised by a friend, who, had herse‘lf experienced great hbenefit from the use of Dr. Wi‘â€" n ame‘ Pink Pills, to try them. I did chase some of Dr. ME ve Er EOE C ChaW stairs without sitting down . to rest. There was no color in my lips and I was quite ambitionless,. I was clerk -fli.m a‘slt&areh:t béh:tune and I thoug‘! wo have we up my position( ult:l:withdfilmttquouldwait upon omers. I took medicine from doctors but 10!: no. m&nent relief, L2A To haraman GDiT and thought doctors but ot no m&nenz rCdel, | _ B and I hacam!ow% and thought | giv thanw:nohe” tm. Onotod sgou i w y w Tady wb S bx.!efi:mmrpmkg'ifls th SWOLLEN AND DROPSICGALâ€"CURâ€" Mr. Mark J. Kennedy, of Ridgetown, says:â€""I can _ conscientiousl reâ€" commend Dr. Williams‘ Pink gills to those who may be suffering from dysâ€" p:i?sla or liver trouble. For years I suffered from this complication of trouâ€" bles and so bad was the dyspepsia that I could not touch a morsel of food of any kind. I often found it difficult to obtain sleep, and what little I did get at these times was often broken by horrid dreams. This of course was the result of the dyspepsia. But in addiâ€" tion to my discomfiture was added livâ€" er complaint. I was subject to dizziâ€" ness, I had a pain in the back and bloatâ€" ing of the bowels and was ?ale. hagâ€" gard and despondent. It will be readâ€" ily seen that I was in a bad condition. I kept doctoring and dosing myself without the slightest benefit, and finâ€" ally gave up in disgust, feeling that I would ‘have to live out my life in this miserable condition. _ _A friend sugâ€" gested Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, but so great was my disgust at medicine that I felt tempted to be profane. But my friend was persistent and in the end handed me & box of pills, and I took them more to please him than from any thought of benefit. I took a secâ€" ond box and to my astonishment I was deriving benefit from them. I conâ€" tinued taking them and I am cured. Do you wonder therefore that I now consider Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills the greatest medical discovery of the 19th century, and will always recommend them. I urge those who are suffering but may be as skeptical as I was to try them and learn their virtue. Pink Pills which released me from pain ?'?d ‘have given me a new lease of ife." ed a very bad cold, and rheulmatisim shortly followed. For a time 1 paid but little attention to the pain in my body or the stiffness in my limbs. But in the course of a few weeks 1 was conâ€" fined to the house. L now began to apply rheumatic remedies which I conâ€" tinued for several weeks without any benefit resulting from their use. 1 then dropped them and gave myself into the ‘hands of a doctor for treatâ€" ment, and for nearly three months all that medical skill is capable of accomâ€" plishing afforded no relief. My body was biistered and burned so that T could get no relief. My legs were stiff and helpless and I was as sore as a boil, my strength was entirely gone and I had to be turned over by the use of sheets and blankets. I was daâ€" ily growing weaker and my condition more serious. Hope of recovery had almost vanished, except that while there is life there is hope. After . three months of such torture I was induced to give Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills a trial. I gave up all other treatment and beâ€" gan the use of the pills. Not a great many days had passed until there was a marked improvement in m{ condition and I continued the use of the pills until I was cured. I have as good use DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER TROUBLE CURED. of my limbs as ever I had ; my health is perfectly restored and it is all due to the wonderful power of Dr. Williams‘ There are very fow diseases afflicting mankind that do not have their origin in a depraved or Matery condition of the blood, or in weakened and shattered nerves. To be healthy the blood must be kept rich and red, and the nerves strong. To secure this condition there is no remedy known to medical science that has met with such great, success as Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. They act promptly upon the blood and nerves, and thus drive disease from the sysâ€" tem. The following strong statements from persons who _ have & @n cured, prove their efficacy :â€" RELEASED FROM RHEUMATISM. Mr. A.T. Gallant, of French Village P.E.I., writes:â€"‘"About the beginning of October, 1894, while I was digging potatoes, one wet chilly day. I enntrant2 Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pflls Renew the Blood and Reâ€" store the Nervesâ€"Read the Evidence. People With Watery Blood and Flabby Nerves are the Ones Who Sufferâ€"â€"Most Diseases are Dus to These Causes, How It May Be Obtained by Young and Old. PERFECT HEALTH, ant, of French Village "About the beginning . while I was digging chilly day, I contractâ€" cold, and rheulmatism other sufferers to od I derived from The Sufferings of a Toronto Junction Resident From Heart Disease. Not an exceptional case of heart disâ€" ease but very distressing was that of Mr. L. W. Law, of ‘Toronto Junction, Ont., who was obliged to be propped up in bed with pillows for eighteen months, because of smothering spells that wou‘ld come over him _ whenever bhe attempted to lie down. No treatment had done any good until he tried Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart, and here one dose gave complete relief, and one bottle cured him, and to-dag he enâ€" joys the pleasures of good health as other people do. _ Heart disease will kill if not cured. _ Second Youthâ€"Not yet, but I expect to before I stop. I am going West to seek my fortunes sili ~Ofj¢ i9g o i96 _ First Youthâ€"I just got back. Lend me a dime will you ? We have no hesitation in recommendâ€" ing the Art Garland Stoves and Ranges. Their high rexlmtatxon for ~durability, economy of fuel, convenience and artisâ€" tic finish, stamps them as the best made. It is the constant aim of the manufacturers to make the very best Stoves that can be produced. They are unrivaled. First Youth (at a railroad depot)â€" Traveled far?t _ __ . 6 There is a burden of care in gettin riches, or fear in keeping them, o% teimptation in using it hemo, of guilt in abusing them, and an account at last Many sink into an early grave by not giving immediate attention to a s{' ht oouglg which could be Sttt)pped in tlgne by the use of a twentyâ€"five cent botâ€" tfi of Dr. Wistar‘s Pulmonic Syrup. Mr. Angus J. McDonald, of Prescott, Ont., says:â€"I have been a victim of rheumatism for over seven years. The trouble first came upon me at my former home in Williamstown. I beâ€" came so bad that I was obliged to carry a cane when walking, and to go at a. glow pace. At one time I was confinâ€" ed to my bed for three months. I tried many medicines, some of which eased the pain, but none gave me permanentl relief until I began the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. I have used in| all about a dozen boxes and under the | treatment my progress has been conâ€"| tinuous and satisfactory. _ I have disâ€"| carded the use of the cane and my . weight has increased from 120 to 145 pounds. In a word I am a new man| and I attribute my imgroved condition | ent'u'elg to the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pille. $ Beware of imitations. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes the wra(tFper around which bears the full | trade mark "Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills| for Pale People." Pills colored pink sold in bulk, vy the dozen, hundred or | ounce, or taken from glass jars, or sold in boxes which do not bear our trada‘ mark, are vile imitations and should | be promptly refused. If your dealer| does not keep the genuine Pink Pills| they will be sent by mail, post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 ; by addressing the Dr. Williams‘ Mediâ€"| cine Co., Brockville, Ont. | COULD NOT LIE DOWN FOR EIGHTâ€" EEN MONTHS. said to me, ‘"‘Fraink, why don‘t you tx;iy Pink Pilk?" Well I foolowed her adâ€" vice and _ the result is I am now as well as ever I was in my life, and believing as I do that Pin‘g Pils saved me I canâ€" not say too much in their praiss. AFTER EFFECIS OF LA GRIPPEâ€" CUIRED. . Mr. D. Hefron, a weo‘l known farmer lEving near Charlaston Lake, saysâ€""I bhad a severe atiack of la grippe and was unahe to recoyer my former healtht I lost all ambition and even the lifhtest of my farm work (eft me weak and tired out. I would have spells of dizâ€" Ziness accompanied by pains in my back that would somgt.imes last for days. Frequently I could not %e: to sleep until near morning, and when I arose I felt more tired thian when I went to bed. I had tried several mediâ€" cines, but got no good from them, and then I_determined to try Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills, After 1 had tried a couple of boxes there was a decided imâ€" provement, I could sleep better, my spirits rose, I began tolook for my meals ‘half an hour before the usual time. I continued the use of the Pink Pills some time longer and found my health fully restored. I am now an enthusiâ€" astic friend of (Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills and will always look to them for relief if illness attack:s me." KIDPNEY AND LIVER TROUBLESâ€" CURED. Mrs. Emma Matson, wife of Capt. Joseph Matson, of 10 Allen street, Haliâ€" fax, N.S., writes:â€""For several months in the year 1895 I suffered severely from derangement of the kidneys and liver trouble from which I found little or no relief from the medicines prescribhâ€" ed by my physician. I lost in flesh, grew sallow, had no appetite and was much troubled with insomnia, and. though only about twenty years of ago, 1 life had grown burdensome, and it was thought by my intimate friends that my health was permanently underminâ€" ed. _ When 1 had become almost inâ€" different as to the future I was perâ€" suaded to take a course of Dr. Williams® Pink Pills. I found relief very soon, gained flesh and was enabled to sleep soundly, and with a restored appetite recovered my former complexion. _ I feel myself indebted to Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for my present health, after I had expended much money for medi-' cine prescribed by physicians from which I derived no benefit. | A RHEUMATIC SUFFERER CURED TORONTO .sing.tbem. and an account be given concerning them. ENCOURAGING | _ For worms in children, be sure and , enquire for Sittzer‘s Vermifuge Candy. \ The genuine article bears the signature | of the proprietor on each box. _ The ; public are respectfully informed that | the Vermifuge Candy can be purchasâ€" |ed of the principal druggists and dealâ€" | ers throughout the United States and | Canada. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leas one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in ail its stages and that is Catarrh,. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is the only positive curenow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a conâ€" stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. HMali‘s Catarth Cure is taken in: ternally, acting directly upon the biood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby desâ€" troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the consiitution and assisting nature in du;n% ite work. The proprictoga have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hunâ€" dred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. ______________ __Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. &Â¥ Sold by Druggists, Toc. Judgeâ€"*"What is the charge against this prisoner ?" _ Policemanâ€""He stole a “l;h?el. your honor." _ Judgeâ€"*"What make?" s f Wiith such power to cure in extreme cases, can it be doubted that the small beginnings of these diseases will yield prom{;rly to the virtues of Dodd‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills? The successes of Dodd‘s Pidney Pills have been won in just such contests as the above describedâ€"in hopeless cases. When the sufferer lets go his hold on other remedies and realizes the fact that this great kidney treatment has never yet failed, then he demonstrates its value by using it and getting well. In hundreds of cases of _ Dropsy, Bright‘s disease, Diabetes and Paralyâ€" sis, when friends bad given the sufferer up to die, Dodd‘s Kidney Pills have promptly saved the patient. To shorien the stor{\;afll I have to say is that four boxes have completely restored my strengih and I have reâ€" covered my lost weight with something added, in short 1 feel better than for years and perfectly cured. *ad This gave me hbhope though I felt ashamed to let the doctor know that I ‘had changed my medicine, however, I was encouraged by the heip I got from the first box and so kept on. _I thought my time was about up unâ€" til a friend told me that he knew of several cures of cases similar to mine bynu_sing Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, _ _ CURNEYâ€"TILDEN CO., L. In misery, and unable to work, one of the best doctors in town when conâ€" sulted told me that my trouble was diabetes, _ Meanwhile I had lost fortyâ€" five pounds in weight, and his medicine was doing me no good. [ Taken on Time Dodd‘s Kidney Pills Bave a Life Once More. s THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. It was Diabetes and Thought Incurâ€" ableâ€"But when the (Proper Treatâ€" ment Was Used the Patient Reâ€" covered, & Barrie, â€"(Special)â€"Your â€" corresponâ€" dent had no difficuwlty in locating Mr. Frederick Stokes, of this town, as he is well known and enjoys the confidence of all who know him. The particulars of the recovery still excite enthusiasm as marvellous cures everywhere do. When found at ‘his business, he said :â€" "It was about a year and a ‘half ago that I began to su&er with lameness of the back. I soon began to run down rapidly in flesh, becoming in a short time also very weak. _ She_t:s'D!?iny;oi"l' suxfiose. !Ins wife reafly st:fif (:;e he didn‘t .kneo_w wfl‘;gg:easlohap? piness meant until after he got marâ€" ried." TIME ABOUT UP CATARRH AND COLDS RELIEVED IN 10 TO 60 MINUTES. One short puff of the breath through the Blower supplied with each botile of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder difâ€" fuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and deâ€" lightful to use, it relieves instantly and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. All druggists. There is nothing so fatal to comfort, as it is to decorum, as fuss. That corns are painful, not easily curâ€" ed, and quite useless, â€" Men and woâ€" men who have used Putnam‘s Corn Exâ€" tractor testify that it is the best, acts without pain, and cures. Use Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extractor» Gurney Stove and Range Co., Winnipeg ; Gurneyâ€"Maasey Co.. Mentroal. # oc. and $1.00 at all Druggists. 0000009600009 0080%6 06 60 8+ Don‘t experiment with substitutes when you can get Scott‘s Emuision for a few cents more 8t 3t t .3 3 3% phosphites will soothe a coulgh, heal the inflamed membranes and restore the ;& ttgn a hcaltht); con%xtxon. t w:lll di? i mptly an Fermanm tly r“ takmpif: ti‘x,nc 8 3 3 3 3 3t 38 s% o sari: omm e ut n o ie e yc on o Te q t t 10 mark beginning of eve ing ti and Neglected Colds ># inning of the story of whichConsu.mptionisthccnd. Scott‘s Emuision of ~liver Oil with Hypoâ€" phosp.hit?w‘n soothe a courh, heal the inflamed memheanes and rectner the aaute MEN AND WOMEN AGREE 000000000008 8080009028 s 0 4088 88 990 6 3 ¢ A@404¢ $100 Reward, $100 80 HE THEOTGET. itc dhoo dilbabamint ~*C~+ 9 d sn w 4 Member of Toronto Etock Exchange, 30 Victoria street, Toronto. This company has the following directors in Toronto and the business is managed here : Hon':oJ. E. McDougall, Judge of the County Court, Toronto. D. Morice, Terminal Superintendent G.T.R., Toronto. Rev. J. H. Starr, Director of Dominion Savings & Inâ€" vestment Society, London, Gut, J. J. Warren, barri«ter, Toronto. W. T. Stewart, M.D., C. L., Toronto. There are now eighteen mines at Ross‘and equipped with stcam plants, one of the latest additions bei the WHITE BEAJ. The crown grant has been m...'z FOR YOU to know that the money l{uu put into min: in.fisrm is used to develop the mine in which vest, ‘_BEI‘_ D FOR PROSPECTUS. FRED. J. STEWART, 500,000 shares are set apart for development purp ses Mglel and mone“obulncd for all stock now sold is used O1 the x;re?or{! he mine is paid for. The mine has the celcbra LK ROL VEIN (see pror,i»ect\u). The shares are mbsolutely nonâ€"assessable, fuly paidâ€"up. ONK CTC lDfl)luul{{ nonâ€"assessable, fully idâ€"up, _ ONI DOLLAR SHARES ARK nFFI:RE.D AT TEN CENTS EACH UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, in lots of 100 shares and upwards WHITE BEAR Bold at 25, 40, 50 & 60 cents per lb, â€" FOR TWENTYâ€"SIX YFARS. YOU ARE ONE Why not now 1 It has no oq'u:L' Load Packe® only, Black and Mixed. All grocers. Gives the latest and best courses of tr:ln: in its Commercial!, Shorthand and P munshlr Departments. 23 students assis# ed tolgoe tions in six weeks. Geta)) p.rticu‘l:n by writing for New Pro«spectus. Mention paper,. Address, W. H. SHAW, Principal, FEPEF. _ 20007088, WÂ¥ . Hi, SHAW, Principal, | A large, tin»lyâ€"equipped, oldâ€"established inoth tuiionâ€"NONE BETTER iN CANADA. 5: Business Education at Lowest Possible C Graduates slwn{u sucoossful. _ Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal | ‘Salada‘ Scott‘s Emulsion THECOOK‘SBEST FRIEND An ounce of prevention â€"â€"â€"â€"is 2 bottle 0fâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ITCHING, BURNING SKIX DIsEASES CURED FOR 35 CENTS. Dr. Agnew‘s Ointment relieves in one day, ang cures tetter, salt rheum, piles, scald head, eczema, â€" barber‘s itch, ulcers, blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quietâ€" ing and acts like magic in the cure of all baby bumours; 35 cents. DUNNS BAKING POWDER Stratford,Ontario LARGEST SALE IN CANADA ROS3LAND, B.C., has these special ”-.N“â€"GQM and Yonge Eu. IT 18 IMPORTANT Made in Three Sizes. Wood Furnace has the greatest heat generating capacity. | It reâ€" quires but little fuel andattention, will burn any sized wood. It costs but little to buy and one could easily be put in your house. Ask about them. They are sold everywhere. Made by New lIdea CGOLD MINE CEYLON TEA At smali costâ€"the Heater FEATURES Perhaps, that has never tried THE GREAT wW.P.C 840 No, 19 14 t#

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