West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 19 Nov 1896, p. 9

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T\ ul ut 4 & 16 inch, 22 inc wood. Rush it in Just Received full stock of heavy Rubbers and Socks, Overshoes and Rubbers for Men, Women and Children, Capsâ€"All conceivable sorts, Fur, Imitation Fur, Sealette, T‘weed Men or Chlldrenâ€"very cheap as well I he exceedingly large range which we exactly what he wauts, If you want a cheap as ordinary ones. Thevy wear and There‘s no longer any question about not being able to ge with ready to wear clothingâ€"our clothes are the best clothes you have therefore a better choice in price and qualityâ€"We } values stand out boldly. Beit an overcoat, we have ‘em from star. Be it a suit see our plaid lined, full cloth suits worth a Boy‘s suit our $2 39 children‘s suits are all right. Be it a 1 a dozen leftâ€"they go at ridiculous prices. If you haven‘t see See our $2.89 ones they were $4.00 each. ORDERED CLO‘CHINGâ€" 50 â€" " Girls‘ Remember we‘ve The only thing cheap about it is the priceâ€"this we have reduced below what all other dealers get for it. See our 28c. lb. or 14c. 4 Ib. packageâ€"Its really worth $1.00 a pound. * Sailor Boy ‘" extra Japan Tea, a regular 35¢. Tea tor 25¢. a lb. Its just a little better than any other Japan Tea. KOLONA TEA is the BEST TEA in Canada toâ€"day And Still its TEAS. Ths extraordinary Ceylon Black Tea is accounted ftor in one way onl DOn‘t think of what your dollars command in other yearsâ€"1896 is breaking all such records in this store ofours. But, remember the little price asked does not mean poor qualities A faverite prescription to an invalid purse is a trip to this store on Bargain Day or any day. Remember â€"TYPE CAN‘T TELL HALF THE BARGAIN STORYâ€"COME 2 ND SEEâ€" J. A. HUNTER @ J. A. HUNTER @ J. A. HUNTER Dry Wood Wanted. pairs Who would care if potatoes did grow on gooseberry bus! effect the flavor of them â€"What‘s the difference if we h: deal about our enormous stock of Reliable foot wearâ€"I Boots at Store boots prices, so long as we have the goods the boots have the Wear to back u» the nrias 66 Special Sale 3 Lines 22¢ Teas Black, Green and Mixed A FEw SPEcIALS FoR NEXT WEiK rW mmm ooo ooo ny Boys‘ Girls‘ If you drink Black Tea Buy " KOLONA " * Japan _ _ " _ " Sailor Boy" They will remind you of the Dilicious Teas of 20 years ago. THE POWER OF PRICE. Ready Made Clothing. DEPARTMENTAL STORE â€" Upper Town, â€" DURHAM J. A. HUNTER‘S 6> 32 inch and 4 foot Ke range which we are showing in this depart 3, â€" If you want a really nobby suit examine s. They wear and stand their color. Everything else a Man, Boy or Child wears ot cheaper boots than the above in price am‘s the best boot in Canada. Try a n; 66 66 de, hip, pegged, strong boots pebbled, oiled, pegged laced b oiled, grained. Ad‘hla anlad Sah a *6 s, so long as we have the goods to back up the price. P, PC$§20, strong boots, worth $1,50 for $1.25 a pair led, oiled, pegged laced boots *‘ $1.60 for 21.35 *4 , grained, d‘ble soled School _ $2.00 for $1.65 * wholestock, strong &* " $1.50 for &1 190 o« tAt44%6%% ) being able to get fitted and perfectly fitted e the best clothesâ€"wo keep the largest stockâ€" ind qualityâ€"We have cut prices so clusely that we have ‘em from $2.29 upâ€"our $5.00 coat‘s a loth suits worth $10.00 going at $5.60. Be it 1 right. Be it a Ladies‘ Jacket there are about If you haven‘t seen them you‘ve heard of them Fowl Wanted ALL KINDSâ€"DORV PiokEep. ordinary sale which we are having of Kolona way only and that is Imported Scotch T‘weeds f UPPER TOWnN is department gives the examine these they are j Try a pair. $2.00 for $1.065 * $1.50 for $1.19 _ © . but these are Whitâ€" â€" etcâ€", for Ladies, any day for 124%c. a lb. â€" dgeo just a, e leag;;,., , _ "80 8 falk with some of the leading men on the coming election. He went to Flesherton to atâ€" , tend a Patron meeting there, _ Mr. Donald McDonald sold one of his lots, the old homestead. to the Dingwail boys for $2,800. It is a good farm, Seyeral other lots have changed hands, There is a little improvement in our village, â€" & very fine house bunlt by Arch, McRachern, a house improved Gib MeA Ur. a stable h Jm& and D, Amh Y I HOPEVILLE, Times are quite quiet here now, little election news is springing up. 8 .muel Rod ers, exâ€"reeve, mfied at villnge‘la:t PEiduy. He had a t=llâ€" .. anma af ek. c 0000 0 CCC TOCUR, w e eSre glad to hear she is somewhat better, A North East Normantb Literary Society has been nrgunizedy in No, 1 School house, by the vyoung men of this part. With T. Gadd as T resident they are likely to succeed, Mr. Thedore Leeson is away on a visâ€" it to his brother Frank in H. nfryn. Miss T. Byers was the guest of Miss Mary Gadd last week, Best Allan has been engaged with Mr T. Wallace for the last two weeks, Miss L. Leo teft Mondasy last to spend a few days with Durham friends, ‘ A little to the West of our sphere, | took place on Wedneodny last a pleas. ant little weddin . when Miss Xnuie Young was unibedK in marriage to Dr. A E. Henry, of BoEnm- a small village in the North of t is county, Rev. Mr, Craigie the popular pastor of Hampden and finnovet l'Preshyterian Churches perâ€" formed the ceremony, and the happy couple haye left on their wedding tour, Miss Martha Fee has returned f Durham after having finished her prenticeship there, Mrs. A. Smith has been under care of Dr. Park for this last week, are glad to hear she is anmacy CC , y 00000 Ce Pest GPL went with him. _ If not he wi some, The high winds last week ca of fences to be blown down, S it was not the wind altogether, Miss Janet Flockhart did r Wolfe Town as reported. Sh at Lamont‘s for a month. _ So will still have cause for rejoicin _ Rev, Mr, McPhail, from Knox College yisited at his uncle‘s, Mr. Donald Mcâ€" Dugald, of this place, Miss Jane Flockhart attended the quilting on the South Line and she reports having spent one of the most pleasant evenings imaginable, Mrs. N. Macintyre and K. Barnett was visiting friends on the South Line last Thm\u‘:y. We notice in your last issue that Chas. Ferguron moved in‘o his new house. _ We think the rest of th. £u..10GX MBBCDX Neslatibings "OlsintWix ie it dlth .. css s B 4 is L1 1( O koka, where he has veen tor the two years, seeing his sister who i the sick list. latel y.‘ L The Rev. McLennin, from Mountâ€" forest, occeupied the pulpit at the Cenâ€" tre last Sunday and preached a grand sermon to a large congregation, Mre. D. Moelotyre is quite ill at present, Mrs. Hugh MeLellan spent last week with friends on the 6th. Mr. D. McCoske y and his sister, Tilly were guests of Miss M. F. McLellian on Sunday last. Mr. R. Martin was in our town on bus iness on Friday. Mr. Hugh Mcinnmis has moved from the Arrowsmith estate onto Mr. D. B. McDonald‘s property, _ Mr. Melnnis inâ€" tends working both of these farms for a ‘erm of years, Mr . McCormic‘. hasdi s Avedjpartnerâ€" ship with Mre. A cDonald ind now reâ€" sides with her son, Mr. D. McCormick, of Pomona. Messrs Alex., McLauchlan a1:d Duncan Sinclair, from Maple Grove, spent a gleusam. evening with friends in our own last week, Mr. Hone Beaton arrived home from the Lower Settlement last week i1d looks hale and hearty as of yore. Mr. Angus Black‘s Auction Sale on Wednesday of last week was fairly w. l attended. _ The cattle and sheep sold at good prices under the hrn.mer of Aucâ€" ticneer McCormick, from Priceville. Mr. John IL; An exciting foot race took place in our town a short time ago between a Pete and a rabbit, witnessed by a lady friend. However, Peter was victoripus and the next day .at noon the rabbit went clean out of sight. Master Herbie and Mary Peters, who have spent the last two months at their grandpapa Martin‘s returned to their nome in Toronto. Their aunt, Miss Mary Martin, nccompanied them home. Miss Nellie Neil, from Toronto, was on a short visit to the parental home and returned in company with ber cousin, Miss Enma Neif.‘mSucceu. The yourh of our Burg had the pleas ure of attending a gmnd puty at the home of Mr. John McVicar, given by :l;.r. Mike O‘Neil and his charming sister izzie. To commence with Hallow@®‘en a couple of our farmers‘ ploughs changed furrows and the foullowing \londur a free trade took place and all fiut their own impleiwents. A few other litde things took place, but no harm what ever. . EAST NORMANBYy BALSAM VALLEY. *~â€""== <G@> o+ [ q. _3 22 & Our « He had a talk with § men on the coming b t Rlaskalal 0C C m nt s hom from Musâ€" SCoTcH town moved in‘o his ;wu: the rest of the family If not he will be loneâ€" i. â€" So Mr. Pete 1ejoicing. returned from She is to be und_er !D\e ed at our tor the .pafit caused a lot Some think up. Mr, not go to ... .. G@eRAN JC «_ We apâ€" is on will be kept for Ser m at h)t 7. COD Excellent Reading.. .. for every member of the family. We offer goodm:;e.menu to agents. For terms, etc., addressâ€" ADVEETER PRINTING GQ,. Market Rep;t;- Stories, etc Sizcteen. ?.E;.;%;ch 'V.V'ook. ALL THE NEWS OF TEHE WORLD. ** SPRUCE LODGE HERO," No. 402 ONLY ONE DOLLAR U ndertaking ard Emba‘ming on © 4 ow at reasonuble ~:.« * The ouly Arstâ€"rlaas Nearse in towp Tamworth Boar Furnituré ':)? rhe oil_cst Make Would intimate that he will continue th Furniture and l'fldcr!.kih{ Businere estab lished by his father in u:ban in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old arnd new curtom ers the same entire satisf .ction. PURAITURE AXD UNPERTAKING Western Advertiser, FOR 1896â€"7. Remember the standâ€"â€"opposite the Market, Dnrhun.pod Arways on Hax»n. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY THOROUGHBRED Balance of 1896 Free. TERMS s1. H, W. LEESON Prop J. SHEWVELL sSUBSCRIBE _ *â€"FOR THE " REVIEW. " Bervice _fer Senson o on. 1, Normanby, E. J, sHMUEWELL Lo«pox. Oxr «€3, latest prin Tu Groceries wo have an exira Japan Ten lb. praper bags, lined with lead, for $1.25 worth 80c. Our Team at 20¢ needs no adve have a nice Granite Teapot well worth bOe that, We will throw in a Ib, of Baking Pos for balt a dollar. Every householdor need Now, we will give you a flat iron, handle an 1 Ib, of Buking Powder for 40c. A Black Melton Overcont with a v. a nice, dreesy garment, and extra y The readyâ€"to wear Clothing we sell hay stood the for years, and so has our prices. Oar clothing i..:: by W;. E. Sanford Manutactuing Coy., and W Rdus ston & Co., but the prices are made by ourselyg 'M as our clothing can and does stand the straiq Of roug, usuge, so does our prices stand the strain ari._.. .‘ We Quote Good Friese Overcorts at goy The Actual Test Is the Best P; Come and see use. We will do you p . L. CRANT. ALL OUR PRICES EQUALLyY CHEAP Glenelg, Oct 16th 18996. Came to the i premises of the undet &?ed in September one e(:Ve Lntl lamb m:wner will please prove propert xpenses and take them away, D, Grana Lot 21230084 x. D. L We are prepared to take building €@® tracts and lm-nish all kinds of Material at living prices. PLANING AND MATCHING*~ AT RIGHT PRICES. Dromore, June 6th, ‘0¢. 50 DONE AND SATI8SFACTION GUARANTEED. §HINGLES ON HAXNXD N. B,.â€"To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as t« ken off. WATSON BROS Robss & oats [ l > By the New Process, R y which for Finish and Soft kinds of Fa Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for IMPROVED MACHINERY. Robe Tanning! e beg to announce to the publit that we have the mull rebuilt and refitted with Renew for the Rocview‘ Satisfaction Guaranteed. NORTH EGREMONT. In two colors and wel! lined CAME ESTRAY Robe Tanning! ness can‘t be beat. Thos. Smith. ° Tande Wy oumlvd.; stand the strain of roug) 1 the strain of bard tizeg, vel & CCE onl s no advertising, y, worth 50¢ and ROld for saking Powder, and al| »Ador needs fl‘”'m ivet collar, fiy Trop ulu(‘.. uul)' 06.00. en dm‘ .p '.‘ and stand T‘Ogf WWackeon, Jr.. U..., thap R. JACK3ON, ... 3 Valuators an & Wood‘s Sing fi“} Buckey Mow, VSRYTHINC And Sold at AUIVTEl â€"s . W O1°G @angd Uaq on Carriagres & Bug; e Car Chatha m Fam Uso Snow Baj] Wago w Stock of the ftan Artsâ€"at fabulous m ‘“andinsps auarhsirm JACKSO Ns Car Brockville 1 nanojue, and (Ca nas. | Car Maxwells‘s 1 ““â€"cheal er than take this nking Oour t patrona vinced tha â€" _meriL 2 ans & Pian rge Sai BI0USE â€"â€", CC 496 Commissior We beg ers and that we system, its eqaul 11,â€"NOQâ€" [H! Koney inves bought an ANCE business tra tandard Notary Ain io Surg ty © It © ‘u\‘ A pr An

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