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Grey Review, 3 Dec 1896, p. 2

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"hd . "A"""'"""'- ... ”an ylmufes SO Im'i<hly provided for them. "I want to have a sleep, Betty," he said Terr tendefov to his wife; " you know I have no had any for many nights; but I feed drowsy now. So as the doctors say. I must sleep it there is to he my allure of recovery, you will lav ,,__O. In”.-. mount. moving hauntingly away; "the dol- lies are so bmutiful and look so real." "No, nut tang. pet. Bat you must go now--I am so tired." He kissed her again and again, seeming to gasp for hreath, a" he did Mt. The child. with a prany was of the head and . merry laugh skipped away to mingle with her [:,1!,ti',,.cyr.iiry..iiaiiii in the pleasures so nvhh u .-." -" 4,, -. Ho he ti any fuse, dear," he mid. when she came; "but I am too in] for anything except {army to bed. I want to get a sleep. Maybe I will waken up refreshed enough to join the party. Go on with our arrangements as if there was noth- ing: the matter. Promise me that." "t rt' course. anry; but book so ill that “(If course: Henry; but you look so .0t Hm I must mud. tor the doctor." ... tlr'ttsta, my dear; I shall be all tctr., after a nap." hearts glad and feet patter chirpiugly on the smooth grass. And so. when the fun was at its height, papa came home looking very weary and haggard. He did not go out intn the midst of the merry throng, but. went straight u to his bedroom. and sent for his wig. "Don't make any fuss, dear." he said. when scho vuvnn' Thei, the fun commenced; and the bands of merry youngsters were con- ducted through the shrubhery to the teania-grouud,' which had been trans- formed into a miniature fair. There were swings and merry-giFrcauHs, a Punch and Judy Show. a marionnetto show, a conjurcr's and a iurtune-tey.. er's tents, and a fancy fair of toys of every description, to be distributed ao- oordmg to the number taken from a wheel-U-fortune at. the entrance for evary passer to div in and draw out a ticket. Besides 31.1 this, there was a bra band playing with brassy loud- ness all sorts of merry tunes to make hearts glad and feet patter chirpiugly on the smooth grass. And so, when the fun \rnq at “1! . "He is late." said Mrs. Iboon, stand- mg behind her daughter and locking anxiousiy down the avenue. "But, my dear, he cannot always leave the office at a fixed hour, and he is very buggy just-." - .---~,w~na Autumn L0 as Five-year-oat Hetty was at the top I f'ffi"'led tram in»: "‘9“; _ . . . _ “Q .e , 0 tl of the lawn, mooning her numerous l, and h1's'J,'s','" and “A“ tiny guests and their grown-up guard- I matures as no one in inns with as much composure as if sha had anything'to gage l bad been a queen accustomed to levees. 7:331:21 'Its,' $3113) t Her father had made so mmtalhra l'ioo',',t I h3g8 his permission . . "1 - , ton- err, ing, or I would 11 Damon of her that she was. c as . , . . I- LR ssed without barns M153, that tt was at :gdgngr Jtif.ttttett rare combination I that. ted him to perpet in a child. The only impatience she I from (he commuenw; disp'ayed was when she turned to..her ! was first summed by mother with the repeated question: , the!) saved by the shad "But where is papa? He promised to g Imus, which gave bun be here earl ' .and he always mums] tax? up 331413.11? fore-mi}: at the time li, says he wild." that. Ierrihl'u, mm d 9. why 'tfu/YW, on 113-18 tt . t be a very gran one. 111 JP nee ot your _ Ur." The fete rail oxdud to every detaid 'Ut was much my th Bacon hat a .'" f his that brought me back a hiuvse'd, determined to produce or . for Dacad'bL. child a scene of fairy wonders which 't‘lFor hung" 'lt hlvtgzrru , ictures in tho t was not, or any " “maid mu.“ end “flash“ 3mm tints of "Oh, yes, for but Loo, an Arabian Nights. e a t may happen to her. Ih the foliage on the Park trees were 0 tad me mat he was absqlw iend their aid to the effects produced 1rJts fumed!" she 0di by the thousands of Chinese lanterns l 311338 to grasp Uhu DOSSI . . P J ng. which were cunnlugy hung thf()lfbh0“: Yes; the. bankruptcy c the grounds; and a grand dirp'.ay 0 house of. qucoct & Co., . V , l the amusements notureed In a few days." fireworks was to a use fter they were "t do not undersiund. of the young peopn a . d th have? last. and; an enorun tired of dancing and feasting, an. . 6 “That is .easty dam: by home-hearing carriages were arriving. l confgssvs himtscil' Lo have Five-year-oat Betty was at the tup I g“??? tte tih'e, ”‘91”;2 . ' .. . an e ver 0 w. of the lawn, meaning her nuottartJus l and shares, and c'Jt,' su tiny guests and their grown-up HEM?“ I ventures as m. mm iv, a.” at 'U never knew you take so long to dress before, Daisy," exclaimed Mrs. Bilverton as she lay back in the car- riage with a dedighttul sense of her own grandeur and importance; "and yet it is only a children's party." bert; but as any communication be- tween Cedar Cottage and 'that young man' was entireLy disapproved of, she did not te'Jl her much. Consequently, ehewas unless how to act inthe pres- ant juncture, being excited by the un- expected intimation of Gibbert's speedy arrival. His sudden return plainly in- dicated that some oa'lamity was about to herald the master of OverLon Park. She determined to say nothing to her aunt until she had seen Gilbert, and Ria-tir'., left I; note with the housemaid for "Mr. Harrison" telling him where , message would find her. l, child ii H name by which he was not known. Ila intended to make his way at once to the Cottage, and begged her, if she dhould be going out, to leave a. meth use appointing an early hour for a meeting. Certain information had reached him which explained Dawn’s etrmge illness, and he was most anx- bun to talk to her about it. Daisy had not concealed from Aunh Silverton the correspondence with Gil- The Overturn Park earrings m " th. (“c of Cedar Cottage, and the foot- man Wag " the door repectfully await- - the command of Mrs. Silver-ton. The ”the! had been sent from the Park by Mrs. new to bring her mother Ind cousin to tin grand Juvenile fete which wu to celebrate the fifth birth- birthday of Mr. and Mrs. Bacon’s only child, little, Betty. The widow liked to [ hive the Overton outrage with ita two I tine bays standing in front of her house end to have the tootman in his quiet yet conspicuous Ilivery standing at her door; and whenever she was sent for, contrived to keep the equipege waiting some, time. On this occasion there was an extra daisy, which was not Mrs. Sihverton's fault, but Daisy's. When ready to start, the postman» had delivered a letter trom Gilbert. It hformed her that he had arrived in Liverpool. and was just starting for London, of course travelling under the wrn_t le 16113:" irGiiy%u, said. hetitatipaif away; "the dol- so Mautnful and look an "-1 n rem .- . .. - -Tr, """"° )‘kzug like gold. ‘I am so m- here. I?). come and 'see vauuful dcllies are movmg ‘,___ -. _, 7 . .. autiriiGddiar 307m? nng. pet_. Bet yqu must pa."' cried ‘ittle Hetty.wbo A discovered his alriva' and the mum. her bright amber ll yy tty, Tsts,ts,t tle. setting Ike trill people." . 'r up in hii arms and kiss- .emued to 'gasp as he held Pilaf. 'lYets, darling. I will (as l-y-zmd-by." risseii him, wondering that Use to jnin her immediate- ay as she had requested. it'. dqne so before. hSTfmRy'f-jjjljiiiaj'iiii" CHAPTER w. BY CHARLES GIBBON. He. know that she 1 and they were speedi she stood in sore need The anxious wife "There is sou house!" cried dread. "That doctor. Come, her. ', l "I do nUL know. However. it seems that he has toad everything to Mr. Ardwick. who has promised to pro- tect. me from any charge in connec- tion with the forgerics, and I wiil see him lp-morrow. Dawn's chief object in tailing me this was to persuade me to yield to his Drawn Hm! Ar., , _ . 7--.... um- um: mum! Is the assur- arwe, ihat, no 1tiactur what happens to hun, his wife and daughter are provid- ed for. The marriage seiLlLemems were made when he was perfectly sol- vent, and they give to her Ovenon Park, with a sufficient income for its maintenance. Tho creditors cannot Lough the trio/ua-ttsu" "But you, GiiLert-eliow will this ab: fem you?" was be: next eager inquiry. "Win you he. satet Will you be cleared of tylblamet',' "And H_etty.- poor Herts-what become of itcrt'? "She wiLI not. be poor so far as ey is coma-med. He was me tho one vonsLatiun he finds in the , of the wreck he. has made is the a Mice, that, no matter what happe hun, his wife and daughter are Pt ed for. The marriage scum; were made when he was perfect” yent, and thev grim. tm nu..- ft, " =9e_.. .w.. mule, which gave him take up a“ tlil; forgud 1: that. Lcrrilik! lesson did As soon as his hands wor whom. capital ot the firm trd, be last every gnu and business knowLngw seamed, and now he canAsave. him." vu, yes, lor but Loo, and I fear what may happen to her. Dawn's ietrer told me r.rlat he was absolutely ruined." "He ruined!" she exdmuued,’ utterlg unable to grasp The possibiliLy of sue I a wing. l Yes; the bankruptcy of the great , house of UJicoct & Co., will be an- l nounced in a few days." "t do nut undersiund. How can he hav‘e' last swzhlan enormous forruneto "ihnr " ....m. H . . a. "um LOU mm to retrieve ‘uimaelf. [ have his permisslun bo bed you cv- Trhing, or I wouml nor tell even you .hnsy, that it was this mad passion har ted him to perm-(rate the frauds, mm the consumeuces of which he was first savanna by my fCiglu, and hen saved by the gunman am.» “a I' . ‘ .-......... vuuuhl curry I110." Daisy observed with sarisiaetion that he ypoke of "Mrs. Danna,” not Heuy. _ ay It used to be; and of courses it was l right that he show-J do so. Bat she Ipremudcd not to observe the change. "What did he Led! you thas could al- ger your rrsolution so suddenly? Betty 5:: why unhappy on his account, and ta m no need ot your 1mm." 'Ut was much my thought oryou that brought me back as my concern for Dacud'VL. . "For him!" she hrmrrupwd. "Then It was non for new?" "Oh, yes, for til Loo, and i fear what may happeyn to her. Bacon's Loner tuy,yne rllac tire was absnlnrulu Fll:nnt: " ,,__ "a" Luh: "r1cleN tore he pronounwd the Mrs. Ihiun's anxiety, de gel, back to London as ql atria-11d {rams ('0qu ca. MI I am very trs'ad. wiways wished; but {Pigmented me.” "Let us cross the la We can tan: there wil --wiu you ml". mv I . "' _ - W HUI 0W". "ow " Seemed. a” it by some occuit influence he had convey“ to her mind the impressum thpt the hand was her own and brought with " a true and undivided affection. "You are not sorry to see me here 'HePfi.', he said. The twilight was fading into dark- ness when the firewarks were .star.t- ed, Iand three huge rockets tadiryt. IP, variegated Sprays of blue and red m- 3,U8urated the programme. Before the first stick fell. a foutman found Delay. Ind. informed her that Mr. Harrison degtrqu to see her. . She. Immediately followed the man tn the direction of the house, but had any gone about a more of paces when she taw a gentleman advancing towards her. She ten. her hand grasped with a. fervour which sent a. thrilll of pleasure throngh her Veins and brought the hot blood mto her cheeks. That we: Gil- bert’s grasp; but the sensation it pro- duced was somehow different from what it used to be. In bygone times t.she t.r.emlded with the delight 9f tench- 1118 he hand, because she believed it .eyh'fi pever be her own. Now it seemed Jon that little folks happy," and let me res ." The wife very re)uctaatlr left him to return to her duties as hostess; but she found it difficult to smile. although the merry about: of laughter filled t e atmosphere with a sense of unolouded the Wtirii;d; rest. " notonan, mutt towakenmeif y.P, 1lpufd find metal a doze.--There PPY'.§9: 'rb us cross the lawn to the beeches. u: tack there without interruption. l You palm my arm?" . r acgqlpscing action was has an- mlsy with ipsunctfiG man is going for the a, Gilbert;' We must help , she meant her main, speed‘iily convinced that An “A- -1 , n unused Lo haw; been a mad rum the moment whim he first mwr to juggte wuh sloslcs s, and wuu such tirtsperate, " no one in ms senses who mg to dose would touch. IL, as intsaue, and now mum-s --i_- ..Muu..,. u U H. W- “a..- Lu..\lk uuut'n . at he was absolutely ruined." Yes, naisy, trat was , hard time ucdl" she oxdmuued, uthrl for me. But whrlsL doing iryrnd suffer.. grasp The, pussibiliry" of such mg in; sl-orn, 1 was preparing the way for_w1nmn.g your-tny own better salt"; he bankruptcy of the great T.hrre could not have been a moral hidicoct & to., will be an- satisfactory answer than that. ll",7/' a tew days." were. not, however, compolled to return t undersiund. How can he I to _lti,o--irrh.ougy they [lid so fora tinv'el wish an enormous IorLum-l"l --or to retain rir, pseudonym of Harri-! _easily doae, by a man who son. Ihwon's attempt at wparationl "uuscul Lo have" been a mudl had been as pompiete as could be; and m che mumunl Whan he iust , the ir?tprmation he had glven to Mr. mu to juggle wuh sloclcsl Ardwiek enamel} that. gonzlmman tn the , and wuu such drssperare l course yf.tho wmdm? up of Ellwotl &, 5 no one in its must-.3 who I Co.'s affairs to sails y awry one that‘ ug to Lose would tomb. IL, l Aslbury had not perpetrated .the frauds' Ls unsung, and now remizru‘ which had hem [inward 'to lug account. ro iaco. to rctrievu 'tiimzunf. l Mrs. Dalian and her "lrihl still remain permlssiun LU Den you “a; In the lmsqtul faith that Ibmry Damn; r l wouul. not tell even you l was a paragon. of manhood; and Holly; a was this mad passion?” sure that Gilbert is innocent her; In to perpetrate the frauds, i Pause "Henry had always said so." Mrs.,' conmwlueuccs of which he! Shvprlon carefully concealed the indig-l Strudmd by my fCiglu, and nation she foil ,U1 regard to her de- l by the sudden death of Lirlreased .stm-In-:aw for so recklessly l b gave bun we mm“ Gi?quandering her daughter's great for- I ['11: furgm bills. But oven‘ lune. ar, sly tuons.tideru) it. She atwaysy "f lesson did nut cure him. took a mnwnt view of the, sins of the) " hands were free, with the l Tight and success so completely restored [ i ,1 of the firm under his con- l Gi.lert, to 111 good graces, that. even " l every glimmer of reason l yulhout the public :Lnnnunm-mont of his f s know-Lama he ever pus- l mnOg't‘nm. thy 1.v.ould have been pleased I 1 now he says nothing; to {llslmlguwl'l him as "her dear friend , a." an: rn‘n I.,., . mns 00qu carry me,," served with sarisiaetion that )f "Mrs. Dawn," not Herry, to be; and of courses it was he sham-J do BO. Bat she not to observe the change. id he LEM you thas could al- "solution lo, suddenly? He.u.y LUttrshr “a 'r.s A- -- -__. In“) In D "96W.-"'AFE7 {”5150 That you can to make »nounqed the namp--"qnd oi 's annety. deyermmed me to London as quiekiy as steam- ,. w-» uuu Ito then how it, came to uni more. surprised at f’ed in a moment from "unnamed," to the of the Botrothod; she ba. ---A‘ l . jst pap? I, tails me lining finds ip the midst It is what I have your last letter intervals m on- isto A CHARITABLE PRESIDENT. The French President travels free on the railways during his official tours in France; but when the return Journey is .copduu1ed, it is paid that his secretary calculated what it would have cost m paid for at regular raga, _and this sum is handed Ter. to be distributed among the poorest paid of the railway men. ,,,- .‘... mu uxue "--Cne motto of the Ordar of the gtar of In.. dia. At Balmoral the Princess Beatrice or a ...lt1trueiv.iritiiiii plays the organ, the smgin being led by some of the servants 'lf the castle." Y.-. ~uu1ICI, out [or tiome yuan ‘I pats) divine service. has been held in the. private chapel which communicates with her apartments. The suite and ser- vants sit. Ln the body of the chapel in tier. of preredance. The Sunday ser- vu-e gs at 12 o'clock, and consists of mormng prayer, 1nteomm1usiod, and ferman. The Queen's seat, is slightllly In advance of the others, and ia at li more marked by the presence of a] .small table to carrv hm hm‘" “- 'ce, .___.....uo w preach ttave not, in these [cases been repealed. The Queen likes and enjoys a plain, practical discourse, pselecreit' from the lessons or Gospelpf the day. to occupy about qunty mul- Utes id deliver . Questions of the. day, and. above ad: politics, must be ep- llrejly excluded. The Queen, when in residence at Windsor, was wont to at- tend service at the beautiful St. George's Chapel, but for some years past divine service has been held in the. eylatce, chapel which tyomrntvrtioora-r In“ . L7» llow Her Majesty Spend-I the Sabbath nay. Queen Victoria's Sunday is described in a recent number of the Quiver: "After breakfast Her Majesty takes a turn round the grounds in her famous donkey chaise, and then goes L0 morn-, ing service. The-re it is customary for the preacher to Wear a black gown, and to read from a manuscript; that is, in England, for in Scotland the rule) is not so strict. No persmml reference; to her Majesty in the preachers dts- course 13 zyhm‘tbed, a pure Gospel dis-j course, drln't-retl as if the Queen were; not prey-TU, being de rtgueur. Many [ have tried to evade these rules, burl commands to preach have not in these " cases been repeated. The Queen likes I and enJoys a plain, praottcal discourse, , selected from the lessens or Gospel of l the (tay,_to occupv uhnnr ammu- -t- lluw Her and relative." Gilbert showed the papers to Daisy; and before be mild her what he intend- ed to do, she said in her ca0m, w1se Way: "We wp,) put these things out of 518m. and say nothing about. them, Gl'ihori. You are. sate.. and that in a 1,y.ianyrriy(rri'p.arf,rr.arTe7,"t.z.ciir'.ii't' .be found to keep his wife and 1ahild 11) lg- norance of the past. .7 Astbarrk iJLiaT'"" W" TT", ye.. He only. expressed the wish of The second paper was a lletter to Gil- bert, in which the writer stated that .he had now made the tft reparation In his power, and left him ree to make any 1e1t,/r/ it that might beat satisfy On the arrival of the doctor, he said he could be of no service to Mr. Dacon, who had been dead for two hours at hast; the cause of death was prussm acid. So Henry Bacon was consistent to the East, and sought escape from the consequences of his tomes at any cost save that of manfullly enduring them. In Bacon’s private desk was ound a packet addressed to Giifbert, Astbliry, containing two documents. The first was a main tThnosrledgmene of his guilt, and a full explanation of how the frauds for which Gilbert had been blamed were perpetrated. As a part-l ner in the firm, Daoon had the right; of endorsing binds, and ha had forgedl the names of the correspondents who were supposed to have drawn them. In the ordinary course of business, Gilir- bert had at the biMa discounted and received tie money. which he handed to Bacon. Then it. stated why Gib.. bert had agreed to screen him at the sacrifice of his own good name. "But his sacrifice has been a torture to me," the confession of the misertvli'a, man went on. "I did hops to retrieve ev- I erything by my daring specurntions and I to restore Astbury to his right position. l I failed. Great as was the fortune l fiei'tto me, I have lost it all." I QUEEN VICTORIA'S SUNDAISI ton. That lady's iihharr did not pro. vent her from promptly taking the practical measures necessary under the Circumstances. She sent or the doo- tor, and had her insensibie daughter .re- moved to mother room, whete. Daisy preiently came to assist in wagtmg up-i on er. stolen sway from her ta to see how her husband fared. Ill,', seemed to be sleeping so soundly that she feared every mah outburst of merriment. lest it should awaken him. Brand-bf she was rendered uneasy by is stil ness. for he did not seem to breathe. She touched him, and he did not stir. ."Hen- ry!" she whispered tenderly in hm ear; put he made no response. Then, becom- Ing /ylarmyi, she raised his aray.reltyys- ed It, and it tell lifeless by his side. She pttered a shriek of horror and angumh as she tAll upon the bed beside the man she loved and believed to be so noble. The cry atlxacted It. led Let, v’vnho at' once bgought Wa. tiilverr" two-re tt 1.5 mammary for _ to Wear a black gown from a manuscript; that d, for in Scotland the rule ict. No persmml reference n y in the preachers dis- :u'tbed, a. pure Gospdl dis-,' mg! as if the Queen were; being de rLgueur. Many t rttrsart,, 4c__r., - . . (The End.) - __.u was among I but men. I Nnr 'l The stranger gave some proof of his 5 busrnesstr.liia' intentions by exhibiting a. 3’t>oup‘.e of five-pound notes. "These am .'ly? I have." he said; "and I know too . well that no more can be jg',), where "they came from," m, tone " caged as .1119 said this, perhaps Pf_tthuntarjjF,. but |(his hearers, who were among the' most cunning of _thIr class. each , lanced sharply at him, and each felt uddged con- tidmieii from that moment, that he did 'mTeah: btxsmem.’ t I ha an rwen on: " ve a' friend whonygieu help medat iotmie, es fer as our price goes; on in I will? do my best for you in the vegrk."i , "What In your nuns!" denuded .Sparle. " mean, what are we to can ”31:: I can tend Well ol"',,'?,'?'?,, that iw ever you ve us w no ri ht; Ibut we, and? not amu- -L-**‘ yt N a mag Vdono'? . .. . .. u" mum! in 'll my his fifty pounds if he Yiked; but he was not (beaming in for any such money, 'although Steeve Gite-man, who has a nasty temper--1 don't mind saying so More hiTrumay pretend he is wi1'ing to go out, for that) Only that a. second party was necessary, nobody shuuid come in at all]. As it was, the party would have to put down a second fifty, or perhaps a y.tele more according 'to valuation for his share; and even that would not include the betting, for which separate funds must be rovided. This is a brief summary of his lengthy ex- plantation, gwen_by Mr. fiparfii, with divers interpolations by his late pub net. - his . -_ v.7..m\.u ula \qulUIU If the young man was thus proeoeded Mr. Spark- do business sharp, he mu} trcs hors" and van at m p owe, too. who wean an“ mum meeungs, where they were known. "Always on the square. you under- stand," expiained Mr." Spat-la; Mr. Otter- son emphasizing this with an oath or my. as seemed big and.“ -__ ... JV“. LuuuCU. ': An animated conversation folio ‘the first two men appearing in t ,better temper, and preliminaries tolerahi-y well adjusted at once. The business in which the part had been engaged was merely the l oiling in the western provinces wi large van, fitted up for the the of goods; attending fairs and races, doing a Little betting at some of latter meetings, where they l known. “M... m m: manners gave a sardunic laugh, and Otterson said: "Most, of our pals have been like that. at, some time or another-it is a little in my way at present. But if you reaIJy mean busi- ness, we don't care about the 'e.'oud,' am? now_ is‘ygur chance." -nr, "e.-.. .c, my ' Each of his hearers g laugh, and Otterson said pals have been like thw or another-it is a little, present. But if you rea nes, we don't care ahr - kt.” Ala" I can pay a deposit at this women find the rest easily, if your ten. moderate. Do mot he set against account of my Kooks. You may known before to-day others who under a cfoud and glad to be l the way; that is my ease." Each of his hearers gave a sa In"rri, ..-" n“' . - -_"_ vvwnuJ. "In! Bl "We should want. some n interrupted Spark, eyeing siovmll'y figure of the speal man 0 somewhat disauiute with no great favour. "I understand that we”. l turned the other. "1 car wish I did. Man who wi? busineaq, and can put in ti although it is not mueh--; met with every day. I somgghipg to hear of one nor soon enough; perhaps. you ha've got one ready. I don't know a '.iktslier 1mm than Jack Sparle for such 3 dodge." "You know a good deal better than that, Steevc," said Spade, who was the elder of the pair. "You want to quar- rel; but we can part without that. I do ,no,t _1;now__where to find a man; I “"118 l Orn l "It is very wet-l to talk like that, Sleeve," returned the other; "and I don't say I wiy, not settle with you on your own terms; but what would you have said if I had the chucked the affair up as suddemy as this, and left you to find a partner where you could?" "I leave you with ail the best of i.t, d_on’t It" retorted Otterson. "What I! fifty pounds to the value of the things I am giving upt You will find a part- ner soon enough; perhaps you have got one ready. I don't know a '.ilcelier Ij),rl luau Jack Sparle for such a. ' Tho hot gin and water, which should ,lhave been cheering and soothing, fail.. _ ed in its effect, and, indeed, after a second tumbler, their conversation, which had been carried on in guarded tones, grew a little louder, and some personal remarks which were also deti- cient in cheering and soothing qualities, were exchanged, it was evident that business transactions, and especially those at finance, were at the base of all this dispute, which increased in ac- erbily, until Otterson exclaimed: " won't have it, Jaokl--and that is all about it. Pay me out, and IQ go. I) will go cheap. Aa for alt the stock. horse, van, and everything, I don't want them. Give me a fifty-pound note and you shall keep the lot. Only 189315 have a settlement soon." as seemed uhiswcustum on» .77 ers in business; but divers matters had arisen, which need not here be detailed, causing much irritation, with many inn- Pleasant arguments between Messrs. Spark; and Otterson, the two persons of whom we have been speaking, and some of this ulur.taamntneaa was still ferment- ing in their minds. I ed a good axons», if one were sought, [for two men, who walked on the more Etrimmer-ed side of the road, seeking ra- [fuge in the Byerley Arms, a. tavern iwhich stood at an angte just where the wind and rain were coidest. This was mat a. 'sweli" hotel, or indeed, a. high- }clam place at all. Byerley Street w", l low street, and 'the Arms,' as it was usually called, was a. low house; but 8 good fire was burning in its pub- lie room, and save for one man. who at moodin in a, corner with folded arms and half asleep, the friends bed the place to themselves. They were friends, or had been so until lately. and partn-; l CHAPTER I. A cutting March wind, driving before it a small rain, which I little ex- tra sharpness would have converted in.. to hail or sleet, swept Byerley Street pretty clear of passengers. and furnish- run An Altered Purpose " not tui/ui' count for mo nations by hiis lads pair]; at gave some proof of his intentions by exhibiting a. s-Donmi hMa- """ rd conversation followed: men appearing in much l and preliminaries were tu/jusf.eiat once. rp, he" muld go VHF] at. Imp». l - W, mm“ W] . . T, he could go and Ree ,) 81191.5. 1.11 . Hm at 011w, and a?” _ was hung WW“ “My him that I William o Fro .~.ml.1 .'., ,, t lan who will stick to the can put in some money-- nol mueh--are not to be ry dar,, I would give V ,_ a“, mu: t-day others who were "" a.” no rt ht; cue about 'dill much with us, ("HUN itim buy ilced; but by Waa ‘ny such money, well. enough," re- I "I can find some‘ . this moment, and I if yourhterms amt mers’i'y the trait: 'rrand “Raj-to _against me. In fra_rnese-. dker, (filling te appearance, nces with a {he the sale races! and partners T"""'.,, has a out of _""""-"'"" uuu stunned that he .uy gift! ) qu1te still, awaiting the hurrir,re than: In}. I; from the SN'uuig tupusion which sea-tu- , tol ed 'Lnovitahio~ HEEL Wiihout a thought of irersonai dan- [ty.h get, but thoroughny anvv to his cum- Ilhits rade's tvariui. pen]. Overland “brew tlie It rope down again, and made it fast to rith this windings. He seized it, and slip- "t. , Ding, sii1iiug, hand over hand, dusvend- ' (ed rapidiy to the bottom of the, shalt. hm? His feet touched the rock, and with tt a I the agtditty of a at he snatched thc, am I burning use: from the loaded hole§!l t001T)“: explosion was prevented and bus! T/ 11feftipti'. teitpti,tioe,i.iiii'ii. life was T lave y " egress prom 88. but ov_tygu%iT, hands Were bmmd and on Needing from canteet with the rope, Bed but otherwise he m unhurt. and 01,1- tboucht little of what he bed done thr did mud- -5..ln L have the to amaze: Mhiden-.what can a woman a man that has won her aft: fuse: to marry hert Luna-~13 he richt it', hasn't a (Pugh e can nppom . day ol thmhagiving and invite both tn mr';n:nn‘~ ‘ uy a genuine act at heroism, occurred in a Western mine many. A miner by the name of Wiiliam Friend had prepared 1nd Iightud two [Show in a shaft forty feet, deep, and 5 was being hoisted out by a companion, ! William Over'and. i As he reached the top of the ahaftw the barrel upan which he was smirk} ing became detached form the rope, and l Friend was prlcipitaced to the bottom,‘ upon the burning flies. Er.., _..<_.,. . .- wuuus 81111113, up arently in spite to thimscf, had mow-xi1 the lips of the young man while Mr. Spay-1e was speak- ? mg. "I rather like your free and easy :slyle," resumed the stranger, after , ‘brief pause. "Your name, I learn, ls iipar'd, mine will be Frank Rodhury. iHere are the ten pounds. Late as it Is, !I am ready to go on with Lhe business' Ito-night. l wit! see what you have to [often and I am quite sure my friend gwild not mind a, call from me at any hour. Wiy you go on t' I (To Be Continued). _ Heroes abound in ev and many a Hobie act tre'd-aacritiee goes up! known. A spy-in... " Shun-Inca a A _curious struras, tt fhlmsest. had m oung man while B Cl. "I rather .‘iln Ind a'.') our agreements of_mouth." - 7-- - "a... m, 1 stuff heroes are made .il' llllulil0iUt & KEBGAN, A SENsmLE COURSE Lumber, Shingles and genuine an Western m _lr'ir1!2theJhi3-iratrsttssma ','-'hi-ttrssstearssiiGsiiisii -0... -"d Having Completed our Near Factory we are new Drew to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPT“. ts We keep in Stock a large quantity oi) Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the dim out Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheen" our Stock of DRY LUMRE is very Large 1:0 mm "ii _', can be filled. ... [M h" 55.5192}, er _tft,92ifisCii1ijh'k'r'i"dl/h"'l.'d"jtt/f: VATS. tyf?NiiiripnriUVi"Gt 0.0. D. N on... Everglng confidential. t Treatment REE. Sash and__Door Pa?) I Iblivhl " max-rim? “1 Our New Method Treatment wil you}. CONSUUAHON FREE. N, fr.p!len, Frye of gimme. (‘bnrm o inion ttterAChjiruir."TiuA' 'ln.'li',r'kik7,;ffihtgt,iQ pt Mi V v'---., quLAoLu I It“ L of on In“. middle aged men arp TI "S‘Nos thzir 'llf,l'lfo'l dare or early numb.” Tho on“. of only oath. or Inter on I miurw-m ma V theleed. for future gUl'lf,'l'. SELF A303; is a m: will bring- rich harvest. Blood and Private renu- Mu: mung victim. Otte NEW MEI‘HOD TREATMENT win p. duels-x I iii'iiiiii fiiz‘ufi‘i'”a37EdEE‘?:-7 READER! 2.22mi ri,tUrraUOr.7, "'"" tone, iv1ij'/"la'uti,yiig cured of G'ikt and [tpl They 1turqd me In titr dues- ia nix ',u'lfut.T, L A MINER'S HEMitiltr, sli,l,lll,illl!i,Jriglviit,,, _-.-.' I-lIv UUIILUI ‘m weaken} mo physicallyt sen-111 and In into 'decline' 1fi1t"/,iy1i,r,2 Finally 'T & Kama. Nil ',%17i han . I learned had upggd my vi my. I took the tie friend. t ink 1 was cured In Consumption whoEJefo cured. Thou New Media Ila-n ' Ed irii1irriGn".' "rttal,1t', ht "e. n'orwu' l) t a Funk Du. on yyltor'.oooyki my ens. rn Fgy."h?.in? 11:11:11ng in u: a tow qroekts.-. ,iiill!,iyt,!,ttj,j,iiiijji,", ,,ll!lj!,lll!,l,yigf,j)l"iliili, -.... - v-I-v I "M" doctors and nerve tank a l l beam? I nervous wreck, of a tizmlar dam. .dvitse I: eyed. This Wart night , li,!,!]),!!,?,,,)), my. Jllli GRAVE cunzs 'auAitANrEiiriiii-iiDr; In rllll NERVOUS and dupondsnt: 'YNti,tion.ztifiGF,l memory table' eyes mu an. red and blurred; pimplom 1m; haggard lookgng; weak back. bone paim, cola; deponit in urine-11d drain- at stool; d: energy and lmth-WE CAN CURE . Inn-ulna Fluc- In a I'omrnm-‘s “he VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILIW SYPHILIS, STRIOTURE. GLEET, SEVEN/51L WEAK. NESS, PIMPLES. LOST MANHOOD, 'i4Nh'tiju DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER UfSEASF-c name act of devotion and goes unpublished and un- serious accident, toilowed IT YEARS IN DETROIT? -- - .~- - .... uuul L. In 1 1111111.)" and nerve man a by the goon without' benetiv, um ir, m , I nerwm met. A {Hand who had been cured by I ,iti,1it'geiiiifiiiig no to !"Pgthe I did so and if f, ' I'm I 13135.0. Innowmu-riodm Li 5. W. " Wu, Saginaw. I "Varlcocele made life min-n locELE 0118:”. Duncan. (“a sunken. ! nail Lion. b. Writ "" l ”a--. ,7 . in every walk of wantn do when her affection re- NW- _-vv.. “a!“ will I II " tn nun. Had taken mercury for MI I [9%, t'y'a.l.'p'ui and blotchu on the skin. td w Pang. 19111;: on]: of hair. wan... m n. - 7 7‘... v.- uuu mun. ug ‘o-ns u falling out of hair weakness. etc. My! I'lt Stu-inure by Dru. Kennedy 1.de Kenyan in u lbw weeks. and t thank God I consulted u u.."..-? P. I" Jackson. Illfitprfirpttrti cum no was 5111111.. m the rope, and ty? the bottom, Hus right " personal dan- ve to his cum- land threw the Aade h fast to d it, and slip- haqd. descend- had Gse.-rii ,,__- --- -IWHWI I learned " on ,llyttlexuuri an? 8fl"8,t, kindly doctrim u 'ttton. y a o on frtsitor,' " :ted , land); t lam-dune TRUTH 'a1'i' ti,",," Ch, It). I took the N" Method Treulm'cut and Ludotooh-nm don. “new. sent. them many Tm: New Irena! Treatment supple: Tltr n 'mo ttttilslt,ttiooddum- in mm s- Time In are by word A victim? How. you lost hum? Am no? line your blood been dimmed? Haw Int win can you. What it ha. done for C) {55.110 matter who 'it't,rrgifi.iitrj' . reel ml; 9. . -." tl, bliie4.n.d.kiii0Fiir3r7, 2 cents. ammo semen] hunili.w I" nervous. out sunken. til-hf; Hanna" opened my eyes. Ibo Am Inn-J - - - 1,, . - J. P. mum LN" au,' Mttyr, Ajtltooji lea In Stoc k. 1 WEKEHM Confiding Boo-Mol be but way to ropouo to a 1t,lft,'ru'a,f, the rigl along. my son. you won't vice. has been recorded. l‘hr' of travel by . wave tHe that of one caused my " When I?“ of 61-2 tl, VII attuned. i. e., about 16.8 mi ratio of height In I to tt in a nm'iur I strong Wind ttttd u waves of gum! Kaufman: a spvgd feet lo 86.4 feet moderate breeze we: wake: debilirarrd: Aired mm " mom?" poo‘r: and“, tum-no.1. ex hr; 4 pimpuon 1u8v, nuns mm ticlr, 1.1 hon-Mina tuition-o: mom; bow u.._ It "ooh 'lsi,'b"lihtr, want of “Admin“ ouné YOU on ASK we PA y. to he 1.150 feet. he estimated the Null miles an h feet per arc-1M. {allowed each or! lecunds. and he m SPEED or" 0 Dr. G. Schott, a on the movements Hunted their grv [mm which he 0' ', 200.000 CURED, PATIEN'FEH: NG NO L05 N in 15,111,531 l No.l488HELEYST. u DETROIT, MICH, f. Killing tram the consulted than. i Mil pe r 24 l I) ir yu ll CONFIDENTIAL .31wa " ND R!SK rs, WM” ' girl! l. m 4" mod "I, LI punk" a, know“ arm?“ as I iib* att alt 19."!qu Gadi 'o"u'iWtt Ruth-d u ' a. c, mu. 'fy PM who nit ' two F: ddreu. I (lltt haw “a...“ " G be s! tatt “mi '17" sllt'ltit r TM or, Link reli Nd ”an tn. a! ”I. Id it} DAN. E? LICENSED AUCTIO d an]. All com Ito-d to [IA-[mat o. l tthmtled Io. one. My d Baum Horse Shoei h the old stand. _ made shoes. JAMES L0 88053 _etd mm L Ha Opened out o in and Insurmce A vayanoor. Commune " mod “than! now “up!” nude. manna NC. " LOAN otlowou‘ I,“ door m at I. In“ - for Con-tie] of B leil---Eiq I... Ra [GERBED AUCTION ‘01»qu at any. I“. " u ”an Mu. Altite iiiifii MI! PUBLICJSOII-I ZONBY To LOAN. ALLiit my; HUGH MC “CELLAR .P.TELF mm. ttullmlt ll [mum . L. McKE s. REGISTRY 09121 I. t Pt., WWW“- J tit t 52'. [HESS DIRT -ss-=="'=="' LEGAL WOODW P"" -- WM“, orders by I a 'iiieittie: “a. I to uni. tho oibsseril r it if he who: it out " Framed. upon I put - tor “In limit. » 'h. as" I tg','."," vheth" dir 'or 'hOUlOf no”. ruwwbh f, n A__ I.- br,'rrii? it - m P" . II! cow-n to "ndl t?itt', ":1.“ It,', wl " " " . (I h a} anlu"Gi' rclass Best Hut ram It in oonnecti A itrst-olaat, J obe [and in bi in“. DIM I Fin [mural on tuna-733(01- “a! you sell .-ma.de &te “I. tthe, DURHA MW" _ '.'rauel. t _ -Mo" C) Aswan; Madame so Promptl JAR uaht 3 EVE; T.. - to"? the KR MI - a 060.

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