West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Dec 1896, p. 4

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u . '. _ . c ', I: , t " 'u, s,'s u , mr' .. ' ‘d . k q ' on ri . 'lt, fr, 'iti'i/ii,,,,ji go I»?! "hit - V--..V...-.... mu UMeaGetl In this part last Saturday by the news that One of our residents had met with a war: sudden death. “appears that. Mr. D. but-lie. of the 6th mm. had occasion to clean out an old well on his premises and for this purpose he Rot a man with the usu ll rigging. It was one of those we". crihbed with stone. U a living Ut down'the man declared £3: it was; not safe “(I he would not my and , A few days ago white cu; worth De t. Reeve' was shingliug i verandag in from. of his house he lost, his fuming and came to the ground nocompanied by; bunch of shingiea. A scrntchad face and frizhtened man WM the result, but Bot, is none the worse. Quite an excitement was created in chi. “a... t..-s u-d-u-A'nr . "h ”nun" """'""'", \VulC" 'ceztaiuly gives room for careful proced- ure. .Counsel has been employed, and the cm will be taught out without frtnch- )ug. The public will watch with some interest the outcome of this case where the local struggle is between Mayor and Merchants. The whirr of the Elsetric Railway is notyn cvidonre .vel, but, evtdence of an- other kind will be taken on thv15th inst. when the ttyF'ty of those who put their name down for stock will he call. ed upon to ahow cause why they should not pay the second enstaltnent of their subscription. They are being sued in the name of provisional director Laid- law. who must ha sum of his case, for tin the event of his being beaten it is more than likely that a counter case will be entered to recover monies al-, ready paid to him. I u we remember aright that Mr. Pew shuuld uut he receiver, Now, if the parlimnenmry committee of the house made this change. an inroad has been made s',",', the original condition, which nun-On?“ " _......., --e- - -. A This Railway we hope is not. a myth, and if genuine evidence' can be presented that it wsll go on. the subscribers will he only too glad to pay. The condition as we remember it was that the 2nd payment was to be made when the charter was granted. The churler was granted, hui on condit'ons if wb remember aright that Mr. Pew should not be receirer, Now, if the PTlitu.tyxyta.ry commune of the house The ladies of the church arc mak. ing pravision tolentertain them royally, mm the REVIEW as representing the citizens, bids both bodies a welcome to the town. This is the annual meeting, and we believe is to be of great interest. Two members of the society here are on the the programme, and Mrs. Watt, Guelph, a prominent worker, will de. liver an address. We hope they may have profitable sessions. V ,V_ .. v...uuo A VI. ““53. 000' iety, a body whose meetings are. most interesting, whose Workers are de, voted, and whose work is beyond all question one of the noblest of modern philanthropic movements. This body meets in Durham next Tuesday. his mm med of the min- isters and eldet'snt f’rcs. churches in Mt, Forcst,Cliiibrd, Tayi'iston, Pahn. erston, Arthur, Holstein; Dromorc, Ayton, Knox Nox-manlw, Woodland,' and several other country congrega- tions, and it will be seen that Durham is tht very north of the iield. Along with this body comes the Prosbytrerial Women's For. Miss. fut, The management ot the Public Libary in giving to the town a concert ofa finst class order intend it for an education for the young as well as a ttvt",?:,', for the old and for this reason ave reservud the north wing of the hall for the school children, Tickets have been reduced to lie or two for 250. Let the children wine. Covxry COUNCIL -rFift: and deputies are this we fkmnd ehyeing up the bus year, and making provisi own funeral. 39 of them back anyway. We haw about the success of the n It breaks the Tntinaeity ( lite, as hereafter a town must be idle a year before for the County position. ""'-ltte Untario Government has withdrawn from sale 5001) acres in the district where Coal is reputed to be found near Sudbury. Good, keep_lt out of the hands of speculators, till Its true value is Known. Dr. Middlebm has been appointed goal Surgeen end Mr. W. C. Heming, of the business College, Co., Auditox} at the meeting of the County Counml Tuesday.' Thanks Reeve Binnie for} the intormation.' ELECTRIC RAILWAY LAWSUIT "umc country is wronged with strang- ers, and hotel accommodation is taxed “Severely in Rat Portage and Fort Francis as m Russiand and Sandon. ---The Ontario Government has withdrawn from sale 500!) acres in the district where Coal is reputed to be found near Sudbury. Good, keep it out of the hands of speculators, till its true value id lInruv" tRainy River District draws as well as Rowland. A dcspatch says: The whole counzz'y is wronged with £1“:an ---The election trial in North is revealing some bad work i the Indians, and it is likely the ion will be thrown. Roseland pays live thousand 1 of a weekly wage bill. It cor to draw crowds and is drawin American' railways. Great i power ot gold. It has been one l main agencies to scatter men (we earth. --Climrrd Sifton Fm“! by ace]: an: SOUTH 263153102; T. IDITORIAL NOTE ANDOOMKENT. 'huham. , SA UG EEN PRESB rrEIrr, c success or the new scheme. "sthe Tntinaeity of municipal hereafter a township omecw idle a year before he can run '.u.nt-- - ... 6ttt ity/iii] 1' 2hur. Dee we“. -rFifty five Reeves are this week in Owen rup the by_siness of the 3rot'thcniGi, not go We have our doubts .¢-..- '0 has been appointed ad Mr. W. C. Heming, College, Co., Auditor, of the County Council ,nks Reeve Binnie for e remember it was t was to be made 3 granted. The ill". 'ln conditmns won was elected in acclamation on Friday xty comes the "or. Miss. Sue. tings are. most rkers are de, 'e thousand dollars bill. It continues d is drawing two a. Great is the [as been one of the Met men over the on for thei) work among .l.. ‘I . North Bruce woe FOR MEN AND WOMEN to 310 per week for may Chlld can u'oit. " Mic-r. 04 dun. This m not": tue. bend sun and )micuhn at once. THE SEX PLT 60x "senittTrunini, Caz-dun NJ ', 'ge. Secure your tickets and h: seats reserved for Kleiser Rec 7:h, 25 cents any sent in c Swath wing. North wing rese children at 15 cents or two fort' Plan at Durham Pharmacy. [Our correspondent sends In some itt- tm'esting "personals" which space and other considerations compel us to omit, Meanwhile Love's young dream will go on in the Grove as well as in thezcutles of the Kings. Ed.] . Mr. N. McIntyre, Jr., and Mr. Ed. Nct'lockute, visited friends here on 22nd inst. . auu I). min-lair ave adouble clog iiiiiif, brought down tie house. Miss M. Ccnkey attended a ttuty ' arty. (he of our sports while seated on a fox run lately gut wearied at the ani- nml’s delay in coming. and dozed off to sleep. Reyna"! of course, got past with out molestation. A number of Grove young rpoople :3)th an enjnyahle evening at. Mr.' A. U. i cLeau's Friday evening last. and on same evenin others enjoyed themselves at Mr. Jas, 1fh'2fifflue,?t" Mr, M. Henry purchased a thorobrod betpester ram at Mr. Hugh Mt-Fadyen's sale last week. Cmnmendahle enter- prise Mike. eleeic ult‘.‘___JOlln Ned rt hur, of the Grove, gave a delightful party on Monday even mg a week ago which was poorly nt- tended on account, no doubt, of the in- rlemoncy inf the weather. Although the gathering was small. dnncmp; sing- ing and instrumental music made up " pleasant evening. The musicians win- l ning much praise. MISS B. Hazard and H. Hogarth rendered " The brave Vol- unteers " with much power and ex res- sion. Miss Hutrhisdn, ot Sand iii“, sang 6t I know a little Fellow " and was heartily encored. She. is a valuable ae- quisition to the musical t.alent of the Grove. Miss Hazard alone sang " Beau- ty's Eyes," in an artistic nmnner and bowed to a well deserved encore. To end the night’s sport Messrs Jas. Henr and D, Sinclair ave adouble clog which brought down tie house. Miss M. Ccnkey attended a talfy i arty. Miss J. Carson intends leaving the Grove for Cleveland, Ohio, in a week or two. No doubt she will be missed when she is gone. Mr, 11.1011" McArtlmr, of the Grove, gave a delightful party on Monday even Inga week ago which was poorly at- tended on account, no doubt, of the in- clemcngy inf the weather. Alfhmm" Mr. Duncan Sinclair is visiting his sister, Iles. McKinnon, of prucet'G., at present. We,wish him a pleasant trip. Mr. Yorke Richardson. ot Chatuwot'th is visiting his SoP-in-law, Mr. A. 0. Mc- Lean. lie has brought his gun along with him to enjoy a few dare, binning in the abundant swamps of t ie Grove. Mr. Sam Carson visited his mother at Vandelenr on Fridnr. She hay been dazzgczously ill of late, ml is improving again. Two young men from Scotch Town attended " party given by A. C. Me Lean, of the Grove.' last “wok. One of than: h ul the experience“! Iidiug home on foot next morning. Too bad. Mr.Dum'nn Sinclair is vuitireg his sistpr. 1,'rc \L.L':...‘.‘.. . n ___ A citizen of I’riveville. who toils at the anvil appeared at the Grove wah un in hand on a h.unting expidition. M'///, in the wr,oils. hemwuuuH-wd a black and white "nimal, with ir he (exchanqu no “unis, but has since tried to hmy all thought: of his adventure as well as his mums. i HELP Quite a large number were out hunt- ing; Thanksgiving day. A strange way of giving thanks. What we would like to know : Who slept in the new hodse without, pcnniusiun ? What takes Tom west so often P If the ynung man from the South Line enjoyed his drive last, Friday. ly Master Jdhn L. A week with his aunt. the Shuth Line, l his gum, very much Mr. and M rs. F. l The Valley was always n ties. The first of the seam at Mr. J. 1McDopald's, whe enjoyed themselves but am Miss Flockhavt attended I the b'duth Line. where she a evening long to be rememh Mr. MUD'm twine must be quantity that I Sunday night, harvest boys. Messrs Mat-Kechnie Mid Sullivan from C'ylfuurmood, were visiting at, Mrs. A. Mclntyre's last week. . Quite a number from here were up to Owen Sound but week to settle Hume dispute about their farms. They seem to have come home pleased with their trip. They thought it would he hotter to settle at. once and let those who did not feel comfortable coma home. Hi. visited The temperance team that was hold- ing meetings in Holstein last week are hold meetings in Woodland this week. They had their first meeting last Sun- day night. It was well attended the temperature hall being well filled. Of course it, is gospel temperance. no can- cert or any such nutmense. Their ob- ject is to build "il the temperance cause Hi this place, Vtdnesday night thev are expected to take pun in the Y. P. S. C. E. meeting. . ! came up. Mr. Currie was not gatufled l but Went. down to examine it himself. ‘He put one foot in the rope and the tother man lowered him down. When down a. distance of about 20 feet he some way or other loosened some of the stones and before anything could be done the whole mass was upon him, help was at, once scouted andtwillinF bends were at work but all of no avai . After six hours of hard work the body was taken out dead. Mr. Currie was one of the pioneer settlers. having came here about 40 years a o. He wasa good neighbor. soda. kiutf father, although over 60 years of age he was as smart and active as the most of ho s. He leaves a wife and!) tons and g daughters to mourn his loss. the youngest being 7 years of age. They hive the sympathy I of the entire community. _ wa f ted at M {ii V A" .u .. van-nun“ "u- the musical talent of the ; Hazard alone sang " Beau- n an artistic manner and vell deserved encore. To ry sport Messy? ths. Henry "'ato-ririG7iri": tici1stt.tyye, have; in!” MAPLE GROVE. B ALSAM VALLEY. v. berm slum ' for war; THE i'l'i'rl'll'olhi SUP Cumin NJ _ es but one. - attended the dance on 'here, she spent, another " remembered. Alt-Donald spent last st, Mrs. McDimald, on He likes being with :1. Mpkinnon alwaws noted for par- DI‘.- “DA A . _ thinks that binder ting cheap with the across the glen road lave your Lwiue till awn took place ,,I 1mm, of Itunes- y"etgason's lust we every one Davrs--At Iot2, "on. elit, on Monday I Maud. yuunge-st t and Mmy Ann Du: months and2 days. Gys,r-yArrt.--At the resid, bride’s parents, on Nov 2 giving Pay, by the Rey. Dr. Arthur IGim, Innorki ence, only daughter of Mr. l rtyhsaa.m..-rpaows.--At th of the hrideU parents on V Nov. 25, by the Rev. Wm. Durham. Dr. Thus. Willian Ipetroit, Mich.. to Jess": daughter of Mr. Joint E Durham. Dugald Currie. of mom. met with his br: the caving in of Miss E Rum, teacher. Alsfeldt, called on her sister Mrs. W. S. Horsbutgh. She was home spending Thanksgiving with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Georg. Rama, South Bend. The company out. them must ugxee with her, she Innlna uni-x“ 3: v I Mrs Wm Main, and son John returned home on Monday after spending Thanks. giving week with her mother Mrs. A. Vance. of Moshoro. Ms. Neil McKeHar. of Mt. Forest, wen TbunkSgixmg day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Own t, Mr. Jae. Murdoch, Inspector of Weights and Measures. came home ttt Thursday to ftety his wife, who. we are) sorry to any I is not rallying very fast. ___ -"'Ht uuu " “Xi notions and words mowed hia int.~x~iiuuu were plainly to Commit a criminal c'rititritlt on two “er girls of about 10 yes y, old. Pergomu conducting themselmd so should be puniahed With the utmost rigor yt the new. "-_" V-“_“,. Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp, of Dan. dulk, naked his brother. W. J. Sharp on Saturday. Ab. Rico. of Riverstou. paid out Lure a f1siug visit. on Thuuksgiyiug. The Rm. Mr. Phillips. of Alan, for. merly of Hulszem met with what might have been amore serious, accident. than it was. One evening recently, ramming home ttom Crockbauk ho Was thrown from his buggv and alighted on his head. which was badly cut, and besides he was aev: rely Muir-rd on other parts of his body, he did not make any of bit ap- pointrueuts on the Sunday following, but will won be all right. again. _ One day last week an old mm of this [ village eutrrcd aneighhur‘s house humming I the elders to be absent. and by lna "Minn: Am] n......1- -t_, , - . _ .""--"" u." u. vuuu DOUGH on Friday but on bunness. Abb Paul returned home on Fnidny from Killuruey, Manitoba. where he has ban) for the pad fow mouths, ho report-s cold weather out there, but it appears lo agree With him, as he looks well. Saephen Smithera, of Brampton,'. visited a. few of his old friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp, of Dan. dallr, v1sited his brother. W. J. Sharp on SnLunlnv Kev. J. M. Mil Wednesday (that weeks in Toronto places. The day previous and almost next door Miss Jessie A. Brown w ts united in nmrriage to Dr. Thor. Wm. Forrester. of Detroit", Mich, The bride took a very prnmizwnt part in c. Eudenvm' and other, church won-kin the N. West where she has been for five years and the t'e- "'srtet't and esteem held for her here when) she is well known is very marked. Dr. Forester was "ttached to the hospital stuff of the Mnuntm! Poliee for some years, and has n wide experience. We wish the young couple much happiness in their. umtriumniul ynyuge. Miss Vuir’s place in C. Endeavor, and Sunday School ,vork will not, efsily be. filled. and we have no doubt, that the people of Innerkip will learn to upprecn- ate the worth of the bride as they will that of her husband by this time, _ Mrs. Vain Gulf, grandmother of the I bride, Mrs. McCanress, a cousin, also of Gait. and Miss Batson, Brnntfm-d. Were gut-Ma from outside points in addition to relatives of both parties near by. The lives and loves of the young couple have been an open book to Due.. haul, where they were always held in the very highest esteem and while we mvnd after them the warmest. of editor- ial good “isms fur their wclhive, we are hut, “Arming (.'rc. cmmuon scrnizm-ntl of their ham ' hwy“. I After the ceremony the guess” part ook of a wedding breakfast in the hospitable home of the bride after which, a merry bridal mrty escorted the happy couple to Mt. honest where they took the down train to Toronto. The bride was the recipient of many handsome and useful presents from her numerous friends and relatives. This took place at the residence of Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Vair. whose fair and only daughter. Miss Florence, woe united in marriage to Dr. Arthur Gun, now of Innerkip. but formerly in fact and largely yet in fancy, of Durham. The room is the second son of Dr. and Mrs. gas. Gun whose long and successful Eractice in Durham and neighborhood as made the name a household word. It Wag a _very pretty chrysanthemum wedding. The ceremony “us perform- ed hy the Rev. Mr. Jansen, the ht',',?, couple standing under a. beautiful 'fll,1f,'ati bell of Chrysanthemums and smilnx. The bride was given away by her father and looked (-lmrmmg in a dress of we in) Sicilian and chiffon and the usual veil and orange blossoms. She carried a. boquetof cream roses and maiden hair fern. Miss Maggie Gun, sister. of the groom, was bridesmaid and looked love- IV in pale pink and pink roses. The groom was sup urted by Mr. Will Vail, brother of the bride. On Thanksgiving eve I. young man from Inna-kip arrived in Durham and went " next da with one of Durham's fair maidens. Fd thing wu done in broad daylight and never a reman- utmnce uttered, the bold robbery tak- ing place in the rescues of relatives of both parties, wit?) a clergyman assisting in the theft. v “w a. . u". o, JN. II. Monday Yor., 30th Staph-ms LOVE AND ORANGE BLOSSOIS. y quer an abs-0:150 of a few Toronto, Diminai, and other MARRIED. ll. Milicr returned homo on DIED. and Mrs. Georg. Rawu. 118 company out them her, she looks splendid. I. of the 6th com, Egre. his death on Saturday of a welt. In, [hum-Rig. to Flor-' hterof Mr. hoa.Vair. WN.---At the. residence rent; on \Vedneaday. Rev. Wm. McGregor. ms. William" Fox-eaten. to Jessie Ann, oniy l John H. Brown. HOLSTEIN. was in Own Sduud on residence of Nov 2& Tho, Nop 26, Thin}; REY: A. Jansen. the bull uuumo Mil [1111111315 5' ,urg a. f Are not Ancient but f r, for 5 might tl . ar1"/t/l, MODERN. I brown 5 I head, ------ I l a wage f of l 1 " 1111': A. GORDON E - :. but Q . f this L.----------"""""""'" a s'." 'll' MMMZWJ I iionu ' tsrrult McLaohlan q ', Old. zould f f the I ' we, . OPENING I . I ylr' With New Groceries, t . New Canned Goods, Pe, res , vil 'ettlig New Owe/my, and thar,, m 4"“ Glassware. ”1“ day as any - M"""" f I I ‘1. Fruits & Confections! ' of all kinds. Remember I "Our American Cousin" rendered by Grenville P. Klgilor, Town Hall, Dec. Tth, l If you want Bargain, this month to. The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moif'at will be rushed off at low prices to; make room tor New Goods} arrived and arriving. I McLaohlan i' CALDER av Lima-m, 'it)rir(s, . OPENINGIIIIW ih& aid Watches “.000 't'trtrt'ttrtn'tnrtnnirtrtrtgtststr Men's mack Cooney Caps, either wedge shape, or with band, worth $2.50, special at 81.90. Men's Electric Seal Wedge, lwstSatiu lining, regularly worth $5.00, special a: 3. 75. A. McLA CHLA my, (Mofat’c Old Stand.) a"-"--.---.-: Men's Coon COM, trimmed and lined, in the best of style, worth, $32, special at 828. . 1 Ladie’s Greenland Seal Cape, 25 inches long, with storm collar, and quilted satin lining, regularly sold at 5522, special at $18.50. Men’s N atria Collar & Cuffs, regularl y sold at $8, spec- ial at $5.25 set, Ladie's Grey P. L. Gauntlets, French Kid Palms, reg- ularly sold at $6.50, special at $5.25 pr. Childreh'is Fur Set, containing Cap, Muff, and Storm Collar, in Grey 1m. P. L., regularly sold at $4.50 Set, special at 3.25. ALIVE. m: cums MI cums With the Snow flying and the Thermometer going down. its time to t FURS. Considering the HARD TIMES we've got too many of them have to tnm the edge off the prices and make them go. No matter, WANT IN THAT LINE whether its a COAT, a Cl PE, a CAP, or WE can save Yoo money on them. FOR QUALITY WE INVITE COMPARISON Are not dead but A Jar, RAMSAY & MORUtytr,t,K '""'s'06)eo-etoeseesocxsoeae arge assortment of Fancy Border Handkerchiefs opened out this Week. (tti Illlllllll , _ , " . ._ Eilii SLT‘1’1-. I iiiEiilll2%eSBi, K1N, "'eeeer Aee..-e Trrr _ - qt.1W_EP, _.----- L, come CALDER’S BLOCK lt was bred " Wakemun. Ohio, record. Pedigve application. The undersignud will kee at hlt,t,egaiittiLLiir 17 0019- hour. Jvo. Momma-1:. Boekr Sumo. Nov 28, m RE VIE W and cLjirE" REVIEW and Daily World RE VIE W and SUN, I?" VIEWami Wilma , Other Paper. 1100 'fit",,,,,,,. CESH AND ONE PRICE CHESTER WHITEBOAR _ Tho undersigned otters for all Pent that desirable park lot, in Village of Priceville, formerl Ot by the late. James Cameron. Ll tains 13 acres all under cultivation. the lot is a. good house. and t also at good bearing Omhard For terms of sale or rent apply to JOHN MclNNIS. nu u,uuu rarm or loan 31m a very low nte of interest. Business, "rielily Pro au. an 2 (‘0an and Full Stocks of Organs. Sewing Machines, Readies, Oils am. HARBIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. MONEY 'io LOAN---"2’ for other goods. about. the first of lioxggzbe} Bargain t. PLOW S. -,r,1/,t'el,"r, The season wil We luve bought a Ergo ttock from I Arr, and other large Manufacturers from $5.00 upwards. (ivi,'1yy1',?,r,ppp)i7i'apir_t; FEED BOXES prices you cm afford to buy. We bang)”, our tctt give our customers the bandit of the banning. kinds. viz; Fancy Cooking Stoves. Parlor Sam Ih able Heaters. ac. Come and See Them BNTINCk‘, Tu; NOTICE TO TEE}: Ivcrs3J. fiyir'OvEtir./,it Want to inform you, that w '.__, --- .... _ stock of Slows, (4-...- ph,-urn in “Washington” PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. I. Ohio.' and Gr, Pedigree may be trrtt1. .hr B, H, THOROUGHBRED CLUBBIN G. §¥§EGES CUTTERs d; ROBES--- ’. ONE DOLLAR. FOR PRICE. WE DEFY COMPETITION I soon be here for thii.se uni lkeye for service 'co§. I. w. G. “how well bred For the bnlnnce ottho season we will give you bargain: Plomr, " we nut to clan out stocks and trske m . Todd & Sou Bark lqt. Tn" all cultivation. On illilifWfjiiy'"i" "riiieifiii'a' Priceville. mm.-. min“; can nuns, regularly Sold at " ial “game u I: 50, Ladic's lack um . ll .; regularly sold t 2t,ihl, at 's's."df. , & La ie’s Blk. Persian Lamb Mulls, regulurly s 86.50, s ial at $5.35. A few (“alarm Collars to be cleared at cm! m: 6 50, soecial " sn.dC" quic's Baltic Seal Muffy, r0 MGM-)3? 909mm Cc1,ea8qattqe,atsa Ladie‘s Arctic Sable Mum, am --___._. ‘-.. -- Muffs. _ -v...\.. villi, [URINE special at "3. 25. Men's Im. P. L. Caps, regularly 501d Ment Im. P. L Caps, regularly mm Ladie's Sealctte Cape, regular} y sold . JCI - W" W.25, special at 82. (5. Men's Australian Beaver Cap, nmninl at “9 oe 819133 Astrachan ck from the Massey Harris, Co., Wags-an 'acturers. We can we you San and Con. (an "'"" Eggs. per dos ... -... C14? Chickens. for pm: W.tro Ducks " 31.85 LOWER T O W N ttNr: I Flour per bbl ........... or them ”tides. Our first slnpments will #1 Don't hi1 to be Hound and see them, and If?” owned t con- barn, " oi Stoves. ever shown in Durham, 5nd e hangm our Noyes at right prices. mi! There will he rented or sold on I?” able terms that. 100 acre farm on Gr!“ Ned. Lot 2. Tp. of Esme-mom. tjood balsam and 0mm. an to R. Guns y Durham Wdod. 4 feet Wood. 221mb I Tutkerr, pet lb .. Geese " l Hidoa, ... ... Cidsliins, ... . tfiteep.tiitus each . Hay per ton ... ... Strut per ton ., PotatoU, per lug 1opue " Oatmeu per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per cwt ... Fall Waeat per bushel Barley, " Peas, " Oats, " _ Dr'd Haas. per out l noe., live weight ... ' Lard per lb ... . Tulloit per lb ... ' Butter per ttr, Tub ... . " Roll .‘ humus. Y 'arhor Stove.) DURHAM MAEKE'Y. Corrected each tecek by Geo. s'purlt.q Farm to Rent or Sell. on Good Farm or Town Il ttt We have a law-:0 amount of i Wedge Ca p, .. "I I hat ttt ter w N22113:, or a MU". l as at tight prim-9. sun cu have vour choice ch ' Casi Stowe, Bot Sm rectum)- sold gil ! a rl y r, regular,, r0trularly m It tta Sold we have the In! tem, and “I mm 40to ttTut Otto 600to 409t Mttt 10atto: 400to 025:. 026trt 150” BIC. 200to 50to 6uto 085to O'25tt 040m 020to 400w tt26to new Otto 010w 12w Oliw‘ at 75e at 50c. at 85e, “Wm 'ly sold at a u ttit 10m gm " " " " to“ ma 05 " for“ t 40c you att It 012 um " " " 2:1 " " m Dunn my nuns, ad Pam General. will 9ttom until noon, on F Pubs-r. MRM. for mm vi WV": Mails. on A pm " but your: 3 times I max-en Hattovcr,i opened on lp 5.. Township of Bent) bioiriiii January ttel nfr'ttted active. contain r the Count v "((5 rry. l (jump: of “ammo; an e'd'owtt of Due-hum. That a Meeting " t Ittsstors “and DwisIIm me Town Hall in the 'row', m Monday the txt 9nd tam-m!” was at I “much purple of muniumting 1 he estBre of County cu "thte, COS,',',",.',", y Cou! . um t um the new-sq ’mm luv pruptns'l-d tau-I I pull wtll he n|wu1 the 4th day of January [hum-(Icing " 9 "Thu-l 'oaettesatd dining ttt 5 1 <.e.maoet of the saun- dd . an under-my hand in ""'M'ttumt um Condition 111rMret may he seen am af WiiiG; may be nbtnill‘ Seri; v5 Rinorvr and " a; ac,' Third County Com No', ire is hereby g a Eiecuo of the iii',ii)1iii'y.', MAIL CON {'5 WILL A3't 01:5 A'hA' T u: ' Watch this s ELEG IT3N N lil 'iliir' an WAR TO WA' a... m. an DENTIS wave. Albums, Laid Fancy lest bindings. All uve, Douuu , '0 own, Girl: I, Leisune Hou: my at Home, & g doubt about but you canm m . mistake in have, ”he: INSPECTOR "ford 2ikd Ocloix-a um) FOR ’0 W, Cor. 12 m {Mining 1 u Good title .i L For further inf are, ';T- G. HOL GG ii Imam.“ Do an Pha, Mauve first ' 're. Durham. to suit tt ., Family Pmentatk at Bibles i: binding' books, Hr . Bound, all the diff Morocco b: In IcDoncALL. IJACKux, il, tuctuv', I tmaS iday Jaw Price-ville " womb. 0d RDS om ple ancy ll L. Te f It! tr l mu.- dd band in dar of I i'BURGl Ill (0' cl an ttt

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