West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Dec 1896, p. 5

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L Tp. of P"""'" - 1 0 h ’. It re an R. (1'an M. he“ I be rented or 9011100” but 100 acre farm on GEL. Ott andke per bag boas-:5 er sack cwt new lb " fNr to Rent or Sell. 2direrchieti HE Tu b a 23305» f d; ROBES Marty a regular 2AM MARKET. ' " ’.- by Geo. Spud” bi t! " ii/i' 7 ETITION‘ IMO] D BOXES tire vcu bargain! ' wigs and make gum-1y t Co., “meson: raw and Corr. Cowl My ttt upmeuu will an: a them, and gut ti .. 600to .. 40to .. Mto .100dtto . 400to .. 025:0 . 025w . 160D red rum! of it to bl “our” Mortgapa, It “.21 1mm. 1 we have tha In. 1) Durham, 3nd (at prices. uni I Your choice a! 55m“, Box Sm Id " y sold at y Sold " “m . Suki at 't.tio, ,L LIC regularly o salmon“ 200m " goto ' at 85e 0330 0410 tr10to P2to 012w mm 40to Wm tMio o " 096to " OM" " 040m 4t J20lo " 4mm no Moos: m 25 sold " g. tordfi 85e. for at is to 10m iao 0 " an) 0 13 H " " 840 t um, Sold tt Ir.ili has ici: 1riGG; mun 'tretiat "113:5 tti,' "V a", U)" r, my}? “Manning _tale. ( 3N For 03mm my m Nttaaate, Gone: Nahum“ mm WWW. 1808, n UPIAUZD TENNII'E Wu -e. - ll""l'-mtp>(' . , fultlressed to meldwrll pflencht-d in his place here very ”hm“ [//,e,C",','," will he received at . acceptably. . ' 2n: rt , yt . . Numb“ N2; I',",', f, " Friday, the 4th l Everyone is glad that Dr. Lnnderkin ”my" It i' y, f "tlve.vatu'e of Her _ M. P. of Grey did not accept a. Senator- lurium pun :; 'Cy,',,"',':':"?, ciTtnrir,r)htrt. The. House of Commons would Far, Lawn”, “mm-0: P" week eturh 1 be poorwithunt him. He looks vener- tfren, fre “Wm! CP, "Ad, -?Jl.f'w, Post able. when he tries to be serious. but he and Tim-"gm " i,"j,,ei'nt2r'2j"t 1003;,- is still n. young man. United Canada. $31.19 1st lrlmuu-v Int-it ( A u oc '/ollC'e mrdnm‘u . . . y' Re be t h Kl . . . 1 bm, 'io F """tu'ntttining further in- mam. If. . t. e etser recita M mum "ot,,tCri...,,, u: .‘..,...,..-,. Monday nitthtisin aid of the Public -. 4,_ ‘-. “a" h. T 05% -- w-uv m January next. Nr,ted nntit'os mmmining further in- bnwLiiii',"t',', conditions of proroud Imtew map be seen and blank 0m" "(Trader mks he obtimed at the Post 0mm at Hanuyrr and Lamina}! and u tla ”FL... ll mi: Mo! 10 Whll T0 HIV 'ttst In M). MAIL CONTRACT. lit No 27, _ 0mm: rrsyyrtroRdiwrrcat, $1th d Md October. 1896. [$1.265 DENTISTRY. - ---, "“75." ii." Most-1»: JM’KLIN, Hanover M.. ;.'.n', Durham r as? in}? Taxman, Ban-rim: a hruiii, the Nan. 1 31mm “can ELEG BUN NOTIC l h have t' 0ssu, mus ’l.eisme Hour, PM at Home, dur. indoubt about a hm you cannot he IrurGrd - P L Residence fir, 990% Durham a! 152.435."? 13 itiiyde"ii,lr!ri'tkil ices to suit LAND FOR SALE. at L88 take Ill. G. HOLT L. D. s. have, mung It’ll. l, LNC'MhttA TE i' J/il" 'i' If £15K. Watch this Space. (Manning 1 1) acres, Edema: 1 Good title and reasonable) fot' further information IPPIY| '. 1yhmcsu, Lamlash P. a L / @0 Jo---'" on Top with b',','; and Halter itoclr t tan and , Wiay (jtr.alatlas.ae. ave, 1 Fat mistake m , Complete works of all the different Poets in Fancy Cloth and Morocco bindings. was? noon EAST OF Prim-ville the tirst Wrdnes Ipunth. ottice at the Com. ES 9, Family Teachers, Presentation & Pock- ct Bibles in different bindings, Prayer books, Hymnals, (he. , Bound volumes of mu. Girls’ You 12 Bentinck. County ll, (i Normal. Post OJlhre Inspector. (m mar-2 Bream" _iiominatinst Otthrer, i'lraryuacy Calder' fhst door west. of th mus, m All at leath- Comprising the a) 'vGleuelg, and to the he y 1)('I\"Il.-Ul AND tt, Co. To M ttttict- lash, Mr. Jun. voliett has secured a school 25 miles from Hopevxlle. Miss Railway. spent Thanksgiving with her parents in Cbesley. Our South Eglemont correspondent givvs details of the lamentable death of Mr. Currie. Mr. D, n. Mitchell, representing the Standard Mercantile Col ecting Agen- cy was in town for " few days last week. Mr. and Mrs, Kitching. Guelph, visit ed their son. Rev. Mr. .Kitching last, week. Mr, Jno. Kilmm' was eont'tned to the house for several days last. week, but is now couvalvscent. McLachlan, M Moftath, old stand has articles, ornamental and useful, suitable {on Christtuas Inersents, And cheap to. 1 Dr. Gun and Mrs. Gun, Innerkip. are guests at the Itossiu.--Globe ot Friday last. Mr. John Cochrane, son of Mr. Adam Cochrane, St Thomas. was visiting at his lu-otlwr-in-law’s MI . David Jackson's last week. Rev. Mr. Forest of Owen Bound, and at one lime of Ihubam, preached at Rocky Snug-en and burnout) on '11:.u;k.~gzying Day. We 'eimte,"/oi,z,,t with Mr. and Mrs. T, Davis in t e loss of their little girl by iuirannuivtion of the bowels. Business men can have " box of 500 ghntlt‘lnclupt's neatly minted tor one ttoilav. Hard times prices, but these will ad .‘ei'usc your business. North Bruce election trial will take. place at Southmupwn instead of Walk- erlon as titat announced. This isseuaihle (a hay: the trial in the district nonmem- e . Kamliwrs ti." C., are visiting with Photographer Brown and other friends in Imvn Mrs. lit-(Nine Mid Mrs. Moore are sisters. Mr. James Cameron left Thanks Day for Prmliroke. where he has secured n pmitinu in a iewelltTY establishment. With lulu went little Miss Olivine Mar- shall, on hep way to Ottawa. Rev. Chm. and Mrs. Cameron, and Mrs. McLean came home Friday last from Toronto, The REVIEW bids them " t.lcotne back. Mr. Wat. Wee, me‘y, left for the North ii ESL last week, to join his brother Frank there. Billy, like ngood many others. has not prospered lately. and he is ott' to better himself. SALE BILLS, Parties wishing Sale Bills will do well to call at the Review Ottice. We can nearly always let you have them same day you call. We give you a. Lee notice. in the paper too. The Renew regrets to hear that Miss May Russell is serioust ill. Her cousin Mrs. Fraser. of Toronto is waiting upon her. Her man 7 Iriends will wish her a speedy recovery from what appears to be Typhoid fever. Rev. Mr. Forest, Owen Sound, who at one time occupied the Presbyterian Pulpit here, preached for Mr. Jansen ML Sunday evening and is spending a few days among Durham friends who are delighted to see and hear him. TO THE ELECTO RS OF BENTINCK. At the request of many of the electors of Division No. 3, under the new County Councils Act, I have consen- ted to be a Candidate at the forth- coming election. It elected, I will use what experience and ability I have in the interest of the division. Rev. M r. Pomeroy last Sunday prom-h ed at. the dedication services of a tine new church at. Grand Valley, and from there went to Belwood “to tttyy,! , sl,C/'iay"ii.jii, season. Rev, Mr. Cul- well pram-bod in his plum. here very acceptably. Everyone in glad that Dr. Landerkin M. P. of Grey did not, accept a Senator- slnp. The House of Commons would be poor without him. He looks vener- uhln, when he tries to he snoring“. but he Remember! the Kleism Monday nightisin aid of t Library, so in. attending yen Remember! the chiscr recital Monday nightisin aid of the Public Library, so in attending you not only heara tirst class concert but help a- long an institution worthy of public recognizance. 1smmyAy'r.--The Hanover Post in voicing the general complaint. at the changes in the G. T. R. time table says "It is too bad to have peogle treated In this outrageous "unmet- w o contribute ed enough money to build the mad readv for the mils. Mr. Manager Hays will have to come down from his high horse and that pretty soon.” We ltr,?, the REVIEW and Weekly Mail an .mpire to Jan 1st. 1898. for “.40. The Saturday edition has 16 page: of iitustrated stories, fashions, pictures and no on, and the price, is 82 oo. By the liberality of the publishers we nre able to offer this edition with the REVIEW for 82.2) or better still all three for the sum of $2.50., Con you do better? Fort SALE on To mrwr.--Thnf eligi- ble Residential lot owned by Rev. C. Cameron, adjoining the town to the West. A comforts le and commodious house and outbuildings. Terms reason- able. Apply at REVIEW ofRee, Glance over the testimonals as tome abilty of Grenville Kleiler on small bills circulated through the town and ask yourself will it pay you to miss hearing Irn i.ntI?etry,tol', who te de. J AAA“ " wore-rn. PAA. hearin t'rtr.IT Have you tried McLat-hlun’s teas ? our vote and infiaenee is respectfully requested. GEO. Emma. Bunnssan, Dee. 2, 1896. Mr,. Benjamin Moore and. wife, ot LOCAL AND GENERAL. 'an uuwnay......_ _ - the best people everywhere. DURHAM, 7 and GLENELG Mr. (101- The Mt. Forest woollen Mills Co. seem to be going ahead. Out of 750 shares 700 hive bee-n taken up. The provisional directors are well known and reputtylsle men, Messrs D. K. Mc- Atthuis. Hopeville; Wtn. A. Fraser, Egl'enmn} '. Geo. Watson, Dep. Reeve. Proton; Jun. Jackson, Det, Iteeve, Minto, and V. R, Tanner. Mt kart-st. Subscnhers in arrears can receive cash rates by paying to the end of 1897. Prompt. attention to this matter will be as wise as it will be just. Just see the plan of Hall " Durham Pharmacy for Kleiser Recital 'Oar American Cousin" and ask yourself "Does it pay to wait ?" Best seats go- ing rapidly. . Do You WANT A Bum: PAPER?-... The Toeonto Morning World, a morning puperutind you, will be supplied with the REVIEW to Jan I. 1898 for $2.65 Subscribe now and get the benefit of this your free. It has popular cartoons almost daily, and many otcellent spec- ial features, 6 to 8 Pages and a large H.1(nrduy edition. For 6 months the two papers fur $1.35. All in Advance. To lam-A 'eomfortahle two-qtorey brick house in Lower Town, Durham. Apply to J. M. Hunter. Why not profit by the experience ot others who have found a. permanent cure for catarrh in Hood’s Sammrilla P Mr. Hugh McFayden, we are glad to know has so far recovered as to he in Durham last week. Mag his health be fully restored is our Wis . Covmuso THE Fnr.LD.--Mre would call attention to two new correspond- ents this week. One from Welbeth, in North Bentim-k, the other from Wood. land, South Euremont. We welcome both to the REVIEWS able staff of correspondence. Read their budgets. BAPTIST YOUNG PimPrse.--A rally of this body took place at Listowel last week which for enthusiasm and num- bers, almost assumed provincial propor- tin‘ns. “his v.e.rtfi?ptutnt, amp the '. Young Peopie's" Ut;i(r)nsv"('bf iiiiiii'iii' are charactelized by both piety and push. and the church recognizes it. Mr. A. McLachlan is this week pack- ing his tshelves with new and seasonaliie goods. He has freshened up his store with new papering. Gun. and :i,1fTg,'t'c,",l to give satisfaction to all his ol custom- ers and many new ones. 1 GREAT VALtrR.--rhe REVIEW and the Weekly Globe will he sent to any address on this continent till lst Jami- n-y 1808. for $1.35. Join the REVIEW cluh--over 150 others have done So-- and get all the news of the world and the locality. The Globe is bigger than ever and the Review is absolutely nec- essary as a local paper. DisrroNonAreLE.--The Secretary of the Norliwrn Exhibition. Walkevton htu_theuisNrrcolue task of notifying px'Ezewinm-Is at the recent exhibition that their awards could not. be paid as them was no money in the treasury I I If we tuistake not, we saw that Culling- wood had adopted this most dishoncr- nhlemurae also. If this can be done without redress, it will he a death blow to Mimi] shows, but full statements should be shown where government grants and gate mom-y went to. Out. poguhu- physician Dr. Henry, was unite in the bonds of matrimony. on the 10rh inst., to MISS Young, of Hampden. Upon the return of the hap- " Couple to their new home. they met with a. hearty reception from the good people of our town, who, while bestow- Ing wishes of happiness and prosperity, also marked their esteem bv presenting a. hanginglamp for the pin-101'. ROYALTY Emmrma ITaeLtr.--0s AMERICAN MoNer.--The Prince and Princess of Wales and " arty" are guests of the Duke and Buclwss of Marlborough at Blenheim Palace, Scores of men are employed beating the cov- erts. to startle game for the royal and ducal sports to fit-tt at and great "lrags"are bein made. It is th fancy dross occasion 'C,', and the decor. ations and illuminations are on a prince- ly scale. The ex onse is borne, it is re- poru‘d by the ganderhilt wealth and millions of American workmen will he sure to reason, that, millions of money, product of their labor. might, be spent at home. Just as Ireland has been injur- ed 1.r,ta1.rseyuys L'Ludlordtsm. so is Amer- ica likely to he by the popular desire for aristocratic Unions. and .the consequent holidnving in Euro}? with its lavish expenditure there. his is what gives point to the silver agitation and popul- ur discontent. Buumm.~The budget from this Blue to the Owen Sound limes last wee . has the following: J FARMING, for November is MIMI] hrimful of matter affecting tho Agri- culturists of the Dominion. Amongst abundance of interesting and pract ical matter and illustrations it has a good article on cheap transportation In which it demands "an improved Ocean Freight Service, safe. certain and moderately fast, ramp; than n. patien- larlly fast service.” A 16 knot vessel wil carry 7000 tons of Mdss., and mm leave Liverpool Thursdu morning, and deliver her mails Jn I//dot'i.'l,,'li next Thursday afternoon. A 17 knot vessel could take only 4000 tons Mdse., 18 knots, SOOO tons, and a twenty knot, only 1000 tons, It is easy to see from this how a. fast passenger service could not give. us cheap freight, and the difference in time spent en route would not be much more than p, days, if that. As Mr. Laurier saws "we are above all things a nation of farmers," the government. will be justified in studying their inter- ests tirst. You Can Be Well When your blood is pure, rich and nourishing for nerves and muscles. The blood is the vttal fluid, and when it is poor, thin and impure you must either suffer from some distressing dis- ease or you easily fall a victim to sud. den changes expowre, or overwork. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sara- aparilla and be well. Hood's Pills are the best after dinner pill punish digestion, cure headache, 26c. BArtnisrEAs,souittrTtA9. - CONVEYANGERB, (ho. Omeas t--0pposlte TOWN HALL. Lower Town, Durham. r:- 5,000 to loan at lowest rates of interest. To Elliott &. Elliott, THANKSGIVING DAY. -Was like sum- mer with us. and we were about giving credit to the Liberal Jg7t'i'l'l'oe'lh for a good choice, but deci ed not to when we found Wittni had a. blizzard and Montreal t'flx'llt2L'lt1 damp and dis- mal failure. Its a comfort to live be- tween two extremes. Our citizens! split up in the usual wag, rtfles or bibles sermons or sport as t e fancy suited them. Asa religious holiday, thanks. giving is a failure, and we question the wisdom of having such le?, set apart' in solemn terms to be la e v observed l in secular methods. What do our churches think of the go ernment in- Viting all “Our loving subjects to keep a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God because it hath pleased Him to vouchsafe a bountiful harvest and other blesain s and that these call for solemn and IRI/l, acknowledgement " and then I find thatamemher o that same gov- ernment appears officially with the; militia in Toronto to spend the day in ; mimic warfare? Better far let, the} churches appoint a Sunday, and let the holiday remain as a Harvest Home re-l joicing. A RUN THROUGH THE HrarrLAsDs.--l, Can he had by going throu h a copy ofl the Chan Times from which we gave an extract Last week. The trip some times looks quite home-like when we see notes from, or reference to Mull, Toher~ mory, Bunneaan. and other names lovmglly perpetuated in Canada. And then, the names Cameron. McDonald. McLean, Graham, McArthur, McLeod. and the whole family of Mac’s are as thick as in a Glenelg voter's lint, The crofters in Iona were workin night and day at their harvest, on 'd11f,l) 3. and their intelligence may be judged when we tind them enjoying an entertain- ment with "X" my photographs at feature. In Islay the Bowmore Drrun-; atic Club were making a name. The. Skye fisherman were ex ectmg good results, Angling in South Uist was excellent, Tobermoty harbor was lively with Lochfyne fishing boats, In Tiree. news, Mr. Neil McFadyen was being honored by his friends for praiseworthy conduct. at Fort William, Mr. McDon- ald a distiller was ftRhting, unsuccess- fully against an increase of his veins- tion, though the output of whisky was growing less, the Cameron IIighlarider', Regimental Association had a splendid dinner. in Glasgow, one correspondent lectures another, because he was so unfortunate as not to know the correct genealogy of the McLean’s of Coll from the. year 1594 onward. A merchant of Chan voices the discontent arising from trains withdrawn, which reads as if taken from a paper on the Wiarton line at present, a London letter gives the latest. news, while on the same page we learn that a letter has been received from far awav St, Kilda and the people there. my; well and flourishing. The usual massaf iuterestin Statist- ics and Astronomical Calculations is given. and the Almanac is embellished with engravinfzs of prominent persons ttnAputui.chuildim.ts. . . -ihvirAce"retna'ir" the same " in previous years, namely we. in paper covers, and 30c. m limp cloth. The ofmGl Directory has been care- fully revised. and mntmns full Lists of Clerg , Militia, Government, OMtGltr, both fu',.,','),'),',', and Provincial, County and Municipal Ofricers, Schonlu and Colleges, Barristels and Solicitors, Nota.. ries etc. A Among other information is a List at Bank an Branches, Customs Tariff, and an article on the government of all countries in the world, by Dr. Brtyrip.ot. Mr. D. U. Smellie arrived home front Hamilton last week looking hale and hearty after his summer's work. Wel- come back. The regular departments of the Al- mmmc have been nought u? to date. a- mung them being that inva usblo Post Oftice Gazetteer of the Dominion, givin the name of every place in Canada, with the railroad or stemnship lines on which located nr neareqt railway stat ion. Tm; CANADIAN ALuANAC.-We have tollmnk the ()upp. Clark Co., Toronto. for a. copy of this fine Annual. Tothose statistically inclined, historically inclin- ed or polt;ically inclined, the volume is a delight. and in a year Look necessary to the omco desk as it, is to the home. 1tirrTmsurD.---Mr. Thou. Turnbull who has been awn near Toronto for the summer came game recentlz and is be- tween the plough handles a home once more. Thm is the fiftieth year of publication and its size has been Increasod to 354 pp. Among the new features are a. short History of Canada, giving the main events in Canadian History, chronolngi- (willy urmngvd. an Hialm-icul Diary of the rears 1805 90, and an Interesting article on the King‘s Luyahsta._ _ _ Miss Maggie Turnbull. of Toronto- who spent last week with her brother, left on Tuesday morning for Bobcay, geonpq. Vigtoriu, where she intends to ilpend the winter. Tanks or BArar.---Ten Iper cent at the time of sale and the ba same within ao days. Terms in other respects may be made known at the time of ale and meantime may be weruinod on applic- -ation to Anna“! Coot Vendor, -. - __ of Glenelg. - Under and by virtue of a. power of sale contained in a. mortgage which will be reduced at the time of sale. there wilYlie offered for Sale by Public Aue. tion at the CENTRAL HOTEL, WI. the 23rd -ili, of 1190., 1998 at ode o'clock in the sfternoon, the foll- owing: via,. - Linumher four in the ninth conces- sion, in the said Township of Glenelg. and] containing one hundred acres. more or an. . --- _ ..... There in asmnll frame home and kitch- en. log harm 50 acres cleared. 40 acres under good cultivation and 50 acres of good hardwood bush, on the said lot. A. H. JACKSON: KUCTION SALE. in the town of I_)u_rhmp. inithe coun- Durham, Ont. Rated st Durham IO av of November, 0f Farm Law'inrglge Toumahip - ---- -- VtyofGre h . JAMES CARSON X&IONEER. ..-.. _--_- -'r-e. or STRTLING REDUCTION IN PRICES! Ready-made Clothing Sold ceahper . Than ever before Ill Durham “$14M Overcoats & Winter Suits Were bought RIGHT and will be sold RIGHT. You can’t make a, mistake in giving us your first call. You are sure to get a snap that you cannot get elsewhere. Our BOOTS AND SHOES are set at the lowest notch. Our GROCERIES are all new and fresh. . We Sell 28 lbs Brown Sugar for $1.00. It will,be to your advantage to give us a call. $itilrtt hunting (iii) Item to the Line _ Let the Chips ./M UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. JUST ARRIVED”. FULL LINES or STERLING BROTHERS C1illL1ilBrl,AlnilD MAKE or HAND MADE NEW ARRIVAL (lf GOODS DalglishV Old Stand I“ For Men, Women and Boys for Pall Wear. Come and see Them Before Buying. ' Bean dSik, Go. Boots and Shoes G. MoARTHUR, ALSO I FINE LINE OF XMAS GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS“ MlfFE0Tl0lllS. This week We have started the Hewing process and the Chips are falling in all directions. tiitting Pretty Hard. GAMES Crockinoie, Dominoes,' Chess, CARDS, checkers, &c., &c., &c. VIOLIN B, Albums in Leather & Plush ACCORDIANS, Jewel Cases, Work-boxes CONCER’I ENAS, Collar & Cuff Sets, MUUI‘H ORGANS, (Nona Boxes, CIGAR HOLDERS; lldkg. Cases MERCH IN & BRIAR PIPES, PERFUMERY, Fauna Lamps, GENE? Toilet (gases, Jitrd Cases, ADVANCE SALE OF XMAS cos-as, PRICES HEWED BELOW THE LINE, LBW PRICES Ill ALL DEPABTL-ZENTS. Below we enumerate a few.lnes, Hoping to give a. full text next week. BIG 4 Druggist * Seedsman, DuEham. Let the Chips fall where, they may. 2ltt1Nllullgllli, Upper Town Durham. 11.333 Sums; 349;! trt, . l',

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