West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Dec 1896, p. 7

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' Md t. of thei, MI 'Mcked . that ahe Mtg on a ex rimented watB a ','fSl as od oatair. Irfitablo entarrrlso. In: the In. and After “Die-a duvet. mun-g Id Int 3 crew Picked ll ut “In”; Bod drit beach. I “I " the oa"n.i-- lie-era's lat-lb": " In.) Monday, [If Tina: I) INDIAN FAHINE an looting Few the o n, "I“ he... at ”him “a 9mm; Jateh from tk 1&1:th 1 San Bestar. h" Fraud..- In " to the their bert wa be" G {Quart grounds :9 In!“ men to minu- Mt ateamer qhe coma It sham t 'darma, Irena. i nu.) clan II oo In --. ”nullng m til and any)" by th " lore dead ' .I:.. _ ll lm Grimsby. ioniaing tY TE It man; PtUPPLY. xph's" Londo- st a comp“!!- 0. is about I. the reqmtu the PP"? yam: " Is So up}, the Week "tuseiae "ttes (i '43nen “an were the nary whi are worst oft , and Faizahad. not protected [minder of tho :ected by cut- so much upon here has been a dear-nea- will goons: classes In the Menu: and are prob- ll ihbabod to tho breaking of th torm has Caused h Eastern Rajpn- ed the radon ', provinces. a, ' fallen at Meo. Agra. Thiawill alumni-Gov- a complex. yumro Mal It Wrott is purl”?!o have been rtain rar we ntrh from t grains are at the n- o the do- ery n art " ireo loom their I crew "no! 'tterr, I to II “ins! 3k. but th. l. was in)” . After arid. 'rea, began . n “it "e!!- "'l""e" v. - b-ni'o 27 In... ’ the .erteaaiir' v morni n. :vamer “sol: I to Mendoeiu hazardous '0 Iterrtpts m " I...‘ .- is ofrace, hie! .2 Mtai It "nine. "ttt, two J, Amer WM. the u. d do tried the and by “Him-s ttt tU thut loo from 1 Bi liking the relieve ru lat ion. for t he amino. coop try T " but " m " , mt five heart. eintt on: 23:, a. r tttyi71t m with,“ 'el parted It n Portion Within a...” The “a; , had to I. wtthre - l, theva ytt and the mating ' waa driJi." alto I'm: we wrdii ban 'tdine, hed fam- tried Itdedii" them it In os remain“ k" i. ”EH-s- [Harsh m “will”, nun] thy SQ! “an", I 'm hold i, “c TPN nib“: PT. ' ifio ._,. noun "‘ tr, , N Won. mi' 11'ttluad yha Wm an. - a Md tt '. yin , m to ttlim, Beni - “it s. a. [a In t. by a. In; ttGi um In an mum Ip'danneo o nuance o q, who has a: In! Moth; Faun, littiiiiiir:- New: - r .. . , '"i"r% u. uul'I "I - , n" in. I, a. 7 n iii)) 'i) I! s .‘v‘ " a = A ' A. M. c." I m:- ' i'iitilili,ii.iiiiis' 1tti Any r'dhi't Wm Sarsaparilla ”a in: W "hedi: I m " M mm: a I New: I“ "toc.r.I ae y, tt i..- All tubal! Lot I I :6 111! sur" arsr. RS or i. m Mrd nvetal in IOU " m Trew 1iiii'euiiii. id is “W rs,,.'.',,',';), ALMA S 1flllil TI 'iiiiii'iii.?,j,,?] for D you]: mow I! chi ber Mn“ m I " to 8% p I, “mung " tho tttUD M and so ' male oaes math their J before and y ”can. iyiren are 01 asgst"S W . is what is magnum Sinclair 2, 1890, and is I!" n 6 years old. HO Clare-1109 Granville and a grandson ot oyauuaclus Sinelair, oi Th9?” Cpstle, 18; Co., Lowell, - 'lite bust gnu-diam. h aid dlgesuon. an. can thiman per Sunk! malt ml; ttr'ttt Fun“. Wurst forms. as)“. e, '.b"tiittg and burn- T. pintp.'es, ete. trntlsm, Catarrh, trs w mm mm are siderab'd mt n " De red Mood. t Tired Feeling. lea and tissues A ot cum try child it In, mch mon" " are eases country, of beauti- on I an.“ ',5 per week. ings are I0 m total ot " sure that l’PORT atrium clllv red a only gom- What the ' is . suit- millionaire Smce the fellow has Mrs. Owen ireat Mar- oo answer the tant one: New York rtlble light tea: l theC m a year, "ruling for My tor the inn Whale kt! " 3,000. Both 9 years of fr >|_ I" he Miss Mab- pass , if the sure Hw- y on Sttf will not jobs with 'easonabl! n a report i for the snow” ,1 Dollar! rslla-pos1 ams, has Ae Eng- e, boy at One hall trom the 1.3 LIL h about spurt In 'Ulll this he Court he large for the L be too its_ care, This has Ad to the Llowanoe , so that :en from support of En.gii.sh t ls ma he pat tte held for the mother main- to the Liy. In 'ed to from is de- i the gust. y new: $3.1m rouse, lo. I ug 6 fn 1 m- t-ttettrpt, = _ V Lug-um?»- Lo.trlEtsuamtg.ataBttaaned,aneg-a Ann-cm Olen. Another champion has appeaaxsd in tho West. The Chicago Timer-Herald any: that he is the mt rerun-hue pedo- strian that ever walked a: artif'utin1 legs. Elia name in Jam T. Farrier and he say: that ha is willing to walk against my man who use. artificial legs, a distance of (tom one mile to five miles. It the atoriu told of his exploits are true he would proubir win such a match. Mr. Farrier lost both of hin feet some years ago and tsrtifieial ones hove taken their plaoee. He walks readilr without the aid of crutch or cane. can dance with ease end grace. in e high- kicker of note. and would not be thought to be a cripple by 3 person who did not know him. He can easily kick a hat held nearly eight feet from the floor. He has a record of fifteen feet in. three standing jump. Before he let hm legs he rode one of the old-fashioned bt- cycles and next summer he expects to master a safety and ride it as well u a. professional. Mr. Farrier”: artificial legs are made after designs invented by himself. The-y are of aluminum. sole leather and rubber. The joints work naturally and easily. He wears shoes on the feet, which are made of leather and rubber. The joints work natural? and easily. Each leg weighs two an thrms-quar- ter. gonads, about one-fifth of the welg t of the usual artificial leg. Pt- fore be secured the legs with which he his broken all records for artificiel limbs he had tried a number of ery- ficial legs, but none of them gave him satisfaction. They were too heavy and i-uinbrous. and he could not walk any distance with them with ease. He named legs on which he could pursue hi, evocation of farming, and in order to_sset them he bail to invent them. _ AS GOOD AS FLESH AND BLOOD. . Mr. Farrier lost his legs in a blizzard in Polk County, Minn.. in the Red Riv- pr Valley. While returning home from Minneapolis in February. 1893, he started to walk from the railroad ata- tion to his farm, Whey less than half a mile from his house the storm struck hzni and he found it impossible to find his way in the blinding snow and awful wind. All night he remained outdoors, and when found in the morning was almost dead. Ilia feet were frozen sol- id, and both were amputated. He takes in misfortune cheerfully and says he i,, glad it was his feet instead of his lumih because there are many things it man does with his hands that becau- not do with his feet. ABOUT THE BLOOD IS YOURS PURE? If Pure, You are sate-Otherwise You Are in Peril. Purify the mood-No Other Organ Can --Dodd'a Kidney Pills Help and Heal the Kidneys When Weak and Sore. la your blood purer It ic is, you are fit for all the duties and enjoyments of life, your eyes will be._brighL and 19311" thought§ ,e.tytr,thl. “IF-pige- rarw"iihave iood digestion, strung nerves, and your heart witl beat as regular as a. clock. - _-- .. as regular as a clock. It unpure your blood will earn its impurities along to every nerve, ussue. joint, and to every organ of the body; tt will carry the seeds of disease. do- my and death. And there is only one way. one means by which it can be purified, and _'V- is, by healthy kidneys, and by them alone. We are, indeed. fearfully and won- derfully made, but we are made just right if we only know how to keep so. It does not matter how these impur- ities come, their effects are inevitable unless the kidneys are doing honest; work twcntr-iour. hoprs eyery lt You iiiif.siiiiiii;Ctaa is no other organ that can do the work of the kidneys, and like the heart, they must keep right at it, tired or not. ' But they are too often overworked by our imprudent» in eating and drink- ing , they are disordered by chills, colds, slsocks and injuries; and they must_be constantly iuoked to, and signs of dis- tress promptly hetiied. A L T . In Your Two Ila-1h. Your Two teen. and Even Your Two Bun. Of all the twin organs of the body, the ears are probably more alike than my other. . Soil, there is a difference. And so it 18 with other parts of the; body. One eye, for groupie. is generally‘ more, open than the other, and often‘ there IS a shade of difference in color intyvocn them. Cowlists say, too, that It is rare-almost unique-rt? find two eyes in the some head that have ex; act/ly the same powers of vision. This) arisos from t'uttnt, more than thrs, other; and, like t hand. tt 15 general- iy the right eye that Is most frequent- "iy called into use, and is tho stronger. .Few peopln not tailors have ever no- mad that the tiilg,t showider is gener- ally lower than t left. They say that guises from the Marmot universal hatr. it men have of resting the shaft elbow on the desk while wri ing, and also to the equally prevalent, airtom..U those who carry heavz burdens resting them an the right a cum: In arms and trt, there in generahly but a. slight di eranc0 as regards toga; but in size and strength the ri PLl','lu'rtli,1'rii"i'ir1ijidiiiiieC,'t.: tallest used, are the more fully develop- ed muncwlnrly. I,t is tht right haiid and (the gsstt-.toot also which exceed their oompanwns in sue. Then, whenever they need nexp. guys them the sovereign aid of the scientl- fie discovery em )odied in the kidney treatment of Dodd'a Kidney Pills. WASH-l DEFEND COWS. 1 A correspondent of the Irish Natur- alist describes F. curious some which! he witnessed whim watching hi. cows in the fielld. Be noticed many may. buzzing around the cows, and upon stopping.to observe what thoy worn about, tend, that they were autob- ing and killing ni-. A: white cow in partitst9sr, attracted an snaps gr potently pecan“ my oould I; out y goo thy the: tint aligned upon It. They manually bit on aha wing, sometime! the ifs, and occasionally ac heads at tho es and arried.tatf bonin- any, probsbly to (and queu- lnrm. The. or four hundred Artea were thus conga: in shout "any minutes from F bub d two cows. LEGLESS CHAIPION ATHLETE. THE KIDNEYS ALONE "iv"iaiis'veFTiay" need help, give . I a SL., a-.:nn§:4 A DIFFERENCE sung the heft elbow wrn ing, and also to ant custom of those .urdons mains them have In Only Ono Doctor to - in noun-d Inhabit-nu new. There in moody some mphint in this country of my of the professions being ovomtowdod although this coun- try ia oomparntisrol, young. The sup- ply ot doctors in frequently mid to be overstocked, but this my he doubted when one considers the great West with its small proportion' of medicol men to the population, However, it sgch ilrthe cue. the)? A hope Ifor any 5 r In oung ysunan w q. my 'lWPielL'tl' mug: for a p_rof1mble practice in this vicinity. Russia wants doctor; md yang them badly. The I'til',',","hf,t of medical men to the Popu- ation than is very small-abou one t9 every 6,000 inhabitanta. In pus pro- Ylnce there are onitAte xped'mal Inen The tunnel under the River Thames at Blackwall is now an accomplished fact, the first Eamon to pass through it hav- Ing been "t Pearson. the wife of the contractor. has another ia added to the many underground thoroughfares. known respectively as Dean street, and Weston street. each of these subter- ranean streets is over 400 yards in length. and is lighted by a double row of gas lamps. kept burning day and to ndpopulation of 155,000. It improba- ply as to this cause the death rate In Russia is the highest in Europe. Here. then, is a chance for gonna tlor toys who fail to find a fiel for their skull. Russians will “be very glad to have their services and to pay well for them. LONDON 'S UNDERGROUND STREETS Is Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Rapid, paintings, its action is a. marvel to all who have tried it. Fanny get- ting rid at painful corn: in twenty- four hours. "Putnam's" does it. THE GREATEST ZOO. The Zoological Gardens of the South African Republic are the largest in the world. _'I‘l_1ey ponsistpf about ‘20}ng in the Lebombo region, guarded, by a whole tribe of Kaffirs. Within this area. there is, perhaps. every sgocies of wild animal to he found in oath Africa. This region is guarded by a. special to- solution of the Volksraad. We otfor One Hundred Dollars reward for unyomot Calm-m that cannot be cured by Hell's Cetrrrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo, o. We. the undersigned have known F. A. Cheney tor the ' 15 ff'i,TI; can believe mm perfectly honorable inn 1 business transactions and Brtatuutsllr able to oarar out any oblige- tions made by their Bran. ll?.,",','."' & TRUAX, Wholesale Drugzluw. Toledo, io. WALmNo, KIYNLN & MARVIN. Wholesole Dtyatyte. Toledo. o. . . ' . l .. ' George Meredith, it is said, presents a cqpy o his novels to every servant in his employ. -........,...r. .v.-_-. v. Hatlu Calm-r1: Cure is taken inte-ttally, wt- ing directly upon the blood and mucous nur- facee of ittt system. 'l'eslixuonmLs mm. from Prim, 15o. wbottlo. Sold by all Druggmu. Stop that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption, A 25e. hot- tie of Shiloll's Cure an; save yqu;__life. -The winnings of the Prince 'of Wales on tho turf of this year amount to con- siderably over $100,000. Buffalo, N.Y.--Genta:--From my per- sonal; knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your shikh's Cure in cases of advanced Consumption, 1 am pre- pared to say it is the most remarkabha Remedy that hay. efer been. l?r?ught te GFGLt"erfLiGn, It hats. certain/awed many from Consumptlun. Traveler (in Irxpand).--1 don't see how it is you people keep In such good hu- mor. Irishman-Sure, we .d.9.niver have NV ough to am to get bilious. HEART'S HEALER. Mrs. Mugger, Wife of Capt. Charles Mugger, of Sydney, 08., Got Re- lief m 30 Minutes From Heart Disease of Four Years' Standing, and Declares She Owes Her Life to Dr. Agnew's Cure For the Heart. "It affords me great pleasure to commend Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart. I was sorely afflicted with heart. trouble, accompanied with dia- ziness, palpitation and smothering sen- sations. For over four years I was treated by beat physicians, and used all remedies known to man. I deter- mined to try Dr. Agnow's Cure for the Heart. The first. dose gave me great relief inside of thirty minutes. i used two bottles, and feel to-day I have been completely cured." Guest CunpariemtU):H have found dead flies in every dish I tpuched this morning, and I think you might at least make a Teductilm izy you-r. ch‘grges. ""iiTui iGirijiGrct Ean’t reduiie. your bill, sir; but if you will come with me to the kitchen, I'll Jet you hear me are}? a? {he Wants. WHAT DR. A. E. SALTER SAYS. ’of year .. .. when men .. and women .. become weak- ened by .. w the weath- S; er,and run down gener-i ally. , .. The first parts that the weather affects are the kidneys. The urea is not thrown off, but is forced back upon the! lunp, and disd can results “caused by weakness of the kidneys. THE BEST REMEDY FOR CORNS Accept no substimte. 141,S ISTHE TIME RUSSIA WANTS DOCTORS. IRISH HUMOR. Bows This! '2i'ii'iillli..leii).h.E). HERE IS q ONLY ONE SURE WAY known to medical men for prompt- ly checking; troubles of that} kidneys and re- '. storing these grcac organs to health and strength, and that is by t e use of It has stood the test of time; it has saved thousands of lives; it has restore ed millions of suf- ferers to health; it has done what was never done, never attempted before; it has made men stronger and healthier; it has made " women brighter and lg, Il,',,','; " it stan s one_in all these games. .po re nttt gunk u would be 'rtte for you to use it and' thus avoid the dangers of the season? In- sist upon having it IdllEflliilllln ON THE 0'1‘TAWA iny those who have engaged in the arduous occupation ot [um sting _know how dearly earned is their livelihood, tor among the many vocation: of men that of lumbermn ranks mung thy most dangerous and difficult. There IS the heavy" shanty labor from ugliest dawn to evening star, when the toners for half the year ia remote from hangs and (Hands. and whose daily round ll te eat and w.ork and sleep, only get- tyng an occasional glimpse u tho oat- side world through a long looked tor utter from qome loved one far purl?- uoug swift running stream, when no- pessity often cells the driver to wade body deer? in the swift flowing, icy war- tors. . one but the strong can en- RHP.?' such heavy labor, only the moat a daily toil, with but a mid-days hour's A LIFE OF GREAT HARlBHIP AND EXPOSURE. River Drivers Often Waist Deep in Icy Wahmb--Paio.auctred Bodie- the Fre- quent Outcome-Only the Most Ro- bust Can Stand This Weary Round ' Ot Thu. From the Ottawa Free Press Then the at}; 1isjigTtseGrtiiis-Ad.ziri lake breaks up, and comes the driving of logs ap_d hewn_timber down the tort- Evita, Such, in brief. in the life of respite. Such in brief, is the life of many thousands of laborers in the 0.r- tawa valley, and among the many l5 Thomas Dobie, of 180 Head street, Chau- diem, who for twelve longxyears has wrought tar the great lum .r king, J. R. Booth, ',ttn2,iyii1 the snowy Pt thern forests, and ifting three Inch deal during the summer heats. It Is not to be wondered at that in his long experience and great exposure he should contract a severe cold that m tune took permanent lodging in the re- gion of his 1oina and kidneys. Like many others: he thought to work it off, but In. vam. Soon' the pains in the m- glon of tho kidneys became so_mtense that labor was a torture to him, and it was only the indomitable courage. born ot a knowledge that _o.th- ers were dependent upon hm). that urged him to nursue his weary round of dailuy toil. Every sudden movement ofthe body wuss a thorny goad that made him wince beneath its sting. Added to this was an unusual and excessive sweating which necessi- ta/y! frequent changes of clothing. and which weakened him to such an ex- ttmt that his appetite was almost. en- tirely gone, and eventually but little food and much water was his daily fare. Many vain efforts were made by Mr. Dobie to free himself from the poms W_h"c'h had fastened themselves union him, and one medicine after anot or was used, but without effect. Life be- elf-me a burden, and existence it Hung almost undesirable. After many fruit.- less efforts he was induced to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When three boxes were taken the change in his condi- tion was marvelous, and his own words are, "when I had taken six boxes I was a new man and consider the cure worth hundreds of dollars." Mr. Doble. although comgletely cured, continues taking Pink ills occasionally and is Very enthusiastic in his graises‘yf what the tht have done for him. Many of his ellow workmen seeing the great change wrought in him by these fam- ous pills have been led to give them a. .trial for other. ailments and are up- anlnmous in pronouncing them superlor to all other medicines], . .. .. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood and nerves, building them anew and thus driving disease from the system. Them is no trouble due to either of these causes which Pink Pills will not cure, and in hundreds of cases they have restored persons to health after all other remedies had failed. Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and take nothing else. The enuine are always enclosed in boxes tie wrapper around which bears the full trade mark. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." May be had from all dealers or sent post paid on receipt of 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Do you go to school little holy! Oh, yes, Lr;' 1 love to go to tsehoo . What do you study-rturrpg, writing and ar- ithiueticxt, All of those, sir. And are you familiar with ponetuation , Oh,yes, indeed air. Teacher punctuated her tire by week, any I mended it for her in less 'n ten minutes; yes, indeed, sir. Ont. From Chronic Catarrlr-But Instan-I tame-ans Relief Follows the First 1 Appiicr1lion of Dr. Agnew's Camr- I rm} Powder-Doro, Negieet the.) Simi/est Cold in the Head, it May l Develop Into This Disgusting Ma- lady Almost Before You Can Rep Bj'ciaty It. Rev. Dr. Bttdhror of Buffalo says: "M wife and I were both troubled witi distressing catarrh, but We have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady simce the day we first used Dr. Agnew's Caurvhc Powder. Its ao- tion was instantaneous, giving the moat grateful reliet..wit.hht ten min- utes after first apghcatum. We con- sider it a godsen to humanity, and bejeve that no case can be 30 chronic or deeply seatpd that it will not im- mediately when and permanently cure." NOVEL ADVERTISING. A novelty in advertising is shown in a Scotch church, according to a north- ern paper. The congregptiqn could not pa? ita minister., T.o help it out of its di em- a. soapfu'm offered to pay £120 a. year tor. five years oncondition that its advertwemeyt be hung up in front of the gallery In the church. The offer was accepted. wst.rsitmy1.rs-Aeet,1elti 'te, a“ ghfe,tf, ',yghe,tlt.'aig, an res can we '1 u _ fu", Pill... V ' _ l Noel- Ptsrftrit,_th, Fromm pallticlux MAN AND WIFE IN DISTRESS A HUMAN CATHOLIC nm lather Groulx. of the Arch- bishop’s Palace. Ottawa. CERTIFIES To Till: VALUE Of The Remarkable Medicine, Eyck- man's Kootenay Cure. Hamilton, Ont. My Dear sir,--ra order to comply! with your request, I visited no less than twentraix persons of different ages 6nd conditions. residing in our Olty. who had used the medicine called "Kootenny Cure." Spf, my inquiry. some informed me the after suffering atroeioutelty for many It,',',',? from Rheu- matism. under one orm or another: they had obtained considerable relief) from the above named remedy, and were using it yet with the firm hope and Minuet certainty that in the near (nture all “the: paini.'u) effeeis ‘wp‘uid. A Ripple ri, of Dimples disap' gr. Others told me that they had n cured comgbtelfv, felt no more pain could diges per eetly. sleep soundly. had regained their lost weight. so much so that they could be sai to have been resuscitated and to have been transformed into new men. I met; with five cases of Skin Diseases, where the medicine _had Yroduced wonder, ful results, especial y in one case of at least nine years standing. 1n Bey-4 emlcasesot Rheumatism and Paralysis, eminent physicians. after careful; study had pronounced the cases incurable. As Rheumatism is such e common ail- ment, and as doctors have always such difficulty in overcoming it, I think it 533?; piGpirrjs, -maiie known such: ,reoyuhatal.ts medicine to poor, suffer- ;pg humgmxtyz 1 am ple?.hed.,to, her? the (pension of recommending it to the public of the Capital. Wishing you further success in your undertak1¥$ believe me, sir. ours respectfullly, (Signed) EUGENE GROULX, Pr. HE GAZED. Suffering somewhat acutely from the effects of having just previously had a spent about the size of a center pole crowded through him, the knight lay supine, -- _ _ . ' . “K's-"for his triumphant opponent, he just stood there. gazing into the knight. NEURALGIA'S PERSISTENT AGONY Has but one source of relief. Nerv- L'ine--neawe pain oure--penetratea to the irritated nerves, soothes them into repose, and affords millet almost in- stantly. The whole rang: of medi- cine affords no [annual to erviline as a. pain reliever. Shiluh’s Consumption Cure cures where others fail; It is the leading Cough Cum, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. . Digby tens me ht fears his wife is the victim of.a wasting disease. What is it! Bargam counters. A tall brick chimney in McClary's foundry at London fell while being repaired, but no one was Hurt. Itching, Burning Skin Disease CURED FOR 85 CENTS. Dr. Agnew’s Ointment relieves in one day, cures teller. salt rheum, piles, scald head, eczema, barbers' itch. ul- cers, blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and i1uieting, and acts like magic in the cure of all baby humors. 85 cents. A fifteen-pound codfish, recently ex- amined by the Fish Warden of London, was found to have a roe containing 4,872,000 eggs. A Family Medicine-Over twenty thousand homily: of Profesyr.r. . f,renedy's Combination Pills, or sweet. little gran- ules are sold ycarly in the Dominion of Canada, which is the beat guaranrae of their quality and the estunation in which they are held as a family medi- cine. Small pills, small doses and sweet. If you are in doubt when purchasing B Cook Stove, Range, or Base Burner buy one bearing the weliMmown name "GUr'abnd" and you will be sure to get the very beat artjoie that money and iadifriiy can make. About a year ago Ben Reed, 5 Chi- cago polieTtuy bought a small inter- est in a Cnpple Creek mine. Now he is a mi11ionairal Half the cod-liver a, L e. Shott’s Emulsion, is taken by -balrits, - It makes then happy by cushion- ingpuitheir 1Mebodies and making themcom- hktable. Dimples are health. Did you ever see _aniicklyubvivithdirntges?,ssol,wsoe !‘ARM[0ANS m a now um tar-513mm w. I MIG. “up. 0150115 ”X0113. u wanna“: at E. Toronto Archbishop's Palace. pttgwq. Cana4q, thw. 8. 1895. W.I’.C 843 Mm Inv- m annu- ugumy to ot. "' gm) mun thoiie dhprfes are made brsfptt'is, Emu_lsion. rn== ll £383 FEE: I I YOUR gamma Works. lt on m . CHOICE 3 "is. for particular; T, L ,tla or 01.3 t co, 33 [Mahmoud w.. Taro-q. Watson’s Cough Drops FREE ll o In: or Woman, In every Town I“ "A.“ (my. to "In a Kid Glove Dyeiu And Chi-in; Work " Home. No “purines quuu without-ow Dre 5nd 0mm. .12 . took - undo. NI rmmlysfm Arising“- _ __--- ILLS. ttl II L: r w r. . Lit .11 it M Ac.. R'AllNPh//,y,,l,it " Kaela“; Steer. But, 'l‘oronu, Money to Lotus. a. 0.1m». Ila.--a. Milt--".. Halon. LLB T0 INVENTORS Patenuottaine0 . hull counuieo by Inurntlonll Patent Bureau. " Melinda St. Tomato. Ignace: expel-10m 0. Lowest nu- !ntonnstion tree. G. o. FRIEIAN. m R. A. Rum“). Export Ind Exes-luv. ed to otsiuota, in nix wooka. Get Bl] Part/tou) by waning for New Pr-tus Mention all. -. Addreu, W. H. SH AW, Franny-L Divo- tho late“ and has: mum of mm. In Ita Oommorclal. thou-mam! and Poul munch? Depart manta. " student. - gd to WI' Pyar l ulx'yvooks. Get by pnrpiculyj GOLD Imam: AND mun“ oo..-L1'D. Fully Paul-In sum-en, only "e. each. I. - of not In. a“ ono hundred nine. This in a den lopod claim. with shun no leg. “up. und all in p -ylng we. mill lost: alumna? mrutniticent rt ml's. R Tort ot Minister Mines very favorable. Send tc GEO. H. MAURER. Sec‘y. 34 Victori- b‘mot. Toronto, tor Pnosrscwa. itil',tiitl,e,"t','it,t', I usiness College Company, Ltd., 'trl"llfiiii'ii'i'u, A large, tiniqtsipped. old-utubliphod inal- tegtdott--NOt" BITTER IN ©AHADA. - lawman Education at Lowest Poribk ' Graduates: away. trttrercufut.. Write to “Name. W. J. ELLIU'l‘l'. Principal t'ia"itti",u.siotesant-t,t1t Wog1 TWENTY-SIX YE_ARS. CEYLON TBA-STANDS SUPREME Load Puckeu only. Back or Mixed. All Grocers. I: 'rrtiAwrs'ie, and see that You 6“ " SALADA " 'lnll Creek. Bus-land. [autumn II. cu Gold In": Merli-h .. Jo-o." “Mont. Crime." "Old Irotwides. qb Ft. Elmo," “CAI. Norma." "Alberta" and "Eldon" also '. Big Three " Prospectus of which will boront. on .pptiotrtiorx. Any stock wanwd can be secure!» [or further pumicul-n apply to A. W. R058 a CO., A King Street In“. Town. 'fittmettse Profits mu; but may mum"? All mm 'e, LI Tnolm5.8ruu~u.ry tit Km. an Vim our oo-oper-uvo u - v. w..-..-__, -v _ Der of gJ'g',,tl11"ll' reduce- the risk end Mt teat.'"'"' " mere-.000 the dance. to . f The termination of the election-1n the Sum t hvor of sound Currency mskeo the proton. me unusual? {avonble for '.'et'gh'ti: Every- thing is boom mt, and I lively market '10“ to; from new and] Christina. " A“. AM am -...I nn-AI‘R “V“ tor trom now unw van-mu... Bums of 010. "o, 860 and yr"" invent! through us. return lugs pro u. . mm. mummy moment?!) Invested In when! " Oath. 1tt and. pet out. in n onth. 1,000 mum in I'tthT, nd Bob's“ on I“ Aiwtgt showed a proSt son Pfr cant. in “(km W invest“ in Sun Trttrt in ”who! . pull of 90 per cent. m thue Inch. Pan no. or .11!) in“ similarly In on.” tie I! aunt: In: - o uh pttdtt_. l?. by It‘d rhyhttt 'het Chili td s','i',',!?il " " .2 tt u, II w.' I. D Ki, -., III-u- a.“ “mug with deeriptitm will tie Ftth aunt: In: that o nu yum. w. by and sell Stock. 'het Gram In“ Mg ore 'nf/ees',' u n: u lining 'ch. Write tor aim at with ducnpuol ”than 7A.. __..-.---- All "I SMUGGLER unused hm: Institute of Curtered Acmuumnu. Bend for Bundeomc pt, e I’m-spawn lbw. TROUT. Pro-Idem. D. K ummus. Bog! British Columbia Gold Mines Anions-st. an Army of Commenter: Our pound" "can: of combining A nu. . .,..AH-;__M_ .5- an. and [an . a T. W. lumped on each Drop. THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND NEW YORK STOCKS and WHEAT. Itx-utiord, Ont-r10 -tyt,llNllhll'S BAKING POWDER I6rM"T..-Nrmrd and team an. qitirirtiiriMrivaiis, Tum: sou. on. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. FOR SALE .Made dull] in-- Iron Fencing, 0M... W “In“ TORONTO PINOI All ORNAMIITAL WORK. I TORONTO. CAN, Ind .11 kinds of IRON All) WIRE WORK. FREE I I 01.00 at l" tit'?, air,

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