West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Dec 1896, p. 8

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_ . 'il, _ Atl., go "hit it J. A. HUNTERS} 'i"' ii BUY OnE 1i,yjijjjiijcriciiriiiil . THEY ARE 0. K. G f.';' t9 12 Pairs Men’s heavy Pants, cloth ing home made, worth $1.75 Tm apair, 50 Wtrs,hboards 10 cents each Cross Cut Saws Roap Ties at 5c Nails, etc. 24 Pieces 30 yards in each, finest factory at 50. worth 60. 100 Men's red handkerchiefs selligag at 7 for 25c, Reg. 3 for 25c. 5 dozen clothes pins f: r 50. Fresh Figs 5e. lb. New Peels. New Raisins an! Currants. 25 Boxes lied Herring the Last at g cents a box. . 7 Bars 801p for 25 cents, Reg. 5 cents a La". 12 Pairs Women's overshoes. good stock, worth 81..50 Tuesday $1.25. 12 Pairs Women's Dongola buttoned boots worth $1.75 at ooo. a pair. L?. Pairs Wornen's Dongoln Laced boots, sizes 2% to 41, Tuesday 00c. pair. '24 Pairs Men's heavy rubber one buckle cor- rugated edge. 12 Pair Men‘s hand made long boots who'e leather. back and front, double sole, 83 33 ., PN., -- E Keep last week'spaper ftr py'titu1lar1s of our way .of buymg wood-c-its a good i pian. Try it, TRY CUP. 12le, TEA. Its all Right Rog. $3.75 KOLONA CEYLON at 28 cents a 1b. "-"'"""'"-"--ovotsosq.a,a.aso,a,--s, '=N2-et:stq ”’ ”11": 1‘1: .\\“\\\‘ 8 Heavy Pants, cloth and mak- ade, worth $1.75 Tuesday $1.52 from .50 foot so IS OUR 222mm: UPPER TOWN.' ach, finest factory at root, up. Glass, Patty, Oils, 222222323 g J; a.1 mght, , J :ents a 1b. I ',?eP,re7.T2'E'amift i) at factory at _ Wm (may LTpr-s __-. .,... ----....-, A 3) <3 tp, (g) tJ. a, Mr. Chas. McArthnr, we understand has been laid up with rheumatism for the last week. A party residing not” here had a small ady.ehtufe with a y.liu.nk recently, Our School has 'usl diploma from the Elam ment of the " Wor.Id's J moms of drawing that the best that were exhil Master Willie Edwam caught in tt mt trap n l which measured 42 im wings. m r. nugn Edwards raised his house last Friday. The boys hustled it upand were through in Rood time though the days of this season aw but short. Mr. Hugh ii:dwi,ii," lust Eyiduy. The boy Our. stock of news this wwk. Mr. itor, is short owing to Uttduil times at presunt. A shaming match was held at Rob Roy Hotel on Thanksgivinn A.. ,, u... [flute has entert mony with Miss couple intend I home. I Mr. Gm. Alexandernf Allan P, visitingarhii, hrnthcr Hart)": 11 past two weeks. We think there us some attrm ti round Wellreck for George as he ploughing on the tifiy. Miss Kate Campbell, of Sydex: has been visiting at her sister‘s MI 0. Stewart. fur the past two wcek's Me. William Wade returned Manitoba where he spent the sum“ Mr and Mes, Geo. Shem-rman n over the the arrival of a young son Campbell Bum. ttpe lnmlhm my.“ _ .,._ [nu-n F""'" Trl .t"tintat'ting sume business with his bmhm‘. The late Mr Neil MrArthur who met his (301th violvntly ttlrout Nov I, was well known and highly vesptwted in this locality. While on his way to work with others on a, hand our, he mot n work train in a wok cut which pmvod fatal The trustees of S. Section No 13. have engaged Mr. lioht Lodinghum for 1837. Mr. Juo, MvArthor left, last, week s'In. Itat Portage with a cat. lomi ol hovscs. cows, sleighs and every thing that a ymmgmun is in [wed of hut a house kncner. Mr. Duncan nccmnpunied him to Fort William, wheve'he intends to ro- llel a, few days fur the: nnmmuu “a Mr. Hector. McDumud is visiting friends mu Must be some "tttvva.lio,u n tht Jl'L "e n naiedJndL‘e. Mr. Will and Fred Bray I ed home after spending the and around Guelph. l Miss Sarah and Mr. Dan Stewart paid the County capital a visit last week. They report every thing very quiet. Mr. Albert Smith has puirhnsed the machinery of the Williaiursfovd Woolen Mill and intends having it refitted and a mill started here next summer. Mr. Smith is also of the opinion that he has a Coal Oil spring on his farm and will human expert to exmnine it, should such indications prove correct. \Yelheek ll ill yet he a notedjlaee. Famners hero are nearly ihg. Our Post, omee is doing n huge busi- ness. Should the present. gnvernmont hold out another session. they may de- pend on a large income from this quart- or. T Mr. Editor, seeing that our Inn-g is not represented in ynm- columns, we wish to remind Jour' readers that, more is such a place. . around again. Rev. Mr. Little will continue to fill Ins tegular appointments at. vansvnd's Lake which was asked to be cut off to lighten his work. His services me much appreciated, as a well filled church generally shows. (We regret this budget, did not appear last week, as it, should have done, Ed.] M mars Chas. Bovle. Goo, Lamb, along with Dr. Smith, Geo. Ladingham, and Wm. Duncan of Dorauwh attended the Preslsytery nweting in the interest of the retention of Rev. Mr. Little. The decision was good news to man y a home. Mr. Jim. McArthur has been laid up for some time its " result of the accident to his foot, in Baird's Sawmill. He will be crippled for some time. Ihotives Lem of the deceased Mrs. W.n. JJoyle, Bentinciz, atteulcd 11w funeral recently. Miss Magpie Dimer went to Markdnle Hiely to take charge of Rev. Father Huuck'sresidence, and will do herself credit. Mr. Jun. Clark, Bentinek, made a flying visit with friends here lately, while attending to other business. Mr. Neil Livingstone is engaged with Mr. Ruht. Mills of Dornoch, making square umber. Ovtvassional bluffs of snow remind us winter is approaching. hoddu will be plentiful this winter, but money scarce. 'I'herise of wheat is no profit to this locality as most farmers are buying their flour. . _ 'ith Miss 1'!orddrihii; intend making Duluth Were exhibited ROB ROY. "0.- Edwards the other day :mpn. large hen hawk l 42 inches across the as just recei P Edllmtiona 'orlgl's Fair" f {CDUHMd of Walkuwtr, Hide} around “'cllwc i‘tx'rwlion. Hi -uuu " l Thanksgiving day, WELBECK. mcan :wcmnpunivd him whore/1w intends to 1'0- s fur the purpose of P. business with his GLASCOTT. was held 1t, the ,_.IA . . _ 'utional -iieiiiii', P., L. n p _ VANDECK. Tm: 'aie" for spec:- ranked among in”! eiyef their Sydeulmm. have return- I sunnm‘r in done plough- ts '. Ed- I just th wk is W the air met was In Il Miss. Jessie A. I Jus. frum Durham their [um nts here. Hone and Dannie ,"?'/uy1iotilateiy. M 39ft town. flivmls how (‘upmin ll a fine dug in otlust, man‘s animal, su h. u “.10 m I'; shown " mun-r ohms " and We hells. We takv with our frwml Mr. and Mrs. Tr " Wh 31(- slum"; " ii Just a link 6rttcr tha,. q) I _ C Fr, H yr ttt l fvw of the m0 {have huge! he." wit h " ttrstnites spent it fr in titttsiv.s,r and nth llh’lznllN-nf tr,. [I , McMillan w: last week ar, in A 1 style. Messrs James I McAl-Lhur have mor an» at present build Inn’s hush. and \in keep Butt-Mm” (Yum will he beavers in tl Messrs Aux-him , Me. Archie Mcltmis and Miss Maggie [rum Pricevii few days at Mr. 1). ”MIN..." and she is worthy of 51min] mentiuu f: I not arm-Mm}; the reward offered. Mr.Ju}m Morrison and fmnily have moved out to the 4th In live on their farm tin-m during the winter. sen-134m. they will be much missed at Scotch Town corners. Wo wore asked to annmzm-o, thui gnitm- lost by the Mink it short time was found out in Stone’s Sade Artouwsia, a young lady was the fi and she is worthy of 51min] mumiu: not arm-pm”; the. reward offered. Mr. and Mrs. John Williatus, of the Avenue Wt'tt' wclvmue guosts at, M". John C. L'earou's, " wet4; "gm Sunday. Mix»; Mary L. Ink-Donald who hash-0n vmployedut,Mv, A. Ht-MiHvu’s during thesuuunvi. has. rcturm-d In her honie in Balsam Valley. Mary is n Renewal fuym'ite with the youth of this burg. and her, presence will be welcomed any time. . are pr mph. elileleat am lic-od 's Pills easy in; enact. an cenu. nthe One True Blood Pur',flor. All druggists. " Prepared only by C. l. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. lil, I . ’.. hum (Wm in one eye and about my temples, es- pecially at night when I had been having I hard day of physical and mental labor. Itook many remedies, but tound help only In Hood’s Sarsaparilln which cured me at rheumatism, neuralgia and bani-Che. Hood's f3artraptrilia has proved itself Itrue friend. I also take Hood’s mils to keep my bowels regular, and like the pun very much." ISAAC Lawn, Sabina, Ohio. téé$éé$ééz Just a little bdh'r than I "I am glad to any that Hood’s Sir-apa- rilia is a very good medicine, especially an a blood purifler. It has done me good many times. For several years I gunned greatly with pains ot President Isaac Lewis of Sabine, Ohio, is highly respected all through that section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president ot the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Samm- parilla, and what he says is worthy attention. All brain Workers tind Hood’s Sarsaparilln peculiarly adapted to their needs. it makes pure. rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. 'AWprs INleiurajigiia It. was made the prosent of in yum-lawn fair night. No 'sdulLar would purchase the he must be a favorite. sssie A. Beam” and brother Dun-hum 'spent, Sunday with its how. a at Mr. D. G'tuahans's ti James Dunbar t ur have moved to the Ella It m Hm mvrry youths of the a? hm- wii h ‘1. lldHlN‘l' of Scotch. slwm u fnv plmsnnt hours :;: mu] other alumna-"mums at oi' Mr. H. MVLPHJII ni- T'..., Sarsapari ht a 'st'tH, building a shanty in Dun. " au.l will cut cotlvothl, and Man during ilu, winter; they avers in the spring sure. Archiv. 5rtlcohn and Alex. Wept, all] home, fur a few days and took in Hm no,.r,..... " , In. f t sun-p: lorrriwn In: I’m-{Willa In'ely wr hunk-(l "Mui, m: lish-n for the tke urn-Lt pleasuve and Jimmy. of Map Jrs. Pat. Sullivan '0 welcome gut-a Sunday lust. SIX-ce-al'-",'-'-,'--,'- ,V “-\VV'IIIK‘ :n'wnds in this Inn-g Sul- mduy. Mr. Muck is n good "vig lived in the old land 1541). and since that time HHNUYUI in the Tun-mun SCOTCH TOWN all I'. i; “I were away on an '. P. Bit-Arthur has unis and his sister 1 Pricevme brunt a, Gtuahans's last, week. are prompt, ef1ieieat and the Durlmm fah In‘ely we we’re .. blaming“. Lic- n' the Wedd In: V - u. -,-\,IVIL'H' pleasant. hour, mmm-uwuts at Lellan on Tues. av.) in the Tun-unto which Position t'Vll are in a (emit Muplvfx‘rnvp Hump, that the shovt time ”:0 / Hula-m}. sts with ill Inlelv um] Hugh , Sth, Iliey welcome the {indel mam will he kept for Service for Season o 1895-6 at. Lot 7, Can. I, Nornmnlvy. Excellent Reading?“ .. for every member of the family. We offer srooiiiGTa,ent, to agents For terms, etc., address- ADVERTISER PRINTING tll,. F LosDos. Us? Market Reports, iStoi'ios‘ ALL THE NEWS tli THE WORLD “SPRUCE LODGE HERO," N0. 402 ONLY ONE DOLLAR W11" on!) lint-clau- than!» II Tamworth Boar Furniture of the Best. 1'tlit ALWAYS CN HAND. wi, Would Int'mate that to m rum-no 1tytyu,Upfiiii] (Indqrmjdng 1Nsine,o, as .EI’JI'E‘ERE MI) [B'ERHKIH Wests Romrmbir the stand -oppos1to Markct, Durham. teen P. PEGTURE FRAMING A SPEGMUY 's ammo-09” H. A. HUNTER " ArtF'rsx'-'t'ye+ato I ' a take this ii9TrBi9t3EtIB:R,,,-- FUR'THE " REVIEW. " TIIORO UG H BRE qllhillliii1teaticillytiir"iiait:ii'iii Balance of 1896 Free. To January ftrf, 1898, TERMS tt. ism Advertiser. FOR 1893-7. 'tutr es Each. Week .-wrTrr- '. SHE XVELL g . w. LEEsor: Prop " 1W ILL “Wu.“ :1;le u ' etc. In Groreries we have an extra Japan Tom "I. paper bags, Cited wxlh [um], for Sl.g,5 worth 80c. Our Tell at ZINC ntstul,, no tuite Inna a. nice Granite Teapot Well any“; {me that, We will thtow in " lb. of L'ukmu po, for half ttdollar. Every houselmldor need Now, we will mm “In A ilu in... I... Tt A Black Malian orvtroat m; a nice. dressy gum-em. nnd o The. ready-to wen Ciolhinu ue " (at years. and no has our primes. l by W. B. Sanford Mtuyttacturij1 man a Co., but the prices are u... as our clothing can and dues mm usage. so doo our prices htmpl the We Quote Goad iii; the The Actual Test IS the Best p, Come and see are. We .L. GRANT. PI "" _ ___‘H- mun» WU mm] ALL OUR PRICES EQUALLV CHE» I we will give you a' ti,(l'i'ri/, of Baking I'owder fur 40e. " PLANING AND MATCHING/ (Hench, Oct 16th If“). . Cnme to tt . . , te pretttises f ll ' "W $2331 tl,',', 332:?mllm- nm- J,','.,. IU W . ' p (use prove ,ropretr, PM “XIX [1808 and take them Jr','!.' D. Giulia. . L,tetspty.t N. o. tt We are pmfwuwl to take lmildinl 'f tracts and III-lush all kinds of Mll‘il at living prim-s. 3 AT quu'r pmcim, Dromore, June Gth. 'Mi. " a'e hog to mnmum-v to thet that we haw- the In!" whuill istd mu'itted with DONE AND awmmrrma G HA RA STEIN). SHINHLES ON "AND N. B; To ensure a gnnd 'j."',,) Hidrs must. ho well salted as who!“ f Ilitlltr.1)yp)ine, VVA’I‘SON BROS Bythe New F which for Finish Horse Hi .105, IMPROVED MACHINERY. Renew [hr the [Minn Eati Sl In two colors and NORTH EG REMONT. CAME E STRAY. inns, ialint Robe Tanning 11,333 can't be i sfacticn Guar Robes & Coats Thos, Smile New Procet k Iram, 320 VNV. us from mother tmm, wl h a velvet Etta value, Jo Pvemnats at Tow Hides, I) d suitable for well lined you good handle INF tlie North" Our P” letra, Jar tttii; my" Ind If.yi, la by (“and i the ,,iiii)'!t 'sttato ot huh g Poral, need: I]. ad “315.?“ ml 802: coll.” only .5 red: litt i and m smile? ht' A tyd w all mg. _ - JACKSO WAREHOUSE M Arrived Durhn In, anking our LSt patronag; Lriiiced that ill merit, a EVERYTHIN Gill and Insp (h thr Brockville Bug “toque. and Camp “I We: & Bugglc “WChuhum Famnul ”Snow Ball Wagmm “I Shock d the Rama! 4hetr-at fabulous pnc M & Wood's Singo I 1"! Buckley Mowers tt.dkd. ttte (hr Maxwell“ 'ihtues--ettearzer thas has. We beg to ers and t that W e ht System, Nil iM equim kinds of Ft runs a, Pian - vuuu “trance ge Bale The hill. in. cu um Ionoy . hm bout! " .110. Atl..... And Sold uni-'1 buuin _ to Sta the

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