West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Dec 1896, p. 1

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CES promise-s of the 'ntdet tube-r one ewe and w plume prove pm?!” 1d take them tswnr. D. Gull“ may!!! thr Mo Ran?" IE ESTRAY. Inc gt RM SON BROS It Ih'it'sE3a'ON'r, Thos. Smith, ED MACHINERY. 'NO c,'ATr.jACrqoN A ftANTKED. ON HAND AT RIGHT PRICES him r Finis V ”-1 n'lh tual Test ? Best Pr MO LN NO MATCHING/ RIA, NT. be Tanning IEW. " Tanning! yi EQUALLV CHE» . HUNTER BW to ma ke 1 Guarantesd. I with & Coats " Y"""," oy Itts "w, ’15:?!“ the J';'l'tt" m strain of In I -- it 90. kin-ls of wives. Meats d Proces rott good w Hides, D, suitable for “my, Pond“ der - need. h t good job I ed as soon I the Somm- an T" Oar to tho in.“ "ehuilt tind - “ o tlyrtiaii. l nh 50e and W (Inn 0..-. n "ttildiott e", ml money, "ll ot can". ., i no, In!" “A mm U arrn.~ ther town. “a” ',t1tty r clog , “I .. tttul WIF‘J lo Our-4..~ and. Biii; e and M “my“ 'rayh e take this opportunity of unking our customers for ast patronage, and we are :cnvinced that the new system, nu merit a continuance of ”DEALER IN--- l, lil kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles,' Organs a. Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. EVERYTHING BOUQHT‘EQR CASH Just Arrived Durhmu. {no hr Mnxwells's Light Steak _ --- ___ always irimlers--ehearer than ever. d. e Convince Ca" and inspect and It - _,,r‘.r“ Md Mini}; 5‘; L. Court l, mm ll. Jackson. New! him- t60 AG res hid Valuators. OI? Insurance Agents, tB. C n Commissioners .. wyuMtlttthil, e111 'll', tty, tam “newness-133'hféfiéafiztzfisiféiwfiéfgfiif II. IIIIIIV“ - to. _ l Maxwell's Steel Itatasts, e . Ono Car 1lrckville, Buggies, also" C outtbard & Scott’s Seed Drum and Gaunnoque. and Campbell, ID!" Hatrowtk [ don Carriages & Buggies. Mera. One a, Chuham Famous Wagons, Wilkinson Plough' 12d tlt' makes. also Snow Ball Wagons. Cygnus & Pit-nos of t a . icer ttrt of the tamous Rama? A few Stovit' " job pun I --lri, fabulous prices. l , . win B- PM t Wood's Sings Apron pm. New Wnllmms Be , dm. Buckey 1towers and Tiger ohinetu . Mee 'I‘ " C‘nn‘l hf Rebalre A a...“ 5mm busing-M {Mayan door to Sundae 139,-!"- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash\ System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will he .arge Sales & Small Profits." Ftrtits Farms bought in P0“ CORVEY mucus. ADOPTED BY 1 G. a; J. McKechnie., We beg to inform our Custom- JACKSONS. i,iiiiii iir,Grist Possible_ ions. Aug. "th, "oo. the same. CHAS: .. G. 86 J. McKECHNIE. (if, bl iii 011 Hand Good Fin-m Lana: mn- -.."r- _,_ 12. Bentinck. New Concrete Dwelling. new Fume Sabin, situated within one mile of Post once. Store sod Saw Mill. Terms any. For pin-titanium apply to, M. H. MILLER. Hannver. HJW FOB SALE- Prices. of Repairs always 0] tertat . A. Faith“; a mm. tio rum. The nomination for the position of County Commissioners takes place Monday. Dee. 21, nomination for Township Councillors Monday, Dee. 28. l Voting for both setts of oitieerg at same ;time and place, Monday Jan. 4. Three Mondays engaged, the double system of oftieers, anh the grinciple of two votes to one man if esired are changes likely to prove puzzling to some. and a few words on the mattel may be usetul. Township Councils will be elected in the same way, and bear the titles cf Reeve, Dep. Reeve and Councillor as before, bat Reeves and Deputies will not now go to Owen Sound as County Councillors. - - - _ THE NEW VOTE, WHEN AND HOW. -vi1iaiiGiiaik Herald last week has the following paragraphs relating to this matter: _ _ __ Each voter when he presents himself' to vote will have handed to him by the l Returning oftieer two ballots, one con- taining the names ot the candidates fortheCotmty Council the other con- taining the monies of the candidates for Reeves and Councilmen. The ballots of the latter are marked as they were last year. The County Council ballots are the ones that may give some of the voters trouble. Let us suppose an elector has retired' with his two ballots to the privacv (f the voting compartment. He must tirst satisfy himsell whio‘ll is Pt, mug; i Taking up the next ballot. for County Council it he intends to give one can- ‘didntc two votes he marks two X X l; for his name; if he intends to give lt vote to each of two candidates he ' marks one X after each name. Illa” WDIUIJ B.....'..-"- .. .__‘, icipn‘. and which the County Council‘ hall-n. The words Municipal Council and County Council must be painlv primed I n each. Having done so MIP- pose he disposes of the Municipal ballot tire. He places one x after each candidate of his choice for Reeve, Deputy Reeve or Councilman. He ican't put two x x after any one name lon this ballot. Gi,----.------ ------'""- -_ m------" In the above ballot John Smith counts two votes. In the following ballot John Smith counts one and Wm, llcnry one. r; w l If a voter is particularly wishes to see John Smith elected and is not‘ anxious to assist any ot the other can didates or it he is afraid by dividing up his Votes he may lose both, he laces "N N' after John Smith's name. Ff, however, he thinks that John Smith and Win. Henry are both likely to be elected, and he wishes to help both equally, then he places a X after each name. (tii/ttig Ifiibtr_gijttt). " The Council meL muymu lam to adjournment. All present, the Reeve in the c of last meeting rend and c Li/ir-si-Ayn/hc/l sinner fur ward No. l be worm-e one barrel of tit Linen. be being in im traTcGs.--orritd, 'arp1,s--Layi!trr'l1y,',,t t strucLed to ask the Counl erase the taxes on lot tA con. 2, E. G. ii.-iurried, - - " I I --. T J nines Jones, John Smith, Wm. Henry. DURHAM. THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 10 1898, work M. 1m w, .y... --e A. McArtlmr. woak at, lot 28, Durnmu Road, 50 cents; J. w. Stproulr, funeral expenses of Sarah J. eigbel $10.00; The Clerk Services under the School Act $15.00; Robert. Darguvel, culvert at. Dornoch. half cost $6.19; Arch. Mc- Kocbnie, planking It/hr/i',', bridge, half cost 33.“); Henry Wil Urns, culvert at lot 22, G, M. half cost 86.PO) J. H. Les- lie. gmvelling at But-head Mills $34.“) Orr Minnie, repair of bridge at Barhend Mills tt Ottt Jas. McNallv, plank for rul- vert on Lambton Sn eet tio eta. l selection of Jurors $3 each $9.00: Jag. Garth re- iring budge at lot 15, con. 10 'luis"., r,lll, Orr, burying Adena steer 3111); D, G. McLean, repairing scraper 60 cm; Archie McKechnie. balance on contract nu. A- unmade-n, letting inspegt ouncil met Nov ELENELG COUNCIL. 'uyember 9th pursu- l All the members l I the chair; minuus and "contiAutrd. jtir--Tht" commis- l be authorized to of ttour' for James in indigent circum- (owl x (was cunrc -r---- thet xes to [my 5 not M Rein" Mu mung rom< h, he quui name. t-r. John mun likely kno' , help met I. after Mr. out him con and .pursu- Ho embers tslit niuuus As od. . tlu: :plum;s- yin and to jee . James wo circum- , so! Ac be in. ' Laurer to toi ulf of 12, " m mac-Mrs. to nst this d, ‘e Reeve ed oe.---Uar- N m By-lawa 8tBand 3tioappoirttiltr polling places and deputy returning ofBcers, an authorizing the Reeve to appoint an arbitrator respectively was passed and the pouncil adjourned to December 16th at 10. I. m. More than usual attemtion is being paid to the meeting of the County Council last week and considerable sentiment is being displayed over the last meeting of the ponderous bcdy. When next irmeettt the hotels will be seriously affected having to entertain 116 only instead of 55. "OK"o"m u-ww -_.- Edgar, County Auditor, and Dr. Pel lily, jail Surgeon. After referring tod the filling of these offices he spoke of the stage he had taken to have stone I at cure to keep the large number of vagrants in the jail employed. He then suggested that a committee be ap- pointed to draft a resolution of condol- isneetothe widow and family of the late Jno. Clark, M. P. The reeves of ' Keppel, Glenelg, Osprey. Artemesia, Sglivan and St. Vincent were appoin- " . " The Session opened Monday evening with all present and the warden mnde the usual address of congratulation, referring alsoto‘th‘e 1e1th6,r, Pete? Wmden Anderson took the chair at 2 o'eloek, Tuesday of last week, and read c.cunmunieatioo from DIVid Comely in. viting the Unnncil to a. {unwell oyster supper Friday night and npplicatiom for tlie position of jail surgeon. As no men. tiouei1last week Dr. Middlebro scoured the appointment. The import of the I re John "Chsrli'is death {UNOWIH The County Council of Grey take thin the opportunity to express their math lence ., is; With the Widow and family of the lateJohn trrc Clark, M. P , ex-ieeve of chpel, who was ' an esteemed member of this council {mom fee the year 1880 up to and including the year br 1595. Duiing the manv yearn that he oo. hh unwed it sent at this board. he was xemank- O nhle for his ability, earnestness. cundour, lg” cheerluluess and courtesy. No man ever ' at] [loascnted more tuuroughly the oqteou1 and eoulltlt nee of his colleagues. and no man was our more sincerely mourned by his an fellow members. To his widow and chil. to iron this OUUJCll can only exurud their heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement, " and collallh‘nd them to the care and keep. ge mg oftlwir llemeuly Futher who knoweth At what is best for them and whose ways are th not men's ways. b It was moved that the resolution be tl printed on heavy plate paper and framed "I and prerretIteti to the widow and family by t Messo.. \\'hittuu and West-away. Reeve t." and Deputy “(no of Koppel respectively It and Mr. Nicholas ttvid, Deputy Reeve of t tlt, Vincent. A attending vote Wtt9 taken 0 and ovary councillor ' on his loot. ll There was uilence in the room for some 'i time after the motion Wan carried. and be. fore that portion of the alternuon's busi- nose was disposed of u. touching scene oc- cuired which Will came the [net session of - the Urey county eouueilto be remembered 3 for years to come by thuee present. rt Mr. Binnie. ex warden. tiuuily suggest. r oil that toms of the older members say g .,orsuthinit, they being specially well ac- I', quaiced with the deceased nndlhis ouatisc. B. t-r. For his part he found John Clark . m man in every sen-lo of the term. He had ly known him for six years and had never lp met a man impressed him more as a man. " Mr. Clark was capable of passing judgment on any question which might come before him. he was a 1mm of broad views, and could pick out anything good in a subject and [1W0 " clear and impartial judgment. cu- He was a man who never went into person. M's ttlities was a man of large, sympathies. “3 As an advocate of the house of refuge. -. I . - 1;... nun-nab -Invn nnn' As an. any-um... -"e those who listened to him speak new con: I sinced ot' his honesty regarding the sub. ject and so with any other subject. It Would be Well if they could all take a log. Son from the life of the late J uhn Clark. Agra silence reigned in the council room “A - .....,,....| anaconda. Mr. Nicholas Read, Agra silence reigned m ull'".""."'" row tor several seconds. . Mr. Nicholas Rem known throughout tlns whole {fungal ti, . be trend ot L r. In Wttrttl and """e -.." n‘nnvn ntrgtartal known uxruusuuu. ...... ___--"" warm and intimate trend at Mr. Clark’s l tor years arose to speak. Tears streamed , down his cheeks, and although he attemp. 1 ed to my something it WIS impossible tor him to consinneumd he took his seat. The muioriby oi the members were sitting at their desks with bowed heads and many wept. The stillness was broken by one of the reeves who and “silence spanks loader than words," Mr, Read, who was visibly tdtecusd, again nose to his feet, and though generally he can be heard all over the we», when he said on the oceans- ion couhl baiely be hand. He mid t If I nttemped to say anything it might be con- sidered tdteetatiou, I thank you for Associ- sling my name With other reeves to pre- sent. the resolution of condolence. Never [ before hue I felt so much the ion of e [ man to John Clark. and perhaps I never ) wsll again. ' . , - AL- Mr, Bud's seat. " this 365910an mu some one which he bu oereupied for gens. For aeveral year. Mr. John Cluk an on an mat chair to the right " the sum desk. . A. ne_‘__., -.,a coax. The Reeves of Koppel. St Vincent and ‘Derby all eulogixed Mr. Clark. and Wore l followed by Mr. Binnie who Informed the l 1'iii'iiiisi tint tit the meeting of tin speci- Il committee Mr. Bend had shown: than) I :few lines oi poetry whlch he bud compos- . ed. Although air. Read had not. intended io _a. um. .Imuld be rend 'in council. ho COUNTY COUNCIL. ed? "iiruouiu ati.1 tint they should be J. B, BLACK, Clerk. upecinl committee t wan presented as the oludr a} u bald 0n nus qunn- ...._,, .rd. He said: If I {ban thi m; it might In con- mg_tbel tank you for Associ' uitil th Iter reeves to pre- we“ or :ondolenoe. Never {gram web the ion of . others d perhaps I never the not dressinl ' this session is the words: auccupied for yum "800 .1th Cluk at on tell, right " tho um Or u oel,8t Vincent sud Yes, Ir. Clark. um! were “HOW " who mformod the l ist, tl - - .. "__.. Iomy f1 bed received Mr. Reed's consent einee the commencement of the present meeting to read them. The lines are " follows: ’Jehn Clark on County Councillor We: honest we discreet ', a In the Dominion Pun-med RU friends one him . out. Bil Maker knowing he Wu at ' Fons. n no): higher post, He took him to lined! Ind pilc'l Elm, mount the “you?! host. On e suggestion by Mr. Binnie that the poetry be placed on the resolution of con. ( dolence, . motion toJUt offtsist was ttl ode ind "iried. A nu lvuuu-ua - M"-- __ town prper showing how the Scott Act was enforced there where it bad lspse'l through want of enforcement ',---it is or: dutv es citizens to look into this matter " once. The press of our city hes tNW- tinually end persistently directed the neoplee' attention to the violations of the lbw. and their Work has not been wholly in vain. yet much remains to be done. Neither omens not citizens should shrink from their duty. The cost of our neglig. ence tor even a. few days'cennot be celcu- ated. There is a load of gni t anon some- omN shoulders; is it the peop es'? We must solve these problems and find where the guilt hes ere it becomes too great. Let every man. who has a spark of humanity in him arise tothis his duty. “The liquor traffic must die!” And he who by his example or efforts hinders its death is the enemy of every home in our land. The following is quoted from u Charlotte: . . . I 0--.. A At “We musit face this question and grapple with it like men. If our own serynuta refuse the demands of our petitions then we will have leaned A lesson. But we must not stop there; let the citizens take up the work themmlvu. "By inuctiyity we can be malaria: to the crimes of this curse. Are you holding a, saloon-keeper's can while he stones 3 prophet or rains a home? - .. _ _,IA-_ -{6l‘n- ”WP.-- -. - ,V “That which ignores the saloon either fears or fuvors it, and can we stand idly bs while this huge vampire alps the life blood of our city? Stretching ont its poisonouu fang: on every side and leaving st.... “ma-n " mm and death wherever 1t poisonoue fangs on every side nnu ieuviug the marks of pain and death wherever it strikes? "We must heed it, it, we do our duty, and meet it at once. This is is e late dey to attack it; but tomorrow will be listen". This earnest appeal was not made in ‘vnin. Not that the civic council felt eny greater responsibility to protect the city and its dwellers from the operetioue of the most insidious imd destructive foe; but the citizens tbelDSOLYeB, deepening ot the proper, authorities discharging the trust they had comitted to than. took up the case With results that empty demon- strate that the oiutinstration of the law is even more vital than the lev iteaslf--- F that a good law in the hands of an eaten- owning administration mll not produce ' es good results as can be secured by e detective law, honestly end sympathet- ) icully ts,1miuistercd. ieally Last week we mu hratinn of this day trend n mrtion of ent Ln'ulllaw. Afte audience. and the 1 sister societies, his Last week we mentioned the fine cele- bration of this day in Guelph. We ap- ( pend tt iortion of the address of Plesi- ent Luidlaw. After welcoming the large audience and the representatives of the. sister societies, his address continues l " As might he Ta",'.);',) pihr och and heather will enter argely into the en- tertainment to be sriverr--irt other words it will be natioua1---yet, notwithstanding this, we sincerely hope that in the main it will be acceptAble to every one and by everyone thoroughly enjoyed, St. Andrew's Day for the greater part of the year may be little other than sentiment, yet as the day approaches‘ it intensities. until we meet as we have met to-night, With the heather on fire, yielding to the witchery of song and story, leading us to the. hind beyond the sea --ttt our tuther's land-the land of our affections looming [Ill from the Itt with its battlement of hi 5. Let us loo on the dear old land fora little. and from different Pointe of ohscrvnt'on. thougn ts mud t,s,"o,autri1sr be in the briefest “Illcluuv run-.- it must necessarily be possible manner. ”WNW- VP-e""" Scottish history is interesting and rich y, in achievement, yet we. will endeavor to it sketch only one scene. though it is re- plete with stir ring events. In the earlier "centuries, when the inderendeuce of the 1 People was little other t um tt name and r 'herty huts ee:"., then the majestic form of Wal ace is seen striking for freedom, inspiring others by his daunt- lers heroism and will to rid the land of i 1 the oppressor until he dies a. mart " death. But the spirit which he has! quickened is not dead. the peogle are awakened and are in earnest. an more ' than this their rightful king is uowleud- t ing them on from one event to another , [ until the aggressor and the Err-eased l meet on the decisive field of nnock burn. It is a climax in history t and " thetwo armies stand confronting each , other with blades ready to he rown. the noble Bruce is supposed to be ad- dressing his soldiers in these stirring , words: ' " Scots whs. hm wi' Wallace bud--. I Scots whom Bruce has Afton led, , Welcome to your gory bed. Or to victory.” i Yes, mania true hearted Scot found . agory bed. at victory was with Scot- . 1 hi, and it is well that it us so. well not i. only for Scotland but for England. Do we overestimate its importance in ny- . ing that it was well for the world? But IV the trials and struggles of Scotland were. d not yet ended. In the centuries which " followed the rights of the people were ST. ANDREW’S DAY. :. T. U. Column . (€3,5- a. true hearted Scot. found ot victory was with Reot. a well that it Is so. well no' land but for England. Do lat/e its importance in say- --" .un cm- the world? But ch he In“! peogle are ,3!) more in now lead- to another , f $1an I We Handle everything in the ”line, at right prices. CALL a: SEE OUR i Collars, Pads. ill4k Bites, Whips Heavy t Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed Fin. Choice in Villa“. Grips. Home when. he" as. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. Tea of Teas KURMA TEA Harness l! Crockery & Glassware. J. CAMERON WHOLE NO. 957. WANTED " sauiiGit. "Riia- 3335.)} Hit opening I new ugh of plate book t more attach ire an yet lighter than ever. All Supplies Fllrnlghed Free. We ere the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expenses from the start. Liberal commission to part time men. Large list of specialties, all having been meted " our trial orch- ards. If you want a sure thing tor the Winter, write in. Also a. full assrortuhent cf Dinner. To: a: Toilet Soto At Popular Prices. delicious blend utu in ilbl.snd 1 lbs. 'lledTdlh'll, Sold for 300- lh. Sold for AOo. th. Sold for MM. lb T it. and mu willbe rfectly r, S'rhll','d". pe Nursersmen and Fruit Grow- ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation 10 1-3 m Money is Plenty. 12itiitt you think it in not. but B. R, Mil R. the Huaover Conveyance, in lending lotsuf it at, trh Fer cent and on exm good loans at eeer-AJosts low--. Terms " any reasonnt te person any desire. Collects Notes and Accounts-nt'. ch if no ccllection. Cheap Fume for Deeds. Mortgages. Itasca um war writings neatly and quickly peepared at reasonable cost. ...---AI1 Business confidential---- Lock Box 'Ar. M. H. MILLER. Eunover P. O. The Hanover " Telephone." Uonveyulcu often dial exuded. and the sighmg or we atBicted WM often beard, though in the end nearly perfect lihert was obtained. yeglilyerty that was 'l,SU't11 through kutterimp - "In. In literature Scothmd aka-high rink hut in m variety. ‘11th in Lust. we Ittt but In III Vin-shy. WV.a.%r'.. - -_.V, ., - 'dl tgmmdsswg. Mutter tie, gatt L s y is nins sn p it with mentions of hi: own on??? mm. Nicol Jarvis is still in business on the we Hunt. Janis Duns is still test-1| ing us high-toned princirlles. nod from within prison wnlls the ebrew maid is [ tenderly tlitintt the ear with her timbre! g:,",:',',',",','.',',,',',',' And in our own dsy we won especially mention the nuns of Ian Mchn. who in " Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush" and in "The Dart of Auk! J.,tm',t'lt " has touched . (-hryrd in the depth o the humsn heart which few writers he." been privik'sd to dd iro be qootu""d " . LEAVENS, Jr. THE’T In Io, lame 'r.itt! l" FURS. 8rilllll ' 1lliliMil'Nll IS YOUR LABEL RIGHT P tre., . H. MILLER“ “if 1 and the gigging; .ot 99 " trt, 3E g;-

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