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Grey Review, 10 Dec 1896, p. 2

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~. “f? 2 _ P' I 'jrih, , b -.; 11' trt you Tou. farm, - “a-.. -.. Jun. "f"""""'"' - "You may, to the hat!" interrupted Aahwe'd. "Yes. I know it. Even as if you had been as great a. rogue and fool asIgm, a combination in Four cam happily tm- ostsiir'ar," continued his visitor, “and I iflt Uen-what you am, you might, I beiieva, have reiied on me. I nee two hundred pounds. in two cheques. With this I so»: my war to hiding myselmmd feuding a coarse, vufgar sort of life, but without any particu'ar harm in it. I can have it, I hope t" "Instantfy; and I only wish I could find tho. means of heLping you to some- thing better than you describe." mpfied his Irinnd. " should like to attach one condition to this help, to which you are heartily weirome. I should wish you to lst me know. mmnlimn- --“-~A- "No. Herbert; I must not stay long to-night; nor wil'l I now tell you much of what I am doing," returned Rodbury. "What 1 have done, you know; and in what danger lam, you know too. I alwgys calculated ll? ,totlt..tr.ie.ndshipr-: if. wiil "You my you have a massage for me," I an the master of the house; but chaining himqu. he told the foot.. man not to wait; and the latter, who had hesitated at leaving such a char- aster alone with his master, disappear- The servant who opened the door to Rodhury demurrvd. naturally enough, at. admitting such a. person to his mas- ter's presence; but when the latter heard that a rough-looking man wished to daliver a mes=age to Mr. Ashwell from a 'gentleman, the domestic, was ordffed to show him in. R dhury hurried on his errand, which led him a lung Shay and to a very dif- ferent. part of Ltndun, until finally he stopped at a [10150 in a. large and re- spectable street. in the West End, a house at which few persons of his IMF. port were likely to call. With this aTrirpi larewefd he left his companion, and " ent quick-Ly off, glanc- Ing round once or twice, to make sure he was not hallowed. There was no danger of this, h went; for. as he dis.. appeared, Mr. Spade muttered: “This Is a different beginning in a cheap-Jack business from any as I ever saw be- fore. lwonder what my new pat has been up to? Hut Jack Sparta never was‘ a 3m; and never will be." I "Am l to go with you to your Mend?" asked Spark. “I ought to know---" "WeU, you will not knowl" inter- 'upted Rodhury. "My mtney wiil be, ou the reference I shall give. I have-' !rusted you with ten pounds readily, raat,ty.yr,h; " good-night." -- - - m I know it is all right. So, it jt did not turn oat au right. it would be a good deal worse for you than for me." " Rodbury intimated that he was ready lo set about his arrangements at once, and said that he could make an appoint- ment with Sparie for the next day, to settle, if that would do.-yss, that would do very weu.-"Yoa will not olr. ject to a cheque. I suppose 'l" con- tinned Rodlmry. "You can get it cash- ed, I daresay t" "Cashing a cheque would not trou- ble me," returned the other; "and I nhail not give you anything for it, not even a sixpennorlh of Coppers in change m smile. "I will take my chance as o there being anything wrong with what}. Is_hal-l pay you." " might have guessed what your ulswer would be," said Rodbury, with "Now, I have dealt straight with you," summed up Mr. Spark; "and I ahau expect you to be as 'straight in return. Where is this friend of yours, and when {an you hare your money? - vuv‘.‘\- 115‘“ Let me know, sometimes, where P, or at |.ny rate, how you are I shall not press you further; “are it all to yourself." close by, where he seemed to be well known. Here the ZundJord testified to his respectability and to his solvency. avowing that Jack Spar'ss's simple note of hand was good to him, the iand- lord, for fifty or a hundred pounds any day. , "The things are worth more than you are going to par" said Sparle; "and as a matter of fact, I am giv- ing you the lot. It is only the good- wild and the training you are paying for.-Now, come on; you shall hear something about me, and I will shuw you my receipts." He took his new friend to a gay bustling public-house It was now dark, or so nearly dark that the street lamps were lighted. and most of the shop windows were lighted up also. In a yard at the back of a shabby ten-am near the water-side. Frank Rodbuzy was shown a big strong horse, a large wagon or caravan, and . colleetiun of goods. his atabie and depot; Oltersan parting company. having. as he declared with Dufficient emphccuia, something on hand which suited his book a great deal bet- his company; yet, for all that. there tn: a something. a slovenly dissolute Iomething in his very look. his every movement. which told of a wasted it not a bad career. ' This his new partner had early noted; but his own experience had made him hr from futidious in such matters, and lo, without further delay. he set off with Mr. Rodbury in the direction of "Perhaps we shall." retorted Sparle; "but I do not can much how it is. I In: glad we are going to part, as you have turned out so nastr--Now, Mr. Wary. if you are ready, I will take you round to ou' place." The stranger ruse. He was a tall, "I! enough built young fellow, and not bad-looking, while he wore his shabby coat with a different air from, that of either of the burly fellows in -roa had better do it, Jack," said Otterson, interposing. "I can see this young fehrw means what he says. I did not like his look at first; but I do new. You an take him round to the place, and I will go on to my new peo- 910. Wes Ifter all." ANS ALTERED Nfiiijjii' CHAPTER I.-Hthmtin ued.) _sha1l part good trfemis, face, you, 7“-..“ we u to do with Jfle; J whose heig tailed dance of a temper interposad t .cyrtitqi'.és at benediction btot)prr-in2a at last. " kno, to please yoursel y0u choose to do tempt to interim hapirr-thiii is a, tie talk with yc burr, and"-., "Yas, it is true, J; in answer to his it know I offended yr I We Ifiease you "i' e.U, wish you " last. "I know to pique yourself at a. "1 must go and talk our brmher, as I told an to do.", "1 cannot see that it l. do with you, Jack." - 7 raw“ “mung ‘hy the hand. He upene " the meaning of this; mingled feelings and 1 vague the mumvnt Irefurt suddoniy to cortvietion-s" Then, ere he could reo Rudbury exc/aimed: "Let secrecy in such a matter, ( sister has promised to mar give the notice at the n marrow." N,“ H... wish. to see"... thus ran Mr. SparWs opinion. I Ha was a little surprised, on return. I ing hrme one evening, after a day spent in the purchase of goods and so forth, to find Rudhury at his house before' him. This was orLy remarkable from the latter havin.r said nothing of such an intention. ff/r.. Spark was still fur. ther surprised by his rtner rising, earning towards him as 'lf,', entered tie room, and then shakino him ‘M- A., |..- . ' . . ~v~'--J ““ laugh at his own cidont made an in He was more ruse appearad to be In probfom of difficu Sparie had by ti tamed to the ace \theSe moods in hi as much manning a Iawyer or a pa) times so cranky a could never quite him. But a Sharpe ness you wouid n thrtp ran Mr. Sm” Spark, was and herd fort] enormity of h expfosion pron 8eemed abge b phi .yisopye:1us and eouyd shawnaso and any St ling his h hit own. ,V .7. “u. M'"-"'-N7 I",.',?," gen in a great deal of sisterly sa- Itire, was airways at bur smartest when he came, and never fated to exert her- self to please and entertain him. During one of their visits m Lon- don, Spiro broke into a denunciation of the ur.treasonabkmrss of Women, their absurd ways, and utter want of hush! mss-h'ke judgment. Rosa furnishwd thei occasiqn lor this than» an H ----- - ' N _-__ ....; nu 1115 "ew Irtentt. Rose and Matty, the two young wo- men. were tutuaux.'/y good-ropkuU, in which mrticufnr they resembled their brother Jack. Their attraction was ra- ther of the showy ”harnmid" style, it was true; bat thny were attractive, be- yond doubt. At first Rodhury treated them with but. sfight attention, much of the trifling civility he did show be- ing bestowed upon the younger. He was never rude or churImh; in fact, to' each of those, girl; he seemed a cavalieri of high hrpedrrrsr, and perhaps his con-i duet piqued Rose. In any case, on his, recurring visits ho grprluly grew more' conversational with her, while she yn-l dnuht'ediy iuukf‘d forward to his coming” and, as Matty noted, and in cr','.,?,?.',"..:?'-; indu'ged in a itreat I‘l‘lli "r awn-"~- expected ,"H‘, v. “Funuu, UL which this is one of the most striking exampfes. "Them was ten of us," he went on; "but Cl the rest died off in two or three years; so did the mother. My governor died Iung before." Jack Spark; had been a fellow goqd enough to be the main support of his mother and sisters during the declin- ing Aeadth of the for...“ and I,.. __.__< UWI'J: unconsciously treated Rodbury Pomewhat differently from the manner in which he had dealt with Otterson, and with others before the latter. He could hardly be said to like his new partner better than he had Ii-ked his) dd cum: in fact, it was with him_ al frequently recurring question, studied over his pipe and has 3.353, as to w.he-) ther he rear/y liked this queer chap at afl. NpvertlwieG, as said, he could' not help treating him in a different! aty'as from his predecessors, and amongst; other things he took him to his house/ not to his place of business, but to his own home, where were found such fam-l ly ties as he owrnv-d. These were two sslers--.a girl of nineteen, and ona of ‘two or three years younger. ."f am fi,vcttyid-thlrU," said Sparta, in has introduction; "so they Iook up to me as a old man." he said. "as a old mam" but it is hardly necyssary to re- produm all his oddities of speech. of which this is one of the most striking exampies. "There “'35: in" of "a" L" . . I am 'lvtt.1ud-thirty," said Sparta, in bis introduction; "so they Imk up to me as a 0.1d mam," he said, "as a old man;" but it is hardly neutsssary to re- produce all bis oddities of speech, of which this is one of the most striking exampfes. "Them was ton of us," he hpnt on; "but all the rest. Iliad n" in It the required ships bury: thon, with hand. the strange e . l "'l'bamk you, Herbert," returned the other. “Perhaps I witll do tso.. Ypu will smile if I tell you I am going m- to business with this money; and you would smile or shudder-d don't know wlr'ch--it you couid see my Qartner. That. reminds me that I shouud like you to make the cheque payable to a num- ber, and sign it with initial-s. The'Lou- don and Westminster will cash it, it you advise them." " 1 Without another word, Mr. Ashwell drew a Cheque-bank from n drawn! “on" wunout another word, Mr. Ashwect; frtw. a cheque-book from a drawey near! :2 his mind, ar.t.d in a ooytrfatof minutes; ‘0 to do. “it intgffena, , h ea you Would sa,' the' other. who t thes doubtful pronounced by '.aTr-"sy, Ruse." This is trpp. Jack _ a“ ...... “W able to treat, the man bimlly afterwards, and t his own anger. But. ado an impre-ssion on I "H"', resurng than us (Thank or a Parson, Yii, l Cranky and my," er quite tttll where ., -L_,, - _ um own auger. But. the in- de an imprv..iikidd on Hcdlmry. lore reserved than usuri'», and to be meditating upon some f difficulty. Sad by this time grown 1ff1t/ the moasionaL exhibition of ds in his partner. "who had; Farming and C'onvepstutir,., ---‘ YOU. however, gment. Resp furnish-d the this tirade, as it. appeared t refused an offer oil mar- ty,l Shrakerly.‘ '.urill Stak- P, Jack," said his sister, N inquiring look. "I I you about Stakerly; you now?" you lurk," said Sparle v you will take care f at anyrate, whatever Wei, I shall not " 'e. I hope you win _he Y-,! should l_il_:e a lit.. -e-t_AW, . a -'.r" "'"'. T/llf1tor eight days, am! when I" a: repeated, with "mast.“ rn-main, fearing. lo I t as owns 1i.nt..tyTa.yarisi, they can gauge to great a public for his wife, it they know of. Nd any day o/ the “Mk, Bud bread and worse co, n the year, without put- with little variation,Lho tra. 11 any wants. pgckot ”aware. On presuming a ti y "no" to Iliy, Stakerly! lsentative of each family re nf.eignedly ',?,fj,'ihr',.t?1e,,dr"itt' food and a dish 0 co at great length on 't‘he family-s/ai, of than wor K sister's _conduct. “16111qu only, as miners, had oly did him good, for hag-names ot friends in orde treat the matter 1"',rt,iie'i'ite' within the terms of 1fterwarcs, ami even . l') which ea/led for families--, rn “men But. the "1"le out of the same vessel. imprusslon on iltyl/"y?yy,1d,/', fed on bread alone. Hwtwed than ttsul, andl'wnd Spanish emigrants Wt meditatmg upon some‘NVith bread, why not the Ca T/t.y. . 'they didn't, get enough to this time !'xrf)'h"lgff'mi'irr.'h'ld,1 so one day tlrey re mauional exhibition of rier who was passing of al his Plyrtner, “who ha(“and after that they were , g and conversation as; The only beds provided in parsnn, but was f"Pfrl,.ol,/,', “m“ -__-, and sirnt um. .r---r ed agips were handed to Rod- t, with a brief o‘asp of the strangely assorted pair part- : ‘th_e eomg1emcernent of the V ..\ Knucxcu L18 haking him heartily o upened his lips to f this; bat a rush of ' {ling recpllpc1iunsU. cri wrung, but grown yyn--sGfa him. Id remver himself, : "LN us have no 1tter, Spark»! Your Co marry me, and I the registrar's to- . 1i'A'ow in the busi- vor wish to see", and perhaps his con- . In any case, on his w grpriuly grew more th her, while she un- fqrward to his cominn- |uuc, as u ap 'eare4.otte rd an offer oil mar- , akerly. "Bill Stak- for a repeated, with I'eliiTd 'tns e.i.tuyxTa.yarii, q i"ii,' Ir.'ic. for his Wife. it the) my day of the week. By 2 year, witho'ut put- “4,; v nmn’n ~~~---»‘ , b. Say as much," to had smiled 7111. lukewarm by his future ‘." he vontinu- blminess with You I should T, Without put- n's pocket but Biy, Stakprlyyr ', 1xp,sperare.d, on return- L day spent , SO forth, L98 before" (able from '18 0_fsp(:h was Stuns- llvat you ' to have whire out“!!! down plants that w at tIre and of if thes. surviu . ‘.._ uuuhvu L118 Tteetlett sump next. day. The people tried to get work, but could not. The only employ- ers that appeared were the owners of the coffee and sugar plantations. They wanted the Canadians to sign to wan‘ The or/y I room were a “we softer Antll ureau and worse coffee, made up, with little variation,che Canadians' daily fare. On presuming a ticket, a repre- sentative of each family received a dish of food and a dish of coffee, and the family-s/Ei, of than): were {amnion i., 'tWe/ " There were three den "Mr. Owen says, and I I0! a man, and two bah 'overboard. The adult l (ease. A priest who w: iasYzed to conduct a Bel (not. On arriving at F, :igrnnts were put on fwhicb took them to San (min town about nine!) ‘country. A limited sup, cheese was given them train. A side track en to run right up beside place known as the emit and the men, Women an here unloaded mm "um ’back ia Montreal, and iemp'aoyrnemt. In these h is more fortunate than tl Whose who aeteornpanied (twenr days' voyage in 111 ' A Returned Emigrant Tells or)”: Expul- em-e in That l‘ounlry. Among the deluded Canadians who started off to seek prosperity in Brazil last September, in spite of tho warnings of their friends, was Mr. Arthur Owen, who to do so, gave up a good position in the electric shops of the Montreal Street Railway Company, anticipating larger: wages farther from home. Owen is now! LIVED AND swam T eight days, and where l rn-main, fearing. lo f y fy gagge to great il "Well.” said Sparle after a long F pause, "I suppose you are right. I shahl innit split on you. I shoeldypst no ' thanks" if I did. However. I wul just 5 give you a hint. Rose is a. trump, and l will go through fire and water, danger or death, for a man she bikes; and she 'Iikes you. But it you do not mean to [act fair and square by her, my advice Ito you is to draw back while there is , time; for if you thoroughfy offend her, 1 you had better face all he enemies you I have in the world, than run your {chance with her. She would never mind killing herself, or you, or half- ;n-dozen like you, it she once fairly l midellup her mind : so do as_you please." _ _ - _"- -'"'""'"'""'"t, mum, .Ivuu there, so a little further 'ht/iiierii'i'ir1'iifi; was necessary. bat, as Mrs. Rodhury said, "Lori what does it signify l" Indeed, to have hesitated than would have been, on the genCeman's part, in truth, straining at a gnat after swaJ- lowing a full-grown camel. (To be continued.) Rodbury's answer to this was a laugh, a broad open laugh; he said no- thing. and there the conversation drop- Ped, save that Mr. Sparta once mutter- ed in an undertone; "A pretty pair they wiil make." N? rppusition, therefore, being forth- pommg, the lovers were duly married, in a district at the east. of London; in the. parish of Went Ham, indeed. Neither of the contracting parties lived there, so a little further misiriovrineinrs ".It is not," answered the other de- cisively; "but it is the only name by f which I intend to 0:12] myself in futug‘e. iand the only name by which you wilt know me." LWJ. men, Women and unloaded like cattle large room, where al l name. I do not andy you will en- hghten Ruse; so your sister will call her,sts.'-t.tryi r.eellt.be Mrs. Bodburx." "You know, I am quite sure," re- turned Rodbury coolly, "that sueh. a marriage is perfectly legal if the wife did not know her husband had assumed ."Why--1u.it-oqptound it I" excl-aimed his companion, ”you are not gomg to mar?! Rose under a false name. are you__” - ' "Now, look here," continua} .Mr. Sparle at the close of his questioning, "your name is not Rodbury, is itt Be star.a.iglsttorsy1trd and say_ "yes" IT 'no..' " Spark asked him several questions, of_ a character so searching as to do his shrewdness great credit, and was ansyyered with more or was candour, "You are." returned her brother; "and try to be so over every one who comes near you. I shalt] not interfere very much. you may lay long odds. Let us go round to the Fox and Goose; we shag-l be quiet there, and can say all we‘have to any in a. few mingtes." A His partner complied so far as to leave with him, but preferred to en- ter on such business as was in hand wiyrou.t going. tp the hate} indicqted. FOR TEN YE no English Consul promir. a best. or the 1,1nfurLurradG, em they should never have." P, country was only fit for apd Juliana. Emiurnnf- CANADIANS IN BRAZIL, ' as minors had assume friends in order that 1-. tN, A - ' l. The adult died of heart dis- priest who was on board was conduct a service, but, would arriving at Santos, the em- rs' voyage in (ltr In!“ of fever. are three deaths on the voyage Bays, and the bodies, [base and two babies, were pitched ere put on board a train them to Sao Paulo, a moun- ahout ninety miles up the L limited supply of bread and given them to eat on the la track enabled the train mum and children were ke cattle and stalled in where all SLEPT TOGETHER “w-Qnuulu 1owed to remain y, large barracks on arriving, but 0 Bee that they 'il bu.,.. u, " , In 'side a hare, bleak’ ii) emigration building) A where the majority _ to fly from evils greater evils that had asGiiiiiii the m. The Italian were satisfied Canadians? But to a/at, even of relievird a ear- all his loaves, 'e: fed better. sign to wdri': at his former two respects he the majortiy of d him on the Eff! il/i) -._ numupuons to various good objects alone, amounted to a hug: sum. and thgre. are other untold cal on the Hehiepisepiiai purse. Unless a man has some private means. or he is well insured. he might wel! shrink from accepting the Anglican primacy. - - "'"e5EP on. then the OUtKOings W, ous. Archbishop Tait money while beam 8011001. but as archbi: impossible to do so, primate. The nub-m4. "This time I've qt him!" shouted Sampson, and raised innself up, but a bullet grazed his side and he dropped. Botha now had no doubt that he had ended his antagonist, and jumped up on his feet. only to be again laid low-., Though the men were now past fight- ing, with two bad wounds apiece, both recovered, and when Sampson settled in the Transvaal they became great friends,' and often chatted each other about this encounter. uu a level plain, shooting at each oth- er. Sampson pnxsemly mule sure that he. had hit Bathe. and raised his head a. little, when a bullet plowed his neck. "My man is dead," exclaimed Botha. and exposed himself. At the same in- stant a. bullet from Sampson's rifle sixty}; him. - van“: "N Sampson, one of the Joha formers," still in prison t the hero of a famous cor Bou1a, a Boer fighter of the Boer war of 1881 I Botha found themselves on a level plain, shooting er. Sammnn nnmn-‘HH _, The official income of , of Canterbury is 875, mt looks a large sum 0 fi EIGHT P. M. The floor is all littered with the fray, He is sulky and tired with a ing and play, And algae, too, " cross as s SIX P. M But see! In the nursery I terrible racket! The doils lose their heads, there are rents in can!) jacket. And if you've a toy it's the fashion to crack it, A FIGHT IN THE TRANSVAAL EIGHT A. M Thay are quiet at first-both the girls and the boys, Too happy to make any riot or noise. And they mentally show to each other their toys. wondertQ sight} _ The fairies hare certainly called in the night, tight. ' - _ - . There's l ttrrshop_tyll round him, I m opgnghis eyes, with a on of de- him kiwi; Cape Mercury says an Income of the archbish- erbury is 875,000 a. year. a large sum on paper, but Ltgoings are simply enorm- iahop Tait may have saved 6 headmaster of Rugby as archbishop he found it. ',0 do tro.. fio did the ltey t,..thustTiptaui to Vanna": 'RIMATE'S SALARY -- «u, uu'n. dead," exclaimed Botha. Limsclf. At the same in- t from Sampson's rifle I've qt him!" shouted raised innate“ up, but a his side and he dropped. d no tin-11.9 'c-x I _ A can“ Christmas my. of the Johénnesburg "re- in prison at Pretoria, is famous combat with old ”Hummus no various ' amounted to a hug: re other untold cal rurtot ._..--, -- _ met or renown. In 1881 Sampson and behind smug; 05193;"; " V“..- .r-Awuuu 01 its image. ‘ The pantry has a little wrinkle in the shape of a couple of shallow, glam- doored cupboards not more than ei ht or ten inches deep, at the hack of fine table shelf that, as usual, flanks the sink. . These are made with the doors swingtng two or three inches above the table shelf, so u to clear plates and dishes that may he on the table, while the botme shelf of the ruplmard i1- ieif is set up flush with the duur :1, tl- very I'?""?""'?)--; they" do more; they make the room look duuhle its tuae by their reflection of its image. H‘The: pang-y has a little wrinkle in [ranged in. such houses. it has down af its own, and fin-ks lig remedy this detect the builder large mirrors on the bark “1: room. detox: each side of the doors leading to in: dining m big enough to cover all the l cept the framework of the c The mirrors catch and reflect L from the parlor. lighting up u y,try satyactorfULUGii lhnv A mrried up to the The first of the the btysdr parlor. novelties or fun-"unlo- and Arrange- .elc In Iowan. i The last number of the Record and Guido contains a description of 50m»! new wrinkles in house building found in a row of houses just completed on the west side, near Riverside Drive, New York. The houses are of the usual high-stoop pattern. with the first floor divided into front parlor. back parlor, and dining room, and with Nowell!“ or pantry m - --------- Wood's Phosphodlne " sold by rasponsible wholesale - - A - __ A u ,,_ H .......-v.. "nun-mun . none can cure you. and mu ho a man of you. Undertta tntlu. once the brain becomes active. the blood puruird no that all pimples. Motrlrvs and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel. BO that nervous- ness, bashfulnesa and fieroudener dinnpprnr; ‘the eye. become bright. the luv-e full and ('lvnr, energy returns to the body, and lhemoral. ph rah-u and sexual systems are invigorated; all drain. CNMMt-no more vital waste from the system. The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a. man and know marriage cannot be a. “Hate. We invita all the enacted to consult us oorttWntuur and tree or charge. Don't let quarks and {akin rub ynu ot pour hard earned dunno. We will cure you or so pay. - - -_-- â€"~w-â€" can "Ilkwluh Almost hopeit-vzssthnthad been menu-d by the most Ciaata--ea-s that veto on tho verge of despair and insanit " 'ottatrtng oven-the trravo-tmt with the continued and pe Wood'o Phosphodlne, these cases that had been given restored to manly vigor and health-Reader you need not d tar who In. given you up as tmsurabler-ttu, remedy is m reach. by theme you can be restored to A life of usefulness Price. one package. ttt It: packages, 33; by mail face One wiutuase, sixgtuxruttteed to are. Pam ohm {ma L I Thousands of young sud grave through EARLY hm: you have any ot the following mug and weak. despondeut at them. weak back. kidney. tr loss“. svdlmonl In urine. pin oxpresalnn, poor mMuury. life in”, realms nights. chart,qot Euro decay, bone puns. hair In Lumber, Shingles and Having Completed our New Factory we are no,” to FILL ALL ORDERS "ormt We keep in Stock a, large quantity of, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the it "v u out Kinds of Dressed Lumber tor outside Sheen Our Stock of DRY LUMRE is very Large so than” can be filled. Sash and Door tii,ii'i 'lilllf,r,ollli,lllei, -,ii,?'lij"i'iii'ii,i'j'ii - - - - _ - - vh'l OUR NEW METHOD THEATMENT "too nu. m..l.~_.,,, - reuecuou of its image. , has a little wrinkle in l couple of shallow, gm». er3 not more than aris In, deep, at the luck of fine. It. as usual, flanks the 1'."delit with the dams A ”nous In“, - . _ a" - yuan-35H. "Ilpkau, " guaranteed to m”. Pamphlet. free to In y afireats. Tho Wood Company, Wlndsor, Ont-, Canada. n, and fucks light. To tect the builder has put m the hack wall of the each side of the sliding o the dining room. and cover all the wall ex- rwork of tho doorway. - -r-"."roiPe cavc33 " ot the following symptoms consul: us out. despondant sud gloomy. specks born C back. kidneys Irritable. palpitatlon ot mom In urine. pimples on tho two. eyes poor mommy. lifeless, distruattul. lavk as nights. chnnznahlo moods..Wt‘5k nun bone pains, but: loose. sore mmn our extension which is two upper Coors. nm) wrinkIAQ is in As this room is ar- a Just completed on sat Riverside Drive, houses are of the pattern. with the yy.1.ypjCssramvii. to from the system. The natural and manly. You now marrilgo cannnl be It among to consult u. IrreATMENT' none can It ot you. Undnrus tntlu. Arum. the blood purmod IH-s 1r11ulftr.s disappear; :nnd middle aged men are; ls‘nlsggquONs. Excesses the ruin: At_he light verge a: amput- and 'naaaitr--eases that wen with the continued and Waring use o', use: that had been given up bodio, wen 'mlth--Rsader you need not despair-no mat tnmtrablo-ttm malady u now within you: dared to a. life of unstained and humping“ no win. " on tho (too. on: sum-on. a. distruattut. lace energy a b moods.,weat manhood. mu 5 lore Enron: etc. "ISO cannnc be M to consult u. Don'thstnuirG earned aunt”. ‘0.- Greatest iiiiiiiriiFi"ti'iiiii 1 fon_cum~c THESE DISEASES is A! New Illhtlal Treaowi/iiiij - - - . _..-. mm CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY. MNT. URAL DISCHARGES, ETC. SE I n Stook. all“. has six sons on 'hr ll all ot than hare over :34 _ Vice to their credit. Mrs t but one d‘ughrrr. and .4qu h the toti.1t.trait by marryrog p "r-erniti'. reiases pressure t storm doors at the her wahhm let int transom to strike. ald button, but a more and to the Mom screwed stout .ruhbu to open against. Dawn in the haw efties. The par Inundry in the I kitchen is done aw, {Whale one large n ldm’ in a sort of nit the window whi h the heater is ma ie the ”Quilting Til East, instead " a a. “by details sham pal ot the “Ming are of the flush [In a difference from 11 that the pull: than pressing a stud, " 623th but into p' " thrlnaelves as lungs, just as it s] Thug are [all tar.ovts " the r: 9mm before i mm STALWAR 1' 933's. Mta. Shttl. In o.'d _lttds J/l the exclusive use that bedroom. '1 the same floor is same way with t extension, so that alien up. ttthese L. G. & J. MCKEC bird floor the hal aken for an adjun Dom, and made i be echusive use 'tb it v ot the h 'tctt l Are you Ne. I48 SHELBY ST DETROII, MTH, WEAKNESSI nnd retatt “fl-mama. tnnunl s. AND More it ot pong. M' , "'91): to . [mm BLOW) UBEAMSS. 'll d phrst, ua is “Vin! pom? {m yvarS' 'lt SM” bu Hi“ I I U“ It bank“ I ”11M m t “M“ MI. d ke " 0. ml. "(in ot " bl all! uh M 'd an. re! We r urn" , h export hoof" f “V The ocr " - " ttMb's an very “a not!“ tre, Ist: tb. John M cur: ails injur - from t W Aberd Mia to th m honour of "i-ii-rt! tbe “(ed to he "' resui' u. Mr. Bar - LATEST Fl ml os't','diiiCD ov any I/a (ht lend” Sir [lent (kinda. b Govornmel loa'l mph Committee Prat A tttPg north end a . young war ulna was (In she vma Fe', 4.41 Mrs J Trunk t cloths lamp on burned unis. tporili October. I III-Mr . ttera of "C" 1 mad Poli . “it of m runny ot t a during Maori At Ch; alum ft, an ttw 1 two met “I: di, Mr. Duly The M Nihurize “HIE of mam; [it u} s mum o tii mam The In"! Insane Ut avenue not: ’3,M71{8( at t hr t " the I Nil for the Iowa Alu. t “mum l chum it. Th miripu.‘ “pad in teiouted _ Sir Oliv _ Jane. R, u M the Arm I . uriouhly it . at Curie, [ “C the L'ritrv "but it Duh“ '. A and of t 4ttt,f, by u and Brig qrriminal cud Ma I revu h linlrie lo 9.5! fifteen m, Prim:. g York hm ich can ' 'aVE “hams: "tate. Bear Limo! " Gr non-paymc u2t, Prino, and M iag llw INK" *rmiiih an mm 'fl,,',. the gang; l m In Brim "It 1.84:! “m “I! incidents. Me. Junemmn [ Aiii i. the Try artr be Mas-c Th: John ued - um“ max. Ions mg m a d "tit en nar " m I’ u in ml Mi nod an: GRI the n M " om n ADA M HM kl on M - ll ty

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