West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Dec 1896, p. 6

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(sand rice 5 tor 1015c. as and 'en’t the ted and 'tt $1.25 suit time. r not. ave their ohday pair. $5.75 310.. h 30 rth 'tt ti.0i5 ts. Jay price so N ALE. g, Worth 850, t 'ld. l5 and 181'. St Inlay prue holiday goods " day price Je, am e1aaeMory Charleton, Vidt yu Angus McKinnon. Alex. McDon- . rleton. Willie sl,2e,t'-iigt,pt mm... 10...... liGiiiik Lizzie Forster. s Pt. II elasa-Dan McDougull. NW Kechnie. tr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. W Sr. .Nr.1 dam-C. C. Mono“ li, We I3091M... Andy iieilfifglll6'l.','r,l Eli“ LU) trlau.-itsuie Clark. Beak ,."'--willie Currie, ROM. Pomt. J." tua.-aiar, McCallnm. Dan Hob- limo 27, Con IP. Bentinek, County r913'antaxning ra) acres, isottered ' ale. Good title and reasonable P For further information _apply NEIL MCDOQGALL, Lamlasb P. o. 108:3 J.unuas, Hanover P. o. Hum menu, Durham DENTISTRY. 'FFM'E Fl R.HT DOOR EAST or the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘ It. Resulvnw first door west of th *1 CHIN, Durham. will he in Prim-ville the first Wedne- " and: mouth. Umce at the Com- m Had. e have some moe cases IM LELOID 2.11.1 PLUSH. b welmve marked away . ’llme goods must go m: a loss as we have only a they “ill be sure to go k so choose early. Mrs: Come First Choice. 'ES' ron ']}mc's nothing like r." In it we have a few blines such as dies' and tientlemen's velling cases---- --liiasie Holders ttttr Cases. etc.- or to J. P. Tun-can, Barrister, Purham. LAND FOR SALE. MFARLANE tl Co. u, Bisque, ttubber, Felt d Kid Quin it e have some rand Elegant Ill signs. THE ina l" lClLVV, SALAD and RIDGE ssrrst , and SAUCEBS -..-ggMI'r--- Nil BOWLS’ Du ALL SIZES IN Dolls! Aoont H. CLARK, Teacher. --ete Mary McCallum. Dun Mob. h HONOR ROLL. some nice caseq ID ama ur lawr TIM 1rra plates, " o n '3. gnoaoberriu lily increased t ("we of trod grown from at "mjnrily of "a n needs, layer! MAKE CUTTI re: month. ngs of such tr lesimblo to it rather than ' young man he cause of on -1‘ animals. DI'RIIA If rung " yrunir it mint of b News ‘erbeartel The L tation lune . blan be rubs in. a 5 fr lean BENTINCK. At the request of many ot the electon of Division No. 3, under the new County Councils Act, I have consen- ted to be a Candidate at the forth- coming election. 11 elected,LI| will ' .__, -a-guta..rr At the request of a large numberof the ratepayers of the above Division. I have consented to he a. Candidate at the forthcoming election. As I will not be able to see all of you pemonally. I hereby ask tor your vote and inthe ence in the coming election. Having had some t1git,trt in County bum- ness, E will, s ould you elect me. use it in the interest of the whole division. V ery truly yours, 11::an Bmomut, i'?iii-itki,i,i, 3.3mm. coming Elva-nun. u V.W.-_, - ..___ use what experience. and ability I have in the interest orthe division. Your vote and inttaemas is mommy requested. (I... “anvil Cardigan Overshoes all aim at Big 4. Mr. A. S. Hunter and T. Whelan left for Owen Sound having been called to serve on the jury. A n'ce Black Fur Mun lor an to an un- Big 4. To LET.--A comfortable. teo-storey brick house in Lower Town, Barnum. Apply to J. M. Hunter. Do not allow your system to get weak and debutant-d. . 1.t is easylw keep well an titii,aiTrriakiu,r um. i u. c iii"irti,ri,y “twig to the end of 18W. P. onan attention to this matter will be as wise as it will be just. Silk Chenille Tulle Covers u yds square for 81 00 at the Big t. srovEs.---'he cold weather makes you think of stoves. When you do think of this coll M. Kate Cuchmue's and see the line of famous D. Moore stoves Y has. Fort SALE on T0 1tENT.---1'that engu- ble lusideutial lot owned by Rev. U. Catuerott, adjoining the town to the west, A cooitortalrle and counuodious Imus. and outbuildings. Terms remun- able. Apply at REVIEW Mice, VERY Loaaw.----Wavdett Anderson is of the opinion that, the rush of tramps ll) o. Sound goal in winter is accounted for by their good treatment while in that institution, When MI out of (is prisoners are vugranls thete seems to be some truth in this idea. --The homeless carriage has made its appearance in Toronto. It has been built there and can be put on the market for 85(1). Before long, perm? ILHuw'V“' Gm. Bums. Barman Dee. t 189& next summer, We may 806 “mm Ill - country. Ban-met: Pouaactc--The position of Reeve for 1897 it is widely felt should ho tilled by Mr. S. Dickson, who for. 20 years or more has been a. faithful muni- cipal ofricer. Bo uuny seem to be hand- li lg Dickson’s name for reeve that should he run. his election would he a vermin- ty, if indeed he would be opposed at. all. Allan Park. Dee. 4 m Durham, Thur. Dec! 8:196. It in the medium which carries to every nerve. muscle, organ and filwe its mur- ishment and strength. If the blood is pure. rich and healthy you will be well t if impure disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sammtillzi hat power to he? Fiir Day and Court Day out Tuesday you in health rich and puore. subscribers in arrears can receive - . j ,1 In!” Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to yrute. Cure indigestion, biliousness, l . cents. CLOSED Twin-r aorrscr.---The uten- _ cy so has and so yopularly conducted by Mr. (-l'arlune r. on behalf of the C. P. R. is to be closed. This is being done all over the system. us a circular states “In consequence of a recent ar- rangement. for a free interchange of ticketing facilities it becomes unneces- sary to retain nil the outside ticket agencies that now exist." The railway are evidently drawing closer. and t e public will watch with interest to see if this new found friendship of our two 1 great railways will result adversely to their interest. 34wwns in which both companies had emcee are affected and Wtowns in which the C. P. R. had ttttit' will lose them. Durham is in t e latter. BUSIEST PLACE IN CANADA. Ladies and am: TU THE ELECTO RS Intelligence fuel. to hand says the moat bustling p ace in the J,'g,Til',"'1 of Quebec. is the bfBee of the umily Her- aid and Weekly Star, Montreal. a pup- er which is ',eit,t,ittii,tl,' exrmrdinsry success this year. e ofBee is a scene of minty rarely witnessed in a news- paper oftrce. The new ouhseribers send- ing their names to the Family Herald and Weekly Star each day would block the streets for a long distance. People sre nshtntt how Mi'it'l get sung; cor- ies of the Family emld and eel: y Star. A postal sent. to the otttee Mont- l real. will secure one, The Women's meeting was a We the! mecca. the best yet. held in the opmion‘ u," of many. Mu. Watt has a. 1'ti,ir.,tt' hon. . presence and eminent plastform ab lilies l him. The meeting of then two bode in town on Tuesday but deserve. more recognition than we have space for this week their meeting coming no close to publishing day. _ - . ___-a.--.. on... I mt Black Fur Muff for $1 25 n the sun!“ In: nu. "w. r- - V, - healt‘l by making your blood DURHAM. and GLENELG s"iairitiiitrttanmar. mbytcrld w. r. I. s. Blood Is Life U. lenv .v..", r‘; - . We may see them m an Oli' 1tEsT.---Tltt eligi- Ja tiarisapar- and her warm words found delighted listeners. The Ptesbrterr meeting Wu 3 useful one. the Mt',',1'fi ot Rev. Mr. Mch. Beer. of t e Foreign Minion Board . ding great. not to afternoon and evening meetings. Someof the visitor. were sum as follows: Rev. Mr. and Mia Young. Cliftoed, with Mr. and Mn. Calder. Mr. and Mrs. Watt, Ple,: with Mr, and Mrs. Jae. Webber. rs. Webher spent 4 or tr years in Mm. Wnttht household yearn fund the friendship has not Faded. rs. Bowie. Mt. Forest. with Mr. and Mrs. CannYhell us was ulna Mr. and Mrs. McVicm )romore. Mrs. Auli Palmer- ston, with Dr. and Mrs. Gun. Miss Allan, Holstein. with her aunt Mrs. Thos. Allan. Mrs. Rae, Mt. Fotest, with Mrs. J no. Cameron. Mrs. Edwin- aon Mrs. Wood, Rodney. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ran-loge. The Durham ladies merpapaed than; selves, but with, till next. Week The sleighing of last week made things lively around our burg as everybody seemed to be taking theiuivantatre at i'. Quite a number attended Service here on Thanksgiving Day. Quite a. lug quilting hee took place " Mr. P. o. eitl's some time ago. I wonder what's trump? Mr. Duncan McLean was engaged With Mr. James McIntoshstoning a. irell but. week. A week last Friday the Corinthians took their saws and an: to Mr. P. O. Neill's hush and cut, a. fine lot of wood fur their pastor. Rev. Mr. Burns. nil-Jae} Ellis is home looking well after apendimi the summer months in the lower sen oment. Mr. Bob Grierson, of Aberdeen attend- ed church here on Sunday night. Mr. Hugh McKinnon is home looking halo and hearty after spending the harvest months in the prairie land. Mr. George Currie, of Hanover, visit- ed the parental home last Sunday and attended church it night. - ”Mr. and Mrs. John 'Furster attended the {unerul of Mr. Berry, of Brant. last wee . Miss Jennie O'Neill has returned home after spending four weeks visiting in Tiverton. Miss Mary McGillivmy is also home after spending some time in Brut. Rev. Mr. Burns preached in Paisley Inst Sunduy and his pulpht here was on cupied by his father both morning and evening. Mr. Peter Mchchnie hhs been under the roof for the hat. than days and is able to be Around mm. m, sre buying some sleighing for the past. week hut none to boast of, pea le are beginning to make use of what lit.- tle snow there is by drawing poles, saw logs and such like. Mr. Arch McLeod arrived home on Saturday the 5th inst... after spending the summer in the Countv of York. Malcolm McDonald bought the Marshall farm adjoining his own place Malcolm will have quite a farm near town now. John Mather has s gang of man this week taking out timber for his barn. Mr. Donald Black of Dornoch is Visnt- ins: friends in Glenelg this week. Mr. John McArthur, Merchant. ofour town has we understand cemented to become . candidate as cmumisioner for the east portiyn et the county, .hlr. Me; 'oe. rust, pm. la":- u. .4..- .v......, _ Arthur has had long experience of Township and County Counctl being elected by nechstmation yenr after year until finally he resigned from accepting the otBce with his nwn good free will and it elected, which he has good prospects. will‘he an "1cient com- misséuner. We hear that we are about losing one of our prominent citizens in the perron of John Gal-son. who Is contemplating moving to Osprey, the former home of Mrs. Garcon. Mrs. McCallum. of Chicago, is on an extended visit here to her sister, Mrs, A. Leslie. She i. of a versatile and " fable nature, having travelled extensive- ly in Europe, and made good use ot her eyes. We. regrgt lg rgpgrt the present illness u, . -. We. re rel, to re rt the present illness of Mrs. iflft, 1'dil'il'li2' We hear also that Mr, John Laughton and his sister Lizzie are under the wenth er with an attack of Bronchitis. We wish a speedy recovery to all. Willie Smail is progressing favorably front his attack of Typhoid fever, under the cure of Dr. Sheath. Thanksgiving services were held in Amos Chargh orutht, veiling aot, the AIIIUU Uuuu " -... _._- . v Nth by the Rev. Mr. McVicar. A large number turned out for the service. John Wilson is flxing up for a. resid. ence the upper part of thit wareroomn. The situation will be a. fine one, and commodioua. Geo. Cushnie has in contemplation a School entertainment on them inst. in Russell hall. Choirs an humming and getting ready, while others are reheari- ing dialogues. preparing speeches etc. Mean Wat H»? and son, Thos. Hon inlet-son. Jan. Loth an. John A. Wilson, Joe Merchant, and Yrey Meet can: Joe merlIllv all“ Iv cu. --_WV.V- V home from the North Wer lately, and have been welcomed. Tner have vari- ous opinion: of the country isnd some of them will return In the spring. lleurl Jno. belch. Jan. Eccles and T, Knox from the north line attended Pres- hytery Meeting in the lateral. of Swin- on Park congrognnon on Tuesday but. Mean Wm. and wa1totqHtet.fe, and Councillor [Aim also went to Durham that day. Dave in on the warmth - and will likely be elected. - - __ n-_u__ 2.. - “GOI- “'lll ._- vv --- _-e"" . Our brother Dromore Scribe is . mm out in his - on to our identitK. The same mistake will not occur in c oociug cwifo. Minn Jone Leith is home having been gym? a visit to friends in Toronto and uni ton. F Ilia R. Gut-son left but week to spend the winter in Toronto, Hr. Jag. Swan-um u Mus “. Mt ter" feet 731$. Sin-we it hen1t_tte1.Pei ------_--- PRICEVlLLE. CORINTH. DROMORE. 'iaaioFtkhietd Under 3nd by virtue of a. power of sale contained in a mort which will t'.gTet,riegl, st the time , sale. there wi be offered for Bale by Public Auc- tion at the CENTRAL HOTEL, Wad, tho ad day of ht., 1996 at one o'clock inthe afternoon, the toil. owing: viz; Lot number four in the ninth conces- Iion. in the said Township of Glenelg. and containing one hundred new, more or less. There in asmall frame house and kitch- en. log barn. tio acres cleared. 40 acres under good cultivation and tio acres of good hardwood bush, on the said lot. Tnmns or BALtg.--Ten per cent nt the time of sale sad the balance within so days. Terms in other respects may be made known at the time of sale and mgantime my be ascertained on applic- ation to A. H. JAcxsox. I I Elliott a. El Ilott, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. CONVEYANCERS. (ko, oft1etts t--0pposlte TOWN BALL, Lower Town, Durham. It 5,000 to tan at lowest rates of interest. The undersigned offers for “I. or rent that desirable park lot, in the Village of Priceville. formerly owned by thelnte James Cameron. Lot. con- tains 13 acres all under cultivation. On the lot is a good house, and barn, also a good hearing Orchard For terms of sale or rent apply to JOHN MeINNIB, AUCTION SALE. in the town of Durham. inlthe coun- _ _ ___ - _ttof_ftryTttz._.., The power of the press and public opinion was well exertipitfief last, week when the G. T. R. changed its timetable- on its roads west of us on account, of the clamor. ELwnox TrtrArs.--The petition a- gains) Um-hrune of Northumheriand, was dismiased without coming to trial. McNeittof North Bruce has been con. firmed in hisrscat, tyt J,t....ff.eey. of B. Brant who defeated "Billy" Pdlterson bu been unsealed hut not disqutuifled, The judgesure making short work of the causes this your. --Bon Wilfred Laurier will not make hims'elf more honorable by ac. cepting knighthood, still it he sees fit to accept the distinction there is no need to either condemn or approve. The question, is not one ot practical politics, as would appear from tho attention given to it in some quarters. Durham. Oni. Dated at Durham 16 day of November. It was one of the scandals of the late Ottawa Administration that it granted u . wr - ------ I..., - Of 'trrm Lands in the Township of Glenda. ty of Gre h JAMES CARSON 18hosmm, [Johanna "Ir....."'"'"'"""""" “h _ a brewery licence in ijdiiiilwu,'luysm, a local option district. in detUnce of putt- lie sentiment and frequent reluonstnm- ces of church courts. It must now be told to the credit of Hon Mr. Joly, Con. troller of Inland Revenue in the Laurier Government. that he has refused to renew the license. and, further, tut- nuunced his decision not to Tani; n hrewery license in any [on option ieGitoi'r.--Tempur. Mr. Joseph Ford has just returned from the wool. and he liked that part of the country very welt. q Mrs. E. o. Young, who has been spending a few weeks with Mr. J. Young left for Beeton accompanied by Mr. Geo. Young, there 1Y Lintendi spend; :12]. "iii7%iiiiii" Viii; her father: and many friends, :hefore returning to her husband. EDITORIAL NOTE AND COMMENT. Mr. William Campbell, who has been working for the Times otBee, Chicago. for the put four Kim". has return to Visit. his uncle, r. Burns, foe a, few weeks. The Hampden Literary Sociot have just courgtlg'ed the list for warm-{Lawn- ment of ks, order to be filled by the T. Eaton Co, Miss M. A. Young ssperttTha1tkNrirlrttt with her cousin, Rev. T. A. Davidson, Mount Forest. t Mr. Thos. Darby. we» understand. has rented his farm to his brother-ia-law, Mr. James Kerr and int nds leaving for British Columbia in the spring. ASSISTANCE FROM ENGLAND ASKED FOR We doubt if ever before in the History ' of Canada, the United States were com- llea to ask for assistance from Old Emma to an a Canadian order for goods. It seems incredible. but such in the can. for once. The greatest tut Home in Amen“ could not pmduoe t 'l “Orphnn'l Puget” picture quick enough to meet. the emind of 'ht'glttt,','t wing into the Family era) and Weekly Rm. ot Montreal. he firm of Rownei & Oo., London. up. were tttit ',utf,ttift' telN' f? IT,', an wo a an mg ep t e FM“! Heraldv publishers oat of their dimcu ty. Orders are being ftilesd at gqlckly e. poulble tetetllt?,ttt. expense. “Hill, - P'"'"""""" - -ke2' ,,., . We see. that every subscriber sending one dollar for the panel- for one year rev ceivee the 'd?t,th't Prayer" tree, and it is s marvel ow it can he done. No doubt the extuordi‘ury low price end the “treading! high ele oer-guilty! IT, "rGiairiiiiiiipiaiiuitt.ir., '.e PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. HAIPDEN. Amunnt Coot. Vendor, Pricevilie. STRTLING REDUCTION Ill PRICES! Reedy-made Gloting Sold ceahper . Than ever before 111 Durham “MM Overcoats & Winter Suits Were bought RIGHT and will be sold RIGHT. You can’t make a. mistake in giving us your first call. You are sure to tget a snap that you cannot get elsewhere. Our BOOTS AND SHOES are set at the lowest notch. Our GROCERIES are all new and fresh. NEW ARRIVAL (lf GOODS We Sell 28 lbs Brown Sugar for $1.00. It willhbe to your advantage to give us a. c511; -- Juttgtitg ______.___i, fflfrdLathlan t"'l'rl'iC'hd'ri'l" 1 OPENING!!! With New Groceries, --OUR-- New Canned Goode, i Clocks & Watches _ New Crockery, and Amr ttttt dend but Glauware. A 1. T1713! Dalglislh Old Stand The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moffki; will be rushed off at low prices to make room for New Goods arrived and arriving. Fruits & Confections! of all kinds. If you want Bargains, come this month M. The t.'t,,ttttg7g hang tor who “his mile! 1700 . l. w. a. 'it,Cl.ht'arllr'1'het tho above well bred r. " wu bred by B. H.1‘oddt80n Wskoman. Ohio; and has a splenditi reeorL.. Pgdlgpeo may be - on . I. iiiGtt I'll a.) auaha WHITBBOAB. 7 “Washington" Boesky 'Hattteo'te ttah. m or XMAS Goons, . PRICES HEWED BELOW THE LINE. Illlll PRICES Ill All. DEPARTMENTS. This week We have started the tiewing process and the Chips are falling in all directions. ttitting Pretty Hard. 1l?iew to the Line ADVANCE SALE Below we enumerate I few lines, Hoping to give a. tall text next week. VIOLINS, Albums in Leather & Plush ACCORDIANS, Jewel Cases, Workboxes C0NCEllt'1 ENAS. Collar & Cuff Beta, Mourn ORGANS, Glove Boxes. CIGAR HOLDERS. Hdk . Cam MERCHAM & m'h"fli PIPES, PERFUMERY, Fan? Lamps, GENTS Toilet Cases, ‘ard Cases, GAMES, Crockinole, Dominoes, Chess, CARDS, checkers, ac., ae., kc. rlm. on DOLLAR. "o. Mtgoomme. ALSO l FINE LINE OF XMAS GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS‘K (INFECTIONS. (MW? outrttmd,1 "iiriiitoMmmttr. t.- McARTHUR, Let the Chips fall where they may. Druggist. & Seedsman, Dirham, C(-Ei.Erfil])-y-hrjii?i,i-jy, ==----r- DURHAM MARKET. comm! each was by Geo. SW‘W- Flour pot bbl ............ Gunner. pct “ck ...... . Bran pol out ... ... . Shun: pet out ... . Fall Who-t pot Emmi. Baby , Oats, " Dr'd 30!. Pr. tnrt no... [in weight ... Lad P" It ... Tnllov' pot lb ... Bum: pol D. " ... " Boll ”up! do! ... ... Chitin». '" put Duh " Turin”. pot lb ... Hide: tiiriArma onqtt my per to! ... ... Wed. 4 hot Upper Town Durham. " DISOuOGW ‘20000 I“ 08530 ouu 04060 no» 400to ISBN: toootottt6tr 600to 500 out. " out. 040 in!» " Sums: I.” 012 to ttlots 0 " " m ttt air, EV

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