PIKE A A STERN ASSUR COMPAN IL ad on w 3 and li: the l 3. and lay price lay price e 35.75, th ads " liday 35c, 33' lthd‘nuntv of Grey, (Yumprising the musthsuf Bmllm-k and Gleuelg, and [Tum] of Durhalv'. that a Mew-ting of the Municipal ‘rrturs o? saul “HM-m will he- held at "own "all in lln- 'I‘uwn of I’m-ham I Monday ttu. tn-meJin-st day of rennin-r W; ai l oTloG p. "L. for 'he pi Mice of l'uu Btttto'"l'heihu" It more than tir Indi-lalm are p hum poll Willi . 4th day mi .1 humming at IJ oe, and closing lemma of the 5 Given undo:- my "him this an; ich we have marked away an. These pocds must go " at a (we as we have only a wtlmy “ill Lu Stile to go nick so choose early. First Come First Choice. Inn w hird County Council Div: 'ith New Groeeries, New Canned Goods, New Crockery, and Minis here-by given to the Manici Electors of the .- ---thsic, Hold Letter Cases, etc. - We have some nice cases in ELLULOII) and PLUSH, ELEU '1 ION N OTICE. 'ruits e, Confections! of all kinds. WE1t TC ll '.\' EacFARLAl‘iE 81 Co. I Rubber, Felt deid The old Stock bought Bt Mr. T. Moffat will be hed off at low prices to is room for New Goods lived and arriving. Ll e I. a! Iralis . mam. 312:3 IN h'mit, Bisque, 1Mies' and Gentleman's Welling Casts---, - e have some w and Elegant 1ysiin'rri1 cLaohlan you want Bargains, come Month to. LT-ln Glenelg. on Dee. 130), to Mr. and MG. J. McNally. , UPS and SAUCERS ,VASES- BOSE EOWLS, Ills foCOLATE, ( SALADzand ,BBIDG ’3 (SETs-i‘ 'iiiglll OPENING!!! MCLA CHLA MS, (3fodmtu Old Stand.) BIRTHS. tftp--- Glassware. Nomiuatin,ur omcer s.“ u\' numb“ " st-,i fun- the Sim] run-(l ott Mum a my, A. D., 'lk'T. luck m the fare c, n'vluck II) the day. lin the Town of of November Ist, w Municipal All ht' held at t of Durham: liv,t day of p. m.. for 'he unl'nlnlvs fut HH'Hiuls [tur- DURHAM ers Sct Iguo'. vision Allan Park. Dec. 4 "PO. _ -----_------ To the ratepayers of Division No. 3 G rev County. At the request of a latgeuttttshm"or the Itatepa.vers of the ahov" division I have conueuttsd to he a Candidate at the minim: Elm-Hon. I hereby ask fur-yum suppm-t. I have considerable oxperiom-e in munivipal "mum's and. if eltteted will m, HIV hrs! to use it in the interest of the Division. At l.h(' urgvnt ttuituerat,of ala1p,enmttlsor uf ELEC'I‘URSUf the Township of (Hum-lg. I have decided to lu-cnmt- n Candidate tor Muuiripul honors at the c/ttttinit Elnotiun. Having acquired consider- ahlv experience in Municipal [Hahn's while in the council for fum- yt-zu's. laut mmhledlumnro fully (-mn'n-vlwml the wants of the Public. Shunld you deem i stsiiilrletoelttct mu. my main ohieut will bcectsv.ottsy with " due I'vgzu'dl lo efflcency in the public interests. At the request of many of the electors of Division No. 3, under the new County Councils Act, I have conseno ted to be a Candidate at the forth. coming election. It elected, I will use what experience and ability I have in the interest of the division. Your vote and influence is respectfully requested. A -- Thanking you for past, favors, I on rum-c- solicit your vote and influence. Yours Respvt'tfully. 'i‘u- MAS SULL'VAN. Gentlemen: Having been requested by a tmnther of mlvpuye-rs to olfer myself na a vundid~ atefoe the position of County Coi lnimhnwr for Division No. 3, Gn-y hum?“ I have (heme! to now-pt the nomination and earnestly request your vote and inthumcia, Hanover, Dec. 15th, 1836. Ladies and Gentfcman: Ivi.,'n Lake, Dec 11t LADIES AND Cir:sTrmsrE.N:-At the solicitation of many of the I'llectors of the Township 1 have (unwanted in allow my mum: to be plum-(l in nmuinruiun as councillor fur 1897. Althoughl have been a resident of the Township for the past forty years. thew may he '.u'ottu'atttotlK yon not. Irt't'- snnully acquainted with nw. To those I would say that. my MEN-ts tnmiministm' the alfnirs of the Tuwxuhip in an (unmo- Iniml yet, "fthuent Inrlnnm' will he out' hrs: intrulactim to earl othol'. To my acquaintance I nwrvly state that should I he elected they will Iiud mo in the future as in the past an ndvoc- ate of ecomnny (-mnhiuul with etlicr- Clem-v. ll'esppotfully solicit ynm- vo'os and intern“ in my lwhnlf llt tlw ('1:I|:in;:r~nn- test and trust that my (h-vulmn to (hwy in Township "mum's will prove my gturitudo fur ynur kimhu-ss. At the request of a large number of the ratepayers of the almve Division. I have consented to he a Candidate at the forthcoming eleetinn. As I will not he able to see all of you personally. I hereby ask fur your vote and influ- em-e in the coming elect ion. Having had Mtttte experience in County hum- neqs. I will, should Fou elect me, use it in the interest of the whole division. V ery truly ynm's, __ -- _ -- Ilmzw BRIGHAM, JNo Pomona. Dor. Hill, TO., Christmas next “wok. Shortest day on Monday next. Curdigan Overshocs all sizes at Big 4. ' Silk Chenille Table Covers li yds square for8tUJat the Big 4. North Grey Electton Trial comes: off to-day Thursday, in Owen Sound. Miss Maggie Hewitt of the Avenue was a quest of Mist 11attie Wiggins, --rm--satasr'"s"'rxo"r (that (tjtirtt Miss Maggie t Was a guest of Lower Town last Will some of our now who hay? pmmisod WrMo tion 1triirig it along soon? TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN- SHIP oe" GLENELG. tyrovks.---Tt1o c: you think of stoves. of this call at. Kate the line of inland! Ladiro, and Gentix'mrn: it, the request of many of the min- pnym-s of this Inwnshxp l have con- sm-tml to "llow my name to he plucr,rd in numinutiun fur "theo."frvorrujuuvil- lor. My "xruu0nce of H yx'ur"i lmzls me to ask with confidetuus for Yum vote and infttumce, um]. if MH'H'I]. my Aim shall he to exercise nll dun (woun- my in the airairs of the hmmship. Yum-s Faithfully, has. Miss Hughes will severher connection withthis school at close of the nerm.-- Banner,--Mie Hughes has spent three {ears in Lhatswnrt t and has been well iked. Nomination of County Councillors on Monday at the Town Hall for No. 3, G. Russell. Nominating officer. At Ov.. chardville. for No. 4, Geo. Hopf, Numi- nating OfBeer. - ,n__-__._ A b Ilnlllllh Vug-J» - _ LITERARY EwrzwrArswes'r,rrA.t Corinth, on Christmas Eve, Miss Clark and her pupils are making preparations for an entertainment to beat the recurd Manic both vocal and instvumental In the school. on Dec 2ith. Make a note ot itc GEO, Buncssan, Dee. 2. 1896. " .-oeeo-'rrtiriLtcrorts or BENTINCK DURHAM & GLENELG. Mar/mm, Thur. Ile." ladies " nd Gentlemen , LOCAL AND GENERAL 1tespeetfully Yours. CHAS. Mchxxox. F our Hem-IQ; subscribers mixed wood on suhserip lung soon ? And oblige. 10 cold weather makes nves. When you do think Kate cochvnitehand see was D. Moore stoves she o o i------- week Fnilhfully Yours, J. M EHHF.NtlER JUNK \VILLXAMS " 'ek?, g} cg 1; It. if t-h-Hvtl. my nll drct (Tom)- lnwuship. s Faithfully, A. MCMXLLAN. ' Bmxm. once '06. LECTURE IN Pny,v:vhaLE.--Ite.v. Mr. Jansen will driivcr his lecture on Hol- land in the Pt etshyrtrvian Uhmcb. Prim - ville, (m the running of Dec. 29th. The choir of the church will render several selections. The wm-kors of Trinily Church Sun- day School imam} holdiu r an mum-min- ment, in the 'i'own Hal? before New Year's. Watch fur ir. Ctmivc:CTioN, In our report of Town Councul proceedings but. Week Ge gave supporters of the additional electric lights its Munro, ll. I’m-her and Mi Kech- nie, McKumon tu.steadof McKee! nie in rigur. Dr. D. Mekenzie is expected home to day from Holstein, Dr. Brown hav- ing returned. To LF.r.--A Cou.foptahle tsto-storey brick house in Luwer Town, Dumam Apply to J. M. Hunter. Do not allow your system GO get weak and Jekilitated. It, is easy to keep well and strong by taking Hood's Saranpnr- illa. Dr. anal Mrs. Jamieson came home last Saturday, looking halo. and hearty. The Dr. seems taWecially lo have benefit- ted by the holiday. In addition to the list, given last week is being entertained by the townspeo- plo while intruding the Wouten's meet: ing warn Mm. Scott and Mists Wandaâ€. both of Arthur, with Mime H. Smith: M t'ts. ih1tu1iuivliy and Min. GlenniQ both m" llnrriatun. with Miss Bull. x Scum". ENTrt'mTAlsuitNrs. “a: P. J nhn A. Grahru, Edge “I†Will have one of his all day entertaiuuusutn on ihte 22nd. and Miss .NtvCannel, No 10, til'melg will have one tho evening of Monday, Dee,, 21st. We have to thank hum teachers for an invitation. Asst. P. O. Inspector Maloney gaue Durlmm a lu'it-f call yesterday, and of emu-so fouud evvv.vtlsiug neat and cur- rent round Mr. Mcirenziti'sesiufishdent We were pleased m meet the genial gentleman who enioys and can tell it good :Lm-y. Miss Russell, who has been prostmted with tvphnid is recovering nicely under Dr. Gun's can. Miss M. Rowland. Hagersville was a guest at Mr. D. McAthur’s foe a couple of Wen-hand left, on Tuesday for hu- home. Messrs Jun. Irwin of the Middnugh House and Wnt, Swallow while out hunting near Edge 1bll, wene the guests of Mr. Jos. Filth. Mrs. Don. AIL-Arthur north of Mm Mrs. non. McArthur north of the town, has had n seven-u attackof inihun.. mum ut' the Imwcls, hut, underl r. Gum's rum is recm‘ering nicely. A nice Black Far Muff for 81 25 M. the Big 4. M'FA Y DEN-At her homo, 22 O'Hara nvmme, t'uvkdule, on Sunday morning. November IO h, 1896, Christina McFaw. den youngest daughter of the late Don- aid McFayden of King. Deceased was a sister of the late Chas. Manyden, once a Reform candidate in B. Groy. GRAssmeRH EGae--Mr Thos. Mil- hgan is uf an ulmvrvunt nature. He showed us tho other day sunwsnmll. clear, pulpy ohiects, of tho size of clover swd, which he avers are the eggs of the ",rttsshop)," r. From the description given an their habitat. it seems certain he I: roman-t. and the pest. will, we hopr, Ire (-xtvx'minutm} by the frost. Dum- Rose Einailio, the Edinburgh vlovuimist, Rave seyeral readings in which she showed her rmnm-kakle ver- satility. "Cuddle Doon" was given with rare sympathetic power: her other. svlcciinns warp rendered with vqlml intensily of dramatic power and soul. Them-cm none of the best elo- (unionists Glasgow has "NPt' henvd.--. (r'fuggymv [In-aid. In the Town Hail on (‘hmsnnm Eve. (Ema? FALL Amman. -These are pru- hrv,zed this yvm' io .'t second Wonk. Mussrs‘ A. S. llunim', A. Mt%achlata, and (Mu-H (-nlm- home Saturday night :uul rvtxunml Motul;ty nun-hing. The duvkot is unusmtlly full of I-uhhmy and swim-Hun (vim-s and tho evidence is much of it. of thedituwitcerul kind called "spicy." In the Wilkinson op All-In.- Ovi-rlivM map we are iuforoed, a sen- tence of 7 yours was inflicted, with lashos. Anmmm AND PnF,sENTATIoN.-Ou Friday :xi'tvrnmm hut. Mr. Alox. Firth’a pupils “HUI-(Pd the 1324 day of his teaeh- irrg lu-rv with Hit ',ntot'tttinttusnt, and pvcstmin1iou. Mr. Firm has lwen PT" ulm‘. and humus nun-h apptwtGtod after tlieee nmnthu of fuilhful survive. After atuouplt' of hunrs of vocal and instru- numtul musk: recitattous, 810.. Miss Maggie Hunter prevented tho parting gift, of tho pupils: a fine tvavelling on!" fully t-(mimwd. also " silw-r inkstaud mu] " sum! lmHlv, while Nader Allie Mcrntvre rut-l an "ddevss which ex- pl-(Nsed warm appreciation of Mr. Firth and his wovk. Mr. Firth mrvle a suitable reply. giv- ing amm- piood parting ndvive. The Mode.:liteu wore presvnt in force, and took putt in the ehtevrainment. FIRE HELL. -f?m Saturday morning last, the town was tumbled out, of had about I a. m. bv tho hraren sound of t M' five he ll. The Llaze had made head- wav tmrmcrlt to tttiHtHittC'e, its where-aa- "outs null hurrying feet, made their wn to M I'. Slatrhvr‘s ywow-nv, whose woo;- ylwd, filled with lhwlv split, wood was tCl ablaze. Mr. and Mrs. Jae, \Vehher were relurnimr home from a late visit, and were tho first, to see the five. They at, once “room-d the inmates, raised the alarm and none too soon. for as the house N only a path separated from the wood shed. it would undoubt- edly have gone too had it got, headway. Mr. and Mrs. Slntoher applied water to the house, which had began to scorch and the latter we regret to any received, severe burns on the face. Help soon arrived, and when the fire engine got placed, the result. was not long in doubt, A good deal of the wood was saved " a few of the fhemen and citizens. It is not known how tbs fire orimmted as we were natured by one of tho sufferers there was nmther ashes nor used stove in the wood shed. We will have more to say on this matter. Tenders will he received up to Tuesday 22nd inst. for the ofBee. of caretaker of cemetery: Application to he made to J. P. TELFORD. Beer. Dec, 17th. 1896. NOTICE. DAISY MIXTURES XMAS CANDIES I (These are all Fresh and Nice. CHOCOLATES Fancy Perfumes Mr. Arthur' Jackson pays a business trip to Walkerton, to-day. dx., da, dm., &c., &c. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AT The Durham Pharmacy. AGAIN SUCCESSFUL. --Princapal Allan and his band of 20 Modellites are to be eongratulated. All have passed, and most ot them begin to work with the new year. Mr. S. Glazier, from Durham sclool, stool highest in the county. APvruwaATvm.-The, REVIEW has many friends outside Grey County. M P. Neil McDougall, Duluth. in renowmg his subscription, says', i6 times have been dull here, hnl we always have a dollar for the REVIEW.†Mr. I) McCallum. Villa Park, Col., puts it, thus: "Cant do without. the 1hcvimv," and his noiglzlm- De. MvGillivvay guts it, too Thanks guntlenwn. :4: the bert-- In met the One True Blood runner. CHEAP XMAS PRESENTS Anything in J. A. Hunter’s north win- dow goes next week at 5e each, there are, 100 Hand Mirrors, 20e School boxes, with locks, 500 Gold Cuff Buttons, 15e American Toilet Soap, 15e, Tooth Powder, and other things all one price. 50 each. Pi3,ri'tre, McDonald has been on the sick list (or the net two w eeka Ina is inmmvi lg under tho treutmeut of Dr. Patterson of Dunbum. Miss Maggie MePomsld, Artarx ash, visited friends in Fleshertun lust week. Mr. Walternmf navann has been around town tor the put few weeks. and preached in the Diwiplo- Church. I week 1:0 Sunday. Marina in Patron. November 18th. byt tho Rev. W. H. Viurmut, Dr: Mun tdet' Findlay of Camdnn N Y, ImdMias. Lillutt McAuley.ot Prieetille, Out. Miss Kat. McKochnio was the must of Mn grrowstuith,Dnrtmtn, n few days, lust week. Mr. Hugh MoArtburhad a wood be: last Friday and a dune It. night, which were well attended especially the dance. Mode and Merit Maintains the eottfMentM of the people in Bood’l Bttmaprtritist. It I med1cine care. you when sick; it it molten wonderful cures everywhere,then beyond suqneltion that medicinepoeeessee merit. That is just the truth about Hood’s Ber- separilla. We know it possesses merit because it cures,'not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands ot cases. We know it cures, ebsolutely, permanently, when all others tail to do my good whatever. We repeat Fillkii"iid'.'s “our: Jamnud Chas, Tryon and Bert w, Uott came homo last week utter vuhir: in tho sum- mer with Mr. Blinder, all loaning fat Ind nutty. Our School tthon and pupils Are Lt,g',ti2t an excellent program. for their oncermiumeu to be bold iu Watson’s hull next Fridu' Mr. Peter Dow tof Arlen “in. who has been a master how Cancer uinoo lut- wlntor. and Tucs- duy the uh. in. tuna-n! took plum on Thursdny trout " lute rolldenoo to the Swinwn Park can- otory. In. Dow was highly real-noted cud hou- owl by all who tonne his 'seitaIuurtaoyt Tho banana wile and family no" the hourtfult: lym . pnthy of the community. . cure nausea, "largest" tiood's Pills biliousuess. as cum. "13;. {Enter at Flanemu um a visitor in Priso- vilh Sntuxdny. - Th; Prabyterinn Sunday Benet! Annual-nu) in to be held on Woduuduy owning tho 23rd. A good programme in being propand. G.uiiia, neAuloy Iva-him. from (Rowland. 3nd upon-u very dull time- than. Gi/ {mm Wham In home trom Wand Valley vb". he has mat the summer. The Mothodm Sunday Balm! will have s Chum-l em. on Thaw!†tho men. In)“ on, they no putting torn: - "ogeto mu u tuned". Merit"? IMlii"ddi1'i, BON BONS, CREAMS &c. Sarsaparilla ( THE BEST IN TOWN, ) PRICEVILLE. -..--q 7 cts a lb AND pure nausea, indigestiork Toilet Articles, Assorted .Flavora. iniquity I I Elliott &. Elliott, BARmsTERS,SOLKNTORS, CONVEYANcERStko. omeas :--0pposlte TOWN HALL. Lower Town, Durham. 7er" 5,000 to loan at lowest rates of (iii) Irllew to the Line Let the Chips fall Robe Tanning! N. B.-To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as ta- ken off. By_the New Process, which for Finish and Soft- ness can’t be beat. i “14". Rusnell is in the field for oomwillov. ;' Mr. Bye has decided to fight for his old I seat. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for iTlrirTIMl Mi) I'Ni’EL‘MREXG Would int‘mntc that he will trctstitttttt m Furniture and Undertaking Dunne-us eslnb â€shed byhis tathor in Durham in "BB and will emit-(nor to give all old ttrd new custom era the same entire lausmction. Furniture of the Best Make tar The only nut-dun Keane In low .361 S. S. Entertainment, (Shriutnms tt'ee. etc, Good time. [No date given. Ed.] J. Crawford offering saw mill, farm. etc, for sale on 22nd. Undertaking and Emba‘ming on latest prin ciplel " reasonable rum-i. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J,tdli4lt Remember the stand-opposite the Market. Durham. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SFEDMUY interest. E. J. SHEFJELL Robe Tanning I M63 81 Goats SOUTH EGREMONT. This week We have started the Hewing prcccss and the Chips are falling in all directions. liitting Pretty Hard. Below we enumerate a few lines, 110135;; to give a full text next wed; VIOLIN S. Albums in Leuthvr & Pius h ACCORDIANS, Jewel Cases, \Vorlc-boxu CONCERT ENAS, Collar & Cuff Sets, Mourn ()RGANS, Glove Boxes, CIGAR HOLDEHX lldkg. Cam‘s MENU“ IM a. BRIAR PIPES, PERFUMERY, Fancy Law-pa, GENTS Toilet Catws, Card Cases, GAMES, Crockinolo, Dominoes, Chess, CARDS, checkers, tte., ttc., &c. ADVANCE SALE " XMAS GOODS, PRICES HEWED BELOW THE LINE. LOW PRICES Ill ALL ll'tN"'frfili"i1s",, ALSO A FllllirlllllE 0F XMAS GROCERlES FRESH FRIJlTrk CONFECTIONS. Thos. Smith. .-.ULL LINE or-- E. J. SIIEWELL Druggist d; Seedsman, Dirham, Flour per bbl ........... Oattvea per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts por ewt ... Fall Wueat per bushel Barky, 60 Eggs, por dog ... .. Chickens. yer pau- Ducks " Tnrkeys,per lb ... Geese " . Hides, ... ... Calfskin“, ... . Sheep.Kim each .. Irny pcr Lon ... ... Straw per to.» ., Potatoes, per 1mg Apples " Wood, 4 feet ... Wmd. 22 Inch . Penn, .. Outta, 6t Dr'd Hogs, per cwt Hugs. live Weight. . Lard pet' lb ... Tallow' per lb .. Butter per ltr, Tub .. Under and hy virtuonf a power of sale contained in a. nun-1 gape which will he produced at, the tinn- of Hale. mom- will he utforud for Sale by Pulrlic Auc- tion at the CENTRAL HOTE' W L, - DURHAM MARKET. 7orrectcd each week by Geo. Sparlma. at 0110 o'clock in the am owing: viz: WI. the 23rd day of Dec, 1896 Lot number four in the ninth ('nnvvs- sion, in the said Township of (Hem-lg. and containing one hundred amps, mun- or less. There is usmall namehouseatul kin-h- on. log barn. tio acres cieatol. 40 “was under good cultivm ion and In new.“ of good hardwood bush/on the said lot. TEENS 0F sscrr..-Tett pm cent at tho timeof sale and the balance “ithiu 30 days. Terms in other respects may be made known at, the time of sale and mountimc may be ascertained on uppliv- ation to _ .. A. H. " ACKspN. AUCTION SALE. in the town of Durhatyu inlthe t'ittttt . tyof (iroyhyL ““0"“ -riuihtutt, Ont. Dated at Durham 16 day of November. 01m JAMES tu'i'ii/uilVhtflno.Nisusut. 'arm Lands in the Tomwhip of Glenelg. where they map. ABRAHAM Cook, Vendor, ti1iiii/(':t,)t(, 6350 to35 arr-noon, the Cull 10 00 4 00 0 25 04 5 00 4O 511mm. to to 00 60 60 90 M 42 20 50 44) 10 Ob tro 00 tro 30 " 95 air,