West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Jan 1897, p. 1

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& WAREHIHCQCUSE, Upper Towzr, PDurham Jast Avrized All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pignos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Ws take this onportunity of thunking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuarce cof the sams. C Call and inspect and bo Convinced. A general financial businesstransacted fKfice next door to Standard Bank, "Large Saies & Small Profi N. C. & J. McHKechnie., EVERYTHING BOUGHTZT FQOR CASH One Car Brockville Buggies, also| _ Maxwoell‘s Stcel Rakes, etc. . G‘".no{{ue‘ and (_:anlpbc“' Lonâ€" Coulthard & Seott‘s Seed Drifts and don Carriages & Buggies. 1 HMarrows. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, | _ Wilkinson Ploughs and Seuffiers. also Snow B:“ Wagons. ! Organs & Piz.os of the best makes. Mew Btock of the tamous Ramsay k Cax. Cr A*i a ny‘s P Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. | A few Stoves at jb prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singa Apron Bin~| New Williams Sewing Maâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger] chines. Rakes. | (me Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever. COoNVEYANCERS. Diuvslh:uim. Aug. 8th,°*CG. JACKSONS. VJL. XIX.â€"NO. i We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generalfy that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, ard that our Motto will be And Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. The GCASH CHAS. McEKIRNON. ADOPTED BY â€"PEALER INâ€" N., C & J. HMeKECHNIR, ‘Now on Hand Wilkinson Ploughs and Seufflers. Organs & Pig.os of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices, New Williams Sewing Maâ€" chines. Full Stock of Repairs l vays oa hand Thel" thron" Ten: Che Or UTAU \\\ 1 M 4 f 0 Gray‘s 4 Syrup of Red s SPrUCB < Cum MA . Society, but also a large number of inâ€" 1 vited guests assembled. _ The fine large resider.ce of Mr. McLarty afforded amâ€" ple accommodation,. _ The presence of \ Mr. and Mrs. Little and Mr. Curry, of Corinth, aided not a littlein making the | evening pass pleasantly and profitably. The first part of the evening was devotâ€" } ed to amusements of varicus kinds and into these all entered with a heartyâ€" | ness and good will fully testify ing as Mr. | LittJe said that Christianity was nota | dull or dry affair and none could he so happy as Christians, l When a considerable portion "of time | had been thus spent the company were | called to order so that they might have [an opportunity of enjoying the good | things provided by the ladies, |__When ample testimony had been borne |to the excellent quality of the refreshâ€" \ ments provided by the ladies, a proâ€" f grarnme of great merit and considcrable length was gone through with under the management of Rev, Mr. Little, | who, as everybody knows who has seen ’5 him offictate, makes a model chairman. The length of the prograimme and the \fact that the evening was already well advanced induced the chairman to miake his opening remarks yery brief and reâ€" serve the greater part of what he wished to say to the close. On Monday evening, the 28th inst., the Y, P. 8. C. E. of Buros‘ Church, RHocky Saugeen, held a sociable gatherâ€" ing at the hospitable home of Mr. James McLarty where not ouly members of the 9. That holders of shop licenses be alâ€" lowed to sell bottled liquors in sealed packages, in quantities of not less than one balf pint, 10. That the defendant in all cases of infraction of the liquor license act le constituted a constituted a competent but not compellable witness.â€"Templar. po Short addresses which showed that excellent talent is developing at the Rocky were deliyered by Mesers Philip McKechnie Archie McLeau, Dan Mcâ€" Cormick and John McKinnon. Other contributors to the mental bill of Yare were a readinug entitled * Success in Life‘ fr in the pen of James A. Garfield, by Mr. M. N. Clark ; a recitation well renâ€" d r «l by Mr. Jno, Puthe:bough; a touch The. musical part of the programme consisted of a duet by the Misses Ector, another by the Misses McFayden and a solo by Miss E. Clark, Mr, Chas,. Snyder and Mr. John Clark, 6, That holders of licenses to sell liqâ€" uor shall be eligible for members of municipal councils. 7, That the licence act be so amendâ€" ed that the har of licansed premises may ve opened after the hours of polling on election days. 8, That druggist« be prohib‘ted from selling liquor at all times or in any qusintities, except for dispensing puâ€" liconses to be in the discretion of the commissioners. â€"(Sec, 4 subâ€"sec. 14,) 5, That tavern license holders be per mitted to supply liquor to guests, travel lers, boarders and lodgers during prohi bited hours. (Sec. 5M4.) 8, That holders of shop liceases be permitted to keep for sale upon their licensed premises cigars, cigarets and tobacco, the same to be sold in unbroken packages, (See section 33 of the liquor license act.) 2, That the power of municipal counâ€" cils to deal with liquor licenses be withâ€" drawn, and the same yested in the provincial goverament, 1, That the hour of closing Hotels and saloons on week nights other than Saturâ€" day nights be 12 o‘clock p. m., on Satur day nights 9 p. m. ® The above gestlemen, through the‘r spokesman, Solicitor Haverson, urged upon the Government the advisability and practicability of introducing legisâ€" lation that would give effect to amendâ€" ments to the existing regulations as follows : _ _A strong deputation from the Ontario License Holders‘ Protective Association waited upon the imembers of the Provincial Goyernment lately to urge the passage of a number of amendments to the license laws which they considerâ€" ed to be in the interests of their trade. The deputation was, in a manner, a reâ€" sponse to the deputation which recently waited upon the Government on behalf of the Dominion Alliance, and which asked that the law be changed in sever al pacticulars, for the furtherance of the teniperance cause. The delegation was composed of memâ€" bers of the executive of License Holders Association, accompanied by several reâ€" presentatiyes of the| Associations from yarious points throughout the province. [ w W. C. T. U. Golumn DURHAE. TERSEKY, JAEARY. Z 897. 1 transfer <f retion of the Mrs. J, McDougald had a very severe attack of Shingles but under Dr. Hutâ€" ton‘s care she is able to be around again. Mr. James MceDonald, has sitarted hewing with Messrs Beaton and Mcâ€" Arthur of Glenelg, and they are having a large time at Goosceberry Hall, Hope ville. We are pleased to hear that Miss Martha Porter is improving very much after having been removed to Toronto. Miss Sarah E. Ferguson left for Proâ€" ton Station where she intends to reâ€" main for some time. Messrs Ed. Broome, and D. McelIntyre were cutting wood for Jack Campbell of Boothville. Jack says they are hustâ€" lers and can cut, split and pile six cords and a half, a day. Miss Jannet Flockhart, left for Wolfâ€" town last week and we notice crape on a few hats since her departure. Mr. David MceIntyre spent Christmas and New Year at home and left for Borlinlast hMonday. â€" The Gesmans seem to agree with Dave as he looks hale and hearty. Tor proposed contracts for 4 years, from the 1st A pril next. 1, Between Durham and Walkerton, 6 times per week each way ; 2. Between â€" Merpitt and â€" Varney, tiÂ¥ice per week each way, Printed notices contaming â€"further information as to canditions of prnpnsvd contracts may be seen, and blank forms of Tenders mauy be obtained at the Post Offices along the respective courses and at this office. Miss Sarah McCormack is at present working at Mr. J. Aldcorns, on the 17.h Proton. Cuarlie will have a long walk now. sSEaurp TExpER8, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Things are very quiet in general and as the sleighing has disappeared a great many were disappointed by not having their sleighâ€"ride, Miss Mapgiâ€" MeLean,. of Woodbridge is visiting her many friends in this pa t. A number of the timber gangs were Mr, Editor, we begin on the first week of the New Year and we wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year, Post Office Inspector‘s Office, Strat‘ord, 1l1th Dec., 1890, MAIL CONTRACT. Quite a number from here took in the nomination at Holstein on Monday and report a good time, Two weddings on the list for this week. The following old residents are yisitâ€" ing relatives here : Peckover and family from Dakota; Mal. McEachern and wife, Mich. * ; Too late for last week,. _ The 8. 8. Entertainment, held in ’ Woodland, Wednesday night last was a great success, At 7.30 Superintendent Murdoch took the chair, a programme of singing, recitations, readings, etc,, mostly by children, was rendered. Short addresses were delivered by Pasâ€" tor McKellar and Messrs Fraser, Bye, Hunter and McArthur, Half way tirough the programme was intermisâ€" sion, and the stripping of two magnifiâ€" ent Christmas trees, loaded with candies oranges, dolls, books, etc., etc., includ> ing a pair of fur driving mits, worth $4.00 for the pastor, and a valuable teacher‘s bible for the Superintendent. Proceeds were $16.40, expenses off will leave $11.00 for the 8. S. ing narragfon by BrotYfr Watkins in the persgh of Mr. H McKinnon, of Corintly of the regr@ with which nat ure high and low, imate and inaniâ€" watef regarded hig#eparation from his former flock,. Ambther good recitation was delivered by Mr, Duncan McLean in a manuer which shows that Duncan has splendid ability in that line. Exâ€" pressions of goodwill and encourageâ€" ment fell from the lips of Mr, Curry, of Corinth, aud then after a vote of thanks to the ladies, the committee, and to Mr. McLarty, and after expressions of regret that the Rocky Presbyterian Congrega«» tion were.â€"soon to lose the service of Mr. McLarty and family, the meeting was brought to a close with prayer by the Rey, Mr. Little, â€"It was truly a pleasant evening. â€" ‘ Miss E. Ecror, Miss M. E. TURNBULL, President, Convener of Com. FRIDAY THE 22 JANUARY, 1897. TIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Continued from last week, SsOUTH EGREMONT. BALSAM VALLEY. 1 â€" EY o. ++ <Gn + H. G. HorkKIRK. Post Office Inspector. Mr. Ferns of Swinton Park, was visitâ€" ing his uncle Mr, J. Batchelor, Sunday, Mr. H, McLean was yisiting friends around Swamp Colloege. Mrs, W. J. MeLean was visiting at the pawental home last week. Mr. Joe Lee who has been away to the North Shore, returned home sing. inz Home Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMurdo, of Hopeâ€" ville were the guests of Mr. A Bryce, Sabbath last. Mrs. L. Vert who has been sick for the past couple of weeks is recover ing. Mi. and Mrs, C. Christmas at the ; Dezell‘s. While W. J. McLean was drawing timber out of the swamp for his brother Chas., the horse, being on the ice. fell, breaking it‘s leg between knee and fetâ€" lock. They cut the ice and got her out. Het lesg was so badly broken they were forced to kiX her, This is quite a loss to W. J. Mr, G. Pride, who was sont to the Owen Sound goal as being insane some time ago ard the authorities thinking hiin noi dangerous enough to send to the asylum, sent him home and the day he came bhomwe he became unmuanagalle, men had o watch hiim day and night. Last Monday he had to be taken back again where he now remains, till there is an opening in the asylum. Miss M. Pgan was hanging up pictâ€" ures, standing on a stand. This slipped and she fell against the jam of the door and was foun i by her sister unconscious with a cut in her head three mctes l ng, and it is f. ared her spine is affectâ€" ed. â€" Dr. Mitchell, of Dundalk, is in at tendance, and we hope to hear of her recovery. Mr. P. Parman‘s little girl aged three got bally scalded by falling into a pot of boiling water, left on the floor, Beauifual weather, we can hear the noise of waggons in all directions, If the two young men got over their New Years‘ drive ? Mr. Walters, of Meaford was yvisiting friends in this place for the past week. Mr. R. Whiteside of Owen Sound is visitirg bis aunt Mrs. C. McDonald, What we would like to know : If the young man enjoyed his nap, in the wheelbatrow on New Years night ? If anyone knows the tune of Jessie‘s Lament? The Miases McDougalll gave a party on the 221d of last month, where everyâ€" thing went all right, and nearly all enâ€" joyed â€"themselves, Some were mad, but it must have been their own fault. Trifles should not vex any one. Mr, Johnie Graham, of Edge Hill paid the Valley a fiying yisit, we are always pleased to see Johnie and have a chat with him. Quite a number from here attended the danse at Mr, Hugh McPhail‘s on New Year‘s Eye, where they enjoyed themselyes till morning, Mr, David McIntyre was home from Waterlo0 for his Xmas Holidays, Miss Maggie McLean of Vaughan is visiting at Mrs. H. McLean‘s this woek. Messrs Dave McIntyte and Norman McDougall leave this week to go timberâ€" ing, the former goes to Waterloo, the latter to Galt. home for Christmas and returned after the elections. We notice that Mr. John McColl, Alex, McDonald and John Denâ€" nett remained among{[the Germans in Waterlo0, while Dave and Malcolm spent Christmas at home. Mr. McColl has the reputation of being a first class hewer, and also the gang that are abhead of him are hard to beat, for we know that first class men come from the hills of Bentinck, Glenelg, and Egremont. Mt, Forest parbam Varney Holstrin gestion, bad taste, coated 5 tongue, sick headache, inâ€" somnia, ete. llood‘s Pills Pllls eure constipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. 25¢. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood‘s Sarsaparilla Lauses fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indé Constipation G. T. 2. TINE TABLE. PROTON CENTRE. Vess 0 . McLean spent their pareutal home, Mr. J. 4@ â€"4 p.m GD Arrive, p.m. 10 25 10 17 10 05 9 52 Nurserymen and Fruit Growâ€" ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation MilJdsiy, the Hanover Conveyancer, is lending lots of it at 5, per cent and on exira good loans at L-»â€"”( osts lowâ€" Terms as any reasonalle person may desire. Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"no charge if no ecliection,. Cheap Farms for Sale Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and ther writings neatly and quickly prepared at reasonable cost. May be you think it is not, but MILLER, the Hanover Conveya lending lots of it at 5, per cent a exira good loans at L-nw( osts Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER, The undersigned offers for «&ale or rent that desirable park lot, in the village of â€" Priceville, formerly owned by the late James Cameron, Lot conâ€" tains 13 acres all under cultivation,. On the lot is a good house, and barn, also a good bearing Orchard For terms of sale or rent apply to JOHN MeJINXNIS, WOBK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay #6 to $10 per week for eny home work Child can do it. . No Sebeme. Books or Fod d ux j his is v0oim file. Bend strmp for work and | serticulres ) once, _ TFE SEYNOUR SUP LLY C)â€"MasoricTomple, Camaen NJ Mer to Engage with us as Salesmen. New season just opening ; new sl‘{lv of plate book ; more attractâ€" iye and yet lighter than ever, Morey is Pienty. J. CAMERON WANTED Also a full assortment of Crockery & Glassware Dinner. Tea & Toilet Sets All Supplies Furnished Free. T ea of T eas KURMA TEA We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. Workmanship Unsurpassed Fize Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. CALL & SEE COUR Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. Hanover P. 0. "*Telephone." At Popular Prices. â€"â€"All Business Confdentialâ€"â€" Sold for 302. 1hâ€" Sold for 40¢. Ibâ€" Sold for 50c¢. 1b. Try it, and you will be perfectly satisfied. Harness ! 10 1â€"3 m s ELBP WANT #Oâ€"LE sALEF, WHOLE NO. 962. C. LEAVENS, Jr. PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. STOXE & WELLMNGTOX Commanins omm n in moneranrcond: itdernits. 0 .H. MILLER 4 T nE FURS. Bites, Whips, &c., &c. Collars, Pads, The Hanover Conveyan cer Priceville. H. H.

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