West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Jan 1897, p. 5

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1mm I?“ u“ w ”In“. mum! II ma a. " S, Dog owl. I" u ess 80?,- ru tri- ng! fr, Mt jot. the m as ta- ith. ELL tho for for 't 3O We rut"prices in Fancy Coed like this: Plush Dressing Cases We are prepared to take building con tracts and furnish all kinds of Material nt living prices. IO IVER TU nw We ht IN ATSON BROS ONLY ONE DOLLAR Sixteen. Page. ill, THE NEWS UP THE WM. v. Market Reports, Stories, PLANING AND MATCHINCIf ut We offer good inducements to agents. Fur terms. etc., address--- ADVM'ISBI PM!“ llt,. LONDON. ONT ins BARaifEris, soucrrons. doNUEYANGERS, att. Omces :-0ppos)te TOWN HA. Lower Town, Durham JN" 5, L0!) to loan at lowest rates of ll 1mm: AND anismmms GUARANTEED. SHINUIJiS ON HAND (yy,yFi' FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder' Block. Residence first door west of th hut: OMce, Durham. Will be in Priceville the tirst Wednes day in each month. ottlce at the Com- mz-rcial Hotel. Drmnore, June 6th, '96. All Debts due no Imut be Settled hefore March lst next. Debts left un- settled will be placed in Court for Collection. tha HANDED MACHINERY. Doc. 180) 1896. " fume Cases 1.zo V Mug Cases 3 50 21) md other goods at a simih 3‘de m Western 1ihtrt'Btt. FOR 1896-7. tFHreilent Reading.. .. . 2tor every member of the family. HaiFARLANE 81 Ci). Dr. T. c. HOLT LLD'_S'. NORTH EG First Come First Choice. DENTISTRY. h & Celluloid inte rest Elliott At. Elliott, g to we ht Balance of 1896 Free. " 0‘ H " To January lat, 1898. days only I mmmuwe to the public up the null rebuilt and twtitted with NOTICE. AT RIG HT PRICES. _-WITH. - N. G. In. chechnie. REMONT. 3.50 2 50 Price 2.53 1.50 0 1.75 1.25 9 Old 50 DURHAM Sale Price 1.36 1.24 2.05 1.36 1.79 1.05 1.49 1.f0 205 1.19 83 74 ,54 a I' Mr. Dan Greenwood. of the Av.ene, and Mr, Jasper'. left Monday nun-mug to visit friends in (Junk-k Wood and farm produce taken in ex- change for thus ate. at. Tum-y’s Gallery Upper Town. CORRECTION ~31 r. R. G. Jasper, of Hartrey. Mnnitnhu, isn gun-stat. Mrs. Dan G reenwood's at present. We have in stock a. very fine pastry ftoue Ordered expressly for that purpose. Geo. Span-ling. . MisaJessie McArthur. who has been "! Py'ort.totot mule time, is at present ymuug her patents in Glenelg. Buainoss men can have a box of 500 good envelopts neatly minted for mw (blur. Hard times prices, but these will advertise your business. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichol. Sn. are at present visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Etta Kenn , of Mt. Forest was the guest of Miss K‘nggie (‘mwfurd for a few days last week. To Lrg'r,---A cmnfmtalxh- two-story brick house in Lower Town, Durham. Apply to J. M. Hunter. 5 >Yuu can't be well if your blood is im- pure, but you may have pure blond and good health by taking Hood‘s Barsapar- illa. Servant irl wanted. Apply to Mm. Kelly, 'IMS,,'. Fresh broken sodas at John Camer- on’s. also prime new cheese. Miss Minnie Sharp, of Mount Forest. visited friends in town this week. init 61m gram. SALE BILLS. Parties Wishing Rule Bills will do well to mll at. the Review omce. We can Hourly always list, you have thent sum!- 1lay you call. We give you a. bee notice in the paper too. . Fun Mrsxnxmi A number rd Ladies of the Ptass. (Yhnrch in town contributed through their Tivv.s, (‘mnplwll $235.00 fm' tlw p‘tl’lizll stt of a student in it Muskoka Mission Photo umvil BARGAIN DAY.‘ anry's Photo Gallet ihtie,h, $l & $1.50 at Photo albums RN to Mr. Ireeh, 1GGev, V years has hen-ll engaged ing in Slu-rlu-ukv, 12ut places, has resumed rosi J. A. [lulstend was el J. A. Halstead was elected Mayor of M. Forest, A. Martin. rum-0.; A hy-lnw for the [mm-haw oia town park was voted nu tho sumo day, and dvfeated Ivy n lurgu nmj'u'iry. No frillsat present. far Mt. Fun-st. Mr, David McIntyrv. Hakim] Talley, was“: guest, of Mr. tsud Mrs. Nt-slhr, Sutlmlnv and Sumlzw leaving fut" Hvid.. ellmg on Mummy man-Hing lo rusumc- (hum-ring inrutiuns in one of Mr. Mc- Inlyre's gangs. LUST oteltFnrovrr:D. From my milk waggnn mw day lust week, n hand be”. between T. Bun-lny‘s. Lower Town, and thekttrtpp House. The fhulew will be suitably rewarded by returning to JAMES A'rktssym', Mull: Dealcr. NOTICE. All por‘nn‘: indvptexl to C. MrArthur are respectfully renuested to call for their art-Hunts and settle either hy cash or note before the 20th inst. All :u-ruunts left unsettled must he placed into other hands for turlletlioy. ANSI'AL MEETING. _The Annual Met-ting of the Smuh Grey Electoral District Agrlt'ulJn-al Suriuly will be held in the Town "all, Durham, on Wednesday. the 20th day of January, at (me o'clock p. tit., for the Election of Officers and (Renewal Busim-ss. ARCH. McKenzie, James Edge. SH‘V'. President. Duham, Jan., 4th L996. LO. F.-At the regular "voting of shave- named body on Dev 31st the following were elected ofruzwsr--Ch. Ranger. R. Limin; V. Ch. Ranger. It, Tory; Hee. Set-y" C. Haulage: Fin. Sewn, R. Meredith l Ttwas,, S. Wright: Chap., A. Browning: Sen. Woodrravd, It. Ward; Jr. Wd,, u. Mvikle; Fir. Beam“, J. Rose; Jr, B., Jun. Ritchie; High Court Delegate, E, Limit: ' Altar- natp. S. Wright ' Physician, C. Deputy. Vin. Calder: Trustees, G. Spnrlimz and Jas, Colville; Auditors, John Picken and C. Raumgo, Durham, Thur. Jan. 7, 'ptr. STUMPING 1N EonvnvtsT.---A hwiy meeting was held Saturday "venitut in Run?” Hall. Ihotnove, todisscuws Town- ship and Co. matters. this: report, com. ing as it does after the election ls over, need not be long, The speakers interested. were Bye, Hunter. Watson, for lst Dep., and Chas Molnuis 2nd Ltep, for Municipal honors, and Allan, Malice, and Swnnslnn, for the Co Mr. Bye created a good impression hy his calm semi dignified manner. Where- as it was felt that the remarks in regard to temperance. made by another speak- er were out of place and uncalled for, Watson improved here, making a good hit. on the preccediug apeakcr’s referenCe to the fooling away of the i'wst days of the Co. Council meeting. the Township being Imhetter. their h'est sitting cost- ing $11) in passing items to the extent of) $30. Mr Mclnms. expressions of app'ec- i iation and tegard to: laii cjrwwent who was absent, won for him a ;'_(mtl opinion from those hiesent. this is " a should he, one felt it a pity he could not vote for both. the speakers tu,sxrctt.vil.v pat" l took much of what “v.9 said at, Immin- at ion, the last. speaker making a passing reference to the 1ihevality and public spirit of the lite Mr. Tavlnr Whose acquaintance he had valued highlv. also dealt, with Township finances in a clean and lucid style. Mr. Allan on Co. topics spoke' in an interesting manner. Mr. Swim-ton was not quite up to IP.' usual excellence on the platform. While Mr. Morice agreeable an! pt ised the audience by his fine speech. thereby gaining sev- " LOCAL AND GENERAL ry Every Tuesday at y, an). photos, hast hm. Snnlu-ums 75c. lb".?..00. t'allaud be l’mm who tot svvoml x in phntngmph- wimp, and “the: idem-t- hero. Huber of the l in town have il- Thvv.s, Mrs. nth] support My hymn: 'own. The Annual Inn-Ling of the District Association P. I. will he held in C,alder's Hall, Durham, Friday, Jan. 16th ins“.. at one o'clock p, ttl., New Butcher Shop in Town, and a new flour and feed store talked of, now for more citizens to suppurt them. Get these manufacturers ageing. MrxNaagD-Bruawr Max AND Wou- EN can vas‘wrs for Canada and Australia. "Queen Victoria Her Life and Reign." Introduction by Lord Dutferin. A thril- ling new book. Sales marvellous. The The Queen as girl. wife, mother, mon- arch. Reads like ronmnce. Grandly il- lustrated. Big commission. Books on time. Prospectus free to canvassers. Exclusive territorv. Lots of money in it. THE IhtarHiY-tlARrtETBON Co.. Lt d., Toronto, out. Chas. Hayernmhl met his death on Monday Inst in a harrowing manner. He was driving. and while putting n Cm scutsaw in the buggy the horse took fright and run away. He was throwrtout, and his head struck on a fence pus! killing him instanlly. He was sl,out Gri yt-ui-s. of age and postmasr- or at the nuw ofrtce kuowu " his name He leaves a. widow and grown upfaluily who have the sympathy of the comuiu- nity in their great loss. The family of the late Mr. Geo Dow. ling. hug to return thvir thanks to neighbors and friends who so kindly voluntemvd assistance and active symp- atlty during the long illness of their de- roused relative, and hope they may find their reward in Je.consciousness of good deeds done. I hereby tender my thanks to the le‘tnrs of the 31ml Coonty Council Div- ision for their. mnphutiv cxpveusi1m of conlidetwe in lllt‘ given at, the pulls on Monday. To tlu. fruends who aided me In the (-mnpuign, and to whose hard, earnest work! an) indvhtml for my posit ion at tho head of the poll I am uspuciully grateful. Asa nwmlwrnf the Co. Council of they, it will be my duty to [my partic- ulnt- attention to the intervsts of the 3111 Division and I trust that my course will pt'ovuthat your confidence in me has not been misplaced. Durham, Jan. "ith, 1800. On the ovoning of Mr. Janson's lecture in Priveville, a pleasant went WM a pvesrmtrttiou to Mr. Donald McDonald. Dr. Huttun 10ml tlw address given be. low which explains itself: To Mr. Donald Mefhmold, Sup. of St. L'ulmnbu Sunday fo'ehool, Dio..) FRIEND, --It, Is ll tttt regret that, w" have h-m‘nml that you are ulnut to svvvr your conneotion with 119m: Super- intmulvnt. " mn- Sumluy Selma]. We upm-m-inte your' unt iriug efforts and kindlv intetvst in cut-lying on tho work of the Sabbath school for the past sou-n \‘vurs. We rrcngnizo and deplore fully thclnss wekre ahout, to sustain. But it is with unfeigued pleasure we hm: tvatimuny of four' faithfulness. dil- igent-o. prudence and Christian deport- nwnt as a man and as um- S'uverintind- ent, Permit, us to present to you, as a slight token of uur esteem and uUtetue regard, there thvee volumvsof English. Scottish and " ish Lore .. s'hakespeaty," " Scott " and "3brove," We trust !hi,t though you may he alrr,eut from us for some time your connection with us will not ullngvther :cour. hut, that as a member of the session, we may still have the Lcuelit of /otH' valuable advice and counsel from limo to Linw. In bidding you furewvll we hope that; l in resuming your profeusionnl labors “(ind [my prosper you in all things, both temporal and spiritual. that, your Inlu-rsmny lus owned of Him for the good of all who come under your in- strurtiun and intluencv. Signs-d in lwlmlf of the Sabbath School, J. G. HtrTTos WALTEB NumoL ( Com. Hour. McLArrtAN, Priceville,2mlt Dec. 1890. in replying Mr. McDonald said he was ituseed taken in surprise, :He re- grt-tted that he had done so little forth kdvnncemvntof the School, hut what he had done he fel: it, a, duty deyolving upon him to do. He felc sorry indeed tosen-r hisc mnection from St. t‘olutnlm Sabbath School, hut, hoped that the. School would continue to prmpvr in future as well as in tho pant. In con- clusion he said he thnnked them for the presents from the bottom of hisheart, not Inaiely for their intrinsic value, hut, tor t heu- kind appt'ecuttioy of hisservices as Superintendent for the past, seven yea PB. Confiutttd.from 4th Page, Miss Flora Muhean spent Christmas with friends at 1?lesheiton station, ”Mr. Arthur McGlocklin, 4th Line, was the guest of Mr, Allnu McLean, Sr. on Christmas Day. _ - - A On New Year's evening when Mr. D. Sinclair and 11:3 brother were out spending the evening with friends across the river audwlnle out viewing the stock one of them kicked lmu on the leg. There is no bones t,roken. but st Will be some time be. tore he will be able to cross the river again. The young: people of the West end have formed a skaung club and keep McLuuch- Ian's trout pond in good skating condition. Every evening it is crowded with huge and unnll merry n akers. The wlmla takes part oeeastormlly. Grant pr.ptmciom/arts being made " Chtastiau Endeavor entertainment. to be gneu lure nu January 8th. Mr. Archie Stewart. of lihmherton Sta-. tiou, in "ren '.ius.r his Christmas holidays with " brothers here. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION CA RD OF THANKS. FATA L ACCIDENT. --------+ . --..-¢ - CARD 0F THANKS Bt.---------- O O O MAPLE GROVE. EDWIN HUNT, Pres. Tnos. MILLIGAN. Seoy Emu anuxa, On bvhalfof family. Yours trulv, CilAs. MCKINXUN. Sales WJth Hood’s Bersepe- , Mun," Seiee Telk," end a I show thet thie medl- clne hes enjoyed public confidence end petroneze to e (teeter extent then eecord- ed my other proprietary medicine. This in simply becense it possesses [teeter merit end produces greeter cures then my other. It is not whet we sey, but what Hood’s Berseperille does, that totig the story. All edvertieements of Hood’l Berseperllle, like Hood’s Seruperllle It- eell, ere honest. We heve never deceived the public, end this with its snperletlve medicinal merit, is why the people here ebiding oontidemse in it, end buy - will he kept, for Svrvice for-Seusono 18N-0 at. Lot i', Con. I, Nornmnlw. 'Almost to the exclusion ot all others. Try tL Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. mu. will; Ji/ir/ii/TVA: 17mm. l. w. G. It. BENTINCK, the ulmve well bled hour. It was bred by S. H. Todd & Son, Wakeman, Ohio, and has a. splendid record. Pedigree may be Been on application. The undersigned having been reetoredto bum: by elmple moans, utter stuttering fur eevenl years with a eerere l mu: “faction ' an d that dread discus. Consumption. in anxioun to make known to his lollow sum-rare the means of cure. To those who (I when, he will cheerlully neudUree of charge) . o pyof the proseripcon used, which they will and e uure cure for (loneumpllon, Auk-n, Cav Iarrh. llronchllh.aud all throat and lung "II- ntlIc-I. Ho hopes all 'u1ftererr; will try thisremedy, as tt C, ~mvelunblo. Those desiritagtius prmtrrriptiop wh rh:wiueotrrthem ttothiug,tsud may prove 'e blt "iug, will please nddreu , Hood's REV. EDWARD l, TrllJllllt, Bucklyn New Yuk. " SPRUCE LODGE HERO," N0. 402 No snow for New You": Day, which made tip-es very dull. Hood’s Pills 'G'rh'UG'f, /G'iGUiiri." A great number of voters turned out to vote on Monday though the roads were so had. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson, of Sing- hmnpmn, visited at Mrs. \Vilson's form- er home. CHESTER Wm1'lillB0AR, Mr. land Mrs. John McQueen spent Christmas at Smyner. utl. an“ Ava-v. -.....__, .. __-, -"e ,' Christmas with Mrs. Wilsou's parents. --- - --. . _ _ .. iii.'. Judi] a iirJir, iSinghumlm'l. Like last year they had to hon-0w a buggy to take them hmue. Mr. and Mrs. D. MoCmnwl pat-took of roast lurki‘y and plum pudding ttt Mr. It. (iulhmilh’s. They wtheaccoinpanied, by Mr. and Mrs, John McDonald, of L'oothville. Me. Neil McCannel has secured a tschool at Alexmndrm. Manitoba. i REVIEW and mm", REVIEW " ad G LOBE, i REVIEW and Daily World I REVIEW and SCS,. Mr. Richard Hanna" had the misfor- tune of lasing one of his horses by in- frauunution. Mr. J. McQueen has disposed of a pair of seem-s. We did not heat' the figure. UH Monday. Dec, 21st, a robe- was stolen out of the buggy of Mr. J. Mars- hall. If this meets the Tvt' of fly! t_hiet we would advise him to tring it buck at once as suspicion is very strong on a celtmu party. It will nave trouble and The uudersigned will keep for service -- “x. -.- .‘._-- - .., " Anyone sending t: skctoh and description may qnlckly Mcermm. free, whether an mventlon in probably 'p,rtu (ommunicntlcng attic“! itonfidential. Olin-ac gammy be securing patent; in Atmtriea. Wu ham 9. Wmhmgton bmee. Paton" taken through Manu & Co. I'm". tspecial notice in the "tHI'."?.P," P " 8t,Tii.'li ' Mg EMIRIUIN, expense. beautifully iltetrtretrd, ',urgest eirxtuutiott of 't?Ih5t",tle gnuruul. weekly, termatsn'l I can Ili an mun ha. Hpeclmun cuplel and 'dl'rg ook ON PATENTS sent tree. Andre» MorvAT-in Greenttelt, on Dee. 19th, a sun to Mr. and Mrs. John M ttrat..--) cottectiou. McA LLrsrER--In Normanhy. on 3lst Dem, to Mr. and Mrs. T. McAlister, a ueky S mgeen, Nov 28, 1896. V Sarsaparillat Mr, and Mrs._tlole_wil.son spam, Tamworth Boar daughter. "Washington" MUNN & co., 301 Broadway. New York. 'itTi's""a""i'ri"i":'tHtihtsf - TORONTO TERMS, ONE DOLLAR. Jso. MCKECHNIE. THOROUGHBRED CONSUiMPTIVES THOROUGHBRED. T331315 $1. ::":‘:*-t:_¢ 1ei.'eu" "up: an“. $qu Demons, v comments to. BOOTH V ILLE. CLUBBING. ll. w. LEESOI? Prop BIRTHS. are thier only pills to up 31.60 31.85 CL! IN THE school supplies The Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. --Severtd well known public mon' have dropped off since last weck.' Sir Joseph Hickson, late General; Manager, of the G. T. Railway, ':died by paralvsis at the age of 66. iArchbishop Fabre, of Montreal, died the night of the great Laurier banquet his demise, opportunely for the ban. ’quet, not taking: place before all the principal men had spoken. At the suggestion of the reinier the meeting adjourned. The flon, Thos. McGreevy whose name was long unpleasantly lbetore Hie people, has also dropped lout, and his obsequies have been :touchingly respectful. Strange to ‘say, however. the chief men of the Majrurervatiye party, whose scapegoat l he was in a measure, were conspicuous by their absence. T fillliflffflili(i; --A section of the French bishopsl are evidently losing their wits. Not content with using eecltstieal thunder to kill obnoxious papers. One of them is reported to have gonc the length oC orderings. postmaster to barn every' copy of the "IEleeteur " that comes to his oftiee. The Jr,te,"tg?,', hesitation, we are informe , was overcome and some of her Majestv's mail matter ud- dressed to loyal subjects was ruthless- ly burned. This can be done once, and {the .estrnint. which springs from con- lSCiORS strength. may keep the law [abiding part ofthe community, Pro- Itestun'. and Catholic, from actively 'protcsting, but a repetition of this dar- ing act will not Canada tdlame, and the Bishops'who support such doings will "have it hot, and no mistake. Mr. Mulock bus a delicate situation to geek but we believe he will be master it, Editurial me and Unmant. Balance of Holiday . G oods AT COST For next 10 day FANCY GOODS. LINE OF Druggist & Seedsman, Du‘fham. , EAEERm FARM FOR SALE. On the Md Con. annmnlny. runnin- ing 174 m-re-s. HO cleared. A 1 soil in gun-Ind stale ofcultivutioniievftsrttt IltW- ious wveds. Spring lieth. Stone Hume 1% Kitchen. “um! SIM-(Intlavhed. Bani: Burn 50x70, Stone Masetnent Stables. Drive & [mph-maul House 30x00, Sumo Smiths undrrnth. Hum House Ioxm, H-ud an” Shift Water. ('hurchvs and Svhnol convenient. li min-s from Dur- ham Buildings oust aver half the Money I Fruits & Confections I of all kinds. This is a. Run- Bm-gun. Stork or Grain. Jhviiuess memm If not sold. will lease for a term of. years. Ap- ply to MoLachlan OPENING!!! With New Gromrics, New Canned Goods, 1 New Crorkmy, and Glassum'e. The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moffat will be rushed off' at low prices to make room for New Goods arrived and arriving. If you want Bargains, come this month to. A SNAP! 40 ROE: irked. one-thit" down. A. Mr].A CH LA N S, “LIL {T W ATFilty: J r.. Isherwood P. 0.. Out (3fumf's Old Sland.)

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