West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Jan 1897, p. 8

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J. A. HUNTER‘S When in necd of a pair of Fine or Heavy, No Boots and Shoes â€"You‘il find l:ere a bettér ch stock, all sizes, all widtLs and the prices fit 1 We are sole agents for " Whitham‘s Hand Made for them next time, They are the same price & and last tw.ice as longâ€"besides, they‘re comfort: well. 1.19 PR. Single F. Tartan Plaids reg. 10c. Tue 7c yd fiat and Coat Hooks Special Tues‘w70. Doz Bst LEMONS 15c¢. doz Lanterns at 25c. 200 Page Sceribllers extra special for Bargain Day 5 for 10c. Kolona Ceylon Tea. a dollar 'i’ea,;,t2§cv 1b Not long ago the old price for Teas didn‘t sat‘sfy us, we hunted long and far for a good Tea to sell ata departme n al priceâ€"we found itâ€"you got it â€" The usual wholesale price of which was 17¢, lb. you get it at 1246 lb. No oxtravagan. profits about that, you get it still, Its not a cheap tea, but a good, strong, healthy tea and one yoa‘ll like. Malt the counâ€" try side are after it. Try a lb. Tresday and then t] ink of our Only One Qzaltity and that the best.â€" â€"Only one Price and that to Everybody. As a result of the backwardness of the season, we find ourâ€" selves terribly overstocked in all kinds of winter goodsâ€"we mever keep any stock over the seasonâ€"It must be soldâ€"You will find here phenomenal values in wirter clothingâ€"for Men and Boys : Caps, Underwear, Blankets, Comforters, etc , etc., by bringing your list here you will save on eyery articleâ€"once in a great while other stores offer a few leaders at prices that approach our valuesâ€"noune do it very oftenâ€"our prices are low on everything in our store and yet we always keep np the s:andard of quality, We extend our thanks to our many patâ€" rons for their liberal patronage last year and hope that we may enjoy the same pleasant business relations during ‘97. ‘96 was for us as usual a very successful year. As the years roll on our balance sheets show an ‘ever increasing business. There must be some reason why. Have you ever stopped to think ? to I‘s 35¢, Ladies‘ Rubbersâ€"Canadisn Rubber Co‘sâ€"best in Canada at 35¢. _ These are the finest quality there sre only 40 pairs left. _ The Reg, price of them was 50c. pair Come quicklyâ€"We‘ve children‘s rubbers as well, sizes 6‘sg L .. *WKe BARGAI DN Jan 1?). We buy Woodâ€"â€"â€"Bring you‘s along. Axe Handles reg, 20c. Tue. 9¢. E wB@ 0 %G 3 4C 6 uke. ; , , _ , EP iE s U .‘.‘..‘v‘-.\-'“\..‘““‘».‘.‘O“.\D‘-. Men‘s (Gmx_].}'qz!r)__N'_. W. Rubbers you‘ve alâ€" ays paid $1.25 for them we have 100 prs. more arriving on Monday they â€"go like the cthes at â€" â€"â€"an . NENRNININNNNNT PLLLL27 717 h0 of Fine or Heavy, Nobby or C UPPER TOWN. "OA* . ALCIEY Â¥ y ArGUUY OFf . â€"C:OfSEe re a better choice, a larger ie prices fit like the boots. n‘s Hand Made Boots.‘ Ask e same price as cther m:kes Tin Dippers Reg. [0c, Tuesday 5¢, each. Turkey Red Handkerchiefs _ only 4¢, each, reg. 10c. Finest Oranges15¢. dor. «b‘eâ€"they fit 1 19 PR. , Mr. Alex. Dodds. of Ov'f'lt";‘fi'r"'i';;‘..': j ;h.obgnut of Mr, Duncan Paull last S ' * ONTARIO Mss M:ble Cameron, of the LaJies Havergal C »lege, Toronto, is home fo: the h lidays visi ing her paronts, Muster Mort Brown, who has spent near a year a yeur in Unc‘e Sam‘s domains returned home to Irs father‘s last week. Mr. Alex. Dodds. of Orchardsille. was es lzs . s 2_ © Misa Jessie and Master Herb Phillips. of Alma, are yisiting their many friend , in Hoistein and vicinity. Miss Fliza Ajlin and Mr. Will <on, of Toronto, a e the guest David Allan. father of the former Miss Phair, tercher, of Brantford is epencling her holid=ys with her aunt, Mre. Thom@s Bl'nWI_l. of this plac«, The Lecture given ‘n the Chursh last Wednesday eveni Dr, WiJitamson, of Mt. Forest Hunting " was erand, _ We fee comes agaia the bouse will Those wiuo were not there i wreat of the season. Clmistmas presed off very qn village, not much more stir othâ€"r davy. Mr. Robert Mil‘s, of Larra{ Orang ville, was a ustor at W. burg‘a‘s on M.oâ€"nday of this "week Mis. Marshall, ef Muskoka, is her mother, Mrs. Siewat, ar d +is Ellis. Rev, J. L. Gardiner, of Port the guest â€"f \Ur. Geo, Rawn‘s, S for Clhiristmas holrdaves, Denver, Colo., Dec, £8th, 1806 Doswinecad correspondent cannot refute. I am ro pessimist nor an extreme partisan, but it really amuses me tco see people ‘‘so blind that they will not seo." ‘The Hannah â€"MeKinley regime promises ncthing but a corti uition of the principles of Cleveland democracy. The "waye of prosperity" t‘ at was promised before the election proves t« be a chimera and a myth. Theeonly placo. I have heard of it striking yet In this country is Bottineau North Dak ota, I hope if it has focused itself en that particular spot on the prairies of North Dako.a that it may soon scatter, get impetus, and rapidiy spread ove; the rest of these Unized t .tes. Hoping that I have not trespassed too much on your time and space. Yours &c., 3 ‘Mac." This evry of "good times," which the Republican extremists would like to make us be‘ieve followed the elecâ€" tion is alP bosh. _ I can prove from Dun and Bradsteet‘s report, the authenticity of which yeur Bottincau corres nde: t cannot doubt, that things have gone from bad to worse sinee the clection According to Dan‘s last report there have been seventy five more busines failures since the clection than the corresponding time last year, If the country is bJoming w hy so many bank failures in the past two weeks in the Eastern States ? _ Reforring again to Dan‘s review of Dec 26th it says "there was a falling off of 24 per centin bank exchanges in the leading cities for the fiye days ending Dec 24th from the corresponding aays of last year, and a falling off of 16 per cent from th corresponding days of 1892." _ Thes. are facts, Mr. Editor which you ?ottinc:m correspondent cannot refute. 1 *Mac.‘ is well known to many of our readers and is a professional man who has been honored by positions of pul lie trust in his adopted city. Here is the letter : Editor, REeviEw, Dear Sir, â€"â€"Being a constant reader of the Review and a former South Greyite, although now an American citizen, I naturally feel an especial inâ€" terest in noting the prosperity of Cana dians in Uncle Sam‘s domain. * Mac." however, has the bull by the horns, as the silver party is having campaign material made for it by the smashing ef banks and business fail ures, which will figure largely in 1900. Had Bryan been successful and the same conditions followed, "Bryanism ‘ would have been loudly blamed, while it would have been no more worthy ot blame than * McKinleyism " is now, That the *‘ sound money " causs, howâ€" ever, has not been able to prevent finâ€" ancial collapses, is a seri us bow to it, s nco tley claimed to be the special guardians of public credit. In justice to Mr. Cameron, from whose letter the extract was taken, the price of wheat, though lower thau it had been, was yet much higqger than it usual and was still a profitable price. We hope the "good t‘mes" will radiate to Denver on the South and Canada on the North and ‘"we three‘ will then sing a united pseon in its honor. The much debated question of silver y. gold, is not ovrr yet but is to be, for once, transferred to the columns of the ReviEw. Now, really, we woald like to oblige Uncle Sam and will do it to the extent of publishing the following letter. TORONTO was n tisttor at W. S. HMore A s1LVi&a CHAMPION. EOLSTEIN. Mr. Will Robert the guest of M+» of Lorrsine, new very qnictly in our re stit than any ‘n the Methcdis t _eveaing by Rev, Forest. on * Fox We feel sure if he e will be filled. there missed the of Port I{aron, is d sister, Mris uthk Bend was In i L LC ap. G[ot CTmethy Elt affecting speech by Mr. Dan McDonald i1 addition to the more solid addresses of Messrs Binnie, Hemsiock, Blakeâ€" stuone, Don. McDonald, Staples, M« Kechnie, and others. Mr. Jno. McDonâ€" ald, sang songs in Gaelic and English, A string band furnished excelleni uiusic and Peter McArthur as organist added much to the pleasure of the evyening. AMiss _ McCannel â€" bhad evidemly flut much thought and preparation in her work and the result is her reward, The proceeds amounted to $14.00, C Sn RCERTTT TYE ETT able manner and an excellent prograni of â€" recitations, _ kindergarden songs, dialogues in character fiolh humorous and entertaining, club swinging by the children, and also by the teacher, an ce o sc Cade SW 23 _| 97. _ What a blessed renmion to find Fat.. ’ er, Mother, brothers and sisters seated nce more uround the Eâ€"stive table on a New Yenr‘s eve ut the old bomes.ead, but on the other haud we find the armival of the Nev Yeir brings sadluess to wany in r.feciing upou the inc.dents ol the past year, for we find in many a howe ou this New Year moru a vacant chair. The sure vessenger dexth entercu many a dwelling ind claimed for its victim the tuther, the mother, son or daughter, _ No more will hat son meet the gear mothor, who with lon.ing +yes watched for the arrival of hea son 12 mouths ago and that son with ia:tei sears may exclaim what is a howe without i mother "No imdeed a home withont a wother, let it be ever so good, is a poor one." Many a poor sou or daughter lus expericuced it to their great regret, and in visiting the city ot our dead we oniy build che grass? mounds of our dear departed mwes, reminding us that we too svouner or ater be laid to rest also. Air. Arch McQuarig wound up the old vear by threshing with McDougall and Fisher‘s Muchtve on Thursday last Archie airs about 50 loads of peas yet which ha intends to thiesh with his culting macâ€" ane, Mr Jolin Nickol was elected Trustee in Priceville School Section, an oflice he bas | Ailed tor muny yeurs before. . S. 8. No. 10, GLENELG.â€"The ainwent in this school on Der, 2 a most successfyl affair, Mr. Dixon acted the part of chairman able manner snil un | avauMbisce 2l Flary Clnistmas andi New Years nre things of she past, the old year parsed quiet‘y away nd peacetuily av y and the New Year arâ€" efved with a gente 8 uth West breeze ormging good tidings of great joy to wiany ihome iu presentiny the ub eut son on laughter, to the Jear mother, who ha een louging for the coming of the 1st Jan Disense is to establish health. Purerich blood means good health. â€" Hood‘s Sarsâ€" apryrilla is the One True Blood Purifier. It toues up the whole up the whole sysâ€" tem, gives appetite and s.reugth and crunses werkuness, nervousness and pain to disappear;_ No other medicine has such a rcecord of wonderful cures as Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. 1 LVS B ECC CE PTET TTTNRIPCI nill ; assists digestion, preyvent counstip tion. Mrs, J. Sills left on Wednocsday last for Bny City, Michigan, to join her husband ifter spending a few months with h areuts, Mr. and Mrs Ira Pennock. Mr. Thos. Orchard is at mesent veory siok, buat nnder the care of Dr. B.own w. hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Mrs. A. Donpe slipped and fel on the tey wali striking the !rek ef her head on the grâ€"und from the effetts of which se has been coufined to bed. s Miss Evelon MeKellar, of Mt. Forest, is spending her holidays wicdh hr grand narents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Grost. There was a crowd in onur Burg on Mon day owing to it bcing nomination day. Mrs, J oIm Main visited her sister, Mrs, Eby, at Goldstone, on Christmas. Last Sabbato laing the Salbath School Armniversary in the Methodis; Church, the Iey. Mr. Marshall, of Coun, presched two very instructive sermons: in the miroing to the children in the evenâ€" ing to the teachers, _ On Momday evening was the children‘s ontcrtainment when there was a long progruamme of singing, re ding, â€" recitiny, â€" dalo.u s, swinging eclubs, eto., efe.. sn# Isst but rot least a treat of canfies. Both old and you g en jovyed themselves, THE SUN is the Canada Farmers Bun reâ€"organized. It is strictly independent, and " A Bystander"‘ is & regular contributor to its columns. ‘I;lood's Pills are the best afterâ€"dinnet Agents Wanted. Write for terms, and bear how to secure a gold watch or parlor clock, without the cost of a dollar. Its market reports are acknowledgâ€" éd to be the fullest and most accurate published in Canada. _It gives the best farmers‘ page in the Dominion. It contains a short story from Lonâ€" don Truth, weekly. It gives an average of 40 columns of bright reading in each issue. This paper will be sent to any address in Canada (outside of Toronto) to the end cf ‘97 for 50 cents. Three copies will be sent to any three addresses (outside this city), for the same period for a dollar. ue SUN PRINTING COMPANY, uto. ‘lhe un and Weekly Globs combined will be sent to theo end of 1897 for One Dollar. Address all orders to Cheapest and Best Reading Continved on 4h Page. Specimen copies free on application. SVIEW AND SUN, {1.25. Sutbâ€" scribe NOW. Tho Post Way To Curs == n m# # We _ __â€" PRICEVILLE. ~â€"in Canada LG.â€"The enterâ€" m Des. 21st was ir, Mr. W. L. c_lfnirumu in an Full Stocks in all other lines. taken in exchange for Goods. This is the season to make your wife or sister the present of a Sewing Mach ine or Organ. I have a full stock of the celebrated Raymond Machines and will give you 15 Ber cent discount for the next €0 days. Full ssock of Beli, Doherty & Karn Organs. MONEY. I have plenty of it to advance on #ood FATM AP Thratnm M.artraras amnt at prices you can afford to buy, CUTTERS, The finest lot ever seen in Come and get your choice when the laro vome and get your choice when the large stock is on hand snow comes they will go like hot cakes. Robes of all kjnds from 87. upwards, just the Dcec., 1( h 1896. laving decided to conduct the business alone, I have resc bargains in Stoves and Winter Goods, for the next si. the largest and best assorted Stock of Stoves ever shown : of (,'ooi{ing stoves, Heating Stoves, Box Stoves, Coal St and at prices you can afford to bu» We have got a placs to pile wond So we will trade you the Overâ€" cost you were looking at for Wood. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE G ER.A. TY <[%"C< We have a few Ladies‘ Jackets left. This Season‘s upâ€"toâ€"date Googs.. They will be sold A4%880e002 IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS PAPPY ard PROSPE ROUS WE WISHING YOU ALL CGhean for Gash i T Wl se miws fags ues es sys Pe uce Lo. 0 ce Sn oo PE e OR at a low rate of Interest and suitable terms for the borrower. Loans entirely Confidental. THEY GO AT HALF PRICE 888009 ¢ 04e Also four leftâ€"over ones Goodsâ€"â€"â€"Bright, New & Cheap. HaAPPY NEw YEarR arse yours for tro . McARTHUR Prosverous ‘97 R TOW [Dalglish‘s Old Stand,] Wishes all h‘s Customers a alues, Second to None. BEAN & ca, Test ‘em once, you‘il call again. ;â€" L. GRANT. of Marriage Licenses. ©4A4e8¢%8¢8 2 W. CALDER And a Durham â€"and away down in lone, I have resolved to give special . for the next sixzty days. I have oves ever «hown in town, all kinds Stoves, Coal Stoves & Furnaces good Farm or ‘_'I‘uwjn Mortgages LOWER TOWN DURHAM. limited Supply of Wood , Jjust the season to buy. %88¢e10.00200e80.0 2 EExa.Ir" ~ Bid <BH. °e vu in price, soon as the Pavid Jackson, Jr.. c Lithur H. Jackson, â€" Land Valuato Just Avrived Call and ins Money to lend. Mone Parties. Farms boug A generalfinancial busi tKhoe next door to St« All kinds o Organs & F Chas past patr convinced v1ill meri We take tha@anking ‘"Large EVERYT (me Car Maxwells Bindersâ€"cheaper One Car Brockville Gananoque, and 1 don Carriages & B One Car Chatham F3 also Snow Ball Wa New Stock of the | Cartsâ€"at fabulous Frost & Wood‘s Sin ders, Buckey Mow Rakes. CONVEY A Durham. Insurance JAUCKS VOL.. X ers that Syst its 6 And

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