West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Jan 1897, p. 1

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af las S ut T gages ower. ‘"ood Mach * % & buÂ¥. *WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. Pavid JaCKk30N, JP.» cierr piv. c Aithur H. Jackson, Notary Public. Land V aluators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. Just Atrived A generalfinancial businesstransacted fice next door to Standard Bank, Call and inspect and bo Convinced. â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Chas. MÂ¥icKinnon We take this opportunity of thunking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuarce of the same. "Large SBales & Small Profits." EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH (me Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever. One Car Brockville Buggies, also, Gananoque, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. | One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, ‘ also Snow Ball Wagons. | New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. 1 Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Bin-i ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. ( CONVEYANCERS. Durham. Aug. 9th, 96. JAUCKSONS. <© J 5s Tt Ee VOL.. XIX.â€"NO. 2 We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash sSystem, which means Cash or its equivalent, ard that our Motto will be | And Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. ADOPTED BY . & J. McKechnie., CHAS. McKINNON. The CASH N., G & J. McKECHNIE. Now on Hand Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scuffiers. Organs & Piz:os of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" chines. § Full Stock of Repaire always on hand. The OGren 1 New arriyals here, often remark: What is the reason that the place is so backward and sparsely _ settled seeing that the enrly settlers are so many years in, and have so little done ? The answer to this is as follows: when the Hon. Alec. McKenzie was Premier, this River and connecting water ways was his route to open ugl the N. West rrairie country, and the Ft. Francis ock being then under construction a asmall army of Workmen were employâ€" ed, many of thein took up land, others in rassing through, were tempted to do ikewise, as the prospects of settlement, and unmense traffic were exceedingly bright. When McKenzie was defeated, work of consiructiou was abandoned the route was changed to a line of Railway over 100 miles north. was it any wouder that the few who remained on their land should feel discouraged, and only give their farms a kind of halfâ€"hearted ackâ€" nowledgment. The gold mines have chuugeg all this, we have a good market for farim produce, which will continue to improve as the mines develop, good finds are commntlY being made by J)ro- spectors, and if only one in a hundred of the locations taken up, prove fruitâ€" ful, our market is assured. Already South African experts are in our midst, but they maintain a discreet silence, and surround themselves with a a mysterious air, somewhat akin to what one observes in a horse jockey. Our cereals of last harvest were not at all equal to the crop of 1895, the wet season and rust season and rust being the cause, but the root and grass crops were excellent, Our faith in R. R. reâ€" mains unshaken, ard I know of but one individual who came here, and left in disgust, (a Bentinck benedict.) I only hope he has struck a more promising land, yet 1 doubt it. 20 years ago, or even today, and we appear quite indifferent to our isolated position, and hardly realize it, the school social, the church social, reâ€" lieve our monotony as they do yours, and those who take pleasure in dancing bhave ample opportunity, and you will be surprissd to learn, that, to date of writing, your humble servant has refrained. To those of all ages who have the leisure, skating is a favorite sport as well as a most invigerating exercise, and the "roaring game" has got here too, though I have not yet been an eyeâ€" witness of a game, e tre:cherous, the drowning of a horse or two being no rare occurance, yet the meipescape everytime. I do not know how they do it, nor have I any ambition to lti-;nn, at least not until I am acclimâ€" ated. foot square, anything less would not do All llnng distance driving has to be more or less on ice, hence the mild weather has made the ice on lakes rathâ€" | My son Tom, with team took a spell at it, but quit on account of overloading. 12 to 15 pine logs being considered a fair load by the lumbermen, but Tom was of a different opinion, and though willing to earn his $2.50 (and found) per day was not prepured to kill a good teaim of horses outright. Any South Grey teamster would consider the empty sled a fair load. A large logging sleigh for four horses, with cbhains and other rigging minus sawlogs, weighs from 4000 to 6000 lbs. and the small sleighs for a team weigh, when empty, over a ton, with bunks a foot square. anvthing less would not An The lumber camps are now in active operation,. and many of the settlers are rarning good wages therein, l efepe 220000 2e ME AACOY MAE e NY RACPBCEE T Eq : M * cellent sleighing. with 18 inches of snow, and withal milgenough to thaw but it does not. Excepting about two rods on eath side the river is as open as it was in July. Editor Review. Drar Sir; When Rainy River. is the occasional topic of conversation of one half of the people of the Dominion, and is a good second to Rosslund B, C. itself, a Snon sketch of the experiences of the writer, with winter on }{).OR.. will, I trust, not be too severe an infliction npon yourâ€" self, or the army of readers o;x;'our upâ€" toâ€"date paper, On or about Nov. 20th the thermomâ€" eter, it John Frosts instigation, comâ€" menced in earnest a downward couse, and before the month ended, touched 40 celow zero, and kept it up, or rather down for four successive days, yet we did not mind it at all, in fact could scarceâ€" ly credit our neighbora‘ statement when J they informed us that the Mercury was frozen in their instruments, strange but true, but stranger still, the great triver at our door, was not iced oversufficientâ€" ly to make it safe (.ra.veling for foot pasâ€" sengers, some ten miles further down stream, where the current is lest mpid. hqrse teams were able to cross. Since tha: time the weather has been most superb, in fact a more enjoyable winter u_i_mtb one could scarcely conceive, exâ€" An Interesting letter from R. Watâ€" son, Jr. L4 q2eâ€" *** WINTER IN RAINY RIVER A Growixa CoUuNnTRY, DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 14 1897. Mail matter for Ft. Francis and interâ€" mediate offices, reaching Rat Poriage too late for the incoming mail will have to lie in that office at least two weeks or ({)ositively longer, with the present ‘H"l fv$at}'19r a.ll !e l.m(‘ermri‘ntvv,':mt: the At this time we were enjoying ourselyes in that benutiful winter resort. Nassaq, Babama Islands. One morning a strange steamer came into port, a boat was called away to board ber, and 1 was one oi the gig‘s crew. I hnd a chance to haye a good look at her: she was a long, black side wheel steamer, side wheel steamer, and her masts and funuvels had a good rake, We found out her name to be the "Hornet" bound from Savanoah, U..8., to Havana, Cubs. She had cilled ostersibhly for repairs, but in reality was a filibusterer watching her chance to land hber stores in Cubm, The Governor and eur Captain ecame to the conclusion she was worth watching, so the order was given to heave short, and get up steam with aslittle smoke as posâ€" «ible, a boat was told eff to watch her and the capstan was rigged for action, but she did not go till the next6 night, All that day we were figuring how much prize money we would have out of ber, but just at sunset she slipped her cable and went off, and we after her. But a stern chase is elways a hard chase, we fired after, but, as she could have steamed all around us, we lost her. Our hopes rose again soon after when the lookout reported a light on the Starboard hbow, and off we went in chase again, Thelights were out, but we conlid see the fire fly from her funnel. *"Clear away for action and full steam ahead‘ was the order. The gun forward was fired twice with blank cartridge, but mora fire came [Cuba, at present necupies a large share of public attentionu, and the folâ€" lowing experience of one who was there under similar stormy conditions as exists at piesent, will be interesting : Ep,] Mr. EpiToR, I wis statione.\ on the North America and West Indian Btation In the year 1871 in H. M. 8. Phbilomel Captain Walâ€" ker, She was a twin scew gun boat, carrying three guns. Bir, I bave often told you that I would write & story the winter nights are long and a short story comes in good, The ballot papers for our municipal election, will be type written in the oflgc‘e of our local Barrister as we are all of two weeks‘ journey to the nearest Canâ€" adian printing office, hence the length of time between nowmination and elecâ€" tion, shuts us out, Here is an opening for some enterprisâ€" ing knight of the quill. The Editor of the Fort Francis"News" took the gold fever in its most acute form, about 12 month ago, and although he is still aliye, the "News" is dead. They fail to see the great disparity bet ween a prospec‘, and a full{ developâ€" paying mine, consequently, those who have to run all the risk, are rather slow to conclude a bargain, and usually play a waiting game. The class of men who go out in the woods and rocks in search of a lead or yein, of gold bearing quartz haye many bhardships to undergo and if they find j something, they generally ask a price | from $5000 to $30000, | Our new Premier Hardy, has a good opportunity to display his statesmanship by framing such lifleral statutes, as will make Ontario the topic for mining men of eyery nationality. Algoma is a province (in area) in itself and from the Rocky nacsure of its surface being mostly covyered with a tangled mass of undergrowth interspersed with muskeg. (a sort of hoggr swamp,) its capabilities will not be early or ful?y known. The Foley mine, an account of which was giyen by Prof. Colem an is an Ameriâ€" can investment, and is expected to hbe an eye opener, in the spring of I8907. A Corliss engine and twenty stamps are on the ground to commence the manuâ€" facture of gold bricks in the spring. No doubt but some of the houses on Rainy Lake beach, will be built with them. The English Co. are also making steady progress their outlay is very heavy, and was not undertaken until a reasonable prospect of their investment being a paying one, was all but asanred every thing that discretion and forethought could suggest was carefully calculated, prior to the turning of the first sod. We know a good thing when we see it, and would venture the foreâ€"cast that those mysterious gentleman, will not stay away until we send for them. _ They eyident!r are determined that no outsider shall profit by their knowâ€" ledge. The Steamboat register contains amongst the list of passengers, the names of some of the capitalists of such cities as London, Liverpool, New York, Chicago and Montreal and Toronto, They come and they go, some invest, others do not, They get all the informâ€" ation they can gather, and in return imâ€" part not a worcfof their own intentions. FILIBUSTERING IN CUBA. A Disappointing Chase. ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO AEViC Some of the natives of Boothville are boasting about what they can do with an axe siuce they chopped that frozen cheese. Mr. Geo. Haw entertained the youth and beauty with a party. The l{m:h- ville gents did not attend. _ They were not asked, The contract for carrying the mail from Dromove to Hoistein is now being tendered for. It might be hard to imâ€" prove on the old mail carries. â€" Mr. George Haw had a wood bee the other day. â€" He says this is a poor place for bees. > We cruised around for a few days lookâ€" for the "Hornet," then headed for Nassan, where weireceised orders for Bermuda, then to Merry old England, forgeiting the chase and the tcrror of the Spaniard as home and friends drew near. We were paid off at Sheerness, the good byes were said and we parted never agauin to sail the yoyage of life together. It is some time since news from this burg has appeared in the Revisw, A few items will not be out of place, Dan Robinson treated the young folks of this place to a dance. It was a sucâ€" Mr. Rock had a wood hbee, He got 35 cords cut. The dunce was a successful as the bee. Welbock, Jan, 11th 97. Neil McCannel having secured a school in Manitoba, left for the Prairie Provâ€" ince last week. This ought to help the Post Office at Boothville. out of her funnel. The order was givren to stand at ease, as we were fast paining on her. I was No.4. at the 7 inch gun in mudships, and we were anxzious to get a shot at her. _ All summer we had been chasing poor Yankee fishermen around Cape Breton island and it was in North Sydusy I put in the 1st Dominion Day. So it wae aun exciting cuangs to be in chase of a live battleship. But tie order came "port your helm and give it to her," and we gave her a emall dose of real British stee‘, and it worked like a cha m. she at once showed her lichts ainl we steamed within nailing. _ ‘The Caiptain asked "what steamer is that, and jiulge of our surprise when the auswer came "a Spanish man of war," They woere asked what they were runuing away for, and orders were given to lower the gig, and when the 1st Lieutenant, with cocked nat and sword, went on board all was in conâ€" fusi n for the shot hal struck between the fore and wain nmasts, A head popped out one of the port holes asking in broken English if we were the "Horret" filibust. erer! Ido not know whas reason she bhad to run from the Iornet, but we were inteusely disappo:nted and the Spanish agreeably surprised. Agents Wanted. Write for terms, and bear how to secure a gold watch or parlor clock, without the cost of a @ollar. I Bpecimen copies free on application. Durbam Varney Holstein Mt, Forest This paper will be sent to any address in Oanada (outside of Toronto) to the end of ‘97 for 80 eents. Three coples will ‘be sent to any three addresses (outside this city), for the same period for a dollar. The #un sgnd Weekly Globso combined will be sont to theo end of 1897 for One Dollar. Address all orders to ue SUN PRINTING COMPANY, «o. Ite market reports are acknowledgâ€" ed to be the fullest and most accurate published in Canada. It gives the best farmers‘ page in the Dominion. It contains a short story from Lonâ€" don Truth, weekly. It gives an average of 40 columns of bright reading in each issue. THE SUN is the Canada Farmers‘ Bun reâ€"organized. It is strictly independent, and " A Bystander" is & regular contributor to its columns. Cheapest and Best Reading REVIEW AND SUN, $1.25. Subâ€" scribe NOW. insomina, nervousness, and, if not relieved, bilious fever a or blood poisoning. Hood‘s I s Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headac stipation, ete. 25 cents. Sold o d?fl:fi;’;:?& The only Pills to take with HOOII Sarsaparilia. Is caused by torpid liver, which preventsidlg:l- tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Hood‘s Biliousness Harness ! â€"â€"â€"silf Canada G. T. R. TIME TABLE. BROWNSVILLE. Leave Arrive, 10 25 10 17 10 05 9 52 Child cen do it. Ne Mebeme, Hoee diing This is boua fide,. Send »tumj and narvig ilars «t oase, â€" TY $ iXÂ¥ a The undersigned offers for sale or rent that desirable park lot, in the village of Priceville, formerly owned by the late James Cameron. Lot conâ€" tains 13 acres all under cultivation, On the lot is a good house, and barn, also a good bearing Orchard For terms of saie or rent apply to JOHN MeINNIS, May be you think it is not, but H. H. MILLER, the Hanover C onveyancer, is lending lots of it at 54 per cent and on extra good loans at Lmh-â€"(!usts lowâ€" Terms as any reasonalle person may desire, Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"no charge if no ecliection. Cheap Farms for Sale Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and ther writings neatly and quickly prepared at reasonable cost. â€"â€"All Business Confidentialâ€"â€"â€" Lock Box 28. H. II. MILLER, Nurserymen and Fruit Growâ€" ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation All Supplies Furnished Free. We are the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expenses from the start. â€" Liberal commission to part time men. Large list of specialties, all having been tested at our trial orchâ€" ards. If you want a sure thing tor the Winter, write us. Morey is Pienty. Men to Engege with us as Salesmen. New season just opening ; new style of plate bhook ; more attractâ€" iye and yet lighter than ever, immg This is boua fde, bend »(ums Tor work nd _partic ilars «t oase, TT] s (Â¥aLOil, SUPA LLY CoNasoni¢Tompley Cap den NJ J. CAMERON Also a full assortment of Crockery & Glassware Dinner Tea & Toilet Sets WANTED T ea of T eas KURMA TEA A delicious blend {ull up in 41bs. and 1 lbs, Lead Packages We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. Hanover P. O, *Telephone." Workmanship Unsurpassed Fize Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Slankets, &c., &e. Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. CALL & SEE OUR At Popular Prices. We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. ‘ORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Wepay #6 j to 810 per week for enay‘lmme work A ccn do it. Ne Sebeme, abks or Ped Sold for 30¢. 1bâ€" Sold for 40c 1bâ€" Sold for 50c 1bâ€" Try it, and you will be perfectly satisfied. 10 1â€"3 m KELP WANT: Dâ€"FEKMALE. PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. C. LEAVENS, Jr. WHOLE NO. 963. STONE & WBLLINGTON .H., MiLLT 2 a=â€"â€" TI’IE FURS. Collars, Pads, Bites; Whips. &c., &c. The Hanover Conveyancer Priceville. a¢*

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