West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Jan 1897, p. 5

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Â¥il} cont nue k x Busine=« es aD bum in ISS® 1nd and new custous XDBERT K:NE Best Yake Hides, Do uitable for AND on latest primâ€" "stew. ing ! nning ! PECIALTY ranteed. Smith. posite the e in tewn."BAÂ¥ d by a rates. rocess, HEWELL dats good joh the RICE beat. As Soon as ba* ELL and Softâ€" £.). BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ’ CONVEYANCERS. &c. OMces :â€"Opposite TOWN HA, Lower Town, Durham z& 5, [L0OO0 to luan at lowest rates of intervet _ Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" ()FFI(‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. â€" Residence first door west of th Fost Office, Durham. |__ _ ___ _ We are prepared to take building con tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices. FARM FOR SALE. . On the 2nd Con. Normanby, containâ€" ing 174 acres. 140 cleared. A l soil in griand state of cultivation free from noxâ€" lous weeds. Spring Creek. StoneHouss & Kiichen, Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 50x70, Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House 30x60, Stone Stables underneath. Root House 10x50, Hard and Soft Water. Churches and School convenient. 4}$ miles from Durâ€" mercial Hotel. Insnm OF MARRIAGE LicExses, Holâ€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, if desired. Holstein, January 14th 1897. Buildings cost over half the Money asked, oneâ€"third down. This is a Rare Bargain. _ Stock or Grain. â€" Business meant, If not sold will lease for a term of years. Apâ€" ply to ham ILOWER TOWN We beg to announce to the publie that we have the null rebuilt and relitted with and other goods at a singilar caut. Plush f 3.50 2.05 s 2.50 1.36 * 3.00 1.79 e 1.50 1.05 Plush and Oak _ 2.25 1.36 FAXCT NKXKTIE CASB 1.75 1.19 68 1.25 83 ts 1.00 74 Dressing Cases 3.50 _ 2.27 ** T. o0 â€" 1.04% €€ 2.25 1.49 t 1.75 1.19 Perfume Cases _ 1.25 75 Shaving Cases _ 3.50 2:05 PLANING AND MATCHINGâ€"»~_~ Plush and Oak _ 2.25 FAXCT XKXTE CASB 1.175 «6 1.25 WATSON BROS Plush & Celluloid 2.51 We cut prices in Fancy Good like this : £Llbums in poNE AND sATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BIIINGLES ON HAND AT RIGHT PRICES. Dromore, June 6th, ‘06. 5o for _ Â¥ 3 0 days x only Dr. T. G. KOLT L. D. S. IMPROVED MACHINERY. DENTISTRY. A SNAP ! MacFARLANE & Co. NORTH EGREMONT. Elliott 4& Elliott, First Come First Choice. . S. HORSBURGH. ROBERT WATSOy Jr.. Isherwood P. O., Ont 66 2.50 2.25 1.‘40o Price DURH A M Sale Price R, Torry, Lieutenant ; Wm. Calder, Secy. Treas.; Alex. MeDonald, E:ngineer; Alex. Dargavel, Asst. Engineer ; Reel No. 1. Rrel No. 2, J. Harbottle, W, Benton, Ed, MceClocklin, W. Falkingham, N. Mciutyre, C. Scott, J. Rose, J. Kilmer, J. Barker, W, Conmor, Alex. Gordon, J. Livingston. T. Whelan, Foreman hook & ladder co, Firemen, Geo, Meikle & C. Levans; Steward, C,. Elyidge. BAPTIST EXNTERTAINMEXT.â€"On Friâ€" day evening last the Baptist church was crowded on the occasion of their annual entcrtainment, which, in excellence, kept up the record of previous years. Mr. Jno. Brown was chairman, and the platform under the deft fingers of the ladies, bore a pleasing and really artistic arreurance. A programme of considerâ€" able length and pleasing variety was presented. Aswe only heard part we can not speak for all. Miss Eluore Patâ€" erson is a reciter of no mean order, while Misses Violet Hind, Nettie Brown, and Emma and Mable Swallow sang nicely, â€" Emerson Kinnee made a hairy and zuppy Santa Ulaus, and the two local editors each presented their comâ€" pliments. We Can Give Positions. to persons of all grades of ability,. _ Agents, book. keepers, cleorks, farmers, sous, lawyers, mechanics, phsicians, preachers, students, married and single women. Positions are worth from $400 to $2. 500, per aunum We haye paid several caunvassers $50 weekly for years. _ Many haye started poor and become rich with as, Particul: lars upon applications, and if eatisfactory and necessary, & ponoml interview may be arranged. _ This is an honest adyertisâ€" ment, and if you waut to better your porition, write before you sleep, State salary expected. Neither loafers nor tipplers need apply. The BRADLEY.â€" GARRETSON CO., LTD,. TORONTO, The following are the Officers of the Durham Fire Brigade for 1897.â€" R. Parker, Chief ; R, Torry, Lieutenant ; Wm. Calder, Secy. Treas.; Alex. MeDonald, Engineor; Alex. Dargavel, Asst. Engineer ; Gallery, Upper Town. The District Lodge L. O. L., held there Annual Meeting on Tuesday last for the election of officers and other busiâ€" ness, _ The following officers were electâ€" ed : Master John Williams. Dept, Masâ€" ter Jas. Staples, Chaplain Win. Ritchie, Rec. Becy. jas. G. {Vilso_n,_ Fin, Secy. Wim. Brigham, Treas. J(;hh'Staple“s; Director Ceremonies ‘Thos,. Lawrence, Lecturer Thomas McFadden. The Annuel meeting of the District Association P. I, will be held in Caider‘s Hall, Durham, Friday, Jan. 15th inst,, at one u‘clock p, m.. BarGar~ DA\'.â€"â€"Everg Tuesday at Torry‘s Photo Gallery, cab. photos, best finish, $1 & $1,50 a doz., Sunbeams 75c. Photo albums 50¢ to $2.00. Call ind be convinced. Sau®e Brc.Ls, Parties wishing Sale Bills will do well to call at the Review Office. We can nearly alWafvs let you baye them same day you call. We give you a free notice in the paper too. Lost OR REMOYVED. From my milk waggon one day last week, a hand bell, between T. Barclay‘s, Lowor Town, and the Knapp House. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to Jam®s ATEKIN8SOXN, Mitk Denler. NOTICE. All persons indepted to C. McArthur are respectfully requested to call for their accounts and settle cither by cash ar note before the 20th inst. Ail accounts left unsettled must be placed into other hands for collection. C. McArtHuUrR. Walkerton carried a chair factory byâ€" law almost umo.nimmml{I last election day. We believe Durham would do likewise if opportunity offered. Business men can bhave a hbox of 500 ood envelopes neatly printed for one gullur. Hard times prices, but these will advertise your business. Miss Paurk, of Durharm, and Miss Stewâ€" art, of Soutbhampton, were the guests of Mrs. H. P. OCounor last week.â€"Walkâ€" Captain Fred Huarter, a cadet of the Royal Military ()nllcgo-, Kingston, was in town last week.â€" Confederate. To LET.â€"A comfortable twoâ€"story brick house in Lower Town, Duarhani. Apply to J. M. Hunter. Wood and farm produce taken in exâ€" change for Photos (&ec. at Torry‘s Gallery Upper Town, We have in stock a yery fine pastry flour ordered expressly for that purpose. Geo. Sparling, Fresh broken sodas at John Camerâ€" on‘s, also prime new cheese. Traxxs.â€"To the many who have called during the last two or three weeks and renewed for the Review we offer our sincere thanks, which are due also to those wko have remitted, genâ€" ’erally with kind words. We begin 1897 greatly encouraged and hope many more will durâ€" ing this month place themâ€" selves right with us. Weneed the money and will endeavor on our part to keep the Review still in the front as a local news paper. Ehe Breg Review. Purkham, Thur. Jan. 14, ‘96. LOCAL AND GENERAL EpwIx HUXNT, Pres. THosg. MILL1GAN, Secy. Tax Notic<.â€"â€"I will be in the Reid House, Hanover, on Mondgy, January 18th, and in Durham, on Tuesday, 19th, for to receive taxes. _ All taxes not pai by the above dates, will be collected by my Bailiff, Hereafter it will be advisable for all parties erpecially business men, to proâ€" vide theinselves with enyelopes conâ€" taining their printed nawes and in. structions to the postmaâ€"ter on the upper left hand corner of the envelope. as under the new post office regulaâ€" tions, undelivored letters will not in the tuture be returned to writer unless so ordered by the printed instructions on the corner, Written instructions on the cerner will not even do. {[It is scarcely necessary when we supply a bex of 500 envelopes, name printed all for $1.00.] NOoTICE.â€"Meetings of the South Grey Farmers‘ Institute will be beld in Elmâ€" wood on Tuesdn.f'. January 19th 1897, commencing at 130 p. m., Mr. Thos. McMillan will introduce the subject of * Breeding and Feeding Beef Cattle"; Mr. W. 8. Fraser, "Clover Growing and Curing "; Mr, Wimn. Irvine, "Roadmakâ€" ing "; Mr, Jas. Allan. "Frait Growing"; and in Durham, January 20th, at 1.30, p. m., Mr. McMillan will introduce the aubject of "Corn Growing and the Silo"; Mr. Fraesr, * Sheep raioim; for Profit"; Geo, Binnie, * Weeds"; Mr. Jas, Allan * Selected." _ An _ entertainment â€" of Speech and Song will be given on evenâ€" ing of each day, Nonâ€"members charged 10c, or 15¢. a couple at evening meeting, Durham, Come and bring your friends. W, M. Irvin®, Gro. Binxis, Pres. Becy. Rarny RivE®R®.â€"Many of our readers will enjoy the letter kindly furnished us by Mr. R. Watson, Jr., in this issue. }fis wields a fluent pen and can make his snbject interesting. Mr. Watson will give REvIEw readers one or more letters on the capabilities of this promisâ€" ing District in the near future, for which and for this we extend him our thanks,} Aberdecn, Jan. 8th, 97. More Curative Power. Is contained in a bottle of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla than in any other similar preparation. . It costs the proprietor andp:mnufacturer more. _ It costs the jobber more than it is worth to the consumer, â€" It has a record of cures unâ€" known te any other preparatin, It is the best to buy because it is the one True Blood Purifier. Axxnvatr _ MrETING,â€"The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Electoral District Agricul:ural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, on Wednesday, the 20th day of January, at one o‘clock p. m., for tÂ¥19 Election of Officers and General Business, ArRCH. McKenzie, James Edge. Secy. President. Duham, Jan., 4th 1808. Mr. John L. Mackenzie, druggist, is remoying from Stouffville to Rat [Portâ€" age, and on Tuesday evening his Stouffâ€" ville friends gave him a banquet in the Queen‘s Hotel, Toronto,â€"World.â€"[ We congratulate J, L. on the honor conferâ€" red upon him.â€"Ep. R.] WANTEDâ€"Young women ard men, or clder ones if still young in epirit, of unboubted ehuracter, good talkers, ambit. r0us and industrious, ean find employment in a good caune, with $60 per montl) and upwards. according to ability. ‘Rev, T. S, Linscott, Toront», Out, All Debts due us must be Settled before March lst next, Debts left unâ€" settled will be placed in Court for Collection, N. G. & J. McKechnie. Ix Tnx TowXx HALL, The Presbyteriâ€" an Sunday School will give an elaborate entertainment in the Town Hall on Friday evening Jan 15. Great preparâ€" ations haye been made and no doubt they will be warinly supported, Admisâ€" sion 15 cts and 10cts, Miss E, Calder left for home yesterâ€" day at Calderwood, she has been a resiâ€" dent of Durham for about 5 years. She took a great interest in all social and church work and we are sorry for her to leave us, Dec. 18th 1896, NoticE.â€"The annual meeting of the Shareholders of the Durham Cemetery Company will be held pursuant to statâ€" ute on Monday, 18th inst. at 7, p. m. in Dr. Gun‘s office, Dr. Gun, President ; J. P. Telford, Secretary, Mr. Thos, Harris, from Park Rivretr, N. Dakota, and Mr. John Honey, of the same place, cousins of Mrs. Bean‘s, arâ€" rived Wednesday at the Big 4 on a brief visit. Mr, Honey is an old Mt. Forest Boy. Some County Councilors are planning to wait on the councils of their local municipalities at their meetings, Very necessary ; as otherwise, delegations to 0. Sound may be needed. In East Grey, Geo Watson, Swinton Park, headed the poil for Co. Comâ€" missioner with 87 o spare. Congratâ€" ulations. Messrs Jno. Watson and And. Mellâ€" vride, of Proton Station, were in town Monday, having been over on a brief visit to Nortmmanby friends, _ CHAXNGE or DatE.â€"The annual meetâ€" ing of the Presbyterian congregation has been postponed to Monday, Jan. 26. McKinnon got 26 yotes in two houses in Louise ward. He thinks the name Louise a pleasant one. 8. F. Morlock spent Sunday in town, the guest of his brother E. H. Morelock, â€"Confederate, You can‘t be well if your blood is imâ€" pure, but you may have pure blood by taking Hcod‘s Sarsaparilla, Miss E. Leeson. Varney, returned to Owen Sound on Saturday to resume her sltudies. Grain Crusher for sale, Horse o'r Steam Power. Apply to Joase Knisley, Durham, Mr. Alex. Bell has been appointed asâ€" sessor for the township of Glenelg for the year 1897. Just Arrived, another shipment of that $2.00 flour at Sparlings, Try it. NOTICE. D. McDovcarue. ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TORONTO Trusting to receive your cordial support in all measures which may be for the welfare and advancement of the Town morally, intellectually and materially, I am. 5. I would urge you to giye your attention to the thorough organization of the Fire Brigade an§ appliances and see that the system is kept in as high a degree of efliciency as possible withâ€" out extra expense, and that a strony and united effert should be made to induce the Fire Underwriters to grant a reduction in Insurance rates. Yours Respectfully. Wax. Ca1pER, Mayor. The Standing‘committees are as folâ€" lows ; first named being Chairman:â€" Board of Works: Kinnee, Elvidgo, Bull, Moore, Hunter, Finunce: Brown, Sparling, â€" Parker, Hunter. Fire and Light and Property : Brown, Whitmore, McKechnie, Bull, Parker, 3. I would strongly recommend that the different committees should consider the amount of vheir estimates tor the year at as early a date as posâ€" sible and submit to the Council, and that all expenditures should first reâ€" ceive the sanction of the Council and then be expended by public contract. 4 Believing that It is absolvtely necessary for the interests of the town that some manufacturing Iudustry should be started that would give emâ€" ploymesnt to the unemployed in our town. Itrust that each of you will assist individually and as a Council any well matured scheimne which will work in this direction. The resignation of Mr. J. W. Crawford as chief of Fire Brigade was handed in and accepted. Court of Revision: Parker, Moore, McKechnie, Brown, Sparling. Board of Health; Mayor, R. MacFarâ€" lane, 3 years; Hugh Rose, 2 years ; Gilâ€" bert McKecbnie, 1 year, Dr. Gun Medâ€" ical Officer, Geo. Russell, Clerk. Mr. R. Parkerwas appointedl to fill the vacancy, and Mr. R. Torry was ip pointed Lieutenant. C. Ramage was given the printing for 1897 at the same rate as 18906, A motion that it be let by tender was lost on a division. 2. Ithink that a saving of at least $100 can be affected by having our taxes paid direct to the Treasurer in two instalments say 1st of August and December. Time to pay taxes was extended to first Monday in February. The byâ€"laws No‘s, 308 to 315 appointâ€" ing to the following offices were read the required three times. The Mayor then addressed the council, congratulating them on their position, and bespeaking for himself and ;them cordial coâ€"operation, He then read an address outlining some important legisâ€" lation for the benefit of the town which we give in full. _ We hope the program here outlined may be carried out suc* cessfully and our good town and district benefitted accordingly. To the Town Council of the Town of Durham. Gentlemen : In welcoming you to your labors as meimbers of the %"own Council for 1897, I have much pleasure in bringing before you some measurss which may engage your attention during the year. ; 1. _ Economy to a great extent will have to be our watchâ€"word durin% the year, with a deficit of $1800. to begin with it will be necessary to curtail ex penditure as much as possible. At 8 p. m., Council all present, busiâ€" ness was resumed and after the reading of minutes, an order of business was adopted, and date of meeting agreed on. These are to be the first Monday of every month. On mMonday last at 11 a, m. the memâ€" bers of the new Council took the deciarâ€" ation of office in the Town Hall, before Clerk Russell, and adjourned till 8 p. m. after appointing the Mayor, Reeve, Brown, Parker and McKechnie a disâ€" tribution committee. is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than ‘any other. It is not what we say, but ;what Hood‘s Sarsaparilia does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood‘s Sarsaparilia, like Hood‘s Sarsaparilla it« Almost to the exelusion of all others. Try & Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, TOWN COUNCIL. FIRST MEETING. self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superiative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy ~â€" . With Hood‘s Sarsapaâ€" t rilla, " Sales Talk," and I alk show that this mediâ€" show that thi mediâ€" @ OR FQA cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accordâ€" ed any other proprietary medicine. This Sales H OOd ’S !There Hood‘s PillS with Hood‘s Sarsaparitia, ~ Sarsaparilla A Good Beginning. are the only pills to take Mr. Gso. Pollock. Sr. died Monday aged 65 years. He has been a resident of the townâ€"bhip for nearly 30 year:, and w.a+ highly respected. His wife and 5 or 6 children sursave hiin. The foillowing were the successful ones :â€" Byâ€"law 3090 appointing a collector over. The following accts. were passed : W. J. Mitchell, printing hallots, $5; C. Ramage, adyertising, $2.25 ; T. Daniels, gravel, 50c. ; G. Russell, Ret. Officer, $6 ; 1. MeDbounald, 4 salary as H. Inspeceor, $5; Clerk, 1 month‘s salauy, $17.50; W, B. Vollet, D, K. O , P.C., and constable, $7 ; C. Elvidge, filung tank, 50¢c; Jas. McCreary, re election, $9; R. Torry fillâ€" ing tauk, $1 ; C. Elvidge, re election, $9. Total $62.75. Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Isaac retnrned home from Arthur and Grand Valley, whese she bas been visiting for some time past. Mr, Jas. Alian attended the first meetâ€" ing of the Township council no doubt thinking of the needs of the towuship «t the Co, Covunail. The Misses Glanyilles of Mt. Forest visited at Treas. Thos. Brown‘s In=st week. REVIEW and Witness, REVIE W and GLOBE, REVIEW and Daily World BREVIE W and $ UIJ,l The Durham Pharmacy. Calder‘s Block. We JUST RECEIVED the other day IN THE LINE OF school supplies Still to be disposed of DO YOU WANT A GOOD EVERYTHING CC RLEA.ITC T" 5 Dozen Corsetsâ€"Style Confined to Ourseivesâ€" High Bustâ€" 3 side steelsâ€"The best Corset yet offered tor the moneyâ€" Only 75 cents a Pair CLUBBING. HOLSTEIN. CGOAT ROBE, WE HAVE A FEW â€" THEY GO AT $6.00 are a few Overcoats = =â€" at Hard Times Prices for cash. 20 per cent Discount off all all our Mantle Cloths â€" But dont wait too longâ€"If you want any â€" They wont last. . L. CRANT ‘ m m m #1.60 $1.35 #2.71 §1.2%5 laid The undersigned will keep for service at biné)remiuen LOT 17 CON. 1. W. G. R. BENTINCK, the aboye well bred The old Etock bought from Mr. T. Moffit will ‘be rushed off at low prices to make rcom for New Goods arrivyed and arriving. bo It was bred by 8. H. Todd & Son, Wakeman, Ohio, and bhas a splendid record, _ Pedigree may . be seen on application. If you want Bargains, come this amionth to, R ack yS in gooa, McLachian OPENING!!! CHESTER WHiTEBOAR, With New G@rocerics, New Canned Goods, New Crockery, and Fruits & Confections of all kinds. ‘Temple Building, #5 mt dames St., Montreal Theonly firms{ Graduss Prrirers & the Domi« pipp transuctiug patemt Lbusiyess e@clusively Efi & l&ln’l? forour beautitul book *‘*How to f"‘ a Patent‘‘,*" What profitable to in vent.":.nd ‘Prizeson Patents‘. A Avico {ree. F oo mogerate h i N C oc st. Moutedl Tample Buildinz, *# mt James St., Montreal AP. PROMPTLY SECURED "Washington" TERMS, ONE DOLLAR. A. MeLACHLAN 8, (Moffat‘s Oll Stand.) THOROUGHBRED. Glassware. Ov Jxo. McKsonx®E.

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