West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Jan 1897, p. 7

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k of Canada Discovery ‘ed Humps! p Morning. - “than". KELLY, Aunt. GEN CY. HRH] ;\‘q_ ‘A v' “I. BANK . Toronto an CANADA r. " ADVAch Jar & Propane. ST FRIEND his BARN Ooo. P. Boil. Nuns- lf BURKS "HY hi0 REVIEW n points in CHM and 2.000.000 era- 1,000,000 600.000 Iti' that ot .1.“ u full- , Dr.“ ' Depot- 4 u no“ C. living bridge. one after the other, men, “omen and children, a full score, until ttu, last was safe. Then Janitor Lor- mu let go to spit on his hands for a I'm-sh grip if any were needed. None wan. Patrick Madden, who lived next door in 237, seeing the fix of the tenant: had brought a. law lighters ladder, n hich he knew atmif'm the yard, and helped the rest down. On the jani- aur's waistcoat naur the house and the smoke poured {rum open windows. but as yet no fire. Hie policemen saw it all at a. glance. Gaynor turned about and made for the nearest fire alarm box. Howard dashed into the house and up three steps at a time to tho top to give what 22 he muld. Already rescue was at han for (hung on the fire escape. The janitor of tho tenement at 289, Charles F. Lorenz, roused his wife. and seeing his iwliiltlren safely hustled to the street. took in the peril of those on the lnlcony will a glance. He is an old firemon and an athlete to boot. No ladder was needed. The janitor. running us) the step of the house, jumped tor the ower rad of the balcony, and hung sus- pended from it, a swmging human lad- tier. ll" called to the frightened ten- ants to climb on his shoulders and slide down. "Come on," he said, "I will hold, hurry." They took the offered chance uul slid.. Dawn they went_ovor the PARALYZED WITH FRIUHT those whom it roused from sleep. helice- xucn Howard and Gaynor heard a wild. piteoun at, while they stood on the cor- ner on Seventh avenue. What it meant they did not know nor stopped to in- quirn, but ran together in the direction u heme it came. They found out soon "notig,h. The tire escapes of the two tsve-rqtory tenements were crowded with A nhite-robed throng making for the ,irttt with shrieks and lamentations. frit the last balcony it wav. stayed. The Kuhn-r was gone, the sky was reddening Invr the house and the smoke poured than open windows, but as yet no tire. men labored with noun hydrants against every oddn and in peril of their lives. Two were badly hurt. In the genera distress the neighbors threw. men their doors and homes with warm- th, and welcomed all who had none. For two blocks around the kitchen tires were started and children hustled from their warm beds to make room for the shiver- mg ones from the street. One police- man's home across the street from the burning building alone harbored eight evicted inmates. IIow or where the fire broke out is a matter of discussion yet in the street. Wherever it was " came with such sudden sweep that it nearly "an" _ at a New Ink Tue-en. louse Flee-Benet! and Tran-fer of Ito-en and Children. Sixty-five families were driven out in the cold night, ill-clad and shivering by a fire that gutted the two tenements of 239 and 241 West Fifteenth ltreet. itl the email hours at Monday morning. says a New York despateh. Forty- three families were made homelem. Their flats were destroyed. Some of them barely escaped with their lives. I‘m-re were thrilling rescues on every hand. One men made of his body . human ladder. down which e houseful of tenants elid in eetety, and held his post till the last had come. The tiro. IILEI' (can) "an“! coupons- ngtgt Illa.I 3mm In”. Prion "a ttlt on.” and In the I can]: iiviu. 'trr - JANITOR FLORENZ SAVES A HOUSE- FUL OF PEOPLE. (Nwouro 2'3? '1hti'2tiis Every 3 /""ahi' an: l IJTlflll Nllil-lig@llil "A. a. C." PIIDIGINI cm. "0 m. Paul lg. Mall. '; sip',', ",trtail2m if -.t Woman [cl It la An managing ancumeuceu me: that with 18 various-colored f.leos and never more than tun' at a time, no tower ' 78.642 stem!- or v- It was finally determined totuae the fluoroscope during the operation, the observer directing the movements from his observation of the coin, and met- al instruments as they appeared on the fluoroscope screen. Thin boards were placed across two boxes and the patient was placed under the Crookes tube. The observer placed himself beneath and with the use of the new metallic screen of inch mesh definitelf located the coin. The tube was then p aced un- der the patient, and pr. Zimmer pro- ceeded to grasp the com under the " rection of the observer. It was highly auceeseful. the coin be- ing remov titer slipping once or twice from the forceps. The patient was un- der the influence of ether, and the ob. server new every movement of the for- oepa. They parent is now considered out of danger. FLAG SIGNALING. . The flag! to be Minted at one time In 51311811138 a can never exceed four. It In qn_ iiiymat.intr ar:itlttPyt,ital fact on the, wondrous transformation which will convert these banks into a very pretty imitation of fairyland. A considerable amount of hotel build- ing. in anticipation of the exhibition of 1900 is about to begin. The Wagon- Lits company has bought. a magnificent site in the Champs Elysoes, and the prvlirninarirs, have already been oom- munoed of the construction of a hand- some and spacious edifice, which will be fitted up in the newest style. I al- so learn that M. Ritz of the Savoy hot- el, and a London syndicate have pur- chased a property in the Place Vendome for a similar purpose. Other undertak- ings of the kind are in contempla- tion, and 1 may add that it is reported that the mansion of the Due de la Tre, moille and the adjoining one, belonging to the Comte de la Pauouse, both situ- ated between the Rue so Fauhourg, Saint. Honore and the Avenue Gabriel, and class to the British embassy. are likely to be bought for the erection of a large hotel on the ground which they A rent a (Inlld Ilml Swallow"! local"! and "rttrresovrtttty Brmoved. A Roentgen ray surgical operation was performed by Dr. F. w. Zimmer of Rochester. N.Y., the other day which wilt be of great interest to surgeons. A child twenty-two months old swal- lowed a cent sixteen days ago. With a. radiograph the cent wis approxim- ately located a week ago in the aeso- phagus. A prolonged attempt “"18 then made by ordinary means to extract the win. but wiLliout ouccesg. _ ' l .. This, however, is not all. While pre- parations have been begun for tht work of demolition, pending the erection of new edifices of finer or rather less 'sev- erely lain architectural proportions. and of} variety of other tunes in the building way, the bridge which is to span the Seine between the Pont des lnvalidm and the Pont de ls Concorde and the first stone of which was iifil by tho czar during his visit to Paris, has not been forgotten. The two lines of flags, long since reduced to the sembl- ance of tags, which marked the t,'ift lion which it would occupy have ten taken down, together with most of the scaffolding set up on the lowere quay: on either side of the river, and now the presence of several lighters, as well as of one or two posts which rise above the water surmounted by A BIT OF RED BUNTING. Jlalais de l'1ndusCrie. as wvll as the pav- iliouza luring the river and the Jardin (his L'lanteo. 'I'rr, work of demolition hit. cuinuivnced. it seems to. be nettled tha) the Palais do l'lndusti'ie will re- mam intact. until the next salon is over, but, in any case, there is quite enough robe done on other parts of the ground until that date. With a view to the removal of the, debris. a subterranean operation is now being carried on. The wall of the, quay close to the Pont dos anailtlt'H has been pulled down, and the earth below is being excavated for the construction of a tunnel, which will run right into the inulosed space. and will be utilized for the copvFaanoe.9f the rubbish to the lower ih alongside the Seine. “hereon rails give been laid to facilitate the, passage of the light. carts which are already shooting their loads into barges moored in a nook ar. most under tis bridge. This afternoon large crowds gathered along the Pont des Invalides and the quay to watch thgpnogress of this won-lg. “VD. NEAT I’ALISADES surround the whole of the baolrof the "n faut souffrir pour etre belle" was ; Five/Fr, . . to-da by l took it i the, exclamation made to me . y Gi; ben more than one person who IS ayready {meantime compelled to make the detoyy."er.tei't,dy. Pa, the erection of enclosures within which I {33811324,3 , . r l busy ouvriers are now employed. “m-..” c- show even more brilliant than its pro- decessors. and signs are not lacking to demonstrate that they will be mlounly seconded in their exertions by the corn- mercm element and by the public " lame. Parisian, are never so happy as when their my city is thrown oat in- to broad relief as the great center at attraction, and they are looking for- ward with pride end enthusiasm to the date when foreigners will fioek to this metropolis, from every point of the compass; when hotels, present and fu- tare, will be wronged with visitors; and when the bouluvards and leading thor- oughfares will be as full of varied samples of humanity as in the summer of 1889. and in tho earlier part of last month. Touring new. to links loom tor the New 'h"uti--gtso Motels. Although three years and a halt will have (rolled by are the opening of the great exhibition of 1900 takes place,tho preliminary works have already been entered upon in real earnest, any: n Paris correspondent. There is now no doubt that every effort will be made by the nuthorities to render this world's THE GREAT PARIS EXHIBITION. A Grand Army Min Crosses Swords With Heart Disease and Wins a Glor- ious Victory with the Aid of Dr. Ag- new's Cure for the Heart. Dr. Agaew'a Cure for the Heart can not be over estimated, says UH. Mus- solman, a. 'cell-known G.A.R. man, of Weissport, Pa., and he continues: "My ailments were palpitation and flutter- ing of the heart. I used two bottles of your valuable cure and feel like a new man. I have taken bottles and bottle; of other medicines without help. I introduce it to my friends at every opportunity possible. It is a great medicine. Inside of 30 minutes after the first dose 1 had relief." AS IF BY MAGIC. This is always the case when Nerv- iline is applied to any kind of pain; it is sure to disappear as it by magic. Stronger, more penetrating, and quick- er in action than any other remedy in the world, pain cannot. stay where it is used. It is just the thing to have in the house to meet a sudden attack of illness. Young was of a glopmy and morbid dispositlon. One of his tragedies was written by the light of a. candle ineert.. ed in a. human skull. l It is a curious pathological fact that spinal complaint has sometimes. actu- , ally been mistaken for Bright's disease, "m! there is no doubt many have been .maltreated for Bright's disease when spinal trouble was the real malady. Geo. T. Smith, pedlar, of St. Catharina, {is one who thus suffered. His nar- irative is as follows:--"" the fall.ot i1894 I began to ex rience alarming Ssyynptoms of what f"ht'li'ift to. be Jinnal trouble. I resorted to lotions, Fpasters and other remedies, but to no lavail. as I continued to grow, worse. :Ait this point my friends advised tho ‘services of a physician, which I glad- !ly submitted to. The professional man (made a. minute examination, and pro- lucunced mine a case of Bright's dis- ;ea.se, which quite naturally gave men jsevere shock, as I deemed the death sentence had been passed upon me. iT’he doctor said he muld alleviate my isufferings. but remarked that it. would only be a matter of time with moi However, I accepted his medieine, and Wonk l avgording to directions With i no beneficial results. In the j imeantimo a friend prm‘ured a rem-3 edy said to ha a. cure for Bright's disease. This medicine I took, 1 but with no effect whatxwer. Ten! months had passed away" and I had ber. i tsame. so haggard, emaciated, stooped! and misombie that my friends had! difficult in recognizing me. In fact they. Hie myself, harbored the most! painful apprehensions. At this junc-i turn an aunt mum to visit me and; strung'y advised me to try Or. \Yli-l liams' Pink Pills. Like a drowning man reaching for a straw I did so. To my great surprise [soon noticed an improvement, the pain in my back be- can to leave, my appetite improved. my ('oior returned, and by the, time I hay1 usml eight boxes not. an ache or pain remained, and I am as able to travel about to-day as previous to the attack. I know that I owe my restoration to Dr. WiHiams' Pink Pills, and l urge :hf-st- iil or suffering to give them a rial. . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the. roolof the disease. driving it from the squem and restoring the. patient to health and strength. In cases of pa.r- Nps,iy, spigal trogblos. lmqmotor 8.13.193. mintica, rheumatism. erysipelaa, scrolli- ions troubles. om, these pills are super- ior to all other treatment. They {ire also a specific, for the troubles which make the lives of so many women_ a. burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or excesses. will find in Pink Pills a. certain cure. Sold by all deal- ers, or sent by mail post aid, at 500. a. box, or six boxes for £2.50 by ad- (homing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady. N.Y. Beware of imitations and sulmitums alleged to be "just as good." I never [want it so (ivwrihed. Where did you learn of this? From exper- ivnce. Whenever my neighlsor's dog ean'tsleep I"m juqt as wakeful as he is! .Now, sir, said the professor of medi- cme, you may telljnc to what class of_Ipa/adies ”momma. belongs. _ _ . Why-or, rephed {hr menu?“ student. l'tg acontisgioutdituaare. .. _ ____ Putt, and Emaciated, Suffering from Excruciating Pain: in the Back, Life Became a Burden and Death Wu Thought To Be Not Far Off. From the St. Catharina: Journu. ELNES BROUGHT HIM ALMOST, TO THE VERGE OF THE. GRAVE. STOPPED RIGHT THERE. Adolphtcs-rr" half a mi,nd---. Kate-There Dolly, don't exagerate A PEDLAR'S EXPERIENCE C0NTAGlOUs DISEASE O L D w A R HO RS E ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO i The princess of Walt» is 0. great lov- rer of (105?, and at the last. dog Show . carried o f an armful of prizes. 'Adda Bin Testimony to one Merits of ' Dr. A "a Garth! Powder for cum-€- nnd Cold in tho Head He Says it is Peorlau. . Mr. John Edwards. the genial purs- or of the C. P. lt. linear "Athabasca." says: "I used Dr. Agnew": Catawba! T Powder for cold in the head. It Is very effective, my to apply, mild and piear ‘aant. For catarrh it has no equal. I l have tested nearly every catarrh my“ 3 made. and found none to comma with jlt. I recommend it tirat. last and al- 5 ways." by local wpiieatiorvg in they cannot reach tho damned pin-Lion of me ear. ’l'huro is only on. nay to cum deafness. and that is by commut- lr nal runia‘lies lieu! use is caused by an irtthutt. ed Con liiion of the mu mus lining of the Enra- lm man 'l'ubo. Whnn this, tube is ititlamed you havo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and wimn it,ir, entirely closed.l)eafnena is the M- snlt, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and H i: lube resumed to it»: normal candl- tion, hear " will be drsrrroyed forever: nlno case: out of Len are caused by cn'ntrh, which ll nth m; but an inthutusd condition of the innm 1:; surfaces For Constipation take Kama Clove: Root Tea, the great Bind Purifier. Cums Headache. Nervousness, Erup- tions on the Face. and makes the head tbrar as a bell. We, will give One Hundred Dollars tor any use of l‘reafnesa (cunsvd by carat-rm that can. not be cused by Hall's Camrrh Out-o. Band for circulars. tree. P. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo. G UBold by Urutarists, 750. In the course of two days' _'r1,'g'stnini,tt- Buckehurg, recently the German - perox- killed twenty-nine mags. I . Rossini's original manuscrl t of "Wil- liam Tell," bound in four voFumes, was sold for 1700 francs recently in Paris. Dr. Agnew! Ointment relieves in.ono day, an cures tetter. salt rheum,pites, scald head, eczema. barber's itch. ulc- ers,blotx:hes and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quieting prid acts like magic in the cure of all baby humors: 85 cents. INHING. BURNING SKIN DISEASES CU’RED FOR 85 CENTS. How To For rules Ind fullé'mniculun. see the Toronto Lou: OBTAIN or MAIL. of Saturday in“. or apply by pout-cud THEM 0A IIIIKD HERE I'- "out“, Competition Commencing Jul. 1891. Old Continued during the you Stop that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A 25c.b_ot- tie ot Shilah’s Cum may an your life. Tho question ot a. century celebration of the death of Edmund Burke in being mooted in Ireland. Total giro dur'g year '97, $19,505 AS FOLLOWS'. In Flat Prizes, $100 Steams' Bicycle.$ 1.000 25 Second " $25 Gold Watch . . . Kr, M. Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. who has gust died, was a Imgularly gentle an mild-mannered nun. 810nm and Watches giro each month 1,625 1 (Mi m memes , mowucnzs GIVEN FREE EACH MONTH FOR A POPULAR C. P. R. OFFICER Soap Sgniight DEAFNESS CANNOT " HIRED Wrapiiers TO LEVER BR08., Im, II Soon tit.. Town. W.PAl 849 12 churn- pnplld. on receipt alpha. $1.," bank.” “will: .. .. IYOKIAI IIMOIII 00.. III-mos, Oil. Send Inc "Chart loot.‘ an“ ' T, Wu. H. Wm. residing at " Hugheon Street North, in the City of Hamilton, do solemnly de. clere that I have been tsiflieted with rheumatism for seven years. and at different times otmfined to the hospitals both in Hamilton and Toronto Was discharged from the Hamilton hospital after eleven monthe’ treatment, and on the 15th of January [not I was told that they could do nothing for me. When leaving there I wee scarcely able to wslk. I tried a number of so-eelled cures; had my feet covered with fly plasters under directions of s hyeician. bat got gradually worse. On the 18th day of this month, ‘3er taking two and one-hell bottles of Ryokman's Knoteney Cum, I threw ewey my stick which I had been compelled to use for support, end on now I healthy men, free from ell You, utter seven yesartsUufferiug. On Tuesday lest was on my feet for eighteen hours steadily with- out my bid results. I em now able to attend to my work regularly. which frequently noceeeitetes my bends being in water foe hours. I consider Kooteney the most wonderful blood medicine end mammoth Cure ever known. War. H. Wu. Deni-red baton Notery J. W. mia. July w, 1896. The New Ingredient, that works so marvel. lonsly in searching out stubborn and chronic rheumatism. is just as effectutU with most any other chronic disease. Hopeless cases of Bright's Disease yield to its inflaenee, Eczema, in extreme forms where eruptions have existed from head to foot are in its records of cures. Pale, haggard and emaciated people, whose frames are all angles and eurves,t1urefreshed by tsleep,troubled by indigestion and nervousness, round up in health through the use of Kootenay Cure. The way that Kootenay take- hold of old chronic one: of Rheumatism, and ride the system of the lurking poison upon which the disease exists. the atulortaatiort by well-known clergyman. physicians and hospital executive, of its cures. leads past all doubt as to its power to cure this disease. KOOTENAY WILL DRIVE rr OUT Old Chronic Disease trgttttottuirsnhuoermrd-rfiitr-ud, AN The New ' , EXPERIMENT. “Allis Band Mills aroln successful operation from the Pacitio to the Atlantic. Run In many instances by novicel. No failures. Purchasers rope! t smoother. truer lumber. cut nearer to ultimate aim. and 15 to 20 per cent. more lumber trout thoaauxe logs than it cut with a circular. ' Write us for particulars. I 1l)hNlrIf3AVlhAtrantrora. Gan. - ,7 - ,, - v _ _-.---u “In. avu‘w Ella... Utaat and but Courses of Business Training l lust. thorough and complete (militia lot I Shorthand ad Typowrllinz are found In thte ! College. Student. ambled to position. “will”; W. H. BHAW. Prnnclnd. Exactly describes the condition of I hard or soft corn to which Putman', Painlees Corn Extractor has been ap- €lied. So quickly does Putnam's Ex- ractor cure that its action seems mag- ind. Try it. NO LONGER Doctor. Pm so nervous that I toss trlt night. What's the beat remedy?" inst take a miiGiACrGii You way! WHAT Dit. A. IC. SALTER SAYS. Buffalo, N.Y.-Genuc-Frorn my per- sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh‘e Cure in men of advanced Consumption, I tun pre- pared to say it is the most remerhble Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. 'luBi--roune . men and women-ae" _n_9_'-_V_m nth nuance at IMtfoM.Onm A hm. 1',%"gip,r"gk old-ambushed I“ "uori-+ BETTER IN CANADA- " Dunne-6 Education at Lowest Pt-itrte OM Graduates Mia. tmrcmosht1. Writ. in “one. . J. ELLIOTT. Punch-L THE J. lk KING M., LTIK, fonomo. ONTARIO. ' HILDREN who vibrate all throu h their grow- ing years between health and 'll'c%'l,"Jhfll',2" whom pale and peevish,thin andweak, t children who never seem to w right, whose t development is retarded, whom aid does not seem t to nourish, should take SCOT'T'S EMULSION of t Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphltes. It content the very essence of nourishment most needed when vital- I ity is low. Cor1surpptives find new hope in it and thin and emaciated adults always gain flesh and strength l after taking it. It is a pleasant and Baletehle food. 'ai6H0ri6H9i'.-eiaiuaT'iTiLTaa"'"a" Steady work and good pay to men and women. No experience necessary. Write at once. Address, Standard Silverware Go. Ma CL Juno. It, Natural, can“. Lurking In Your System, STRUCK AS BY LIGHTNING TORONTO» Gerrard and Yonge iid., AGENTS WANTED. ”HMO-O H HHHHHHHHHHH HO " There is Any J, n. we on. Ltd., The Patent Sleeper Insole- Alk for this Boot. Bur this Boot. no comm-um. k You will be mm l a rod tuxittltt, strong. light ad dull“. 1 M Inna“. I. Tnclu. lo Hallo. __ Band Snw Mills an no longer consider. ed tn experiment. It in not the coming boot; it in here slmdv. within {our rem-h. Mum I with l e SLEEPER ttt. F OLE and titted with Cork througttout;thU mom dry "ttt 3nd solid comfort. t1m; -, mum-tom I It In said that tho German emperor _': Erma careful about what he at: and I In Shiloh's Consumptlon Cure cur. when others fan. It in the batik. Cough Cum, and no homo nhou'd In without it. Ema-mt to Inks and you right to tho wot. I... Puke“ Only All Grocer. _ ”Illa-It‘s”! - - "r... “on 590.. 0.0 The QUEEN CITY ()0ir,liil This is . den lopod alum. with uh." no {ed deep. and all in p lying are. mill mm showi- 1gyyitrriticot toulta.. _ 3lequ pt lights: ld -fle,eLierL,lttittti,i, 'isdnd tii-iii.' I: MAERIR. 'At, u but“ am Ton-on... tik" nunm.‘ GOLD mun": All) lumi- oo..-|.1'n. Fully Paid-up In"... on " Me. coal. II block. or nu Icu ' tun one hundred at". PEERLESS Samuel Rogers, Pres] " SALADA " SMUGGLER TmMrrtasCriiiiiiy DUNN’S BAKING POWDER 30 Front Street Baat-. Tonto. LARGEST SALE m CANKS.‘ ton ’fvil'istu Inna. MACHINE 0.71.03. _ Looks upon Emulsion Medicine tltr, Ink-.0!

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