West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Jan 1897, p. 3

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now prepared LÂ¥ in all dtages 0 o s > ts _of Sash, e differâ€" sheeting. TED he Domintoa ctory. TWe thy ebil i treatmentâ€"* at all orders ith all knowa ¢© Taking CHNIB ueéacde that TY always Nifi Je W hirl i K entad med ly n*s Td m Mr. Giadstons bas declined to become an Oddfelliow on the ground that the initiative ceremony would be toofm in ordeal for a manâ€"of bis advanced years. sucee State be don. The Right Hon..and Most Rev. Fredâ€" erick Temple, D. D., was on Friday enâ€" throned in Canterbury cathedral with much eccelesiastical ceremony. Col. Hay, whois reported as the likely successor to Mr. Bayard as the United States Ambassador to St. Jamea', would be _ regarded as persona@ grata in Lonâ€" ec @I Mr dor Qu« Th tern NC Julia Chat ham Magistrate on a her. ‘The tvoung ington, informed khis aunt killed hb an axe seven ye Crown Atterney M CC an removal. Mr. William Whyte. superintendent of the Western Division of the Canaâ€" dian Pacific railway, states that of the total amount of ninety million bushels of wheat in the West at the opening of the season, he estimates that from two miliion and a half to three million bushels are in the hands of the farmâ€" nalist of Canada. havi years past been engaged torial work in Montreal Prince Edward Island. The Montreal street : agement have adopted a eash box for their condi ed with a new contriva Miss Grace Stearns. a young Port Rowan lady., was taking a gun out of a buggy in her father‘s barn when the charge exploded, entering her side, inflicting a fatal wound. & Fhe engagement of Miss FElla Walkâ€" er. granddaughter of Hiram Walker, the millionaire distiller of _ Walkerâ€" ville. Ontario, to Count Manford Von Matuschka, of Schloss, Bechau, has been announced. Mr. Henry Lawson, for eight years editor of The Colonist at Victoria, B. €C., is dead. He was the pioneer jourâ€" nalist of _ Canada. having for forty an 1 ment An officia!l announcement is made that the Government intends at the coming session to ask Parliament to repeal the Franchise Act. A man named Apollidore St. Pierre of Papineauville, Que., committed suicide at Rat Portage on account of misforâ€" tunes in his love affairs. | Mr. Borden is at present engaged upâ€" on a scheme to commute the two years‘ salary allowance to retiring militia ofâ€" ficers into a pension for life. It is stated that the Franchise of the Niagara Falls Power Company for the building of the Canadian power tunnel bas been extended for four years. Mr. W. H. Walker, the wellâ€"known graphite mine owner of Ottawa, has assigned for the benefit of his creditâ€" ors. The liabilitiee amount to about $110,000. Andr ointed Ar The appointm va. consulâ€"gon The will of the late James Hamilton, of London, Ont., filed for probate at that place, disposes of an estate of $31,150. Ratepayers of the township of Anâ€" raster have voted a bonus of $5,000 to the Hamilton, Chedoke & Ancaster Elâ€" ectric Railway. The Rev. George Clouthier, chaplain of the Stony Mountain penitentiar}', has been dismissed by the Minister of Jusâ€" The failures in the city of Montreal during the past year were far in exâ€" cess of those of the two previous years. The Dominion Parliament will not meet until March, and the tariff proâ€" posals will not be brought down until April. Owing to the lack of snow lumber operations in the Gatineau district have been temporarily suspended. Five more pitch gas buoys will be placed on the shoals in the St. Lawâ€" rence River next season. It is reported that there is deal of smuggling at present Canadian Pacific coast. The reaignat?g;us of the entire staff of the Ottawa Protestant hospital have been accepted. Hog cholera is reported in Middlesex County. Mr. Thos. Roch was killed by being struck by a tree in the woods near Tyndall, ilan. Mr. James Hodge, of Hamilton shot :s]imlself dead on the stairs at the City all. _Amother consignment of Leeâ€"Enfield rifles _ numbering 2,000 _ arrived at Kingston. The Ontario Legisiature will meet on Wednesday, February 10. Intersesting items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the Giobe, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. TE NWS N A TSE nquiry mproj t the n D 1yA ral London h i on tw Â¥ Percy Bennett British consul : ween has contril ns it ce of Wa nond Jub W in REAT BRITATIN ( Winnipeg ashington, bad her ne troops reail street railway man ve adopted a new style 0 r their conductors, furnish new contrivance known a:s d receiver, which the moâ€" coin strikes the aperture n nto lebration of hunting field { markably prod s to members ¢ eral lor Yene: n approved of vuma, which arrived at urday morning, reportâ€" ard among the Lascars 10 â€"«0vernment has issued epartments to confine to English manufacâ€" engaged in active edâ€" Montreal, Toronto and Island. charge of â€" assaulting man, William Washâ€" the auihoritiee that r younger sister with irs ago. and County Douglas bas ordered n ndon have subscribâ€" ip as a present to American Ambassaâ€" will be the recipie the National Liber ennett has been nsul at New Y contributed £500 mineâ€"sufferers in estimaites tha half to thrae hamds of the rk, daughte les, expects . _ who lives near nephew hefore â€" a rge Qf _ assaulting has endorsed the given by the n of the Queen‘s mdon has £ of the f rlos Villanâ€" enezuela â€" in id this sea:s roductive « rs of the n« prevent ing it ew Canadian ready for the stariâ€" iamine nâ€"law | a great on â€"the Apâ€" ork for Inâ€" hb Mazhar Ney, who has been on trial cbarged with being responsible for the murder of Father Salvatore, an Itâ€" alian priest, has hbeen acquitted. The Czar, who is suffering from the effect of overwork, is about to start to !Avadia for a two months‘ sojourn. andé ; It is reported from London that ang the commissioners have signed a reâ€" | port recommending the speedy _ conâ€" 'struction of the Pacific cable. Owing to the exodus on account of the plague, the population of Bombay has been reduced oneâ€"half. The Petite Republique, of Paris, says that the Government bhas no faith in the duration of KEuropean: peace. A special from Oaxaca, Mexico, says a severe earthquake is reported from the southern part of the state. GENERAL. The reports that the health of the Pope is very delicate are confirmed. Emperor William has designed the tower for the German â€" Protestant church at Jerusalem. Emperor William is still urging the reorgunization of the artilleey to keep pace with France. M. d‘Odiardi, the French | savant, bas invented a delicate machine that records mental emotions. though in some directions more seasonâ€" able weather bhas stimulated a demand for seasonable goods. During the year ending September over 190,000,000 fry were hatched and distributed by the fish hatcheries of the United States. The cost was less than 20 cents per 100. Five true bills have been returned at Washington against Francis J. Kiekâ€" khoffer, late distributing officer of the State Department, on _ charges of emâ€" Blasting powder was used to kill rats in the house of Alex. Dolwick, at Millâ€" ersville, Ohio, on Tuesday. Five of the family were burned, one fatally. South Benton, Ark., hasn‘t a sound building now as the result of Saturâ€" day‘s cyclone. Many families are homeâ€" less, and a number of deaths are reâ€" ported. During It is reported in Washington that Mr. John Hay, of that city, will be apâ€" pointed _ successor to Mr. Bayard as ambassador to England. Commander and Mrs. Boothâ€"Tucker have been invited to Washington by Mrs. Cleveland to explain the methods of work of the Salvation Army. The Wyoming state general _ hospiâ€" tal at Rock Springs, Wyo., burned to the ground on Wednesday. One woman died from fright. Lawrence Wilson, one of boys bitten by a mad dog Ist in Baltimore, died at that terday. A despatch from Fargo, N. D., says two children of John Pettit, of Hunter, were frozen to death in Sunday‘s storm. Bishop Hartzell, of Cincinnati, has started for Africa to establish a hospitâ€" al in Liberia. Jacob Witham, aged 87, and Mrs. Rivers, aged 97, were married at Deerâ€" field, N. H., on Tuesday. Storms continue to impede railway traffic in Missouri, Sir Charles Tupper and the Colonial Agents of Victoria and Tasmania were given a complimentary dinner in Lonâ€" don on Wednesday night. Sir Charles made a speech, pledging the loyalty of Canada to the British Empire, which was received with great applause. The Westminister Gazette on Wednesâ€" day gave prominence to a rumour that the Queen has decided to commemorate the fact that she has enjoyed the longâ€" est reign in English history by abdicatâ€" ing in favor of the Prince of Wales. The detractors of Mr. Cecil Rhodes say that he is displaying his great popâ€" vularity in South Africa for the purâ€" pose of affecting the English Parliamenâ€" tary Committee, before which he will have to shortly appear. In response to a l etter than eighty noblemen eminent in literature, sc Mr. Herbert Spencer has In response to aletter signed by more than eighty noblemen and gentlemen eminent in literature, science, and art, Mr. Herbert Spencer has consented that a fund shall be opened to paint his porâ€" trait for the nation. | on behalf of biâ€"metallism, saysthat noâ€" | thing is likely to result from his advoâ€" | cacy of the cause. | __Lady Selina Scott, who pleaded guilty [ on Thursday to the criminal libel of \ Earl Russell, was on Friday sentenced I‘to eight months‘ imprisonment without hard labor. Gladstone deli ven-c(’i a spe menian deputation. Mrs. Gladstone unveiled the memorâ€" ial window to the Armenian martyrs in Hawarden Church. Bofore the cereâ€" mony of unveiling the window _ Mr. The Pall Mall Gazette, referring to the report that Mr. Laurier had dec]gmed the honor of knighthood, says that his answer left the matter so that he could accept at a future date. better known to emigrants the reâ€" sources of Canada. The Briiish Board of Trade returns show that the total imports for 1896 have increased £25,117,677 over 1895, and the exports have increased £14,â€" 633,193 over the previous year. While hirmnting with the Meynell hounds on Tuesday, Mr. Chaplin, forâ€" merly president of the British Board of Trade, was thrown from his horse and seriously injured. Sir Donald Smith, the Canadian High Commissioner, has established â€" new agencies in Ireland and Wales to makâ€" Lord Dufferin has accopted the presâ€" idency of a movement started at F{ris- to! to selebrate the 400th amniversary tol to celebrate the 400(h anniversary Cabot. y Lord Roberts has sounded a serious note of warning to the British Governâ€" ment on the subject of the feeling of unrest in India, accentucted by ©the prevailing famine and plague. The London Speaker commenting on the visit of Senator Wolcott to England n UNITED STATES ech to an Arâ€" the eifht December place yesâ€" tbeen lound@ abandoned in the st: their bearers baving been overcou fear while takiig them to their resting place Up to Thursday | mukmber of cases of the nlarme is n Russia, with a population of 110,000,â€" 0(0 has only 18,334 physicians. In the U»:ited_States, with a population of about 75,000.000 there are 120,000 phyâ€" siciansg. officially at 3394 and the deaths at 2,â€" 856. The Eurasians, those of halfâ€"naâ€" tive and halfâ€"foreign parentage, enâ€" joy comparative immunity from the disâ€" eases. _ Very few Eurcpeans have conâ€" tracted the disease, they apparently not being subject to its attack. A feaâ€" ture of the disease that was noted in Hong Kong and southern China while it was prevalent there is also noticed here. Bwine, pou‘try and rodent apâ€" pear to be very suseo?t iWle to the pl and great numbers of them have dies. eaten by the vaitures, the birds h heen overgorged by the great a ance of curpses furnished to Everywhere the greatest difficu foand in obtaining men to cary dead to the cemeteries, purning q and the donkhatms or "towers o ence," of the Parsees. Even rel: shun this fast service to their fearing that they will contract th ease «lby touch‘ng or approaching cotpses. In pnany cases bodies been found abandoned in the st 'm::nn produciiave of little real |1he. direction of cleanliness. in and Bandra the plague is rag ,urefl( viru‘ence. ‘The efforis :« |rlanms to siay the progress of ease in . the slightest degre | been fruitless, and the dea‘ |is extremely high. Hundreds sons aitacked by the disease h in two or three bours afte: ing dreadfui agony. The cus the natives add to the hideou the plague. The Mohammeda i ih» open air in the places in which they are left., They have not been UMC PC @ CC. n2 NuJndainmeain cemeâ€" teres are overcrowded, and it is imâ€" possibe to find men enough to dig graves. The sound of dirges is inâ€" cessans in and around the paces where the Hindoos burn their dead in acâ€" cordance with their timeâ€"honored cusâ€" tom, and the funeral music has a most depress‘mg infiuence on all who hear it, nutives and foreigners alike. It is stated that numbers of dead bodies of Parsees, the religious sect who expose their dead boedies to be eaten by the vu‘tures are ; Nattve Poctors Desert Their Postâ€"The Cemeteries Overflowing â€"Bifficulty | in Burying the Dead. A despatch from _ Rombay says :â€" Every day the piague situation here beâ€" comes worse, and it is estimated that peariy half the population of the city have fled to escape death. The situation is greatly aggravated by the prevalâ€" ence of the {famine. Thousands of naâ€" tives who leave the city have absoluteâ€" ly ncthing on which to support themâ€" selves in the country, and thus fall vieâ€" tims to slow death from starvation. The streets and bazaars are virtually desertâ€" l ed and many shops and offices are closâ€" ed. One result of the plague has been "a‘ great diminution of all kinds of crime, except burglaries and petty thefts, and these in many instances are due to povertyâ€"stricken wretches taking advanâ€" tage of the fact that large quantities of property bhave been left without proâ€" tection by refugees from the plagueâ€" . infested city. o great has been the fallingâ€"off in criminal and other cases that the High Court of Justice does not now find business enough to occupy more than half its time, while the courts in which small causes are tried have abandoned their sittings altogether and | the officials have taken a holiday. Eight thousand refugees are camping out at Andbheri, where every condition is fayâ€" orable to an outbreak of the cholera. There is a P BUSINESS AT A STANDSTILL IN THE DESERTED CITY. Germany, and spend from eléh!i'foone hundred million dollars for quickâ€"firing guns for the artillery service. THE PLAGUE AT BOMBAY I a + +3 % x |Open market discount The Paris edition of the New York, An improved deman | Herald states that it can guarantee the | _ & o |accuracy of the news which it presents | Toronto Railway shar that Antonio .Maceo is still alive. !thn stock exchange a | hThrg Warsaw doctors hawl dj«‘idfld 13}“ | _ The production of a the Countess Helen, whose body was disâ€" |the United States for !interred through a dread that she was fto;lt is th§&n in th merely in astate of catalepsy, is really | C ons less n in t | dead. | The stocks of wheat I A public meeting has been called. | 2b4 Fort William are It is reported at Constantinople that Bedros Effendi, the Armenian recentâ€" ly appointed subâ€"Kimakan of Fscharâ€" san, was assassinated two days after his arrival there. It is stated in Vienna that Austriaâ€" Hungary will have to follow France and Newfoundland Legislature opens Febâ€" ruary 11. A resolution will, it is said, be introduced by the Government faâ€" youring reciprocity with the United States. y00 0000 MRSDOWIWC PUMC IQINIIU SUITCOPUIS IH India. It is stated that the uncle of the Prinâ€" cess Chimay has stopped all supplies of money until affairs are settled in reâ€" gard to her elopement with the Hunâ€" garian gypsy. Reports from Cuba attribute many murders to the Spaniards. _ Within a few miles of Havana the bodies of 2{xteen Cubans were found in one raâ€" ine. A publiic meeting has been called, under the presidency of the Viceroy,the Earl of Elgin, to consider private meaâ€" sures to relieve the famine sufferers in The Boers have completed a bill of indemmity against the British Governâ€" ment amounting to £2,000,000 for the Jameson raid. Dr. Manser, senior vhysician of the principal hospital of Bombay, died of the plague wgicb is raging in that city. _ The report that the Japanese are asâ€" sisting the rebels in the Philippine Islands is officially denied in Madrid. A severe earthquake was felt at Cheâ€" roque, Department of Panama, on Sunâ€" da;v. Some property was destroyed. y the vaitures, the birds baving vergorged by the great abundâ€" [ corpses furnished to thom. here the greatest difficulty is in obtaining men to carry the ) the cemeteries, murning places e donkthatms or "towers of silâ€" of the Parsees. EÂ¥ven relatives y the ov SLOWLY RCARCITY OF WATER but ats e mmovay, ih¢ Guovernment is ‘thing possible to assist the its efforis thus far have tive of little real resuit in n of cleanliness. In Poonah the plague is raging with emce. ‘The efforts of physiâ€" y the progress of the disâ€" he slightest degree have less, and _the death rate y high. Hundreds of perâ€" d by the disease have died three hbours after suffarâ€" i agony. The customs of add to the hideousness of ig or approaching the any cases bodies have DE Mohammedan OM POSING n the streets Even resatives to their dead & ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TORONTO e by last. the aced disâ€" | _ Then, in face of the danger, Richâ€" ards offered to be one to go below ‘afau_) and get the missing men. Three | Mexicans volunteered to accompany | him. They diumped into the cage and | were lowered down. Two of them went ! to their deathâ€"Richards and an unâ€" | known Mexican. The four men when they reached the level where the fire was ragin‘g, got out and made a quick search for the missing men, but the fire feeding on gas and released by the explosion, filâ€" led the empty spaces and forced the men back to the cage. Richards made a gallant attempt to penetrate into one | The Story of the Santa Gerfidudis Minc ! Risasterâ€"How the Englishmen Died. l Details of the burning to death of thirteen men in the Santa Gertidudis | mine â€" at Pacahuca, State of Hidalgo, !Mexiro, Dec. 81, have been received. The night shift was about to go off duty and a number of the men bad already reached the cage when a terrific explosion occurred in one of the drifts. Several men who were between the fire and the cage ran up and othâ€" ers could be heard sbhouting for belp. Ned Richards, an Englishman, called two companions to his assistance, and ran back brzn'ing the smoke and flames, and saved a Mexican who was faintâ€" ing in the drift. They dragged him to the cage and then a number of others‘ running up it was thought that all were accounted for, and the men all went to the top. The roaring of the fire could be heard in the lower levels and a great volume of smoke began to fill the ,shaft. The foreman procured | his book and checked off the names of the men. All answered to their names exâ€" cept eleven. BRAVE MEN GIVE UP THEIR LIVES â€" FOR QOTHERS, LO8T IN A FT 23 . 412009 V wiil Jol/s« per cent, af New York 1%/2 to 2, and at Lonapn 2 to 2§/2 per cent. Sterling exchange is a trifle firmer. _ ‘The Toronto stock market is quict, Rark shares. if anyâ€" thing, are firmer. ‘Toronto Raitway is well sustained owing to good earnings for December, while Cable and Postal rule lower on realizing by holders. wITO â€" NYCUR, ine ouljlook,. however, is encouraging, and with winter weather and the improved condition of country roads, the sales will increase, Leather and hides remain quiet, prices generally rale steady; sugars firm, with _ imâ€" provement expected. The grain marâ€" kets are less active. Barley is firmer. The higher markets for wheat in the United States and Britain early in the week had little influence on prices in Ontario,. and consequently since the deâ€" cline the past few days in the leading markets, our prices have not gone off as much as they otherwise wouid. The morey markets are quiet. Call loans at ‘Toronto 5 and 51/2 per cent; at New York 1%/2 to 2, and at Lonapn 2 to 2§/2 per cent. Sterling exchange is a trifle firmer. ‘The Toronto stock market is quict, Rark shares. if anyâ€" thing, are firmer. ‘WToronto Raillway is Kels are The high United St week had e YYanned as aimost poor. Phis is largely attributable to the very bad state of the country roads, which in some sections are said to be alinost as bad as in spring, the frost bhaving come out of the ground during the late heavy thaw, and there being an entire absence of snow in miany sections. In _ staple groceries and dry goods there are no changes in values. An understanding as to prices of shovels, spades, _ etc., has been arrived* at among manufactâ€" urers of these goods, American as well as Canadian, and quotations are adâ€" vanced from 30 to 40 per cent. _ A months ist of â€" bn“t,;:r(f‘;; % \‘\Nel well met, and general collé 5)(-, qu,alifmd as almost poor A semiâ€"annual dividend of 3 1/2 per cent. has been deciared on British Amerâ€" ican Assurance, while 5 per cent. will be paid to Western Assurance shareâ€" bolders for the six montbs ended Deâ€" cember 31. The visible supply of wheat in the United States and CTanada is now 84,â€" 651,00060 bushteis, an increase of 208,000 bushels for the week. A year ago the total _ was _ 69,848,000 _ bushels. The amount afioat to Europe is 28,320,000 busheis, a decrease of 2,640,000 for the week, while the total a year ago was 26,000,000 bushe}ls. ‘The ° visible and amount afloat combined is £2,971,000 bushels as vompared _ with 95,843,000 bushels a year ago, a decrease of 12,â€" £72,000 bushels. In Montreal wholesale trade there as as yet no general revival from the hoiâ€" iday quiet. â€" Travellers are AgAn | (0Ckr ting out on their routes, but orders have not yet begun to flow in regularâ€" ly. Dry goods payments due on the 4th _ _Jinst., _ for domestics sold â€" three he There is a little movement in barley at Ontario points. No. 2 sells at 30. to 3lc., No. 3 extra at 26¢. at 27¢. and feed barley at 2%c. to 28c. The London money market is easier, the open market discount rates being 2 7/8 to 3 per cent. Sterling exchange in New York is also weaker. ‘The gross earning of Toronto Railâ€" way for December were $84,310 as against $84,265 for December 1895. The total earnings for 1896 are $986,001. Money at Toronto is easy. Loans on choice collateral are obtainable at 5 per cent. New York drafts are quoted at par between banks. In London the money market is weakâ€" er; call loans 2 1/2 per cent. and the open market discount rate 3 per cent. An improved demand is reported for Toronto Railway shares and prices on the stock exchange are higher. Some Items of Interest to the Busy Rusiness Man. ‘The gross earnings of Canadian Paciâ€" fic for the last week of December show an increase of $46,000. THE FIELD OF COMMERCE. afloat _ combined .;E."W](;(‘)(‘) as compared . with 95,843,000 a year ago, a decrease of 12.â€" voner, were none too neral collections may RY FURNAUE ine cmd o. June In oiber distri of population, the with famine for period. while 6,0i tive Siates may | The GJensity of tion varies from The Mansion â€" House relief® â€" fund amounted to nearly £30,000 on Tue=â€" day night, including a donation â€" of £250 by the Prince of Wales, and the donation by the Queen, ol £500, which bas already been chronicled. A calrlegram from Calcutta states that the distress is rapidly deepening especéalli in the Bundelcund districts, w here alf the population needs reâ€" lief. It is estimated that the famine will cost the India Treasury at last £4,â€" 000,000 to £6,000,.000. ine density of the famished popu‘la tion varies from 902 per square imil« in Mozafferpore and _ Rengal to 12; persops gr mile in Bhalagat and the Central Provimces. There were 1,200,â€" 000 people on the relief work at the beginning of January, and this number wi?l ceriainly reach 2,000,000, and may exceed 3,000,000. L4 Lbord George Haméiton, Secretary State for the Indian Department, seni io the Lord Mayor the state: upon which the appeal for subs tions for the relief of the famine ferors in India was based. He that â€" districts with a popu‘ation 37,000,000 will be sufferers from Ine until the end of March, and i may conmitinue in some paris i statement by Lord George Hamilton Inimenuse Extent of the Bistricts Affect edâ€"The Mansion Howse Fand. back. Paul Pawlak, face a slashed. John Nester. fare. ) breast badly cut. . Michae! stabbed in the face and back. Telep, stabs and nose broken men are under guard in the and an investigation of the being beld. UILO C OCO®P ut vras nHad & SDASLL ture was presented. The furniturd battered and broken and blood everywhbere. Stretched on the were eight apparently dead and « men groaning and cursing. A ; clan was bastily summoned. Kru was so terribly cut that be died short while. The injuries of the « men show the savage nature of fight. They are:â€"Peter Guzy, cut the beart; left hand severed at wrist; will dic. Wazyl Zubal, . bed in the back: lung piereed and â€" The Pri turned / t« from _ Tre where the with the | The Railser to Fisis Enginnd Beady to Enteriain the tGne Natton. A> despatch from London PREPARATIONS TO CELEBRATE DIAMOND JUBILEE. ", j "C Cijlls and was overcomg by gas and smoke. _ He failed to return and the unknown Mexican went after him. He found the Englishman unconscious and dragged him to the cage but was in turn overcome. The others gave the signal and were hoisted up. Richards and the Mexican died within a few fx:nutes. alter being raised to the surâ€" ABOUT BRITISH ROVALTT of the drifts and (6y THE INDIAN FAMINE _ It is reported of her Majes‘y a cure a large ne nodation of the j yal iamlies expe micle says _ tha dAaches the grea visit to Englan id that he hopes °0 vism_ Engiand â€"Getting Enicriain the Gnuests of the Pot ‘mines expecied, says _ that Emperor s the greatest importâ€" to England upon this t he hopes to meet the randmother‘s roof, and asion to dissipate the : between ltussia and be court functions of season â€" include _ five and _ five levees. The T nsust out s1 On «be t1 Phe t h THE L4 He had, but they came the ~ther night and got them. STOLE HIS ARSENAL. I hear Mrs. Derby, that your husâ€" band bas two revolvers and a winchesâ€" ter for amy burglars who may call. goods are well known." But they are not known, and only handling will convince our fellowâ€"Britishers in the AmiKodz\s. If Canada wishes to do anything in «hipping apples she will have to exercise the greatest care, for the competition from California is e%â€" ceedingly keen The new taritf of Queensland gives a good opening for Canadian carriages. DPEMAND FOR THREE MILLION BUSHELS OF WHEAT. Prade is Retarded by Bilatory Moethods of Canacdian Breaters â€"Amerbcans Ave Get« ting the Market. TBE AUSTRALIAN TLADE ferers was started a J« George Faude}â€"P London _ pmount largest eubscript that of Mr. Wi who gave £28K Mr. John Â¥. M sistant District A ihe British steamer Graffoo from Wilmington, N. C., Dec., 24 for Livers pool, came into collision in the Mersey toâ€"day with the British steammer Ausâ€" tralia, bound for BRomibay. The Aus«< tralia had a hole stove in her _ how and returned to her doek Thin ntea better afterwards. ‘The doctors _ are greatly pleased at lus condita. The British steamer Graffoo from Wilmington, N. C., Dec., 24 for Livers« lent Colliston of Steamersâ€"Reliet for the Inâ€" dian Famine Sufferersâ€"Trial of Ivory, the â€" Dynamiterâ€"Election of aLiberal CONDITION oF SOME LATE CABLE IEW3 1} uy bny L 11 _ __OF LIEUT.â€"GOVERNOR KIRKPATRICK. Propm Ot beagmed t the relief of the sufâ€" famine in India, which Jew days ago by Mr. Philtips, Lord Mayor of als to £35,000. _ ‘The pluon to the fund wag V ichain Waldorf Asuar, Meintyrg, formerly Attorney of New \ n onl she AJ will bo require ey in the Ausâ€" ar. ‘The Amerâ€" the openingyand ome 60,.000 tons will dFi wald inuda in Ausâ€" rd Cartwright s Of wheat or dedia L¢ ed for, the from New hipment A49 firouund Ko C©is@e onde ng nd if wl dy \Ir ilf th

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